HW 1 Solutions
HW 1 Solutions
HW 1 Solutions
Spring 2015
1. Let L L(M ) Accept (M ) for some dtm M. For M it is possible that Reject (M )
as well as Loop(M ) . Explain how to modify M to obtain a dtm M such that
L(M ) L(M ), but Reject (M ) . Such a machine M is said to reject by looping.
6. Draw a transition diagram of a dtm accepting the language ss s {a, b} and has no
tape symbols other than a, b.
, S ) and furthermore (,
) (, , S ). In other words,
the dtm, instead halting and rejecting will enter the new state and loop forever without
reading anything and without moving its head.
2. Solution. To prove that the Turing machines with a doubly infinite tape (DITMs)
recognize the class of Turing-recognizable languages we must show that the set
REDITM = {A | there exists a DITM M such that L(M) = A}
is equal to the set
RE = {A | there exists a TM M such that L(M) = A}.
First we show that REDITM is a subset of RE. Let M be a DITM. We want to show that
there exists a TM that simulates M. Let M be a Turing machine with two tapes that starts by
taking the input string and placing it on the first tape while keeping its second tape empty. As
M runs, if the first tape head moves to the left of the first tapes first cell, then the second
head will take over and continue the simulation on the second tape except that the directions
for the second tape head are now reversed. Likewise, if the second tape head moves to the
left of the second tapes first cell, then the first tape head continues the simulation. Thus
L(M) = L(M). Since we know that the set of Turing machines can simulate any two-tape
TM, we conclude that there exists a TM that simulates M.
Now we show that RE is a subset of REDITM. Let M be a TM. We want to show that there
exists a DITM that simulates M. Let M be a DITM that starts by placing a special symbol on
the cell immediately to the left of the input string. Whenever the tape head moves onto the
cell with this special symbol, it immediately moves to the right. This effectively restrains M
from moving to the left of the input string. Therefore, there exists a DITM that simulates M.
3. Solution.
(d) Let A be a decidable language. Therefore, there exists a TM M such that L(M) = A
and M always halts. Now let M be a TM that takes its input w and simulates M on w. If M
accepts, then M rejects. Likewise, if M rejects, then M accepts.
(e) Let A and B be decidable languages. Therefore, there exist TMs M and M such that
L(M) = A, L(M) = B, and both M and M always halt. Let M* be a TM that takes its input w
and simulates M on w and then simulates M on w. If both M and M accept, then M* accepts.
If either M or M reject, then M* rejects.
4. Solution.
Let A and B be Turing-recognizable languages. Therefore, there exist TMs M and M
such that L(M) = A and L(M) = B.
(b) Let M* be a NTM that takes its input w and guesses (nondeterministically) two
strings x and y such that w = xy. M* then proceeds to simulate M on x. If M rejects x then M*
will also reject, but if M accepts x then M* continues by simulating M on y. If M rejects y
then M* will also reject, but if M accepts y then M* also accepts.
(d) Let M* be a TM that takes its input w and simulates M on w. If M rejects w then M*
will reject, but if M accepts w then M* proceeds to simulate M on w. If M rejects w then M*
will reject, but if M accepts w then M* accepts.
5. Solution. First we show that if a language is decidable then there is some enumerator
that enumerates the language in the standard string order. Let M be TM that decides a
language. The enumerator simulates M on every string, one at a time, in standard string
order. The enumerator outputs every string that M accepts. Thus the strings of Ms language
are output by the enumerator in standard string order.
Now we show that if some enumerator enumerates a language in the standard string
order then the language is decidable. Let E be an enumerator that enumerates a language in
standard string order. We must consider two cases:
Case 1: The language enumerated is finite. The language is trivially decidable.
the two strings x and y , ACCEPT if they are equal and REJECT otherwise.
7. Description: The ntm first (nondeterministically) generates a sequence of 1s that should
be thought of as a guess of a value of x (in unary notation) that is a candidate to satisfy
y x 2 (mod n). Then it squares this number to produce x 2 (still in unary). Then,
(a) the dtm computes the remainder of x 2 divided by n (n is given in the input),
(b) similarly, the dtm computes the remainder of y divided by n (y is given in the input)
(c) if the two values computed in (a) and (b) are the same, ACCEPT, else REJECT.