C2 CAU Express B31.3
C2 CAU Express B31.3
C2 CAU Express B31.3
A Plot of f
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II Implementation
f=6N-0.2 Maximum=1.0
CAESAR II Implementation
f=6N-0.2 Maximum=1.2
Previous Editions: 302.3.5(c) The sum of longitudinal stresses, SL, in any component in a piping system, due to sustained loads such as pressure and weight, shall not exceed Sh.
Stress Indices
0.75i included as a stress index for calculating bending stress due to sustained loads Applicability of 0.75 for components other than elbows is questionable, but the benefits of having a consistent approach led to incorporation 0.75 factor same as B31.1
CAESAR II Implementation
B31.3- 2010 paragraph 3.20 can be applied now by setting the Code Case 178 switch to TRUE in the Configuration file This does not incorporate axial and torsion stress indices
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II does not identify basic allowable stresses controlled by creep This adjustment to the allowed stress limit for sustained plus occasional loads remains the responsibility of the user.
Appendix P
Operating Conditions
A more complete fatigue analysis, looking at differences between operating conditions, rather than displacement stress only Nonlinear effects are inherently included, as are shifts in support effort There is no ambiguity related to the inclusion of SL in the allowable stress, as in the Base Code. (SL can change based on active, nonlinear support configuration.) (1b): SA=f[1.25(Sc+Sh-SL)]
Appendix P
Fatigue analysis based on differences of combined load states, as it would be in a detailed fatigue analysis such as per Section VIII, Div 2. The stress range is computed and compared to the allowable of 1.25f(Sc+Sh) SL is not included in the allowable, prevention of ratchet is handled in a different fashion
Appendix P
Shut down at ambient temperature is one of the operating conditions (so the range from that to other operating conditions is considered) Stresses due to axial loads are always included, so that they are included if they are significant (which is a Base Code requirement)
Appendix P
Stress intensification factors provided for axial loads based on committee judgment
The higher, out-plane sif for bending is used as the axial sif, except for elbows Since axial load on an elbow creates bending on the other side of the elbow, no additional sif on axial load is included Basically considers axial load as an equivalent bending
Control of Ratchet
Ratchet is prevented by also limiting maximum operating stress This limit effectively reduces the allowable displacement stress range as the stress due to sustained loads increases Maximum operating stress limited to 1.5(Sc+Sh)
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II Implementation
Appendix S
Appendix S
Example flexibility analysis problems now provided in Appendix S Demonstrate Code intent for flexibility analysis
A simple case A case illustrating a nonlinear support, with the pipe lifting off of a support A case with moment reversal
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II results were included in these examples
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II Implementation
CAESAR II Implementation
The failure of this 30 inch diameter steam line, operating at 900 psi and 1000 degF, shutdown the Mohave, California power plant. The failure occurred along a longitudinal weld in the pipe. BEAR engineers determined that although the weld metal was stronger than the pipe steel at room temperature, the creep, or high temperature deformation rate of the weld metal was 10 times greater than the pipe's base metal. This mismatch led to failure after 10 years of operation. The ASME Piping Codes have been changed to prevent this type of failure based in part on analysis work performed by BEAR on this failure and others. - http://www.bearinc.com/projects/refinerypowerplants.html
CAESAR II Implementation
In CAESAR II,Wl references the longitudinal welds Here, a value of 0.85 is entered for 304 stainless steel at 600C
CAESAR II Implementation
By default, circumferential welds are not checked
CAESAR II Implementation
In CAESAR II, Wc references the value specified for girth welds Here, the value of 0.85 is entered
CAESAR II Implementation
Some CAESAR II materials have W specified You can add your own data as well
New standard for evaluation of piping systems for earthquake loads Intended to be referenced by all B31 Codes Provides design by rule for most systems Requires detailed analysis for only critical larger diameter systems Provides a new allowable stress for seismic loads
Currently ASME B31.3 does not explicitly reference B31E:
B31.3 B31E
B31E defines allowable stress for sustained plus seismic load Minimum of:
2.4S 1.5SY 60ksi (408MPa)
B31E - 2010
The 2010 Edition defines ASCE 7 terms for setting seismic load.
CAESAR II Implementation
There are unresolved issues with using the seismic demand requirements of the ASCE 7 building code for piping.
ASD v LRFD (0.7 factor in LRFD gives ASD) Value for R for piping
In Conclusion
Over the last few B31.3 Editions there have been several changes that reflect the improved analytical capabilities beyond the slide rule for which the Code was originally designed. CAESAR II has kept pace with these changes and has participated in this development.