Senate Bill 1816 Fifteenth Congress

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First Regular Session )
S.No. ___ _
Introduced by Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago 4itO,IV(f) "'>V
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - -
The Policies and Guidelines for Special Education, as contained in DECS Order No. 117,
s. 1987, ide!ltified persons who have sensory impairment as special education clientele. This bill
seeks to concretize the constitutional mandate which provides that the State shall "promote the
right of all citizens to quality education ... and to make such education accessible to all."
It should be recognized that deaf-mute and blind children have different needs compared
to their physically able peers, which merit careful attention. The Congressional Commission on
education (EDCOM) in its report prepared in 1991-92 has revealed the inadequacy of programs
and the poor access to SIJecial education (SPED) brought about by the limited number of special
schools and SPED center in the country. In light of the foregoing, this bill is relevant for it
addresses the problem of limited SPED facilities.
This bill aims to establish Municipal Special Education Centers for deaf-mute and blind
children to ensure accessibility of the latter to such institutions in every municipality:
* This biJI was ,originally filed during the Thirteenth Congress, First Regular Session.
First Regular Session )
S.No. ___ _
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Introduced by Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago
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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
4 SECTION I. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the state to
5 establish, maintain and support Municipal Special Education Centers (hereafter "Centers") for
6 deaf-mute and blind children in consonance with the Constitutional mandate for "the State to
7 take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all."
8 SECTION 2. MuniCipal Special Education Centers: Creation and Purpose. - There shall
9 be created in every municipality throughout the country Municipal Education Centers which
10 shall assist the Department of Education in:
11 (A) 'Providing deaf-mute and blind children special quality education and related services
12 as well as vocational and transitional services; and
13 (B) Providing deaf-mute and blind children currently in school or who recently left
14 school programs and service to assist them in the transition to independent living,
15 vocational training, and -competitive employ?,ent.
16 SECTION 3. Authority of the Secretary of Education to Give Grants to, or Enter into
17 Cooperative Arrangements for the Creation of, Municipal Special Education Centers. - The
18 Secretary of Education is hereby authorized to give grants to, or enter into cooperative
19 arrangement or contracts with public or private non-profit agencies, institutions, or organizations
20 for the establishment or creation of, Municipal Special Education Centers for deaf-mute and
blind children and youth; Provided, that a grant made pursuant to this section may be made only
2 for the following or similar programs:
3 (A) Technical assistance to Centers providing educational services to deaf-mute and
4 blind children;
5 (B) Pre-service or in-service training of professionals or related services personnel
6 preparing to serve or serving deaf-mute and blind children;
7 (C) Replication of successful innovative approaches to providing educational or related
8 services to deaf-mute and blind children at risk of being certified deaf-mute and
9 blind;
10 (D) Consultative, counseling and training services for the families of deaf-mute and blind
11 children; and
12 (E) Familiarization of the municipality to be served by a center with the problems and
13 potentialities of such children.
14 SECTION 4. Provision for Continuing Research to Identify Special Needs of Deqfmute
15 and Blind Children. - The Special Education Division of the Department of Education by itself
16 or in association with such organizations or institutions as are determined by the Secretary of the
17 Department of Education to be appropriate, shall undertake continuing research to identify and
18 design programs that meet the full range of special needs of deaf-mute and blind children;
19 Provided, that such continuing research shall also be used to develop instructional techniques for
20 use by the Centers that will improve deaf-mute and blind children's acquisition of the skills
21 necessary for transition to independent living, vocational training, or competitive employment;
22 Provided, finally that such continuing research shall further be used to design physical education
23 and therapeutic recreation program for use by the Centers to increase the potential of deaf-mute
24 and blind children for community participation.
25 SECTION 5. Provision for Training of Personnel. - The Department of Education,
26 Culture and Sports shall develop special education courses for adoption 'and implementation by
27 institutions of higher education and universities; Provided, That such courses shall
28 include subjects on special education, and adaptive physical education; special education
1 supervision and administration; and special education research; Provided, finally, That the
2 Secretary of the Department of Education may make grants, which may include scholarships
3 with necessary stipends and allowances, to institutions of higher education and/or universities
4 which already offer such or similar courses.
5 SECTION 6. Annual report to the Secretary of Education; Examination of Numbers and
6 Services and Revision of Numbers: Annual Report to Congress; Summary of Data. - Centers
7 established, created or supported under the Act as well as public or non-profit private agencies or
8 organizations which are recipients of a grants shall report annually to the Secretary of the
9 Department of Education on:
10 (A) The number of recipients, by age, severity, and nature of deaf-muteness and
11 blindness;
12 (B) The number of professionals and family members directly served by, or serving in,
13 each Center; and
14 (C) The types of services provided.
15 The Secretary of the Department of Education shall examine the number of deaf-mute
16 and blind children and youth so reported and, together with the Secretary of the Department of
17 Health, shall create and annually revise a Deaf-Mute and Blind Children National Registry.
18 The Secretary of the Department of Education shall summarize the date for submission in
19 its annual report to the Congress.
20 SECTION 7. Dissemination of Materials and Information Concerning Working Practices
21 with Deaf-mute and Blind Children. - The Secretary of the DECS, in collaboration with the
22 Secretary of Health and Secretary of Labor and Employment, shall disseminate materials and
23 information concerning effective practices in working with, training, and educating deaf-mute
24 and blind children.
25 SECTION 8. Deaf-mute and Blind Children Defined - For purposes of this Act, the
26 term "deaf-mute and blind children" shall include the hearing, speech, and eyesight impaired
27 children from birth to eighteen years of age.
1 SECTION 9. Implementing Guidelines for the Establishment of Municipal Education
2 Centers. - The Department of Education, in collaboration with the Department of Health and the
3 Department of Public Works and Highways, shall promulgate and issue the necessary
4 implemeriting guidelines for the creation and operation of Municipal Special Education Centers
5 within sixty (60) days after the effectivity of this Act.
6 SECTION 10. Fund for the Establishment and Initial Operation of the Centers. - Such
7 sums as may be necessary are hereby authorized to be appropriated from the National Treasury.
8 Thereafter, the sums necessary for the continuous operation of the Centers shall be included in
9 the annual appropriations of the Department of Education.
10 SECTION 11. Separability Clause. - If any provision or part hereof, is held invalid or
11 unconstitutional, the remainder of the law or provision not otherwise affected shall remain valid
12 and subsisting.
13 SECTION 12. Repealing Clause. - Any law, presidential decree or issuance, executive
14 order, letter of instruction, administrative order, rule or regulation contrary to or inconsistent
15 with the provision of this Act is hereby repealed, modified or amended accordingly.
16 SECTION 13; Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
17 publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

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