Lesson 1, 4th Quarter CL2 0809

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Don Bosco Technical College High School Department School Year 2008 - 2009 Subject: Values Education


4th Quarter

Date : January

, 2009

1. 1. Differentiate signs from symbols; 2. Identify different kinds of symbols; 3. Define sacraments as efficacious signs of Gods presence in our lives; 4. Discuss the sacraments of Christian Initiation focusing on the sacrament of Baptism and its effects; Rom 6, 3-4 Participation in the Paschal Mystery Acts 2,1-13 The Pentecost Event Acts 2, 37-38 The Importance of Baptism Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist

Class Routines Set Induction: Identification of Road Signs a) What road signs/traffic signs do you know? (ask several students to draw it to the board and explain their meaning ) b) What do you think are the purposes of these signs? c) How do these signs communicate a message/reality? d) What is the difference of signs from symbols? e) What are the kinds of symbols? Meeting 1 1 hour EVALUATION: CONVICTION Make their personalized baptismal certificate. Explain the importance of their name, their baptism, and their being a member of the Catholic Church. COMMITMENT Commit themselves to be witnesses and sacraments of Christ to others by drafting their own plan of action for the week.



Synopsis: Signs are anything that represent something outside of itself, while symbols make what they represent present, though in partiality. Symbols can be accidental, conventional, or universal. (Examples of different kinds of symbols will be given.)

CFC 1591 Sacraments and 5. Commit themselves to Christ as members of the Church; 6. Thank God for the gift of divine life and the fruits of the Holy spirit. CCC 1257 - Importance of Baptism CFC 1601-1615 Effects of Baptism CCC 1212 Sacraments of Christian initiation Human Development

LINKAGE: We use symbols to communicate and to make present Our thoughts and feelings toward something or someone. God made use of symbols to make his love available for us, these sacred actions we call sacraments.

CELEBRATION Participate actively in the level Mass as manifestation of their thanksgiving as members of the Church.

Class Routines 3. VALUES : SOLIDARITY WITH THE CHURCH Focus: Participation in the Church liturgical celebrations Proclamation of the Word Acts 2, 37-38 The Importance of Baptism LESSON PROPER: short review of previous lesson Meeting 2 1 hour

Hearing this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'What are we to do, brothers? ''You must repent,' Peter answered, 'and every one of you must be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Rom 6, 3-4 Participation in the Paschal Mystery

you, brothers, must select from among yourselves seven men of good reputation, filled with the Spirit and with wisdom, to whom we can hand over this duty. We ourselves will continue to devote ourselves to prayer and to the service of the word.
B) Church Teaching: WORSHIP: By receiving the sacraments of Christian initiation, we share in the divine life that Jesus endowed to the Church and her members. CFC 1644 Through the grace of Baptism, the recipient is forgiven from ones original sin, becomes an adopted child of God, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy spirit. CCC 1279 DOCTRINE: In baptism, one is born into Christ and participates in the life of God. Moreover, every person needs to be baptized as requirement for salvation. CCC 1257

MORALS: As a member of the Church, a baptized share in the three-fold mission of Christ as priest, prophet and king. As such, every Christian is challenge to be an instrument of faith for others by their words and actions.

Mr. Leonilo B. Capulso Name of Teacher

December , 2008 Date Submitted

__________________ Checked by: SAC/SH

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