How To Apply For The Nursing Licensure Exam in The PRC
How To Apply For The Nursing Licensure Exam in The PRC
How To Apply For The Nursing Licensure Exam in The PRC
*B.S. in Nursing * Summary of Related Learning Experience (RLE) * Operating Room Major Scrubs - 5 Minor Scrubs 5 * Delivery Room Handled - 5 Assisted - 5 Cord Dressing - 5
later than two (2) months after the closing of the semester prescribed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. The examination shall be held in the City of Manila or in such places as may be decided by the Board subject to the approval of the Professional Regulation Commission.
For any of the causes mentioned in the preceding section; For unprofessional and unethical conduct; For gross incompetence and serious ignorance; For malpractice or negligence in the practice of nursing; or For the use of fraud, deceit, or false statements in obtaining a certificate of registration.
Re issuance of Revoked Certificates and Replacement of Lost Certificates - The Board may, for reasons of equity and justice or when the cause
for revocation has disappeared or has been cured and corrected, upon proper application therefor and the payment of the required fees, issue another copy of the certificate of registration.
STEP 1. Secure Action Sheet from the PRC Customer Service Center (CSC) and accomplish the same. STEP 2. Submit the Action Sheet for processing and evaluation at any of the Processing Windows together with the following:
Original and photo/xerox copies of Transcript of Records with Special Order and Date of GraduationSCANNED PICTURES AND WITH REMARKS FOR BOARD EXAMINATION PURPOSES ONLY.(Graduates of government schools and institutions/programs accredited by recognized accredited agencies under the FAAP are exempted from SO [B]). Graduates of New Schools/degree Programs must submit School Recognition and/or Permit to operate. Original and photo/xerox copy of NSO-issued Birth Certificate (in NSO security paper; if NSO copy not very clear, bring copy from the Local Civil Registrar) Original and photo/xerox copies of Marriage Contract in NSO security paper (for married female only; if NSO copy not very clear, bring copy from local civil registrar). Four (4) passport size colored pictures in white background with complete name tag. Current Community Tax Certificate (Cedula) Other specific requirements as required by the Commission and/or Professional Regulatory Board. NOTE: Secure the following from the processor upon approval of your application: Computerized Application form (CAF) Permanent Examination and Registration Record card (PERRC) (for first-timers) Notice of Admission (NOA)
STEP 3. Pay examination fee at any of the Cashier Windows. Get Official Receipt.
STEP 4. Pay for metered documentary stamps and mailing envelope with metered documentary stamps at the CSC.
STEP 5. Accomplish the CAF, PERRC, and NOA. Indicate the Official Receipt number, date, and amount on the CAF.
STEP 6. Proceed to any of the Issuance Windows (Window 9, 10, 11, 12) for final review of qualifications and documents and issuance of NOA, Applicant's Stub, Program of Examination, Examinee's Guide and Self-Instruction Sheet.
STEP 7. Keep the Notice of Admission, Official Receipt, and the Applicant's Stub. Bring these with you on the first day of the examination. For further information, read the General Instructions at the back page of the Notice of Admission, Program of Examination, Examinee's guide and Self-Instruction Sheet.
STEP 8. Bring your NOA when you verify with the PRC your school and building assignment which will be posted at the PRC premises two (2) three(3) working days before the examination date.
Affect The outward manifestation of a persons feelings, tone or mood. Affect and emotions are commonly used interchangeable. Agitation Excessive motor activity, usually purposeless and associated with internal tension. Examples: inability to sit still, pacing, wringing of hands, or pulling of clothing. Akathisia Motor restlessness ranging from a feeling of inner disquiet, often localized in the muscles, to inability to sit still or lie quietly, a side effect of some antipsychotic drugs. Akinesia A side effect of the antipsychotic drugs characterized by a general lack of motor movement in the patient, as well as a slowing down of speech and responsiveness.
Ambivalence The coexistence of contradictory emotions, attitudes, ideas, or desires with respect to a particular person, object, or situation. Suggests psychopathology only when present in an extreme form. Anhedonia Loss of interest and/or pleasure in usual activities associated with depression. Anxiety Apprehension, tension or uneasiness that stems from the anticipation of a danger, whose source is largely unknown. Primarily of intrapsychic origin. (top) Catatonia Immobility with muscular rigidity or inflexibility and at times excitability most often seen in schizophrenia. Circumstantiality In conversation, the use of excessive and irrelevant detail in describing simple events, the speaker eventually reaching his goal only after many digressions. Clang Association In thinking, the association of words by sound rather than meaning, after resulting in nonsensical rhymes and puns. Cognitive Refers to the mental process of comprehension, judgement, memory, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes. Compulsion An insistent, repetitive, intrusive and unwanted urge to perform an act that is contrary to one's ordinary wishes and standard. Confabulation
Fabrication of facts or events in response to questions about events that are not recalled because of memory impairment. Conflict A mental struggle that arises from the simultaneous operation of opposing impulses, drives external or internal demands (intra psychic when the conflict is between internal forces - extra psychic when the conflict is between self and the environment. Confusion Disturbed orientation in respect to time, place or person. Countertransference The therapist's partly unconscious or conscious emotional reactions to the patient. (top) Defense Mechanisms Patterns of feelings, thoughts, or behaviors that arc relatively involuntary and arise in response to perceptions of psychic danger to alleviate the conflicts or stressors that give rise to anxiety. May be either maladaptive or adaptive, depending on their severity, their inflexibility, arid the context in which they occur. Some common defense mechanisms arc compensation, conversion, denial, displacement, dissociation, intellectualization, repression, projection, somatization, suppression, undoing, splitting, idealization, reaction formation. Delirium A clouding of consciousness, marked by reduced ability to focus on and sustain attention to environmental stimuli. Usually of abrupt onset, the syndrome develops over a short period of time with symptoms fluctuating in severity over the course of a day. Perceptual disturbance, incoherent speech, sleep-wake disturbance, emotional liability, disorientation and memory impairment may be present. Condition is reversible except when followed by dementia or death. Delirium tremors An acute and sometimes fatal brain disorder caused by total or partial withdrawal from
excessive alcohol intake. Usually develops in 24 to 96 hours after cessation of drinking. Symptoms include fever, tremors, ataxia, and sometimes convulsions, frightening illusions, delusions, and hallucinations. Delusion A firm, fixed idea not amenable to rational explanation and maintained despite objective evidence to the contrary. Some types of common delusions are delusions of being controlled, delusions of grandeur, delusions or persecution and somatic delusions. Dementia A deterioration of intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning. Dementia may follow a progressive, static, or remitting course depending on the underlying etiology. Memory disturbance is the most prominent symptom. In addition there is impairment of abstract thinking, judgement, impulse control, and/or personality change. Depersonalization An alteration in the perception or experience of the self so that the feelings of one's own reality is temporarily lost; a sense of unreality. Dystonia Acute tonic muscular spasms, often of the tongue, jaw, eyes and neck but sometimes of the whole body. Reactions may come on quickly and dramatically, A treatable side effect of antipsychotic drugs. Echolalia Repetition (echoing) of words or phrases of others. Echopraxia The pathological repetition by imitation of the movements of another person. Flight of Ideas A nearly continuous flow or accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic,
usually based on understandable associations, distracting stimuli, or plays on words. Grandiosity An inflated appraisal of one's worth, power knowledge, importance, or identity. Hallucinations A sensory impression in the absence of any external stimuli; can arise in respect to any sensory modality - visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile or gustatory. Hypomania Abnormality of mood but even normal euphoria and mania. Characterized by optimism, pressure of speech and activity, and decreased need for sleep. Some people have increased creativity while others demonstrate poor judgment and irritability. Ideas of influence The conviction that one's behavior, including one's thoughts is being influenced in some way by an external agency, when in fact it is not. Ideas of reference The interpretation of external events, especially the actions and statements of other people, as having reference to one's self when in fact they do not. Loose Associations Thinking that is overgeneralized, diffuse, and vague with only a tenuous connection between one thought and the next. Mania A mood disorder characterized by excessive elation, hyperactivity, agitation,- and accelerated thinking and speaking - sometimes manifested as flight of ideas. Mania is seen in major affective disorders and in some organic mental disorders. Mood A pervasive and sustained emotion that in the extreme markedly colors one's
perception of the world. ' Examples of mood include depression, elation, and anger. Obsession A persistent, unwanted idea or impulse that can not be eliminated by logic or reasoning. (top) Panic Attacks : Sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror - is accompanied by physiological changes. Paranoid Ideation Suspiciousness or nondelusional belief that one is being harassed, persecuted, or unfairly treated. Parkinson's Syndrome A treatable syndrome of side effects from antipsychotic medication which appear after one or two weeks and that is characterized by resting tremor, muscle rigidity, including a mask-like face; slow motor movement, and a stooped, shuffling gait. Preservation The emission of the same verbal or motor response again and again to varied stimuli, despite the parson's effort to move on. Phobia An obsessive, persistent, unrealistic intense fear of an object or situation. Posturing Maintaining an unusual or awkward posture for a considerable amount of time. Poverty of Thought Few verbal communications or ones that convey little information because of vagueness, empty repetitions, or stereotyped or obscure phrases. Pseudodementia
Clinical features resembling a dementia that are not due to organic brain dysfunction or disease. Psychomotor Agitation Excessive motor activity associated with a feeling of inner tension, the activity is usually non productive and repetitious. Psychomotor Retardation Visible generalized slowing down of physical reactions, movements, and speech. Psychosis A major mental disorder of organic or emotional origin in which a person's ability to think, respond emotionally, remember, communicate, interpret reality, and behave appropriately is sufficiently impaired so as to interfere grossly with the capacity to meet the ordinary demands of life. Often characterized by regressive behavior, inappropriate mood, diminished impulse control, and such abnormal mental content as delusions and hallucinations. Psychosomatic The constant and inseparable interaction of the psyche (mind) and the soma (body). Commonly used to refer to illnesses in which the manifestations are primarily physical with at least a partial emotional etiology. (top) Tangential In conversation, digressions that divert the speaker from his goal, which he never reaches; to be distinguished from circumstantial in which the goal is eventually reached. Tardive Dyskinesia Literally 'late appearing abnormal movements;' a variable complex of choreiform or athetoid movements developing in patients exposed to antipsychotic drugs. Typical movements include tongue-writhing or protrusion, chewing, lip-puckcring, choreiform finger movements, toe and ankle movements, leg-jiggling, or movements of neck,
trunk, and pelvis. Thought Blocking A sudden obstruction or interruption in the train of thought or speech, which the person is unable to complete. Thought Broadcasting A symptom of psychosis in which the patient believes that thoughts are broadcast outside the head so that other persons can actually hear them. Thought insertion The patient's belief that thoughts that are not the patient's own Can be inserted into his mind. Thought Withdrawal An interruption in the train of thought perceived by tile person as someone removing or taking away his thoughts. Transference The unconscious assignment to others of feelings and attitudes that were originally associated with important figures (parents, siblings, etc.) in one's early life. The transference may be negative or positive.
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Odynophagia is painful swallowing, in the mouth (oropharynx) or esophagus. It can occur with or without dysphagia, or difficult swallowing Halitosis, oral malodor (scientific term), breath odor, foul breath, fetor oris, fetor ex ore, or most commonly bad breath are terms used to describe Pyloroplasty is surgery to widen the opening of the end of the pylorus, which is found in the lower portion of the stomach, Billroth I = gastroduodenal reconstruction Billroth II = gastrojejunal reconstruction ISOTONIC = the muscle shortens to produce contraction ISOMETRIC = NO CHANGE in muscle length ISOKINETIC = Involves muscle contraction or tension against a resistance Measure correct crutch length LYING DOWN Measure from the Anterior Axillary Fold to the HEEL of the foot then: Add 1 inch (Kozier) Add 2 inches (Brunner and Suddarth) Hyperalgesiaexcessive sensitivity to pain Bruxism- commonly called night teeth-grinding occurring during stage 2 sleep Somnambulism- sleepwalking" POLYSOMNOGRAPHY is the only method that can confirm sleep apnea. Urticaria - (or hives) is a skin condition, commonly caused by an allergic reaction, that is characterized by raised red skin wheals Pruritus- is an itch or a sensation that makes a person want to scratch.
CAUTION ---- Mnemonics for early detection for CANCER C- Change in bowel/bladder habits A- A sore that does not heal U- Unusual bleeding T- Thickening or lump in the breast I- Indigestion O- Obvious change in warts N- Nagging cough and hoarseness Alopecia begins within 2 weeks of therapy. Regrowth within 8 weeks of termination Tenesmus is a feeling of incomplete defecation. It is experienced as an inability or difficulty to empty the bowel at defecation. The CONDUCTING SYSTEM OF THE HEART Consists of the 1. SA node- the pacemaker 2. AV node- slowest conduction 3. Bundle of His branches into the Right and the Left bundle branch 4. Purkinje fibers- fastest conduction The Heart sounds 1. S1- due to closure of the AV valves 2. S2- due to the closure of the semi-lunar valves 3. S3- due to increased ventricular filling 4. S4- due to forceful atrial contraction The lymphatic system also is part of the vascular system and the function of this system is to collect the extravasated fluid from the tissues and returns it to the blood CARDIAC Proteins and enzymes CK- MB ( creatine kinase). Elevates in MI within 4 hours, peaks in 18 hours and then declines till 3 days Troponin I and T Troponin I is usually utilized for MI. Elevates within 3-4 hours, peaks in 4-24 hours and persists for 7 days to 3 weeks! Normal value for Troponin I is less than 0.6 ng/mL Cholesterol= 200 mg/dL Triglycerides- 40- 150 mg/dL Ischemic changes may show ST depression and T wave inversion Nitrates- to dilate the coronary arteries Aspirin- to prevent thrombus formation Beta-blockers- to reduce BP and HR Calcium-channel blockers- to dilate coronary artery and reduce vasospasm After MI, Patients who are able to walk 3-4 mph are usually ready to resume sexual activities Infective endocarditis >> Oslers nodes- painful nodules on fingerpads Infective endocarditis >> Roths spots- pale hemorrhages in the retina LEFT SIDED CHF 1. Dyspnea on exertion 2. PND 3. Orthopnea 4. Pulmonary crackles/rales 5. cough with Pinkish, frothy sputum
6. Tachycardia 7. Cool extremities 8. Cyanosis 9. decreased peripheral pulses 10. Fatigue 11. Oliguria 12. signs of cerebral anoxia RIGHT SIDED CHF 1. Peripheral dependent, pitting edema 2. Weight gain 3. Distended neck vein 4. hepatomegaly 5. Ascites 6. Body weakness 7. Anorexia, nausea 8. Pulsus alternans CARDIOGENIC SHOCK 1. HYPOTENSION 2. oliguria (less than 30 ml/hour) 3. tachycardia 4. narrow pulse pressure 5. weak peripheral pulses 6. cold clammy skin 7. changes in sensorium/LOC 8. pulmonary congestion CARDIAC TAMPONADE A condition where the heart is unable to pump blood due to accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac (pericardial effusion) BECKs Triad- Jugular vein distention, hypotension and distant/muffled heart sound ANEURYSM - Dilation involving an artery formed at a weak point in the vessel wall Saccular= when one side of the vessel is affected Fusiform= when the entire segment becomes dilated RISK FACTORS Atherosclerosis Infection= syphilis Connective tissue disorder Genetic disorder= Marfans Syndrome PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (PAOD) - Refers to arterial insufficiency of the extremities usually secondary to peripheral atherosclerosis INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION- the hallmark of PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASE (PAOD) Intermittent claudication is a clinical diagnosis given for muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness or sense of fatigue), classically calf muscle RAYNAUDS DISEASE - A form of intermittent arteriolar VASOCONSTRICTION that results in coldness, pain and pallor of the fingertips or toes Cheilosis (also called cheilitis) is a painful inflammation and cracking of the corners of the mouth. It sometimes occurs on only one side of the mouth
APLASTIC ANEMIA - A condition characterized by decreased number of RBC as well as WBC and platelets Pernicious Anemia - Beefy, red, swollen tongue (Schillings test) Progesterone - maintains the uterine lining for implantation and relaxes all smooth muscles Relaxin - is the hormone that softens the muscles and joints of the pelvis Thyroxine - increases basal metabolic rates Buck's Traction - Skin traction Skeletal Traction - with Pins Vit. B2 (riboflavin) deficiency - scaly skin Vit. A deficiency - Night blindness Vit. D deficiency - Skeletal Pain Zinc deficiency - slow wound healing Selenium deficiency - heart damage Toxoplasmosis parasite - infection from inadequately cooked meat, eggs, or milk, ingestion or inhaling the oocyst excreted in feline feces Sclerotherapy - injecttion of a sclerosing agent into a varicosity. The agent damages the vessels and causes aseptic thrombosis, which result in vein closure. Deep Tendon Reflex Test 1+ - diminished 2+ - normal 3+ - increased, brisker-than-average 4+ very brisk, hyperactive Involution is a progressive descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity that occurse at approx. 1cm per day. FHR can be first heard with fetoscope at 18 to 20 weeks gestation. 10 weeks with a doppler ultrasound. Folic acid rich food are peanuts, sunflower seeds and raisins Variable deceleration = cord compression Early deceleration = pressure on the fetal head during a contraction Later deceleration = uteroplacental insufficiency Cystitis is inflammation of the urinary bladder. Pyelonephritis is an ascending urinary tract infection that has reached the pyelum (pelvis) of the kidney (nephros in Greek). Partial weightbearing - 30% to 50% of the body weight on the affected limb Touch-down weight bearing allows the client to let the limb touch the floor but not bear weight. Thyroid supplements for hypothyroidism should be taken in the morning to avoid insomia. Croup - dont administer cough syrup and cold medicines because they will dry and thicken secretions. Sips of warm fluid will relax the vocal cords and thin the mucos. Koplik spots - small bluish-white spots with a red base found on the buccal mucosa German measles - pinkish-rose maculopapular rash on the face, neck and scalp. Reddish and pinpoint petechiae spots found on the soft palate Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) [slapped cheek] - an intense, fiery-red, edematous rash on the cheeks.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) - rash on the palm and soles of the feed and on the remainder of the body. Fever, headache, anorexia and restlessness. Meds given is Tetracycline hydrochloride (achromycin) Thioguanine and thiotepa are antineoplastic medications Ticlopidine hydrochloride (Ticlid) is a platelet aggregation inhibitor Erythema marginatum is characterized by red skin lesions that start as flat or slightly raised macules, usually over the trunk and that spread peripherally. Atrial fibrillation - Auscultating the apical pulse for an irregular rate while palpating the radial pulse for pulse deficit Triple dye is used for initial cord care because it minimizes bateria and promotes drying. A low cardiac output will cause the increased build-up of blood in the heart and pulmonary system, causing crackles to be heard in the lung fields. S3 heart sounds = ventricular gallop Trachoesophageal fistual = abdominal distension 3 stages of separation anxiety are PROTEST, DESPAIR AND DETACHMENT Anaphylactic shock = fatal allergic reaction Cardiac Tamponade - assessment findings include tachycardia, distant or muffled heart sounds, jugular vein distention and falling blood pressure accompanied by pulsus paradoxus ( a drop in inspiratory BY by > 10 mmhg) Spironolactone (Aldactone) > pt. may experience body image changes due to threatened sexual identity. These body image changes are related to decreased libido, gynecomastia in males, and hirsutism in females. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) - fruity odor to the client's breath Rhonchi - occur as a result of the passing of air through fluid-filled narrow passages. Rhonchi are sometimes referred to as "gurgles". Diseases with excess mucous product, such as pnemonia are associated with rhonchi. Rhonchi are usually heard on expiration and may clear with a cough. Urolithiasis is a condition in which crystals in the urine combine to form stones, also called calculi or uroliths Hodgkin's disease is a type of lymphoma distinguished by the presence of a particular kind of cancer cell called a Reed-Sternberg cell. Cardiogenic shock (left-sided heart failure) - includes altered sensorium, tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, oliguria, and cold, clammy, cyanotic skin Ovarian cancer symptoms include abdominal discomfort, irreg. menses, flatulence, fullness after a light mean and increase abdominal girth. Myocardial infarction: -ST segment elevation usually occurs immediately or during the early stages of MI. -The CK-MB isoenzyme begins to rise 3 to 6 hourse after MI. -T wave depression and abnormal Q wave changes occur within several hours to several days after the MI. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) symptoms are "heart beating" in the abdomen when supine or be able to feel the mass throbbing. A pulsatile mass may be palpated in the middle and upper abdomen. A systolic bruit may be ausculated over the mass. Neuroleptic Malignant syndrome experiences an elevated in temperature ( sometimes up to 107 F) and parkinsonian symptoms Intermittent claudication usually refers to cramplike pains in the legs (usually the calf muscles, but may be in the thigh.
Cholinergic effect includes increase in salivation, lacrimation, urination and defecation, bradycardia, hypotension and increaes muscle weakness Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by the absense of P waves, wide QRS complexes (usually greater then 0.14 second) and a rate between 100 and 250 impulses per minute. Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by irregular, chaotic undulations of varying amplitudes. There are no measurable rate and no visible P waves or QRS complexes. Inguinal hernia is a common defect that appears as a painless inguinal swelling when the child cries or strains. Partial obstruction of the herniated loop of intestine - difficulty in defecating Phimosis - a dribbling stream, indicating an obstruction in the flow of urine Cryptorchidism - absense of the testes within the scrotum. Triamterene (Dyrenium) is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Side effects include frequent urination and polyuria. Erythroblastosis fetalis is a hemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn resulting in excessive destruction of red blood cells (RBCs) and stimulation of immature erythrocytes. Glycosylated hemoglobin values of 8% or less are acceptable.
A partial-thickness superficial burn appears wet, shiny, and weeping or may contain blisters. A partial-thinkness deep burn appears dry and may be deep red or white. No blanching occurs and thrombosed vessels may be visible. Hypercalcemia is a serum calcium ion level greater than 11 mg/dl or 5.5 mEq/L. Keratoplasty is referred to as corneal tranplantation or grafting The 3 characteristic symptoms of Menieres disease are tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss on the involved side. Otoscopy is an examination that involves looking into the ear with an instrument called an otoscope (or auriscope). Nystagmus is an uncontrolled movement of the eyes, usually from side to side, but sometimes the eyes swing up and down or even in a circular movement Presbycusis is the loss of hearing that gradually occurs in most individuals as they grow older. Tinnitus is the most common compaint of clients with otological disorders, esp. disorders involving the inner ear. Nikolsky's sign is a clinical dermatological sign in which blisters spread easily upon application of horizontal, tangential pressure to the skin. Pemphigus hallmark sign is Nikolsky sign which occurs when the epidermis can be rubbed off by slight friction or injury. Its a rare, autoimmune skin disorder that causes blistering and raw sores on skin and mucous membranes. Scabies can be identified by the presence of multiple straight or wavy threadlike lines beneath the skin. The skin lesions are caused by a female mites that burrows beneath the skin and lays its eggs. A melanoma is an irregularly shaped, pigmented papule or plaque with a red, white or blue color.
Basal cell carcinoma appears as a pearly papule with a central crater and rolled waxy border. Squamous cell carcinoma is a firm, nodular lesion topped with a crust or a central area of ulceration. A hydrocele is an abnormal collection of fluid within the layers of the tunica vaginalis that surrounds the testis. It may be unilateral or bilateral and can occur in an infant or adult. A Cunningham clamp is a adjustable, lightweight, foam-lined molded clamp that fits over the penis behind the glans. It is sed for client experiencing urinary incontinence. Raynaud disease (RAY-noz) is a vascular disorder that affects blood flow to the extremities which include the fingers, toes, nose and ears when exposed to temperature changes or stress. Osteomalacia is the general term for the softening of the bones due to defective bone mineralization. Osteomalacia in children is known as rickets Calcium supplements should not be taken with whole grain cereals, rhubarb, spinach, or bran because these foods decrease the absorption of the calcium. A blunted affect is a minimal emotional response and expresses the clients outward affect. Caput succedaneum - swelling of the soft tissues of the head Cephalhematoma - edema resulting from bleeding below the periosteum of the cranium An increased interest in sounds occurs between 6 and 8 months for an infant. Babbling sound begin between the ages of 3 and 4 months. Between the ages of 1 and 3 months the infant produces cooing sounds. Use of gestures occurs between 9 and 12 months. At age 15 mnts the child would be expected to build a tower of 2 blocks. At age of 18 months the child would be expected to build a tower of 4 to 5 blocks. At age 30 mnts the child would be expected to snap large snaps and put on simple clothes independently. An increase pH and bicarbonate level indicate metabolic alkalosis. Urine specific gravity is normally 1.010 to 1.030. Arterial ischemic leg ulcers are characteristically deep, pale and painful. Intermittent claudication is the name given to leg pain that occurs with exercise and relieved by rest. Aldactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic used to treat edema, high blood pressure and hyperaldosteronium. Maturational crises involve developmental crises at any transition point in life, such as marriage, pregnancy, or retirement. Situational crises are adverse happenings that disturb a person's functionaning, such as death of a loved one, divorce or illness. Adventitious crises involve unexpected accidents, such as floods or earthquakes. Onspecific crisis is unrelated to this situation. Brown-S-Quard syndrone results from hemisection of the spinal cord, resulting in ipsilateral paralysis and loss of tuch, pressure, vibration.
Glycosylated Hgb gives an indication of what the patient ate over the past 3 months by reporting the average blood sugar over a period of time. MgSO4 causes vasodilatation and lowers BP. The patient could become hypotensive. Cryptorchidism is the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. Cryptorchidism may cause permanent damage to the testicle and interfere with either sperm production or transport of sperm. Adoption studies of twins indicates that predisposition for schizophrenia may be inherited. Research indicates that there is a genetic vulnerability as well as other factors that contribute to the development of schizophrenia. Low serum albumin can indicate poor nutritional status or liver failure, making patient poor candidate for surgery. Gowns, masks and goggles or face shields are required if there is a possibility of splattering.
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth. People who drink alcohol are more susceptible to cancer of mouth, liver, pancreas, stomach. SIADH causes water retention, which leads to edema, and weight gain. Urine output is low, Serum Na is low and urine specific gravity is high > 1.020. Haloperidol is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and, more acutely, in the treatment of acute psychotic states and delirium. It is preferred that cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) be given in the morning, this will permit to force fluids during the day and increase the number of times the child voids, which will help prevent hemorrhagic cystitis. Tingling in the mouth and fingers is a sign of hyperventilation commonly occurring during the transitional phase of labor due to increased breathing patterns in response to pain. Slowing of breathing pattern will help to increase CO2 content. Leukemia or leukaemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal proliferation (production by multiplication) of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). It is part of the broad group of diseases called hematological neoplasms. In severe depression activities of daily living are ignored as self-esteem and self worth are severely impaired. The patient is showing an interest in self-care, which is a sign of improvement. PTT normal is 35-45 seconds
Humulin R is a regular (short acting) insulin the only type that can be given IV. Monthly self-breast exam should be done on the 7th day after the beginning of the menstrual flow. Because the release of oxytocin during breastfeeding stimulates uterine contractions. During the first few days of involution this may feel like strong cramping. A mild analgesic will relieve the pain and will not interfere with establishing breastfeeding milk supply. Hirschsprung's disease, or congenital aganglionic megacolon, involves an enlargement of the colon, caused by bowel obstruction resulting from an aganglionic section of bowel (the normal enteric nerves are absent) that starts at the anus and progresses upwards. Hirschprung's disease usually includes a temporary colostomy until the dilated portion of the bowel returns to normal function. Interfering with the completion of the ritual increases anxiety. Providing hand cream offers some protection to the skin until the rituals reduce as the patient improves. Chicken liver is high in Tyramine. Patient with rheumatic fever will not develop bronchitis, oliguria or nausea. He will develop polyarthritis. Prudent nursing practice is turning bed-bound patient every 2 hours. Turning every 4 hours fails to meet nursing standards. Green leafy vegetables are full of Vitamin K which interferes with Coumadin therapy. They may be eaten but intake should be consistent so therapy can be adequately adjusted. None of the others are contraindicated. Patient has cirrhosis, you should be concern with itching which could indicate pruritus
and liver failure. Babies with hydrocephalus may have difficulty lifting and turning their heads due to the increased size. To prevent skin breakdown of the bony prominences it is important to turn and position the child frequently. Hypertension with Acute Glomerulonephritis occurs during the acute phase of the disease. Normal BP range would indicate that the condition was resolving. In the court case Rogers vs. Okin in the Federal District Court of Massachusetts, it was ruled that involuntary mental patients are competent and have the right to make treatment decisions. Forcible administration of medication is justified in an emergency if needed to prevent violence and if other alternatives have been ruled out. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (Polyradiculitis) is a clinical syndrome which affects both cranial and peripheral nerves. Its' origin is not known, however it has been found to be preceded by either a recent Upper Respiratory Infection, Gastrointestinal Infection, or immunization against the flu (ie: Swine Flu). It is NOT hereditary. During the acute phase of Bacterial Endocarditis the patient is usually on bed rest and the nurse must assist patient, to conserve energy and reduce cardiac workload. At the same time the nurse should be able to provide, as tolerated, activities to reduce feelings of boredom and helplessness. Ecchymoses - The passage of blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin. Patients receiving Carafate should not be given antacids for at least a half hour following the administration of this drug for the drug to exert its' maximum efficacy. The BEST indicator of efficacy of Lasix in a patient with CHF, is the patient's CVP. The change in CVP is an indication of adequacy of venous blood volume. Along with the patient's clinical picture the improvement in breathing, weight loss, increased urine
output, and reduction in edema indicate a therapeutic response to the action of this medication. Patients on TPN must be monitored closely, and the rate of the infusion must be maintained as ordered. If the rate is too fast hyperosmolar diuresis occurs, and the patient may c/o headache, nausea, chills, and may have a fever. In this situation the nurse should suspect Hyperglycemia, and check glucose (finger stick), and urine output (Diuresis is likely) and notify M.D. Also be prepared to add Insulin to infusion. HIB vaccine is against H influenza virus. People who have allergies to eggs often have allergic reaction to HIB vaccine. Toxoplasmosis is a protozoa infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii, found in raw or undercooked foods and cat feces. Celestone is corticosteroid and is used to accelerate fetal lung maturity. It has a better effect if it is given at least 24 hours prior to delivery. Children with Tetralogy of Fallot do not have enough energy to practice gross motor skills therefore become developmentally delayed. They also may have frequent hospitalizations, which limit their activity. Abrupt cessation of alcohol when addicted can result in seizures including status epilepticus. Depending on the area of the brain affected, and the degree of involvement, the patients with cerebral aneurysms may exhibit one or more of the following signs/symptoms/behaviors, ie: unilateral neglect of paralyzed side, astereognosis, aphasia, emotional lability, etc. The nurse should be aware of these and be able to intervene effectively, ie. In this case use of good communication skills, and provide reassurance. Asterixis is a tremor of the wrist when the wrist is extended (dorsiflexion), sometimes
said to resemble a bird flapping its wings. Also called "liver flap", it can be a sign of hepatic encephalopathy, damage to brain cells due to the inability of the liver to metabolize ammonia to urea. The cause is thought to be related to abnormal ammonia metabolism. Lactulose (Cephulac) is prescribed to patients with impending or actual Hepatic Coma. The drug's primary action is to reduce serum ammonia. It does this by retaining ammonia in the colon and expelling it in the stool through an osmotic laxative effect. The BEST indicator that the drug is exerting its physiological effect would be the patient having two to three soft stools per day. Often after removal of foley, patient will have frequent sensation to void accompanied by burning sensation on first void. The mood stabilizing effect of Lithium takes around one to two weeks based on how fast a therapeutic level can be reached and maintained. Crutchfield tongs are cervical tongs applied for immobilization of cervical injuries. Postprocedure nursing care includes assessing the client for any changes in neurologic status. The insertion site is monitored for signs of infection. National stroke association says 2/3 of all strokes occur in people over 65, M>F, Blacks>Whites. HTN is the No.1 risk factor. Soft or pureed foods are easier to swallow and be controlled with a lazy tongue. Liquids increase risk of aspiration.
Unlocking Halo vest traction - An open-ended wrench is taped to the client's vest. This wrench provides immediate release of the bolts to remove the vest in the event the client, requires external cardiac compression. The posterior portion of vest remains in place to provide stability for the spine during CPR. Indomethacin is NSAIDS. Bleeding may occur. Verapamil is a calcium channel blocker, antihypertensive and antianginal. K-Lor is a potassium supplement. Clozaril requires weekly blood tests. Risperdal [risperidone] - It targets both negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia; It has fewer neurological side effects than the phenothiazines; It is unlikely to cause tardive dyskinesia. The heparin drip has a protocol that needs to be followed, including regular PTT levels,
and adjustment of the heparin drip ---- Assign to RN Any threat to inflict harm is assault. Shock phase (24-48 hrs after) the patient is dehydrated decrease B/P, increased P, decreased U/O. Variable deceleration is the result of compression of umbilical cord. Nurse should change maternal position, if no improvement seen, administer oxygen, discontinue oxycitocin if infusing. Influenza virus vaccine and the pneumococcal vaccine can be administered concomitantly; Deltoid or lateral mid-thigh is the preferred injection site; The vaccines should be administered in the dominant arm. Check for fecal impaction on client with spinal cord injury has autonomic dysreflexia. Family and friends around the bed, chanting and singing depicts Hindu death rituals. What the nurse should expect is that while Hindus normally bring their ill home to die, on occasion the hospital is the site of death. When death is imminent, the person is placed with his head facing east. A lamp is lit near his head and he is encouraged to concentrate on his mantra. Family members keep vigil until death comes, singing hymns, praying and reading scriptures. Nurse should instruct the client to rinse her mouth with a normal saline and baking soda solution on a patient with painful and bleeding ulcerations in her mouth. Good Samaritan laws shield you from liability for negligence but not gross negligence. A health care proxy is a document appointing someone else to make medical decision. Celiac disease - gluten free diet.
PKU patient needs to avoid protein. Sternum and forehead are reliable sites for evaluating dehydration in elderly. Magnesium sulfate is an anti-convulsant which can cause cardiac arrhythmias. Nurse should check for clients pulse and respiration Tricyclic anti-depressants have anti-cholinergic s/effects (urinary retention) Genital herpes is transmitted when lesions are present and 10 days after lesions have healed. Counter transference reaction: The tendency of the nurse/counselor to displace feelings that are a response to people in the counselor's past onto the client. Barbiturates decrease anti-coagulant activity. Should not be medicated along with warfarin sodum (coumadin) or other anti-coagulant meds. S/S of adrenal insufficiency are anorexia, nausea and hypotension Spinal shock occurs 30-60 minutes after a spinal cord injury due to disruption of nerve pathways. S/s are pulse and respirations are increasing and blood pressure is decreasing Position of choice when caring for a client with increased intracranial pressure (IICP)? This position allows proper drainage of cerebral edema and helps decrease ICP. Anything less than 30 increases pressure (blood flow) to the brain. Client with Bulimia has a deficit in the sense of responsibility. They feel unable to take charge of their own life. Spinal cord patients are prone to autonomic dysreflexia which is triggered by some form of stimulus-most common is full bowel, or full bladder.
Two groups are especially susceptible - men whose testicles descended into the scrotum after age 6 and those, whose testicles never descended. Males with either of these risks are up to 17 times more likely to develop testicular cancer. VIT D preparations are given 3 times per week during dialysis. Iron is given to treat anemia. Aspirin prolongs bleeding time 4-7 days. You cannot treat a minor without the permission of her parents unless she is emancipated. If she has a sexually transmitted disease, you must tell health department. Minor cannot sign for her own treatment. Normal PT is 9.5-12 seconds. The bronchodilator first opens the airways then the steroid can be inhaled deeply enough to reduce inflammation. Patient with intussusception, Vomiting is an expected finding and can lead to dehydration. MMR immunization, nurse should check the child for allergy to neomycin for prior to administering the vaccine Coumadin takes 2-3 days to start working A patient is on a Heparin drip and is started on Coumadin. Why she is on both not just one. The only time it is appropriate to see both anti-coagulants given is when a patient is to be sent home on Coumadin. Then they must wean the heparin and start the Coumadin in order to give it time to work. Give simple, slow directions to patient which receptive aphasia.
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characterized by dropping platelet count and prolonged coagulation studies. Atenolol needs to be withheld to avoid aggravating the hypotensive effect of dialysis. Remember that folic acid is needed to maturation of RBC .... Spinach, eggs, peanuts Giardia is transmitted by drinking contaminated water or food. People who travel to undeveloped nations are susceptible as are those who do not travel out of the US but who drink water from mountain streams.
When the gallstones are in the gallbladder, the condition is called cholelithiasis; when they are in the bile ducts the condition is called choledocolithiasis. Cholecystitis is often caused by cholelithiasis (the presence of choleliths, or gallstones, in the gallbladder), with choleliths most commonly blocking the cystic duct directly. This leads to inspissation of bile, bile stasis, and secondary infection by gut organisms, predominantly E coli and Bacteroides species. Cholecystitis usually presents as a pain in the right upper quadrant. This is usually a constant, severe pain. The pain may be felt to 'refer' to the right flank or right scapular region at first. Colitis (also called ulcerative colitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colonyour large intestine or bowel. Crohn disease differs from ulcerative colitis because it causes inflammation deeper within the intestinal wall. Crohn disease usually occurs in the small intestine, but it can also occur in the mouth, esophagus, stomach, duodenum, large intestine, appendix, and anus. Ulcerative colitis affects only the colon. A Sengstaken-Blakemore tube is an oro- or nasogastric tube used occasionally in the
management of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to bleeding from esophageal varices (distended veins in the esophageal wall, usually as a result of cirrhosis). see Gastro Intestinal Animation Video Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gallbladder. Paracentesis is a medical procedure involving needle drainage of fluid from a body cavity Achalasia, also known as esophageal achalasia, achalasia cardiae, cardiospasm, dyssynergia esophagus, and esophageal aperistalsis, is an esophageal motility disorder, a disease is which normal movement of the muscles in the esophagus is disturbed. It is characterized by difficulty swallowing, chest pain and regurgitation. Diagnosis is reached with esophageal manometry. most commonly the abdomen. Esophagojejunostomy - the surgical formation of an artificial communication between the esophagus and the jejunum.
Phenytoin (Dilantin) is an anticonvulsant medication Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) is more likely to be used PRN when a client is experiencing agitation associated with schizophrenia. Heparin is not pass on through breast milk. Metoclopramide hydrocloride (Reglan) stimulates motility of upper GI tract, contraindicated with possibel hemorrhage of GI tract, used to treat nausea of chemotheraphy. Dexamethasone (Decadron) - oral steroids have ulceragenic properties and need to be administered with meals Babinski reflex disappear approx. one year Extrusion reflex disappears between three and four months of age Fetal heartbeat can be heard at 12 weeks Appearance of any decelerations of the fetal heart rate (FHR) during NST shoudl be
immediately evaluated by the physician Impetigo is a superficial bacterial skin infection most common among children 2 to 6 years old. Increased systolic pressure and widenng pulse pressure indicates increased intracranial pressure. Docusate sodium (Colace) is a stool softener Levodopa (Larodopa) reduces the rigidity and tremors, which facilitates mobility for the client A salem sump tube is inserted for gastric immobility, to drain gastric contents in drug overdosage for gastric lavage or for initial enteral feeding to allow monitoring of feed absorption Diabetic acidosis - fruity breath odor Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a condition characterized by excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine, which cannot be reduced when fluid intake is reduced. It denotes inability of the kidney to concentrate urine. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities, each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment Client receiving cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) usually develop alopecia four to five weeks after starting treatment When irrigating the ear, Water that is too cool can elicit dizziness when it comes into contact with the tympanic membrane Muscle weakness and lethargy are signs of hypokalemia which can occur on the 3rd day
after a burn; hypokalemia is caused by diuresis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is frequently associated with dehydration; fluids should be encourage. Garamycin (Gentamycin) adverse reaction includes ototoxicity. Extreme tearing, redness, foreign body sensation are symptoms of viral conjunctivitis; highly contageious; children restricted from school until sympthoms have resulved, 3 7 days Librium (antianxiety) medication is pharmacologically similar to alcohol; is used effectively as a substitute for alcohol in decreasing doses to comfortably and safely withdraw a client from alcohol dependence. Expectorating thick yellow mucos is indicative of pneumonia. When administering soapsuds enemas, hold the irrigation set 12-18 inches; too high causes rapid distention and pressure in intestine causing rapid expulsion of solution, poor defecation, damage to mucouse membranes. Normal potassium is 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L Rebound hyperglycemia = Somogyi effect Meningism is the triad of nuchal rigidity, photophobia (intolerance of bright light) and headache Placenta produces hormones that make the cells insulin-resistant; as pregnancy progresses, these hormones increases; if insulin requirement is decreased, this indicateds that the placenta is not functioning appropriately When inserting subclavian triple lumen catheter to be used for TPN, position the client in supine with the client's head low and turned away from the insertion site-- produces
dilation of nect and shoulder vessels, amking entry easier and preventing air embolus Clients with meningitis are placed on droplet for at least 24 hours Any time the pulse rate drops below the preset rate on the pacemaker, the pacer is malfunctioning; the pulse should be maintained at a minimal rate set on the pacemaker
51. RSV Droplet precaution 52. SIADH Sodium 128 only (Normal: 135-145)
53. Dementia of Alzheimer Type Check what the pt. is taking 54. PEG 55. What medicine if given shld be monitored for bleeding Indomethacin (NSAID) 56. GBS, priority nursing diagnosis Aspiration 57. Discharge teaching for Bells Palsy Provide eye care at bedtime 58. Sign of Scoliosis Asymmetry of the iliac crest 59. Normal for a 3 day old infant Describe normal tonic neck reflex 60. Manifestation of Paranoid Schizophrenia Inappropriate anxiety with delusion 61. Sign of Alcohol withdrawal Feeling of euphoria in 1st 24 hrs. 62. Activity for Alzheimer disease Reading magazine 63. Type 1 IDDM post renal test 48 hrs ago, watch out for: Hematuria 64. Correct understanding of antidepressant
Anti-depressant takes effect after 1 week 65. DUROGESIC PATCH / FENTANYL For chronic pain lasts 3 days Maybe worn while bathing, showering, swimming Apply to flat, nonirritated, nonirradiated area like chest, flank, upper arm, back Overdose : difficulty in breathing 66. Signs of increase ICP in pt. with close head injury Increase systolic pressure & weak bounding pulse 67. Positive outcome for Calcium Channel blockers Decrease chest pain 68. Obsessive Compulsive Behavior To alleviate anxiety 69. Patient with back pain, proper body mechanics Sit with knees higher than hips 70. What to check prior administration of EPOETEN BP S/E : HPN, Seizures 71. 72. Patient with pancreatitis if developing ascites would manifest: Cullens Sign (bluish discoloration of abdomen or peri-umbilical hematoma) Turners Sign (gray-blue discoloration of flank) Shallow, rapid breathing Abdominal pain Dyspnea & difficulty eating Orthopnea
73. Digitalis + Lasix = Weight Loss 74. Side effect of Garamycin Ototoxicity Nephrotoxic Hypomagnesimea Muscular paralysis Hypersensitivity 75. Side Effect of Theophylline Tremors & tachycardia Insomnia 76. Nsg. Management for cleft palate infant Enlarged nipple for feeding Stimulate sucking Swallow Rest Burp frequently 77. Patient with expressive aphasia, best communication: Use picture language 78. Diet for patient with colostomy DAT Low residue food 1-2 days postopt Avoid gas-forming foods 79. Patient allergic to Pseudoephedrine, What is contraindicated? Patient taking Ma Huang
80. Patient with testicular cancer, correct understanding? Testicular CA is painless 81. 1st intervention in prolapsed cord Positioning knee chest/trendelenberg 82. 2nd Stage of labor Cervical dilatation to delivery of baby 83. Thiazide diuretic, what to watch out for? Potassium 84. Manic pt. taking lithium Watch out for sodium serum 85. Diet for patient with ileostomy Post opt 4 wks -- LOW FIBER non-irritant diet to decrease fast movement of liquid stool, after can tolerate high fiber diet already Foods that thicken stool like boiled rice, low fat cheese should be given Low fat diet Normal stool is liquid 86. G & D of a 2 y/o Combines 2 words Kicks a ball 50 word vocabulary 87. ALS Decreased sensation of touch Muscle weakness
Excess glutamate 88. S/S of Kawasaki Desquamation of skin Joint pain Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 89. Watch out for in lumbar puncture Increased ICP Brain Herniation 90. S/S of DVT Edema Calf or groin tenderness Pain with or w/o swelling + Homans Sign Warm skin 91. Developmental Milestone of 10 month old Pincer grasp 92. Risk for breast CA 38 y/o female on oral contraceptive 93. Need to consider anti-coagulant therapy If taking Gingko Biloba 94. Check 1st before tonsillectomy Bleeding time 95. Complication of CAST Compartment syndrome Fat embolism
Shock Avascular necrosis 96. 97. Physician orders beta-blockers, for w/c pt. should the nurse question the order: Patient on insulin (B-blockers may mask signs of hypoglycemia) 98. Patient hypersensitivity Give macrolides like erythromycin,azithromycin (Penicillin & Cephalosporins the same) 99. Patient with autonomic dysreflexia Pounding headache , piloerection 100. Pt. with carafate & antacids order, select the schedule. Carafate 1 hr. before meals & antacids after meals 101. Increasing pulse pressure Widening pulse pressure (late sign) Decreased LOC, restlessness (Early) 102. Pt. with Hemophilia & Leukemia Can lead to DIC 103. Effective teaching to DM patient Peak of NPH insulin 8 hrs. 104. Mg SO4 given to PIH pt. Nurse should watch out for? Epigastric pain & headache
105. Pt. with calcium oxalate stones Diet with fig & wheat germs 106. Cancer & Sepsis can lead to DIC low platelet count 107. Pt. in labor with crusted popular eruption, priority? Eye prophylaxis of the newborn 108. Heroin addicted mother in labor, nursing action? Avoid withdrawal in active stage 109. Signs of Heroin intoxication? Euphoria Decrease response to pain Respiratory depression Apathy 110. 111. Scarlett Fever isolation precaution Respiratory precaution droplet until 24 hrs. start of treatment 112. Laryngectomy Avoid swimming, showering, using aerosol sprays Teach client clean suction technique 113. External irradiation therapy Time & distance shielding 114. Pt. with anorexia nervosa, signs
Tachycardia 115. Brain injury Decorticate rigidity 116. Signs of renal failure Urine output less than 100ml/hr 117. Post-thyroidectomy patient, WOF Tingling sensation in the cheek (complication) 118. Ventricular Fibrillation Do chest compression 119. Pt. in crutches, nurse should check Check armpits to see if there is pressure secondary to crutch (Pressure shld be on the hands not on the axilla) 120. Influenza Vaccine indicated for: Anyone 50 y/o & above annually Age 6 months & up with risk like asthma Immunocompromised patients Pts with cardiac & pulmonary disease 121. Herpes Simplex I & II 2 strains of herpes virus family HSV I cold blisters / fever blisters HSV II in STD /Genital Herpes/Shingles & varicella zoster infection same with chicken pox
122. Above the knee amputation, patient shld Prevent internal or external rotation of the limb Place sandbag or rolled towel along side of thigh to prevent rotation 123. HIV suspect patient Hairy tongue and leukoplakia (Leukoplakia, pre-malignant lesion) 124. DVT on Heparin therapeutic goal Ambulate ASAP ( Prevent thrombus formation) 125. Esophageal varices, refer pt if Cold clammy skin ( sx of shock) 126. Pregnant 39 weeks, knows true labor if Contractions from back going to abdomen 127. Bipolar manic patients, what to do? Limit group activities 128. Multiple Myeloma, care Force fluid from 3 - 4 L/day to offset hypercalcemia, hyperurecemia Encourage ambulation to prevent renal stones 129. Post pace maker transplant, correct understanding Patient CAN USE electricc blankets, cell phones <3 watts,microwave ovens, metal detectors 130. Patient taking garlic supplements should take precaution when on aspirin therapy 131. DKA patient, what to administer 1st?
Start IV line 0.9 NaCl 132. Hearing aid, correct teaching: Turn off & remove battery when not in use Avoid excessive wetting of hearing aid, keep dry Ear mold is the only part that may be washed w/ soap & water Cannula is cleaned with small pipe cleaner device or toothpick 133. PEEP 134. 18 day old infant, how to assess trunk curvature Place in prone position & stroke spinal colum, see if infants body move towards the stimulated area 135. Postural drainage, correct understanding: Positionlung segment to be drained is uppermost Drink a glass of water before PD to loosen secretions 136. Sign of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Pulsation between umbilicus & pubis 137. Echinacea To boost immune system Use only up to 8 weeks 138. Action of PILOCARPINE Increase outflow of aqueous humor For OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA
1. CERVICAL CANCER Risk Factors: African- American/ Native women Behavior (Sexual promiscuity) Chronic instrumentation of cervix Disease STD Early age of Sex High Parity Poor Hygiene Low economic status Multiple sexual partners Partner with Prostate CA Sx: Post-coital bleeding Painful sex Menstrual irregularities 2. OVARIAN CANCER
Risk factors: Ovarian dysfunction Vaginal use of talcum powder Alcohol Race - White women & family history Infertility Age - Peak=5th decade of life Nulliparity Genetic predisposition 3. DM FOOT CARE Meticulous care to feet Wash feet with warm water not hot & dry Can use lotion but No lotion in between toes Wear socks to keep feet warm Avoid thermal baths, heating pads Do not soak feet Inspect feet daily Do not treat corns, blisters Wear loose socks and no barefoot Change into clean cotton socks daily Break in new shoes gradually Use emery board Do not smoke Do not wear same pair of shoes 2 days in a row Check shoes for cracks before using 4. BLOOD TRANSFUSION REACTION Transfusion Reactions, Hemolytic Reaction, Allergic Reaction Circulatory Overload Septicemia Iron Overload Hypocalcemia
5. HYPERTHYROIDISM Soft smooth skin & hair Mood swings HPN Diaphoresis Intolerance to heat PTU drug to block thyroid synthesis 6. LUNG CA Bronchogenic Carcinoma 1st leading cause of death From asbestos, bacterial invasion, cigarette Sx: Nagging cough, hoarseness of voice, dyspnea, diminished breath sounds 7. SX OF PARKINSONS Tremors, akinesia, rigidity Weakness, motorized propulsive gait Slurred speech, dysphagia, drooling Monotonous speech Mask like expression Teach ambulation modification: goose stepping walk (marching), ROM exercises MedsArtane, Cogentin, L-Dopa, Parlodel, Sinemet, Symmetrel Activities should be scheduled for late morning when energy level is highest Encourage finger exercises. Promote family understanding of disease intellect/sight/ hearing not impaired,
8. ACUTE PANCREATITIS Abdominal Pain severe acute sx Complication : Shock,Hypovolemia Limited fat & protein intake 9. CAST CARE Dont rest on hard surface Dont cover until dry 48+ hours Handle with palms of hands not with fingers Keep above level of heart Check for CSM 10. HYDROCEPHALUS Anterior fontanel bulges & nonpulsating Bones of head separated (cracked pot sound) Check for sun-setting eyes D Increase ICP Evidence of Frontal Bossing Failure to thrive Irritability High-pitched cry
11. ESRD DIET Restricted protein intake Increase CHO Low K, P Restrict Na 12. NORMAL IN 8 MONTH OLD CHILD - can sit with out support - can roll from front to back - can hold a bottle - closure of ant. fontanel - can say mama and dada - 2 teeth present 13. SUPERIOR VENA CAVA OCCLUSION Sx occur in the morning Edema of face, eyes & tightness of shirt/ (Stokes sign) Late sx: edema of arms, hands, dyspnea, erythema, epistaxis 14. ULCERATIVE COLITIS Sx: Severe diarrhea with blood & mucus Abdominal tenderness & cramping Anorexia Wt. Loss Vit. K deficiency Anemia
Dehydration Electrolyte imbalance Low residue & high protein diet 15. DILANTIN do not floss throughout the day do not use hard bristled toothbrush Gingivitis S/E 16. ANAPHYLACTIC REACTION (steps) Stop medication Maintain airway Notify MD Maintain IV access of 0.9 NSS Place in supine position with legs elevated Monitor VS Administer prescribed emergency drugs 17. BLADDER CA Risk Factors: Hx of smoking Exposure to radiation Working in industrial Factory 18. S/S OF DKA Fruity breath Odor Oliguria Kusmaull's (deep & nonlabored) 19. SITE FOR IM INJECTION ADULT Deltoid Ventrogluteal
Vastus Lateralis Gluteus Maximus 20. S/S OF BACTERIAL MENINGITIS N&V Seizures Stiff Neck Photophobia 21. TB Waking up sweating at night Low grade fever Dull aching chest pain Cough streaked with blood Weight loss Anorexia Fatigue 22. LIVER CIRRHOSIS N&V Edema Ascites 23. PULMONARY EMBOLISM Sx: Blood-tinged sputum Distended neck vein Chest Pain / Hypotension / Cyanosis Cough / Shallow respirations Rales on auscultation Tachypnea / Tachycardia 24. COLON CA
Risk Factors: Family HX Age above 50 Jewish Male 25. DIGOXIN THERAPY Do not administer in infants if S/S OF CAD Chest Pain Palpitations Dyspnea / Syncope Hemoptysis Excessive Fatigue 27. COPD Rhythmic, diaphragmatic breathing If restless, perform purse-lip breathing not more than 1 minute Perform deep breathing with mouth held together during expiration 28. SEEN IN 15 MONTH OLD CHILD Speaks 6 words Sits w/o support Builds a tower of 5 blocks Strong palmar grasp 29. CUSHINGS SYNDROME Osteoporosis Muscle wasting Hypertension Purple skin striations Moon face Truncal obesity Decreased resistance to infection
Low Carbohydrate, Low Calorie, High Protein, High K, Low sodium Monitor glucose level Check for color of stool, cortisol increase secretion of gastric acid Peptic ulcer & GI bleeding C/I to Aspirin, increased bleeding 30. ADDISONS DISEASE Fatigue Weakness Dehydration Eternal tan Decreased resistance to stress Low Sodium Low Blood Sugar High Potassium High protein, carbohydrate, Sodium, Low potassium diet Teach life-long hormone replacement Glucocorticoids (sugar) - Solu- Medrol (succinate) to prevent addisonian crisis Mineralocorticoids (salt) Florinef 6 A's of Addison's disease 1.) Avoid Stress 2.) Avoid Strenuous 3.) Avoid Individuals with Infection 4.) Avoid OTC meds 5.) A lifelong Glucocorticoids Therapy 6.) Always wear medic alert bracelet Addisonian Crisis Hypotension Extreme weakness
Nausea vomiting Abdominal pain / Severe hypoglycemia Dehydration Administer NaCl IV, vasopressors, hydrocortisone Monitor VS /Absolute bedrest 31. PLACENTA PREVIA Check Hematocrit level External fetal monitor not internal No vaginal examination Assess for bleeding Improperly implanted placenta at lower uterine Painless bright red, vaginal bleeding Soft, relaxed, nontender uterus Fundal height greater than expected 32. ABRUPTIO PLACENTA Premature separation of placenta from uterine wall Painful dark red bleeding Uterine rigidity Severe abdominal pain Maternal shock Fetal distress 33. HEMODIALYSIS Palpate for a bruit or thrill Weigh client daily, before, during & after Hold antihypertensive drugs b4 dialysis Check for thrill and bruit q 8 hours
Dont use extremity for BP, finger stick Monitor vital signs, weight, breath sounds Monitor for hemorrhage 34. PERITONEAL DIALYSIS Weight before and after treatment Monitor BP Monitor breath sounds Use sterile technique If problem w/ outflow, reposition client Side effects: constipation 35. TYPE 1 IDDM Test blood glucose every 4 hrs if no feeling well Eat fruit or cheese sandwich before exercise Do not exercise if blood glucose is >250mg/dl & urinary ketones present Administer regular insulin 30 minutes before meals 36. COMPARTMENT SYNDROME Increased pain & swelling Pain with passive motion Loss of sensation Inability to move joints Pulselessness 37. CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION NPO 6-8 hrs. & no liquid for 4 hrs. prior to prevent vomiting & aspiration Feel a flush, warm, fluttery feeling, desire to cough, palpitations in introduction of dye Shave & Clean insertion site with antiseptic solution 38. PERNICIOUS ANEMIA Severe pallor Smooth, beefy red tongue
Slight jaundice Paresthisias of hands & feet Disturbances with gait & balance 39. DUMPING SYNDROME Occurs 30 minutes after eating Abdominal fullness & cramping Diarrhea Tachycardia Perspiration Weakness / dizziness Borborygmi sound 40. TPN COMPLICATIONS Air Embolism Fluid Overload Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia Infection Pneumothorax
41. DIC Bruising, purpura Presence of occult blood Low fibrinogen level, hct, platelet Increased PT, PTT Complication: RENAL FAILURE 42. PERIPHERAL ARTERIAL DISEASE Dry scaly skin on lower extremities Rest Pain, at night Intermittent claudication/ Thickened toenails Cold & gray-blue color of skin Decreased or absent peripheral pulses Instruct pt. to walk to point of claudication, stop & rest & walk a little farther 43. THROMBOPHLEBITIS Avoid pressure behind legs Avoid prolonged sitting Avoid constrictive clothing Avoid crossing the legs Avoid massaging the legs 44. SYPHILIS Painless chancre fades after 6 weeks Low grade fever Copper-colored rash on palms and soles of feet Spread by contact of mucous membranes Treat with Penicillin G IM If patient has penicillin allergy, will use erythromycin for 10-15 days. After treatment, patient must be retested to make sure disease is gone
45. POLYCYTHEMIA VERA Increased RBC Leukocytosis / Thrombocytosis Angina Intermittent claudication Dyspnea /HPN Lethargy / Syncope / Paresthesia 46. PRIMARY HPN Risk Factors: Aging Black race Chronic stress Family Hx Obesity Smoking Men 47. CHOLECYSTITIS Sx: N&V Belching Indigestion Flatulence Epigastric pain that radiates to the scapula 2 hrs. after eating fatty food Pain localized in RLQ Guarding, rigidity & rebound tenderness Cannot take a deep breath when fingers are pressed below hepatic margin (Murphys Sign) II. COMPUTATION 1. Dopamine 2. Dobutamine drip: Order is 2.5mcg/kg/min, patient weights 176 lbs.
Stock is 500mg in 500ml of NSS, Compute for ml/hr? Formula: Stock (mg) x 1000 mcg/mg Quantity (ml) Flow rate: Dose (mcg/kg/min) x wt (kg) x 60 min/hr Concentration (mcg/ml) Answer: 12ml/hr 3. Md with IV order for patient 3,000ml in 24 hrs., get the rate at ml per hour. Solution: 3000/24 = 125 ml/hr 4. Tablets : Dose of 20 mg per dose in stock dose of 5 mg per tablet, how many tablets? Solution: 20/5 x 1 = 4 tablets
III. TOPICS 1. SAFETY INFECTION CONTROL AIRBORNE : Hepa Filter Mask / N95 Particulate MASK PTB Measles / Rubella Chicken Pox/ Varicella SARS Anthrax
CONTACT : GGG (gown,gloves,goggles) Conjunctivitis Open wounds /drainage Lesions MRSA / VRSA / CDAD RSV/ VRE DROPLET : Surgical Mask Scarlett Fever Diphtheria Meningitis Strep. Pharyngitis Pneumonia ENTERIC: Gown , Gloves Diarrhea Hep. A Salmonella Acute Gastroenteritis Peptic H. Pylori Shigella / Rotavirus Giardiasis / Cryptosporidium Muris FROTECTIVE: Blood dyscrasias Aplastic anemia Leukemia Major burns (50%) Organ transplant Aids Multiple Myeloma
Concepts: 1. Infection control: a. clean with clean for example patients with CVA, DM, Cardio disease 2. Same precaution techniques: a. Universal precaution: Hep B,D, AIDS 2. PRIORITIZATION Remember the rule of stable vs. unstable. Although you consider the client unstable but if it expected in him, this is stable. Example. Asthma with wheezing- you consider this unstable. ABC, unstable , first think EXPECTED in asthma so this will be considered stable. 3. DELEGATION RN - Newly admitted, needs assessment, pre op teaching and post op, nsg. Judgment & discharge planning ,IV meds, BT. LPN-Can give meds except IV, sterile techniques like wound dressing, catheterization, insertion of NG tube, remove sutures. Stable expected outcome. NA/ UAP/CN/ Senior nursing student - All -ing ex bathing, reading v/s in long term pt. Testing occult blood, BS, monitoring, soap sud enema, testing occult blood, -Isolation precautions, basic hygiene ADL, Input & Output, Finger stick with gestational diabetes, urinalysis, TSB, turning unconscious patient, change perineal pad, assist in ambulation, discharge tomorrow, -Stable v/s, pulse oximetry, reading, terminally ill because of comfort only needed. - Routinary Procedure
4. Patient Hx C/I for MRI : Mitral Valve Replacement 5. Glaucoma : Halos around light 6. U waves : Hypokalemia 7. Patient with arterial insufficiency Elevate the affected leg 8. Patient with Dumping Syndrome: Avoid cheese 9. Adverse Effect of Anti-metabolite 5FU Stomatitis 10. Obtaining sputum specimen from pt. with tracheostomy: Instruct pt. to cough prior to obtaining sputum 11. Post-hypophysectomy pt. Report if: Specific Gravity of 1.005 12. Diet for Hypothyroidism Low sodium, High K 13. Patient with CHF cor pulmonale S & S Jugular vein distention & peripheral edema 14. Circumcision of a new infant: Diaper fasted loosely
15. Acute Pancreatitis Increase lipase/amylase 16. Short-term goal for anti-social patient Follow unit rules 17. Use of walker Partial weight bearing Stand in front, walk unto walker 18. Borderline patient Splitting 19. Neonates in nursery developed diarrhea Meconium stool study w/in 24 hrs. 20. Nsg. Action in pt. post cardiac catherization Check pulse in lower extremities 21. Diet for Diverticulitis Avoid high-fiber foods when inflammation occurs, only low residue Introduce soft high-fiber foods when inflammation has resolved 22. Low iron.WBC & albumin, what type? Nutritional deficit (malnutrition) 23. What will you ask on pt for cardiac stress test (Thallium stress test)? Is he on beta-blocker? (if with radionuclide already, Persantine, then invasive & shld. avoid caffeine, calcium channel blockers, b-blockers, theophylline) 24. Highest risk of accident 9 month infant eating grapes & apricot
25. Pancrease in Cystic Fibrosis Give with meals, dilute in applesauce 26. Client post-CVA, diet teaching Low salt, low fat 27. Client passing stones with calcium, diet teaching: Should be acid-ash diet & avoid oxalate rich & Ca rich food such as tea, almonds, rhubarbs beans, spinach, cocoa, vegetables, fruits Give cranberries, prunes, plums, tomatoes, cereals, corn, legumes I 28. Pagets Disease Bowing of bones 29. Side Effect of Ansef (Cefazolin) Antibiotic (RTI,URTI) Diarrhea, Nausea Oral candidiasis Pancythopenia 30. Peptic ulcer disease Avoid stressful situation to prevent exacerbation 31. Schillings Test For pernicious anemia 32. Prior To MUGA SCAN: Informed consent Allergy not a concern 33. Action of Aquamephyton Prevention of hypoprothrobinemia
34. Action of Lipitor Anti-lipimec 35. Positioning of Hip Spica Cast in children Maintain flexion, abduction & external rotation 36. Fear of 3 y/o child Injury (abandonment, castration) 37. To prevent ureteral stones Increase fluids 38. MDI Hold breath 39. Frostbite Soak in warm water 40. Normal respiratory changes in elderly Decreased cough reflex 41. Patient w/ DM & HPN, question if Given beta-blocker (causes bronchospasm ) 42. Maximum injection on 10 month old infant 1 ml 43. Pt. with endometriosis takes Danocrine, action of the drug? Suppress menstruation/ ovulation 44. Post NSD with epidural anesthesia with bladder distension Offer bedpan
45. Apmhotericin B, side effect? Headache Hypokalemia Hypotension 46. PT. with angina unrelieved by 3 nitroglycerin Administer O2 47. Patient on Halo Vest Tape the wrench to the vest (Torque screw) 48. Pre-menopausal syndrome experiencing hot flashes Black Cohosh for menoposh 49. Abdominal Assessment Inspection Auscultation Percussion Palpation 50. Sclerotherapy Application of pressure dressing for 12-48 hrs.
Hemophilia is a sex-linked disorder. A mother who is a carrier has a 50% chance of passing the faulty X chromosome to her daughter, while an affected father will always pass on the affected gene to his daughters. A son cannot inherit the defective gene from his father. There are two main types of hemophilia. If you have hemophilia A, you have little to no clotting factor VIII (8). About 9 out of 10 people with hemophilia have type A. If you have hemophilia B, youre missing or have low levels of clotting factor IX (9). Pincher grasp present at nine months of age Posterior fontanels closed by two to three months Phobias involves projection and displacement. An infant with fetal alcohol syndrome will have a small head circumference, low birth weight and underveloped cheekbones. Hydromorphone hydrochloride (Dilaudid) is a narcotic analgesic used for moderate to severe pain, monitor vital signs frequently. Chlorpromazine hydrocloride (Thorazine) extrapyramidal side effects includes akathisia (motor restlessness), dystonias (protrusio of tongue, abnormal posturing), pseudoparkinsonism (tremors, rigidity), dyskinesia (still neck, difficulty swallowing) 1 grain (gr) = 60mg Right upper quadrant pain to diagnose cholecyctitis
Tremors, elevated temperature and pain symptoms are indicative of an alcohol-related problem Long term use of ceftriaxone sodium (Rocephin) can cause overgrouth of organisms; monitoring of tongue and oral cavity is recommended. Client with hypothyroidism are very sensitive to narcotics, barbiturates and anesthetics
When performing a Rinne tests, the stem of a vibrating tuning fork is held against the mastoid bone until the child indicates that she can no longer hear the sound. Then the tuning fork is moved in front of the auditory canal. Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) induce ovulation by changing hormonal effects n the ovary. It alters estrogen and stimulating follicular growth to produce a mature ovum. Naproxen sodium (Naprosyn) is an NSAID used as analgesic; side effects include headache, dizziness, GI distress, pruitus and rash. Assess the patient for fluid retention and dizziness. Cortisol is responsible for converting proteins and fat into glucose; is also an antiflamatory agent. Verapamil (Isoptin) is indicated for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardias, so the client's heart rate should be checked prior to administration Breastfeeding mothers are advice to increase their caloric intake because milk productions requires an increase of 500 calories per day. Digoxin increases the force of myocardial contraction. Pacemaker increase the cardiac output; acts to regulate cardiac rhythm. Quinidine prevent premature ventricular contractions (PVCs); antiarrhythmics
Lasiz prevent systemic overload; diuretics With lead poisioning, milk provides a large amount of vitamin D; vitamin D optimizes depoosition of lead in the long bones; purpoase of the treatment is to remove lead from the blood and soft tissues. An intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is an x-ray examination of the kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder that uses contrast material. SIDS is a support group of parents who have had an infant die from sudden infant death syndrome SHARE is a support group for parents who have lost a newborn or have experienced a miscaarriage RESOLVE is a support group for infertile clients CANDLELIGHTERS is a support group for families who have lost a child to cancer Accurate intake and output is the best indicator for fluid status.
Women need 1200-1500 kcal/day (men need 1500-1899 kcal/day); women need 15mg/day of iron (men need 10mg/day); with pregnancy 30mg required Hemolytic reaction when tranfusing blood includes chills, headache, backache, dyspnea, cyanosis, chest pains, tachycardia, and hypotension. Glycosylated Hemoglobin assay (BhA1c) test indates how well blood suger has been controlled during the past 6-8 weeks. Primary goal of a reminiscing group for geriatric clients is to review and hsare their live experiences with the group members. Symptoms associated with hypercalcemia are constipation, decreased reflexes, decreased muscle strength. Miller-Abbott tube provides intestinal decompression; intestinal tube is often used for treatment of paralytic ileus Promethazine hydrocloride (Phenergan) - nurse should check patency of the patient's vein; extravasation will cause necrosis. Buerger's disease - digital sensitivity to cold; vasculitis of blood vessels in upper and lower extremities. Continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) is necessary because it enables urine to keep flowing; prevents formation of clots that can lead to obstruction and spasm in the postoperative TURP client. Pain related to a gastric ulcer occurs about one-half to one hour after a meal and rarely at night; is not helped by ingestion of food To auscultate patient's right middle lobe (RML), RML is found in the right anterior chest between the fourth and sixth intercostal spaces. Characteristics of Mania --- agitation, grandiose delusions, euphoria, difficulty
concentrating Characteristics of Sxhizonphrenia -- Paranoia, hallucinations, disturbed thought processes, hypervigilance. Meniere's disease - Stand in front of the patient so that the client does not have to turn her head to see the nurse; by decreasing movement of the client's head, vertigo attacks may be decreased. Use standard precautions is method of transmission is saliva, feces and blood; use contact isolation if fecal incontinence. Play theraphy is suggested for children undergoing a stressful event because they have diffulty putting feelings into words; play is how they express themselves. Normal PT 11-15 sec, normal Hgb male : 13.5-17.5 g/dl, female: 12-16 g/dl Normal BUN 10-20 mg/dl, normal creatine 0.6-1.2 mg/dl Normal Ca+ 4.5-5.3 mEq/L Normal AST (SGOT) 8-20 U/L, normal ALT (SGPT) 8-20 U/L Fluid challenge test is used to rule out dehydration as the cause of oliguria. Expected response after a fluid challenge on normally functioning kidneys is an increase in urine output; will occur if low urine output is due to dehydration; if it is due to acute renal failure, there will continue to be oliguria. Normal specific gravitity is 1.010-1.030 Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) medication is contraindicated for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal symptoms; medication will lower client's seizure threshold and BP, causing potentially serious medical consequences.
Low intestinal obstruction, nurse would anticipate that the client's abdomen will be distended, nausea, vomiting; no stool, as motility distal to (below) the obstruction would cease Why are we not using beef or pork insulin and only human insulin? Human insulin does nto cause the formation of antibodies because the protein structure is identical to your own. Approx. 65% of AIDS clients demonstrate a progressive dementia staged according to severity of debilitation; late stage ois typified by cognitive confusion and disorientation. Two major side effects of haloperidol (Haldol) is hematologic problems primarily blood syscrasia and extrapyramidal symptom (EPS)
Bowel components - "Dow Jones Industrial AverageClosing Stock Report": From proximal to distal: Duodenum Jejunum
Ileum Appendix Colon Sigmoid Rectum Alternatively: to include the cecum, "Dow Jones Industrial Climbing Average Closing Stock Report". Knowledge Level 1, System: Alimentary Anonymous Contributor
Diaphragm apertures: spinal levels Aortic hiatus = 12 letters = T12 Oesophagus = 10 letters = T10 Vena cava = 8 letters = T8 Knowledge Level 1, System: Alimentary Oriade Adeoye Dept. of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, OAU, Ile-Ife
Duodenum: lengths of parts "Counting 1 to 4 but staggered": 1st part: 2 inches 2nd part: 3 inches 3rd part: 4 inches 4th part: 1 inch Knowledge Level 5, System: Alimentary Anonymous Contributor
Liver inferior markings showing right/left lobe vs. vascular divisions There's a Hepatic "H" on inferior of liver. One vertical stick of the H is the dividing line for anatomical right/left lobe and the other vertical stick is the divider for vascular halves. Stick that divides the liver into vascular halves is the one with vena cava impression (since vena cava carries blood, it's fortunate that it's the divider for blood halves). Knowledge Level 5, System: Alimentary Robert O'Connor University College Dublin
Meckel's diverticulum details 2 inches long. 2 feet from end of ileum. 2 times more common in men. 2% occurrence in population. 2 types of tissues may be present. Note: "di-" means "two", so diverticulum is the thing with all the twos. Knowledge Level 2, System: Alimentary Robert O'Connor University College Dublin
Aorta vs. vena cava: right vs. left Aorta and right each have 5 letters, so aorta is on the right. Vena and cava and left each have 4 letters, so vena cava is on the left. Knowledge Level 1, System: Cardiovascular Robert O'Connor University College Dublin
Aortic arch: major branch order - "Know your ABC'S": Aortic arch gives rise to: Brachiocephalic trunk left Common Carotid left Subclavian Beware though trick question of 'What is first branch of aorta?' Technically, it's the coronary arteries. Knowledge Level 1, System: Cardiovascular Anonymous Contributor
Atrioventricular valves - "LAB RAT": Left Atrium: Bicuspid Right Atrium: Tricuspid Knowledge Level 1, System: Cardiovascular Amir A. Ghaferi Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Axillary artery branches - "Screw The Lawyer Save APatient":
Superior thoracic Thoracoacromiol Lateral thoracic Subscapular Anterior circumflex humeral Posterior circumflex humeral Alternatively: "Some Times Life Seems A Pain". Knowledge Level 2, System: Cardiovascular Anonymous contributor and Joe Azzopardi Not specified and Xarabank
Brachial artery: recurrent and collateral branches - "IAm Pretty Sexy" Inferior ulnar collateral artery goes with Anterior ulnar recurrent artery. Posterior ulnar recurrent artery goes with Superior ulnar collateral artery. Alternatively: "I Am Pretty Smart". Knowledge Level 5, System: Cardiovascular Paul's Boutique Western University College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Carotid sheath contents - "I See 10 CC's in the IV" I See (I.C.) = Internal Carotid artery 10 = CN 10 (Vagus nerve) CC = Common Carotid artery IV = Internal Jugular Vein Knowledge Level 1, System: Cardiovascular Anonymous Contributor
Cavernous sinus contents - O TOM CAT O TOM are lateral wall components, in order from superior to inferior. CA are the components within the sinus, from medial to lateral. CA ends at the level of T from O TOM. See diagram. Occulomotor nerve (III)
Trochlear nerve (IV) Ophthalmic nerve (V1) Maxillary nerve (V2) Carotid artery Abducent nerve (VI) T: When written, connects to the T of OTOM. Knowledge Level 4, System: Cardiovascular Jonathan Vafai New York University School of Medicine
Coelic trunk: branches - Left Hand Side (LHS): Left gastric artery Hepatic artery Splenic artery Knowledge Level 1, System: Cardiovascular Dr. Harsh Sharma Medical Mnemonics Part 2