Arnold 101

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The passage discusses various training techniques for shocking muscles including forced reps, partial reps, negative reps, and training super heavy once a week.

Training techniques discussed include forced reps, partial reps, negative reps, and training super heavy once a week. It also discusses rest/pause training and cheating reps.

Ketosis is caused by eating too few carbs and can be tested for using ketone strips which change color in urine. It should be avoided but some bodybuilders like it for the appetite suppression and fat loss effects.

Page 173

FIRST SET: a warm-up set with a lighter weight; 15 repetitions or slightly

SECOND SET: Add weight so that the muscles fail at about 10 to 12
THIRD SET: Add more weight to bring the failure point down to 8 to 10
FOURTH SET: For maximum strength, add enough weight so your
muscles fail after only 6 repetitions (power set).
OPTIONAL FIFTH SET: Use the same weight, ty to get another 6 reps; get some help
from a training partner if necessary to complete the set (forced reps).

Training this way gives you the best of all possible worlds: You start out relatively light,
which gives your muscles time to fully warm up for that particular exercise; you go on
to do slightly fewer reps with a heavier weight, which forces lots of blood into your
muscles and gives you a great pump; and finally, you add more weight so that you are
training relatively heavy for power and strength.

Page 240 Arnold Training LvL 1

Page 222
Shocking Principles
One way I introduced radical change into my workout was
by training superheavy one day each week, typicaJly on Friday. We'd overload
the weights on a couple of sets of each exercise to really train for
power, then take Saturday off to recover from the soreness. Check out the
power training photos of Behind-the- eck Presses (page 273), Dumbbell
Presses (page 274), and Incline Dumbbell Presses (page 329) for some
good examples.

Forced Reps
Rest/Pause Training.
You use a fairly heavy weight and go to
failure in the set. Then you stop, let the weight hang for just a few seconds,
and then fo rce out an extra rep. Again, rest only a few seconds before forcing
out another. This method depends on the fast initial recove1y that
muscles make from exe rcise, and you can use this recovery to fo rce out
several extra reps. If you rest too long, however, too many of the tired
Rbe rs recover and you end up using them again instead of stimulating new
Rher. For ultimate rest/pause forced reps, you can put the weight down for
a mome nt, pick it up again, and force out additional reps. For exe rcises
like Chin-Ups, you can do ~~our reps, let go of the bar, rest n"lomentcuily,
and then attempt to fo rce out some more.

Partial Reps
Continuing to do partial reps when you are too tired to complete fullrange-
of-motion repetitions is a shock method I have always used for almost
any muscle in the body, and it is a particular favorite of Dorian Yates.
Dmian has done a lot of training where he forced his muscles past the
point of momentary f~lih11e to almost total exhaustion, using technic1ues
like forced reps and partial reps. Pcutial reps are most effective at the end
of a sel, when you are almost exhausted. For example, if you were doing
Preacher Curls, you would have your workout partner help you li ft the
weight and then you would lower it a few degrees and then lift it as much
as possible. e,en if only a few inches; then lower it some more and do
some pa1iial reps from that position, repeating this on the way down until
your muscles are burning and exhausted.

Negative Repetitions
Whenever you lift a weight using the contractile force of your muscles you
perform what is defined as a positive movement; when you lower the
weight, extending the working muscle, you perform negative movement.
Negative repetitions actually put more stress on the tendons ancl supportive
structures than on the muscles themselves. Thjs is beneficial because
you want tendon strength to increase along with muscular strength. To get
the full benefit of negatives in your normal workouts, always lower the
weights slowly and under control, rather than letting them drop. To work
harder at negatives, first tly cheating a weight up that would othe1wise be
too heavy to lift strictly and then lower it slowly and deliberately (see The
Cheating Method, below). Your muscles can lower a weight under control
that they could not actually lift in tl1e first place. At tl1e end of a set,
when your muscles are very tired, you can have your workout partner give
you a little assistance in lifting the weight, and then do stiict negatives on
your own.

Forced Negatives
To develop even more intensity in negative repetitions, have your workout
pattner press down on the weight as you lovver it, forcing you to cope with
greater resistance. This should always be done carefully and smoothly so
tl1at the muscles and tendons are not subjected to any sudden jerks.
Forced negatives are more easily done with machines or cables than witl1
free weights.

The Cheating Method

It is a method in which you deliberately
use otl1er muscles or muscle groups to work in cooperation with the target
muscles. Tlus is not something you should do all tl1e time, but it is ve1y
useful for achieving certain specific goals.
Say you are doing a heavy Barbell Curl. You curl tl1e weight up five or
six times, and tl1en find you are too tired to continue to do strict reps. At
tlus point you begin to use your shoulders and back to help in tl1e lift
slightly so that you can do anotl1er 4 or 5 reps. But you cheat just enough
so that you can continue the set, and your biceps continue to work as bard
as they can. By cheating, you have forced the biceps to do more reps tl1an
they could have done without the help from the other muscles, so you
havee put more stress on them, not less.
Cheating is used to make the exercise harder, not easier. It is also a
way of doing forced reps without the help of a training partner. But to
make cheat reps work, you have to concentrate on making sure that the
extra effort being applied by the other muscles is enough and not too
much, so that the target muscles are still being forced to contract to
the max.

Heavy-Duty Method
Ileavy-Duty Training is a name applied to diffe rent approaches to working
out. For some, it invokes a lot of extended sets-that is, following your
regular repe titions with fo rced reps, negatives, fo rced negatives, and partial
reps to exhaustion. I always used the term to mean going right to the
heaviest weight you can handle (after warming up) rather than pyramiding
up-that is, gradually increasing weight and decreasing reps. So if J
c.;ould do strict Dumbbell Cmls with, say, 65 pounds, rather than slowly
working up to that weight I would do two light warm-up sets and then immediately
pick 11p the 65-pound dumbbe lls and do rny normal amount of
reps and sets with that heavy poundage, forcing my biceps to work to their
maximum from beginning to end. The key to this kind of training is not to
use a weight too heavy for you to do your normal amount of sets and
reps-say 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps. If you can do only 6 or 7 reps, the weight
is too heavv .

Power Training Principle

Staggered Sets
Stagge red Sets imolve doing a number of sets of a body part you want to
train wi th increased intensity in be tween other exercises throughout your
workout. For example, when I decided I need extra effort on my calf training,
I would come into the gym, do a Few sets of calves:, then go do Bench Presses, then a few more sets
of calves, then Incline Dumbbell Presses, back to calves for a few sets, and by the end of the
workout 1 had done 25 sets or more for calves-really giving them a workout. The next few days
I would do my normal calf workout and then train with Staggered Sets again to really bomb and
blast them.
The Priority Principle
You can schedule a specific body part so that you train it immediately
after a rest day, when you are fresh, recuperated, and strong.
You can schedule a body part workout at the beginning of your
training session rather than later, when you are more fatigued.
You can choose exercise specifically designed to achieve the kind of
development you are looking for (size, shape, definition, separation,
You can work on improving your basic training technique to increase
the efficiency and effectiveness of your workouts.
You can change your training program so that you include ext ra intensi~
1' training for any lagging body part, such as making use of a
variety of Intensity Techniques.

Supersets are two exercises performed in a row without stopping. For extra
intensity, you can even do three sets in a row without stopping (hisets).
Actually, there are two ways you can use supe rsets: (1) You can do
two exercises in a row for the same body part (such as Cable Hawing and
Cable Pulldowns); or (2) you can train two diffe re nt body parts (Bench
Presses followed by Chins, for example). Snpe rsetting within the same
muscle group allows you to hammer away at that area and give it an ultimate
pounding. You will be surprised how a muscle that seems to be totally
fatigued will still have a lot of strength remaining if you demand that
it perform a slightly different movement. To do this, however, you need
to start with the most difficult tnO\'ement and then go to one that is less
de mancling-Bent-O,er Rows followed by Seated Cable Rows, for example.
Supe rsetting two c.lifferent body parts, such as chest and hack (one of
my fa\'O ritC's ) or biceps and tiiceps, allows one muscle group to rest while
you are working the other, allowing you to exercise on a continuous basis,
which is great for cardiovascular conditioning. Personally, I have always
liked to use superscts to train opposing muscle groups because of the
tremendous pump you get, which can make you feel you have the body
of King Kong.

The Stripping Method

The Stripping Method means you reduce the weight you are using as you
begin to f~lil at the end of a set so that you can continue on and do more
T don't recommend going too low, however,
unless you are training for maximum definition, because yon won't grow
by handling weights that are too light. Many bodybuilders use this principle
in a different way by working their way down a dumbbell rack as they
do more sets of an exercise and get more and more tired.
A variation of this method is called Hunning the Rack, in which you
do your set with one weight, go to failure, put the weight down and go to
the next lightest in line, go to failure, and continue this process to exhaustion.

The Isotension Principle

During your one-minute rest period between sets, don't just sit around
watching your training partner do his set. Continue to flex and contract
the muscles you are training. This not only keeps them pumped and
ready for more action. but is in itself a very beneficial kind of exercise as
well. Flexing is a form of isome tric exerdse, and isometJics (although
they do not usually apply to bodybuilding because they do not work your
muscles through their entire range of motion) involve ve1y intense musc:
le contractions.

Forced Reps
you leam to perceive and understand your body's individual responses to training and vary your
workouts accordingly.
he would abandon his normal workout and do something entirely different:
15 sets of Bench Presses, for example; fewer, very heavy sets or a lot
of sets done rapidly. I learned from Dave that the body has its own
rhythms, that it is different from day to day

Forced Reps
But some muscles are
bigger than others and, when used in combination with smaller ones, will
still have unused fiber available when the smaller muscles are totally exhausted.
The pectorals are by far the
strongest of these muscles, and normally, when you press the weight up,
the smaller delts and triceps fail long before the pectorals. To compensate
for this, you can do Dumbbell Flys first, which isolate and pre-exhaust the
pectorals. Then if you go on to do Bench Presses, the pectorals, which are
already tired, will go to total fatigue at about the same time as the other

I Go/You Go
In this method for increasing your training intensity and shocking your
muscl es, you and your training partner finish a set and immediately hand
over the weight to the other, never putting the weight down, each one going
in turn.

The Flushing Method

The Flushing Method involves holding a (relatively light) weight steady at
various points along the path of the exercise, forcing the muscle to maintain
a constant contraction for extended periods. For example, after I have
done as many Dumbbe ll Laterals as possible I hold my arms locked out by
my sides and then lift them about 5 inches away from my thighs, feeling
the deltoids te nse and Acx. I hold this position for about 10 seconds as the
burn accompanying the buildup or lactic acid gets stronger and stronger.
This tension applied at the end of an exercise causes an enormous increase
in muscle separation. and can be done for many muscles in the body: for
lats, hanging from the chi nning bar and lifting the body only a few inches;
doing Cable Crossovers, holding yom hands crossed with chest fully conb
acted, flushing blood into the pectorals; holding a Curl steady, at ,arious
angles of the total arc; or locking your legs out in a Leg Extension and
holding as long as you can.

Multi-exercise Sets
To shock the body, instead of doing 5 or 6 sets of a specific exercise for a
body patt, you do your sets using a different exercise for that body part
each time. lulti-exercise sets are not done as supersets; you do them one
at a time and rest in between, but you do only one set of each exercise and
then go on to another. For example, you might do one set of Barbell Curls.
rest for a minute, then do a set of Dumbbe ll Curls, Cable Curls, Incline
Curls, and so on down the line until :ou have fully exhausted the biceps.
The idea he re is to make the stress of each set slightly diffe re nt, attacking
the body pa1t fTOm eve1y possible angle to ensure that the entire muscle
is trained and pro,iding a shock that will force the m<:Lximum amount of
response from the body.

The One-and-a-Half Method

Another wa)' to \'ary the stress you put on your muscles in any set is to do
a comple te rep of a mo,ement, followed b; a half rep and then altemating
full and half reps until the set is finished. When you do this, make sure
that the half rep is ve1y slow and vet} strict. Hold the weight mome ntarily
at the extreme point of the movement, then lowt:r it slowly, totally under

The Platoon System (21s)

This system is more elaborate than one-and-a-halves because you do a series
of half reps in the lower range of motion, a series of half reps in the
upper range of motion, and then a series of ful l reps. You can use any number
of reps-] always did 10-10-10-as long as you do the same number
for each of your half reps and full reps. Traditionally, many bodybuilders
have used 7 reps-hence the name 2ls: 3 x 7.

Progressive Workload
1\'obody can go all out eveJ)' workout. Using this training system, you plan
your th ree-times-a-week body pa rt sessions so that the first is intense, with
re lati vely high reps and sets, but you don't use the heaviest weights possible.
You increase the weight for the second sess ion, but still stay short of
going all out. For )'Our third workout, howeYe r, you go ,ery hemy, keeping
your reps down to 4 to 6 maximum per set. By gradually building up
each workout eluting the week, you prepare your body to handle the shock
of' ,ery heavy weight.

Ballistic Training

Ballistic Training refers to a technique in which you drive a weight up, or

explode it (but in a smooth and controlled manner), rather than lifting it
at a constant speed. This is done with relatively heavy poundages, so the
weight doesn't really move all that fast.
Ballistic Training should be clone primarily \vith exercises that use a lot
of big muscles-for example, Bench Presses, Shoulder Presses, and
Squats. You should use a weight you can normally do about 10 reps "vith.
Since an accelerated weight is heavier, you'll find you can do only about 7
reps with the same weight when using the ballistic me thod. Also, ballistic
reps require a slightly different type of technique than do normal,
constant-speed repetitions:
1. Lower the weight normally, using constant speed. Pause at the bottom,
then dri,-e the weight up, accelerating it smoothly throughout the
range of mot ion.
2. Continue the set not to the point of absolute failure, but to failure
of power. That is, when you can't accelerate the weight anymore, and can
only li ft it slowly, you have fini shed the set. When doing ballistic reps,
the re is no point in going past this point.
3. Get plenty of' rest between sets, from one to 2 minutes. White, Casttwitch
fiber takes longer to recuperate than does red fiber and this is the
type of muscle you are focusing on with ballistic sets.
Barbell Bench Presses (Supino Reto) 4 sets: 1 set of 15 rep warm-up; sets of 10, 8, 6, 4
reps stripping last two sets
Barbell Incline Bench Press (Supino Inclinado 45) 4 sets: same formula as Bench Presses
Eve1y third workout, substitute Dumbbell Presses
and Incline Dumbbell Presses for barbell exercises.
Dumbbell Flys ( 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 reps
Crossover 3 sets of 15, 10, 8 reps
Pullovers 3 sets of 15 reps each

Chin-Ups (Barra) 4 sets: 10 reps minimum each set
Use a dumbbell fastened around your waist for
greater resistance; do chins to the rear one workout,
to the front the next.
Close-Grip Chins (Barra pegada fechada) 4 sets of 10 reps each
T-Bar Rows 4 sets of 15, 12, 8, 6 reps
Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps

Crunches 3 sets of 25 reps
Bent-Over Twists I 00 reps each side
Machine Crunches 3 sets of 25 reps
Crunches 50 reps

Behind-the-Neck Barbell Presses 5 sets of 15 rep warm-up, 10, 8, 8, 6 reps
Lateral Raises 4 sets of 8 reps each
Bent-Over Dumbbell Laterals 4 sets of 8 reps each
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 sets of 10 reps each
Upper Arms
Standing Barbell Curls 5 sets of 15, l 0, 8, 6, 4 reps
Incline Dumbbell Curls 4 sets of 8 reps each
Concentration Curls 3 sets of' 8 reps each
Lying Triceps Extensions 4 sets of 15, l 0, 8, 6 reps
Triceps Cable Pressd0\\11S 3 sets of 8 reps each
One-Ann Triceps Extensions
3 sets of 10 reps each
Barbell Wrist Curls 4 sets of 10 reps each
Reverse \ Wrist Curls .3 sets of 10 reps each

Reverse Crunches 4 sets of 25 reps
Seated Twists 100 reps each side
Vertical Bench Crunches 4 sets of 25 reps

Squats 5 sets of 20 rep warm-up: 10, 8, 6. 4 reps
Front Squats 4 sets of 10, 8, 8, 6 reps
Leg Curls 4 sets of 20, 10, 8, 6 reps
Standing Leg Curls 4 sets of 10 reps each
Straight-Leg Deadlifts 3 sets of 10 reps each

Donkey Calf Raises 4 sets of 10 reps each
Standing Calf Raises 4 sets of 15, 10, 8, 8 reps

Crunches 3 sets of 25 reps
Bent-Over Twists I 00 reps each side
Machine Crunches 3 sets of 25 reps
Crunches 50 reps

Pre-workout, hypertrophy:
68-90 kgs. LBM: 50g carbs, 25g protein
90-114 kgs. LBM: 60g carbs, 30g protein
114+ kgs. LBM: 70g carbs, 35g protein

Post-workout, fat loss:

68-90 kgs. LBM: 40g protein, 15g glutamine, 5g creatine
90-114 kgs. LBM: 50g protein, 20g glutamine, 8g creatine
114+ kgs. LBM: 60g protein, 25g glutamine, 10g creatine

Post-workout, hypertrophy:
68-90 kgs. LBM: 50g carbs, 25g protein, 5g creatine
90-114 kgs. LBM: 60g carbs, 30g protein, 8g creatine
114+ kgs. LBM: 70g carbs, 35g protein, 10g creatine

Muscle revoluition interesting stuff

Pg115 diet stuff, ratio of the macro
To gain weight start with 50/30/20, then go measuring waist and BF. If the
waist increase in more than 0.5cm go to 33/33/33 ratio.
Goal: Hypertrophy (weight gain)
LBM x 16 = daily caloric intake Example: 160 x 16 = 2560 calories/day

Fish Oil Recommendations (per day):

150-200 lbs. LBM:8g

BCAAs for hypertrophy (per day):

150-200 lbs. LBM: 16g (4g taken 4 times per day between meals).


Poro de 25g (2 colheres)

Quantidade por poro %VD*
Valor energtico 92kcal=385kj 5
Carboidratos 23g 8

*% Valores Dirios de referncia com base em uma dieta

de 2000kcal ou 8400kj.Seus Valores dirios podem ser
maiores ou menores dependendo de suas necessidades
energticas. **Valor dirio no estabelecido.

Ke tosis is caused by eating too little carbohydrate. Though this condition
should be avoided (see page 728), a lot of bodybuilde rs like the ketosis diet
anyway. Since it le ts you eat botl1 a lot of protein and fat, being in ke tosis
tends to reduce your feelings of hunger. Carbohydrate deprivation also
causes dehydration, and it is easy to con fuse the loss of water weight with
loss of body fat.
When you are limiting your carbohydrate intake, you can test for ketosis
by obtaining some Ketostix at virtually any pharmacy. When these
test strips are passed through your urine they turn red to pU!ple if you are
in ke tosis; the color indicates the depth of your de toge nic state. As long as
the test strips show no indication of ketosis, you are not depriving yourself
of carbohydrates. As soon as you see any sign of a color change you \vill
know that your body lacks the glycogen it re yuires and that you need to increase
your carbohydrate intake. This is the bottom line: Cut back your
carbohydrates as far as you want as long as the Ketosti:r don't change color
When they do, increase your carbs.

Livro Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscles

Pgina 88 sobre como reagir a mudanas no peso e estratgias para lidar com elas

8:30 -
200gr de batata doce +
2 colheres de amendoim
1 colher de pasta de amendoim
8 gotas de adoante stevia
1 colher de cacau em p

11:00 - ps treino
2 colheres de maltodextrina logo aps malhar e
1 dose de whey 15 minutos aps a malto

12:20 - almoo
3 pedaos de carne ( aproximadamente 100 gramas cada)
5 colheres de feijo +
3 colheres de arroz integral

17:00 - lanche - hamburguer (

180 gramas de blend de 70% de patinho + 30% de fraldinha, posso mudar
pra 100% de patinho)
30 gramas (nunca
pesei, to chutando) de queijo pr cozido + 3 picles + 1 po de batata
- As vezes eu colocava catchup ou mostarda.

21 - jantar - panqueca de frango ( 200 gr de peito de frango + 5

claras + 1 gema + 50 mls de agua) + 2 colheres de queijo cottage

Well guys... I've had it. I'm 6'3" and at 230 pounds at like I don't know the
% I still look like a fucker who doesn't even lift.

Over the last 3 years I've built my way up to a 1.5/2.5/3/5

started at 165 very ultra skelly pounds.

age 27. I make a decent income, 45k yearly before taxes in a place that's
inexpensive to live in. Just broke up with a soul sucking bitch too.

Just want a certain look, and to be honest it's not possible natty, and getting
halfway there requires a lot of dedication and discipline that I'm almost
tapped out on for the meager results.

Goals 240 or more at as lean as I can handle and maintain. I want to use the
bare minimum of gear to get there.

After 2 months research I plan:

500mg weekly Test cyp or enth

Mast 400mg weekly
deca at an ultra low 100mg weekly, just for joints.

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