Brave New World Project
Brave New World Project
Brave New World Project
Principium which means beginning in Latin. We named it this because they are going back to the beginning of building a functioning society. The previous society became too reliant on the power of technology and eventually it failed them. Communications shut down, wires were cut, the stock market crashed, and the economy went into ruin. Without functioning technology to rely on, the people in society could not function with the same ease and efficiency they were used to. Chaos and fear erupted in the people, and they have been reestablishing the nation under the name Principium ever since. Principium operates on the principal that innovation is the key to build up society and prosper. As a result of the crash, society was forced back to the primordial state. With technology not available to raise, kill, and process food, or to refrigerate and store reserves, the people were forced to resort to the hunting and gathering methods used so long ago. The society has two date times: BC (meaning before crash) and AC (meaning after crash). In modern society, we refer to the world in the date times of BC (essentially signifying before Christ) and AD (essentially signifying after death). These terms are used because of the belief that the birth of Jesus Christ was a turning point in the world. (1) Similarly, our society was faced with a drastic and sudden transition following the crash of their technology, which served as a turning point for society. They had to become less dependent on technology and adjust. The people of Principium respect and pray for guidance by many men that have had technological success and influence during their lives. The people of Principium worship men such as Thomas Edison (1847-1931 BC), known for work with electricity and film, Alexander
Graham Bell (1847-1869 BC), known for inventing telephone, Johannes Gutenberg (1394-1468 BC), known best for his invention of a printing press, and Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790 BC), known for his lighting rod experiments. (2) Some people even choose to worship and pray for the guidance of Henry Ford, inventor of the assembly line and Model T, similar to the people in Brave New World.(3) The people of Principium have no advanced technology except for one iPhone that they had salvaged from the crash and happened to still work for reasons in which they could not understand. The people of society utilize the Siri application on the phone, to ask the virtual person questions (philosophical questions or pleads for guidance) and interpret responses.(4) They talk to the phone and ask it questions and the iPhone generates responses. They follow religiously the demands of Siri, feeling her guidance will lead them to success. Siri serves as a God figure. To decide who can ask Siri questions, a Board of Operators was established (paralleling the Directors of the New World societies in the book) who work to reason who is allowed to utilize Siris services and how to go about assigning who can use her and how to potentially generate revenue and societies advancement by her advice. Typically only the most prestigious innovators can consult her application, but occasionally it is opened up to the public for sessions that run at generally high rates. Most major decisions are not made until after consulting Siri. Typically the Board of Operators oversee the use of Siri and allow people time if they are willing to pay a significant amount of money or if innovators present their reasoning why to the Board and they accept that it is a good reason to consult the Siri application. A senior operator runs the board, like the chief justice in our current system or President, but has no significant
additional power and his main job is to keep basic order and oversee the Board. (5) Ultimately, however, all decisions are made by the board as a whole. The world slogan is Create, Innovate, Regenerate which was established based on what society values the most. The people of Principium value innovation and creation to help them rebuild their technology efficient world. They have the goal to innovate and create in order to regenerate society. Types of people range from the world leaders, those that sit on the Board of Operators, to the highly respected innovators that work to establish new technology, to servicemen right below innovators who help them in their quest to invent and discover, and providers who work to gather food and provide for societies basic needs. The people of Principium accept this order of life, because a successful innovation by one member helps all members prosper and work towards a better future. They believe that if innovators are forced to provide food and hunt themselves, they will not have enough time in the day to work on their inventions. The world slogan also works in part as a hypnopaedic saying. The people constantly repeat the saying Create, Innovate, Regenerate and it is plastered as advertisement on many different areas in society. It is important for the people to live off of the belief that innovation is necessary and highly respected. The saying is to motivate the people to work hard to create advancements to help society. (6) Games for entertainment and buildings and structures are all built by stone, wood, and other natural elements. The people partake in Rock-et ball, a combination of racquet ball and baseball, played with a rock and stick. They also have homes built of basic primary elements found around them. Besides the found iPhone, society has little technology, but is working on rebuilding. One person in society, however, recently developed a functioning turn table.
Although seemingly trite to our modern world, it is a big and proud accomplishment by the people of Principium. Anytime a technological advancement is made it is advertised to society and shown to the world, so other inventors can try to build off of the invention or be inspired to continue with their own creations. The life span in this society is shorter, because they have no evidence and live more dangerously with the threat of the elements and wilderness. The danger of hunting, alongside lack of protection from the cold, disease, and starvation, causes people to die at an earlier age. All art resembles primordial cave paintings, as they do not yet have the mediums to do advanced artwork. Transportation is mainly by foot, although the people work on new
*Citations: (1) (2) (3) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (4) (5) Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville (6)