ICT and Pedagogy: A Review of The Research Literature
ICT and Pedagogy: A Review of The Research Literature
ICT and Pedagogy: A Review of The Research Literature
ICT and pedagogy
A review of the research literature
A report to the DfES by Margaret Cox, Mary Webb, Chris Abbott, Barry Blakeley, Tony Beauchamp and Valerie Rhodes
Executive summary 3
Introduction 5
Section 1 Theories of pedagogy 7
Section 2 ICT pedagogy and attainment in subject areas 12
Section 3 Emerging themes 24
Section 4 Case studies 29
Conclusions 33
Priorities for future research 35
References 36
ICT and pedagogy
Executive summary
The evidence from the research literature shows
that teachers pedagogies and pedagogical
reasoning influence their uses of ICT and thereby
pupils attainment.
Teachers subject knowledge
The way ICT is used in lessons is influenced by the
teachers knowledge about their subject and how ICT is
related to it. Some teachers choose ICT resources that
relate to a particular topic, while others use ICT to
present the pupils work in an innovative way, without
any direct application to the topic.
The evidence shows that when teachers use their
knowledge of both the subject and the way pupils
understood the subject, their use of ICT has a more
direct effect on pupils attainment. The effect on
attainment is greatest when pupils are challenged to
think and to question their own understanding, either
through pupils using topic-focused software on their own
or in pairs, or through a whole-class presentation.
The effects of using ICT to present and discuss pupils
work are less well researched, and therefore the effects
on pupils attainment are not so clear.
Teachers pedagogical knowledge
The teachers own pedagogical beliefs and values play
an important part in shaping technology-mediated
learning opportunities. It is not yet clear from the
research literature whether this results in technology
being used as a servant to reinforce existing teaching
approaches, or as a partner to change the way teachers
and pupils interact with each other and with the tasks.
Teachers need extensive knowledge of ICT to be able to
select the most appropriate resources. They also need to
understand how to incorporate the use of ICT into their
lessons; they may need to develop new pedagogies to
achieve this.
Pedagogical practices of the teacher using ICT
The pedagogical practices of teachers using ICT can
range from only small enhancements of practices using
what are essentially traditional methods, to more
fundamental changes in their approach to teaching. For
example, some teachers using an interactive whiteboard
have displayed content and ideas for class discussions in
a traditional way, while other teachers have allowed pupils
to use the whiteboard to present dramas to the whole
class that they had planned and filmed themselves.
Studies show that the most effective uses of ICT are
those in which the teacher and the software can
challenge pupils understanding and thinking, either
through whole-class discussions using an interactive
whiteboard or through individual or paired work on a
computer. If the teacher has the skills to organise and
stimulate the ICT-based activity, then both whole-class
and individual work can be equally effective.
Access to ICT resources
An important influence on the use made of ICT in subjects
and classes is the amount and range of ICT resources
available to the teachers. Where there are limited
numbers of computers in a class, mostly in primary
schools, this limits their impact, because each individual
pupil is only able to use the computer for a few minutes.
Whole-class use of an electronic whiteboard has both
positive and negative effects. It promotes pupils debates
and helps them visualise difficult concepts and processes.
However, some teachers focus only on the presentation
aspects, disregarding the use of simulations and modelling
which might be more challenging for the pupils. Only a few
teachers report using subject-specific software which links
directly to the content and purpose of the curriculum.
Teachers knowledge of the potential of ICT in education
In spite of teachers often being limited by the ICT resources
available to them, there are many examples in the literature
of teachers having a good understanding of a particular
resource. However, very few teachers have a comprehensive
knowledge of the wide range of ICT resources now available
in education. This means that their pupils are not given all
the learning opportunities which ICT could provide.
Teachers confidence in using ICT
Teachers are confident in their chosen uses of ICT. Few
teachers are confident in using a wide range of ICT
resources, and limited confidence affects the way the
lesson is conducted. Many teachers still fear some forms
of technology, which prevents them making much use of
them in their teaching.
The use of ICT has a limited impact on teaching and
learning where teachers fail to appreciate that interactivity
requires a new approach to pedagogy, lesson planning
and the curriculum. Some teachers reorganise the delivery
of the curriculum, but the majority use ICT to add to or
enhance their existing practices. Teachers need to employ
proactive and responsive strategies in order to guide,
facilitate and support appropriate learning activities.
Collaborative work and insights into pupils learning
Using ICT with pupils in pairs, groups or with a whole class,
through, for example, the use of an interactive whiteboard,
enables teachers to gather extensive feedback from pupils
by listening to their explanations. From this, teachers are
able to gain deeper insights into pupils understanding and
progress. Pupils collaborating in pairs or teams using
subject-specific ICT resources are able to challenge each
others understanding and learn from such collaborations.
Pedagogy beyond the classroom
Despite the need for a new pedagogy with ICT, including
at times moving to a facilitator role, teachers still need to
adopt a leadership role in the planning, preparation and
follow-up of lessons. Where little planning has occurred,
the evidence shows that the pupils class work is
unfocused and leads to less than satisfactory outcomes.
Effects of pedagogical practices on pupils attainment
There is extensive evidence of ICT contributing to pupils
attainment (see for example the companion publication
to this literature review (Cox and Abbott, 2004)). However,
the evidence shows that these benefits depend on the
way in which the teacher selects and organises ICT
resources, and how this use is integrated into other
activities in the classroom and beyond.
At present, the types of ICT resources available mean that
ICT use is nearly always focused on specific aspects of
the curriculum. There are two clear areas where teachers
have been shown to embed ICT in their teaching, and
where this has enhanced learning; these are in:
English and literacy, through the use of word processing,
presentation software and interactive video
mathematics and science, through the use of
simulations, modelling and other specific ICT resources.
Effective pedagogical practices with ICT
This literature review has identified a range of practices
which should be part of teachers pedagogical
frameworks if they are to integrate ICT effectively into
teaching, learning and the curriculum. These include the
need for teachers to:
understand the relationship between a range of ICT
resources and the concepts, processes and skills in
their subject
use their subject expertise to select appropriate ICT
resources which will help them meet the specific
learning objectives; this includes subject-specific
software as well as more generic resources
be aware of the potential of ICT resources both in
terms of their contribution to pupils presentation skills,
and their role in challenging pupils thinking and
extending their learning in a subject
develop confidence in using a range of ICT resources,
via frequent practice and use beyond one or two
familiar applications
appreciate that some uses of ICT will change the ways
in which knowledge is represented, and the way the
subject is presented to and engages pupils
know how to prepare and plan lessons where ICT is
used in ways which will challenge pupils understanding
and promote greater thinking and reflection
recognise which kinds of class organisation will be
most effective for particular learning tasks with ICT, for
example, when pupils should work on their own, how
working in pairs and groups should be organised, and
when to use ICT for whole-class teaching.
The majority of teachers, including the most innovative,
require more knowledge of and confidence with ICT, and a
better understanding of its potential to help pupils learning.
This suggests that further substantial support for continuing
professional development is necessary in order that teachers
integrate the use of ICT and improve pupils attainment.
Background and further reading
This literature review is published alongside a companion
literature review on the impact of ICT on attainment (Cox
and Abbott, 2004). The reports complement each other
and serve to provide a foundation in understanding the
research literature on ICT, attainment and pedagogy.
The full report on which this publication is based is
available on the Becta Research website
ICT and pedagogy
Background to the study
This study was commissioned by the British Educational
Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) on
behalf of the Department for Education and Skills (DfES)
to investigate the effects of ICT pedagogy on attainment,
based on evidence from the published research literature
and a small set of cases studies in schools identified for
their advanced and or integrated uses of ICT.
This study aims to address the following questions:
a review of the existing literature on ICT pedagogy, in
order to identify how ICT can have some impact on
attainment, through studying aspects of the ways in
which ICT is used, and the accompanying actions of
a small-scale study of schools known to be using ICT
effectively to support attainment, to gather additional
data and to illuminate the findings emerging from the
study of the literature.
The study aimed to addess the following questions:
What are teachers pedagogies?
What is the relationship between different types of ICT
use and teachers pedagogical practices?
What types of hardware, software and communications
are being used by teachers and for what purposes?
In what ways has ICT been integrated with other more
traditional teaching methods?
What are the levels of use of ICT in schools for different
types of ICT?
What impact has ICT had on specific concept
knowledge, on specific skills and on specific processes,
and how does this relate to different teaching practices?
Approach to the literature review
The study involved collecting data from various sources,
published in the English language from 1990 to the
present day (with the exception of a few key sources),
including quantitative surveys and statistical publications,
qualitative or case study data and previously published
meta-analyses (studies which aggregate the findings
from many other studies). The emphasis was on
identifying work that was both original and nationally
important. Additional attention was also given to the
variables considered and the applicability of results.
The areas and types of studies for review included:
the ways in which ICT has been used and the
attainment outcomes for Key Stages 14
specific studies of clearly defined uses of ICT for
learning particular concepts, processes or skills
meta-studies which have measured the large-scale
impact of ICT on attainment
research evidence relating to specific curriculum subjects
research evidence relating to specific social
characteristics, for example, age, gender, class and
evidence relating to factors which might influence the
learning outcomes, such as teachers pedagogies, the
environment in which ICT is used, and level of ICT
Approach to the case studies
The short case studies involved 26 teachers who are
already known to be using ICT effectively to support
attainment, drawn from six primary and seven secondary
schools. The selection criteria were based on evidence of
improved learning outcomes of their pupils through one
or more of the following:
Increased gains in subject tests compared with
comparable classes
Improvements in class work compared with other
classes in the school
Quality of pupils work compared with the
achievements of pupils in previous years.
A more detailed account of the procedures and sources
used can be found in the full report on which this
publication is based, available on the Becta Research
website [www.becta.org.uk/research/].
This study is one of two literature reviews, commissioned
as part of the ICT and Attainment project. The other
review (Cox and Abbott, 2004) considers the research
evidence relating to the impact of ICT on attainment.
Both studies were carried out by the same research
team, and many of the procedures and methods used by
the team were the same for both studies. The reports
complement each other and serve to provide a
foundation in understanding the research literature on
ICT attainment and pedagogy.
It was not possible within the time-scale of the project to
review all the published evidence. However, in order to
utilise the evidence from this broader literature the project
team produced two literature bases. The first is a list of
references to which this report specifically refers, which
are included in this publication. These include a wide
range of empirical findings and theoretical perspectives.
The second is a wider bibliography which has informed
and underpinned the approach and analysis. This is
available along with the full version of this report on the
Becta Research website [www.becta.org.uk/research/].
The project team
Editor and project director Margaret Cox
Study editors Chris Abbott and Mary Webb
Endnote co-ordinator Barry Blakeley
Research team Chris Abbott, Tony Beauchamp, Barry
Blakeley, Margaret Cox, Valerie Rhodes and Mary Webb
Educational consultant Deryn Watson
Project administrator Montanut Turnbull
All members of the project team are based in the
Department of Education and Professional Studies at
Kings College London.
The project team wishes to acknowledge the support of
Becta and the DfES for initiating and funding the two
projects reviewing the literature into ICT and attainment
and ICT pedagogy, and also acknowledge the ongoing
advice, encouragement and support received, in
particular from Malcolm Hunt, Head of Evidence and
Research, Becta, and from Andrew Jones and Michael
Harris, Education Officers, Becta.
The team would also like to acknowledge the support
and advice from academic and administrative colleagues
at Kings College London and also at the University of
Leeds. Finally the team would like to thank all the
teachers and schools who participated in the study into
ICT pedagogy, who gave their time willingly and freely
and who provided exciting examples of innovative uses
of ICT in their teaching.
ICT and pedagogy
Section 1 Theories of pedagogy
This section presents a discussion of different
pedagogical perspectives and theories derived from the
literature review. There is clear evidence that teachers
perceptions of pedagogy relating to ICT are often confined
to classroom practice. This section provides a broader
base for understanding what pedagogy involves and how
this might apply to the use of ICT in teaching. For a more
extensive review of pedagogy see Webb (2002).
What is pedagogy?
Watkins and Mortimore (1999), in a review of research
literature on pedagogy, assert that the models of
pedagogy held by researchers and academics have
become more complex over time, incorporating, for
example, recent developments in our understanding of
cognition and meta-cognition.
Alexander (1992) identifies teaching methods and pupil
organisation as the two facets of pedagogy. These are
included in Alexander's conceptual framework for
educational practice (see Figure 1.1) where pedagogy is
one of seven interrelated aspects (Alexander describes
the dimensions of his framework as a minimum list rather
than a fully comprehensive framework).
This suggests that the pedagogy of ICT should be
understood within a broader framework of educational
practice. What is observed in the classroom is only part
of this practice. Thus, illuminating good practice in
teaching and learning with ICT will require examining
teachers ideas, values, beliefs, and the thinking that
leads to observable elements in practice.
Pedagogical reasoning
The processes of planning, teaching, assessing and
evaluating, and the knowledge needed for these
processes, are described in Shulmans model of
pedagogical reasoning (Shulman,1987). Shulman
focuses on knowledge rather than ideas and beliefs.
Moreover, there is evidence that teachers ideas, beliefs
and values may also influence practice (Fang, 1996;
Moseley et al., 1999). Therefore both facets need to be
whole curriculum
teaching methods
pupil organisation
planning operation
assessment of learning
evaluation of teaching
needs of society
needs of the individual
childrens ways of knowing
culturally evolved ways of knowing
WHAT should children learn
HOW should children learn
and teachers teach?
WHY should children be
educated in this way?
WHAT is an educated person?
Figure 1.1 Educational practice: A conceptual framework (Alexander, 1992, p. 184)
Meta-cognition can be simply defined as thinking about thinking. It refers to higher order thinking and includes activities such as planning how to
approach a learning task and self-evaluation of progress in a task.
considered. According to Shulman, teachers knowledge
bases include the following categories of knowledge:
Content knowledge.
General pedagogical knowledge (knowledge related to
general teaching issues, for example, teaching
approaches and classroom management).
Curriculum knowledge (knowledge about the tools of
the trade: schemes of work, resources, and so on).
Pedagogical content knowledge: that special
amalgam of content and pedagogy that is uniquely the
province of teachers, their own special form of
professional understanding. (Shulman, 1987, p. 8.)
Knowledge of learners and their characteristics.
Knowledge of educational contexts: groups, classes,
the school and the wider community.
Knowledge of educational ends, purpose and values
and their philosophical and historical grounds.
This list matches many of the elements in Alexanders
list. One of the implications of this model for teachers
uses of ICT is that they need to have sufficient
knowledge about the topic or subject. Therefore they
also need to understand how this knowledge will be
affected by the use of ICT, in order to make appropriate
decisions about using ICT with pupils.
Alexander (1992) suggests that, in the UK, we have
focused more on content rather than pedagogy, and he
argues that content and pedagogy are linked. In order to
explore this link, Shulmans model of pedagogical
reasoning (Shulman, 1987) focuses on the processes
involved in teaching, including the transformation of
knowledge and how this knowledge can be taught. An
important component of knowledge in Shulmans model
is pedagogical content knowledge.
The implication for the use of ICT in education is that
since pedagogical content knowledge differs between
subjects, the choice and use of ICT resources will differ
in terms of pedagogical practices for different subject
teachers. In some situations, teachers may use their
beliefs to filter their knowledge bases at the start, so that
during the processes of pedagogical reasoning they are
only drawing on a limited subset of the knowledge base.
Shulmans model includes a range of pedagogical
reasoning skills:
Comprehension examining the content to be taught
and considering its interrelationships with other subject
Transformation transforming ideas of knowledge so
that they can be learnt by pupils.
Preparation preparing the curriculum in relation to
aims and objectives.
Representation thinking of ways that the ideas and
skills may be made accessible to pupils.
Adaptation fitting the material to the characteristics of the
pupils, taking account of age, gender, culture, and so on.
Tailoring fitting the curriculum and teaching plans to a
specific group of pupils.
Instruction performing a variety of teaching and class
management activities.
Evaluation assessing the effectiveness of the
teaching through the assessment of pupils, as well as
other types of evaluation.
Learning environments, particularly those based on
multimedia, are increasingly being described in terms of
which focus on how the learning
environment is perceived by the user (Laurillard et al.,
2000). Affordances may be similar to scaffolding,
may be a more useful way of conceptualising aspects of
the system, as scaffolding suggests something
additional, possibly external to the system, whereas
affordances may be integrated into the system.
Linn and Hsi (2000) report on a collaborative project that
has investigated these pedagogical issues for science
education within ICT classrooms, and produced a list of
pragmatic pedagogical principles:
Encourage pupils to build on their scientific ideas as
they develop more and more powerful and useful
pragmatic scientific principles.
ICT and pedagogy
Affordances are the properties of a system, as perceived by the user, which allow certain actions to be performed and which encourage specific
types of behaviour.
Scaffolding means that pupils build up knowledge and understanding by linking new concepts to those previous understood through a mental
framework of linked concepts.
Encourage pupils to investigate personally relevant
problems and revisit their scientific ideas regularly.
Scaffold science activities so pupils participate in the
enquiry process.
Model the scientific process of considering alternative
explanations and diagnosing mistakes.
Scaffold pupils feedback to explain their ideas.
Provide multiple visual representations from varied media.
Encourage pupils to listen and learn from each other.
Design social activities to promote productive and
respectful interactions.
Scaffold groups to design criteria and standards.
Employ multiple social activity structures.
Engage pupils in reflecting on their scientific ideas and
on their own progress in understanding science.
Engage pupils as critics of diverse scientific information.
Engage pupils in varied sustained scientific project
Establish an enquiry process which can be generalised
and is suitable for diverse scientific projects.
Linn and Hsi (2000) found that each pupil drew on
different pivotal cases to organise their thinking. For
each class, the teacher needed to research pupils
understanding, analyse their thinking and identify pivotal
cases that would build on pupils ideas and inspire them
to reflect on and restructure their views. The teachers
then had to use these pivotal cases at appropriate
times in discussion with the pupils. For example, a
pupil that believes that metals have the capacity to
impart cold would be asked How do metals feel in a
hot or cold car?
Assessment is one of the most important and difficult
aspects of the educational process, especially where
assessment procedures involve ICT, and there is much
research evidence to show that the everyday practice of
assessment in classrooms is beset with problems and
shortcomings (for example Black and Wiliam, 1998). It is
also especially difficult to measure attainment which is
attributable to ICT, because the pupils are often not
assessed in these activities other than through the
products they produce at the end of ICT-based lessons.
Teacher-centred or pupil-centered pedagogy
Shulmans model has been criticised for leaning on a
theory of cognition that views knowledge as fixed and
external, and on a teacher-centred pedagogy (Banks et
al., 1999). Because the model does not incorporate
pupils thinking processes or provide a basis for
analysing pupilteacher interactions, it may fail to
address the important experiences resulting from ICT
use. Understanding or identifying the thinking processes
of learners, as far as possible, is particularly important for
new technologies, since research has shown that new
ways of learning and new representations are presented
to pupils through ICT.
Students can literally initiate the process,
proceeding by discovering, inventing, or inquiring,
to prepare their own representations and
transformations. Then it is the role of the teacher to
respond actively and creatively to those student
initiatives. In each case the teacher needs to
possess both the comprehension and the
capacities for transformation. In the student-
initiated case, the flexibility to respond, judge,
nurture, and provoke student creativity will depend
on the teachers own capacities for sympathetic
transformation and interpretation.
(Shulman, 1987, p. 14.)
However, there are aspects of pedagogy in the classroom,
other than pupil-led ICT activities, which teachers need to
embrace in order to devise and follow through worthwhile
learning experiences with the use of ICT.
ICT and the changing nature of pedagogy
Researchers and academics conceptualisation of
pedagogy has changed in tandem with recent
developments in our understanding of cognition and
meta-cognition (Watkins and Mortimore, 1997). Many
writers have also suggested that developments in ICT
provide very different learning opportunities, and a need
to design a new integrated pedagogy has been
identified (Cornu, 1995). For example, McLoughlin and
Oliver (1999) define pedagogical roles for teachers in a
technology-supported classroom as including setting
joint tasks, rotating roles, promoting student self-
management, supporting meta-cognition, fostering
multiple perspectives and scaffolding learning. An
assumption here is that the use of ICT is changing the
pedagogical roles of teachers, and a compelling
rationale for using ICT in schools is its potential to act as
a catalyst in transforming the teaching and learning
process (Hawkridge, 1990). The processes described by
Shulman will still be necessary but the decisions and
outcomes from those processes may be different as
teachers knowledge, beliefs and values change in line
with affordances provided by new technologies.
A dynamic model for such a transforming pedagogy for
ICT was derived from the Palm project (Somekh and
Davies, 1991). The authors identified pedagogical
change as the following types of progress:
from a view of teaching and learning as discrete,
complementary activities to an understanding that
teaching and learning are independent aspects of a
single activity
from a sequential to an organic structuring of learning
from individualised to communicative learning
from a view of the teachers role as an organiser of
learning activities to one as a shaper of quality learning
from a preoccupation with fitting teaching to a group,
to a knowledge that teaching needs to be suited to
individuals, which calls for continual self-monitoring to
ensure sensitivity to unintended forms of bias and
from a view of the learning context as confined to the
classroom and controlled by the teacher to one of the
learning context as a supportive, interactive, whole-
school culture
from a view of technology as either a tutor or a tool to
one where it is part of a complex of interactions with
learners, sometimes providing ideas, sometimes
providing a resource for enquiry, and sometimes
supporting creativity.
(ibid., p. 156157.)
The theories discussed in this section provided the
foundation for the analysis of the empirical evidence in
the next section, and they are referred to where relevant
in the analysis.
Studies of effective teaching
The process of instruction as described by Shulman
(1987) involves performing a variety of teaching and
class management activities. In general terms, much of
this is observable and documented in the research
literature on effective teaching, for example the Hay
McBer (2000) report to the then Department for
Education and Employment has been particularly
influential in the UK. The literature on effective teaching,
including the Hay McBer report, makes little reference to
the use of ICT.
The Hay McBer report looked for characteristics of
teachers that were associated with good progress in
pupils. They found that pupils progress is most
significantly influenced by a teacher who displays both
high levels of professional characteristics and good
teaching skills which lead to the creation of a good
classroom climate. They identified characteristics of
good teachers as:
Challenge and support.
Creating trust.
Respect for others.
Analytical thinking.
Conceptual thinking.
Planning and setting expectations
Drive for improvement.
Information seeking.
Holding people accountable.
Managing pupils.
Passion for learning.
Relating to others
Impact and influence.
Team working.
Understanding others.
In relation to the model of pedagogical reasoning, there
are some aspects of the Hay McBer report of particular
interest. Many of the characteristics relating to
professionalism are based on beliefs and values. The
thinking characteristics of teachers include the complex
analytical thinking required for planning and evaluating,
ICT and pedagogy
and the conceptual thinking links to the transformation
process. For example at the highest level the teacher:
Makes the complex simple
Helps pupils and others to understand something
complex by finding a new and creative way to
explain it in simple terms.
(Shulman, 1987, p. 14.)
It is interesting to note that the development of pupils as
independent learners, an ability that is often considered
to be crucial for making effective use of ICT, and which is
categorised under passion for learning, is only
demonstrated at the highest level:
Motivates pupils to learn independently
Continuously provides pupils with opportunities to
experience learning as enjoyable and satisfying, to
increase their self-motivation. Consistently
provides a range of opportunities for pupils to
direct their own learning; provides independent
learning options, and enables pupils to access
these. Encourages self and peer evaluation. Builds
pupils capacity to question themselves.
(Hay McBer, 2000. p. 61.)
According to Brown et al. (2001) the Hay McBer study is
likely to be flawed, but it does provide a set of general
characteristics that were certainly associated with some
effective teachers.
Moseley et al.(1999), in a study of primary school
teachers known to be achieving either average or above
average gains on measures of relative attainment by
pupils, focused on pedagogy using ICT. They also found
a very complex picture in which it was difficult to
characterise effective teachers using ICT. The teachers
were supported in developing their practice in literacy
and numeracy using ICT. The project explored links
between teachers thinking about their teaching
behaviours or actions in the classroom and pupils
learning gains. The work indicated that a key feature of
the more effective teachers was their use of effective
explanations. Observations showed that these teachers
used examples and counter-examples and involved
pupils in explaining and modelling to the class. Teachers
who favoured ICT were likely to have well-developed ICT
skills and to see ICT as an important tool for learning and
instruction. They were also likely to value collaborative
working, enquiry and decision making by pupils.
Studies of teachers views of pedagogy
The review by Watkins and Mortimore (1999) of research
into practitioners views on pedagogy suggested that
teachers recognised the complexity of pedagogy and the
complex nature of classroom life. Watkins and Mortimore
identified some tensions between the review of
pedagogy in the academic and research literature and
the views of practitioners. In particular, while the trend
among researchers and academics has been towards a
model that supports the active construction of meaning
and endeavours to help learners learn about learning,
teachers may adopt a simplified model of practice in the
face of contextual constraints.
Survey methods for measuring pedagogical knowledge
are being developed. However, the multifaceted nature of
the knowledge and the fact that much still needs to be
learnt about its nature makes this a difficult task (Rowan
et al., 2001).
Studies that examine specific aspects of teachers
detailed knowledge of learners and their misconceptions
require careful investigation of pupils learning compared
with teachers predictions of their difficulties and
misconceptions. For example Hadjidemetriou and
Williams (2001) propose a methodology that will help to
bridge the gap between pupils difficulties and teachers
perceptions of these difficulties. They devised a
diagnostic assessment instrument to elicit pupils
misconceptions of graphing, and used it as a
questionnaire for teachers.
Many of these studies are considered in more detail in
subsequent sections of this report.
Section 2 ICT pedagogy and
attainment in subject areas
Overview of the research literature
The focus of this section is on the relationship between
attainment and pedagogical practices involving the use
of ICT, as revealed through published, empirical
research. The studies that have contributed to this review
can be classified into six main groups:
Bibliographies, literature reviews and meta-analyses
Several articles in this category made some analysis of
pedagogy, although these did not focus specifically on
pedagogy for ICT use at school. For example, Draper
(1998) reviewed evaluations of software in use in
higher education that was associated not just with
satisfactory learning but with demonstrable
improvements. A review by Scanlon et al. (2002) that
aimed to develop understanding of technology-
mediated practical work in science for higher education
drew on studies at secondary school level.
Studies of effective teaching and teachers views that
make little reference to ICT use
One example is Askew et al. (1997). A small number of
recent studies in this category are discussed briefly
because recent research on the contribution of ICT to
attainment shows that ICT is effective only when
combined with good teaching.
Short-term interventions associated with
software design, in which a specific aspect of ICT
use is evaluated
An example of this type of study is Lavonen et al.
(2003). Many of these studies focus on the interaction
between the computer and the pupils rather than
considering the role of the teacher and of peers.
Only those that address pedagogical issues are
discussed. They may involve a few hours or a few
weeks work. Despite the very short-term nature of the
studies, some provide useful evidence of specific
benefits of ICT and how it enables learning objectives
to be achieved.
Studies associated with the introduction of an
additional general ICT resource
Such resources include the use of laptop computers or
the internet in science lessons. Many of these studies
are looking for a wide range of effects and they may or
may not involve teachers professional development.
Some reports yield disappointing results. For example,
Jarvis et al. (1997) evaluated the effect of collaboration
via email on the quality of 10- to 11-year-old pupils
investigative skills in science in six rural primary
schools. They found no real indications that the use of
email enhanced learning in science. In this instance, the
study encountered problems with hardware, software
and the teachers abilities.
Studies focused on specific aspects of pedagogy in
specific subjects, involving development work with
ICT over two to three years
See for example Moseley et al. (1999).
Longitudinal studies involving development work,
usually over at least five years
These studies address the changing nature of teaching
and learning associated with the introduction of
technology. See for example Linn and Hsi (2000).
ICT in primary education key aspects
There is evidence that ICT helps primary school teachers
to be more effective in their teaching, especially if they are
well resourced (Becta, 2001). In this series of reports
analysing pupils attainment at Key Stage 2 alongside
Ofsted inspection judgements, statistically significant links
have been revealed between the good use of ICT
resources and higher attainment in ICT and other subjects.
Given the nature of the analysis, this does not prove a
causal link that is, that the good use of ICT causes
higher attainment but it does point to an important and
developing relationship. However, the reports also show
that other factors, such as good leadership and the
general quality of teaching, remain important.
Teachers confidence with ICT has increased in recent
years, but the use of ICT remains relatively low. According
to government statistics (Department for Education and
Skills, 2001), 75% of teachers reported that they felt
confident in using ICT, 78% had received some training,
and 71% had updated their training in the last two years.
Yet a survey conducted by Preston et al. (2000) of 100 ICT
teachers found that over 90% used only word processing
more frequently than once a month out of all the generic
Findings of a research and development project which
investigated effective pedagogy with ICT in literacy and
ICT and pedagogy
numeracy in primary schools (Moseley et al., 1999) provide
illustrations of teachers practices and the complexity of
choices which teachers make in deciding when and how to
use ICT to strengthen their teaching. At this time, many
primary classrooms still only had regular access to one or
two computers, and this affected the choices teachers were
able to make about using ICT. Moseley et al. (1999) used
pre- and post- standardised tests to check improvements in
pupils attainment. Part of the development work involved an
exploration of the links between teachers thinking, their
teaching behaviours or actions in the classroom, and pupils
learning gains. It was found that teachers thinking and
beliefs about teaching and learning were linked to what they
did in the classroom and to the choices they made in
selecting how to integrate ICT into their teaching. A key
feature of the more effective teachers was their use of
effective explanations. Teachers who favour ICT are likely to
have well developed ICT skills and to see ICT as an
important tool for learning and instruction. They are also
likely to value collaborative working, enquiry and decision
making by pupils. Teachers who have reservations about
using ICT are likely either to exercise a higher degree of
direction or to prefer pupils to work individually.
This study also recognised the value of support from the
head teacher, or of a collaborative working environment.
It suggested that the task of developing teachers
effectiveness in using ICT is a long-term goal and needs
to become established as a regular part of their
professional development. As new equipment and
software become available, teachers will need to develop
new skills and pedagogical approaches.
A literature review for the evaluation of Digital
Opportunities projects in New Zealand (Boyd, 2002), in
analysing the lack of impact of some innovations
involving laptops, includes this valuable reminder that it is
the type of use that is most important:
There are two possible reasons for the reported
lack of impact. One is that the use of laptops does
not in fact have any effect on student
achievement. The other, perhaps more likely
reason, is that changes to student achievement
are conditional on context, changes are due to a
complex interplay of factors such as teachers
changing their pedagogical approaches to
support a more student-centred environment in
which ICT use is integrated into the curriculum. If
this does not occur and laptops are used within
the traditional classroom environment simply as
word-processors and presentational devices, then
it is unlikely that improvements in student
achievement or changes to classroom
environments will be reported.
(Boyd, 2002, p. 30.)
It is also important to consider the extent of home use of
ICT, and the way this may affect pupils perceptions of
school use. Research suggests that there is a gap between
the types of use at home and at school. One survey
(Mumtaz, 2001) of pupils in years 3 and 5 (ages 78 and
910) found that the most frequent activity at school was
word processing (which the pupils found boring), while the
most popular activity at home was playing games. As a
result, the author suggested that schools should learn from
what works at home and allow pupils to work on activities
that they find valuable, motivating and worthwhile. Another
problem arises from the fact that pupils computers at
home are often far in advance of those they have access to
at school. Teachers need to acknowledge pupils innovative
uses of technology at home when developing their
practices at school (Comber et al., 2002).
This said, while many primary school children could be
considered to be sophisticated and knowledgeable users of
ICT, access to ICT resources at home does vary widely. The
study by Selwyn and Bullon (2000) of 267 year 2 and year 5
children in south Wales revealed that although the majority
of pupils reported making some use of computers in
schools, patterns of sustained use and varied engagement
with ICT were rare. Writing and drawing were identified as
the most widely experienced uses of computers. Given that
home use is variable, the authors argued that the
paramount role of schools should be to balance the needs
of the computer haves and have lesses.
In a study of three primary schools, Goodison (2002)
confirmed that a range of organisational factors, such as the
commitment of the head teacher and good forward
planning, were correlated with successful implementation of
the use of ICT, and the commitment of staff played a pivotal
role in the process. However, as Goodison pointed out, the
implementation of new technology needs to be managed
properly, to ensure the continued commitment of teachers.
Group work
There is little evidence in the research literature to
indicate that collaboration inevitably enhances learning.
As Eraut (1995) has pointed out, group work is a
complex process which limits the ability to generalise on
its benefits, but his study involving 19 case studies in 16
classes of 8- to 12-year-olds offers strong support for a
rather than a cognitive conflict
explanation of
the benefits of group work among pupils.
Yu (2001) examined the effect of competition in
computer-assisted co-operative learning situations on
pupils cognitive, affective and social outcomes, in a
study of 192 5th-grade students (aged 1112 years) in
six classes in one Taiwanese school. The results showed
that co-operation without competition engendered better
attitudes towards the subject matter and promoted more
interpersonal relationships. However, studies of pupils
using ICT at primary school level suggest that effective
pupil collaboration for learning is not easily achieved
(Crook, 1998)
ICT in secondary education key aspects
Two of the fundamental differences between primary and
secondary schools are in the allocation of ICT resources
and the cross-curricular nature of primary education
compared with the subject-specific teaching and
organisation in secondary schools. Most primary schools
have a few computers in each classroom, and sometimes
an electronic whiteboard, whereas most secondary
schools have a greater emphasis on networked computer
rooms. In some secondary schools, ICT is taught as a
discrete subject within an ICT department; in others ICT is
taught across the secondary curriculum through other
subjects (Beauchamp, 2003). The 2001 survey by the
British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA, 2001)
found that in 86% of secondary schools the majority of
computers are located in labs, compared with only 16 per
cent for classrooms, while in primary schools the
equivalent figures are virtually equal.
This difference has implications for teachers pedagogies,
for example it has been shown to be a key influence on
the way primary school teachers have been using ICT
(Watson, 1993, Selwyn and Bullon, 2000). In secondary
schools, there is more focus on ICT within subjects, but
the demands of ICT teachers who are responsible for
teaching ICT as a subject can limit other teachers access
to the technology (Beauchamp, 2003).
The following sections discuss the research evidence
relating to pedagogy and attainment with ICT in specific-
subject areas. Further research relating to attainment can
be found in the companion literature review to this
publication (Cox and Abbott, 2004).
Primary English
The first ImpacT project (Watson, 1993) found teachers
using a range of software, including word processing, in
primary school English lessons. However, there was a
conflict between teachers wanting to help pupils progress in
their writing by the use of word processing, for example,
and their desire to ensure that all pupils had equal access
to the computer. This resulted in each pupil in some classes
only having about five minutes use of word processing per
term. Because there was only one computer in the
classroom and the teacher wanted to provide equal access
for pupils, this led the teacher into inappropriate practices
where pupils first hand wrote their stories and then typed
them onto the computer in pairs. This finding is supported
by more recent evidence from the ImpaCT2 project case
studies (Comber et al., 2002). The results again suggested
that because of the limited number of computers in primary
classrooms, the sustained and regular use of ICT rarely
occurred. For ICT to have any benefit, teachers therefore
need to make the right decisions to enable pupils to have
frequent and substantial access to resources.
Mumtaz and Hammond (2002) found that much of the use
of word processing at primary level is individualised and
largely for presentational purposes that is, mainly for
entering texts previously written by hand. These researchers
reported little intervention by teachers in this activity. They
conclude that schools are a long way from seeing the use
of the word processor embedded...to support pupils
writing and that teachers need more time for reflection on
their learning objectives. (ibid., p.346.)
The preliminary results of a survey designed to identify how
talking book software
was being used in the classroom
(Lewin, 1998) highlighted the success of this type of
ICT and pedagogy
Vygotskys theory emphasises social, cultural and contextual influences, and is based on the idea that learning is a process of internalising social and
cultural values. Learning therefore takes place when there is social interaction and agreement between learners.
Piaget argued that cognitive conflict is the principal mechanism for learning. This conflict occurs when there are disagreements between learners
regarding their understanding of a problem, which are then resolved through teacher-led discussion.
software for both early readers and those older children
experiencing difficulties in learning to read. However,
many teachers reported that they would like to see future
implementations of the software enhanced to provide
additional reinforcement activities which would enable
the software to meet the needs of individual learners
more effectively. The results showed that the software
was used mainly with pairs of children (82%), but
occasionally with individuals (29%). A smaller number of
teachers specified that the software was usually used by
groups of three or more children at one computer (11%).
Use in groups or pairs was more commonly associated
with early readers who were progressing normally. Most
of the children were able to use the software
independently with minimal adult support, after receiving
some initial training. Several of the classes which
involved older children experiencing difficulties learning
to read, or those identified as having special needs,
worked with an adult for the duration of the session.
Secondary English
Much of the empirical evidence in English reports similar
uses of ICT to those found at primary level, although the
uses made of ICT are more demanding, and English is
taught as a separate subject in secondary schools with
much less focus on literacy skills. In a study across six
curriculum areas, which included English, Hennessy et al.
(2003) found that the use of the technology was associated
with a decrease in direction by the teacher, and an increase
in pupil self-regulation and collaboration. One effect of these
changes in classroom practice was that teachers felt the
need to employ a proactive approach in their teaching and
develop more responsive strategies in order to support,
guide and facilitate pupils learning. This also involved
monitoring pupils progress more closely and maintaining a
focus on the learning of the subject. Pupils were also
encouraged to take more responsibility for their own
learning through increased participation. While an extensive
range of successful strategies were employed, many of
which built on established practice, the authors concluded
that the pedagogy associated with using ICT to support
subject teaching and learning was still evolving.
According to some researchers, the use of ICT has the
potential to transform English teaching, although the vast
changes to pedagogy that this will entail may well be
resisted by teachers (Russell, 1998). The author
describes secondary pupils experiences of writing a
series of hypertext
stories over an 18-month period.
Each individual story was written over a period of about
three weeks and the pupils were encouraged to write in
pairs. Just over half the students supported the use of
collaboration in hypertext story writing and all the
teachers and the majority of the students supported the
multi-linear aspect of hypertext. A few students, however,
preferred to write straightforward stories without
branching. Students presented their stories to the
audience, and this was seen as an important way to
encourage them to consider the needs of their
audiences. Teachers felt that the collaborative pedagogy
was encouraging students to think carefully about the
meaning of words in their hypertext. It was concluded
that non-linear writing requires different teaching
practices from a story centred on expectations of
closure, and incorporating pictures into text runs contrary
to discourse based on words.
There is much reported research into the uses of ICT in
mathematics teaching at both primary and secondary
levels. Some large-scale studies involve investigating the
effects of a range of ICT environments, and others focus
on specific uses of ICT. There is clear evidence of the
positive effects of ICT being associated, in many cases,
with the particular pedagogies of the teacher and also
with the relevance of the ICT activity to the curriculum.
Primary mathematics
The research evidence shows that, in order to integrate
ICT into their mathematics teaching, it is necessary for
teachers to have a substantial understanding of ICT
resources and familiarity with a range of applications.
Effective uses of ICT should enable pupils to focus on
reasoning rather than on answers, and enable them to
develop significant mathematical strategies and connect
mathematical ideas with the real world.
Talking books are designed to be read on a computer, with a combination of features such as text, photographs, drawings, animations, sound effects
and video, and often the option of having the computer read out the text for the user. They are usually stored on CD-ROM.
Hypertext documents are usually presented by a computer, and contain a web of links to separate but related texts. They express the non-linear
structure of ideas.
When teachers use ICT in ways which challenge pupils
thinking and engage them in investigations, pupils
demonstrate a higher order of mathematical reasoning and
increased attention than when teachers adopt a
transmission view of teaching (where knowledge is
transmitted directly from teacher to pupil). For example,
Connell (1998) concludes that technology should be used
as a tool for pupils to create their own personally meaningful
representations. The presence of the computer alone as a
delivery system of static expert representations does not
guarantee, and indeed may inhibit, the development of such
pupil representations. For more details of this study see the
section on mathematics in secondary teaching (p.17).
Large-scale projects
Topics within the first ImpacT study (Cox, 1993) included
the use of ICT and mathematics in primary schools. The
results did show a positive effect for the use of ICT in
mathematics in the 810 age range (see also Johnson et
al., 1994). The conclusions on pedagogy were that
effective use of IT required substantial demands in terms
of (teachers) knowledge and understanding of, and
familiarisation with, a variety of software in order to
integrate the activity, in philosophical and pedagogical
terms, with a larger scheme of work. (ibid., p. 3.)
Another large study involving over 2,000 middle school
pupils (Waxman and Huang, 1996) examined whether the
degree of implementation of technology in mathematics
classes affected outcomes such as changes in classroom
organisation and interaction, the selection of activities, and
pupils on- and off-task behaviour. The results indicated that
there were significant differences in instruction in the
classroom depending on the amount of technology used.
Whole-class approaches, where pupils generally listened to
or watched the teacher, tended to be used in classrooms
where technology was not often used, whereas in
classrooms where technology was used moderately there
tended to be much less whole-class instruction and more
independent work. This study suggests that the use of
technology may help to change teaching from a traditional
teacher-centred approach to one that is more pupil centred.
In addition, pupils in classrooms where technology was
used moderately were found to be significantly more on
task than pupils in classrooms with less use.
Topic-specific ICT in small studies
Much of the research literature is based on small-scale
studies of children in a narrow learning context, and it
generally shows that the use of ICT produces some
improvement in pupils performance for a limited set of
tasks. As the review by Hennessy and Dunham (2002)
points out, studies involving contrasting control and
experimental groups are fraught with difficulties because
complex factors arising (particularly teachers behaviours
and pedagogy) are rarely accounted for; fair
comparisons using test scores alone are almost
impossible. Further, ICT itself can play an important role
in shaping the mathematical activity being studied.
In a meta-analysis
of many focused studies, Clements
(2000) describes the unique contribution of computers to
problem- and project-oriented pedagogical approaches.
His research showed that pupils collaborative activities
resulted in enhanced achievement. An increase in pupils
collaboration resulted in deep conception, and the
pupils seeing learning as dependent on thinking and
understanding. Control groups possessed shallow
conceptions of learning, seeing it as a matter of paying
attention, doing assigned work, and memorising.
However, such results could be independent of ICT use
since the effectiveness of computer software is likely to
be dependent on the pedagogical context within which it
is used (Hoyles, 2001).
Another convincing experiment, but with a very small
sample (McFarlane et al., 1995), introduced line graphs
to 8-year-old children, using data logging. Children who
had been exposed to data logging showed an increased
ability to read, interpret and sketch line graphs when
compared to children using traditional apparatus. The
results suggested that the manual plotting of points as a
first introduction to graphs interfered with understanding.
Programming and microworlds
One of the most widely researched areas of ICT in
mathematics is programming and using microworlds.
Many studies using the programming language Logo
with primary school children have been reported. The use
of Logo has been shown to improve childrens estimation
of distance (Campbell et al., 1991) and improve their
ICT and pedagogy
A meta-analysis is a study which aggregates the findings from many other studies.
Microworld is a term coined at the MIT Media Lab Learning and Common Sense Group. It means a tiny world inside which a pupil can explore
alternatives, test hypotheses, and discover facts. It differs from a simulation in that the student is encouraged to think about it as a real world.
ability to create accurate sets of instructions to plot a
path through a maze (Johnson and Kane, 1992).
In a meta-analysis, Clements (2000) described a number
of ways in which the appropriate use of Logo
programming has been shown to help pupils. These
include the development of higher levels of mathematical
and especially geometric thinking, and problem-solving
skills (Au and Leung, 1991), and enhanced social
interaction (Yelland, 2003).
In a study of primary school pupils using Logo, Cope
and Walsh (1990) found that pupils who spent a long
time programming became more accustomed to
sustained intellectual activity, which had positive benefits
for their work in other areas of the curriculum. However,
some problems may arise if too little time is spent
ensuring that pupils have sufficient prior mathematical
knowledge (Cope et al., 1992).
There is some debate regarding Logo as to how much
learning by autonomous discovery should be expected of
pupils (Hoyles and Noss, 1992). There is a need to
provide a tight framework within which pupil autonomy
and mathematical expression can take place, and for the
teacher to bridge the differences between Logo
environments and school mathematics.
Results from one study pointed out that Logo may foster
cognitive growth, in part by engendering effective
motivation, because success is determined internally
within the Logo environment (Nastasi and Clements, 1994),
though pupils may still seek external approval. When
learning about variables in a Logo environment, there is a
need for the teacher to be aware of, and be explicit about,
using a Vygotskian approach (encouraging pupils to co-
operate), since such concepts cannot be taught directly
(Sutherland, 1993). Other findings have supported the
efficacy of Logo as a medium conducive to the teaching
and learning of problem solving, but only when particular
problem-solving skills are taught explicitly (Swan, 1991).
These technologies have also been shown to support
collaborative learning. Xin (1999) examined the effects of
computer-assisted co-operative learning in the USA 3rd-
grade mathematics instruction within integrated
classrooms for pupils with and without disabilities, and
found that the co-operative learning group had
statistically higher achievement than did the whole-class
learning group. Similarly, an Australian study (Yelland,
2002) of 28 year 2 children who worked in pairs on tasks
in a microworld embedded in a mathematics topic
reported that the children engaged in activities with a
high level of concentration and found them both
challenging and fun to complete.
Internet use
There is little research into the effects of internet use on
teachers pedagogies and pupils attainment in
mathematics at primary level, although there are early
suggestions that websites dedicated to mathematics
could encourage more effective teaching (Jones and
Simons, 1999). More data specific to the pedagogy of
teaching primary mathematics when using such websites
is needed. New research should examine both the
pupils and teachers use of such a resource for both
teaching and learning, and its effectiveness in positively
affecting learning outcomes.
Secondary mathematics
There have been both large-scale projects and meta-
analyses which provide evidence of a positive effect of
ICT use on secondary school pupils attainment. An early
large-scale project conducted in the USA (Educational
Technology Centre Harvard Graduate School of
Education, 1990) involved studying the uses of computers
and other technologies to improve instruction in
mathematics, science and computing, in the context of
teaching for understanding. This study identified the need
to take account of pupils prior conceptions, link multiple
representations, extend the range of manipulatable
objects, and use software to reveal pupils thinking.
Moseley et al. (1999) identified that a key feature of more
effective teachers was their use of explanations. The
researchers emphasised the importance of taking into
account teachers preferences and beliefs about teaching
as well as their attitude to ICT. Teachers need to match
pedagogy with the intended learning outcomes of an
activity. However, Brown et al. (2001) failed to identify any
factors relating to pedagogical practices which might have
significant effects on pupils attainment. Although this
research cast doubt on claims that teachers effectiveness
can be rigorously assessed by observation in the
classroom, the study team did identify many behaviours
that they felt most reliably distinguished effective teachers.
These included challenging pupils to think mathematically,
ensuring a consistency between task and objectives, using
a range of modes of expression, and focusing on
reasoning rather than answers.
Ruthven and Hennessy (2002) analysed the pedagogical
ideas underpinning teachers accounts of the successful
use of computer-based tools and resources to support
the teaching and learning of mathematics. Mathematics
teachers as a group were found to be relatively strongly
oriented towards a transmission view of teaching as
opposed to a constructivist one (where pupils learning is
based on them reconstructing and adding to their existing
knowledge), but the use of ICT did help to develop
pedagogy: As well as serving as a lever through which
teachers seek to make established practice more
effective, technology appears also to act as a fulcrum for
some degree of reorientation of practice and a measured
development of teachers pedagogical thinking. (Ruthven
and Hennessy, 2002, p. 85.)
Similarly, Goos et al. (2003) in a three-year project in
Australia found that teachers own pedagogical beliefs
and values play an important part in influencing the
learning opportunities provided by ICT. This is true
whether ICT is being used to reinforce existing teaching
approaches or as a catalyst which will change the way
teachers and students interact with each other and with
the tasks. In particular, it was found to be the way in
which the teacher orchestrates pupils interaction with the
task, the technology and their peers which was crucial to
pupils success (in this case in finding a solution to a
cubic equation). The researchers suggest four roles for
technology in relation to such teaching and learning
interactions: master, servant, partner, and extension
of self. Their report highlights the vital role of the teacher
in moving pupils towards more thoughtful and powerful
ways of working with technology.
The vital role of the teacher is echoed by Glover and
Miller (2001), in a smaller study exploring the impact on
teaching of the use of interactive whiteboards in one
comprehensive secondary school. Such technology is
likely to have limited impact where teachers fail to
appreciate that interactivity requires a new approach
to pedagogy.
Hennessy (2000), working with graphing software on
palmtop computers, observed that the main gains were
in the motivation of the pupils. Graph plotting became
simple, giving the teacher more time for other, more
interesting learning activities. However, the teachers did
not find any greater benefit from using the spreadsheet
software on the palmtops compared with using it on the
desktops already available to them.
Connell (1998) investigated the potential roles which
technology might play in enhancing a constructivist
approach. He observed two classes from the same school
in a rural area over a one-year period. Both classes were
taught by teachers who agreed to implement technology
within their lessons in markedly different fashions. One
class adopted a constructivist approach and utilised the
computer as a tool for pupils for mathematics exploration,
the other as a presentation tool, more in line with a
approach. By the end of the research
period, both classes had shown a significant improvement
in achievement, and easily surpassed both regional and
local achievement goals. The pupils in the class where the
use of technology was consciously aligned with the
guiding constructivist philosophy showed a marked and
consistent increase in performance.
In a summary of research on dynamic geometry
Jones (2002) reports that interacting with
DGS can help students to explore, conjecture, construct
and explain geometrical relationships. It can even
provide them with the basis from which to build
deductive proofs. Overall, this research has found that
discussions and group work in the classroom are
important components. Also that the teacher plays a
very important role in guiding students to theoretical
thinking. (ibid., p. 20.)
The use of computers to support constructivist pedagogy
was shown to be effective by Dreyfus and Halevi (1991)
also. They showed that the use of computer programs to
provide an open learning environment allowed pupils to
explore within a framework, and, given that the teacher
was working as a guide, even weak students were able
to deal in depth with a difficult topic. Alternatively, Hoyles
and Noss (1992), as a result of their studies in Logo-
based microworlds, suggested that teachers restrict the
software environment within which pupils may explore
and within which pupil autonomy and mathematical
expression may take place.
ICT and pedagogy
The behaviourist approach studies observed behavioural responses of humans and animals. The approach is based on the belief that we learn to
behave in response to our environment, either by stimulusresponse association, or as a result of reinforcement.
Dynamic geometry systems are software packages which allow users to create shapes and mathematical models and then explore their properties.
The most extensive uses of ICT in education have been in
science at both primary and secondary levels. This can be
seen through different types of ICT environments such as
simulations and modelling, as discussed below.
Primary science
For practical reasons, it is not possible to study certain
scientific processes first hand in the primary classroom.
ICT provides opportunities for pupils to explore
simulations of these processes in the classroom, where
previously they would have needed to travel to a science
centre or museum. A body of researchers have
investigated the extent to which ICT-based simulations
can substitute for advanced experiments or experiences
in a museum or science centre.
For example, Baxter and Preece (2000) found that the
learning of 48 pupils in years 5 and 6 (9- and 10-year-
olds) when they were taught with the aid of computer
planetaria was equally effective as teaching with dome
planetaria. Pupils worked in pairs at a computer, using
planetarium software.
Another important aspect of ICT in science at both primary
and secondary levels is modelling, in which pupils build
their own models by identifying relevant factors and
variables and hypothesising relationships. Most of the
research in this area focuses on learning and attainment,
but large projects such as the London Mental Models
project (Mellar et al., 1994) have also studied the role of the
teacher in the classroom when pupils are building scientific
models. This study and others have shown that although
primary school pupils could investigate existing models and
hypothesise relationships, it was more difficult for them to
build their own model without the guidance and support of
the teacher. They tended to build very basic models, and
could not decide on strategies for further work without being
told about the goals which they were trying to achieve.
Jarvis et al. (1997), for instance, evaluated the effect of
collaboration by email on the quality of 10- to 11-year-old
pupils investigative skills in science in six rural primary
schools. Although the children demonstrated a variety of
scientific skills, in particular observing and recording, and
developed some general computer skills, there was no
indication that the use of email enhanced their learning in
science. The influence of the teacher was recognised as a
crucial element. When teachers provided limited supervision
and guidance there were often periods of unproductive
activity. Teachers with more confidence in science tended to
monitor activities more closely and intervene more, as a
result of which pupils extended their scientific skills.
Secondary science
The evidence from experimental studies shows that
various aspects of achievement can be improved by
integrating simulations into topics that pupils find
conceptually difficult. The activities set by the teacher
involving simulations are often problem solving and
enquiry tasks, in which pupils interact with each other as
well as with the teacher. Although these studies rarely
consider pedagogy in detail, they do suggest that the
collaboration between pupils was an outcome that was
encouraged, but not specifically designed, by the
teachers, and that the collaboration is one of the factors
that leads to improved attainment.
Computer simulations of experiments are often used in
short episodes in existing curricula. For example,
Huppert et al. (1998) conducted an experimental study of
the effect of using computer simulations on 10th-grade
pupils (year 11 in the UK) ability to apply their
knowledge to the growth curve of micro-organisms. The
use of simulations allowed the pupils to carry out
investigations more quickly and focus on analysing the
results and hypothesising. The structure of the course
helped to create a collaborative learning atmosphere,
with pupils comparing results and exchanging ideas.
These aspects resulted in gains in cognitive learning.
Tao and Gunstone (1999) investigated the use of
computer simulations integrated into 10 weeks of physics
instruction for one class in an Australian high school. The
simulations were specifically developed to confront pupils
alternative conceptions in mechanics. The classroom
study investigated whether and how collaborative learning
using computers fosters conceptual change. The
programs provided the pupils with many opportunities for
the co-construction of knowledge. During the process,
pupils complemented and built on each others ideas and
incrementally reached shared understandings. Their
interactions led to conceptual change. Although this study
did not directly address the role of the teacher, it does
suggest the desirability of providing opportunities for
collaborative learning.
Another type of subject-specific software that has been
used frequently in studies is software providing simulations
or animations of processes that permits pupils to visualise
and investigate phenomena that cannot easily be
observed. An example in chemistry relates to the spatial
and temporal (dynamic) properties of molecules and how
they fit together, an aspect which is often neglected in
teaching. Draper (1998) refers to work by Tasker, who has
developed extensive animations accurately simulating
these properties of molecules. This is described as a rare
example of a deep pedagogical motivation for using
simulation and animation, and pilot trials suggested that
this approach is very powerful in stimulating learners to
make new and important connections between fragments
of their existing knowledge.
Dori and Barak (2001) used a combination of physical
and virtual modelling to support the development of
conceptual understanding. They conducted an
experimental study with 276 pupils from nine high
schools in Haifa and the northern part of Israel using a
new teaching method that combined physical and virtual
three-dimensional molecular models. The pupils in the
experimental group gained a better understanding of the
concepts illustrated by the model and were more
capable of defining and implementing new concepts.
They were more capable of mentally traversing across
four levels of understanding in chemistry: symbol,
macroscopic, microscopic and process. Students in the
experimental group were more capable of applying
transformation from two-dimensional representations of
molecules, provided by either a symbolic or a structural
formula, to three-dimensional representations, to a
drawing of a model, and of applying reverse
transformations. The researchers found that the enquiry-
based learning tasks encouraged understanding of
organic compounds and provided pupils with tools for
explaining their answers.
Howe and Tolmie (1998) describe the use of the specially
developed software to help collaborating pupils test
hypotheses (relating to water pressure and shadows), an
activity thought to be relevant to conceptual learning. The
software was used by 9- to 14-year-old pupils, and their
activity compared with that of similarly aged pupils who
worked with otherwise equivalent software, but which
lacked prompts regarding the extent to which inputs from
pupils were inappropriate. The findings support the value
of the prompting, which has implications not only for the
use of hypothesis testing as an instructional strategy, but
also for the design of computer-based support for other
complex and co-ordinated activities.
Producing multimedia and video
Michel et al. (1999) suggest that allowing pupils to make
video clips can develop their powers of observation and
open new perspectives for their understanding of
scientific concepts. This is because pupils need to think
about exactly what should be recorded in order to explain
a concept. This type of enquiry-based teaching involves
pupils in deciding which problems to investigate,
searching for alternative solutions, collecting and
tabulating data, reporting conclusions, and suggesting
new related problems for further investigation. The
technology also gives teachers the flexibility to
demonstrate scientific concepts through a method other
than a live demonstration. In one example from this study,
a high school biology teacher produced a CD-ROM of
short clips digitised from tapes made by pupils during a
long-term experiment to grow various plants. The pupils
later incorporated the clips into scientific presentations.
Reid et al. (2002), in an evaluation of a pilot study of
digital video in 50 schools in the UK, reported that
teachers found that filming and editing a video about
forces helped pupils to assimilate scientific concepts
more effectively, quickly and substantially than would
have been achieved with handouts or textbooks.
Real-time graphing
Barton (1997), in a review of research on data logging,
concluded that the main benefit is the time saving, but
suggests that the important factors of interaction with peers
and intervention by the teacher need further research.
Linn and Hsi (2000) found that pupils are much better at
interpreting the findings of their experiments when they
use real-time data collection than when they use
conventional techniques for graphing their data, and that
this greater understanding is carried over to topics where
they have not collected the data.
Distance education
McKinnon and Nolan (2000) describe a distinction course
on cosmology for secondary-aged gifted and talented
pupils in which a learning community supported by ICT
largely replaced the traditional role of the teacher. Instead,
the course co-ordinator and astronomers acted as learning
facilitators, mentors and discussion partners. This allowed
pupils to manage their own learning, with the necessary
ICT and pedagogy
support, and to achieve results that were personally
satisfying. Achievements in this context are very much
individual, but this course did result in pupils achieving
work of a very high standard.
A teacher-based case study (Poland et al., 2003) involving
the use of a virtual field station for the teaching of an A-
level biology topic (about Mediterranean sea turtles)
showed that this was an effective substitute for a real field
study, in terms of the development of pupils knowledge
and their understanding for examination purposes.
Long-term small-scale innovations
Long-term small-scale studies provide much better
opportunities for examining the complex issues of the
role of the teacher and interactions in the classroom,
both between pupils and between teachers and pupils.
For example, the Computer as Learning Partner (CLP)
collaboration at the University of California (Linn and Hsi,
2000) was a longitudinal study involving the development
of a curriculum and associated pedagogy for a semester-
long science course that aimed to integrate the
appropriate use of ICT. It is one of the few studies where
the use of ICT was planned into a new curriculum and
the process and outcomes were researched. The project
encouraged pupils to explore many different ideas about
any given science topic, while helping them combine and
restructure these ideas so they formed a coherent and
comprehensive perspective on the problem. The design
of the CLP curriculum focused on guiding the process of
connecting, linking and reorganising, so that pupils could
concentrate on thinking about their experiences in
productive ways. Following a whole-class discussion,
pupils engaged in real-time data collection or simulated
investigations, then were asked to share results and
come to some consensus on principles and their
relationship to real-life experiences. Adding simulations
to the curriculum helped pupils to integrate their
understanding and apply their ideas to a broader range
of problems. The software used in the study freed the
teacher from answering basic organisational questions
and provided time for the teacher to probe pupils
understanding. It also provided scaffolding for pupils to
write their own principles based on their experimental
results, and included a range of different types of
visualisation of various processes.
Other long-term studies of the implementation of
technology in secondary science classrooms are
associated with the Technology-Enhanced Secondary
Science Instruction (TESSI) project (Pedretti et al., 1998;
Mayer-Smith et al., 2000). The technology employed in the
project (simulations, multimedia, microcomputer-based
laboratories) was intended to enhance the instruction done
by the teacher, rather than replace it, so tutorial-type
applications were excluded. Typically, several different
activities were in progress simultaneously. Pupils could
choose to work individually, in pairs or in small groups. The
researchers reported that the pupils had a strong sense of
purpose and immediate engagement with lessons.
Other research has also reported increased engagement.
Smith (2002) describes how the use of linked web pages
to construct identification keys with year 8 pupils (ages
1213) made the topic of taxonomy interesting, whereas
it is often seen as boring and outdated. The web-based
nature of the keys enabled them to be exchanged via a
network. Pupils developed transferable ICT skills as well
as observation skills and an understanding of
classification and biodiversity.
Primary humanities
We did not find any research reports of the effects of ICT on
teachers pedagogies in humanities at primary school level,
although there are implications that can be drawn from
research studies with secondary school pupils.
Secondary humanities
Hennessy et al. (2003) investigated teachers and pupils
changing roles and strategies when using various forms of
computer-based ICT in secondary school English, history,
geography, science, technology and classics lessons. One
hundred and fifteen teacher researchers participated in
this collaborative programme of classroom-based projects
involving the development, trialling and refinement of new
pedagogical approaches, strategies and activities in the
six curriculum areas. The use of ICT was associated with a
decrease in direction by, and exposition from, the teacher,
and a corresponding increase in self-regulation and
collaboration between pupils. As a result of these changes
in classroom practice, teachers felt that they needed to
employ proactive and responsive strategies in order to
support and guide learning, structure activities more
carefully and maintain a focus on the subject, monitor
progress, and encourage reflection and analysis.
Copeland (1991) suggests that the use of computers
might be beneficial to the success of historical enquiry
teaching. Seven teachers, teaching 20 classes of
secondary school students, were involved in the study.
Software enabled teachers to teach in a way they would
not otherwise, but this did depend on the teachers
carrying out sufficient preparation.
The use of multimedia learning environments in
secondary school geography teaching has been shown
to bolster interactions in the classroom (Smeets and
Mooij, 1999). Pupils were randomly allocated to an
experimental group using multimedia learning
environments, and a control group using traditional
methods. Although no differences were found in gains,
the results showed a significant increase in interactions
between the teacher and pupils and between pupils
during lessons involving the multimedia learning
environment compared to traditional lessons.
Beishuizen (1992) in a study of two secondary school
classes of 20 and 18 pupils showed that simulations can
aid the retention of facts and concepts. Simulations were
used in geography teaching to model the relationships
between erosion and agriculture in a developing country.
The researcher suggests that for this study the pupils
were not ready to explore the simulation environment in a
systematic way, and that more training was needed for
both the teacher and pupils for them to take full
advantage of the simulation environment.
Research conducted by the first ImpacT project (Watson,
1993) reaffirmed that outcomes where ICT is used in
geography depend on the teachers aims and objectives
and their skill in ensuring these are met. The use of
simulations was, however, found to enable pupils to develop
a high degree of empathy with the topic under study.
A more recent study into the use, in geography teaching, of
video conferencing between pupils in a network of schools
showed it was a valuable way of developing communication
and social skills, and of overcoming the relative isolation of
pupils in special needs schools (Thorpe, 1998).
The evidence presented here for the use of ICT in
humanities teaching supports the evidence described in
earlier sections of the importance of the role of the
teacher in the success or otherwise of using ICT to
enhance the subject. The use of simulations and other
multimedia environments has also changed the roles of
the teacher and learner, with increased interactions
between teacher and pupil promoted by the dynamic
interaction between pupils and computers.
Primary ICT
A review of the literature reveals that there is little
research into either pedagogy for ICT as a subject or into
the process through which skills and understanding in
ICT develop in children (Webb, 2002). Wood (2001)
argues that greater knowledge and understanding of ICT
processes are required in addition to skills if pupils are to
make effective use of ICT, but many teachers appear to
assume that no input is required from teachers during
lessons, and that pupils will learn from the computer or
from each other.
Webb (2003) suggests that two key elements of the
content understanding required for ICT-based problem
solving (a key aspect of ICT) are: the concepts and
techniques of representing data, knowledge and
processes; and the capabilities of types of software
application. These may be best addressed by
pedagogies based on the theory of Anderson et al.
(1995) and on the minimalism theory of Carroll (1998).
These pedagogies need to be developed by teachers,
and are likely to incorporate carefully designed practical
tasks with appropriate scaffolding, as well as techniques
to develop understanding. Just as in mathematics and
science, where children are expected to develop their
understanding of concepts as well as their numeracy and
ability to conduct experiments, so in ICT children need to
develop their understanding of ICT systems and
processes as well as the skills to use ICT.
Studies of existing practice suggest, however, that much
developmental work is still to be done. A report on a
study of 267 primary school children (years 2 and 6) in
five schools in south and mid Wales (Selwyn and Bullon,
2000) showed that although the majority of children were
making some use of computers in school, few children
engaged in sustained periods of ICT use or used many
different applications.
Mumtaz and Hammond (2002) observed nine teachers
giving lessons to Key Stage 2 children in five primary
schools and found that work with word processors was
largely individualised and for presentational purposes
(mainly entering texts previously written by hand), and
that there was little intervention by teachers.
ICT and pedagogy
Secondary ICT
Cope and Walsh (1990) conducted a review of research
on the teaching of programming, and noted that the
development of programming skills requires a much
larger time commitment than is often allocated.
Computer-based modelling has been found to offer great
potential for the development of causal, spatial and
common-sense reasoning (Mellar et al., 1994). These
researchers investigated the uses of both qualitative and
quantitative modelling with secondary school pupils using
different modelling environments. The acceptance and
integration into routine classroom practice of the
modelling approach adopted by the project depended on
the extent to which the teacher agreed with the ideology.
ICT in other subjects
There are research studies reported in the literature about
the effects of ICT on the teaching of art, physical education
and religious education, but they are very few and provide
little new evidence about the effects of ICT use on teachers
pedagogies. There is a need for more research in these
areas, especially because of the specialised nature of art
and physical education.
Section 3 Emerging themes
From the theories and the literature review discussed in
the previous sections it is possible to identify a number of
emerging themes relating to teachers pedagogies and the
use of ICT.
Collaborative learning
The previous section discussed many research studies
which point to the role of ICT in supporting collaborative
learning. Crook (1998), in his review of research on
collaborative learning in primary schools, concluded that
there is evidence from experimental studies that peer-
based learning improves performance, but that effective
collaboration between pupils is rare. According to Crook,
successful collaboration requires explicit orchestration.
Studies of pupils using ICT also suggest that effective
collaboration for learning is not easily achieved between
pupils. For example, a case study was conducted by
Kumpalainen and Mutanenen (1998) of nine pairs of
primary school pupils working collaboratively in a
multimedia CD-ROM environment in science. The pupils
did not, however, produce effective collaboration. Rather
than supporting scientific learning, the pupils focused on
activities relating to the use of ICT, such as organising
working processes and producing neat poster
presentations. The actual collaboration was minimal.
Jarvis et al. (1997) evaluated the effect of collaboration
via email links on the quality of 10- to 11-year-old pupils
scientific investigative skills in six rural primary schools.
The teachers lack of confidence resulted in them
providing limited supervision and guidance, and there
were considerable periods of unproductive activity in
some of the schools. Teachers with greater confidence in
science tended to monitor the childrens activities and
intervene more, which helped the children use their time
effectively and extended their scientific skills beyond the
basic ones of observation, measurement and recording.
However, some teachers, who used guided questioning
in a science context, did not do the same when the
children worked with the computer, possibly because of
their lack of confidence with ICT.
Collaboration between pupils has been a key element in
classrooms involved in the Technology-Enhanced
Secondary Science Instruction (TESSI) project, discussed
in the previous section. Pedretti et al. (1998) report that
pupils in these classrooms identified that such
collaboration helped them to learn better, particularly by
clarifying understandings and supporting deeper
learning. Mayer-Smith et al. (2000) reported that teachers
in the TESSI classroom facilitated learning by working
with small groups of pupils, directing them to useful
resources, and helping with problem-solving activities.
Traditional lecture-based teaching diminished
substantially and was replaced by shorter lessons. Direct
instruction was limited to short introductions to new units,
the revisiting of concepts that pupils found challenging,
and end-of-unit summaries.
Howe and Tolmie (1998) report that when teachers are
present, the flow of communication is mainly from
teacher to student (in this case, in a university tutorial
group) and vice versa rather than between students,
thereby limiting collaborative learning. It may be difficult
for teachers to support collaborative learning because it
requires new behaviours, for example contingent
support which allows increasing degrees of freedom
after signs of learning. Such contingent support is labour
intensive for the teachers, and the researchers suggest
that computers could play an important role here.
Lesson preparation
Few research studies include measurements of the
planning and preparation which teachers have to
conduct in order to use ICT confidently and effectively.
Teachers themselves often do not report on the
preparatory and supporting work which is part of their
pedagogy. While ICT may enable and encourage
teachers to play more of a facilitating role in the
classroom, the available evidence also shows that the
need to plan activities and assess pupils learning
outcomes means that the overall role of the teacher
remains as a leader and subject expert.
Listening to pupils
When pupils are demonstrating their understanding using
an electronic whiteboard, or working collaboratively in
pairs at a computer, many teachers have reported that
they can gain deeper insights into pupils understanding
than if they were interacting with the class as a whole.
For teachers to benefit from the contributions that ICT
can make to pupils learning in primary schools they
need to have detailed knowledge of and expertise in ICT,
the range of possible representations of knowledge, and
the ways in which use of ICT might change their
ICT and pedagogy
pedagogies. From the evidence in the literature, this will
require further substantial training for the majority of
primary school teachers, both to use a range of ICT
resources and to adopt new methods of teaching without
discarding their existing best practices.
Control of the learning
As discussed earlier, Hennesey et al. (2003) found that the
use of ICT was associated with a decrease in direction
from and exposition by the teacher, a corresponding
increase in pupil self-regulation, and more collaboration
between pupils. As a result of these changes in classroom
practice, teachers felt that they needed to employ
proactive and responsive strategies in order to support
and guide learning, maintain a focus on the subject,
monitor progress, and encourage reflection and analysis.
A revealing quote from the TESSI project suggests that
pupils also have to grapple with the implications of this
different style of learning (Pedretti et al., 1998, p. 582):
With a lot of other classes the teachers tell you
exactly what to do and, like in the text book the
answers are right there in front of you. With this
you got to figure a lot of stuff out on your own
which I think is a lot better. It's a lot harder at the
beginning to get used to. I was really struggling at
the beginning until you know how to figure the stuff
out. You get used to thinking that way because
ever since you started school the answers are
there right for you. You just have to copy them out.
You've been taught this way.
The self-pacing aspect of the TESSI course required
pupils to monitor their own learning, and contributed to
their time-management and organisational skills,
fostering a kind of self-regulation and direction extending
beyond the immediate use of technology. However, a
small minority of pupils reported that they preferred to
learn in a more teacher-centered environment, with
detailed directions and firm deadlines.
Further, one of the key benefits of these new technologies,
the possibility of greater control of the learning process by
the pupils, can become disadvantageous if it results in the
absence of structure. Laurillard (1998) reported that
learners working on interactive media with no clear
narrative structure tend to be unfocused. Teachers need to
prepare instructional worksheets or offer supervision in
order for the activity to be productive.
Pedagogical framework
In this section, frameworks that have been used for
analysing the use of ICT are briefly reviewed, and relevant
features of these are combined with aspects of the
pedagogical reasoning processes to suggest an
emerging list of pedagogical practices relating to ICT use.
The first ImpacT study developed a 10-point scale for
recording and analysing the uptake and use of ICT (Cox,
1993), but not for recording and analysing the quality of
use. The development of a concerns-based adoption
model at the Research and Development Center for
Teacher Education in Austin, Texas has produced an
extensive levels of use scale (Loucks et al. 1998). This
scale uses various categories of quality of ICT use which
have been used to record, rate and assess the extent of
integration in teaching. This model includes seven
factors: knowledge, acquiring information, sharing,
assessing, planning, status reporting and performing.
The model has been used in several studies to capture
the uptake and use of ICT in teaching.
Early attempts to classify computer use that have been
much quoted in the literature include the classification by
Taylor (1980) of the role of the computer as tutor, tool, and
tutee, and the classification by Kemmis et al. (1977) of four
paradigms for computer-assisted learning. These
classifications help to define the roles of the computer and
the pupil. More recently, Squires and McDougall (1994)
have reviewed approaches to evaluating educational
software, and have outlined the Perspectives Interactions
Paradigm (see Figure 3.1), which focuses on evaluating
the interactions between three key actors: pupil(s), teacher
and designer (of the software). This framework provides a
basis for categorising the locus of interactions, but does
not address the nature of those interactions.
Laurillard et al. (2000) have developed a conversational
framework (see Figure 3.2) from research on learning
that demonstrated the productive and unproductive
approaches to learning found in the context of different
learning methods. This framework represents the iterative
interactions that must take place for conceptual learning
to occur. The framework can be applied at any level of
the learning process. These interactions might involve a
short dialogue with the teacher explaining something,
suggesting a practical example, and commenting on the
pupils performance, or a much more attenuated period
covering several encounters, class sessions,
assignments and debriefing.
ICT and pedagogy
(as embodied in the software)
Teacher Student
How teachers use
software to improve and
extend their teaching
How teachers and students
interact in classrooms in which
software is being used
How students learning
can be improved by
using software
Teachers theoretical
Teachers experimental
Discursive level
Interactive level
Figure 3.1 The Perspectives Interactions Paradigm
Figure 3.2 Laurillards conversational framework
Students conceptual
Students goal-orientated
Affordances of ICT
Affordances of other
Learners knowledge/skills
Learning outcomes
Figure 3.3 Affordances important to the successful use of ICT
Affordances of teacher
Affordances of other pupils
Actions and activities
Affordances of learning environment
As shown in Figure 3.2, at the discursive level, the model
implies that the teachers theoretical ideas about their
subject lead to specific ways of passing that knowledge
(articulation) on to the pupils. The pupils provide feedback
to the teacher on their understanding, which affects the
teachers ideas about how to improve their explanations.
At the interactive level, teachers are influenced by the
discursive interactions with the pupil, which will in turn
influence the learning tasks they present to the pupil.
These models and others (for example Twining, 2000)
can help teachers and teacher educators acquire a
better understanding of the ways in which teachers
pedagogical practices might be affected by feedback
from pupils and interactions with ICT environments.
In order to provide recommendations which will help
teachers use ICT, it is necessary to evaluate in more detail
the expectations of the teacher in their planning for how they
expect ICT to support, enhance or transform teaching, and
how this is achieved in practice. This means identifying
teachers perceptions of the features that will provide
affordances,and evidence of the affordances in practice
and/or perceptions of the pupils. Consideration needs to be
given not only to affordances provided by ICT, but also to
those provided by the teacher, the other pupils and other
resources, the relative balance of these and their
interrelationships; for example peer support may direct
pupils towards features of ICT which may then become
affordances. Figure 3.3 illustrates these potential interactions.
If one thinks in terms of affordances, activities and
learning outcomes, it is possible to characterise the
affordances and the interaction between them. For
example, in a shared writing activity where the teacher is
modelling how to structure the plot in a story with
suggestions and comments from the class, the situation
might be as shown in Figure 3.4. The evidence from the
literature review shows the very important roles which
teachers need to adopt in enabling pupils to engage in
challenging ICT-based activities. In this affordance
model, the influence of the teacher on the learning
process is shown by the network of connections and the
subsequent influence on learning outcomes.
Pupils beliefs and characteristics
Preceding sections have focused on teachers knowledge
bases, values, beliefs and reasoning processes, as well as
interactions between teachers, pupils and ICT. Teachers
knowledge bases include knowledge about pupils and how
they learn, but there is also a need to examine pupils own
knowledge, beliefs and capabilities. In particular, in order to
understand why particular pedagogical approaches work, it
is necessary to examine pupils ICT capability as this will
clearly affect the possibilities for using ICT. Pupils capability
with ICT will also affect their capability for independent
learning, their meta-cognitive skills, their own perceptions of
the learning objectives for a particular lesson and their
perceptions of the value of ICT for their learning. In
addition, Newton and Rogers (2003) have suggested
specific application skills that pupils need in order to
exploit to the full the potential of software for learning.
They suggested the following application skills for
graphing software:
Observing graph shape.
Reading values from the graph purposefully.
Describing variables.
Relating variables.
Predicting new data.
Applying mathematical description.
The framework that seems to be emerging is a multi-
dimensional one, as illustrated in Figure 3.5. What this
framework demonstrates is that teachers knowledge,
beliefs and values will affect their pedagogical reasoning. As
suggested from the research evidence examined in the
previous section, if some teachers believe that when pupils
are using an ICT application the teachers should act mainly
as guides making few interventions, then pupils learning
may be unstructured and less successful compared with
learning with teachers who know the importance of planning
and using a structured activity. The beliefs which teachers
have about the power and scope of ICT, its new modes of
knowledge representation and therefore the different ways
in which pupils learn, will profoundly affect the affordances
controlling the learning actions and activities.
As shown in Figure 3.5, pupils knowledge and beliefs
affect their behaviour in a learning context, which affects
the extent of the affordances which enable them to
engage in and benefit from learning. Numerous studies
have shown that in addition to the influences shown by
the arrows in this framework, the learning context is
crucial to the attainment of the pupils and the success of
the learning activity. This context includes the resources
which might be used alongside ICT activities. It will also
include the fellow pupils with whom each pupil might
interact and the intervention and direction of the teacher.
ICT and pedagogy
Teachers knowledge
beliefs and values
Learning outcomes
Figure 3.5 Overview of emerging framework
Pupils knowledge
beliefs and values
Actions and activities
Learning context
Actions and activities:
shared writing
Learning outcomes:
understanding of how to
structure a plot
Figure 3.4 An example of affordances using word processing for redrafting
Affordances of learning environment
Affordances of ICT:
word processor
redrafting; interactive
whiteboard whole-class
Affordances of other
Affordances of teacher
interaction: modelling and
structuring the plot
Affordances of other pupils:
interaction, ideas, challenge
Section 4 Case studies
For the purposes of this report a small-scale study was
conducted of schools known to be using ICT effectively
to support attainment, in order to gather additional data
and to illuminate the findings emerging from the analysis
of the literature.
Approach to the case studies
The case studies focused on individual teachers within
these schools. Twenty-six teachers were involved, drawn
from six primary and seven secondary schools. These
teachers were known to be using ICT effectively to
support attainment. The selection criteria were based on
evidence of improved learning outcomes for pupils
through one or more of the following measures:
Increased gains in subject tests compared with
comparable classes.
Improvements in class work demonstrated by
comparison with other classes in the school.
Quality of pupils work compared with their
achievement in previous classes.
The case study work involved a questionnaire for
teachers, interviews with the teachers, observations
of the classes, and analysis of school documents and
pupils work. A more detailed account of the case
studies and the procedures used can be found in the
full report on which this publication is based (Cox and
Abbott, 2004).
Teachers perceptions of ICT
The first part of this section identifies what the teachers
thought were the benefits that ICT can bring to teaching
and learning, particularly in terms of pupils attainment.
These insights are drawn from a focus group conducted
with a selection of the teachers. This section also identifies
teachers and pupils current level of skill with ICT.
Advantages of ICT
The teachers considered that ICT can make an important
contribution to schools, helping the teaching and delivery
of the curriculum in a number of ways:
ICT can help teachers make the lesson more
ICT helps teachers explain things more clearly to learners.
ICT can be used in most curriculum subjects.
ICT encourages teachers to vary the ways in which
they organise pupils in their lessons, for example
computer partners, pairs, larger groups.
Teachers can prepare for relevant activities
beforehand; for example select suitable websites or
prepare a folder of images.
An important activity for the teacher is to prepare tasks
requiring pupils to demonstrate their knowledge.
Benefits for learning
Teachers reported that the use of ICT had many
benefits for learning. One theme which emerged strongly
was that pupils could control the learning process and
see the results of their actions and decisions. Other
specific examples of benefits arising from learning with
ICT included:
Pupils can change variables in mathematics and
investigate mathematical relationships interactively.
Simulations help pupils to distinguish and control
Pupils can change one variable at a time in a simulation.
Pupils can collect data and do an experiment on an
interactive whiteboard.
Using simulations challenges conceptual
Pupils can hypothesise and predict outcomes of
ICT enables pupils to learn how to explain things to
The teacher can focus on the more important task of
helping pupils in scientific thinking.
The use of interactive whiteboards helps the teacher
introduce the theory behind topics.
The use of ICT encourages pupils to reflect on their
own work.
ICT enables pupils to evaluate their own and others work.
Having to explain an activity to others requires
clarification in pupils own minds.
Pupils can access more knowledge during school time.
Level of support for internet searches
The teachers listed a range of activities which they
needed to complete when using ICT in lessons:
Making the learning activity relevant to the curriculum
and to pupils.
Preparing and planning ICT-based lessons, requiring
thinking in a logical sequence.
Teaching pupils to do multimedia presentations.
Assessing presentations for both content and
Reinforcing key concepts.
Bringing on understanding through posing challenging
In particular, it was felt that teachers may need to develop
greater expertise for activities such as modelling when
using spreadsheet software or other modelling software.
Level of support for internet searches
It was agreed that teachers needed to provide a structure
for pupils to focus their research when using the internet,
and that they need to consider the following points
relating to use of the internet:
The purpose of, and learning objectives for, using the
internet need to be considered.
Many sites have too advanced language for young
Sites which have more graphics help interpretation for
There is only a finite amount of time for pupils to
complete the task in a lesson or lessons.
Even at A-level, students can meander unproductively
when conducting research.
Some of these issues can be overcome by providing
pupils with a list of appropriate websites.
Pupils attainment
The teachers agreed that it can be difficult to distinguish the
effect of the technology from the effect of other activities
when trying to determine the impact of ICT on attainment.
Different forms of evidence, in addition to tests, can support
the claim that ICT helps to improve pupils attainment. This
evidence relating to the use of ICT includes:
Primary school pupils are able to write more coherently
about school visits.
Pupils are more engaged with learning.
Pupils are more critical and reflective, showing more
The activities are perceived by pupils to be more
relevant, so the knowledge being taught is more likely
to be retained.
Primary case studies key findings
The 10 case studies of primary teachers showed some
interesting examples of innovative uses of ICT in
primary classes.
Background of the schools
The schools varied in size and in the social backgrounds
of pupils as well as the types of ICT resources available.
One school had a pupil:computer ratio of 3:1 in a
classroom; at the other end of the range another had
only 23 computers in a classroom. Many of the teachers
had access to an electronic whiteboard which enabled
them to use ICT for whole-class teaching.
Teachers ICT skill and experience
Not all the teachers were experienced in all the aspects
of ICT that might be required in order to meet the
Teacher Training Agency requirements for newly qualified
teachers, and some teachers even said that they were
unfamiliar with basic aspects of ICT. However, they all
expressed confidence in using specific ICT resources in
their teaching, and believed it to be an important
resource for their pupils learning. Although they did not
use a wide variety of ICT applications, they were regular
users of some ICT resources.
Lessons using ICT
It is clear from the evidence reported here that primary
teachers focus on using specific ICT applications and
resources regularly in their teaching, rather than many
different applications. For example, one teacher used
presentation software with an electronic whiteboard with
most of her pupils, but never used spreadsheet or other
modelling software. Another teacher used word
processing, presentation software and interactive video
for literacy teaching, but only used spreadsheets once a
month. A similar pattern was repeated among all the
teachers reported here.
ICT and pedagogy
Many of the lessons were part of a longer programme of
activities, with pupils collaborating and preparing joint
work. Several of the teachers saw their role in the lessons
as facilitators and advisers rather than as leaders.
However, most of the teachers failed to note that their
planning of the lesson and scheme of work reflected a
leadership role in their pupils learning. Only when the
pupils were engaged in a particular ICT task did the
teachers actually move to a more facilitating role.
Practice using ICT
ICT had been incorporated in the practice of these
teachers in a wide range of ways. For some, it was
through a small enhancement of existing practices using
traditional methods, for example a few of the teachers
were using an electronic whiteboard instead of a
blackboard, which had the additional advantage that they
could save their notes for use later. For others, ICT had
fundamentally changed the way they taught their subject
and the tasks required of pupils; for example two
teachers in English and literacy encouraged pupils to film
drama presentations, conduct interviews, and then
present their work.
Evidence of pupils attainment and motivation
The different pedagogical practices resulted in different
ways of assessing pupils attainment. These varied from
assessing pupils final written products using literacy
tests, for example to assessing attainment through
pupils presentations. In the latter case, pupils
knowledge and attainment was measured through their
presentation, and through their oral and written skills.
Teachers reported increased pupil motivation in many
instances. Motivation is hard for teachers to measure, but
is clearly an area for further research.
Secondary school case studies key findings
Among the secondary school teachers there were some
similar practices to those of the primary teachers, but the
different distribution of ICT resources does appear to
affect their practices.
Selecting ICT resources
The case studies support the findings from the research
literature which show that the majority of teachers use the
ICT resources available, rather than take the initiative of
buying ones specifically relevant to their own subject.
This results in the teaching possibilities being controlled
by the ICT resources available. For example, many of the
teachers reported using electronic whiteboards which
were purchased for the school. Only a few teachers
reported using subject-specific software which linked
directly to the content and purpose of the curriculum.
Teachers knowledge of the potential of ICT
The knowledge that teachers had about the scope of ICT
resources was influenced by their own ICT competence.
For example, those teachers who professed not to have
significant experience in using spreadsheets tended to
focus on pupils using presentation software to promote
class discussion. In such instances the ICT activity
centred on presenting knowledge rather than exploring
new concepts and processes. As suggested by the
evidence from the literature review, this meant that in
some cases pupils learning concentrated on multimedia
skills rather than subject knowledge.
Confidence in using ICT
The research evidence shows that teachers ability to use
ICT in lessons is influenced by the confidence they have.
All the teachers in the case studies were confident users
of their chosen ICT devices and applications. However,
they were not necessarily confident in using a wider
range of ICT applications. Further, it could be that in
some cases when the teachers adopted a facilitator role
in relation to ICT, they were expressing a degree of lack
of confidence; they were in effect passing the leadership
role to the ICT.
Beyond the lesson
Despite the significance of this facilitating role with ICT, a
major part of pedagogy lies in the planning, preparation
and follow-up of lessons, in which teachers retain a
leadership role. None of the teachers in these case
studies would have been able to make such imaginative
use of ICT in their lessons without careful and
appropriate lesson preparation.
Listening to pupils
As with the primary school case studies, the secondary
school teachers reported that by having pupils collaborate
in pairs at computers, or through whole-class
discussions using an interactive whiteboard, they were
able to listen to pupils comments more often and in more
depth. For example, one teacher reported that pupils who
hardly ever spoke in class were motivated to discuss
work with their peers, and that he was able to learn
much more about what such pupils really understood.
The teachers emphasised the importance of getting
feedback from pupils through written work. For example,
one teacher collected printouts of pupils work at every
stage during the designing of their control programs.
This teacher suggested that this helped to make her
pupils thinking more visible.
Some ICT packages also enabled pupils to improve their
ability to explain specific processes more logically. One
teacher claimed that by getting pupils to produce a
presentation of a biology experiment, they were then
encouraged to provide better scientific explanations of
dynamic processes than when, as previously, they had
written up experiments by hand.
These and all the other examples in the case studies
provide additional evidence of the importance of
teachers knowing about the scope of ICT resources and
how they may affect pupils attainment.
ICT and pedagogy
In this review and in the companion report on ICT and
attainment (Cox and Abbott, 2004) there is extensive
evidence of ICT contributing to improved learning by
pupils. The benefits include: enabling pupils to challenge
their preconceptions; giving them the means of providing
more powerful explanations; helping them develop better
reasoning strategies; developing their confidence in their
ability to communicate their knowledge to others; helping
them achieve more autonomy in their learning; and
helping them relate their learning in a wider context.
However, all the evidence shows that these benefits are
dependent on the way in which the teacher selects and
organises the ICT resources, and how this use is
integrated into other activities in the classroom and
beyond. The crucial component remains the teacher and
their pedagogical approaches.
Examples of the specific uses of ICT most frequently
reported in the literature include:
Simulations and modelling in science and other
Modelling environments and other software in
Word-processing for language and literacy.
The internet to extend pupils subject knowledge.
Presentation software to develop pupils presentation
and literacy skills.
Interactive whiteboards to promote class discussions,
and pupils explanations and presentation skills.
Teachers pedagogical approaches are in turn affected
by a number of key factors.
First, they are affected by knowledge about their own
subject. There is a clear distinction between teachers
who choose ICT resources to fit within a particular topic
and those who choose resources merely to present
pupils work in a new way, without any direct application
to the topic. The evidence shows that when teachers use
their knowledge both of the subject and also of how
pupils understand the subject, their use of ICT has a
more direct effect on pupils attainment.
On the basis of the research evidence and the case
studies conducted for this study, there appear to be three
main approaches to ICT taken by teachers:
Integrated approach: planning the use of ICT within the
subject to enhance particular concepts and skills and
improve pupils attainment. This involves a careful and
considered review of the curriculum area, selecting the
appropriate ICT resource which will contribute to the
aims and objectives of the curriculum and scheme of
work, and then integrating that use in relevant lessons.
Enhancement approach: planning the use of an ICT
resource which will enhance the existing topic through
some aspect of the lessons and tasks. For example,
using an electronic whiteboard for presenting theory
about a topic. In this approach, the teacher plans to
complement the lesson with an innovative presentation
method to promote class discussion and the
visualisation of problems.
Complementary approach: using an ICT resource to
empower the pupils learning, for example by
enabling them to improve their class work by taking
notes on the computer, or by sending homework by
email to the teacher from home, or by word processing
their homework.
All three approaches can enhance attainment, but the
effects may be different. In the integrated approach, pupils
learning is enhanced because they are confronted with
challenges to their existing knowledge and given deeper
insights into the subject being studied. The enhancement
approach could improve pupils learning through
presenting knowledge in new ways, promoting debates
among pupils, and encouraging them to formulate their
own explanations. The complementary approach draws on
the approach that suggests that learning can be enhanced
by reducing the mundane and repetitive aspects of tasks
such as writing essays and homework by hand, freeing the
learner to focus on more challenging and subject-focused
tasks (see Kemmis et al., 1977).
These different types of use require the teacher to have an
extensive knowledge of ICT and to be able to fit its use
either into their existing pedagogy or to extend their
pedagogical knowledge so they can accommodate ICT
effectively in their teaching. Mayer-Smith (1998)
investigated the relationship between computers and views
of mathematics from both individual constructivist and
social constructivist perspectives. He argued that social
constructivists who believe that the learning context has a
large impact on the learner are more likely to take the
view that computers alter the way we do mathematics.
Individual constructivists people who believe that the
main outcomes are dependent on the individual learner
and not on the influences of the environment would be
more likely to say that computers change the mathematics
that we do. This means that some teachers would enhance
their mathematics teaching by using an electronic
whiteboard to demonstrate problems on the screen and
stimulate class discussion (the enhancement approach),
while other teachers would choose ICT modelling to extend
the mathematical models which pupils can construct and
investigate (the integrated approach).
Obviously, access to ICT resources is another key factor. The
majority of teachers use the ICT resources available rather
than take the initiative of buying ones relevant to their own
subject. This can result in pedagogy being determined by
ICT resources rather than by the teacher and the subject. For
example, many teachers report using electronic whiteboards
which were purchased for the whole school. Only a few
teachers report using subject-specific software which links
directly to the content of the curriculum. It may be that many
teachers accept the uses of ICT imposed on them by senior
management. This also influences the research that is
carried out. Naturalistic studies that is, those studies that
investigate how teachers use their existing ICT resources
are often only able to focus on a limited range of uses. This
has meant that many researchers have had to introduce
specific ICT resources into a school in order to study the
effects of ICT use, which can influence teachers attitude to
and uptake of the resource.
In spite of teachers often being limited by the ICT
resources available to them, there are many examples in
the research literature of teachers having a good
understanding of a particular resource. This can be
influenced by the way in which ICT relates to their
subject. Science teachers report that their main use of
ICT is for simulations and modelling, whereas English
teachers tend to use word-processing and presentation
software. These teachers use of ICT may be quite
regular, but only rarely includes the use of other
applications which they are less familiar with. It is clear
that teachers confidence affects which applications they
use, even among those teachers who gained a degree of
confidence using one or two familiar applications.
This lack of confidence may result in some teachers
adopting the role of facilitator, when the research evidence
suggests that the role of the teacher in organising
classroom activities remains crucial. One example
concerns the benefits of collaboration between pupils.
Pupils using ICT in pairs, in groups or as a whole class,
through the use of an interactive whiteboard, can provide
explanations of topics, which enables teachers to monitor
their progress. Although such work takes place without the
use of ICT through, for example, group work in primary
schools and laboratory work in secondary schools, there
are many reports of pupils understanding being improved
through them having to make their explanations explicit
and by sharing them with others. There is also evidence,
however, from a number of studies, which shows that if
pupils are put in pairs or groups but their learning tasks
are not planned on this basis, then no additional benefit
for pupils attainment is achieved.
If ICT is to have a positive effect on pupils attainment, then
the technology should support the underlying instructional
approaches. The effective use of ICT should not mean the
absence of organised structure; rather, effective use relies
on structure in order that pupils can develop their own
meaningful representations of knowledge using ICT.
The overall conclusion from the research literature is that
ICT is used effectively and has an impact on learning
where teachers are able to appreciate that interactivity
requires a new approach to pedagogy. Teachers need to
employ proactive and responsive strategies in order to
support, guide and facilitate learning. They need to monitor
progress and maintain a focus on subject learning, by
structuring activities carefully and providing focused tasks.
It may be that there is a fundamental misunderstanding
held by many teachers and teacher trainers teachers who
have insufficient knowledge of the contribution which ICT
can make to pupils learning can assume that the main
tasks are to familiarise themselves with the software,
prepare a worksheet for pupils to show how to operate the
program, and then use the program in their lesson. But a
major part of effective use of ICT lies in the planning,
preparation and follow-up of lessons, and in particular the
pedagogical thinking that links teaching style, the selection
of resources, the activities and the learning objectives.
It is clear from this research that in order for the majority
of teachers to extend their range of uses of ICT
substantially, they need significant time to develop their
pedagogy as well as their ICT skills. Given the limitations
on resources and the demands on teachers time, this
may be difficult to achieve in the foreseeable future. An
alternative approach might be to encourage teachers to
focus only on those ICT resources which are most
relevant to them and their subject. 34
ICT and pedagogy
Priorities for the future
Although it is clear from this study that there is now a
substantial body of research into the use of ICT in
education, there is much research still to be done to map
the specific relationships between teachers use of ICT
and the effects on pupils attainment.
There are some broad principles for future research.
First, in order to evaluate the relevance of the lesson
activity to the subject being taught, researchers should
have relevant subject knowledge. Secondly, researchers
need extensive knowledge of the ICT resources being
used in order to develop measures of the learning which
might be promoted by the resource.
Many researchers have measured teachers pedagogical
practices by observing and recording lessons in which
ICT is used, in order to identify the actions of the teacher
and the teaching strategies which they adopt in their
lessons. However, some studies have used this approach
without capturing the pedagogical reasoning behind the
teachers practices, or recording the preparation and
planning prior to the lesson, so weakening the chain of
evidence between pedagogy and attainment. It is also
useful for researchers to collect related materials such as
lesson plans and pupils work for this purpose. More
generally, future research must recognise that teachers
and pupils work within very specific contexts (subject,
topic, learning objectives); the influence of this context
needs to be appreciated.
One aspect of this context which has been neglected is
the influence on their colleagues of teachers who are
more experienced in using ICT, in terms of pedagogical
reasoning and practice. In addition, while there have
been many studies investigating the effects of teacher
training on the uptake of ICT by teachers, little is known
about the relationship between their experiences within
professional development and their subsequent
pedagogies when using ICT. Another aspect, which is
often left out of comparative research studies, is the
collection of data from classes with the same or different
teachers who are not using ICT. This would help better
identify the forms of pedagogy specific to ICT, or rather
particular forms of ICT.
Further, teachers pedagogical practices with ICT can
vary over time with the class of pupils they are teaching
(as shown in the first ImpacT study (Watson, 1993)), both
as a result of learning more about the ICT resource and
their pupils skills, and also because some topics in the
syllabus are more suitable for using ICT than others. As a
result, researchers who have observed the same
teachers over a longer period have been able to obtain a
more comprehensive picture of their pedagogical
practices than those who only observe one or two
lessons. Yet research over long periods has been
relatively rare. For this reason, and to understand the
longer-term impact of ICT on classroom practice, more
evaluations covering two to three years are required.
The most important guiding factor is to match the
methods to the research aims. In the case of ICT and
attainment this means the factors shown in Figure 3.5.
Comparing the evidence of teachers using ICT in schools
20 years ago with that available today, it shows that there
is a steady growth of innovative and experienced teachers
able to use ICT to improve their pupils attainment. What
is needed now is a way of helping more teachers and
pupils benefit from these opportunities and experiences.
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ICT and pedagogy
The ICT in Schools programme is central to the
Governments ongoing programme of school reforms.
Fulfilling the Potential, launched by the Secretary of State for
Education and Skills in May 2003, outlines future directions
for ICT as an enabler in whole school development and
teaching and learning. Copies of Fulfilling the Potential are
available on www.dfes.gov.uk/ictinschools. Research and
evaluation is being undertaken using a variety of
techniques, both qualitative and quantitative, and at both
national and local level.
Below you can find a list of the reports published so far
in the ICT in Schools Research and Evaluation series,
produced by Becta for the Department for Education and
Skills (DfES).
All of the reports in the series can be found on the Becta
Research web site at www.becta.org.uk/research and
can be ordered from the DfES publication order line
(0845 60 222 60).
1. ImpaCT2 Emerging Findings
(DfES/0812/2001, Becta 2001)
2. NGfL Pathfinders Preliminary Report on the roll-out
of the NGfL Programme in ten Pathfinder LEAs
(DfES/0813/2001, Becta 2001)
3. Computers for Teachers Evaluation of Phase 1:
Survey of Recipients (ISBN 1 84185 656 8, Becta 2001)
4 Using ICT to Enhance Home School Links
(ISBN 1 84185 655 X, Becta 2002)
5. Young People and ICT (DfES/0250/2002, Becta 2002)
6. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): A Review of the
Literature (website only)
7. ImpaCT2 The Impact of Information and
Communication Technology on Pupil Learning and
Attainment (DfES/0696/2002, Becta 2002)
8. ImpaCT2 Learning at Home and School: Case Studies
(DfES/0741/2002, Becta 2002)
9. ImpaCT2 Pupils and Teachers Perceptions of ICT
in the Home, School and Community
(DfES/0742/2002, Becta 2002)
10. NGfL Pathfinders - Second Report on the roll-out of
the NGfL Programme in ten Pathfinder LEAs
(DfES/0743/2002, Becta 2002)
11. NGfL Pathfinders - Final Report on the roll-out of the
NGfL Programme in ten Pathfinder LEAs
(DfES/0781/2002, Becta 2003)
12. Young People and ICT Findings from a survey
conducted Autumn 2002 (DfES/0789/2002, Becta 2003)
13. Computers for Teachers An evaluation of Phase 2:
survey of recipients (DfES/0782/2002, Becta 2003)
14. Computers for Teachers A qualitative Evaluation of
Phase 1 (DfES/0327/2003, Becta 2003)
15. Evaluation of Curriculum Online: Report of the
baseline survey of schools (website only)
16. ICT Research Bursaries: a compendium of research
reports (DfES/0791/2003, Becta 2003)
17. ICT and Attainment: a review of the research literature
(DfES/0792/2003, Becta 2003)
18. ICT and Pedagogy: a review of the research literature
(DfES/0793/2003, Becta 2003)
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ICT and pedagogy