Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
and Multicomputers and Multivectors and SIMD computers, PRAM and VLSI models, Architectural development tracks. Program and network propertiesConditions of parallelism. UNIT II PARTITIONING AND SCHEDULING Program partitioning and scheduling, Program flow mechanisms, System interconnect architectures. Principles of scalable performance - performance matrices and measures, Parallel processing applications, speedup performance laws, scalability analysis and approaches. UNIT II I HARDWARE TECHNOLOGIES Processor and memory hierarchy advanced processor technology, superscalar and vector processors, memory hierarchy technology, virtual memory technology, bus cache and shared memory - backplane bus systems, cache memory organisations, shared memory organisations, sequential and weak consistency models. UNIT IV PIPELINING AND SUPERSCALAR TECHNOLOGIES Parallel and scalable architectures, Multiprocessor and Multicomputers, Multivector and SIMD computers, Scalable, Multithreaded and data flow architectures. UNIT V SOFTWARE AND PARALLEL PROGRAMMING 9 Parallel models, Languages and compilers, Parallel program development and environments, UNIX, MACH and OSF/1 for parallel computers.
TOTAL: 45PERIODS REFERENCES: 1. Kai Hwang, " Advanced Computer Architecture ", McGraw Hill International, 2001. 2.. Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced Computer architecture A design Space Approach , Pearson Education , 2003. 3. John P.Shen, Modern processor design . Fundamentals of super scalar processors, Tata McGraw Hill 2003. 4. Kai Hwang, Scalable parallel computing, Tata McGraw Hill 1998. 5. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990. 6. M.J. Quinn, Designing Efficient Algorithms for Parallel Computers, McGraw Hill International, 1994. 7. Barry, Wilkinson, Michael, Allen Parallel Programming, Pearson Education Asia , 2002 8. Harry F. Jordan Gita Alaghband, Fundamentals of parallel Processing, Pearson Education , 2003 9. Richard Y.Kain, Advanced computer architecture A systems Design Approach, PHI, 2003.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Special features of Multimedia Graphics and Image Data Representations - Fundamental Concepts in Video and Digital Audio Storage requirements for multimedia applications -Need for Compression - Taxonomy of compression techniques Overview of source coding, source models, scalar and vector quantization theory Evaluation techniques Error analysis and methodologies UNIT II TEXT COMPRESSION Compaction techniques Huffmann coding Adaptive Huffmann Coding Arithmatic coding Shannon-Fano coding Dictionary techniques LZW family algorithms. UNIT III AUDIO COMPRESSION Audio compression techniques - - Law and A- Law companding. Frequency domain and filtering Basic subband coding Application to speech coding G.722 Application to audio coding MPEG audio, progressive encoding for audio Silence compression, speech compression techniques Formant and CELP Vocoders UNIT IV IMAGE COMPRESSION Predictive techniques DM, PCM, DPCM: Optimal Predictors and Optimal Quantization Contour based compression Transform Coding JPEG Standard Sub-band coding algorithms: Design of Filter banks Wavelet based compression: Implementation using filters EZW, SPIHT coders JPEG 2000 standards - JBIG, JBIG2 standards. UNIT V VIDEO COMPRESSION Video compression techniques and standards MPEG Video Coding I: MPEG 1 and 2 MPEG Video Coding II: MPEG 4 and 7 Motion estimation and compensation techniques H.261 Standard DVI technology PLV performance DVI real time compression Packet Video. REFERENCES: 1. Khalid Sayood : Introduction to Data Compression, Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India, 2nd Edition, 2000. 2. David Salomon : Data Compression The Complete Reference, Springer Verlag New York Inc., 2nd Edition, 2001. 3. Yun Q.Shi, Huifang Sun : Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering - Fundamentals, Algorithms & Standards, CRC press, 2003. 4. Peter Symes : Digital Video Compression, McGraw Hill Pub., 2004. 5. Mark Nelson : Data compression, BPB Publishers, New Delhi,1998. 6. Mark S.Drew, Ze-Nian Li : Fundamentals of Multimedia, PHI, 1st Edition, 2003. 7. Watkinson,J : Compression in Video and Audio, Focal press,London.1995. 8. Jan Vozer : Video Compression for Multimedia, AP Profes, NewYork, 1995
INFORMATION SECURITY UNIT I An Overview of Computer Security, Access Control Matrix, Policy-Security policies, Confidentiality policies, Integrity policies and Hybrid policies. UNIT II Cryptography- Key management Session and Interchange keys, Key exchange and generation, Cryptographic Key Infrastructure, Storing and Revoking Keys, Digital Signatures, Cipher Techniques UNIT III Systems: Design Principles, Representing Identity, Access Control Mechanisms, Information Flow and Confinement Problem. UNIT IV Malicious Logic, Vulnerability Analysis, Auditing and Intrusion Detection UNIT V Network Security, System Security, User Security and Program Security TEXT BOOK: 1. Matt Bishop ,Computer Security art and science , Second Edition, Pearson Education REFERENCES: 1. Mark Merkow, James Breithaupt Information Security : Principles and Practices First Edition, Pearson Education, 2. Whitman, Principles of Information Security, Second Edition, Pearson Education 3. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, Third Edition, Pearson Education. 4. Security in Computing , Charles P.Pfleeger and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Third Edition.