OWT QR Jan March 2011 Annex Perfomance Indicator

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Annex A. The Impact of environmental awareness and training on Green PNPM Indicator 1.

Well trained [PNPM] facilitators and other local [PNPM] stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate green projects within [PNPM], not limited to those within [Green PNPMs target locations]
1. A. Table listing all of the Green PNPM and PNPM-Rural NMC consultants and facilitators working in your target location. In examining progress the CSOs are making against this indicator, it is useful for the World Bank to know how many consultants/facilitators you are working with/providing training to including those who are financed through Green PNPM and PNPM-Rural. Number of Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural Consultants/Facilitators within Target Area NMC # Facilitators/Con # Male Femal Total Location Stationed sultant Position e Title Green PNPM 4 0 4 One FKL station at each sub district, One FKLs Community coordinator station at District level (ASTAL) Facilitators (FKL) PNPM-Rural 5 1 6 One FT and one FK station at each sub district facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) PNPM-Rural 4 1 5 Three facilitator station at district level (Faskab, Community Fastekab and Faskeu), each Faskab and Fastekab facilitator at is with an assistant. District Level ( Faskab, Fastekab, Faskeu) MUNA DISTRICT Green PNPM 2 2 4 One FKL station at each sub district, One FKLs Community coordinator station at District level (ASTAL) Facilitators (FKL) PNPM-Rural 6 0 6 One FT and one FK station at each sub district facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) PNPM-Rural 5 0 5 Three facilitators station at district level (Faskab, Community Fastekab and Faskeu), each Faskab and Fastekab facilitator at is with an assistant. District Level ( Faskab, Fastekab, Faskeu) KOLAKA DISTRICT Green PNPM 4 0 4 One FKL station at each sub district, One FKLs Community coordinator station at District level (ASTAL) Facilitators (FKL)

PNPM-Rural 5 facilitator at district Level (FK and FT ) PNPM-Rural 5 facilitator at District Level (Faskab, Fastekab, Faskeu) PNPMP2SPP facilitator.

One FT and one FK station at each sub district

Four facilitators station at district level (Faskab, Fastekab and Faskeu and P2SPP (PNPM Integration facilitator), each Faskab and Fastekab is with an assistant.

1.B. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural consultants/ Facilitators

Training for Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural Consultants/Facilitators 1.C. Please provide a brief narrative impact statement indicating any observations you have noted in regards to training provided has led to improved performance by Green PNPM/PNPM-Rural consultants and facilitators in the areas where you work. 1.D. Please provide a brief statement indicating how any of your CSOs interventions have impacted/attracted attention in Green PNPM from facilitators/consultants outside of Green PNPMs target areas. Workshop and trainings, either organized by OWT or in-collaboration NMC/PMD and District and province government which mostly attended by PNPM facilitators and the widely distributed or our awareness materials (especially documentary and tutorial films) have strongly inspired facilitators to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices. Example: PNPM facilitators from Mangolo Village, Latambaga (Kolaka) and Tobimeita Village, (Kendari) have requested us to train apiculture (honey bees farming) development at PNPM sub project (2010). As the impact of District agencies and Parliament workshop in Kolaka (Kolaka 15 and 16 December 2010), technical facilitator from Poleang Timur Sub-District (Bombana District) and Lasusua Sub-district (Kolaka Utara District) have requested to act as a trainer for development of Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) sub project budget year 2010.

2. A. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM community beneficiaries over this reporting period. Training provided to Community Beneficiaries Community Number of Participants Results of Group Men Women Children Training Targeted BUTON DISTRICT Training of Kancinaa Villagers 7 3 0 The villagers Trainer on Village, understood Permanent Biogas Pasarwajo (17installing Date/Location Title/Focus of Training Module


18 January 2011) MUNA DISTRICT in Lalemba Villagers 20 15 Village, Lawa Sub district (8 January 2011)

permanent biogas

Training on Making Energy Saving Stove and CCB

Training on KPMD in KPMD Catchment Lawa Sub Management to district (13 January 2011 and Tongkuno Sub district (15 January 2011)



Development Bokashi

of Wamelai Farmer group Village, Lawa Sub district (28 February 2011)



The villagers understood: (1) making CCB and energy saving stove (2) business potential of CCB and energy saving stove (1) Refresh KPMD knowledge on Catchment management (2) Making organic fertilizer (3) Nursery development technique (4) Vegetative and generative propagation (5) Making herbicide (6) Identification of mother trees The result of the training were :(1) Participants understood the use and the benefit of using bokashi (2) Participants understood technique of making bokashi (3) Participants form an economic group of bokashi making . The participants consist of 11 male and 4 female. The material uses for making bokashi are mixing of manure, rice husk, EM4, sugar.

Practical Exercise Langkumapo Villagers on Making Biogas Village, Outflow Napabalano (9 March 2011), Lahontohe Village, Tongkuno (10 March 2011) Training for Tongkuno Sub TPS Maintenance district (31 Team (TPS) March 2011)



Develop Patchouli Wamelai Farmer group Nursery Village, Lawa Sub district (1 March 2011)


The participants were able to make gas storage container made of PE plastic so that the biogas are able to use by three households (1) provide technical instruction on the maintenance of Green PNPM Sub projects (2) Remind the TPS the reason behind each sub projects such as Spring water rehabilitation, teak planting etc (3) Develop action plan for TPS, FKL and CSO The nursery group has developed patchouli nursery

KOLAKA DISTRICT TOT on making Baula Village, Village 2 20 Nata de Coco and Baula Sub women group CCB district ( 21-22 January 2011)

On the Job Training to Madu Rasa Apiculture group

Tandebura Farmer group Village, Watubangga Sub district (11-13 January 2011) and (1819 February


From this training, the participants learnt: (1) Making Nata de Coco and CCB (2) Understood business potential of Nata de Coco and CCB (3) to utilize the coconut waste as income generation activities As the result, the group has managed to move twelve honey bee from its natural life into the box

2011) Training on Gunung Sari Making Handy Village, Craft from Watubangga Garbage to Sub district Village Woman (23-24 January Group 2011) Village 20 woman group, school children 30 15 The benefit of the training: (1) The woman group understood making handicraft such as flower vases, pencil cases, bags etc (2) The woman group understood the importance to separate organic and non-organic garbage The staff understood (1) broadcasting technique and equipment operating (2) up to date issues of radio management The participants has produced bokashi for their personal use The underlying result of the training are: (1) The farmer group understood technical on making bokashi and organic pesticide (2) The farmer group produce bokashi for their personal us The result of the meeting are (1) to move the radio station to the SPH from the previous studio, the previous studio was at Pak Mades house,

Proceeding OJT Ladongi to Community February Radio (CR) Green 2011) Trust Crew

(28 CR staff

Training on Making Bokashi to Sumber Sari farmer Group Training on Making Bokashi and and Organic Pesticide to Sidomuncul farmer group

Atula Village, Farmer group Ladongi Sub District (12 February 2011) Watubangga Farmer group Sub district (18 March 2011)



Strengthening RGS Community Radio (CR) Institution

Gunung Sari Radio crew Village, Watubangga Sub district (20-25 March 2011)

and the crew was reluctant go there (2) Increase the coverage areas (3) restructure the radio organization, and develop strategies for good management. Fixing Demplot Biogas Lalowosula Villagers Village Ladongi Sub district (14-19 March 2011) 7 1 0 Villagers understood types of fiber water tank to be used for permanent biogas installation

2.B. Table listing all public/community environmental awareness-raising/demonstration events facilitated. Public Environmental Awareness Raising/Demonstration Events Title/type of Public Communit Number of Participants Date/Locati Purpose/Result Event/Demonstra y Groups Men Women Child on Event tion Facilitated Targeted ren NATIONAL/PROVINCE LEVEL Facilitating Kolaka and General Publication on journalist trip Muna public newspaper District BUTON DISTRICT Pasarwajo General 50 50 Sub District public (27 January 2011)



Participated MAD I /organized by consultant

Garbage Separation Laburunci Villagers Movement Village, Socialization Pasarwajo Sub district (11 February 2011)



The underlined results of the meeting were: (1) All PNPM proposals should refer to RPJMdes document (2) KPMD work outline was defined (1) Participants will separate organic and non organic garbage starting from their home (2) OWT will provide training on making handicraft from garbage when the home plastic garbage are in considerable amount (3) OWT will conduct

training for making compost for food remnants. Monitoring and Jaya Bakti Evaluation the Village, Mahoni Plantation Sampolawa Sub-project Sub District Implementation (8 and 15 January 2011) Monitoring Green Bangun and PNPM Project Wawaongi Implementation of Village, Sengon and Mahoni Sampolawa plantation Sub District (16 and 23 January 2011) Monitoring Green Mawasangka PNPM Solar Panel Village, (PLTS) Sub project Mawasangka Implementation Sub District (16 January 2011) Participated district Musrembang Villagers 15 5 0 Improved knowledge on the project maintenance



Improved knowledge in planting technique and vegetative propagation

Project beneficiari es

Villagers understood maintenance of Solar panel

Sub Pasarwajo (2 PNPM February actors 2011)



The objective of our involvement were (1) to ensure environmental issues discussed and taken into priorities within village development plan (2) to socialize OWT smart practices and lesson learned of Green PNPM to inspire the government (3) to present future awareness raising and training strategies to get input from the government/Musremban g forum. The objective of the meeting: (1) to witness the hand over the project implementation result from TPK to the

Awareness during Holja (10 Villagers Inter-kecamatan February Sub project 2011) Handover Meeting (MDST)



beneficiaries; (2) to remind the village government to formulate regulation relating with rumpon management; (3) to assert responsibilities of maintenance team (Tim pemelihara/TP). Conducted Green Pasarwajo 17 PNPM PNPM One Day February actors Evaluation 2011), Workshop at Sub Sampolawa district Level (24 February 2011) and Mawasang ka (28 February 2011) 35 5 0 (1) to socialize the three years implementation of Green-PNPM to various parties; (2) to socialize the principles of GreenPNPM sub-projects; (3) to learn the success and failure of Green-PNPM sub-projects and its underlined causes; (4) to learn good and bad practices of GreenPNPM sub-projects implementation; (5) to improve coordination among Green PNPM actors, facilitators and stakeholders. The underlying results are: (a) enhanced in participation of communities in maintaining the sub project; (2) establishment of informal regulation and management which will be follow up into perdes document, punishment will be imposed to those who violated; (3) the BPD understood procedure and phases of developing village regulation-Perdes; (4) The BPD, KPMD and TPK started to draft the village regulationPerdes. The discussion results are as follows: (1) The

Assisting Perdes Holja, Village Formulation Pasarwajo governmen Sub district t (18 February 2011)


Group Discussion Kancinaa (20 Villagers on Coastal Abrasion


with Key Villages

February 2011)

Awareness during Gunung MD Sosialisasi Sejuk, Lipumangau and Jaya Bakti Village (2-3 February 2011) Awareness Spring Protection on Makolo Villagers Water Hamlet, Jaya Bakti Village (10-14 February 2011)



coastal dwellers are aware on the coastal abrasion (2) the villagers has started to overcome the problem with planting mangrove at river banks/muara and the beach even though they havent succeed (3) OWT will assist them on developing mangrove nursery. The villagers understood up date progress of Green PNPM implementation


As the result, the meeting are; (1) increased in awareness of protecting Makolo spring, the villagers will start to plant information board (2) The villagers will continue tree plantation and will develop village regulation relating to the spring protection (3) the village will set up voluntary work regular schedule for the spring protection. Increased knowledge on garbage management

Garbage Separation Saragi Villagers Movement Village, Campaign Pasarwajo Sub district (19 March 2011) Participated Reguler Jayabakti Village Village Quarterly Village (18 governmen Meeting organized March t by village 2011) government





The objective of the meeting was to discuss village development plan. We made use the meeting to share

Handover of Village Library and Regreening movement

Gunung Villagers Sejuk Village (26 March 2011)




environmental isuses and Green PNPM sub project implementation. (a) socializing the importance of the libraries (2) signatories of hand over legal document by the village government (3) installing announcement board of for the protection of Laloya spring water and endemic species of wildlife such as Andoke, Phyton, kuskus and birds. 1) introduce smart practices developed by OWT in Green PNPM (2) encourage the farmer group to actively participate in development program within the village such as PNPM (3) discuss activities of the farmer group and training plan for the group To understand trend of green village proposal

Group Discussion Group in Farmer with Beringin Oengkolaki group Farmer Village, Mawasang ka Sub district (26 March 2011)


Awareness Raising through Informal discussion with Village Government

All Villages Village 30 14 in Governme Mawasangka nt Sub district (26-27 March 2011) MUNA DISTRICT Intensive Napalakura Apiculture 10 2 Facilitation on Village, group Honey Bee Culture Napabalano Sub District (15 January 2011) Mainstreaming Lawa (14 District, 141 73 Environmental February Sub district Issues through 2011) and and Village Village Tongkuno Governme Development Plan (15 February nt. Meeting 2011) (Musrembang)

Increased in knowledge of honey bee culture

(1) to ensure that the environmental issues of Green PNPM discussed in the meeting (2) to ensure that any development plan and development

implementation in the village will consider environmental impact (3) to ensure that OWTs best practices such as biogas, CCB, village nursery, cashew nut processing is further discussed and adopted by the government (4) to inspire the government at District level to consider including environmental preservation into Districts government policy. Participated Discussion to Develop Collaborative Action Plan with BAPPEDA in Garbage Management. Regreening Movement for Senior High School Student Raha 22 BLH, February BAPPEDA 2011 and NGO 16 0 0 OWTs smart practices is socialized among BLH and NGO

Barangka School Sub district Student (4 March 2011)



Green PNPM objective is socialized among school students

Develop CCB Lambiku General Production Unit Village, public Napabalano Sub district (12 March 2011)



Development of In Wamelai Villagers Environmental Village, Kiosk (Warling) Lawa Sub District (27 31 March 2011).

We support with promoting the CCB to wider community by ordering 150 kg distributed them freely to the villagers. We expect the villagers aware the effectiveness of use of CCB, so that they will either produce or purchase from the production unit. Objectives: (1) sell community green products such as CCB, organic fertilizer, EM4, Virgin Coconut Oil, honey bee, Jantropa

Stove, Energy Saving Stove, coconut shell charcoal, tree seedlings and nentu handicraft, (2) promote environmental issues by displaying books, brochure, factsheets etc. We aim to develop one environmental kiosk at all sub districts. Awareness through Tongkuno, General factsheets Lawa and public distribution Napabalano Sub districts (25 March 2011) 150 50 0 We distributed five various factsheets entitled: (1) Shoot Cutting Propagation Technique, (2) Generative and vegetative propagation, (3) Agar wood Cultivation, (4) Introduction of Coconut shell Charcoal Briquette (CCB) (5) Planting technique. We distributed 50 pages at each sub districts (Tongkuno, Lawa, and Napabalano). We distributed Green stickers at public transportation, public places and at villagers house aimed to: (1) to raise knowledge of communities on Green PNPM (2) to socialize green issues to a wider community.

Distributing Sticker

Napabalano, General Lawa and public Tongkuno Sub district (10 March 2011).



Introducing OWT Best Practices on Garbage Separation during Health Socialization

KOLAKA DISTRICT Puulemo Village 3 13 Village, women Baula Sub group district (19 January 2011)

To inspire Health agency with garbage management

Facilitated Focus Group Discussion on Biogas Installation with MASSEDDIADA farmer group

in Sumber Villagers Rejeki Village, Watubangga Sub district (03 January 2011)


Participated Ladongi (03 Sub district 20 Meeting with January head, UPK, PNPM Stakeholder 2011) KPMD and Facilitators at Sub district Level


Awareness during Ladongi Sub KPMD KPMD Monthly District (23 Meeting January 2011)



The result of the discussion: (1) The group understood the meaning of Sustainable and Self-sufficient energy Village (2) The group understood biogas as an alternative energy potential in Sumber Rejeki Village The outputs of the meeting were: (1) commitment to enhancing transparency and accountability of PNPM implementation in 2011 (2) commitment to consider as lesson learned of implementation failure occurred within the previous years Objective of the meeting: (1) to strengthen KPMD rules as an important facilitator who plays an important role in determining the direction of village development (2) Synergize the integration of Musrembang Desa and implementation of PNPM (3) Socialize OWT awareness plan and intensify the use of Green Trust Radio (CR) to socialize PNPM to enhance participation of the communities. (1) to remind the participant the urgency and benefit of sub project for the communities, especially targeted beneficiaries of PNPM (2) to remind appropriateness of village proposal and

Awareness during Ladongi Sub Villagers MAD I PNPM-MP district (30 2011 January 2011)



Awareness on Garbage Separation with Districts Health Agency

Watalara and Village Puulemo woman Village group Baula (05-08 February 2011)


existing problem and potential The result of the training were: (1) they understood simply practical way of health living (2) they differentiated types of garbages (2) they separate different type of garbage, between organic and an organic (3) They made garbage bin from rices sacks We made the event to socialize: (a) Pilot Green-PNPM in terms of its specific strategies and approaches; (b) GreenPNPM smart practices (biogas, CCB, Jantropa stove, energy saving stove, Nentu, high quality seedlings) produced by SPH and FLER; (c) Market home industries products We participated MAD I in Watubangga conducted at the sub district meeting hall. We made use the meeting to (1) Socialize Green Menu (2) Presented lesson learned of previous implementation. (1) ensure the villages discussed environmental issues in Musrembang and consider environmental impact when proposing any development subject (2) to review the RPJMdes, as noted in the RPJMdes document that all villages are given time to

Organized Green Kolaka (21- General PNPM exhibition at 28 February public Gelora Football 2011) Field




Socializing Green Menu during MAD I in Watubangga Sub district

Participated Watubangga Musrenbang Desa at Sub district all villages (14-17 February 2011)

Village headmen, BPD, KPMD, FK-L

Socializing the Role Lambandia PNPM of OWT in Green Sub District actor PNPM during MAD 2011 (24 March 2011)



review the document until April 2001 (1) Introduce Green PNPM (2) Introduce Green Menu (3) Introduce the role of OWT in Green PNPM (4) Introduce OWT smart practices.

2.C. Table/description illustrating any relationship between trainings delivered/awareness-raising events facilitated and sub-projects selected by communities CSO Interventions related to Community green Sub-Project Selection Process Type of training, demonstration, Specific sub-projects selected by communities environmental event facilitated related to CSO intervention (please include (intervention) by CSO location) BUTON DISTRICT Developing mahoni nursery demplot in Lapodi village (10.000 seedling), Kombeli village Waangu-angu village (50 ha) Workshop on Village preservation area in Spring Water rehabilitation in Kambula-bulana Pasarwajo Sub district village, Laburunci and Awainulu village Kambula-bulana village, Laburunci and Head water rehabilitation in Kancinaa Village Awainulu village Developing janthropa nursery Planting janthropa (20.000 seedling) in Oengkolaki Village Socializing spring water as village Developing Laloiya spring water eco tourism preservation area, Gunung Sejuk village. object in Gunung Sejuk Village Training on nursery development in Gunung Planting mahoni trees, Planting mango , Planting Sejuk Village, attended by all village Sengon Bangun Village, Wawoangi Village, Jaya representative from Sampolawa Sub district Bakti Village , Lipu Mangau Village and Sandang Pangan Village. MUNA DISTRICT Awareness to protect and replicate mangrove Mangrove planting in Bahari, Wangkulabu, Renda planting campaigns in Bahari, Renda , and Kombikuno Village Wangkulabu, Lakarama village Awareness protection of spring water in Sub- Planting campaigns surrounding Lambiku Springdistrict Hall water Facilitation the establishment of teak nursery Teak planting in Lakarama, Pentiro, Moasi, demonstration pilot in Napalakura Village Tangkumaho, Latawe Villages Facilitating Demplot development of cashew Training on cashew nut processing Katobu nut processing in Lalemba village ,Kampani, and Lindo village Awareness and training toward self sufficient Training on making energy saving stove Lalemba energy village village ( 35 people) Facilitating teak nursery demplot in Lalemba Teak planting in Madampi and Watumela village village Socializing critical land rehabilitation Sengon planting Wakontu village (10 ha) Lailangga village(25 ha)

Demplot monoculture community forestry Planting teak in Lawama ,Waleale, and Lianosa (Hutan Rakyat) at Lianosa village village Facilitating apiculture (Avis cerana) demplot Apiculture development in UP Wuna Village development Spring rehabilitation Rehabilitation of Makantona spring water in Kulidawa Village and Oempu Springwater in Oempu Village KOLAKA DISTRICT Biogas training and demplot development Three villages (Atula, Raara and Gunung Jaya) implemented Biogas installation. Awareness at 2010 PNPM cycle on Catchment Puundoho village (Planting Gmelina arborea and area, durian), Puulemo village (Planting manggis), Watalara village (planting jati putih,18 Ha) Planting campaign on World Environmental Re-greening the house yard with fruit plantation day Awareness on water catchment rehabilitation Mataosu village (planting teak, 40 ha and durian, in PNPM cycle in 2010 5 ha), Polenga village (Gmelina arborea 25 ha and durian, 5 ha) Kastura village (Planting mango 15 ha), Sumber Rejeki village (planting teak, 47 ha)

2.D. Listing of all environmental information, education, communication (IEC) material produced over this reporting period.
Green PNPM IEC Material Produced


Types of IEC training materials

Produced No of IEC & Title of IEC/training by and year Disseminated materials materials of in what areas produced production Ladongi, Polipolia, 1 day/ Lambandia, week Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district Ladongi, Polipolia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district

Radio service (ILM)

Community Empowering advertisement Community conservation

for 01/03/11

Sustainable management of


3 day / week

Radio news

Love the environment with Green PNPM


3 day / week

Ladongi, Polipolia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district Ladongi, Polipolia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district

Prioritizing woman sub project proposal


2 day / week


Intensifying the use of community radio as socialization media of Green PNPM


2 day / week

All KPMD and facilitator in Ladongi Sub district Ladongi, Polipolia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district Toari Ladongi, Polipolia, Lambandia, Loea, Tirawuta and Lambuya Sub district

Developing Honey bee Community Radio Talk culture to preserve show, RGS Fm Environment



Radio dialogue

Environment, religious, culture.


4 day / week

3.A. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM government officials over this reporting period. Positions of Number of Title/Focus of Government Participants Training Date/Location Result of Training Officials Men Women Module Attended NATIONAL/PROVINCE LEVEL Training on 10/06/2010 Green PNPM 243 7 The participant were very Green PNPM Swiss Bell Stakeholders at enthusiastic and inspired, NRM and RE Hotel, District and Sub they were aimed to develop

Best Practices Kendari district Level during PNPM evaluation workshop SESulawesi Workshop on 12/11/2010 BAPPEDA and 17 OWTs GreenImperial BAPPEDALDA PNPM NRM and Hotel representatives at RE Smart Kendari provincial level, Practices for NGO Government and NGO BUTON DISTRICT Training for Inter 10/29/2010 - Forestry agency, 8 sub district OWT office, Life environment verification team Bau Bau agency, Dinas Sosial, BPMD, Marine and Fishery agency

related practices for their agencies

Government agencies and NGOs are aware on the progress of Green PNPM and strategies taken by OWT

Training on NRM 11/30/2010 SKPD, DPR, NGO 36 and RE Best BAPPEDA practices during office, Buton Workshop for DPR Training on 12/1/2010SKPD,UPK Green PNPM Buton NRM and RE Best Practices during Workshop for SKPD Training on 12/15/2010Setrawan, PMD Green PNPM Lina Hotel, district officer NRM and RE Baubau Best Practices for Setrawan MUNA DISTRICT Training for Inter 10/14/2010Forestry agency, 4 sub district OWT Office, Life environment verification team Muna agency, Dinas Sosial, BPMD, Marine and Fishery agency

The team whom represented related government agencies are aware of Green PNPM, NR potential and problem at targeted area. The representative of Life environment agency was seeking to work in partnership with OWT in guiding the communities and local government in developing environmental impact assessment. DPRD aware on the Green PNPM and best practices developed by the program

Related government agencies at district level are aware on Green PNPM, and they become more concern with environmental issues Setrawan are now fully aware of the Program, they know in which they should take apart

The team whom represented related government agencies are aware of Green PNPM, NR potential and problem at targeted area. The representative of Life environment agency was

Training on 12/16Green PNPM NR 17/2010and RE Best Rosidah Practices for Hotel, Muna Setrawan Training on 11/13/2010community based OWT Office, re-greening for Kolaka Forestry agency Training on RE 11/14/2010Baula, Kolaka

Setrawan, BPMD


seeking to work in partnership with OWT in guiding the communities and local government in developing environmental impact assessment Setrawan are now fully aware of the Program, they know in which they should take apart The development of Village based nursery in Kolaka takes several lessons from Green PNPM practices. This training aims to inspire Agriculture agency to apply renewable energies of biogas. Green PNPM smart practices will be replicated by PMD at different sub district in Kolaka to prepare the national program.


KABID Forest and 3 land rehabilitation, Community based nursery (KBR) committee. Agriculture district 10 agency


Meeting with 11/30/2010Kabid TTG, PMD 3 PMD Kolaka to PMD Office officer discuss the Kolaka nationals appropriate technology exhibition 2011 in Kolaka Training on 12/15-16/2010 SKPD, DPRD, 67 Green PNPM Zam Zam Camat NRM and RE Hotel, Best Practices Kolaka during workshop for DPRD


OWT is trusted to assist the national exhibition on Appropriate Technologies on Renewable energy which will be conducted in Kolaka in 2011.

3.B. Table listing CSO contributions to preparation of RPJM-Desa, Village Regulations/Perdes, other local/policy decisions regarding the promotion environmental issues in development planning/implementation procedures.

Type of CSO intervention related to preparation of RPJM-Desa, Village Results related to CSO intervention Regulations/Perdes, other local/policy decisions BUTON DISTRICT PASARWAJO SUB DISTRICT

Training on local NR potential and NR The teams are with emphasized to consider problem for RPJMdes team (08/01/2010) Green issues to be included in RPJMdes document, the facilitation timetable was set. Assisted RPJMdes team village meeting 4 villages assisted have completed RPJMdes in Wangu angu, Wasaga, Kancinaa, document while other is 85 % progress. Wakaokili (08/02-05/2010) SAMPOLAWA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The team are aware on the need to include problem for RPJMdes team (08/26/2010) green consideration within RPJMdes document Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting Villages assisted completed earlier the (08/28-30/2010) in Gunung Sejuk, RPJMDes document Bangun, Wawoangi Village) MAWASANGKA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The teams are with emphasized to consider problem for RPJMdes team (08/24/2010) Green issues to be included in RPJMdes document, the facilitation timetable was set. Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting Villages assisted by OWT completed earlier (08/25-29/2010) in Oengkolaki, Watolo, the RPJMDes document, in which the Kancebungi, Mawasangka Village document taken as a sample for other villages. MUNA DISTRICT NAPABALANO SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The team are aware on the need to include problem for RPJMdes team green consideration within RPJMdes (07/31/2010) document Facilitated RPJMdes meeting 10/19- 100% RPJMdes document of all villages have 30/2010) in Napalakura, langkumapo, been submitted. Perdes for Bahari Village Lambiku, Pentiro, Napabalano and Bahari has been 25% completed. These villages village, facilitated Perdes on Mangrove assisted by OWT completed earlier their protection in Bahari Village document and taken by PMD as an example during presentation at district level. LAWA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The team are aware on the need to include problem for RPJMdes team (07/31/2010) green consideration within RPJMdes document Facilitated RPJMdes team (08/1-20/2010) The RPJMdes has been 100% completed, in Lassosodo, Lalemba, Latugho and Perdes 25%. Wamelai Village, Facilitated Perdes of Spring water protection in Latugho Village TONGKUNO SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The RPJMdes with good comprehension on problem for RPJMdes team (07/31/2010) the local NR problem and potential Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting Four village has submitted RPJMdes Lawama, in Lawama, Lapadindi, Lamorende and Lapadindi,Lamorende, Waleale, 15 villages

Waleale Village(08/01-20/2010)

has finished 85%, Perdes progress is 15 % for Kulidawa village. KOLAKA DISTRICT BAULA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and local The RPJMdes teams are with consideration on NR Problem (09/24/2010) the environmental issues. Facilitated RPJMdes Meeting in Puulemo, All villages have submitted RPJMdes Longori, Puubenua, Pewutaa, Pundoho document with more emphasize on the and Watalara Village. environmental issues. LADONGI SUB DISTRICT Training for RJM-Des team (10/01- The RPJMdes teams are with consideration on 02/2010) Ladongi Sub district. the environmental issues Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting Nine RPJMdes with emphasize on Green issues have been completed by the RPJMdes team. Anggaloosi Perdes has been 70 % progress WATUBANGGA SUB DISTRICT Training on local NR potential and NR The RPJMdes with good comprehension on problem for RPJMdes team in the local NR problem and potential Watubangga Sub district (10/20/2010) Facilitated RPJMdes team village meeting 100% RPJMdes document has been in Gunung Sari, Peoho, Tandebura Village completed (10/21-23)

Indicator 4. A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven green development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new areas.
4.A Please provide any notable observations from the field that communities/government officials are continuing to manage sub-projects funded with Green PNPM block grants after funding has been fully disbursed. Based on our notable observations, the enabling conditions that communities/government officials are continuing to manage sub-projects after Green-PNPM block grants funding disbursed are: (a) the sub-projects are useful for local communities . especially useful to generate income generation or reduce their daily domestic costs. For examples: (1) the making of CCB and organic fertilizer

development (income generation); (2) The use of Jantropa seeds for renewable energy (reduce their daily domestics cost); (b) the sub-projects are useful to support the better yield of the existing livelihoods or the recurrence of the lost livelihoods. For examples: Mangrove planting has supported the success of seaweeds production (existing livelihoods) and the crab mangrove collections (the recurrence of livelihood); (c) replicated by government program. For instances: (1) Muna government in 2011 will facilitate the replication on the building of permanent biogas; (2) Kolaka Government in 2011 will allocate IDR 500 millions facilitate on the replication of CCB development for women groups; (3) Sulawesi Province government (Bappeda/Planning Development Agency) allocate one billion rupiah of village grant from SE Sulawesi Province Government (Bahteramas) to replicate the Green-PNPM smart practices on 20 sub-districts in Kolaka District. 4.B. Please provide any notable observations of communities selecting to fund green sub-projects which are aligned/related to work supporting RPJM-Desa preparation. These should include any income generating activities which community members have used Green PNPM block grants to fund related training activities. We facilitated the formulation and the document preparation of RPJM-Desa on the basis on: (a) Rona Lingkungan Desa (Profile of village environmental problems and its natural resources potential) developed in collaboration with villagers in 2008; (b) Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP) Survey conducted in 2008; (c) the success implementation of Green-PNPM sub-projects (smart-practices) on the village and surrounding areas during 2008 and 2009; (d) List of potential sustainable livelihoods/income generating activities/Green-PNPM smart-practices which have not yet been funded by any fund sources until the end of 2010. Understanding this, the communities selecting to fund green sub-projects are much aligned to work supporting RPJM Desa preparation !

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