Vocational Qualification Approval Form
Vocational Qualification Approval Form
Vocational Qualification Approval Form
1. 2. 3. Before completing this form, please read the guidance notes. This form should only be completed electronically. You should be supported by a member of the Pearson Work Based Learning team (employer, private colleges and training providers only) in the completion of the approval application process. Please do not complete this form without first talking to your Pearson/Edexcel contact.
Nature of Business
Please confirm your nature of business Do you intend to work in conjunction with other centres If stated yes please attach further details
Overseas Learners
Working with learners based overseas Licensed Tier 4 Sponsor Details: Reside Tier 4 License Number
Prepared by Brett Harries, Vocational Recognition & Approvals Manager Authorised by Geoff Harvey, Head of BTEC Assessment
Start date
Start date
Apprenticeship declaration:
I confirm that our centre has both suitably qualified staff and suitable provision for off the job guided learning to deliver the BTEC Technical Certificate programme
Prepared by Brett Harries, Vocational Recognition & Approvals Manager Authorised by Geoff Harvey, Head of BTEC Assessment
Employer Direct
Authenticated Certificates
Available for inspection
7.2: Please provide details of resources available to support the delivery of qualification(s)
7.3 7.4
ASSESSMENT Assessment is carried out by occupationally competent, accredited staff who are adequately supported to fulfil their responsibilities An appropriate range of assessment methods are used (for BTEC please supply assessment material for 1 mandatory core unit)
Centre Confirmation
Please confirm that evidence of each Qualification Criteria will be available should Edexcel require by answering YES/NO to each statement:
Centre Confirmation Edexcel Use Only
There is sufficient time, resources and authority for staff to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively A system is in place to ensure professional development for staff delivering qualification(s) covered in this application The centre has the appropriate Health and Safety policies for the equipment used to support learners in the qualifications covered in this application
For any criteria where evidence will not be available, please reference the criteria number and give the reason why:
e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)
m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v)
Qualifications identified in sections 3, 4 and 5 are currently accredited BTEC qualifications An appropriate person within the organisation has signed the declaration CVs (qualifications and subject/level experience) are appropriate to the application Centre resources are adequate to the qualification (Qualification approval only) Comments:
Qualifications reviewed
Qualification Comments Signed off
Prepared by Brett Harries, Vocational Recognition & Approvals Manager Authorised by Geoff Harvey, Head of BTEC Assessment
Review Declaration
The Qualification Approval criteria has been met and approval agreed If NO Please give reasons why:
The Centre may be granted approval for the delivery of Edexcel Vocational Qualifications Qualification Manager Name Signature Date