E.E Cummings
E.E Cummings
E.E Cummings
The visual dispersion of schema used in “she being Brand” and “in
Just” is one of Cummings must original stylistic features that
impacts the thematic concerns involved. The majority of his work
includes original visual dispersion with poems such as “i carry your
heart” being exceptions to this due to the fact that Cummings’ life
whilst writing “i carry your heart” had a sense of stability due to
meeting to his third and final partner hence the more traditional
form and outlook on life. The schema used throughout “in Just”
controls the rhythm of the poem and enhances the nursery rhyme
qualities, which alludes to the surface innocence of the poem and is
indicative of the limited linguistic knowledge of children. The
transitional and staggered dispersion in the line “the goat-footed
balloonman whistles…” is a direct association to chaos and
commotion through the symbolism of Pan the satyr, which contrasts
the simplistic and naïve life of a child and reflects the transition
from innocence to sexual deviancy, depicted by the balloonman
drawing the children away from their sexually separate world’s into
“anyone lives in a pretty how town”, “in Just” and “she being Brand”
are characteristic of quintessential Cummings, through the use of
visual dispersion, unorthodox punctuation, refrains, parenthesis and
traditional figurative language and thematic concerns that
emphasise Cummings’ commentary on aspects of human nature
such as materialism, sexual deviancy and the transition from
childhood to adulthood. Cummings’ individualistic style is reflected
in all of his work, and he reinforces his belief that life should not be
influenced by society’s expectations and the cyclical and
conventional routine that the majority of us succumb to but rather
by our individual values and attitudes. Although Cummings deals
with universal themes in all of his work, he remains individualistic
and entirely original due to his ability to capture his audience’s
attention and make them search for reason and understanding in his
highly satirical but utterly truthful poetry which provides a brand
new outlook on humanity.