Chapter 3-The Simplex Method, I
Chapter 3-The Simplex Method, I
Chapter 3-The Simplex Method, I
If a linear programming problem in standard form has an optimal solution, then there exists a basic feasible solution that is optimal. The simplex method is based on this fact and searches for an optimal solution by moving from one basic feasible solution to another, along the edges of the feasible set, always in a cost reduction direction. Eventually, a basic feasible solution is reached at which none of the available edges leads to a cost reduction. Let x be a basic feasible solution to the standard form problem, let B(1), ..., B(m) be the indices of the basic variables, and let B = [AB(1) , ..., AB(m) ] be the corresponding basis matrix. We consider the possibility of moving away from x, to a new vector x + d, by selecting a nonbasic variable xj , initially at zero level, and increasing it to a positive value , while keeping the remaining nonbasic variables at zero. So that A(x + d) = b, we require that 0 = Ad =
i=1 m
So we require dB = B1 Aj . The eect on the cost function of the moving away is c d, where c d = cB dB + cj = cj cB B1 Aj . We call cj = cj cB B1 Aj the reduced cost. To get a better understanding, we may examine the problem min c1 x1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + c4 x4 s.t. x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 2 2x1 + 3x3 + 4x2 = 2 x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 0. For a basic variable xB(i) , we may let cB(i) = cB(i) cB B1 AB(i) = 0. Consider a basic feasible solution x associated with a basis matrix B, and let c be the corresponding vector of reduced costs. a) If c 0, then x is optimal. 1
b) If x is optimal and nondegenerate, then c 0. A basis matrix B is said to be optimal if: a) B1 b 0, and b) c = c cB B1 A 0 . An iteration of the simplex method: 1. We start with a basis consisting of the basic columns AB(1) , ..., AB(m) , and an associated basic feasible solution x. 2. Compute the reduced cost cj = cj cB B1 Aj for all nonbasic indices j. If they are all nonnegative, the current basic feasible solution is optimal, and the algorithm terminates; else, choose some j for which cj < 0. 3. Compute u = B1 Aj . If no component of u is positive, the problem is unbounded and the optimal cost is , and the algorithm terminates. 4. If some component of u is positive, let = min{xB(i) /ui | i = 1, ..., m, ui > 0}. 5. Let l be such that = xB(l) /ul . Form a new basis by replacing AB(l) with Aj . If y is the new basic feasible solution, the values of the new basic variables are yj = and yB(i) = xB(i) ui , i = l. A tableau implementation of the simplex method uses the following tableau:
c B1 b B
xB 0 I
xN cN cB B
B b
B1 N
N .
Iterations in the simplex method can be achieved through pivots in the tableau. For example, we may consider the problem min 10x1 12x2 12x3 s.t. x1 + 2x2 + 2x3 20 2x1 + x2 + 2x3 20 2x1 + 2x2 + x3 20 x1 , x2 , x3 0. A vector u Rn is said to be lexicographically larger than another vector v Rn if u = v and the rst nonzero component of u v is positive. Lexicographic pivoting rule: 1. Choose an entering column Aj arbitrarily, as long as reduced cost cj is negative. Let u = B1 Aj be the jth column of the tableau. 2
2. For each i with ui > 0, divide the ith row of the tableau, including the entry in the zeroth column, by ui and choose the lexicographically smallest row. If row l is lexicographically the smallest, then the lth basic variable xB(l) exits the basis. Suppose that the simplex algorithm starts with all the rows in the simplex tableau, other than the zeroth row, lexicographically positive. Suppose that the lexicographic pivoting rule is followed. Then: a) Every row of the simplex tableau, other than the zeroth row, remains lexicographically positive throughout the algorithm. b) The zeroth row strictly increase lexicographically at each iteration. c) The simplex method terminates after a nite number of iterations.