Integrated Marketing Communications Plan: August 2020

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Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Technical Report · August 2020

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Sofia Mondragon Ruiz

University of Kent


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Simply Ice Cream
Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Sofia Mondragon Ruiz

University of Kent
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. COMPANY OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 1
3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 1
4. PRODUCT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 SWOT analysis .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Customer Perceived Value and Branding ........................................................................................... 4
5. MARKET ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Market Trends .............................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Competitor Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Target Market Profile ................................................................................................................................. 7
6. MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY .................................................................................... 9
6.1 Positioning ................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Platforms ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Market Segmentation ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Integrated Marketing Mix ....................................................................................................................... 13
7. PROMOTIONAL/COMMUNICATIONS METHODS (MIX) .............................................................. 14
7.1 Twitter strategy ......................................................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Weekly give-away ...................................................................................................................................... 15
7.3 Daily innovative and relevant posts ................................................................................................... 16
7.4 Celebrity/ influencer endorsement .................................................................................................... 17
7.5 Website redevelopment .......................................................................................................................... 18
7.6 Control and evaluation of the campaign ............................................................................................ 20
8. SCHEDULING ............................................................................................................................................ 20
9. BUDGET ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
10. APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Appendix C .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Appendix D ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Appendix E .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix F .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Appendix G ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
11. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Simply Ice Cream is a high-quality ice cream brand, however the company has low social
media following. The purpose of this marketing communications plan is to outline a
strategy to further position/reposition Simply Ice Cream as a high quality and premium
brand. An overview of the company and product analysis will be included in this
document, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses the company currently has.
Additionally, a target market profile will be incorporated to gain an insight into what
motivates consumers to purchase the product will be provided. Finally, a social media
strategy will be outlined, as the company is presently looking to build social media

Simply Ice Cream Ltd. is an ice cream manufacturing company based in Ashford, United
Kingdom. The business was founded in 2005 by Sally Newall and has become a successful
premium brand due to its superior quality and flavours. Simply Ice Cream is a multi-award
winning company that takes pride in manufacturing handmade ice cream in small batches
using only fresh, simple and natural locally sourced ingredients where possible. The brand
has expanded considerably over the years and went from being sold at one local farm shop
to being available in 16 stores within the first year, today the business supplies nearly 400
outlets across the south of England including a selection of supermarkets such as
Morrisons, Co-op and Waitrose, additionally Simply Ice Cream is available in farm shops,
delis, tea rooms, pubs, Village Stores, attractions and restaurants across Kent, Essex, Surrey,
Sussex and London (Simply Ice Cream, 2019).


The digital age has generated an impressive set of new customer relationships-building
tools such as major social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest
and YouTube. Customer-engagement marketing aims to make a brand a meaningful part of
customers’ lives by encouraging a direct, interactive and continuous audience involvement
in moulding brand conversations, experiences and community (Kotler, 2018). The main
objective of this marketing communications plan is to build Simply Ice Cream’s social

media following; the company currently have 1,694 followers in Instagram, 5,641 followers
in Twitter and 2,857 followers in Facebook, the target is to reach over 10,000 followers in
Twitter and Instagram and 5,000 in Facebook. Increasing social media following its crucial
for the company as this would considerably increase brand awareness and loyalty. The key
to customer retention and brand loyalty relies in good customer relationship management
(CRM) that builds customer satisfaction. Additionally, efficient CRM can help brands to
increase their share of customers and capture customer lifetime value (Kotler, 2018).
Businesses must create a strong relationship with consumers in order to succeed and in this
modern age when technology is part of our daily lives, social media could be used as an
effective tool to engage and attract consumers’ attention. An effective marketing
communications plan should attempt to provide information about any product attributes
and convey messages that highlight those key attributes known to be important to
consumers. By differentiating the product, marketing communications provides the buyer
with a reason to select that particular product over competitors. In order to retain existing
customers and more over expand their target audience Simply Ice Cream must revamp
their marketing communication approach by creating innovative content on social media,
increasing frequency of marketing activities and building social media engagement. The
aims will be achieved through a series of step that will involve:

4.1 SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a tool commonly used by marketers to assess a company’s overall

situation. This involves a thorough evaluation of the company’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Internal weaknesses might include low manufacture rate due to
the means of production, as well as pricing and limited flavour range and the need of
intermediaries to sell the product to customers. With regards to the external opportunities,
and due to the growing vegan market, the company could potentially expand its market.
Political factors such Brexit could positively influence the fate of the brand through
encouraging customers to purchase local products, additionally once brand awareness is
reinforced the company could potentially expand its current geographical market to other
regions of the country. Finally, external threats include high quality ice cream offered by
competitors at lower prices and easy access to the product through their website, limited
brand awareness and changes in seasonal weather might have an impact on sales.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
• Naturally sourced • Low manufacture • Potential expansion • Competitors that
products rate into the vegan offer high quality
• Locally traced • Higher pricing due market ice cream at lower
ingredients to higher quality of • Lack of handmade prices
• Handmade ingredients ice cream in the • Seasonal changes
products • Limited range of market might affect sales
• Seasonal flavours flavours in • Brexit could revenue
• Brand authenticity comparison to potentially promote • Accessibility to the
• Uniqueness of competitors locally competitors product
manufacturing • Customers are not manufactured directly through
process able to purchase the products their website
product directly • Prospective
from the company’s expansion into
website other region of

4.2 Customer Perceived Value and Branding

Customer perceived value is defined as the difference between a potential customer’s

assessment of the benefits and the costs of one product in comparison to others, hence,
value can also be expressed as a forthright relationship between perceived product benefits
and perceived costs. The importance of value depends on the customer and the type of
purchase; therefore, value should always be defined through the customers’ perspective. In
the case of Simply Ice Cream, most of the product reviews focus on product taste (appendix
A), customers value the brand because of its high quality but more importantly because of
its ‘indulgent taste’ and overall satisfactory experience. Perception is crucial to product
evaluation and product selection. ‘Consumers attempt to evaluate a product’s attributes
using physical cues of taste, smell, size and shape’ (Fill and Turnbull, 2016), however,
occasionally no difference can be identified from one product to another, so the consumer
has to make a purchasing decision based on features other than the physical attributes of
the product, for instance consumers could make a decision to purchase Simply Ice Cream
based on the natural, handmade, and locally sourced attributes of the brand. Consequently,
this is the foundation of branding activity, where brand personality is shaped, allowing the
product to be differentiated from its competitors.

5.1 Market Trends

The revenue in the ice cream segment in the UK amounts to £1,180 million in 2020
(Appendix B) and its estimated to grow by -0.2% (CAGR) in 2021 (Appendix C). The
average revenue generated from sales is expected to be £17.38 per capita in 2020 (Appendix
D). Moreover, the average consumption per capita stands at 5.6 kg in 2020 but this is
expected to decrease to 5.3 kg per year in 2023. While Ben & Jerry's and Carte D’or were the
top leading brands in the country from 2016 to 2018 (Appendix E) (Statista, 2020), it’s
important to mention that they are not direct competitors to Simply Ice Cream, besides
their popularity these brands do not pose a threat as they do not target the same consumer
segment. One of the main advantages Simply Ice Cream has over its competitors is that
they cater for a niche target audience and due to the increase in health-conscious
consumers who prioritise quality of ingredients and brand uniqueness, the brand has a
great potential to compete with local competitors. By using concentrated marketing (niche
marketing) strategy, Simply Ice Cream aims to gain a large share of a smaller segment. A
successful example is Whole Foods Market, a niche grocery retailer that is currently the
largest natural and organic foods retailer in the world, this company is small in comparison
to giant competitors, yet the company has rapidly grown over recent years , and in fact the
affluent customers Whole Foods Market caters for are more likely to boycott the mass
market retailer that do not provide the natural, organic, and gourmet foods they seek.
Niching allows smaller companies to focus their resources on serving segments of the
market that may be overlooked by larger competitors.

5.2 Competitor Analysis

Simply Ice Cream has two main local competitors in the county of Kent, Taywell and
Solley’s, both brands are award winning and offer high quality ice cream manufactured in
small batches and use locally sourced ingredients. Like Simply Ice Cream, Taywell also
produces handmade ice cream free from artificial ingredients. In contrast to Simply Ice
Cream, Solley’s does not offer handmade natural ingredients ice cream, however the
product is prepared on site on a daily basis. Both Talwell and Solley’s offer customers with
the option to purchase the product online directly from the manufacturer, its important to

indicate that consumer online shopping has exponentially grown globally with more
purchasing being shifted to digital stores, this highlights the importance of multi-channel
marketing. Additionally Taywell, has its own ice cream parlour/farm shops making it
easier for local customers to also have an enhanced experience while the consume the ice
cream. With regards to price, the cheapest option is Solley’s (£4.45/500 ml), followed by
Simply Ice Cream (£5.15/500 ml) and Taywell (£4.99/500ml).

Year of company 2005 2006 1985

Availability • Waitrose • Farm shops • Farm shops
• Co-op • Busaba Eathai • Restaurants
• Morrisons • Online • Attractions
• Farm shops • Morrisons • Theatres
• National Trust
• English Heritage
Flavours 29 60 15
Retail price per £5.15 £4.99 £4.45

Made in small

Locally Sourced


Online purchase
Ice cream

Made on site

5.3 Target Market Profile

Appropriately defining a target audience is a key aspect for the success of any business, as
a result a more creative and affective marketing strategy can be deigned. While ice cream is
a suitable treat for any time of the year it’s important to mention to mention that high
temperatures during the summer significantly contribute to sales. Despite its popularity
among all group ages, 26% of consumers reported using ice cream less than one a month
and 22% of customers used ice cream 2 or 3 times a month in 2018 (Figure 1 and Appendix
F), furthermore from 2008 to 2012 ice cream consumption was most common for the age
group of 4-18 years old (Appendix G) (Statista, 2020).

Number of people using Ice cream tubs in Great Britain in

2018, by frequency of use.

Once a day or more


Less than once a month

Less than once a month
2 or 3 times a week 26% Once a month
2 or 3 times a month
Once a week
2 or 3 times a week
Once a week
15% Once a day or more

Once a month

2 or 3 times a month

Figure 1: This statistic shows the usage frequency of ice cream in tubs and blocks in Great Britain in 2018. In
2018, an estimated 2.6 million people in Great Britain ate ice cream 2 to 3 times a week, with 3.6 million eating
ice cream once a week. This chart was produced using data from Appendix F (Statista)

According to Cornall, (2016) the top five factors influencing consumers to purchase ice
cream are: quality of ingredients, information on the label, colour, price and calories/fat.
For instance, based on worldwide surveys its was discovered that 45% of consumers try to
avoid products containing artificial ingredients, additionally 66% of consumers check the
ingredients on the package and 20% would like clear nutritional information in the front of

the packaging. It was also revealed that one third of worldwide consumers are influenced
to purchase by the colour of the ice cream because the human brand connects certain
colours to certain flavours. Price appeared to be important for 53% of consumers, however
cheaper options are not always good, even though Simply Ice Cream has a premium price,
the company has enhanced the brand by producing completely natural products, this is
particularly important for parents because the typically prefer to purchase healthier
alternatives regardless of the price. Finally, only 12% of consumers are influenced by
calories when deciding to buy a particular type of ice cream, this is perhaps because ice
cream is considered an infrequent treat aimed at indulgence, furthermore its worth
mentioning that purchasing decision is influenced by fat content, with 44% of consumers
trying to avoid fat (Cornall, 2016). Simply Ice Cream, offers natural, premium ice cream
which appeals to many consumers; however, the current business strategy is overlooking
the low calorie/sugar free and vegan section of the market, this is of particular importance
considering that ‘luxury gelato and indulgent vegan flavours were among last summer’s
major trends as shoppers seek out more artisanal and healthier versions’ (Wood, 2019). The
arrival of major new low-calorie brands such as Halo Top and the increasing number of
niche brands such Sambazon and luxury brand Remeo Gelato are promoting interest in a
market estimated to be worth £1.1bn a year. Isabel Bourke, a market trends analysist, stated
the ice cream could be considered a ‘goldmine’ for food manufacturers as nowadays,
consumers are seeking new tastes and are open to try new experiences and products. Ice
cream launches are successful across the food and beverage sector, a strong example is the
successful launch of Halo Top in the UK, which offer a trend-led product that attract
younger consumers. The bright, colourful and creative packing along with an innovative
digital marketing campaign hooked millennials and placed Halo Top among the UK’s top
ten ice cream brands, the brand has gained many consumers by marketing itself as a ‘low-
calorie, high protein and low sugar’ product. Additionally, the growing popularity of
veganism has boosted sales of free-from products up 26%, for instance, brand like Ben &
Jerry’s have launched vegan versions of their most popular flavours. As population grows
more heath conscious, consumers look for products that feel indulgent but also healthy so
that they can incorporate into their diets more regularly (Wood, 2019).

The pull communication strategy will enable Simply Ice Cream to reach its target audience
while sending the right message at the right time through the correct medium (Brocato,
2010). Using a pull strategy, the company will direct its marketing activities towards final
consumers in order to persuade them to purchase the product. If the strategy is successful,
customers will consequently demand the brand from retailers.

Digital social media marketing, is the fastest-growing type of direct marketing, taking this
into consideration, this type of strategy will be used to increase brand awareness and
loyalty for Simply Ice Cream, the aims is to directly engage with customers. The majority of
brands both large and small, use social media to communicate with consumers, this is due
to the extensive outreach these networks have, for instance, Twitter has more than 645
million users worldwide, while more than 1 billion people access Facebook monthly, this
equates to nearly 20 times the whole population of the UK (Kotler, 2018). Using social
media marketing allows companies to produce targeted and personal material, tailored to
individual consumers and communities. Social networks are interactive platforms that
allow customer participation and conversations, they are also timely and immediate,
customers can be reached anytime and anywhere with relevant and timely brand content.
Social media also leads to real-time marketing, companies are able to create content to
match current trends. Additionally, this type of marketing is very cost effective, low costs
are particularly advantageous for small business such as Simply Ice Cream. Nevertheless,
social media marketing also presents some shortcomings, for instance, results are hard to
measure as companies are still attempting to figure out how to use them efficiently.

6.1 Positioning

Simply Ice Cream must decide on a value proposition, the company needs to be clearly
differentiated from its main local competitors, differentiation is crucial, especially when
competitors offer similar products. For example, Fairy is positioned as a gentle detergent
used to wash baby clothes and delicate fabrics, meanwhile, competitor Daz is positioned as
a potent, all-purpose family detergent, both products are used for washing clothes,
however consumers perceive both products in a very different way. Consumers organise
products and brands into categories and position them in their minds to simplify the
buying process (Kotler, 2018). Simply Ice Cream’s main competitor Taywell, is positioned
as ‘The finest ice cream made from the very best ingredients’, they also offer 100% natural,
hand-made in small batches ice cream. Both companies aim to have the same position in
the market, therefore Simply Ice Cream must build a unique bundle of benefits that appeals
to consumers within the segment. Brand positioning should be summed up in an effective
positioning statement, according to see bobby J, the statement should follow the form: To
(target segment) our (brand) is (concept) that (point of difference). For example:

‘To busy, mobile professionals who need to always be in the loop, the BlackBerry is a wireless
connectivity solution that gives you an easier, more reliable way to stay connected to data, people,
and resources while on the go.’ (Kotler, 2018).

Consequently, the company offers a solution (wireless connectivity) and then highlights its
differentiation from competitors (easier, more reliable connections to data, people and
resources) (Kotler, 2018). Effective differentiation and positioning rely on defining the
company’s competitive advantages on which to build a position, for example, expansion
into the low-calories and vegan section of the market would be very beneficial for Simply
Ice Cream as they main competitor does not offer that type of product. An advantage over
the competitor can be gained by offering greater customer value, this could be achieved by
either lowering prices or providing more benefits that justify higher prices. Taywell prices
are currently lower (£4.99/500ml) than Simply Ice Cream (£5,15/500ml), however they do
offer a larger range of flavours and customers can purchase their product directly from
their website. Simply Ice Cream provides a more-for-more market offering, this type of
positioning provides the most upscale product and charges customers a higher price to
cover the higher manufacturing and materials costs. A more-for-more offering provides

higher quality as well as giving prestige to the consumers as it symbolises status,
nevertheless, its important to mention that more-to-more brands can be vulnerable, as
imitators could claim to offer the same quality for a fraction of the price. Once a company
has chosen a position in the market, the marketing mix efforts and positioning strategy can
be implemented. Developing an effective marketing mix, in the case of Simply Ice cream
involves a more-for-more positioning strategy which will results in the strengthening of a
consistent message and position. Overall, this involves producing high-quality ice cream,
charging a high price, distributing through high-quality retailers and advertising through
high-quality media (Kotler, 2018).

6.2 Platforms

In this digital age, consumers are well informed, more connected and more
communications are empowered. Customers no longer need to rely on marketer-supplied
information, and they can easily connect with other customers to interchange brand-related
information (word-of-mouth influence). Greater customer empowerment means that
businesses must practice marketing by attraction rather than by intrusion, by creating
messages and market offerings that engage consumers, therefore a brand-consumer
engagement and conversation is increasingly used using online, mobile and social media
marketing. In the case of Simply Ice Cream, the marketing communication strategy will
focus on interactive communication through social media platforms: Instagram, Twitter
and Facebook. For instance, organizations like Santander have created Twitter promotions,
in which they use ‘tweets’ to being with and between consumers, study customer reactions,
and tackle customer service issues. Likewise, the majority of companies uses Facebook to
engage consumers and rise brand loyalty. Facebook, the largest social network available
has a tremendous influence on consumers and has the potential of becoming the most
powerful and profitable online market in the world. Facebook has been successfully used
by many companies to produce targeted ads based on user location, gender, age, interests,
relationship status, likes, education and workplace. This social network targets well-
defined user segments with specific kinds of content appealing to both users and
advertisers. Social media provides brands with the possibility to extend customer
engagement and get consumer talking about the brand, brand awareness and customer
retention through social media might involve something as simple as a promotion or


contest to increase followers, likes or tweets. Mobile marketing is possibly the fasters-
growing digital marketing route as it’s estimated that nearly thirty per cent of smartphone
user shops through their phones (Kotler, 2018). Social media usage has become a crucial
element of marketing promotion, and has proved very effective in generating relevant
traffic, engaging customers, branding, obtaining customer feedback and improving
customer-relationship management (Verma et al, 2017).

6.3 Market Segmentation

The market is made of different types of consumers, products and needs. Consumers can be
grouped and served in numerous ways based on behavioural, geographic, demographic
and psychographic factors. Segmentation refers to the process of dividing the market into
distinctive groups of consumers who have diverse characteristics, behaviours and needs. In
order to develop an effective marketing communications plan, its crucial understand
Simply Ice Cream’s target audience. The company currently targets middle and upper-
middle class consumers who are conscious of artificial food additives and follow healthy
food trends. The brand offers high quality artisanal products that are handmade and free
from artificial ingredients, while this market offering appeals to many, the company could
expand their market segment by creating low-calorie and vegan options, this segment of
the market is currently overlooks by local competitors and therefore is a major opportunity
for the company. The current target audience includes trendy townies, glam grannies and
yummy mummies, however if the company aims to expand their target audience to
younger generations such as millennials (aged 18-25) who have high purchasing power and
are highly exposed to social media trends, a clear concise message and engaging content
must be produced.


6.4 Integrated Marketing Mix

The marketing mix refers to a number of tactical marketing components that a company
implements in order to produce the expected response in the target market. The marketing
mix (the four Ps) involves any activity a company can carry out in order to stimulate
demand for its product.

An efficient marketing plan blends the marketing mix components into an integrated
marketing programme devised to accomplish the company’s marketing aims and objectives
by attracting consumers, delivering value to them and creating profitable relationships
with them.


Simply Ice Cream, currently bases its promotional and communication methods on social
media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The brand has a very low social media
presence and therefore the company aims to increase brand recognition, awareness and
loyalty as well as extending its target segment by building social network following. In
order to enforce improved promotional and communication methods, Simply Ice Cream
must interact with consumers on a regular basis by creating engaging content, promotions
and trends in social media. Due to the limited budget of £10,000 the best option for Simply
Ice Cream is to promote its business on social media, this could be beneficial in the current
digital business environment we currently face, large number of audiences can be reached,
and consumer feedback can be taken into consideration. Managing and integrating all
social media contents can be challenging but the results are worth the investment.

7.1 Twitter strategy

Simply Ice Cream aims to increase Twitter followers to 10,000, in order to achieve this the
company must implement relevant and unique hashtags (#SimplyIceCream) for each post
as a result, the content will be categorised, and customers will be able to find the product
according to their interests. While, the majority of the company’s efforts should be focused
on creating content an engaging with consumers, paid ad campaigns can help boost social
media following, For example, Twitter allows companies to launch ads campaigns, the
campaign can be tailored according to the company’s objective, for instance the followers
campaign can help Simply Ice Cream to build and engaged audience to amplify their
message. It’s important to point out that the cost per follower (CPF) on Twitter is not fixed,
the costs vary depending on the audience size, type of bid and demand from other
advertisers for that target audience. Twitter recommends a bid of approximately £2,00-
£2,42 based on historical averages. Since the company currently needs to gain 4,359 more
followers to achieve its objective, however because of the limited budget the target is to
gain at least 1,000 more followers with this method and overtime and after assessment of
the results the company could invest more to achieve this goal (Create a followers
campaign, 2019). An average of 20 new followers per day is a realistic goal, this would
involve a cost of approximately £48,4 per day.


7.2 Weekly give-away

To participate, follow Simply Ice Cream in Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, post a selfie
with a Simply Ice Cream tub, with the hash tag #simplyicecream, tag Simply Ice Cream in
your post and tell us why you love our ice cream. The two posts with more likes will be the
winners, to get more likes tag and share it with your friends. The competition will start
each Monday and winners will be announced every Saturday. A total of 6 winners will be
selected (2 from each social network) each week.


7.3 Daily innovative and relevant posts

Simply Ice Cream needs to interact with consumers more frequently, currently the
company has a low social media presence, and this is clearly due to the lack of engaging
material produced. The posts should be varied and include ice cream making videos, ice
cream facts, promotions and company updates, the aim is to create visually captivating
content that attracts consumers’ attention. In comparison to other brands, Simply Ice
Cream’s Instagram page does not look visually attractive, in order to attract younger
consumers and expand to other segments, the material posted should be a reflection of
current social media trends. The benefit of creating online content is that is free if charge,
and although its time consuming its cost effective and allows companies manage customer
relationships with the brands in a more effective way. An example of visually captivating
post created by Halo Top will be provide bellow.


7.4 Celebrity/ influencer endorsement

This part of the strategy will involve sponsored Instagram posts and stories by local social
media influencers. By tapping in the relationships influencers build with their followers
Simply Ice Cream can expand their positive ‘word-of-mouth’ advertisement at a larger
scale. ‘Parent bloggers’ is an interesting target audience for companies such Simply Ice
Cream, this segment of the population consists of mainly women with children who have a
high-purchasing power. For instance, in the UK the BritMums network has approximately
6,000 bloggers. Social media marketing provides an effective tool to create brand
communities, where brand loyalist can interchange information, experiences and ideas
(Kotler, 2018). According to the UK Bloggers Survey 2019, the majority of British-based
bloggers (30%) revealed that they charge between £100 and £250 per sponsored post and
only 6% of influencers charge between £500 and £1000 (Murray, 2019). Taking this into
consideration, Simply Ice Cream will work in collaboration with four Instagram influencers
over a period of 2 months. Sponsored posts on Instagram will automatically redirect to the
company’s website where consumers will be able to purchase the product. They will be
provided with samples of the product and they will consequently promote it among their


7.5 Website redevelopment

Simply Ice Cream’s website is currently rudimentary, although it provides all necessary
information to consumers, it lacks visually stimulating images. Ice cream is a very versatile
product, its colourful and interesting, and consumers generally associate it with indulgence
and hedonistic consumption. The website looks outdated and the layout it’s not easy to
navigate. Moreover, the option to purchase online should be added, the main competitor
Taywell, provides customers with that option, being able to purchase directly from the
company it’s important to consumers and the company can also take this opportunity to
build a good customer service reputation. The company should not solely rely on other
retailers to sell their products as it is difficult to find the product online for purchase,
consequently by providing online shopping in their website, the company could further
enhance brand loyalty by offering loyalty schemes, coupons and discounts. The
approximate cost for redesigning the website would be £2500 but this price could vary
depending on all the desired features added.

Taywell’s main page

Simply Ice Cream’s

main page


Taywell’s flavour display

Simply Ice Cream’s flavour display


7.6 Control and evaluation of the campaign

An evaluation of effectiveness will be carried out every four weeks until completion of the
campaign; the results must be closely monitored to determine whether the campaigns have
successfully resulted in achieving the company’s objectives (McKay, 2020).

The marketing communications plan for Simply Ice Cream will last approximately 4
months, this is a realistic timeframe which is suggested according to the budget available,
the timeline was also chosen because ice cream is best sold during the warm months of the


An outline of the budget will be provided bellow as well as a pie chart with the proportions
of the budget that will be spent on each component of the marketing plan.



Appendix A


Appendix B

Appendix C


Appendix D


Appendix E


Appendix F

Appendix G



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