HW 3 Ans

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Homework 3 Solutions

Fall, 2001

3.9.a Consider the language L={anbncn:n0}. We already know that this is not a CFL by Example 2.20; hence, the standard 1-PDA cannot accept L. However, a 2-PDA can accept L by storing as on one stack, bs on the other, and then popping one a and one b for each remaining c of the input. If both stacks are empty after the last c is read, then w is accepted.

3.9.b We show that two stacks can simulate a TM, an extra stack does not lead to a more powerful automaton. The extra stack can easily be presented by another tape on the TM. By theorem 3.8, any k-tape TM is equivalent to a single tape TM, therefore 3PDAs and 2-PDAs are equivalent in power. The TM by 2-PDA simulation is done as follows: Stack 1 would represent the tape contents to the left of the current head position of the TM, while stack 2 would be the tape contents to the right of the current head position with the current symbol on the top of the stack. The two stack contents would change accordingly as the head moved across the tape left or right. 3.14 Notation for a), b) and e): for any two decidable languages L1 and L2, let M1 and M2 be the TMs that decide them. Notation for c) and d): for any decidable language L, let M be the TM that decides it. a. We construct a TM M that decides the union of L1 and L2: On input w: 1.Run M1 on w, if it accepts, accept. 2.Run M2 on w, if it accepts, accept. Otherwise, reject. M accepts w if either M1 or M2 accepts it. If both reject, M rejects. b. We construct a NTM M that decides the concatenation of L1 and L2: On input w: 1. For each way to cut w into two parts w=w1w2: 2. Run M1 on w1. 3. Run M2 on w2. 4. If both accept, accept. Otherwise, continue with the next w1,w2. 5. All cuts have been tried without success, so reject. We try every possible cut of w. If we ever come across a cut such that the first part is accepted by M1 and the second part is accepted by M2, w is in the concatenation of L1 and L2. So M accept w. Other wise, w does not belong to the concatenation of the language and is rejected. c. We construct a NTM M that decides the star of L: On input w: 1.For each way to cut w into parts so that w=w1w2wn: 2.Run M on wi for i=1,2,,n. If M accepts each of these string wi, accept. 3.All cuts have been tried without success, so reject. If there is a way to cut w into different substrings such that every substring is accepted by M, w belongs to the star of L and thus M accepts w. Otherwise, w is rejected.

Since there are finitely many possible cuts of w, M will halt after finitely many steps. d. We construct a TM M that decides the complement of L: On input w: Run M on w. If M accepts, reject; if M rejects, accept. Since M does the opposite of whatever M does, it decides the complement of L. e. We construct a TM M that decides the intersection of L1 and L2: On input w: 1.Run M1 on w, if it rejects, reject. 2.Run M2 on w, if it accepts, accept. Otherwise, reject. M accepts w if both M1 and M2 accept it. If either of them rejects, M rejects w, too. 3.15 For any two Turing-recognizable language L1 and L2, let M1 and M2 be the TMs that recognize them. a. We construct a TM M that recognizes the union of L1 and L2: On input w: Run M1 and M2 alternatively on w step by step. If either accept, accept. If both halt and reject, then reject. If any of M1 and M2 accept w, M will accept w since the accepting TM will come to its accepting state after a finite number of steps. Note that if both M1 and M2 reject and either of them does so by looping, then M will loop. b. We construct a NTM M that recognizes the concatenation of L1 and L2: On input w: 1.Nondeterministically cut w into two parts w=w1w2. 2.Run M1 on w1. If it halts and rejects, reject. If it accepts, go to stage 3. 3.Run M2 on w2. If it accepts, accept. If it halts and rejects, reject. If there is a way to cut w into two substrings such M1 accepts the first part and M2 accepts the second part, w belongs to the concatenation of L1 and L2 and M will accept w after a finite number of steps. c. For any Turing-recognizable language L, Let M be the TM that recognizes it. We construct a NTM M that recognizes the star of L: On input w: 1.Nondeterministically cut w into parts so that w=w1w2wn. 2.Run M on wi for all i. If M accepts all of them, accept. If it halts and rejects any of them, reject. If there is a way to cut w into substrings such M accepts all the substrings, w belongs to the star of L and M will accept w after a finite number of steps. d. We construct a TM M that recognizes the intersection of L1 and L2: On input w: 1.Run M1 on w. If it halts and rejects, reject. If it accepts, go to stage 3. 2.Run M2 on w. If it halts and rejects, reject. If it accepts, accept. If both of M1 and M2 accept w, w belongs to the intersection of L1 and L2 and M will accept w after a finite number of steps.

4.7 Suppose B is countable and a correspondence f: N B exists. We construct x in B that is not paired with anything in N. Let x=x1x2 Let xi=0 if f(i)i=1, and xi=1 if f(i)i=0 where f(i)i is the ith bit of f(i). Therefore, we ensure that x is not f(i) for any i because it differs from f(i) in the ith symbol, and a contradiction occurs. 4.10 Show that A is decidable, where
A = {<M> | M is a DFA which does not accept any string containing an odd number of 1s}.

Prove by construction. Construction: the following TM MA decides A. On input <M> where M is a DFA: 1. Construct a DFA G that accepts strings containing an odd number of 1s. 2. Construct a DFA F such that L(F) = L(M) L(G). 3. Run TM T from Theorem 4.4 on input <F>, where T decides EDFA 4. If T accepts, accept. If T rejects, reject. MA decides A: a). If x A, then x is a DFA which does not accept any string containing an odd number of 1s. Then L(x) L(G) = = L(F). Therefore TM T on input <F> will accept, so MA accepts. b). If x A, then x is a DFA which accept some string containing an odd number of 1s. Then L(F) = L(x) L(G) . Therefor TM T on input <F> rejects, so MA rejects. From a) and b) above, we have shown that MA decides A. 5.4 If A m B and B is a regular language, does that imply that A is a regular language? Why or why not? No, that does not imply that A is regular. For example, {anbn | n 0}m { an | n 0}. The reduction first tests whether its input is a member of {anbn | n 0}. If so, it outputs the string a, and if not it outputs the string b. 5.12 Let S={<M>| M is a TM that accepts wR whenever it accepts w}. Show that S is undecidable. We show that ATM m S by mapping <M, w> to <M> where M is the following TM: On input x: 1. If x = 01 then accept. 2. If x 10 then reject. 3. If x = 10, then simulate M on w. If M accepts w then accept. If M halts and rejects w, then reject. If < M, w> ATM, then M accepts w, and L(M) = {01,10}, so <M> S. If < M, w> ATM, then M rejects w, and L(M) = {01}, so <M> S. Therefore, < M, w> ATM <M> S. Since ATM is undecidable, so is S.

7.6 P is closed under union. For any two P-language L1 and L2, let M1 and M2 be the TMs that decide them in polynomial time. We construct a TM M that decides the union of L1 and L2 in polynomial time: M= On input <w>: 1.Run M1 on w. If it accepts, accept. 2.Run M2 on w. If it accepts, accept. Otherwise, reject. M accepts w if and only if either M1 and M2 accept w. Therefore, M decides the union of L1 and L2. Since both stages take polynomial time, the algorithm runs in polynomial time. P is closed under concatenation. For any two P-language L1 and L2, let M1 and M2 be the TMs that decide them in polynomial time. We construct a TM M that decides the concatenation of L1 and L2 in polynomial time: M= On input<w>: 1.For each way cut w into two substrings w=w1w2: 2.Run M1 on w1 and M2 on w2. If both accept, accept. 3.If w is not accepted after trying all the possible cuts, reject. M accepts w if and only if w can be written as w1 w2 such that M1 accepts w1 and M2 accepts w2. Therefore, M decides the concatenation of L1 and L2. Since stage 2 runs in polynomial time and is repeated at most O(n) times, the algorithm runs in polynomial time. P is closed under complement. For any P-language L, let M be the TM that decides it in polynomial time. We construct a TM M that decides the complement of L in polynomial time: M= On input <w>: 1.Run M on w. 2.If M accepts, reject. If it rejects, accept. M decides the complement of L. Since M runs in polynomial time, M also runs in polynomial time. 7.7 NP is closed under union and concatenation. We refer to the two languages as A and B, and TM MA and MB are the NonDeterministic Turing Machines that decide them in poly time. Union: We will construct a non-deterministic Turing machine C, that decides A union B. TM C = "On input x 1. Non-Deterministically decide whether to check if x is a member of A or B. 2. If A was decided, run MA on x, and output MA 's decision. If B was decided, run MB on x, and output MB 's decision." TM C will run in O(1) + MAX (O(MA), O(MB) ) = MAX (O(MA), O(MB)), which must by poly time, since MA and MB run in poly-time. Because TM C decides A union B in poly time, A union B is in NP.

Concatenation: The concatenation of Languages A and B will contain strings that start with a string that is an element of A and end with a string that is an element of B. We will construct a non-deterministic Turing machine C, that decides A concatenate B. TM C = "On input x 1. Non-Deterministically divide x into y and z. 2. Run MA on y. 3. Run MB on z. 4. If both MA and MB accepted, accept; else reject." TM C will run in O(1) + O(MA) + O(MB) = MAX (O(MA), O(MB)), which must by poly time, since MA and MB run in poly-time. Because TM C decides A concatinate B in poly time, A concatinate B is in NP. Problem 10. L = {<M1,M2>| M1 and M2 are TMs such that for some input x, both M1 and M2 halt on x}. a) Prove that L is Turing-recognizable by constructing enumerators EM1 and EM2 that enumerates all the strings in L(M1) and L(M2). The instructions on how to create this machine are on page 141. We will now construct a TM M, that recognizes L. M = "On input <M1, M2>, 1. Repeat the following for i = 1, 2, 3,... 2. Simulate EM1 for i steps, record any output strings on the tape. 3. Simulate EM2 for i steps, record any output strings on the tape. 4. Compare the output of EM1 and EM2. If the same string appears on both lists, accept." b) Show that L is undecidable. We show the complement of ETM, namely TM, can be mapping reduced to L. (ETM is the language of all Turing Machines whose language is the empty set, page 173.) Assume thare is a TM N that decides L. We will construct a TM S that decides TM. Let Acc be the Turing machine that accepts all its inputs. S = "On Input <M>, 1. Construct <M, Acc>, where Acc is a TM accepting everything and M' is the following TM: "On input x, simulate M on x. If M accepts x, then accept. Otherwise, if M halted, then enter an infinite loop. 2. Run N on <M, Acc>. 3. If N accepts, reject; else accept." If <M, Acc>L, then M and Acc halt on the some input, L(M) , so <M> TM. If <M, Acc> L, then M and Acc do not halt the same input, L(M) = , <M> TM. Therefore, <M, Acc> L <M> TM. Since TM is undecidable, so is L (by Corollary 5.17).

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