Impairment of Assets Notes
Impairment of Assets Notes
Impairment of Assets Notes
Normally systematic depreciation or amortisation ensures that assets are not overstated but circumstances can arise which cause assets to decline in value. This makes it unlikely that the entity will be able to recover the current book value (the carrying amount) of the asset. If the carrying amount cannot be recovered the asset is said to be impaired. IAS 36 deals with the impairment of assets. The objective of the standard is to prescribe the procedures that a company applies to ensure that its assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount ie the amount to be recovered through use or sale of the assets. There are no fundamental differences between UK and international accounting standards dealing with the impairment of assets.
This will help you address learning outcomes one, two, three and six of the syllabus.
- value in use (VU). NFV is the sales price of an asset in an arms length transaction less the costs of disposal. VU is the present value (PV) of future cash flows expected to arise from the asset over its remaining life and from its disposal. In other words we are looking at the financial outcome of the two choices a company has with an asset: keep it (VU), or sell it (NFV). The higher is taken as it is assumed that the company will opt for the more beneficial outcome. Example 1 A fixed asset was acquired in January 2008 for 200,000. Depreciation policy is 15% straight line with a nil estimated residual value. At 1 January 2011 the NFV of the asset is 95,000 and the value in use is estimated at 87,000.
Required: Calculate the amount of any impairment at 1 January 2011.
Solution NBV (carrying amount) of asset at 1.1.11 Cost Less: depreciation 2008-10 (200,000 x 15% x 3 years) NBV 1.1.11
Recoverable amount This is measured as the higher of NFV and VU (higher of 95,000 and 87,000) ie 95,000. As the recoverable amount is 95,000, there has been an impairment of 15,000 (carrying amount of 110,000 less 95,000).
In addition, goodwill acquired in a business combination should be tested for impairment annually.
You should now be able to achieve the first learning objective of the module.
The cash flow should exclude savings or benefits arising from a future restructuring to which the company is not yet committed. They should also exclude future capital expenditure and the related benefits from this. This is because we are assessing the asset now in its current state and use. Discount rate The discount rate should be an estimate of the pre-tax rate the market would expect reflecting the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. If a business has several different assets they may not be equally risky and therefore different discount rates should be used. Current market transactions in similar assets will give an estimation of the appropriate rate. The discount rate and cash flows should be consistent. If the discount rate includes the effect of price increases due to general inflation, future cash flows are estimated in nominal terms, ie including inflation. If discount rates exclude general inflation, cash flows are estimated in real terms ie excluding the impact of likely future inflation. PV The present value of the future cash flows is then calculated which gives the value in use.
If the value in use is estimated to be close to NFV, NFV can be taken to be its recoverable amount. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the CGU to which it belongs should be estimated. Paragraphs 65 to 103 deal with CGUs. A CGU is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of cash inflows generated by other assets or CGUs. As the cash flows can be identified VU can be calculated. Examples of cash-generating units might be: an individual supermarket in a supermarket chain an oilfield a factory tax department in an accounting firm A company should identify the maximum number of realistic CGUs, which in turn means that fewer assets should be included within each CGU
The following points should be noted in calculating the carrying amount of a CGU: (i) includes only those assets that can be attributed directly, or allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis, to the CGU and that will generate the future cash flows. This will normally include tangible and intangible fixed assets and goodwill (see (iii) below); exclude liabilities unless the recoverable amount cannot be determined without considering the liability eg if a CGU has an obligation to repair goods under warranty the NFV (and hence recoverable amount) will reflect this obligation as it is unlikely the CGU would be sold without transferring the liability at the same time. The liability should be included and the cash flows should reflect estimated repair costs under warranty. This will give consistency in the way carrying amount, NFV and VU are calculated. goodwill should be allocated to individual CGUs if they benefit from synergies of the business combination. Section 5.9 deals with goodwill in more detail. corporate assets (assets such as head office buildings, central computing facilities etc which serve more than one CGU) should be allocated to CGUs if possible. Refer to 5.9 where this is not possible. Example 2 Jackson Ltd (Jackson) acquired 100% of the ordinary share capital of James Ltd (James) for 10 million on 1 January 2004. This figure included 960,000 for goodwill. Jackson is preparing group accounts for the year to 31 December 2010 and due to a decline in market conditions has decided to carry out an impairment review of the fixed assets and goodwill of James. James operates in two distinct business areas which are largely independent one is services to the oil industry and the other is the operation of a rail franchise. The following assets have been attributed to these activities as follows: Oil services 000 Fixed assets Tangible Intangible 10,000 10,000 Rail franchise 000 6,900 1,200 8,100
The following items have still to be allocated: (a) head office property with a net book value of 3,200,000. It is estimated that this can be split 60:40 between oil and rail. goodwill it is estimated that 75% of this relates to the rail franchise and the remainder to oil.
The directors estimate that the rail franchise has a NFV of 7,500,000 and oil services a NFV of 9,600,000. The intangible asset in the rail franchise relates to the NBV of the operating license associated with the franchise. The following pre-tax cash flows have been estimated for each CGU: Oil services 000 3,000 2,800 2,800 4,800* Rail franchise 000 4,200 3,400 3,400*
* the rail franchise expires at the end of 2013 and the oil services division will be wound up in 2014. The pre-tax market rate of return for oil services is estimated at 15% and 20% for the rail franchise.
Required: (i) Calculate the total net assets for each CGU; (ii) Calculate the value in use for each CGU; (iii) Calculate the impairment (if any) for each CGU.
Note: The present value of 1 at the end of each year using a discount rate of 15% and 20% is as follows: End of year 1 2 3 4 Amount at 15% 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 Amount at 20% 0.833 0.694 0.579 0.482
Solution (i) Total net assets Oil services 000 Rail franchise 000
Calculation of value in use This is based on discounted cash flows. These can be calculated (to nearest 000) as: Oil services 000 9,315 Rail franchise 000 7,828
Workings: Value in use Oil services Year Discount factor (15%) 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 Cash flow 000 3,000 2,800 2,800 4,800 PV 000 2,610 2,117 1,842 2,746 9,315 Rail franchise Discount factor (20%) 0.833 0.694 0.579 Cash flow 000 4,200 3,400 3,400 PV 000 3,499 2,360 1,969 ____ 7,828
You will now be able to achieve the second learning objective of this module.
Rail franchise The impairment should first be allocated to goodwill, then to the other assets. No distinction is made between intangible and tangible assets the impairment loss is allocated proportionately.
Once goodwill has been written-off, the remaining impairment loss of 1,552,000 (2,272,000 - 720,000) needs to be pro-rated between the remaining assets. NBV of remaining assets Directly attributable - tangible - intangible Head office - tangible The allocation of the loss is as follows: Working Tangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets NBV 8,180 1,200 9,380 % 87.2 12.8 100.0 Loss allocated 1,353 199 1,552 Rail 000 6,900 1,200 1,280 9,380
Example 4 Assume in the rail franchise of James it was known that the operating licence (the intangible asset) had a net fair value (NFV) of 1,100,000. As the licence does not itself generate cash flow it is not possible to calculate its VU. What effect would this have on the write-off of the impairment loss? Solution The goodwill should still be written-off. The operating licence should not be written-down below the higher of NFV (1.1m) and VU (not available) ie by a maximum of 100,000 (1.2m - 1.1m). The remainder of the loss should be allocated to the remaining tangible fixed assets pro rata.
Reversal for a CGU the reversal should be applied by increasing the carrying amount of assets (except for goodwill), pro-rata. entries in profit or loss/revaluation reserve are as for individual assets. in allocating a reversal no individual asset in a CGU should be increased above the lower of: (a) recoverable amount (if determinable); and (b) the carrying amount (net of depreciation) had no original impairment loss arisen. the remaining reversal is spread amongst the remaining assets, except for goodwill.
Goodwill An impairment loss on goodwill cannot be reversed. This is because the reversal is likely to be due to the creation of internally generated goodwill and under IAS 38 Intangible Assets internally generated goodwill cannot be recognised.
Example 5 A CGU comprising a factory, plant and equipment etc and associated goodwill became impaired because its products became out of date and unattractive compared to those of competitors. The recoverable amount fell to 25m at 31 December 2006, resulting in an impairment loss of 15m, allocated as follows: Carrying amounts before impairment based on HC m Goodwill 10 Factory 12 Plant and machinery 18 Total 40 Carrying amounts after impairment m 10 15 25
The impairment loss of 15m was recognised in profit or loss as the assets were at historic cost. By 31 December 2010 the entity had improved its product range substantially by adding new models and the recoverable amount of the CGU increased to 30m. The carrying amounts of the factory and plant and machinery at 31 December 2010 are as follows: Based on Had no impairment impairment values occurred m m Factory Plant and machinery 9.0 12.0 10.8 14.4
The recoverable amount of the plant and machinery is estimated to be 13m. The recoverable amount of the factory is estimated to be 15m. Goodwill is estimated to be worth around 2m.
Required: Explain how the reversal of the impairment loss should be accounted for.
You should now be able to achieve the third learning objective for this module.
Where goodwill cannot be allocated to individual CGUs: (i) (ii) calculate any impairment of the assets (excluding goodwill) of the individual CGUs (the smaller CGUs); identify the smallest group or groups of CGUs (which may be the whole company) to which goodwill can be allocated on a reasonable basis (the larger CGU); and compare the recoverable amount of the larger CGU to its carrying amount (including the carrying amount of allocated goodwill) and recognise any impairment loss. The impairment loss at this stage must relate to the goodwill. Example 6 A company operates three department stores each of which is a separate cash generating unit. The three stores were bought from a competitor several years ago when goodwill of 2m arose. The directors of the company are concerned that the stores and the goodwill may be impaired. Relevant information at 31 March 2011is as follows: A m 4.1 3.8 4.3 B m 5.6 6.0 5.8 C m 3.8 2.9 3.2
It has not been possible to allocate goodwill to individual stores. The three stores form the smallest CGU to which the goodwill can be allocated and management monitor goodwill at this level. The recoverable amount of the three stores together is estimated at 13.8m. There has been no previous impairment of goodwill.
Required: Calculate any impairments that arise.
Solution As the goodwill cannot be directly allocated, impairment of each individual store (CGU) is calculated excluding goodwill. A m 4.1 4.3 B m 5.6 6.0 C m 3.8 3.2 (0.6)
Goodwill has to be tested on the totals for the three stores (the larger CGU). Total m 13.5 (0.6) 2.0 14.9 13.8 ___ 1.1
Carrying amount (4.1m + 5.6m + 3.8m) less: impairment add: goodwill Total carrying amount including goodwill Recoverable amount Impairment Goodwill should be reduced by 1.1m to 0.9m.
The same approach should be adopted for corporate assets that cannot be directly allocated to a CGU.
There are extensive disclosures requirements in IAS 36. The principal disclosures (paras 126-137 of IAS 36) are: for each class of asset: (a) impairment losses and reversals reported in profit or loss and the line items these are included in; (b) impairment losses and reversals taken to revaluation reserve (and reported through other comprehensive income) and the line items these are included in. if an impairment loss or reversal in the year on an individual asset or CGU is material to the financial statements as a whole: (a) description of circumstances; (b) amount of loss or reversal; (c) for an individual asset nature of the asset; (d) for a CGU, a description of the CGU; (e) whether recoverable amount is NFV or VU; (f) if NFV, basis used to estimate NFV; and (g) if VU, discount rate used. if other impairment losses/reversals are material in aggregate: (a) main classes of assets affected; and (b) description of circumstances.
Overleaf is an extract from the financial statements of Vodafone for the year to 31 March 2010. Impairment Impairment losses The net impairment losses recognised in the consolidated income statement, as a separate line item within operating profit, in respect of goodwill and licences and spectrum fees are as follows:
Reportable segment India Spain Other Africa and Central Europe Other Africa and Central Europe
Year ended 31 March 2010 The net impairment losses were based on value in use calculations. The pre-tax adjusted discount rate used in the most recent value in use in the year ended 31 March 2010 calculation are as follows: Pre-tax adjusted discount rate India 13.8% Turkey 17.6% India During the year ended 31 March 2010 the goodwill in relation to the Groups operations in India was impaired by 2,300 million primarily due to intense price competition following the entry of a number of new operators into the market. The pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate used in the previous value in use calculation at 31 March 2009 was 12.3%. Turkey During the year ended 31 March 2010, impairment losses of 200 million, previously recognised in respect of intangible assets in relation to the Groups operations in Turkey, were reversed. The reversal was in relation to licenses and spectrum and was a result of favourable changes in the discount rate. The cash flow projections within the business plans used for impairment testing were substantially unchanged from those used at 31 March 2009. The pre-tax risk adjusted discount rate used in the previous value in use calculation at 31 March 2009 was 19.5%. You should now be able to meet the fourth learning outcome of the module.
Under FRS 11 intangible assets should be fully eliminated before any amount is deducted from tangible assets. This gives: Carrying Amount 000 Goodwill Intangible assets Tangible assets 720 1,200 8,180 10,100 Impairment 000 (720) (1,200) (352) 2,272 Remaining Balance 000 7,828 7,828
Under FRS 11 an impairment loss in goodwill may be reversed subject to certain strict conditions. This is not possible in IAS 36. Similar restrictions apply to the reversal of an impairment loss on intangible assets under FRS 11. FRS 11 requires an intangible asset being amortised over more than 20 years to be tested for impairment annually. IAS 36 only requires this for intangible assets with indefinite useful lives.
You should now be able to achieve the firth learning objective for this module.
Definition of an asset: resource controlled by the enterprise as a result of past events and from which future benefits are expected to flow.
Tangible Investment property - property, plant - held to earn and equipment rentals and/ or held by an enterprise capital appreciation for use in production, rather than for supply of goods and business use services, rental to IAS 40. others or administrative purpose IAS 16.
Separately acquired
VALUATION All assets in same class fair value => market value; or => depreciated replacement cost
Initial and subsequent expenditure purchase price directly attributable costs eg cost of site preparation and clearance; installation costs; professional fees; delivery & handling costs. borrowing costs (IAS 23) directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset
Only permissible for assets where active market exists PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT Regularly so no material difference between carrying value and fair value.
Investment Properties
REQUIREMENT All fixed assets with a finite useful life must be depreciated
Factors to consider carrying value useful economic life residual value Exception: investment properties under fair value model are not depreciated
Objective: Asset should be carried at no more than its recoverable amount RECOVERABLE AMOUNT = higher of
VU Present value of estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at end of its useful life
An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. IMPAIRMENT REVIEWS
Indications of Impairment
IAS 38 Intangibles annually for: - not available for use - indefinite useful lives IFRS 3 Goodwill - annually
A group of assets allocate to individual CGUs that generates cash if possible flows that are if allocation not largely independent possible to of cash flows from individual CGUs other CGUs test for impairment - directly attributable on combined basis assets - assets that can be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis - excludes most liabilities
RECOGNITION Assets Held at HC => P+L A/C Assets Held at Valuation Impairment to depreciated carrying amount before impairment => RR Impairment below this =>P & L A/C
Pro-Rata to other assets But No individual assets should be written down below recoverable amount
goodwill not permitted Carrying value of assets restricted to what carrying value would have been had no impairment occurred.
UK FRS 11 Loss for CGU - goodwill, then - intangibles, and - balance to tangibles
CRITERIA Sale highly probable approved by management available to sell actively marketed realistic price sale expected within 12 months
ACCOUNTING REQUIREMENTS reclassifying as HFS (transfer) value at lower CA and NFV stop depreciating at each BS - Check NFV
Lower impairment
As allocated Head office Goodwill Total net assets (iii) Calculation of impairment
Rail franchise The impairment should first be allocated to goodwill, then to the other assets. No distinction is made between intangible and tangible assets the impairment loss is allocated proportionately. Dr P/L impairment loss 2,272 Cr Goodwill Intangible assets acc depreciation Tangible fixed assets acc depreciation being recognition of impairment loss Solution to Example 4 The goodwill should still be written-off. The operating licence should not be written-down below the higher of NFV (1.1m) and VU (not available) ie by a maximum of 100,000 (1.2m - 1.1m). The remainder of the loss should be split between the remaining tangible fixed assets. The required journal would be: P/L impairment loss Cr Goodwill Intangible assets Tangible fixed assets being recognition of impairment loss Solution to Example 5 Goodwill An impairment loss on goodwill cannot be reversed. Goodwill will remain at zero. Factory The value of the factory can be increased by 1.8m (10.8m less 9m) ie to a maximum of lower of recoverable amount (15m) and the carrying amount had no impairment occurred (10.8m). Any increase above this amount is a new revaluation not the reversal of an impairment. Plant and machinery This can be increased by 1m (from 12m to 13m) as recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount had no impairment occurred. Dr 000 2,272 000 720 100 1,452 720 199 1,353