Special Report: Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil Chemotaxis in Vitro

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special report

Chicken Soup Inhibits Neutrophil

Chemotaxis In Vitro*
Barbara O. Rennard, BA; Ronald F. Ertl, BS; Gail L. Gossman, BS;
Richard A. Robbins, MD, FCCP; and Stephen I. Rennard, MD, FCCP

Chicken soup has long been regarded as a remedy for symptomatic upper respiratory tract
infections. As it is likely that the clinical similarity of the diverse infectious processes that can
result in colds is due to a shared inflammatory response, an effect of chicken soup in mitigating
inflammation could account for its attested benefits. To evaluate this, a traditional chicken soup
was tested for its ability to inhibit neutrophil migration using the standard Boyden blindwell
chemotaxis chamber assay with zymosan-activated serum and fMet-Leu-Phe as chemoattractants.
Chicken soup significantly inhibited neutrophil migration and did so in a concentration-
dependent manner. The activity was present in a nonparticulate component of the chicken soup.
All of the vegetables present in the soup and the chicken individually had inhibitory activity,
although only the chicken lacked cytotoxic activity. Interestingly, the complete soup also lacked
cytotoxic activity. Commercial soups varied greatly in their inhibitory activity. The present study,
therefore, suggests that chicken soup may contain a number of substances with beneficial
medicinal activity. A mild anti-inflammatory effect could be one mechanism by which the soup
could result in the mitigation of symptomatic upper respiratory tract infections.
(CHEST 2000; 118:1150 1157)

Key words: chicken soup; neutrophil chemotaxis

Abbreviations: fMLP fMet-Leu-Phe; HBSS Hanks balanced salt solution; ZAS zymosan-activated serum

C centuries.
hicken soup has been regarded as a remedy for
The Egyptian Jewish physician and
with a variety of viruses including, but not limited to,
the rhinoviruses.8 10 While incompletely under-
philosopher Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides) rec- stood, the viral infection leads to the stimulation of a
ommended chicken soup for respiratory tract symp-
toms in his 12th century treatise, reportedly drawing For editorial comment see page 887
on classical Greek sources.1 4 So widely recommended
is chicken soup in the Jewish tradition, that it is referred cytokine cascade.11,12 It is likely that many, if not
to by a variety of synonyms as Jewish penicillin, boh- most, of the symptoms related to colds are conse-
bymycetin, and bobamycin.5,6 Chicken soup is, how- quent to the inflammatory response thus initiat-
ever, also recommended for similar purposes in a ed.1315 The activation of common physiologic path-
variety of other traditions suggesting multiple indepen- ways likely accounts for the marked similarity of
dent discoveries.7 symptoms that result from colds. In this regard, colds
Colds are generally the result of transient infec- are associated with the generation of neutrophil
tions of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract chemotactic activities1113,15 and with the recruit-
ment of neutrophils to the epithelial surface of the
*From the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Section, airways.12,13,16,17 Since neutrophil products are po-
Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE.
Manuscript received November 17, 1998; revision accepted April tent secretagogues,18 this may be one mechanism by
3, 2000. which colds commonly lead to cough and sputum
Correspondence to: Stephen I. Rennard, MD, FCCP, Larson from a diverse set of infections.
Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Section, 985125 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198- Chicken soup may have a number of beneficial
5125; e-mail: srennard@unmc.edu effects for an individual with a cold. These could

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include actions as diverse as improving hydration and Table 1Sample Descriptions
nutritional status19 and accelerating mucosal clear- Cooking
ance.5 The nature of the direct cytotoxic actions on Sample Time, min Description
microorganisms are controversial.6,20,21 Another po-
1 0 Bird in water
tential mechanism for beneficial effects could be an 2 38 Bird in boiling water
attenuation of the inflammatory response. In order 3 51 Immediately after adding vegetables
to evaluate that possibility, the ability of chicken soup 4 72 Under chicken
to inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis in response to stan- 5 72 Top of pot near onions
dard chemotactic stimuli was evaluated and demon- 6 72 Top of pot near carrots
7 83 Bottom of pot
strated in the current study. These results provide one 8 83 Top of pot
mechanistic basis in support of the traditional claims 9 91 Matzoh ball preparation, paste
made for chicken soup as a remedy. 10 183 Matzoh ball preparation, complete
11 183 Top of pot
12 183 Bottom of pot
13 201 Middle of pot
Materials and Methods 14 417 Aqueous phase
15 417 Lipid phase
Soup 16 417 Matzoh ball broth
17 451 Mashed vegetables
Traditional chicken soup was prepared according to a family 18 451 Matzoh balls added
recipe, which will be referred to as Grandmas soup (C. 19 486 Completed (needs to be seasoned to taste)
Fleischer; personal communication; 1970). This recipe is as
1 5- to 6-lb stewing hen or baking chicken;
1 package of chicken wings;
3 large onions; For comparison purposes, commercially available soups were
1 large sweet potato; obtained from a local supermarket and prepared according to the
3 parsnips; directions on the packaging. No strict quality control was per-
2 turnips; formed, although each preparation was evaluated by taste and
11 to 12 large carrots; was felt to be satisfactory (if variably so).
5 to 6 celery stems;
1 bunch of parsley; and Neutrophil Chemotaxis
salt and pepper to taste.
Peripheral blood was collected from healthy nonsmoking vol-
Clean the chicken, put it in a large pot, and cover it with cold unteers under a protocol approved by the University of Nebraska
water. Bring the water to a boil. Add the chicken wings, onions, Institutional Review Board and by sedimentation through dex-
sweet potato, parsnips, turnips, and carrots. Boil about 1.5 h. tran, as described previously.22 Neutrophils then were rinsed,
Remove fat from the surface as it accumulates. Add the parsley suspended at 106 cells/mL in Hanks balanced salt solution
and celery. Cook the mixture about 45 min longer. Remove the (HBSS), and used as targets for chemotaxis. Chemotaxis was
chicken. The chicken is not used further for the soup. (The meat performed by the modified blindwell technique using 48-well
makes excellent chicken parmesan.) Put the vegetables in a food multichambers and 3-m pore size polycarbonate filters (Nucleo-
processor until they are chopped fine or pass through a strainer. probe; Cabin John, MD), as described previously.23
Both were performed in the present study. Salt and pepper to
taste. (Note: this soup freezes well.) Matzoh balls were prepared
according to the recipe on the back of the box of matzoh meal Soup Inhibition of Neutrophil Chemotaxis
(Manischewitz; Jersey City, NJ).
Three separate preparations of soup were made. The com- In order to determine whether the soup could inhibit chemo-
pleted soup was collected from all three. In addition, in order to taxis, dilutions of soup (1:100) were added to the top and bottom
determine at which stage the soup acquired activity, 19 samples wells of the chemotaxis chamber. Zymosan-activated serum
were collected during the preparation of one batch (Table 1). As (ZAS)24 was used as the positive chemoattractant. As a control to
the mixture was inhomogeneous, several samples were collected determine whether chicken soup had chemotactic activity,
at the same time from different regions of the pot. All samples chicken soup was added directly to the bottom of the chemotaxis
were frozen in small aliquots and stored (80C) until assay. chamber without other chemoattractants.
In order to determine whether particulates accounted for the
activity of the soup, attempts were made to obtain a clarified Concentration Dependence of Chicken Soup Effect
preparation. Soup that was prepared by this method could not be
passed through a 0.22-m filter. In order to remove particulates, Serial dilutions of chicken soup were added to neutrophils in
1-mL aliquots were centrifuged (12,000g for 15 min) in Eppen- the upper portion of the chemotaxis chamber, and ZAS (1:4) or
dorf tubes. This resulted in a visible pellet and a clarified fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLP), 107 mol/L (Sigma; St. Louis, MO), were
transparent yellow supernatant, which was aspirated for subse- used as chemoattractants.
quent assay.
To determine which components of the soup contained inhib- Viability
itor activity, samples of chicken (a leg) and a portion of each of
the vegetables were boiled for approximately 1 h. The superna- In order to determine whether soup and its components were
tant broths then were harvested, frozen, and saved for assay. cytotoxic, neutrophils were prepared as if for chemotaxis and

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were suspended in HBSS with a 1:100 dilution of soup, compo-
nent vegetables, or chicken extracts. After a 30-min incubation at
37C, cells were collected and viability was assessed by trypan
blue dye exclusion visually.


For data sets with multiple comparisons, analysis of variance

was first used to determine whether any group was significantly
different, following which Students t test was used for compar-
isons that appeared to be different. Data presented are mean

Results Figure 2. Inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis and concentration

dependence. Chicken soup (preparation No. 1, fraction No. 18)
Chicken soup was found to inhibit neutrophil was placed in varying dilutions together with neutrophils in the
chemotaxis. When the completed soup (without upper portion of the chemotaxis chamber. ZAS, fMLP, or
added salt and pepper) was added to neutrophils Dulbeccos modified Eagles medium (DMEM) was placed in
the lower portion of the chemotaxis chamber as a chemoattrac-
above the membrane, to the ZAS below the mem- tant. Chemotaxis then was performed. * p 0.05 compared to
brane, or to both sides of the chemotaxis membrane, the highest dilution. HPF high-power field.
neutrophil migration to ZAS was inhibited. The
effect of the chicken soup was much more marked
when the diluted chicken soup was added directly to media controls (Fig 2). Three preparations of chicken
the neutrophils (Fig 1). The diluted chicken soup by soup inhibited chemotaxis to ZAS similarly (Fig 3). It
itself had a minimal effect in stimulating neutrophil was not possible to remove the particulate matter from
chemotaxis above background in the absence of a the chicken soup by filtration. In order to determine
chemoattractant (Fig 1). whether the solid component of the chicken soup
The inhibitory effect of chicken soup was concen- might be responsible for the inhibition of chemotaxis,
tration-dependent and was observed when both ZAS therefore, the chicken soup was clarified by centrifu-
and fMLP were used as chemoattractants (Fig 2). gation at high speed. Although there was some loss of
Interestingly, chicken soup added to the neutrophils activity, the clarified supernatants of the three chicken
at dilutions of 1:20 caused a slight but significant soup preparations retained the majority of inhibitory
(p 0.05) increase in neutrophil migration toward activity (Fig 3).

Figure 1. Inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis by chicken soup. ZAS (dilution, 1:4) and chicken soup
(cs) (prep 1, fraction 18 diluted 1:100) were added to the top and bottom of the chemotaxis chamber
in various combinations as indicated. Neutrophils were added to the top of the chamber, and neutrophil
chemotaxis performed. Vertical axis: migrated neutrophils (cells per high-power field [hpf]). Horizontal
axis: condition. * p 0.05.

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chicken broth alone were not active (Fig 4). All
samples harvested after the addition of the first
group of vegetables had inhibitory activity. In the
final stages of the preparation, slightly less inhibition
of chemotaxis was observed. Second, an analysis of
individual soup components was performed by boil-
ing individual components. All ingredients were
found to be inhibitory, including the boiled extract of
chicken alone (Fig 5, top). The effect on the inhibi-
tion of the whole soup was not due to effects on
Figure 3. Inhibition of chemotaxis by various preparations and neutrophil viability. The viability of neutrophils ex-
the effect of clarification. Three separate preparations of chicken posed to each of the complete chicken soup prepa-
soup were tested either in the completed stage (solid bars) or
after clarification by centrifugation (15 min, 12,000g, stipple rations was always 95%. The viability of the
bars). All samples were diluted 1:40 into HBSS and were added neutrophils incubated in the boiled chicken stock
together with the neutrophils. ZAS, diluted 1:4, was used as the
chemoattractant. HBSS and ZAS alone are shown as negative and
was 98%. The isolated vegetable components, inter-
positive controls, respectively. Vertical axis: migrated neutrophils. estingly, demonstrated a slight, but statistically sig-
Horizontal axis: conditions. * p 0.05 compared to ZAS con- nificant, loss of neutrophil viability, as assessed by
trol. See Figure 2 for other abbreviations.
trypan blue exclusion (Fig 5, bottom).
In a modest attempt to determine whether com-
mercially available preparations of chicken soup also
In an attempt to partially determine which com- inhibited neutrophil chemotaxis, 13 different soups
ponents of chicken soup had activity, two experimen- were purchased at a local supermarket and were
tal approaches were undertaken. First, samples of tested against Grandmas soup (Fig 6). Many of the
chicken soup were harvested at various times during soups inhibited neutrophil chemotaxis. Five inhib-
the preparation. As the soup preparation was exceed- ited more potently (at an identical dilution) than did
ingly inhomogeneous, samples were taken from var- Grandmas traditional soup. Two soups were without
ious parts of the pot at various times. Samples activity, and one slightly augmented chemotaxis.
containing the initial stages of the soup with early Omaha tap water had no activity.

Figure 4. Acquisition of chemotactic inhibitory activity during preparation of the soup. Samples were
collected at various stages during the preparation of chicken soup. Each aliquot then was diluted 1:100
into HBSS and was added together with neutrophils in the top portion of the chemotaxis chamber.
Chemotaxis then was measured using ZAS diluted 1:4 as the chemoattractant. The major stages of the
soup preparation are indicated. See Figure 2 for other abbreviations.

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cies, many of which have medicinal activities.2527 A
number of fats and substances with antioxidant
activity are also likely to be present. Extracts of each
vegetable, as well as of the chicken, all were able to
inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis, suggesting that many
inhibitory substances may be present. Interestingly,
the vegetable extracts also demonstrated some neu-
trophil cytotoxicity that was not observed either in
the completed soup or in the chicken extract. No
attempt was made to control for concentration of
various extracted components, and the toxicity could
be due to a concentration-dependent effect. How-
ever, the preparation of the soup is a multistep
process, and many complex chemical interactions are
taking place. Determining these processes quantita-
tively and preparing appropriately controlled compo-
nent extracts will be a challenging problem.
It is interesting, however, that neither the chicken
nor the completed soup had cytotoxicity. There are
several possibilities in addition to concentration ef-
fects that could explain such an effect. The chicken
may contain a component that chemically neutralizes
vegetable-derived toxins. Alternatively, the fat that is
slowly extracted from the chicken and then skimmed
from the soup surface could be extracting a lipid-
soluble toxin from the preparation. That some inter-
Figure 5. The effect of specific vegetable ingredients on the action takes place during the cooking seems likely as
inhibition of chemotaxis and neutrophil viability. Top: the com-
ponent ingredients of chicken soup were boiled in water after the soup acquires maximal inhibitory activity shortly
which they were sonicated, diluted 1:100 in HBSS, and added to after adding the first group of vegetables. While still
neutrophils in the top portion of a chemotaxis chamber. ZAS active, inhibitory activity does decrease slightly dur-
diluted 1:4 was used as the chemoattractant. Bottom: viability was
assessed by trypan blue dye exclusion after incubating the ing the later stages of the preparation. Finally, it also
neutrophils in HBSS with the diluted soup components for 30 is possible that the chicken could contain a compo-
min. See Figure 2 for other abbreviations. nent that directly activates neutrophils and has a
protective effect, eg, by inducing antioxidants.
The current study assessed a single measure of the
Discussion inflammatory response, migration of neutrophils by
the blindwell assay method. Chicken soup inhibited
The current study demonstrates that chicken soup chemotaxis to two different chemoattractants, ZAS,
inhibits neutrophil migration to standard stimuli as which generates the active fragment of the fifth
assessed by the modified Boyden blindwell chamber component of complement, C5a,24 and fMLP.28 In
method. The effect appears to be due to an effect on vivo inflammatory responses are complex and mul-
the neutrophils rather than on the chemoattractant, tifaceted. Whether chicken soup has other activities
as addition of the soup directly to the neutrophils remains to be determined. It was of interest, how-
appears to be most effective. The inhibitory effect ever, that while able to inhibit chemoattractant-
was observed clearly at concentrations without cyto- driven migration, the soup had a slight direct che-
toxicity, as determined by trypan blue dye exclusion. motactic activity and may have slightly augmented
Finally, a variety of soup preparations was evaluated nondirected migration. These effects, while statisti-
and found to be variably, but generally, able to cally significant, were small and were not pursued in
inhibit neutrophil chemotaxis. The current study, the current study. However, their presence suggests
therefore, presents evidence that chicken soup might that chicken soup contains a multitude of moieties
have an anti-inflammatory activity, namely, the inhi- with diverse physiologic effects.
bition of neutrophil migration. The chicken soup recipe used for the majority of
The identity of the active ingredient or ingredients these experiments is very highly regarded locally.29 It
present in the soup remains unknown. The vegeta- does have several unusual features, however. First, it
bles that are used to prepare the soup, however, are contains several vegetables, eg, sweet potato, not
known to contain a large number of chemical spe- found in many chicken soup recipes; in addition, in

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Figure 6. The effect of various commercial soups on neutrophil chemotaxis. A number of preparations
of soup were purchased at a local supermarket and were prepared according to the instructions on the
label. All samples then were diluted 1:40 in HBSS added to neutrophils, and chemotaxis to ZAS (diluted
1:4) was tested. See Figure 2 for other abbreviations.

many recipes, the vegetables are removed from the bowl of soup eaten by a 70-kg person. The observa-
clear broth prior to serving. After removal, Grand- tions that activities are present in the clarified soup,
mas soup calls for the vegetables to be pureed and are active at a dilution that was comparable to that of
added to the soup. (We understand that this was a one bowl diluted into a body volume, and are water
modification introduced by Grandma during the extractable are consistent, when taken together, with
Great Depression to ensure that everyone ate the a potential in vivo effect.
available vegetables.) The soup, as a result, contains Undoubtedly, the in vivo effects of chicken soup
a thick suspension of particulates. include more than the effects on neutrophils. The
Particulates can interact with neutrophils and warm liquid, particularly when sipped, can stimulate
could, perhaps, interfere with chemotaxis.30 How- nasal clearance and may improve upper respiratory
ever, for several reasons, it seems unlikely that tract symptoms.5 The social setting in which chicken
particulates account for the majority of the activity. soup is often taken is likely to contribute to a strong
First, Grandmas soup, clarified by centrifugation, placebo effect. Despite the observation that neutro-
retained the majority of inhibitory activity. Second, phil chemotactic inhibitors are present in many
Grandmas soup preparation was active prior to the vegetable extracts, pureed carrots (or other vegeta-
addition of the pureed vegetables, the major source bles) are not recommended as a remedy, while
of particulates. Finally, inhibitory activity was ob- chicken soup is. This suggests that whole chicken
served with several other recipes that lack the vege- soup may contain a mixture of active agents that
table particulates. Thus, while the identity of the synergize each other in order to achieve their bene-
biologically active materials is unknown, it seems ficial effects. It is also consistent with the recommen-
likely they are water soluble or extractable. dation that the use of chickens of a certain age1 that
Whether the active moieties present in chicken are, perhaps, happy31 is more effective. Such a
soup achieve sufficient concentration to be active synergism would not be surprising, as it is certainly
following in vivo ingestion is not known. The identity true for taste (this observation is from common
of these moieties is not known, and bioavailability knowledge and general experience).
testing was beyond the scope of the current study. Chicken soup is not without hazard. Anaphylaxis,28
The activity is water extractable, however, suggesting aspiration,3234 and severe electrolyte disturbanc-
that it may be absorbable. The inhibitory effect of es36,37 all have been described as a result of chicken
chicken soup on neutrophil chemotaxis, moreover, soup ingestion. An anti-inflammatory effect could
was observed at dilutions as low as 1:200. This is increase the risk for secondary infection. The bene-
comparable to the dilution of a 350-mL average fits of chicken soup, however, are widely acclaimed

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