Quick Fields 8 Quick Start
Quick Fields 8 Quick Start
Quick Fields 8 Quick Start
Quick Fields
Table of Contents
WelcometoQuickFields8..............................................................................................................3 ASampleUseofQuickFields.......................................................................................................4 KeyConceptsandTerms..............................................................................................................5 TheQuickFields8Interface.........................................................................................................6 GettingStarted ................................................................................................................................7 . CategorizingDocuments..............................................................................................................7 AboutProcesses...............................................................................................................................8 IdentifyingDocuments.................................................................................................................9 ProcessingDocuments...............................................................................................................10 ConfiguringImageEnhancements.............................................................................................11 UsingTokens..............................................................................................................................11 Scanning,Review,Revision,andStorage ......................................................................................12 . AdditionalOptions.........................................................................................................................13 OrderofProcesses.................................................................................................................13 TestingProcesses...................................................................................................................14 SettingPermissionsfortheSession.......................................................................................15 ContinuingtoWorkwithQuickFields...........................................................................................16 LearningMoreaboutQuickFields8..............................................................................................17
In many cases, a scanner operator only needs to touch a button or two once the session is set up. This guide is designed for Quick Fields administrators. It will demonstrate the process of setting up a Quick Fields session, and introduce the interface and basic features of Quick Fields.
You can also find more information on Quick Fields, including tutorial videos and detailed white papers, at support.laserfiche.com.
Getting Started
After you install and activate Quick Fields, you will open to the Start Page. This page offers links to online videos and help files to help you learn more about Quick Fields. It also offers a New Session Wizard. You will be prompted to specify information about the session. If you need more assistance, use the Help buttons on the wizard.
Categorizing Documents
A document class is a group of documents that will all be processed according to the same settings. You can give the document class a name that helps you remember what kinds of documents go in it; for example, Purchase Order Documents. When creating a document class, you will specify the default server, repository, template, and volume for documents in that class. You can also set conventions for the document name, folder path, and field values using tokens, which will be discussed later in this Quick Start.
About Processes
Processes modify or extract information from documents. Organizations can purchase different sets of processes for each Quick Fields installation, so the processes you have access to may be slightly different than those pictured here, depending on what your organization purchased. Processes can be used to tell whether a document belongs to a particular document class or to modify its appearance or metadata. Some processes can only be used for one purpose or the other, and some can be used for either. When you select a stage of processing in the Session Configuration Pane, a list of the processes available in that stage will appear in the Tasks Pane.
Identifying Documents
Identification conditions are criteria you specify to determine whether a page will become the first page of a new document in the document class. On our purchase order forms, a distinguishing feature is the phrase PURCHASE ORDER written at the top of the form. We can configure the OmniPage Zone OCR process, which reads text from a specified area, in the Identification stage within the Purchase Order Documents class. If the text in the zone says PURCHASE ORDER, the page will become the beginning of a new document. Any supporting pages such as receipts will become additional pages in each document. You could identify documents according to other conditions, such as whether: The document matches a particular form. A box is checked. A barcode contains a value in a certain range. The document contains a certain word. Etc.
Processing Documents
Next, we will specify which processes will be applied to which pages of the documents. The processes available to you may vary depending on which add-ons your organization has purchased. In our example, we want to extract data from the purchase order form and place it in fields. We will use the OmniPage Zone OCR process again, but this time to extract information rather than compare it. Click on a stage to view the processes available there. In this example, we are selecting the Page Processing stage. We select the Omni Page Zone OCR process and follow the instructions to configure a zone around each piece of information we want to capture. Note that OmniPage Zone OCR is the data capture process that works for these particular documents, but depending on our needs, we might have also purchased or used a different process. We assign the zones names that will help us quickly recognize what information they contain.
Using Tokens
Processes that extract information generate tokens, which are placeholders that you can put into fields, document names, and other metadata. To populate metadata for our purchase orders, we click on the name of our document class to change the Tasks Pane to Document Properties mode. Then we use the token buttons ( ) to retrieve the tokens generated by the OmniPage Zone OCR process and place them in fields. Since we want to use some of the same information in the document name, we use tokens representing the fields. You can also use tokens in the folder path, which is in the Properties tab.
To process the documents, press the scan button. When you select a document in the Document Revision Pane, you can view its pages and metadata in the other panes. You can review and make changes to the document.
When you are satisfied with the documents, you can store them in Laserfiche.
Additional Options
Order of Processes
Processes will run in the order displayed. The results of an earlier process can affect a later one, which is important to keep in mind when setting up your session.
Stages of Processing
There are three stages where you can add processes: Pre-Classification Processing: Applies to every page scanned into the session. Page Processing: Applies to specified pages of a particular document class while the session is running. Storage Processing: Applies to specified pages of a particular document class at the time the documents are stored in Laserfiche.
Local Enhancements
If you want an image enhancement to affect the results of some other process, but not alter the final image, you can configure it as a local enhancement of the other process. For example, if we want to use the Line Removal enhancement to improve the results of Zone OCR, but we want the complete form to appear when it is stored in Laserfiche, we can configure Line Removal as a local enhancement to the Zone OCR process.
Testing Processes
A representative sample image can be used to test and fine-tune processes without needing to scan a large number of test images.
In our example, we know that we will be processing purchase order forms, so we scan a representative purchase order form according to the same scanner settings we plan to use for the entire batch. You can test the processes you have configured to see whether they run as expected on the sample document. This way, you can test the configuration before scanning a lot of documents.
Testing processes
The results of the processes will appear in the Processing Information Pane. If the processes do not run as expected, you can adjust the properties of the processes or configure image enhancements.
Processing information
You can also create different sessions to process different types of documents for your organization. For instance, you could create a different type of session for the accounting department to process tax forms. Then you could go to the human resources department and create a session to process benefit enrollment information.
Quick Fields 8 Quick Start June 2010 Author: Snow Tempest Editors: Tammy Kaehler and Jonathan Powers Technical Editors: Evelyn Crofts and Miruna Babatie Laserfiche 3545 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90807 U.S.A Phone: +1.562.988.1688 www.laserfiche.com Laserfiche is a trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. Various product and service names references herein may be trademarks of Compulink Management Center, Inc. All other products and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. Laserfiche makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of these contents at the time of publication. They are for information purposes only and Laserfiche makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the information herein. Copyright 2010 Laserfiche All rights reserved.