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Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K.



Wound rotor (slip ring) motor 1. Starting Torque: - It is possible to get high starting torque by introduction of resistances in rotor circuit. 2. Starting Current: - Starting current is comparatively less and it is 2 to 2.5 times fullload current or even less, if required. 3. Speed Control: - Speed control is possible by varying the resistances in external circuit of the rotor. 4. Starting Method: - The motor can be started direct-on-line (DOL) without the necessary of starters, because of the low starting current of the motor. 5. Maintenance: - It requires higher degree of maintenance. Squirrel cage motor 1. Starting Torque: - By using a double cage rotor, it is possible to obtain higher starting torque. Still its starting torque is comparatively low. 2. Starting Current: - Starting current is about 6 to 8 times fullload current. 3. Speed Control: - Speed-control can be done by Pole-changing. 4. Starting Method: - Because of the high starting current, it is requires a starting device like auto-transformer or star delta starter. 5. Maintenance: - It requires minimum degree of maintenance because of trouble free performance. 6. Efficiency:- It has lightly higher efficiency than wound rotor because losses are relatively less.

6. Efficiency:- It has lower efficiency because of losses by way of heat dissipation in external resistors, especially when run at reduced speed below rated speed. 7. Cost: - It has higher cost. 8. Moving Contacts:- It has moving contacts like slip rings. 9. Applications:- It is capable starting with load, demanding a high torque, as in fans, pumps, compressors, hoists, conveyors, cranes, lifts and so on. 10. Speed:-Speed decreases with load more rapidly than in squirrel cage motor.

7. Cost: - It has cheaper cost. 8. Moving Contacts:- It has no moving contacts like slip rings. 9. Applications:- It cannot be used in cases where it requires considerable load torque. It is used lathes, drills, printing machines, blowers etc. 10. Speed:- Here, Speed is

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba almost constant, but it decreases slightly with increase in load. 11. Power-Factor:-Its Power Factor is low (0.7 to 0.8). 12. Conductors :- Here, Aluminum die casting is used. 13. Winding:- Here, bare conductors are used.

11. Power-factor:-Its Power Factor is high (about 0.8 to 0.9). 12. Conductors :- Here, Copper Conductors are used. 13. Winding:- Here, insulated winding is used.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba


1. Construction: - It has complicated construction. 2. Starting:- It has not inherent self-starting torque, therefore some external means must be used to start it. 3. Excitation:- It requires both a.c. and d.c., i.e. synchronous machines is a double excited machine. 4. Speed Control:- Under normal circumstance, synchronous motor works with no speed control. 5. Maximum Torque:- Its maximum torque is proportional to supply voltage. 6. Operating Power Factor:- It can operate both at leading and lagging power factor. 7. Cost:- Synchronous motor with speeds below 500 r.p.m. and rating above 40kW or with medium speeds from 500 to 1000 r.p.m. and rating above about 500 kW are less costly than induction motors. 8. Running Speed:- It runs at a constant synchronous speed at all possible loads. 9. Maintenance:- It needs frequent maintenance. 10. Air Gap:- Its Air gap is greater than induction motor. 11. Types:- It is of two types:Salient Pole type & Cylindrical type.

Induction Motor
1. Construction: - It has Simple Construction particularly in case of cage motor. 2. Starting:- It has inherent selfstarting torque. 3. Excitation:- It requires no d.c. excitation, i.e., it is a singly excited machine. 4. Speed Control:- Speed control is possible. 5. Maximum Torque:- Its maximum torque is proportional to square of the supply voltage. 6. Operating Power Factor:- It can operate only at lagging power factor. 7. Cost:- Induction motors with speeds above 500 r.p.m. and ratings below 500 r.p.m. and rating below about 120 kW are cheaper than synchronous motors. 8. Running Speed:- Its speed falls with increase of load. It can never run at synchronous speed. 9. Maintenance:- It is almost maintenance free, particularly in squirrel cage induction motor. 10. Air Gap:- Its Air gap is relatively less. 11. Types:- It is of two types:- Wound Phase & Squirrel cage induction motor. 12. Applications:- It can be used to

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba 12. Applications:- It can be used for delivering mechanical loads and for improving the system power factor as a synchronous condenser. 13. Sensitivity to load changes:Hunting starts with changing of load because the motor is more sensitive to load changes. 14. Need of synchronization:It has to be synchronized. supply mechanical loads only.

13. Sensitivity to load changes:- Since it is less sensitive to load changes, the hunting is absent. 14. Need of synchronization:It has not to be synchronized.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

1. Air Gap Reluctance:-Air gap reluctance offered to the magnetic flux ix nonUniform. 2. Flux Distribution:- The magnetic flux distribution is non-uniform. 3. No. of Poles:-The number of poles varies from 6 to 120. 4. Shape of Poles:-The shapes of the poles are projected radially outwards from a steel core carried on spider. 5. Cross-sectional area:-This type of the machines is having large diameters. 6. Axial-length:- It has the small axiallength. 7. Speed:- These are low speed machines having the speeds 50 rpm to 500 rpm for vertical configuration and 100 to 1000 rpm for horizontal configuration. 8. Short circuit ratio:-The short circuit . ratio is around unity. 9. Configuration:-These may have horizontal as well as vertical Configuration. 10.Cooling system:-These types are air Cooled. 11. Application:-These types of machine are used in hydro generators. 12. Rating:-These types of machines are available up to 750Mw. Machine Reactance:Direct axis reactance:-0.6 to 1.5 p.u. Quadrature axis reactance:-0.4 to 0.8 p.u Sub transient axis reactance: - 0.15 to 0.4 p.u. Transient axis reactance:-0.2 to 0.5 p.u. Negative axis reactance:-0.15 to 0.7 p.u. Zero axis reactance:-0.05 to 0.2 p.u.


1. Air Gap Reluctance:-Air gap reluctance offered to the magnetic flux is uniform throughout. 2. Flux Distribution:- The magnetic flux distribution is uniform. 3. No. of Poles:-The number of poles are either 2or 4. 4. Shape of Poles:-The shape of the poles is as usual. 5. Cross-sectional area:- This type of the machines is having small diameters. 6. Axial-length:-The axial-length of this type of machine is about 5 times the diameter. 7. Speed:-These are high speed machines having the speeds 3000 rpm or 1500 rpm for 50 Hz systems. 8. Short circuit ratio:- The short circuit ratio is 0.4 to 0.6. 9. Configuration:-These have Horizontal configuration. Only. 10.Cooling system:-These types are air cooled for small rating and hydrogen cooling for large and medium rating. 11.Application:-These types of machines are used in turbo generators. 12.Rating:-These types of machines are available up to 1000Mw and onwards. 13. Machine Reactance:. Synchronous reactance:-1.5 to 2.5p.u Sub transient axis reactance: - 0.15 to 0.35 p.u. Transient axis reactance:-0.15 to 0.35 p.u. Negative axis reactance:-0.1 to 0.15 p.u. Zero axis reactance:-0.02 to 0.15 p.u.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba


1. Air Gap :-Induction-motor is a rotating machine.So,it has air-gap between the stator and rotor. 2. No Load Current:- The no-load current in induction-motor is about 30% to 50% of the full load current. 3. Types:-Induction motor is of two types:Squirrel cage and Wound phase induction motor. 4. Winding:-It uses distributed/rotating winding. That is why; winding factors are used in voltage transfer ratios. 5. Efficiency:-It has lower efficiency of 40% to 50% due to higher losses. 6. Application:- It is an electromechanical energy conversion device i.e. it converts electrical energy into mechanical energy of the rotation of the rotor. 7. Rating: - Its rating is in Kw. 8. E.M.F.Equation:- In the emf equation of the transformer, the maximum value of the core flux is used. 9 Operating Power Factor:-Its operating power factor is lagging and very low. 8. E.M.F.Equation:- In the emf equation of the induction motor, the average value of the core flux is used. 9. Operating Power Factor:-Its operating power factor depends upon the power factor of the load.

1. Air Gap :-It is a static device.So,it has no air-gap. 2. No Load Current:- The no-load current in transformer is about 2% to 6% of the full load current. 3. Types:-Transformer is of many types depending upon the need. 4. Winding:-It uses concentrated/stationary winding. That is why; winding factors are used in voltage transfer ratios. 5. Efficiency:-It has the higher efficiency of 90% to 95% due to lower losses. 6. Application:- It converts electrical energy of one level into electrical energy of another level. 7. Rating;- Its rating is in Kva.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

COMPARISON BETWEEN CORE TYPE AND SHELL TYPE TRANSFORMERS Core type transformers Shell type transformers
1. Relative position of the winding and core:- The windings surround a considerable part of the core. 2. Windings:- Windings are of formwound, and are of cylindrical-type. 3. Mean length of coil turn:- is shorter. 4. Core:- Core is either circular or rectangular or oval, but large transformer cores are cylindrical in shape. 5. Application: - These are more suitable for high voltage transformers. 6. Cooling:- Here, natural cooling is possible. 7. Construction:- It has two limbs. 1. Relative position of the winding and core:- The core surrounds a considerable portion of the windings. 2. Windings:- Windings are of sandwitcttype.The coils are first wound in the form of pancakes, and complete windings consists of stacked discs. 3. Mean length of coil turn:- is longer. 4. Core:- Core is either rectangular or cylindrical or spiral in shape. 5. Application: - These are more suitable for low voltage transformers. 6. Cooling:- Here, natural cooling is not possible. 7. Construction:- It has three limbs.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

1) Rating:- Transformers having rating above 200 kva. 2) Application: - These are used in generating stations and substations at each end of a power transmission line for stepping up or stepping down the voltage. 3) Operation hours: - These are kept in operation during load periods and are disconnected during light load periods. 4) Maximum efficiency: - These are designed to have maximum efficiency at near or full load. 5) Leakage reactance:- These are designed to have higher leakage reactance. 6) Voltage regulation: - Here, voltage regulation is less important. 7) All day efficiency: - These have not good all day efficiency. 1) Rating:- Transformers having rating up to 200 kva. 2) Application: - These are used to step down the distribution voltage to a standard service voltage or from transmission voltage to distribution Voltage. 3) Operation hours: - These are kept in operation all the 24 hours whether they are carrying load or not. 4) Maximum efficiency: - These are designed to have maximum efficiency at load much lower than full load. 5) Leakage reactance:- These are designed to have small value leakage reactance. 6) Voltage regulation: - Here, voltage regulation is very important. 7) All day efficiency: - These have good all day efficiency.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

1) 1) Coefficient of coupling: - Here, 1) Coefficient of coupling: - Here, coefficient of coupling is less than unity. coefficient of coupling is unity. 2) Leakage flux: - There is leakage of flux. 2) Leakage flux: - There is no leakage of 3) Voltage regulation: - Voltage flux. regulation is never zero %. 3) Voltage regulation: - Voltage regulation 4) Efficiency:-Here, efficiency lies between is zero %. 93% to 95%. 4) Efficiency:-Here, efficiency is 100%. 5) Core permeability:- Here, core permeability is not infinity. 5) Core permeability:- Here, core 6) Leakage inductance:- Here, leakage permeability is infinity. inductance is not zero. 6) Leakage inductance:- Here, leakage 7) Resistance and reactance:- Here, inductance is zero. resistance and reactance is not 7) Resistance and reactance:- Here, zero. resistance and reactance is zero.

Classification of Transformers

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

Transformers are classified on the basis of:i) Duty they perform:a) b) c) d) Power transformer. Distribution transformer. Isolating transformer. Polyphase transformer.

ii) iii)

Measurement:a) Current transformer. b) Potential transformer.

Construction:a) b) c) d) e) Core type transformer. Shell type transformer. Berry type transformer. Torodial transformer. Cast resin transformer.


Voltage output:a) Step down transformer. b) Step up transformer. c) Auto transformer.


Application:a) Welding transformer:1) Stray field transformer. b) Furnace transformer. c) Radio transformer:1) Air core transformer. 2) Ferrite core transformer. 3) Transmission line transformer. 4) Baluns. d) Pulse transformer. e) Resonant transformer:1) Constant voltage transformer. f) Audio transformer:1) Loudspeaker transformer. 2) Output transformer (Valve). 3) Small signal transformer. 4) Interstageand coupling transformer.


Cooling:a) Dry type transformer (air natural). b) Oil immersed:i) Self cooled. ii) Forced air cooled. iii) Water cooled. iv) Forced air cooled.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba


3- transformer:a) b) c) d) e) f) Star-star. Delta-delta. Star-delta. Delta-star. Open-delta. Scott-connection.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba

Various types of energy transfer devices used in electromechanical devices These are:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Slip-ring:The most design slip rings can pass power. But, it can also handle audio, video, DC power, AC power, temperature sensors, heaters, high voltage, high voltages, strain gauges, and digital data and control signals. A slip ring (in electrical engineering terms) is a method of making an electrical connection through rotating assembly. Slip rings, also called rotary electrical interfaces, rotating electrical connectors, collectors, swivels or electrical rotary joints, are commonly found in electrical generators for AC systems and alternators and in packaging machinery, cable reels, and wind turbines. It consists of a conductive circle or band mounted on a shaft and insulated from it. Electrical connections from the rotating part of the system, such as the rotor of a generator, are made to the ring. Fixed contacts or brushes run in contact with the ring, transferring electrical power signals to the exterior, static part of the system. How it is different from split ring or commutator:Slip ring is used in AC generators and is continuous complete circle mounted on the shaft. On the other hand, commutator is a ring splitted in two halves.Also, is not continuous but it is segmented. It also changes its position in two halves of the cycle, so it is used to convert ac to dc. How it is different from rotary transformers:A rotary transformer is a specialized transformer used to couple electrical signals between two parts which rotate in relation to each other. Slip ring could be used for the same purpose, but these would be subject to friction, wear, intermittent contact, and limitations on the rotational speed that can be accommodated without damage. By comparison, a rotary transformer has none of these limitations. Rotary transformers are constructed by winding the primary and secondary windings into separate halves of a cup core; these concentric halves face each other, with each half mounted to one of the rotating parts. Magnetic flux provides the coupling from one half of the cup core to the other, providing the mutual inductance that couples energy from the transformer's primary to its secondary. The most common use of a rotary transformer is within videocassette recorders. Signals must be coupled from the electronics of the VCR to the fast-moving tape heads carried on the rotating head drum; a rotary transformer is ideal for this purpose. Most VCR designs require coupling more than one

Slip-ring. End-ring. Guard-ring. Split-ring (Commutator). Brushes.

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba signal to the head drum. In this case, the cup core has more than one concentric winding isolated by individual raised portions of the core; the transformer used with the head drum shown to the right couples six individual channels. Another use is to transmit the signals from rotary torque sensors installed on electric motors, to allow electronic control of motor speed and torque using feedback. Rotary transformers cannot be used in most DC motors (which require slip rings) as transformers can only transfer AC current. How it is different from rotary joint: - A rotary joint connects the signals of a rotating body with a personal computer or with a stationary measurement system. On the other hand, a slip ring joint is a slip ring assembly, which is multifunctional and complex. Types of slip ring:-Depending upon the application, slip rings are of various types:1) Electrical slip ring: - An electrical slip ring transmits electric signals and power from a stationary device to rotating device. 2) Turret slip ring: -Turret slip rings are used in armed vehicles. Turret slip rings can transmit high power and signals. 3) Radar slip ring: -Radar slip rings are generally linked to a high frequency rotary joint. Radar slip rings demand a very long lifetime because radar slip rings are used in a radar unit which last up to 30 years. 4) Defence application slip ring: -Slip rings for defence applications are used in different defence technologies. Defence application slip rings are built to withstand strong vibrations. 5) Helicopter slip ring: -Helicopter slip rings have often a de-icing function, are mounted on the tail rotor of a helicopter and adjust the tail rotor blades. 6) Space slip ring: -Space slip rings are built for use in space. Space slip rings are extremely light and use carefully chosen materials. 7) Industrial slip ring: -Industrial slip rings are slip rings which are very robust and reliable. Industrial slip rings contain

Pearls of Electrical Machines By Er. A.K. Gaba special protections against harsh environments. 8) Naval application slip ring: -Naval slip rings are designed for military naval applications. Naval slip rings have a watertight up to IP 66 for surface vessels and IP 68 for submarines. 9) Military slip ring: -Military slip rings are used in turret of tanks or fitted on weapon systems in vehicles. 10) Offshore slip ring: -Offshore slip rings are designed for use in oil explorations. Offshore slip rings are made of rustproof materials.

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