GSA General Project Application Guide

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Ghana School Aid

General questions as a guide for a project application

Answers to the following questions will help Ghana School Aid to establish whether a project is worth supporting, also in comparison to others, get an idea of the depth of thought and preparation that has gone into it, and make sure we can assess whether we want to fund the project / recipient again. Please consult our website about our current strategic priorities to make sure your application falls within what we can fund. Especially from more developed / established organisations / applicants, we ask for high quality applications, and reporting. The last question on reporting is meant to encourage applicants to think about what is most important to them in the project and their wider work.

Information about the applicant

Name, contact details, short description of the organisation / application, proposed transfer modalities Have you received funding from GSA before, and if yes, when and for what purpose?

The project
What is the longer term aim of the project? What are your specific objectives for the shorter term? For how long do you envisage the project to last?

Who would be the primary beneficiaries? Have the beneficiaries been involved in the planning and how?

What is the total cost of the project? For how long are you asking us for funding? How do you plan to spend the money in detail, i.e. staff/labour, equipment, services? What costs of your project are NOT met by the funding you are asking for from GSA, and how do you plan to meet those costs? What will happen after the funding from GSA has ended? Who else is supporting you / have you applied to for support?

Supervision and reporting

Who will be responsible for supervising the project on a day to day basis? Is this the same person who will be reporting on the project, and if not, who is responsible for the reporting?

Impact on local community and sustainability

Describe the impact of the project on the local community and environment How will you make sure that the results of the projects are sustainable?

What are the main risks to the success of the project, and how do you envisage dealing with them?

We will require an annual report that describes how the funding has been spent against your plans. Have you experience in drafting such reports and what are the main issues that you feel will be worth addressing in such a report?

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