9 CLSP Directors
9 CLSP Directors
9 CLSP Directors
f. File with Registrar Consent to Act as Director Form 28, within 14 days from the date of nominations [Public Company] g. Election of Directors i. Company limited by Shares 1. Voting Power: Votes of a Member = No. of voting shares held X No. of Directors to be elected 2. a member may give all his votes to a single candidate or divide among candidates 3. The candidate who gets the highest number of votes shall be declared elected and then one who gets the next highest number of votes and so on until directors to be elected are elected. ii. Company limited by Guarantee 1. One person, one vote h. Term: 3 years except if disqualified or Resigns
Ineligibility of certain persons to become director [u/s. 187 & code of Corporate Governance]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Minor Unsound mind Has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent (pending application) Undischarged insolvent Convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude by court of law; Debarred from holding such office under any provision of Companies Ordinance Shown lack of fiduciary behavior and declared by the Court u/s. 217 at any time during the preceding five years 8. Not a Member6 9. In case of Listed Companies a. Declared by a Court as defaulter in repayment of loan to a financial institution; b. Engaged in business of Brokerage; or c. Declared as defaulter by stock exchange of which he is a member d. Spouse is a director or officer of a corporate brokerage house unless exempted by Commission e. A person Shall not be a director who is serving ten other listed companies as a director
A person who is not a member can be a director, if Represents the Government or an institution or authority Whole time director who is an employee of the Company A chief executive A person representing a creditor
3) When & where to disclose a) In Meeting of directors b) When 1st time matter is taken into consideration 4) How to disclose a) A general notice to directors at a meeting of directors b) Such general notice shall expire at the end of financial year8 in which it was given 5) May be renewed by a fresh notice
Relative u/s 195(1): In relation to a director means his spouse and minor children Financial Year u/s. 2(16): In relation to any body corporate, means the period in respect of which any profit and loss account, or the income and expenditure account, as the case may be is made up and laid before it in general meeting, whether that period is a year or not;
What responsibilities does a director have towards Commission and the registrar?
Every company director has a personal responsibility to ensure that statutory documents are filed with the Registrar and the Commission as and when required under the Ordinance. In Particular Audited accounts (Public limited Companies Only) Annual Return Form A or B Particulars of directors or other officers Form 29 Notice of change of registered office Form 21
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Payment of Minimum Subscription9 in Cash; and Prospectus; and Form 22 Declaration of compliance with conditions of Section 146, if issuing Prospectus; or Statement in Lieu of Prospectus; and Form 23 Declaration of compliance with conditions of Section 146, if filing Statement in Lieu of Prospectus
Minimum Subscription: The smallest number of shares or securities that may be applied for in an new issue or Initial public offerings (IPO) Factors in Minimum Subscription Preliminary Expenses Working capital Loan Borrowed Property Purchased
Directors Report is the review made by the Directors and annexed with the accounts The Report shall be signed by
10 11
Here, it and his refer to lending company Relative: In relation to a director means his spouse and minor children.
o Chairman of the directors or o The Chief Executive on behalf to the Directors, if authorized o The Chief Executive and such number of Directors as are required to sign u/s. 24112 Contents (Comment on) o General (All Companies) State the Company Affairs Recommend Dividend Recommend amount to Transfer to Reserves purpose and impact o Public Company or a Private Company Subsidiary of Public company Material changes in Nature of the business Classes of business in which the company has interest Response to Auditors Report Circumstances Justifications Circulate information about the Pattern of Shareholding State the Earnings per share Disclose Events after Balance Sheet Date Give Reasons for incurring loss Remember, Capital Reserves are not available for paying Dividend.
Annual List of Member etc. [u/s. 156, Form A &B] 1. Company having Share Capital a. Once in each year b. Form A 3rd Schedule i. Particulars as on the date of AGM or where no such meeting is held or not concluded on the last day of Calendar year ii. Particulars 1. Nature of Business 2. Authorized Share Capital 3. Paid up Share Capital 4. Amount of indebtedness on the date upto which Form A is made in respect of all mortgages and charges 5. Particulars of the holding company 6. Chief Executive, Chief Accountant, Secretary, Legal Advisor 7. List of Directors on the date of Form A 8. List of Members & Debenture holders 9. Transfer of Shares/debentures since last Form A c. Filed with registrar i. Listed company within 45 days from the date of AGM held in the year or last day of calendar year, where no such meeting is held ii. In the case of listed company, the registrar may extend the period of filing of such return by a period not exceeding fifteen days. iii. Any other company within 30 days 2. Company not having Share Capital a. Once in each year b. Form B 3rd Schedule i. Particulars as on the date of AGM or where no such meeting is held or if held is not concluded on the last day of the calendar year ii. Particulars 1. Nature of Business 2. Total Number of Members 3. Particulars of the holding company 4. Chief Executive, Chief Accountant, Secretary, Legal Advisor, Auditors 5. List of Directors 6. List of Members & Debenture holders c. Filed with Registrar within 30 days from the date of AGM held in the year or last day of calendar year, where no such meeting is held 3. Penalty: Company and every officer of the company who knowingly and willfully authorizes or permits the default shall be liable a. In case of listed company, to a fine between fifty thousand to five hundred thousand rupees. b. In case of any other company, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand rupees and to a further fine not exceeding five hundred rupees for every day after the first during which the default continues.