Harvard University and Ivy League: Behind The Scenes
Harvard University and Ivy League: Behind The Scenes
Harvard University and Ivy League: Behind The Scenes
By William P. Litynski
Council on Foreign Relations President Richard N. Haass (left) chats ith Colum!ia "ni#ersity President Lee C. Bollinger at a dinner on $anuary %&' %((). Richard N. Haass and Lee C. Bollinger are mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations' an internationalist organi*ation in Ne +ork City. (Photo, Flickr)
-n $une of %((.' the four li#ing Har#ard /residents gathered at Loe! House !efore the 0&(th Commencement. 1tanding are (left to right), 2erek Bok' La rence H. 1ummers' and Neil L. Rudenstine. 1eated is Nathan Pusey. (Photo, 1taff /hoto !y $on Chase3Har#ard "ni#ersity)
Har#ard "ni#ersity President La rence 1ummers shakes hands ith 2a#id Rockefeller at Har#ard "ni#ersity on 2ecem!er 4' %((5.
6t the C7"R dinner Friday' Har#ard "ni#ersity President 2re 8. Faust (right) and Har#ard Cor/oration 1enior Fello R. Houghton 9&) (left) flank 2a#id Rockefeller 90:' hose ;.(( million gift as announced that morning. (Photo, <he Crimson =aga*ine3Har#ard "ni#ersity)
Ne +ork 8o#ernor Nelson Rockefeller (left) and Cornell "ni#ersity President $ames 6. Perkins (right) shake hands during ceremonies on cam/us at Cornell "ni#ersity in .4:: at the College of 6griculture. (Photo, Cornell "ni#ersity)
La rence 1ummers (left)' former President of Har#ard "ni#ersity' and =icrosoft co>founder and Chairman Bill 8ates (right) sit on stage during commencement ceremonies at Har#ard "ni#ersity in Cam!ridge' =assachusetts on $une ?' %((?. 8ates' ho enrolled at Har#ard in a /re> la /rogram in .4?0 and left in his @unior year' recei#ed an honorary 2octor of La s degree. (8etty -mages)
2re 8il/in Faust (right) acce/ts a gift of t o "ni#ersity seals from former Har#ard "ni#ersity President La rence 1ummers during ceremonies installing her as the %)th President of Har#ard "ni#ersity at the <ercentenary <heatre in Cam!ridge' =assachusetts on 7cto!er .%' %((?. (Reuters)
6ndre Carnegie chats ith Princeton "ni#ersity President Woodro Wilson at Princeton "ni#ersity. 2ean 6ndre former President of the "nited 1tates 8ro#er Cle#eland are seen alking !ehind Carnegie and Wilson. (1ource, Andrew Carnegie !y $ose/h Fra*ier Wall)
F. West and
Photo sho s the dedication ceremony for the Cle#eland =emorial <o er hich as dedicated in a ceremony on 7cto!er %%' .4.0' at hich former President William Ho ard <aft as the /rinci/al s/eaker. 6lso sho n is $ohn 8rier Hi!!en (.):.>.400)' ho as President of Princeton "ni#ersity from .4.% to .40%. (1ource, Flickr Commons /ro@ect' %(.( and Ne +ork <imes' 7ct. .4' .4.0) (Photo, 8eorge 8rantham Bain Collection' Li!rary of Congress)
".1. President Franklin 2elano Roose#elt' ho is flanked !y +ale "ni#ersity President $ames R. 6ngell (left) and Har#ard "ni#ersity $ames B. Conant (right)' a//ears at +ale "ni#ersity to recei#e an honorary degree in .405. 6ngell and Conant ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations. (1ource, A Yale Album: The Third Century' /. .&()
Prime =inister of 8reat Britain Winston Churchill (left) and Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant are seen earing ca/ and go n at Har#ard "ni#ersity in Cam!ridge' =assachusetts' ".1.6. in .450. (Photo, Ral/h =orse3Life =aga*ine)
Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant alks ith British Prime =inister Winston Churchill at Har#ard "ni#ersity in .450.
Har#ard "ni#ersity President Nathan Pusey (left) shakes hands ith former Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant at Har#ard "ni#ersity in .4:5. Nathan Pusey and $ames B. Conant ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The only known photograph of five Harvard presidents. Left to right, Josiah Quincy (18 !"18#$%, &dward &verett (18#'"18#!%, Jared (parks (18#!"18$)%, Ja*es +alker (18$)"18',%, and -ornelius -onway .elton (18',"18' %. /hotographer unknown. (/hoto0 +iki*edia%
(u**ers is greeted in the Loe1 House 1y current /resident 2eil L. 3udenstine. ((taff photo 1y 3ose Lincoln%
Pervez Musharraf, the dictator of Pakistan, speaks to guests about his vision of Pakistan in the 21st century as Joseph Nye (left), Dean of Kennedy School of Government, listens at the Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 8, 2002. (Photo By Douglas McFadd/Getty Images)
$ohn H. Coats orth (left)' 2ean of 1chool of -nternational 6ffairs at Colum!ia "ni#ersity' shakes hands ith -ranAs President =ahmoud 6hmadine@ad after s/eaking at Colum!ia "ni#ersity in Ne +ork City on 1e/tem!er %5' %((?. $ohn H. Coats orth is a mem!er of the Council on Foreign Relations. (8etty -mages)
Left /hoto, Former President Bill Clinton (left)' 6llan Rosenfield (center)' and Colum!ia "ni#ersity President Lee Bollinger meet together at Colum!ia "ni#ersity in %((:. (Photo, Colum!ia "ni#ersity) Right /hoto, Former Bice President 6l 8ore (right) ith Colum!ia "ni#ersity President 8eorge Ru// during a cam/us #isit. (Photo, Colum!ia "ni#ersity)
From left to right, Richard Hol!rooke' President Ru//' Pamela Harriman' 1tro!e <al!ott and 6m!assador 8eorge Cennan. Photo Credit, $oe Pineiro. (Photo, Colum!ia "ni#ersity) Right /hoto, Colum!ia "ni#ersity /resident Lee C. Bollinger (left) alks ith former Bro n "ni#ersity /resident Bartan 8regorian.
Left /hoto, From left to right, Former =ayor of Ne +ork City 2a#id 2inkins' former ".1. 1enate =a@ority Leader 8eorge =itchell' President of Colum!ia "ni#ersity Lee Bollinger' "N 1ecretary 8eneral Cofi 6nnan and ".1. -nstitute of Peace President Richard 1olomon. (Photo, "nited 1tates -nstitute of Peace) Right /hoto, (Left to right) 2ean of Woodro Wilson 1chool 6nne>=arie 1laughter' Princeton "ni#ersity President 1hirley =. <ilgman' "N 1ecretary>8eneral Cofi 6nnan' and Princeton Professor $ohn -ken!erry smile for the camera during a meeting at Princeton "ni#ersity in Fe!ruary %((:. (Photo, Princeton "ni#ersity)
Bro n "ni#ersity President Ruth 1immons and 6merican DE/ress CD7 Cenneth Chenault smile for the camera in Ne +ork City on No#em!er .%' %((?. Ruth 1immons and Cenneth Chenault are mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Bro n "ni#ersity President Ruth 1immons (left) chats ith NBC @ournalist <om Broka . (Photogra/h !y Nike Fachmanoglou) (1ource, Carnegie Cor/oration of Ne +ork)
Left to right, 6dlai D. 1te#enson' Colum!ia "ni#ersity President 8rayson Cirk' Gueen Dli*a!eth (Gueen =other)' West 8ermany9s Chancellor Conrad 6denauer' and ".1. 1u/reme Court Chief $ustice Darl Warren /re/are to recei#e a degree at Colum!ia "ni#ersity in .4&5.
-ndonesia9s dictator 1ukarno is sho n !eing in#ested !y 2ean Harry $. Carman of Colum!ia "ni#ersity ith the hood of the degree of 2octor of La s in ceremonies at Colum!ia "ni#ersity in Ne +ork City on =ay %5' .4&:. Left to right, 2ean Carman' 1ukarno' and 2r. 8rayson Cirk' President of Colum!ia "ni#ersity. (Bettmann3C7RB-1)
Colum!ia "ni#ersity President 2 ight 2. Disenho er (right) s/eaks to a cro d at the fare ell dinner for retiring +ale President Charles 1eymour (left) in Fe!ruary .4&(. 2 ight 2. Disenho er and Charles 1eymour ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Photo, Her!ert 8ehr3<ime Life)
2 ight 2. Disenho er' President of Colum!ia "ni#ersity' a//ears ith Colum!ia "ni#ersity9s Board of <rustees. CB1 Chairman William 1. Paley is standing in the rear' fifth from right. (1ource, As It Happened: A Memoir !y William 1. Paley)
Colum!ia "ni#ersity President Lee C. Bollinger (right) a//ears ith Pakistan9s dictator Per#e* =usharraf (left).
(Photo, htt/,33
.*mag.org3*mag3#ie 6rticle3.&:)&)
Former Har#ard "ni#ersity President 6. La rence Lo ell (front ro ' left) alks ith Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant (front ro ' center) at Har#ard "ni#ersity in .40). Lo ell and Conant ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant (center) a//ears ith =assachusetts -nstitute of <echnology (=-<) President Carl <. Com/ton (left) and financier Bernard Baruch. Conant and Com/ton ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant alks ith Frederick L. Ho#de (left) and Carroll L. Wilson (right) in .45.. 6ll three men ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations. Ho#de as a Rhodes 1cholar. Frederick L. Ho#de ould ser#e as President of Purdue "ni#ersity from .45: to .4?.. Carroll L. Wilson ould ser#e as a /rofessor at =assachusetts -nstitute of <echnology and as a director of the Council on Foreign Relations from .4:5 to .4?4.
8athered at a !uffet luncheon in Ne +ork City on 6/ril .:' .45) hich follo ed the dedication of the 1loan>Cettering -nstitute for Cancer Research' largest of its kind in the orld' are (left to right), Charles Cettering' mem!er of the Board of <rusteesH 6lfred P. 1loan' chief financial contri!utor and Board ChairmanH $ames B. Conant' President of Har#ard "ni#ersity and a !oard mem!er' and Carl <. Com/ton' President of =-< and also a !oard mem!er. 1loan' Conant' and Com/ton ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Bettmann3C7RB-1)
President 2 ight 2. Disenho er meets ith his ad#isory grou/ on Presidential a ards for =eritorious Ci#ilian 1er#ice on 1e/tem!er .4' .4&:. From !ottom to to/ left to right, Princeton "ni#ersity President 2r. Harold W. 2odds' President 2 ight Disenho erH 2r. Leonard CarmichaelH =r. Homer BrinkleyH Rockefeller "ni#ersity President 2r. 2etle# BronkH 2r. $ohn Nicholas Bro nH 2r. 6rthur Com/tonH Hon. Walter 8iffordH 2r. Drnest Ho/kinsH =r. Ral/h =ac8illH 2r. $ames L. =cRillH =r. Whitala Reid. 2odds' Disenho er' Bronk' 8ifford' and Reid ere mem!ers of the Council on Foreign Relations. (Bettmann3C7RB-1)
Banne#ar Bush (left) atches President Harry 1. <ruman (center) /resent a =edal of =erit and Bron*e 7ak Leaf Cluster to Har#ard "ni#ersity President $ames B. Conant (right) on =ay %?' .45). (Photo, Harry 1. <ruman Presidential Li!rary)
6t a =arch .4?. dinner at the Har#ard Clu!' Har#ard President Nathan =. Pusey (center) talks ith Har#ard President>elect Bok (left) and Har#ard President Dmeritus Conant. (8a*ette file /hoto)
Princeton "ni#ersity President Ro!ert F. 8oheen' center' /oses ith honorary degree reci/ients at the schoolAs %.4th commencement eEercises' in this $une .5' .4:: file /hotogra/h. From left to right, 2r. $. Ro!ert 7//enheimer' retiring director of the -nstitute for 6d#anced 1tudy at PrincetonH Commander Charles Conrad' $r.' ".1. Na#y' astronaut on 8emini B and command /ilot for the u/coming 8emini I-H $ohn W. 8ardner' ".1. 1ecretary of Health' Dducation and WelfareH and Nicholas de Belle#ille Cat*en!ach' ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral. (6ssociated Press /hoto !y 6nthony Camerano)
Left /hoto, =ichael Chertoff' 1ecretary of the ".1. 2e/artment of Homeland 1ecurity' greets Woodro Wilson 1chool 2ean 6nne>=arie 1laughter (right) and Princeton "ni#ersity President 1hirley <ilghman. (Photo, Princeton "ni#ersity) Right /hoto, Princeton "ni#ersity graduates (from left to right) Frank Carlucci' Princeton "ni#ersity President Harold <. 1ha/iro' 8eorge P. 1hult*' and $ames 6. Baker --- smile for the camera.
President Ronald Reagan /oses ith his Ca!inet on $anuary %(' .4)5. (Photo, Ronald Reagan Presidential Li!rary) Front ro , 2onald Regan (HARVARD) ' 1ecretary of the <reasuryH Bice President 8eorge H.W. Bush (YALE)H President Ronald ReaganH 8eorge 1hult* (PRINCETON)' 1ecretary of 1tateH Cas/ar Wein!erger (HARVARD) ' 1ecretary of 2efense 1econd ro , <errel Bell' 1ecretary of DducationH $eane Cirk/atrick (COLUMBIA)' ".1. Re/resentati#e to the "nited NationsH 2a#id 1tockman' 2irector' 7ffice of =anagement J BudgetH William French 1mith (Harvard Law School)' ".1. 6ttorney 8eneralH Dli*a!eth 2ole (Harvard Law School)' 1ecretary of <rans/ortationH 2onald P. Hodel (HARVARD) ' 1ecretary of DnergyH =argaret Heckler' 1ecretary of Health J Human 1er#ices <hird ro , $ohn Block' 1ecretary of 6gricultureH Raymond 2ono#an' 1ecretary of La!orH =alcolm Baldrige (YALE)' 1ecretary of CommerceH 1amuel Pierce (CORNELL)' 1ecretary of Housing J "r!an 2e#elo/mentH William Clark' 1ecretary of the -nteriorH William $. Casey' 2irector' Central -ntelligence 6gencyH Dd in =eese --- (YALE)' Counselor to the PresidentH William Brock' ".1. <rade Re/resentati#e
5*erican a*1assadors to *a6or &uropean countries held another conference with /resident .ranklin 7. 3oosevelt at the +hite House in +ashington, 7.-. on 7ece*1er ', 1!)8. The su16ect discussed was not *ade pu1lic 1y the +hite House. Left to right0 +illia* -. 8ullitt (B.A. Yale 1912), 4.(. 5*1assador to .rance9 4nder (ecretary of (tate (u*ner +elles (A.B. Harvard 1914)9 4.(. 5*1assador to 2a:i ;er*any H4;H 3. +<L(=2 (B.A. Yale 1906), and +illia* /hillips (A.B. Harvard 1900), 4.(. 5*1assador to .ascist <taly. 5ll four *en in this photo were *e*1ers of the -ouncil on .oreign 3elations. Hugh 3. +ilson was a *e*1er of (kull > 8ones, a secret society at ?ale 4niversity. +illia* -. 8ullitt was a *e*1er of (croll > @ey, a secret society at ?ale 4niversity. +illia* /hillips was a *e*1er of the /orcellian -lu1, a fraternity at Harvard 4niversity. (/hoto0 Harris > &wing -ollectionALi1rary of -ongress% http0AAwww.loc.govApicturesAite*Ahec ,,!,1 )BACsidD8B!!e11a1c8fa!!f,1 $d$ce,)a!c!1#
2elson 3ockefeller (left%0 8ig Ean on -a*pus at 7art*outh -ollege. ((ource0 Nelson Rockefeller: A Biography 1y Joe 5leF Eorris%
8arack =1a*a (center, holding a 1aton%0 8ig Ean on -a*pus at Harvard Law (chool
<he -#y League Fist Bum/, President Barack 7!ama and his ife =ichelle 7!ama graduated from Har#ard La 1chool.
<he -#y League 8rin, President Barack 7!ama attended Colum!ia "ni#ersity and Har#ard La 1chool hile designated 1u/reme Court @ustice 1onia 1otomayor attended Princeton "ni#ersity and +ale La 1chool.
6ugust Belmont $r. 6.B. Har#ard .)?5 Head of 6ugust Belmont J Co.' !ankers' Ne +ork City (.)4(>.4%5)
$.P. K$ackL =organ $r. 6.B. Har#ard .))4 Chairman of the !oard of $.P. =organ J Co.' -nc. (.4.0>.450)
<homas W. Lamont 6.B. Har#ard .)4% Chairman of the !oard of $.P. =organ J Co.' -nc. (.450>.45))
8eorge Whitney 6.B. Har#ard .4(? Chairman of the !oard of $.P. =organ J Co.' -nc. (.4&(>.4&&)
$ames H. Perkins 6.B. Har#ard .)4) Chairman of the !oard of National City Bank of Ne +ork (.400>.45()
Winthro/ W. 6ldrich 6.B. Har#ard .4(? LL.B. Har#ard .4.( Chairman of Chase National Bank (.405>.4&0)
C. 2ouglas 2illon B.6. Har#ard .40. Chairman of the !oard of 2illon' Read J Co. (.45:> .4&0)H 1ecretary of the <reasury (.4:.>.4:&)
2a#id Rockefeller B.1. Har#ard .40: Chairman and CD7 of Chase =anhattan Bank (.4:4>.4).)
Le is <. Preston B.6. Har#ard .4&. Chairman and CD7 of $.P. =organ J Co. M=organ 8uaranty <rust Co. of Ne +orkN (.4)(>.4)4)
$ames P. War!urg 6.B. Har#ard .4.? Bice Chairman of the !oard of Bank of =anhattan
Frederick =. War!urg 6.B. Har#ard .4.4 Partner of Cuhn' Loe! J Co. (.40.>.4?0)
Henry 1. =organ 6.B. Har#ard .4%0 Partner of $.P. =organ J Co.' -nc. (.4%)>.40&)
2onald <. Regan B.6. Har#ard .45( Chairman and CD7 of =errill Lynch J Co. (.4?0> .4).)H 1ecretary of the <reasury (.4).>.4)&)
Ro!ert D. Ru!in B.6. Har#ard .4:( Co>Chairman of 8oldman' 1achs J Co. (.44(>.44%)H 1ecretary of the <reasury (.44&>.444)
William Philli/s 6.B. Har#ard .4(( ".1. 6m!assador to Fascist -taly (.40:>.45.)
$ose/h C. 8re 6.B. Har#ard .4(% ".1. 6m!assador to -m/erial $a/an (.40%>.45.)
Franklin 2. Roose#elt 6.B. Har#ard .4(5 President of the "nited 1tates (.400>.45&)
Francis Biddle 6.B. Har#ard .4(4H LL.B. Har#ard .4.. ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.45.>.45&)
<homas H. =cCittrick 6.B. Har#ard .4.. President of the Bank for -nternational 1ettlements (.45(>.45:)
$ose/h P. Cennedy 6.B. Har#ard .4.% ".1. 6m!assador to 8reat Britain (.40)>.45()
Lincoln =acBeagh 6.B. Har#ard .4.0 ".1. =inister to 8reece (.400>.45.' .450>.45?)
Roger Nash Bald in 6.B. Har#ard .4(5 Founder and 2irector of 6merican Ci#il Li!erties "nion (.4.?>.4&()
$ames B. Conant 6.B. Har#ard .4.0H Ph.2. Har#ard .4.: President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.400>.4&0)
Wallace Brett 2onham 6.B. Har#ard .)4)H LL.B. Har#ard .4(. 2ean of Har#ard Business 1chool (.4.4>.45%)
Learned Hand 6.B. Har#ard .)40H LL.B. Har#ard .)4: $udge of the ".1. Court of 6//eals for the 1econd Circuit (.4%5>.4&.)
<.B. 1oong 6.B. Har#ard .4.& Foreign =inister of the Re/u!lic of China (.45%>.45&)
1higeaki -keda Mformerly 1eihin -kedaN 6.B. Har#ard .)4& 8o#ernor of the Bank of $a/an (.40?)H Finance =inister of $a/an (.40)>.404)
Drnst KPut*iL Hanfstaengl 6.B. Har#ard .4(4 6dolf Hitler9s /ersonal ad#iser
$. Ro!ert 7//enheimer 6.B. Har#ard .4%& 2irector of Los 6lamos National La!oratory (.450>.45&)H 6tomic !om! scientist
Walter 1. 8ifford 6.B. Har#ard .4(& President of 6merican <ele/hone and <elegra/h Co. M6<J<N (.4%&>.45))
Charles $. Bona/arte 6.B. Har#ard .)?. ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.4(:>.4(4)H 1ecretary of the Na#y (.4(&>.4(:)
William Henry =oody B.6. Har#ard .)?: ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.4(5>.4(:)
<heodore Roose#elt B.6. Har#ard .))( President of the "nited 1tates (.4(.>.4(4)
8eorge #on L. =eyer 6.B. Har#ard .)?4 1ecretary of the Na#y (.4(4>.4.0)H Postmaster 8eneral of the "nited 1tates (.4(?>.4(4)
$ohn 2a#is Long B.6. Har#ard .)&? 1ecretary of the Na#y (.)4?>.4(%)
William 6. Richardson B.6. Har#ard .)50H LL.B. Har#ard .)5: 1ecretary of the <reasury (.)?0>.)?5)
Charles 2e#ens B.6. Har#ard .)0)H LL.B. Har#ard .)5( ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.)??>.)).)
D!ene*er R. Hoar B.6. Har#ard .)0&H LL.B. Har#ard .)04 ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.):4>.)?()
William Cro ninshield Dndicott B.6. Har#ard .)5? 1ecretary of War (.))&>.))4)
Charles Francis 6dams --B.6. Har#ard .)))H LL.B. Har#ard .)4% 1ecretary of the Na#y (.4%4>.400)
Charles 1. Fairchild B.6. Har#ard .):0H LL.B. Har#ard .):& 1ecretary of the <reasury (.))?>.))4)
Neil H. =cDlroy B.6. Har#ard .4%& 1ecretary of 2efense (.4&?>.4&4)H Chairman of Proctor J 8am!le Co. (.4&4>.4?%)
$ohn F. Cennedy B.1. Har#ard .45( President of the "nited 1tates (.4:.>.4:0)
Ddmund Platt 6.B. Har#ard .))) Bice Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.4%(>.40()
Charles 1. Hamlin 6.B. Har#ard .))0 Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.4.5>.4.:)
Frederic 6. 2elano 6.B. Har#ard .))& Bice Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.4.5>.4.:)
Henry Ca!ot Lodge 1r. B.6. Har#ard .)?.' LL.B. Har#ard .)?5' Ph.2. Har#ard .)?: ".1. 1enator (R>=ass.' .)40>.4%5)
$erome 2. 8reene 6.B. Har#ard .)4: 1ecretary of the Rockefeller Foundation (.4.0>.4.?)
$ose/h Hodges Choate B.6. Har#ard .)&%H LL.B. Har#ard .)&5 ".1. 6m!assador to 8reat Britain (.)44>.4(&)H Bice President of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.4..>.4.?)
Charlemagne <o er B.6. Har#ard .)?% ".1. 6m!assador to 8ermany (.4(%>.4())H <reasurer of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.4.%>.4%0)
6!!ott La rence Lo ell 6.B. Har#ard .)??H LL.B. Har#ard .))( President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.4(4>.400)
7li#er Wendell Holmes $r. B.6. Har#ard .):.H LL.B. Har#ard .):: $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.4(%>.40%)
Nicholas Long orth B.6. Har#ard .)4. ".1. Congressman (R>7hio' .4(0>.4.0' .4.&>.40.)
$ames Bro n 1cott 6.B. Har#ard .)4( 1ecretary of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.4.(>.45()
1idney Dd ard =e*es 6.B. Har#ard .)4(H Ph.2. Har#ard .)40 President of the City College of Ne +ork (.4.5>.4%?)
=oorfield 1torey 6.B. Har#ard .):: President of the National 6ssociation for the 6d#ancement of Colored Peo/le (N66CP) (.4.(>.4%4)
W.D.B. 2u Bois 6.B. Har#ard .)4(H Ph.2. Har#ard .)4& 2irector of Pu!lications' N66CP (.4.(>.40%)
Dlliot L. Richardson B.6. Har#ard .45. ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.4?0)H ".1. 6m!assador to 8reat Britain (.4?&>.4?:)
Cas/ar Wein!erger B.6. Har#ard .40) ".1. 1ecretary of 2efense (.4).>.4)?)H 1ecretary of Health' Dducation' and Welfare (.4?0>.4?&)
Henry Cissinger B.6. Har#ard .4&( Ph.2. Har#ard .4&5 ".1. 1ecretary of 1tate (.4?0>.4??)
$ames R. 1chlesinger B.6. Har#ard .4&( ".1. 1ecretary of 2efense (.4?0>.4?&)H 1ecretary of Dnergy (.4??>.4?4)
2onald P. Hodel B.6. Har#ard .4&? 1ecretary of Dnergy (.4)%>.4)&)H 1ecretary of the -nterior (.4)&>.4)4)
$ohn 8. Ro!erts $r. B.6. Har#ard .4?:' $.2. Har#ard .4?4 Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (%((&>/resent)
6l 8ore $r. B.6. Har#ard .4:4 Bice President of the "nited 1tates (.440>%((.)
Franklin 2. Raines B.6. Har#ard .4?.H $.2. Har#ard .4?: Chairman and CD7 of Fannie =ae (.444>%((5)
Henry Ca!ot Lodge $r. B.6. Har#ard .4%5 ".1. 6m!assador to 1outh Bietnam (.4:0> .4:5' .4:&>.4:?)
6lanson B. Houghton 6.B. Har#ard .)): ".1. 6m!assador to 8ermany (.4%%>.4%&)H ".1. 6m!assador to 8reat Britain (.4%&>.4%4)
W. Cameron For!es 6.B. Har#ard .)4% ".1. 6m!assador to -m/erial $a/an (.40(>.40%)
Wal orth Bar!our B.6. Har#ard .40( ".1. 6m!assador to -srael (.4:.>.4?0)
Charles D. Bohlen 6.B. Har#ard .4%? ".1. 6m!assador to the 1o#iet "nion (.4&0>.4&?)
6rthur 6. Hartman B.6. Har#ard .455 ".1. 6m!assador to 1o#iet "nion (.4).>.4)?)
Perry Belmont 6.B. Har#ard .)?% ".1. Congressman (2emocrat>Ne +ork' .)).>.))))
H. Perci#al 2odge 6.B. Har#ard .)4% ".1. =inister to +ugosla#ia M1er!iaN (.4.4>.4%:)
Peter 6ugustus $ay 6.B. Har#ard .4(( ".1. =inister to Romania (.4%.>.4%&)
William 6.=. Burden 6.B. Har#ard .4%? ".1. 6m!assador to Belgium (.4&4>.4:.)
2a#id H. 1outer B.6. Har#ard .4:.' LL.B. Har#ard .4:: $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.44(>%((4)
$ohn 2. Rockefeller -B B.6. Har#ard .4:. ".1. 1enator (2emocrat>West Birginia' .4)&>/resent)
<imothy D. Wirth B.6. Har#ard .4:. ".1. 1enator (.4)?>.440)H "nder 1ecretary of 1tate for 8lo!al 6ffairs (.445> .44?)
Ceith P. Dllison B.6. Har#ard .4?% $udge of the ".1. 2istrict Court for the 1outhern 2istrict of <eEas MHoustonN (.444>/resent)
$amie 8orelick B.6. Har#ard .4?%H $.2. Har#ard .4?& =em!er of 43.. CommissionH 2e/uty ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.445>.44?)
Nadine 1trossen B.6. Har#ard .4?%H $.2. Har#ard .4?& President of 6merican Ci#il Li!erties "nion (.44.>%(())
Peter 7lson B.6. Har#ard .4?% Chairman and CD7 of Random House' -nc. (.44)>%(())
1usan Laura Carney B.6. Har#ard .4?0H $.2. Har#ard .4?? $udge of the ".1. Court of 6//eals for the 1econd Circuit (%(..>/resent)
Roger W. Ferguson $r. B.6. Har#ard .4?0H Ph.2. Har#ard .4). Bice Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.444>%((:)
6lan 1. K6lL Franken B.6. Har#ard .4?0 ".1. 1enator (2>=inn.' %((4>/resent)
William Cristol B.6. Har#ard .4?0H Ph.2. Har#ard .4?4 Dditor of <he Weekly 1tandard
$ames C. =or/hy B.6. Har#ard .4?:' $.2. Har#ard .4?4 Partner of 1ulli#an J Crom ell Mla firm in Ne +ork CityN (.4):>/resent)
6my Berman $ackson B.6. Har#ard .4?:' $.2. Har#ard .4?4 $udge of the ".1. 2istrict Court for the 2istrict of Colum!ia (%(..>/resent)
$ohn L. <hornton B.6. Har#ard .4?: President of 8oldman 1achs J Co. (.444>%((0)
Nicholas Lemann B.6. Har#ard .4?: 2ean of 8raduate 1chool of $ournalism at Colum!ia "ni#ersity (%((0>%(.0)
2a#id W. Lee!ron B.6. Har#ard .4?:H $.2. Har#ard .4?4 President of Rice "ni#ersity MHouston' <eEasN (%((5>/resent)
Catharine Weymouth B.6. Har#ard .4)) Pu!lisher of The Washington Post (%(()>/resent)
=ark $. Carney B.6. Har#ard .4)) 8o#ernor of the Bank of Dngland (%(.0>/resent)
F. Whitten Peters B.6. Har#ard .4:) 1ecretary of the 6ir Force (.44?>%((.)
6ngel <a#eras B.6. Har#ard .44% =ayor of Pro#idence' Rhode -sland (%(..>/resent)
Charles 1chumer B.6. Har#ard .4?.H $.2. Har#ard .4?5 ".1. 1enator (2>Ne +ork' .444>/res.)
Dd ard K<edL Cennedy B.6. Har#ard .4&: ".1. 1enator (2>=ass.' .4:%>%((4)
<homas D. Petri B.6. Har#ard .4:%H $.2. Har#ard .4:& ".1. Congressman (R>Wisconsin' .4?4>/res.)
Barney Frank B.6. Har#ard .4:%H $.2. Har#ard .4?? ".1. Congressman (2>=ass.' .4).>%(.0)
Richard Blumenthal B.6. Har#ard .4:? ".1. 1enator (2emocrat> Connecticut' %(..>/res.)H 6ttorney 8eneral of Connecticut (.44.>%(..)
Dlliott 6!rams B.6. Har#ard .4:4H $.2. Har#ard .4?0 6sst. 1ec. of 1tate for -nternational 7rgani*ation 6ffairs (.4).>.4)&)
2aniel Dlls!erg B.6. Har#ard .4&%H Ph.2. Har#ard .4:% Pentagon Pa/er leaker
Nicholas Platt B.6. Har#ard .4&? ".1. 6m!assador to the Phili//ines (.4)?>.44.)
$ames 8uy <ucker $r. B.6. Har#ard .4:5 8o#ernor of 6rkansas (.44%>.44:)
Nathan =. Pusey B.6. Har#ard .4%)H Ph.2. Har#ard .40? President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.4&0>.4?.)
Lincoln 8ordon B.6. Har#ard .400 President of $ohns Ho/kins "ni#ersity (.4:?>.4?.)
Courtney Craig 1mith B.6. Har#ard .40)H Ph.2. Har#ard .455 President of 1 arthmore College (.4&0>.4:4)
$oa! Langston <homas B.6. Har#ard .4&&H Ph.2. Har#ard .4&4 President of the "ni#ersity of 6la!ama (.4).>.4)))
2a#id W. 7Eto!y B.6. Har#ard .4?% President of Pomona College MClaremont' CaliforniaN (%((0>/resent)
Ro!ert C. Post B.6. Har#ard .4:4H Ph.2. Har#ard .4)( 2ean of +ale La 1chool (%((4>/resent)
$ose/h D. $ohnson B.1. Har#ard .4%?H Ph.2. Har#ard .450 President of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.4&(>.4?.)
=artin Feldstein B.6. Har#ard .4:. President of National Bureau of Dconomic Research (.4??>.4)%' .4)5>%(())
Peter C. 8oldmark $r. B.6. Har#ard .4:% President of Rockefeller Foundation (.4))>.44?)
Ro!ert W. 1arnoff B.6. Har#ard .404 Chairman of the !oard and CD7 of RC6 (.4?(>.4?&)
1umner Redstone B.6. Har#ard .455H LL.B. Har#ard .45? Chairman of the !oard of Biacom (.4)?>/resent)
2onald D. 8raham B.6. Har#ard .4:: Chairman and CD7 of <he Washington Post Co. (.440>/resent)
Boisfeuillet $ones $r. B.6. Har#ard .4:)H $.2. Har#ard .4?5 Pu!lisher and CD7 of The Washington Post (%(((>%(())
1haun 2ono#an B.6. Har#ard .4)? ".1. 1ecretary of Housing and "r!an 2e#elo/ment (%((4>/resent)
1yl#ia =athe s Bur ell B.6. Har#ard .4)? 2irector of 7ffice of =anagement and Budget (%(.0>/resent)
2onald H. 8i/s B.6. Har#ard .4)% ".1. 6m!assador to 1outh 6frica (%((4>%(.0)
Rosa 8umataotao Rios B.6. Har#ard .4)? <reasurer of the "nited 1tates (%((4>/resent)
Barry B. White B.6. Har#ard .4:5H $.2. Har#ard .4:? ".1. 6m!assador to Nor ay (%((4>/resent)
=atthe Winthro/ Bar*un B.6. Har#ard .440 ".1. 6m!assador to 8reat Britain (%(.0>/res.)H ".1. 6m!assador to 1 eden (%((4>%(..)
Cameron For!es Cerry B.6. Har#ard .4?% 8eneral Counsel of ".1. 2e/artment of Commerce (%((4>/resent)
2aniel B. Poneman B.6. Har#ard .4?)H $.2. Har#ard .4)5 2e/uty ".1. 1ecretary of Dnergy (%((4>/resent)
Cecilia Rouse B.6. Har#ard .4):H Ph.2. Har#ard .44% =em!er of the Council of Dconomic 6d#isers (%((4>%(..)
6lan 2. Bersin B.6. Har#ard .4:) Commissioner of ".1. Customs and Border Protection (%(.(>%(..)
=ichele Flournoy B.6. Har#ard .4)0 "nder ".1. 1ecretary of 2efense for Policy (%((4>%(.%)
Ben 1. Bernanke B.6. Har#ard .4?& Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (%((:>%(.5)
Lloyd C. Blankfein B.6. Har#ard .4?& $.2. Har#ard .4?) Chairman and CD7 of 8oldman 1achs (%((:>/resent)
=ichael Chertoff B.6. Har#ard .4?&H $.2. Har#ard .4?) 1ecretary of Homeland 1ecurity (%((&>%((4)
2ouglas $. Feith B.6. Har#ard .4?& "nder ".1. 1ecretary of 2efense for Policy (%((.>%((&)
$ohn B. Hess B.6. Har#ard .4?& =.B.6. Har#ard .4?? Chairman and CD7 of Hess Cor/oration Moil com/anyN (.44&>/resent)
Harold Hong@u Coh B.6. Har#ard .4?&H $.2. Har#ard .4)( 2ean of +ale La 1chool (%((5>%((4)H Legal 6d#iser to the ".1. 2e/artment of 1tate (%((4>%(.0)
2a#id <. Dll ood B.6. Har#ard .4?&' Ph.2. Har#ard .4). 2ean of $ohn F. Cennedy 1chool of 8o#ernment at Har#ard "ni#ersity (%((5>/resent)
Caren 8ordon =ills B.6. Har#ard .4?&H =.B.6. Har#ard .4?? 6dministrator of ".1. 1mall Business 6dministration (%((4>%(.0)
<imothy 1eymour Black B.6. Har#ard .4?& $udge of the ".1. 2istrict Court for the 1outhern 2istrict of 7hio (%(.(>/resent)
$ames F. K$effL 1trnad -B.6. Har#ard .4?& Charles 6. Beardsley Professor of La at 1tanford "ni#ersity (%((0>/resent)
Cass R. 1unstein B.6. Har#ard .4?&' $.2. Har#ard .4?) 6dministrator of 7ffice of -nformation and Regulatory 6ffairs (%((4>%(.%)
=ichael =artin Wiseman B.6. Har#ard .4?&' $.2. Har#ard .4?) Partner of 1ulli#an J Crom ell Mla firm in Ne +ork CityN (.4)&>/resent)
8eorge R. Bason $r. B.6. Har#ard .4?&' $.2. Har#ard .4?) Partner of 2a#is' Polk J Ward ell Mla firm in Ne +ork CityN (.4):>/resent)
1amuel 2imon B.6. Har#ard .4?& Partner of 2a#is Polk J Ward ell Mla firm in Ne +ork CityN (.440>/resent)
Richard W. 1he/ro B.6. Har#ard .4?&H $.2. Har#ard .4?4 Partner of =ayer Bro n Mla firm in ChicagoN (c..4).>/resent)
$ohn 6dams B.6. Har#ard .?&& President of the "nited 1tates (.?4?>.)(.)
Ro!ert <reat Paine B.6. Har#ard .?54 6ttorney 8eneral of =assachusetts (.???>.?4()
William Williams B.6. Har#ard .?&. =em!er of the Continental Congress (Connecticut' .??:>.???)
Francis 2ana B.6. Har#ard .?:% =em!er of the Continental Congress (=assachusetts' .???> .??)' .?)5)
Dl!ridge <. 8erry B.6. Har#ard .?:% Bice President of the ".1. (=arch 5' .).0> No#em!er %0' .).5)
William Dustis B.6. Har#ard .??% ".1. 1ecretary of War (=arch ?' .)(4>$anuary .0' .).0)
$ohn <hornton Cirkland B.6. Har#ard .?)4 President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.).(>.)%))
Le#i Lincoln 1r. B.6. Har#ard .??% ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.)(.>.)(&)
$ames Lloyd B.6. Har#ard .?)? ".1. 1enator (Federalist>=ass.' .)()> .).0' .)%%>.)%:)
<homas W. <hom/son B.6. Har#ard .?): ".1. 1enator (F>Ne Ham/shire' .).5>.).?)
Rufus Cing B.6. Har#ard .??? ".1. 1enator (Federalist>Ne +ork' .?)4>.?4:H .).0>.)%&)
Harrison 8ray 7tis B.6. Har#ard .?)0 ".1. 1enator (F>=ass' .).?>.)%%)
8eorge Bancroft B.6. Har#ard .).?H Ph.2. 8ottingen .)%( ".1. =inister to Prussia (.):?>.)?.) and 8ermany (.)?.>.)?5)
Cale! Cushing B.6. Har#ard .).? ".1. Congressman ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.)&0>.)&?)
$ose/h Coolidge B.6. Har#ard .).? Partner of Russell J Co. o/ium syndicate (.)05>.)5()
6l#a Woods B.6. Har#ard .).? inaugural President of the "ni#ersity of 6la!ama (.)0.>.)0?)
$ose/h 1tory B.6. Har#ard .?4) $ustice of ".1. 1u/reme Court (.)..>.)5&)
$osiah Guincy B.6. Har#ard .?4( President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.)%4>.)5&)H ".1. Congressman (F>=ass.' .)(&>.).0)
Dd ard D#erett B.6. Har#ard .).. Ph.2. 8ottingen .).? ".1. =inister to 8reat Britain (.)5.>.)5&)H 8o#. of =assachusetts (.)0:>.)5()
Ro!ert Charles Winthro/ B.6. Har#ard .)%) ".1. Congressman (Whig>=assachusetts' .)5(>.)5%' .)5%>.)&()
Ro!ert Rantoul $r. B.6. Har#ard .)%: =em!er of =assachusetts 1tate Board of Dducation (.)0?>.)5%)
Lemuel 1ha B.6. Har#ard .)(( Chief $ustice of the 1u/reme Court of =assachusetts (.)0(>.):()
$ohn Guincy 6dams B.6. Har#ard .?)? President of the "nited 1tates (.)%&>.)%4)H ".1. 1ecretary of 1tate (.).?>.)%&)
Ro!ert W. Barn ell B.6. Har#ard .)%. President of "ni#ersity of 1outh Carolina (.)0&>.)5.)
Charles 8ordon 6therton B.6. Har#ard .)%% ".1. Congressman (2emocrat>Ne Ham/shire' .)0?>.)50)
Cornelius Con ay Felton 6.B. Har#ard .)%? President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.):(>.):%)
Charles William Dliot 6.B. Har#ard .)&0 President of Har#ard "ni#ersity (.):4>.4(4)
Barack 7!ama $.2. Har#ard .44. President of the "nited 1tates (%((4>/resent)
8eorge W. Bush =.B.6. Har#ard .4?& President of the "nited 1tates (%((.>%((4)
Pierre D. <rudeau =.6. Har#ard .45& Prime =inister of Canada (.4:)>.4?4' .4)(>.4)5)
Ral/h $. Bunche Ph.2. Har#ard .405 "ndersecretary>8eneral of the "nited Nations (.4:)>.4?.)
Harry 2eEter White Ph.2. Har#ard .40& Co>Founder of the World Bank and -nternational =onetary Fund
8a!riel Hauge Ph.2. Har#ard .45? Chairman of the !oard of =anufacturers Hano#er <rust Co. (.4?.>.4?4)
6nthony =. 1olomon Ph.2. Har#ard .4&( President of Federal Reser#e Bank of Ne +ork (.4)(>.4)&)
Leslie H. 8el! Ph.2. Har#ard .4:5 President of the Council on Foreign Relations (.440>%((0)
Louis Brandeis LL.B. Har#ard .)?? $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.4.:>.404)
FeliE Frankfurter LL.B. Har#ard .4(: $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.404>.4:%)
8eorge L. Harrison LL.B. Har#ard .4.0 President of the Federal Reser#e Bank of Ne +ork (.4%)>.45()
$ohn $. =cCloy LL.B. Har#ard .4%. Chairman and CD7 of Chase =anhattan Bank (.4&&>.4:.)
6lger Hiss LL.B. Har#ard .4%4 President of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.45:>.454)
Phili/ L. 8raham LL.B. Har#ard .404 Pu!lisher of The Washington Post (.45:>.4:.)
6nthony =. Cennedy $.2. Har#ard .4:. $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.4))>/resent)
Bo! 8raham LL.B. Har#ard .4:% ".1. 1enator (.4)?> %((&)H 8o#ernor of Florida (.4?4>.4)?)
1te/hen Breyer LL.B. Har#ard .4:5 $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.445>/resent)
Cenneth -. Chenault $.2. Har#ard .4?: Chairman and CD7 of 6merican DE/ress Co. (%((.>/resent)
Ro!ert Foellick $.2. Har#ard .4). President of the World Bank (%((?>%(.%)
Dlena Cagan $.2. Har#ard .4): $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (%(.(>/resent)
Ro!ert 1. =cNamara =.B.6. Har#ard .404 1ecretary of 2efense (.4:.>.4:))H President of World Bank (.4:)>.4).)
$ohn C. Whitehead =.B.6. Har#ard .45? Partner of 8oldman 1achsH 2e/uty 1ecretary of 1tate (.4)&>.4)4)
$ohn L. Wein!erg =.B.6. Har#ard .4&( 1enior Chairman of 8oldman 1achs (.44(>%((.)
Nicholas F. Brady =.B.6. Har#ard .4&5 1ecretary of the <reasury (.4))>.440)H Chairman of 2illon' Read J Co.
William H. 2onaldson =.B.6. Har#ard .4&) Chairman of Ne +ork 1tock DEchange (.44.>.44&)
$ames 2. Wolfensohn =.B.6. Har#ard .4&4 President of the World Bank (.44&>%((&)
$ames 2. Ro!inson --=.B.6. Har#ard .4:. Chairman and CD7 of 6merican DE/ress Co. (.4??>.440)
Bar!ara Hackman Franklin =.B.6. Har#ard .4:5 ".1. 1ecretary of Commerce (.44%>.440)
Charles 7. Rossotti =.B.6. Har#ard .4:5 Commissioner of -nternal Re#enue 1er#ice (.44?>%((%)
Louis B. 8erstner $r. =.B.6. Har#ard .4:& Chairman and CD7 of -B=H Chairman of <he Carlyle 8rou/
L. Paul Bremer --=.B.6. Har#ard .4:: ".1. 6m!assador to the Netherlands (.4)0>.4):)H ".1. Proconsul to -raO
Henry =. Paulson $r. =.B.6. Har#ard .4?( Chairman and CD7 of 8oldman 1achsH 1ecretary of the <reasury (%((:>%((4)
W. $ames =cNerney $r. =.B.6. Har#ard .4?& Chairman and CD7 of <he Boeing Co. (%((&>/resent)
D. 1tanley 79Neal =.B.6. Har#ard .4?) Chairman and CD7 of =errill Lynch (%((0>%((?)
$ohn 6. <hain =.B.6. Har#ard .4?4 Former Chairman and CD7 of =errill Lynch
$ames L. K$amieL 2imon =.B.6. Har#ard .4)% Chairman and CD7 of $P =organ Chase (%((?>/resent)
$effrey R. -mmelt =.B.6. Har#ard .4)% Chairman and CD7 of 8eneral Dlectric Co. (%((.>/resent)
6llen W. 2ulles 6.B. Princeton .4.5 2irector of the Central -ntelligence 6gency (.4&0>.4:.)
Woodro Wilson 6.B. Princeton .)?4 President of the "nited 1tates (.4.0>.4%.)
6!ram Piatt 6ndre $r. 6.B. Princeton .)40 2irector of the ".1. =int (.4(4>.4.()H".1. Congressman (R>=ass.' .4%.>.40:)
William D. Col!y 6.B. Princeton .45( 2irector of the Central -ntelligence 6gency (.4?0>.4?:)
$ames 6. Baker --6.B. Princeton .4&% 1ecretary of 1tate (.4)4> .44%)H 1ecretary of the <reasury (.4)&>.4)))
8eorge P. 1hult* 6.B. Princeton .45% 1ecretary of 1tate (.4)%> .4)4)H 1ecretary of the <reasury (.4?%>.4?5)
6dlai D. 1te#enson $r. 6.B. Princeton .4%% ".1. Re/resentati#e to the "nited Nations (.4:.>.4:&)
8eorge F. Cennan 6.B. Princeton .4%& ".1. 6m!assador to the 1o#iet "nion (.4&%)
$aco! 2. Beam 6.B. Princeton .4%4 ".1. 6m!assador to the 1o#iet "nion (.4:4>.4?0)
$ohn Ban 6. =ac=urray 6.B. Princeton .4(% ".1. 6m!assador to <urkey (.40:>.45.)H ".1. =inister to China (.4%&> .4%4)
W. Walton Butter orth 6.B. Princeton .4%& ".1. 6m!assador to Canada (.4:%>.4:))
$. 1ta/leton Roy 6.B. Princeton .4&: ".1. 6m!assador to Communist China (.44.>.44&)
Frank 8. Wisner -6.B. Princeton .4:. ".1. 6m!assador to Dgy/t (.4):>.44.)H ".1. 6m!assador to -ndia (.445>.44?)
=ahlon Pitney 6.B. Princeton .)?4 $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.4.%>.4%%)
$ohn =arshall Harlan -6.B. Princeton .4%( $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.4&&>.4?.)
1amuel 6lito 6.B. Princeton .4?% $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (%((:>/resent)
1onia 1otomayor 6.B. Princeton .4?: $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (%((4>/resent)
Dlena Cagan 6.B. Princeton .4). $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (%(.(>/resent)H 2ean of Har#ard La 1chool (%((0>%((4)
Cameron R. Hume 6.B. Princeton .4:) ".1. 6m!assador to 1outh 6frica (%((.>%((5)H ".1. 6m!assador to -ndonesia (%((?>%(.()
Nicholas deB. Cat*en!ach 6.B. Princeton .45& ".1. 6ttorney 8eneral (.4:5>.4::)
Ro!ert 1. =ueller --6.B. Princeton .4:: 2irector of Federal Bureau of -n#estigation (%((.>%(.0)
Ho ard 6leEander 1mith 6.B. Princeton .4(. ".1. 1enator (Re/u!lican> Ne $ersey' .455>.4&4)
Clai!orne Pell 6.B. Princeton .45( ".1. 1enator (2emocrat> Rhode -sland' .4:.>.44?)
$ohn C. 2anforth 6.B. Princeton .4&) ".1. 1enator (Re/u!lican> =issouri' .4?:>.44&)
Bill Frist 6.B. Princeton .4?5 ".1. 1enate =a@ority Leader (%((0>%((?)
Bill Bradley 6.B. Princeton .4:& ".1. 1enator (2emocrat> Ne $ersey' .4?4>.44?)
$ames 6.1. Leach 6.B. Princeton .4:5 ".1. Congressman (R>-o a' .4??>%((?)
Christo/her 1. KCitL Bond 6.B. Princeton .4:( ".1. 1enator (Re/u!lican> =issouri' .4)?>%(..)
8ordon 1. Rentschler 6.B. Princeton .4(? Chairman of the !oard of National City Bank of Ne +ork MNe +ork CityN (.45(>.45))
$ohn L. Wein!erg 6.B. Princeton .45? Partner of 8oldman' 1achs J Co. MNe +ork CityN (.4&:>.44()H 1enior Chairman of 8oldman' 1achs J Co. (.44(>%((.)
Paul 6. Bolcker 6.B. Princeton .454 Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.4?4>.4)?)H President of the Federal Reser#e Bank of Ne +ork MNe +ork CityN (.4?&>.4?4)
$ohn P. Birkelund 6.B. Princeton .4&% Chairman and CD7 of 2illon' Read J Co. MNe +ork CityN (.4))>.440)
$ohn F. =c8illicuddy 6.B. Princeton .4&% Chairman of =anufacturers Hano#er <rust Co. MNe +ork CityN (.4?4>.44.)
$ames <. 6u!rey' $r. 6.B. Princeton .45. President of CB1 (.4&4> .4:&)H President of =8= studios (.4:4>.4?0)
Dric 1chmidt B.1. Princeton .4?: Chairman and CD7 of 8oogle -nc. (%((.>/resent)
Norman R. 6ugustine B.1. Princeton .4&? Chairman and CD7 of Lockheed =artin (.44&>.44?)
6lan 1. Blinder 6.B. Princeton .4:? Bice Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.445>.44:)
Hamilton Fish 6rmstrong 6.B. Princeton .4.: Dditor of Foreign A airs maga*ine (.4%)>.4?%)
Raymond B. Fosdick 6.B. Princeton .4(& President of <he Rockefeller Foundation (.40:>.45))
$ohn B. 7akes 6.B. Princeton .405 Dditorial Page Dditor of The !ew Yor" Times (.4:.>.4??)
Frank Pace $r. 6.B. Princeton .400 Chairman of 8eneral 2ynamics Cor/. (.4&4> .4:%)H 1ecretary of the 6rmy (.4&(>.4&0)
Bruce C. =acLaury 6.B. Princeton .4&0 President of the Federal Reser#e Bank of =innea/olis (.4?.>.4??)
$ohn 2. Rockefeller --B.1. Princeton .4%4 Chairman of <he Rockefeller Foundation (.4&%>.4?.)
Charlie 8i!son 6.B. Princeton .4:& 6nchor of A#C World !ews Tonight (%((:>%((4)
=eg Whitman 6.B. Princeton .4?? President and CD7 of He lett>Packard (%(..>/resent)
Ro!ert F. 8oheen 6.B. Princeton .45(H Ph.2. Princeton .45) President of Princeton "ni#ersity (.4&?>.4?%)
W. <aylor Re#eley --6.B. Princeton .4:& President of College of William and =ary (%(()>/resent)
2on =ichael Randel 6.B. Princeton .4:%H Ph.2. Princeton .4:? President of "ni#ersity of Chicago (%(((>%((:)
Dd ard W. 1aid 6.B. Princeton .4&? Professor of Dnglish and Humanities at Colum!ia "ni#ersity (.4?(>%((0)
6nne>=arie 1laughter 6.B. Princeton .4)( 2ean of Woodro Wilson 1chool at Princeton "ni#ersity (%((%>%((4)
$ose/h 1. Nye $r. 6.B. Princeton .4&) 2ean of $ohn F. Cennedy 1chool of 8o#ernment at Har#ard "ni#ersity (.44&>%((5)
=ichael H. 1chill 6.B. Princeton .4)( 2ean of "ni#ersity of Chicago La 1chool (%(.(>/resent)
Dd ard W. Barrett 6.B. Princeton .40% 2ean of 8raduate 1chool of $ournalism at Colum!ia "ni#ersity (.4&:>.4:))
Gueen Noor of $ordan MLisa Hala!yN 6.B. Princeton .4?5 Gueen of <he Hashemite Cingdom of $ordan
=ichelle 7!ama 6.B. Princeton .4)& First Lady of the "nited 1tates (%((4>/resent)
Peter R. 7rs*ag 6.B. Princeton .44. 2irector of the 7ffice of =anagement and Budget (%((4>%(.()
Henry KLight Horse HarryL Lee 6.B. Princeton .??0 8o#ernor of Birginia (.?4.>.?45)
$ames =anning 6.B. Princeton .?:% inaugural President of Bro n "ni#ersity (.?:&>.?4.)
$ames =adison 6.B. Princeton .??. President of the ".1. (.)(4>.).?)H ".1. 1ec. of 1tate (.)(.>.)(4)
William Paterson 6.B. Princeton .?:0 $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.?40>.)(:)
7li#er Dlls orth 6.B. Princeton .?:: Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.?4:>.)(()
Re#. $ohn D ing 6.B. Princeton .?&5 Pro#ost of the "ni#ersity of Pennsyl#ania (.??4>.)(%)H Professor of Natural Philoso/hy at "ni#. of Pennsyl#ania (.?:%>.??))
$ohn Blair 1mith 6.B. Princeton .??0 President of Ham/den> 1ydney College (.??4>.?)4)
1amuel 1tanho/e 1mith 6.B. Princeton .?:4 President of Princeton "ni#ersity (.?4&>.).%)H inaugural President of Ham/den>1ydney College (.??&>.??4)
Richard 1tockton 6.B. Princeton .?5) =em!er of the Continental Congress (.??:)H 1igner of the 2eclaration of -nde/endence
Ben@amin Rush 6.B. Princeton .?:( =em!er of the Continental Congress (.??:>.???)H 1igner of the 2eclaration of -nde/endence
Ro!ert 1mith 6.B. Princeton .?). 1ecretary of the Na#y (.)(.>.)(4)H 1ecretary of 1tate (.)(4>.)..)
Dd ard Li#ingston 6.B. Princeton .?). 1ecretary of 1tate (.)0.> .)00)H =ayor of Ne +ork City (.)(.>.)(0)
8eorge =. 2allas 6.B. Princeton .).( Bice President of the "nited 1tates (.)5&>.)54)
Richard Rush 6.B. Princeton .?4? 1ecretary of the <reasury (.)%&>.)%))H ".1. =inister to 8reat Britain (.).?>.)%&)
6aron Burr $r. 6.B. Princeton .??% Bice President of the "nited 1tates (.)(.>.)(&)
Nicholas Biddle 6.B. Princeton .)(. President of the 1econd Bank of the "nited 1tates (.)%0>.)0:)
$onathan 2ayton 6.B. Princeton .??: ".1. 1enator (Federalist> Ne $ersey' .?44>.)(&)
Barack 7!ama B.6. Colum!ia .4)0 President of the "nited 1tates (%((4>/resent)
6rthur F. Burns B.6. Colum!ia .4%& Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (.4?(>.4?))
7scar 1. 1traus B.6. Colum!ia .)?. ".1. 1ecretary of Commerce and La!or (.4(:>.4(4)
Nicholas =urray Butler B.6. Colum!ia .))% President of Colum!ia "ni#ersity (.4(%>.45&)
William $. KWild BillL 2ono#an B.6. Colum!ia .4(& 2irector of 7ffice of 1trategic 1er#ices (711) (.45%>.45&)
6rthur Hays 1ul*!erger B.1. Colum!ia .4.0 Chairman of the !oard of <he Ne +ork <imes Co. (.4&?>.4:))
William 8. Brady $r. B.6. Colum!ia .4() Chairman of the !oard of National City Bank of Ne +ork (.45)>.4&%)
Norman 2orsen B.6. Colum!ia .4&( President of 6merican Ci#il Li!erties "nion (.4?:>.44.)
Ben@amin $. Butten ieser B.6. Colum!ia .4.4 Partner of Cuhn' Loe! J Co. M!ank in Ne +ork CityN (.40%>.4??)
2o# 1. Fakheim B.6. Colum!ia .4?( Com/troller of the ".1. 2e/artment of 2efense (%((.>%((5)
2eWitt Clinton B.6. Colum!ia .?): =ayor of Ne +ork City (.)(0>.)(?' .)()>.).(' .)..>.).&)
$ohn $ay B.6. Colum!ia .?:5 Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.?)4>.?4&)
$ohn 1lidell B.6. Colum!ia .).( ".1. 1enator (2emocrat> Louisiana' .)&0>.):.)H Confederate Dn#oy to France (.):.>.):&)
$ames <. 1hot ell Ph.2. Colum!ia .4(0 President of Carnegie Dndo ment for -nternational Peace (.454>.4&()
(Lt. 8en.) Brent 1co croft Ph.2. Colum!ia .4:? National 1ecurity 6d#isor (.4?&>.4??' .4)4>.440)
$eane $. Cirk/atrick Ph.2. Colum!ia .4:) ".1. Re/resentati#e to the "nited Nations (.4).>.4)&)
$udith Rodin Ph.2. Colum!ia .4?( President of the Rockefeller Foundation (%((&>/resent)
Henry =orgenthau 1r. LL.B. Colum!ia .)?? ".1. 6m!assador to the 7ttoman Dm/ire (2ecem!er ..' .4.0> Fe!ruary .' .4.:)
Charles D#ans Hughes LL.B. Colum!ia .))5 Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.40(>.45.)
Ruth Bader 8ins!urg LL.B. Colum!ia .4&4 $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.440>/resent)
Warren D. Buffett =.1. Colum!ia .4&. Chairman and CD7 of Berkshire Hatha ay -nc.
6lfred 6. Cno/f B.6. Colum!ia .4.% Founder of 6lfred 6. Cno/f' -nc. Pu!lishers
6rmand Hammer B.1. Colum!ia .4.4 Chairman of the !oard and CD7 of 7ccidental Petroleum Cor/. (.4&?>.44()
8eorge 1te/hano/oulos B.6. Colum!ia .4)% 6nchor of $ood Morning Ameri%a on 6BC (%(.(>/resent)
Henry R. Cra#is =.B.6. Colum!ia .4:4 1enior Partner of Cohl!erg Cra#is Ro!erts J Co.
2aniel We!ster 6.B. 2artmouth .)(. ".1. 1enator (Whig>=ass.' .)%?>.)5.' .)5&>.)&()
1almon P. Chase 6.B. 2artmouth .)%: Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.):5>.)?0)
<haddeus 1te#ens 6.B. 2artmouth .).5 ".1. Congressman (Whig3Re/u!lican>Penn.' .)54>.)&0' .)&4>.):))
$ames W. 8rimes 6.B. 2artmouth .)0: ".1. 1enator (R>-o a' .)&4>.):4)
$ohn Went orth 6.B. 2artmouth .)0: =ayor of Chicago (.)&?>.)&)' .):(>.):.)
$ohn 2udley Phil!rick 6.B. 2artmouth .)5% 1u/erintendent of Pu!lic 1chools of Boston (.)&:>.)?5' .)?&>.)?))
1yl#anus <hayer 6.B. 2artmouth .)(? 1u/erintendent of ".1. =ilitary 6cademy (.).?>.)00)
Redfield Proctor 6.B. 2artmouth .)&. ".1. 1enator (Re/u!lican> Bermont' .)4.>.4())
Beardsley Ruml B.1. 2artmouth .4.& Chairman of the Federal Reser#e Bank of Ne +ork (.45.>.45:)H <reasurer of R.H. =acy J Co. M=acy9s de/artment storeN (.405>.45&)
$ohn 1loan 2ickey 6.B. 2artmouth .4%4 President of 2artmouth College (.45&>.4?()
Nelson 6. Rockefeller 6.B. 2artmouth .40( Bice President of the "nited 1tates (.4?5>.4??)
Paul D. <songas 6.B. 2artmouth .4:% ".1. 1enator (2emocrat> =ass.' .4?4>.4)&)
Louis B. 8erstner $r. 6.B. 2artmouth .4:0 Chairman and CD7 of -B= (.440>%((%)H Chairman of the Carlyle 8rou/ (%((0>%(())
$effrey R. -mmelt 6.B. 2artmouth .4?) Chairman and CD7 of 8eneral Dlectric Co. (%((.>/resent)
$onathan =aEcy 6.B. Bro n .?)? President of "ni#ersity of 1outh Carolina (.)(5>.)%()
$ames Fenner 6.B. Bro n .?)4 8o#ernor of Rhode -sland (.)(?>.)..' .)%5>.)0.' .)50>.)5&)
$ames Burrill 6ngell 6.B. Bro n .)54 President of "ni#ersity of =ichigan (.)?.>.4(4)
William H.P. Faunce 6.B. Bro n .))( President of Bro n "ni#ersity (.)44>.4%4)
Charles D#ans Hughes 6.B. Bro n .)). Chief $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.40(>.45.)
<heodore F. 8reen 6.B. Bro n .))? 8o#ernor of Rhode -sland (.400>.40?)H ".1. 1enator (2>Rhode -sland' .40?> .4:.)
$ohn 2. Rockefeller $r. 6.B. Bro n .)4? Chairman of the !oard of <he Rockefeller Foundation (.4.?>.45()
<homas $. Watson $r. 6.B. Bro n .40? Chairman and CD7 of -B= (.4:.>.4?.)
Willard C. Butcher 6.B. Bro n .45? Chairman and CD7 of Chase =anhattan Bank (.4).>.44()
Richard C. Hol!rooke 6.B. Bro n .4:% ".1. Re/resentati#e to the "nited Nations (.444>%((.)
$anet L. +ellen 6.B. Bro n .4:? Bice Chairman of the Federal Reser#e (%(.(>/resent)
Lincoln 2. Chafee 6.B. Bro n .4?& ".1. 1enator (Re/u!lican> Rhode -sland' .444> %((?)H 8o#ernor of Rhode -sland (%(..>/resent)
$im +ong Cim 6.B. Bro n .4)% President of 2artmouth College (%((4>%(.%)H President of the World Bank (%(.%>/resent)
Dd ard =. House (undergraduate .)??> .))(' dro//ed out) Co>Founder' Council on Foreign Relations (.4%.)
6rthur H. 2ean B.6. Cornell .4%. Partner of 1ulli#an J Crom ell Mla firm in Ne +ork CityN (.4%4>.4?:)
Bar!er B. Cona!le $r. B.6. Cornell .45% President of the World Bank (.4):>.44.)
Ruth Bader 8ins!urg B.6. Cornell .4&5 $ustice of the ".1. 1u/reme Court (.440>/resent)
1anford -. Weill B.6. Cornell .4&& Chairman (.44)>%((:) and CD7 (.44)>%((0) of Citigrou/
1te/hen Friedman B.6. Cornell .4&4 Chairman of 8oldman' 1achs J Co. (.44(>.445)
Paul 2. Wolfo it* B.6. Cornell .4:& President of the World Bank (%((&>%((?)
/ro*inent *e*1ers of Quill > 7agger include /aul 7. +olfowit:, (andy 8erger, (tephen .ried*an, (tephen J. Hadley, and 8ar1er 8. -ona1le Jr.
$ames Walker' Cornelius Con ay Felton' <homas Hill' Charles William Dliot' 6!!ott La rence Lo ell
$ames B. Conant' Nathan =. Pusey' 2erek Bok' Neil L. Rudenstine' La rence H. 1ummers' 2re 8il/in Faust
4niversity Hall at Harvard 4niversity, with the statue of John Harvard in front of the 1uilding. (/hoto0 .lickr%
Harvard ?ard
Harvard 4niversity
+oodrow +ilson (chool at /rinceton 4niversity in /rinceton, 2ew Jersey (/hoto0 .lickr%
4niversity of /ennsylvania
Catharine 8raham' Peter 8. Peterson' 2a#id Rockefeller' Falmay Chalil*ad' Paul Wolfo it*' 6hmed Chala!i
$on Cor*ine' 2a#id =. Ru!enstein' Beardsley Ruml' Clifton R. Wharton $r.' $ohn 2. 6shcroft' Ramsey Clark $ohns Ho/kins "ni#ersity 6lumni
<imothy F. 8eithner' =ichael R. Bloom!erg' 6lger Hiss' $ohn 2e ey' Woodro Wilson' 1amuel $. Palmisano 8eorgeto n "ni#ersity 6lumni
(8en.) $ames L. $ones' Bill Clinton' 8eorge $. <enet' Ro!ert =. 8ates' William $. =c2onough' (1en.) 8eorge $. =itchell
Harry 2eEter White' Ray Lyman Wil!ur' Her!ert Hoo#er' William H. RehnOuist' 1andra 2ay 79Connor' 1te/hen 8. Breyer
Warren Christo/her' William $. Perry' R. $ames Woolsey' 1usan D. Rice' Carla 6. Hills' 2ianne Feinstein "ni#ersity of California at Berkeley 6lumni
Darl Warren' 6llan 1/roul' $ohn 6leE =cCone' Ro!ert =cNamara' W. =ichael Blumenthal' Dric 1chmidt
8lenn <. 1ea!org' $ohn Cenneth 8al!raith' 2ale R. Corson' (1en.) William F. Cno land' Ro!ert 8. 1/roul' $ennifer 8ranholm =assachusetts -nstitute of <echnology (=-<) 6lumni
Laura 296ndrea <yson' Ben 1. Bernanke' Ben@amin Netanyahu' 1tanley Fischer' 8eorge P. 1hult*' La rence 1ummers
Frank $. 8oodno ' 2 ight W. =orro ' $ohn $. =cCloy' Le is W. 2ouglas' William H. We!ster' $ohn =. 2eutch Ne +ork "ni#ersity 6lumni
Richard 1. Fuld $r.' 6lan 8reens/an' Larry 1il#erstein' 6!raham H. FoEman' Rudy 8iuliani' 1en. $aco! C. $a#its North estern "ni#ersity 6lumni
8eorge W. Ball' 2ick 8e/hardt' Rod Blago@e#ich' Rahm Dmanuel' 8eorge 1. =c8o#ern' 6dlai D. 1te#enson $r. "ni#ersity of Pennsyl#ania 6lumni
2re 8il/in Faust' $udith Rodin' <homas 1. 8ates $r.' 8eorge W. Wickersham' William 1. Paley' Ronald 1. Lauder 1 arthmore College 6lumni
2etle# W. Bronk' Clark Cerr' =ichael 2ukakis' Cermit 8ordon' Richard W. Lyman' Ro!ert Foellick