Publication1OLC Newsletter V1I3
Publication1OLC Newsletter V1I3
Publication1OLC Newsletter V1I3
Volume 1, Issue 3
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Say No to Monsan- planted in April for distribution at Walmart stores. tos GE Sweet Corn!
Individual Actions 1. 2. Print tool kit. Click here. Sign petition and deliver this list (scroll to bottom) to Walmart managers (Lohman store: Curtis Rosemond, Valley store: Anthony Martinez) Pass out flyers, tell your family & friends. Continued on page 2
lead and 5 participate in the Inside Story individual actins listed. 6 They can be performed throughout this week.
ALEC Corrections Corporations + Lobbying for Tougher Laws = Profit at the expense of detainees and Tax payers
5. 6.
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Join a protest at Walmart on Valley Dr. on Saturday March 24th from 911 am.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-Because I was not a Jew.
Tell Eric Holder: Release secret memos authorizing assassination of Americans without judicial review
Not even the Bush Administration had the audacity to publicly and explicitly assert the right to execute Americans citizens without judicial review. But in a speech at Northwestern University this week, Attorney General Eric Holder offered a detailed defense of the Obama Administrations unprecedented step of authorizing targeted executions of American citizens through a secretive CIA assassination program. It is unacceptable and unconstitutional for the executive branch of the U.S. government to secretly kill American citizens abroad without due process that includes impartial judicial review. More here. Democracy Now!
Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.
Due process and judicial process are not one and the same.
Martin Niemller
along the U.S./ Mexico border, with frequent calls by politicians to construct more. Much of this fencing has been built through remote areas that are important wildlife habitats. SWEC Executive Director Kevin Bixby will discuss the history, cost, ecological impacts and further of security fencing along the U.S. southern border. The talk is part of the Southwest Environmental Centers
monthly lecture series looking at conservation issues in the southwest. For more information call 575-522-5552 or visit
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Mission Statement We are the 99%, a coalition of concerned citizens advocating for legal, eco-
nomic, political, and environmental justice and social equality. We strive for the 100% to enjoy abundance, fair representation, harmony, and well being.
Contact Information
Jason Burke Phone: 575-915-2766 E-mail [email protected] Facebook: Occupy Las Cruces (Official) Website