Done into English by ROBERT TURNER esq.
Translation revised and edited by Frater T.S.
This electronic edition by Celepha s Press
(somewhere beyond the Tanarian Hills)
first issued anno. MDCXXXIX a.I.b.
revised and corrected edition
anno. MDCXLI a.I.b.
Editors introduction.
This short grimoire occupies a curious position in the history of occult literature. It was
published as part of a collection of supplementary material to Agrippas Three Books of Occult
Philosophy when that was reprinted in an undated (ca. 1600) edition of Agrippas Opera. The
other texts in that volume were De Occulta Philosophia, seu de cremoniis Magicis, Liber
quartus the spurious Fourth Book attributed to Agrippa which had been circulating since
the 1550s, two tracts on Geomancy one ascribed, probably genuinely, to Agrippa, the other,
Geomati Astronomic, attributed to one Gerard of Cremona and describing a curious
technique which involved the use of Geomancy to create an artificial astrological figure; De
Magia Veterum by Arbatel (better known as the Arbatel of Magic), previously published
in an edition dated 1575 at Basle, a dialogue, De illorum Dmonum qui sub Lunari collimiitio
versantur (on those spirits which are exercised in the sublunary bounds), and a number of
minor works on magic and divination. The first six of these texts were published in an
English translation by Robert Turner in 1655.
The Fourth Book and Heptameron were later
plagiarsed by Francis Barrett, and form parts two and three of Book Two of The Magus.
The authorship of the Heptameron is ascribed to one Peter of Abano (Pietro dApono) who
lived 1253-1316, wrote on medical matters, and towards the end of his life got into trouble
with the Inquisition.
Some of his undisputed works deal, inter alia, with astrological images
and the talismanic use of the same.
According to a note in Charles Boers translation of Ficinos De Vita this was because, inter alia, he
denied the existence of the Devil.
Cited in D.P. Walker, Spiritual and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Campanella, and Frances A.
Yates, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. I have not had a chance to consult them directly.
N THE FORMER BOOK, which is the fourth book of Agrippa, it is spoken
sufficiently of magical ceremonies and initiations. But, because he seems
to have written for the learned and experienced in this Art, and because
he does not treat of the details of the Ceremonies but rather speaks of
them in general terms, it was thought advisable to add thereto the Magical Elements
of Peter de Abano, that those who are hitherto ignorant and have not tasted of
magical superstitions might have at hand
the knowledge of
how they may enage
themselves therein. For we see in this book an introduction
to Magical vanity,
displaying ready for use, as it were
the distinct functions of spirits,
how they are
to be drawn to discourse and communication: what is to be done every day, and every
hour: and how they shall be read, as if they were described syllable by syllable. In
brief, in this book are kept all principles of magical conveyences
which are genuine
steps towards magical operations. But because the greatest power is attributed to the
Circles (for they are a form of defence to make the operator safe from the evil spirits),
we shall treat first of the composition of a Circle.
Of the Circle and its composition
THE FORM of Circles is not always constant, but is to be changed according to the
order of the Spirits that are to be called, their places, times, days and hours. For in
making a Circle, it ought to be considered in what season of the year, what day, and
what hour it is to be done; what Spirits you would call, to what Star and Region they
belong, and what function they have. Therefore let there be made three circles nine
feet across,
a hands breadth apart: in the middle circle write first the name of the
hour wherein you do the work; second, write the name of the Angel of the hour; in
the third place, the Sigil of the Angel; fourthly, the name of the Angel that rules the
day when you do the work, and his Ministers.
Seventh, the name of the head of the sign ruling in the season when you
work. Eighth, the name of the earth according to the season; ninth, completing the
This paragraph appears to be a species of editors introduction; if the Heptameron originated
as a work in its own right, this may have been interpolated by whoever first bound it up with
the Fourth Book.
An example is given after the conjurations; actually, four concentric circles need to be drawn,
giving three bands round the outside in which to write the names.
These are the three Angels of the day listed in the tables of the days of the week.
so that the
spirit which governs the day also rules the first hour of that day; the second from
governs the second hour, the third governs the third and so forth. When seven
hours of the seven planets have passed, return again to the first, which rules the day.
So, we shall first speak of the names of the hours:
Hours of the day Hours of the night
1 Yayn Beron
2 Ianor Barol
3 Nasnia Thari
4 Salla Athir
5 Sadedali Mathon
6 Thamur Rana
7 Ourer Netos
8 Tamic Tafrac
9 Neron Sassur
10 Iayon Aglo
11 Abai Calerua
12 Natalon Salam
Of the names of the angels and their sigils, it is spoken in the proper place. Now
must be given the names of the times and seasons. The year, then, is divided into four
parts, that is, spring, summer, autumn and winter, to which are given these names:
This is a problem on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: the Kings of the days of Mercury
and Jupiter have two ministers each, that of the day of Venus has four.
A slightly misleading statement; this system of Planetary Hours has no direct connection with
the motions of the Planets.
i.e., the next in the magical order of the Planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, etc).
These names are close but not identical to those in the Key of Solomon.
These names for the four seasons appear with minor variations in the Liber Juratus or
Sworn Book of Honorius.
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Name of the season: Talui Casmaran Ardarel Farlas
Angels of the Caracasa Gargatel Tarquam Amabael
season: Core Tariel Gualbarel Ctarari
Amatiel Gaviel
Head of the Sign Spugliguel Tubiel Torquaret Altarib
Name of the earth Amadai Festatui Rabianira Gernia
Name of the Sun Abraym Athemay Abragini Commutaf
Name of the Moon Aguista Armatas Mtasignias Affaterim
Of the consecrations and blessings
The blessing of the circle
After the circle has been duly complete, sprinkle it with holy or lustral water, and
Asperges me Domine hyssopo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Thou shalt sprinkle
me with hyssop, Lord, and I shall be clean; thou shalt wash me,
and I shall be whiter than snow.
The blessing of the perfumes
Deus Abraham, Deus Isaac, Deus Jacob, benedic huc creaturas specierum, ut vim et
virtutem odorum suorum amplient, ne hostis nec phanstasm in eas intrare possit per
Dominum nostrum IESUM CHRISTUM, etc.
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, bless here the creatures of this kind,
that they may increase the power and virtue of their odours, so that no hostile force
or phantasm may be able to enter in them, by our Lord JESUS CHRIST, &c.
Then it is to be sprinkled with holy water.
The exorcism of the fire, on which the perfumes are to be placed
Let the fire which is to be used for the fumigations be in a new clay or earthen
vessel. Further, it is to be exorcised in this manner:
Exorcizo te creatura ignis, per illum, per quem factu sunt omnia, ut statim omne
phanstasma ejicias ante, ut nocere non possit in aliquo.
I excorcize thee, creature of Fire, by him through whom all things were made, that
thou may immediately cast out all phantasms from thee, that they may bring harm to
Then say:
Benedice Domnine creaturam istam ignis, et sanctifica, ut benedicta sit, in
collaudationem nomininis tui sancti, ut nullo nocumento sit gestantibus nec
videntibus, per Dominum nostrum IESUM CHRISTUM, &c.
Bless, o Lord, this creature of fire, and sanctify it, that it may be blessed, to the
praise of thy sacred name, that no harm may come to the Exorcists or spectators, by
our Lord JESUS CHRIST, &c.
Of the vestments and pentacle
Let the vestments be those of a priest, if this can be done; if these cannot be had, let
them be linen and spotlessly clean. Next take this pentacle, made in the day and hour
of Mercury, the moon waxing, on a sheet of kidskin parchment. But first it should
have a Mass of the Holy Ghost said over it, and be asperged with the water of
Oration to be spoken while assuming the vestments
ANCOR AMACOR AMIDES THEODONIAS ANITOR: per merita angelorum tuorum
sanctorum Domine, induam vestimenta salutis: ut hoc quod desidero, possim
perducere ad effectum, per te sanctissime ADONAY, cuius regnum permanet per
omnia scula sculorum. Amen.
ANCOR AMACOR AMIDES THEODONIAS ANITOR: by the merits of thy holy angels,
Lord, I shall put on the garments of salvation, that what I desire I may be able to
bring into effect, through thee, most holy ADONAI, whose kingdom shall endure
throughout the ages.
Variant forms of this design occur in other magical texts, including the Grimoire of Honorius
(with multiple inclosing circles bearing Divine Names) and the Sepher Mafteah Shelomoh, a
Solomonic text in Hebrew (probably of the 17
century c.e. or slightly earlier). The practical
interpretation of Mass of the Holy Ghost and water of baptism varies between magical
another the garment and pentacle, and let the Master carry
the sword, over which there must be said one Mass of the Holy Ghost; and on the
middle of this sword let there be written this name AGLA +, and on the other side
thereof the name + ON +. As he proceeds to the place of the working,
let him
continually say Litanies, and let the assistants respond. When he reaches the place
where he wishes to make the circle, let him trace the lines of the circle, as we have
described above. After he has made it, let him sprinkle the circle with holy water,
saying Asperges me domine &c.
The Master then should be purified with fasting, chastity and abstinence from all
luxury over the space of three whole days before the day of the operation. On the day
of the work itself, let him assume the vestments, with the pentacles, perfumes and
other things necessary for the composition of the circle. And let him invoke the
angels of the four parts of the world, which govern the seven planets, the seven days
of the week, colours and metals; whose names you shall see in their places. And with
bended knees, invoking the said angels, let him say:
O (angeli supradicti)
estote adjutores mepetitioni, et in adjutorium mihi in meis
rebus et petitionibus.
O (aforementioned Angels), be assistants to my request, and be my assistants
in my
affairs and petitions.
Then let him call the Angels from the four parts of the world
Possibly the Liber Spirituum, or simply a book of conjurations. Nothing further is said about
it in the Heptameron, although the Book of Spirits is discussed at length by pseudo-Agrippa.
As above.
Probably means the Angels of the Quarters for each day, given in the planetary tables
forming the second half of the Heptameron. So which Angels were meant in the previous part?
O all ye, I adjure and call ye, by the seat of ADONAI, by HAGIOS, O THEOS,
secret names, AGLA, ON, TETRAGRAMMATON, that today ye may be bound to satisfy
my desires.
These things being performed, let him read the Conjuration assigned for the day
when the experiment is made, as given below. If they be stubborn and refractory, not
yielding obedience to the Conjuration assigned to the day, nor to the prayers made
before, then use the following conjurations and exorcisms.
An exorcism of the Spirits of the Air
NOS facti ad imaginem Dei, dotati potentia Dei, et eius facti voluntate, per
potentissimum et corroboratum nomen Dei, EL, forte ed admirabile vos exorcizamus
(name of spirit or order of spirits here) et imperamus per eum qui dixit, et factum est,
et per omnia nomina Dei, et per nomen ADONAI, EL, ELOHIM, ELOHE, ZEBAOTH,
Possibly a corruption of Asher Eheieh; the Mathers-Crowley Goetia has that, anyway.
Almost certainly a corruption of Eheieh Asher Eheieh (hyha rca hyha).
Literally, the eightfold name. In Hermeticism and Grco-Egyptian magic the number eight
was of significance representing (a) the primal company of Egyptian Gods and (b) the
celestial sphere beyond the spheres of the planets and thus outside their influence.
This done, there will be hissing in the four parts of the world. And you will
immediately see great movement; and when these are seen, you should say:
Quid tardatis? quid moramini? quid facitis? prparate vos, et obedite prceptori
vestro, in nomine Domini Bathat vel Vachat
super Abrac ruens, superveniens,
Abeor, super Aberer.
Why stay you? why do you delay? what are you doing? prepare yourselves and obey
your master, in the name of the Lord Bathat or Vachat rushing over Abrac, Abeor
coming upon Aberer.
Then they will immediately come in their proper form. And when you see them next
of the circle, hold out the Pentacle, covered in fine linen, and let it be uncovered, and
Ecce conclusionem vestram, nolite fieri inobedientes
Behold your doom
if ye refuse to be obedient
and suddenly they will appear in a peacable form and will say to you:
Pete quid vis, quia nos sumus parati complere omnia mandata tua, quia Dominus ad
hc nos subjugavit.
Ask what thou wilt, for we are prepared to carry out all thy commands, for the Lord
has harnessed us thereunto.
When the spirits have appeared, then you should say:
Bene veneritis spiritus, vel reges nobilissimi, quia vos vocavi per illum cui omne
genu flectitur, coelstium, terrestrium et infernorum: cuius in manu omnia regna
regum sunt, nec est qui su contrarius esse possit majestati. Quetenus constringo
vos, ut hic ante circulu, visibiles, affabiles permaneatis, tamdiu tamque constantes,
nec sine licentia mea recedatis, donec meam sine fallacia aliqua et veredicem
perficiatis voluntatem, per potentiillum virtutem, qui mari posuit terminum suum,
quem prterire non potest, et lege illius potenti non pertransit fines suos, Dei
scilicet altissimi, regis, domini, qui cuncta creavit, Amen.
Welcome spirits, or most noble kings,
for I have called you by him to whom all
knees bend, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth: in whose hands are the
kingdoms of all kings, whose majesty none can contradict.
Wherefore I constrain
you that you remain affable and visible before this circle, so long and so constant,
nor shall you depart without my permission, until you have performed my will truly
and without any deception, by virtue of the power of him who has set the sea her
bounds, beyond which she cannot go, nor pass the limits of the law of his power, that
is to say God the most high, king, lord, who created all. Amen.
or most noble kings is probably a gloss, a phrase to be substituted depending on the rank of
the Spirits addressed.
Then command what you will, and it shall be. After this, license them to depart thus:
+ In nomine Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, ite in pace ad loca vestra: et pax sit inter
nos et vos; parati sitis venire vocati.
+ In the name of the Father + the Son + and the Holy Ghost, go in peace to your
places, and let there be peace between us and you; be ready to come when called.
These are the things Peter of Abano has said concerning the elements of Magick.
Moveover, in order that you may understand the means of making the circle, I will
append one figure. So, if someone wants to construct a circle in springtime, on the
first hour of the Lords day, its form will be that shown in the following figure.
The figure of a Circle for the first hour of Sunday, in the season of spring
While this statement appears to mark the end of the work, the following section is quite
clearly an integral part of it, and is repeatedly referenced in the first section.
Considerations of the days of the week, and the Conjurations thereof
IT NOW REMAINS to explain the week, the individual days thereof and the spirits who
rule them: first, concerning the Lords day.
Considerations of Sunday
The Angel of Sunday: MICHAEL
His Sigil:
His Planet:
The Sign of the Planet: p
The name of the Fourth Heaven: Machen
The Angels of Sunday: Michael, Dardiel, Huratapel
The Angels of the Air ruling Sunday: Varcan rex.
Minsters: Tys, Andas, Cynabal
The wind under which the above Angels of the Air are:
Boreas, the North Wind
The angels of the fourth heaven ruling Sunday, who should be called from the four
parts of the world:
In the East: Samael, Baciel, Atel, Fabriel, Vionatraba
In the West: Anael, Pabel, Ustael, Burchat, Suceratos, Capabili
In the North: Aiel, Aniel (also called Aquiel), Masgabriel, Sapiel, Matuyel
In the South: Habudiel, Machasiel, Charsiel, Uriel, Naromiel
The fumigation of Sunday: Red-Sanders
The Conjuration of Sunday
Conjuro et confirmo super vos angeli fortes Dei, et sancti, in nomine ADONAY, EYE,
EYE, EYA, qui est ille, qui fuit,
est et erit, EYE, ABRAYE: et in nomine SADAY,
CADOS, CADOS, CADOS, alte sedentis super Cherbim, et per nomen magnum ipsius
Dei fortis et potentis, exaltatique super omnes coelos EYE, SARAYE, plasmatoris
seculorum, qui creavit mundum, coelum, terram, mare et omnia quin eis sunt in
primo die, et sigillavit ea sancto nomine suo PHAA: et per nomina sanctorum
angelorum, qui dominantur in quarto exercitu, et serviunt coram potentissimo
SALAMIA, angelo magno et honorato: et per nomen stell, qu est SOL, et per
signum, et per immensum nomen Dei vivi, et per nomina omnia prdicta, conjuro te
MICHAEL angele magne, qui es prpositus Diei Dominic: et per nomen ADONAY,
Dei Israel, qui creavit mundum, et quicquid in eo est, quod pro me labores, et
adimpleas omnem meam petitionem, juxta meum velle et votum meum, in negocio et
causa mea:
The sigils of the Angels of the seven days predate the Heptamaron; they appear in some MSS
of the Liber Juratus, a late medieval work.
By some accounts, Machen or Makhon (}wkm) is the sixth Heaven and Zebhul (lwbz) the
I conjure and confirm upon you, strong and holy angels of God, in the name
ADONAI, EYE, EYE, EYA, who is he that was, is and shall be, EYE, ABRAYE, and in
the name SHADDAI, QADOSH, QADOSH, QADOSH, seated on high above the
Cherubim: and by the great name of God himself, strong and powerful, and exalted
above all the heavens, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, the shaper of the ages, who created
the world, the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that are in them on the first day,
and sealed them by his holy name PHAA: and by the names of holy angels who rule in
the fourth legion,
and serve in the presence of the great and honoured angel, the
most powerful SALAMIA: and by the name of the star, which is SOL, and by his sign,
and by the unending name of the living God, and by all the names here proclaimed, I
conjure thee, thou great Angel MICHAEL, who is set over the Lords day; and by the
name ADONAI, God of Israel, who created the world and all that is in it, that thou
might labour for me, and fulfil all my petitions, according to my will and desire, in
my business and purpose:
Here you shall state your business or purpose; further, say for what thing you
undertake this Conjuration.
The Aerial spirits of Sunday are under the North Wind. Their nature is to procure
gold, gems and precious stones, riches, favour and benevolence; to destroy mens
emnities, to bestow honours on men, to cause or cure sickness. But how they appear
is spoken of in the above book of Magical Ceremonies.
Considerations of Monday
The Angel of Monday: GABRIEL
His Sigil :
His Planet:
The Sign of the Planet: C
The name of the First Heaven: Shamaim
The Angels of Monday: Gabriel, Michael, Samael
The Angels of the Air ruling Monday: Arcan rex
Ministers: Bilet, Missabu, Abuzaha
The wind under which the above Angels of the Air are:
Zephyrus, the West Wind
The student will observe that citations in the conjurations of the days follow the days of
creation in Genesis I.
i.e., the Fourth Book of pseduo-Agrippa which does indeed include a section on forms
familiar to the spirits of the various Planets. This remark and the similar ones at the end of the
section for each day may be interpolations by an editor, but they raise grave doubts about
whether the Heptameron ever existed in anything like its present form as an independent
The angels of the first heaven ruling Monday, who should be called from the four
parts of the world:
In the East: Gabriel, Gabrael, Madiel, Deamiel, Ianael
In the West: Sachiel, Zaniel, Habaiel, Bachanael, Corabiel
In the North: Mael, Vuael, Valnum, Baliel, Balay, Humastrau
In the South: Curaniel, Dabriel, Darquiel, Hanun, Anayl, Vetuel
The fumigation for Monday: Aloes
The Conjuration of Monday
Conjuro et confirmo super vos angeli fortes et boni, in nomine ADONAY, ADONAY,
qui apparavis monte Sinai, cum glorificatione regis ADONAY, SADAY, ZEBAOTH,
ANATHAY, YA, YA, YA, MARINATA, ABIM, IEIA, qui maria creavit, stagna et omnes
aquas in secundo die, quasdam super coelos, et quasdam in terra. Sigillavit mare in
alto nomine suo, et terminum, quem sibi posuit, non prteribit: et per nomina
angelorum, qui dominantur in primo exercitu, qui servient ORPHANIEL angelo
magno, precioso et honorato: et per nomen stell, qu est LUNA: et per nomina
prdicta, super te conjuro, scilicet GABRIEL, qui es prpositus diei Lunsecundo,
quod pro me labores et adimpleas, &c ut in conjuratione diei Dominic.
I conjure and confirm upon you, strong and good angels, in the name ADONAI,
YAH, YAH, Strong YAH, who appeared on Mount Sinai, cum glorificatione regis
created the sea, the lakes and all the waters on the second day, which are above the
heaven and which are in the earth, and sealed the sea by his exalted name, and it
will not pass the bounds which he set it: and by the names of the angels who rule in
the first legion, who serve the great, honourable and worthy angel ORPHANIEL: and
by the name of the star, which is the Moon, and by all the names here proclaimed, I
conjure thee GABRIEL, who art set over the day of the Moon, that thou might labour
for me, and fulfil (etc, as in the conjuration of Sunday).
The Aerial spirits of Monday are under the West wind, which is the wind of the
Moon. Their nature is to give silver, to carry things from place to place, to bestow
swiftness on horses, and to speak the secrets of persons present and past. For the
manner in which they appear, see the previous book.
A Corabiel is cited as one of the Angels of the Circles of Heaven, ruling Mercury, in John
Dees spirit diaries, although this is possibly an error for Kokabiel (from Kokab, the Hebrew
name for the Sphere of Mercury).
Considerations of Tuesday
The Angel of Tuesday: SAMAEL
His Sigil :
His Planet:
Signs ruled by that Planet: [, ]
The name of the Fifth Heaven: Machon
The Angels of Monday: Samael, Satael, Amabiel
The Angels of the Air ruling Tuesday: Samax rex
Minsters: Carmax, Ismoli, Paffran
The wind under which the above Angels of the Air are:
Subsolanus, the East Wind
The angels of the fifth heaven ruling Tuesday, who should be called from the four
parts of the world:
In the East: Friagne, Guael, Damael, Calzas, Arragon
In the West: Lama, Astagna, Lobquin, Soncas, Iaxel, Istael, Irel
In the North: Rahumel, Hyniel, Rayel, Seraphiel, Marhiel, Fraciel
In the South: Sacriel, Ianiel, Galdel, Osael, Vianuel, Zaliel
The fumigation for Tuesday: Pepper
The Conjuration of Tuesday
Conjuro et confirmo super vos, angeli fortes et sancti, per nomen YA, YA, YA, HE,
ELIBRA, ELOIM, ELOIM: et per nomina ipsius Alti Dei qui fecit aquam aridam
apparere, et vocavit terram, et produxit arbores, et herbas de ea, et sigillavit super
eam cum precioso, honorato, metuendo et sancto nomine suo: et per nomen
angelorum dominantium in quinto exercitu, qui serviunt ACIMOY, angelo magno,
forti, potenti et honorato: et per nomen stell, quest MARS, et per nomina prdicta
conjuro super te SAMAEL angele magne, qui prpositus est diei Martis: et per
nomina ADONAY, Dei vivi et veri, quod pro me labores, et adimploreas (etc).
I conjure and confirm upon ye, strong and holy angels, by the name YA, YA, YA,
AY, ELIBRA, ELOHIM, ELOHIM: and by the names of the high God himself, who
made dry land appear from the water,
and called it earth, and produced trees and
herbs from it, and sealed it with his worthy, honourable, and feared name: and by the
names of the angels who rule in the fifth legion, who serve the great, strong, powerful
and honourable angel ACIMOY: and by the name of the star, which is MARS: and by
the names proclaimed, I conjure thee SAMAEL, thou great angel who is set over the
day of Mars: and by the name ADONAI, the living and true God, that thou might
labour for me and accomplish (etc).
Note: in some Qabalistic literature, Samael (|ams) is a demon prince; the Angel of Mars is
more usually given as Zamael, |maz.
angeli forti et
potentes: et per nomen ADONAY, ADONAY, ADONAY, EIE, EIE, EIE, ACIM, ACIM,
IA, SAR, Domini formatoris
sculorum, qui in septimo die quievit: et per illum qui in beneplacito suo filiis Israel
in hreditatem observandum deduit, ut eam firmiter custodirent et sanctificarent, ad
habendum inde bonam in alio sculo renumerationem: et per nomina angelorum
servientium in exercitu septimo BOOEL angelo magno et potenti principi: et per
nomen stell, qu est SATURNUS: et per sanctum sigillum eius, et per nomina
prdicta, conjuro super te CASSIELqui prpositus es diei septim, qu est dies
Sabbati, quo pro me labores (etc).
I conjure and confirm upon ye, ye strong and powerful angels Cassiel, Machatori
and Seraquiel: and by the name ADONAI, ADONAI, ADONAI, EIE, EIE, EIE, ACIM,
the ages, who rested on the seventh day: and by him who of his good will gave the
same to be observed by the children of Israel throughout their generations, that they
should steadfastly keep and sanctify the same, to have thereby a good reward in
another age:
and by the names of the angels serving the great angel and powerful
prince BOOEL in the seventh host: and by the name of the star, which is SATURN: and
by his sacred seal, and by the names proclaimed, I conjure thee CASSIELwho art set
over the seventh day which is the Sabbath day, that thou might labour for me (etc, as
The Aerial spirits of Saturday are subject to the Southwest wind: their nature is to
sow discord, hate and evil thoughts: to give lead freely, to kill everyone and to maim
every limb. But how they appear is spoken of in the previous book.
Omitted by Abano. The Seven Heavens are not mentioned by Agrippa in his scale of the
number 7 in the Second Book; the scheme in (for example) Godwins Cabalistic
Encyclopdia, has Araboth (twrbu) as the Seventh. But different Qabalistic texts disagree on
this, as on many things.
The latter two angels are cited nowhere else in the Heptameron.
Table of the Angels of the Hours
Name of Angel of the Hour
the Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Thurs. Friday Saturday
(Hours of the Day)
1 Yayn Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
2 Ianor Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel
3 Nasior Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael
4 Salla Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
5 Sadedali Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael
6 Thamur Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael
7 Ourer Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
8 Tanic Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
9 Neron Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel
10 Iayon Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael
11 Abay Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
12 Natalon Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael
(Hours of the Night)
1 Beron Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael
2 Barol Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
3 Thanu Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
4 Athir Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel
5 Mathon Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael
6 Rana Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael
7 Netos Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael
8 Tafrac Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael
9 Sassur Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel
10 Aglo Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel
11 Calerna Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael Raphael Sachiel
12 Salam Raphael Sachiel Anael Cassiel Michael Gabriel Samael
This however also is to be noted: the first hour of the day, anywhere in the world and
in whatever season, is to be assigned to the Sun-rise, where he first appears on the
Eastern horizon: moreover, the first hour of the night is to be the thirteenth hour
from the first hour of the day. But enough of this.
The end of the Magical Elements of Peter of Abano
For ease of reference this has been compressed into a single table; Abano lists each day
separately, repeating the names of the hours each time.
Notes on this translation.
For the Latin text I used the version printed in volume I of Agrippas Opera (first published
Lyons, n.d. (ca. 1600), facsimile reprint Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970).
I used Turners translation (from his edition of the Fourth Book) essentially as a guide,
varying where Turners reading was either obscure or blatantly wrong, and modernising the
language in a few places (though not generally in the conjurations). Two Latin passages in the
section Of the mode of working were left untranslated in the 1655 edition; these I have
rendered into English as closely as possible. The figures of the Circle and Pentacle and the
Sigils of the Angels have been scanned from those given in Agrippas Opera. Some readings
in the conjurations for the first part were taken from the Mathers-Crowley Goetia (there is
textual evidence to suggest that Turner was referring to an English text close to or identical to
this). Transliteration of a few of the Hebrew Divine Names has been changed to the form
normally used in modern Western magick, e.g. ADONAI, SABAOTH, etc. The conjurations, etc,
are given in both the original Latin and English in all cases (Turner gave most of them thus, at
least in the edition I was using as a source; apparently some copies lack the translations). I did
not bother refering to the edition of the Heptameron printed in The Magus.T.S.
1: Turner has in readiness, which is a more literal translation but obscures the meaning.
2: the knowledge of is not in the Latin; it is an interpolation so the English makes sense.
3: Isagogen; from the Greek, generally used to mean an introductory discourse.
4: quasi versentur in re prsenti. The present translation is somewhat free. Turner gives as if
they were in present exercise.
5: distinctum functiones spirituum conspicient; but functiones cannot reasonably be the object
of conspicient. I have moved the verb for clarity of meaning; it is likely that the actual object
is the rudes adhuc, et qui superstitiones magicnon gustarant of the previous sentence.
6: Thus in Turner. The original has prestigiarum, which my dictionary translates illusions.
7: Turner has purge which is nonsense in this context you are not taking a laxative, and in
any case asperge is a compound of ad + spargo ere (sprinkle, splatter; it is also the root of
the English aspersion) and unrelated to purgo are which does mean purge. Actually
asperge is an English word, though rarely used. The asperges is a common versicle for
purification, it is from the Vulgate translation of Psalm 51 (50 in the Vulgate numbering), via
the Ordinary of the Mass.
8: vase fictili seu terreo. Turner has of earth or iron, probably having misread terreo as
9: lit through all generations of generations.
10: discipulis. Turner has servants. Pupils or apprentices is a more literal translation.
11: ad locum consecrandum; lit., to the place to be consecrated.
12: angeli supradicti was not originally in brackets, but since it literally means angels
spoken of above (presumably in the preceding paragraph) the actual names should be
13: Translation of this phrase is highly tentative. estote is future imperative of esse,
expressing an order not to be obeyed immediately, which is not easy to put into English.
adjutorium is gen. pl. of adjutor oris, helper, assistant and none of my Latin texts give any
clue as to the meaning of in + genetive. Turner leaves this and the next speech untranslated.
14: At this point, Turners Latin text has et per nomen SCHEMES AMITHIA, quod Josua
vocavit, et remoratus Sol Corsum. This citation is not in the version in Agrippas Opera.
15: Literally a fair form, that is to say, human.
16: As mentioned in my notes to the Latin, this citation is not in the edition of the Heptameron
in Agrippa. It is, however, in the Second Conjuration of the Goetia worded exactly the same,
at least in the Mathers-Crowley edition.
17: Lit. the place beneath. This citation is omitted by Turners English translation, although
it is in the Latin text of the conjuration in Turner. Nor is it in the Goetia.
18: This citation not in Turners English translation (although it was in the Latin text in
Turner). It isnt in the Goetia either. Do I spot a pattern here?
19: Lit., manfully.
20: Lit, the fire forever inextinguishable.
21: This concluding sentence appears to be untranslatable, and is essentially a string of voces
22: This is a tentative translation (Turner omitted to translate this phrase); my Latin dictionary
does not give any word stems which could fit plasmatum. Plasma means approximately
mould and is a late loan-word from Greek. Seculum could also be read generations.
23: More literally, which being heard.
24: socii i.e., the disciples, assistants, or general dogsbodies of the Magister or Exorcist.
25: sacerdos sive magister.
26: Or, in 16
century English, avoid hence your iniquity.
27: Turners reading; with powerful force might be a more literal rendition.
28: This odd phrase (which occurs in other Grimoires) can probably be traced to a
transliteration from Hebrew; Beth can be pronounced either b or v, and a carelessly drawn
Cheth could have been confused with Tau; so the translator wrote down two possible
29: Turner has confusion (as does the Goetia, where this line appears in The Address unto
the Spirit upon his coming); either this is patently wrong, or the text in Agrippas Opera is
defective at this point and Turner had access to an earlier edition of the Heptameron. PS: at
least one MS of the Goetia has conclusion, this may have been corrected to confusion.
30: A more literal translation would be nor is there any who can contradict his majesty.
31: Possibly should be erat (imperfect).
32: Exercitu approximately means a host, assembly, or troop.
33: Literally, made the water appear dry.
34: Grace is a possible translation, but makes less sense in this context.
35: Turner, or possibly Francis Barrett (some editions of Turners translation omit English
versions of some conjurations), garbled this to and by the name and place of Ammalium.
The reference is probably to the four beasts of Revelation VI.
36: destructas, literally destroyed.
37: Literally most religiously or most dutifully.
38: Costus. Turner renders it pepperwort, probably Lepidium latifolium, a species of cress.
Agrippa in Book I ch 44 of De Occulta Philosophia refers pepperwort root to Saturn and
39: omnia quhabent motum, facere.
40: In original, Ina vel Ima, possibly a gloss by a copyist working from a partly legible MS: but
the emphatic doubling or trebling of names which occurs elsewhere suggests it should be Ima.
41: Probably a copyists error for Saday (Shaddai, ydc) as Saclay is cited nowhere else.
42: Turner has the world to come. Again, could also be translated in another generation.