Eclipse E300 Example

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Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi.

9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012

General description: 56(150ft)*24(150ft)*5(100ft) scale horizontal reservoir, has 10000ft depth at the top layer. Oil Gas contact stays at 10000ft; Oil water contact stays at 10400ft; initial formation pressure at 10000ft is 4332psi. Porosity: 0.15, permeability: 56mD, Crock = 0.00001577 @ P initial Formation fluid contains CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 C4-6 C7+ C7+2 C7+3, has a mole fraction of 0.0852 , 0.13774, 0.468529, 0.061628, 0.041961, 0.068657, 0.03195, 0.0994, 0.001633 respectively. In Cartesian block centered system, a vertical gas injection well stays at (40, 15) penetrated through layer 1 to 4. Gas injected is flue gas (12% CO2, 88% N2). Has a constant bottom-hole pressure at 5000psi. A vertical production well stays at (10, 8) penetrated through layer 3 to 4. Has a constant bottom hole pressure at 4000psi. Predicted the formation pressure, oil saturation, water saturation, gas saturation, oil production rate for future 10 years which starts at 1th Jan. 2012.


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 --Table dimensions --Runspec section--------------------------------------------------The RUNSPEC section is the first section of an ECLIPSE data input file. It contains the run title, start date, units, various problem dimensions (numbers of blocks, wells, tables etc.), flags for phases or components present and option switches. RUNSPEC --Request the FIELD unit set FIELD --Three phases are present OIL WATER GAS -- Allow CO2 to dissolve in the aqueous phase CO2SOL --Adaptive IMplicit solution method AIM --Nine components in study (not plus water) COMPS 9/ --Peng-Robinson equation of state to be used EOS PR / --Number of blocks in X, Y, Z directions DIMENS 56 24 5 / TABDIMS 1 1 40 40 / --specifies the start date of the simulation. START 1 JAN 2012 / --Grid section--------------------------------------------------------The GRID section determines the basic geometry of the simulation grid and various rock properties (porosity, absolute permeability, netto-gross ratios) in each grid cell. From this information, the program calculates the grid block pore volumes, mid-point depths and interblock transmissibilities. In this case, we use block centered Cartesian GRID --define of 56 by 24 by 5 grid, with 150 ft. by 150 ft. by 100 ft. Depth of the top layer is 10000 ft. DXV 56*150 / DYV 24*150 / DZV 5*100 / TOPS 1344*10000 / -- EQUALS assign or replace the value of a property for a box of cells within the grid EQUALS


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 -- Porosity. Grid blocks are ordered with the X axis index cycling fastest, followed by the Y and Z axis indices. PORO 0.15 / --permeability PERMX 56 / PERMY 56 / PERMZ 20 / / --Properties section-----------------------------------------------The PROPS section of the input data contains pressure and saturation dependent properties of the reservoir fluids and rocks. PROPS -- Confirm number of components NCOMPS 9/ -- Acentric factors EOS ACF PR / -- Standard temperature and pressure in Deg F and PSIA STCOND 60.0 14.7 / -- Component names CNAMES CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 C4-6 C7+ C7+2 C7+3 / HYDRO .22500 240 .21575 / .04000 .01300 .09860 .15 .27408 748 .27640 / .29115 .28473 .28463 .27 806.54054 838.11282 1058.03863 1291.89071 / -- Critical pressures PSIA PCRIT 1071.33111 492.31265 667.78170 708.34238 618.69739 514.92549 410.74956 247.56341 160.41589 / -- Critical Z-factors ZCRIT NNHHHHAAA/ -- Critical temperatures Deg R TCRIT 548.46000 227.16000 343.08000 549.77400 665.64000







-- Molecular Weights MW 44.01000 44.09700 28.01300 16.04300 30.07000


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 66.86942 107.77943 198.56203 335.19790 / -- Omega_A values OMEGAA -- Reference densities LB/FT3 .4572355 .4572355 .4572355 .4572355 / .6373344 .5340210 .4572355 DREF .6373344 .6373344 48.50653 50.19209 34.21053 36.33308 37.87047 55.89861 .0777961 .0777961 PARACHOR .0872878 .0872878 78.00000 41.00000 108.00000 150.30000 77.00000 45.60035 / 26.53189 527.40000 140.58000 201.06000 329.40000 415.80000 526.05233 519.67000 519.67000 519.67000 /

-- Omega_B values OMEGAB


-- Parachors (Dynes/cm) .0777961 .0777961 .0777961 .0777961 / .0872878

-- Default fluid sample composition ZMFVD

213.52089 331.78241 516.45301 853.48860 / -- Binary Interaction Coefficients

0.0852 0.13774 0.468529 0.061628 0.041961 0.068657 0.03195 0.0994 0.001633 0.13774 0.061628 0.068657

BIC -.0200 .1000 .0360

0.0852 0.468529 0.041961 0.0994 0.001633 /



.1300 .0500 .000000 .1350 .0800 .000000 .000 .1277 .1002 .092810 .000 .000 .1000 .1000 .130663 .006 .006 .0 .1000 .1000 .130663 .006 .006 .0 .0 .1000 .1000 .130663 .006 .006 .0 .0 .0 /

-- Boiling point temperatures Deg R TBOIL 350.46000 139.32000 201.06000 332.10000 415.98000 523.33222 689.67140 958.31604 1270.40061 / -- Reference temperatures Deg R TREF

-- Reservoir temperature in Deg F RTEMP 230.0 /


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 --Water saturation functions SWFN --Sw, Krw, Pc 0.16 0 0.18 0 3 2 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.24 0.000 0.000 0.28 0.005 0.005 0.32 0.012 0.012 0.44 0.060 0.060 0.56 0.150 0.150 0.72 0.400 0.400 0.84 0.800 0.800 / --Pref, rock compressibility ROCK 4351.1 0.00001577 / --Water pressure tables PVTW --Pref, Bref, Cw, Vw, (dVw/dp)/Vw 4351.1 1.0 0.000004 0.2476 0.0 / --Surface density DENSITY --deno denw deng

0.20 0.002 1 0.44 0.090 0.5 0.68 0.330 0.1 0.8 0.540 0.05 1.00 1.000 0.0 / --Gas saturation functions SGFN --Sg, Krg, Pc 0.00 0.000 0.0 0.04 0.005 0.0 0.12 0.026 0.0 0.24 0.078 0.0 0.36 0.156 0.0 0.48 0.260 0.0 0.60 0.400 0.0

--For a compositional run, only the water density is required 1* 63.02 1* /

0.72 0.562 0.0 0.84 0.800 0.0 / --Oil saturation functions (three-phase) SOF3 --So, Krog(oil and water), Krow (oil and gas) --Solution section------------------------------------------------------ contains sufficient data to define the initial state (pressure, saturations, compositions) of every grid block in the reservoir. SOLUTION EQUIL


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 -- Datum depth, Pressure at the datum depth, Depth of the water-oil contact, Oil-water capillary pressure at the water-oil contact, Depth of the gas-oil contact, Gas-oil capillary pressure at the gas-oil contact, DEFAULT 10000 4332 10400 3 10000 0.001 1* 1* 1* / -- Outputs at every report step OUTSOL --formation pressure, oil saturation, water saturation, gas saturation PRESSURE SOIL SWAT SGAS / ---- Summary section------------------------------------------------------summary specifies a number of variables that are to be written to Summary files after each time step of the simulation SUMMARY -- Requests tabulated output of SUMMARY data RUNSUM --Field oil production rate, water production rate, oil production total, GOR and field pressure FOPR FWPR FOPT FGOR FPR -- requests that summary data be written to the Summary file only at report times RPTONLY --Schedule section------------------------------------------------------ specifies the operations to be simulated (production and injection controls and constraints) and the times at which output reports are required. SCHEDULE -- Controls on output from SCHEDULE section RPTSCHED --grid block pressures, grid block water saturations, grid block oil saturations, grid block gas saturations PRESSURE SWAT SOIL SGAS / --General specification data for wells WELSPECS --Well name, Name of the group to which the well belongs, I - location of well head or heel, 4 J - location of well head or heel, Reference depth for bottom-hole pressure, Preferred phase for the well I FIELD 40 15 10500 GAS / P FIELD 10 8 10500 OIL / / --Well completion specification data COMPDAT --Well name, I - location of connecting grid block, J - location of connecting grid block, K location of upper connecting block in this set of data, K - location of lower connecting block in this set of data, Open/shut flag of connection, DEFAULT I 40 15 1 4 open 1* / P 10 8 3 4 open 1* /


Nan Zhang

Eclipse E300 simulation example for Engi. 9114 Advanced Reservoir Engineering Winter 2012 / -- Control data for production wells WCONPROD -- Well name, Open/shut flag for the well, Control mode (Controlled by bottom-hole pressure target), Oil rate target or upper limit, Water rate target or upper limit, Gas rate target or upper limit, Liquid rate target or upper limit, Reservoir fluid volume rate target or upper limit, BHP target or lower limit, DEFAULT P OPEN BHP 1* 4* 4000 / / -- Control data for injection wells WCONINJE -- Well name, Injector type, Open/shut flag for the well, Control mode, Surface flow rate target or upper limit, Reservoir fluid volume rate target or upper limit, BHP target or upper limit, DEFAULT I GAS OPEN BHP 1* 1* 5000 / / -- Set composition of injection gas stream WELLSTRE -- The name of the well stream, the mole fraction of the first component, the mole fraction of the second component. 'FLUE' 0.12 0.88 / / -- When running in compositional mode, the nature of the injected gas must also be specified with keyword WINJGAS WINJGAS Reference: Reference Manual, ECLIPSE* reservoir simulation software, Schlumberger, Version 2010.2 -- Well name, A character string specifying the nature of the fluid to be injected, A character string is required if the composition of the injection fluid was specified using STREAM, MIX, GV or WV in item 2 I STREAM 'FLUE' / / -- After each time step a report of the current state of
the reservoir is produced

TSTEP 35*100 / END


Nan Zhang

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