Lifting Notes
Lifting Notes
Lifting Notes
Print off the up-coming week and look at each individual exercise Familiarize yourself with each exercise and make sure you are able to perform that exercise with good technique If you are unfamiliar with an exercise refer to the lifting technique page with pictures and explanations If you are still unfamiliar with the exercises please contact the Strength and Conditioning Staff ([email protected])
Warm Up- Full body warm lasting at least three minutes, for example:
Be Continuous 30 Jumping Jacks, 10 Waiters Bows, 10 Squats, 20 seconds running in place 15 seconds high knees, 5 push ups (Go through cycle three times)
Pre-Hab Exercises Use 2.5lbs for Cuban press and Shoulder Combo (perform before you start lift, but after warm up) OH Squat- Use light bar 20lbs or less
If PLAYER A has 190lbs on his sheet for his last 3 sets of 10 but only gets 6 reps on his first set then he needs to go down 10 lbs (to 180) so he can complete all the sets and reps. Since he subtracted 10 lbs. from that day, next week when he benches, he needs to subtract 10lbs from that weight so he is able to complete all the reps. Same goes if a weight is too light, if PLAYER A has 215 lbs, for bench press, for 3 sets of 4 reps and on his last set gets the 4th rep very easy then he needs to increase the weight around 10 lbs. and next time he benches he needs to increase the weight by 10lbs so he uses a weight that will challenge him, which will produce results. This goes for all exercises, make adjustments so that you are challenging your body to become stronger (= better performance.)
Rest time Squat, Bench, Power Shurgs (and their variations)Keep the rest time at 1:30-4:00 minutes on the last three sets
As the weight increase each week you NEED to take more rest time to get all your sets For exercises after squat, bench, and power shrugs take 1:30 rest between each set and 1:00 rest between each exercise