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Monica Vazirani Department of Mathematics UC Davis One Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616-8633 USA cell phone: (510) 364-2486 oce phone: (530) 554-2596 fax: (530) 752-6635 citizenship: USA

Education A.B. Harvard, May 1993, supervised by Nantel Bergeron; Summa Cum Laude with highest honors in Mathematics Ph.D. University of California (UC) Berkeley, May 1999, supervised by I. Grojnowski and T.Y. Lam Academic Positions National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, host institutions: UC Berkeley, Fall 2000, 2001-2002; UC San Diego, Fall 1999, Spring 2001 Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) Postdoc, Spring 2000 California Institute of Technology, Olga Taussky-John Todd Instructor in Mathematics, 2002-2003 Visiting position: MSRI member, Berkeley, California, Winter 2008 University of California Davis Department of Mathematics, Associate Professor, July 2006-present; Assistant Professor, July 2002-2006 (on leave 2002-2003) Research Interests Combinatorial representation theory, , Hecke algebras, crystal graphs, quantum groups, KhovanovLauda-Rouquier algebras, categorication Academic Honors and Grants John Harvard Scholarship for Academic Achievement, 199093 TRW Space & Technology Group Armative Action Scholar, 1991 National Science Foundation Incentives for Excellence Scholarship Prize, 1992 Phi Beta Kappa, 1993 Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship, 199394 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics, 199498 National Science Foundation Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, host institution: UC San Diego, Fall 1999, Spring 2001; UC Berkeley, Fall 2000, 20012002 National Science Foundation Research Grant DMS0301320 (2003-2006) UC Davis Faculty Development Program Award, 20052006 National Security Agency grant H98230-07-1-0021; Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics: An International Combinatorics Conference, 2006-2007 (FPSAC) co-PI: NSF EMSW21 grant VIGRE, 2008-2013 lead PI: NSF grant DMS - 0752864: Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference, 2007-2008 co-PI: grant from DE Shaw for Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference, 2007-2008 1

National Security Agency grant H98230-09-1-0076, Combinatorial Representation Theory of Ane and Double Ane Hecke Algebras 2008-2010 co-PI: NSF grant DMS - 0905981: Algebra and Topology in Interaction conference 2009 nominee for the 7th annual ASUCD Excellence in Education Awards, 2009 lead PI: NSF grant DMS-1101740: Algebraic Combinatorixx conference 2011 National Security Agency grant award 201016651, Combinatorics of Categorication, 2011-2013 Publications (available at 1. (with I. Grojnowski) Strong multiplicity one theorem for ane Hecke algebras of type A, Transformation Groups 6 (2001), no. 2, 143-155. 2. Parameterizing Ane Hecke Algebra Modules: Bernstein-Zelevinsky Multisegments, Kleshchev Multipartitions, and Crystal Graphs, Transformation Groups 7 (2002), no. 3, 267-303. 3. Filtrations on the Mackey Decomposition for Cyclotomic Hecke Algebras, Journal of Algebra 252 (2002), no. 2, 205-227. 4. Irreducibility of ane Hecke algebra modules induced from Specht modules, Recent Developments in Innite-Dimensional Lie Algebras and Conformal Field Theory CONM 297 Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002. 5. (with Edward Formanek, Woo Lee, Inna Sysoeva) The Irreducible Complex Representations of the Braid Group on n Strings of Degree n, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 (2003), no. 3, 317-333. 6. Extending Frobenius higher characters. Sci. Math. Jpn. 58 (2003), no. 1, 169-182. 7. (with M. Grigni, L. Schulman, and U. Vazirani) Quantum Mechanical Algorithms for the Nonabelian Hidden Subgroup Problem, Combinatorica 24 (2004), no. 1, 137154. First appeared in Proceedings of the 33rd STOC (ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing), 2001. 8. (with T. Suzuki) Tableaux on periodic skew diagrams and irreducible representations of the double ane Hecke algebra of type A, IMRN 27 (2005) 1621-1656. 9. (with E. Rains) Vanishing Integrals of Macdonald and Koornwinder polynomials. Transformation Groups 12 (2007), no. 4, 725-759. 10. An observation on highest weight crystals. Journal of Algebra 315 (2007), 483-501. 11. (with C. Berg) ( , 0)-Carter partitions, their crystal-theoretic behavior and generating function. Electron. J. Combin. 15 (2008), no. 1, Research Paper 130, 23 pp 12. (with C. Berg, B. Jones) A bijection on core partitions and a parabolic quotient of the ane symmetric group Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 116 (2009), no. 8, 1344-1360. 13. (with S. Fishel) A bijection between dominant Shi regions and core partitions. European Journal of Combinatorics 31 (2010) pp. 2087-2101 14. (with S. Fishel) A bijection between (bounded) dominant Shi regions and core partitions. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proceedings, 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010) pp. 283-294. 15. (with A. Lauda) Crystals from categoried quantum groups. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci. Proceedings, 22nd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2010) pp. 869-880. 16. (with A. Lauda) Crystals from categoried quantum groups. Advances in Mathematics 228, (2011) pp. 803-861 arXiv:0909.1810 17. (with S. Fishel, E. Tzanaki) Counting Shi regions with a xed separating wall, Proceedings for FPSAC 2011 2

Papers in Preparation 18. (with E. Rains) Deformations of permutation representations of Coxeter groups arXiv:1008.1037 Selected Talks UC Santa Barbara Algebra Colloquium, November 1997 AMS/Australian Mathematical Society joint meeting in Melbourne, July 1999 University of Sydney Algebra Seminar, July 1999 CMA National Research Symposium on Algebraic Geometry and Applications, The Australian National University, July 1999 UC San Diego Quantum Groups and Hecke Algebras Seminar, October 1999 MIT Combinatorics Seminar, March 2000 UC Berkeley Combinatorics Seminar, May 2000 Innite-Dimensional Lie Theory and Conformal Field Theory, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, May 2000 UC Riverside Algebra Seminar, May 2000 MSRI Algebra Seminar, May 2000 University of Oregon Algebra Seminar, July 2000 AMS Special Session on Quantum Algebra, San Francisco, CA, October 2000 UC Berkeley Mathematics Department Colloquium, October 2000 University of Illinois, Chicago Colloquium, April 2001 University of Chicago Algebra Seminar, April 2001 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Colloquium, April 2001 University of Wisconsin, Madison Lie Algebras Seminar, May 2001 CBMS Conference on Algebraic Combinatorics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, June 2001 14th Latin American Algebra Colloquium, Argentina, August 2001 Representations of Loop Groups workshop, IPAM program on Conformal Field Theory and Applications, November 2001 AMS Special Session on Algebraic Combinatorics, San Diego, CA January 2002 Bay Area Discrete Math Day, Stanford University, March 2002 Stanford Representation Theory Seminar, April 2002 Kyoto University, Innite Analysis Seminar, Japan, June 2002 AMS Special Session on Lie Algebras and Related Topics, Wisconsin, October 2002 Idaho State University Math Department Colloquium, November, 2002 Darstellungen endlicher Gruppen, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 2003 Moduli spaces, Lie Theory and their Interaction with Physics, Rome, Italy, April 2003 Caltech Combinatorics Seminar, April 2003 Southern California Algebra Conference, UCLA, April 2003 Moduli spaces, Lie Theory and their Interaction with Physics, Cortona Workshop, Italy, June 2003 UC Davis Discrete Math and Representation Theory Seminar, October 2003 Representations of Algebraic Groups, Quantum Groups, and Lie Algebras, Snowbird, Utah, July 2004 University of Washington Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar, April 2005 3

UC Davis Discrete Math and Representation Theory Seminar, May 2005 Stanford Representation Theory Seminar, May 2005 Lie algebras, Vertex operator algebras and their applications, NCSU, May 2005 Workshop on Representation Theory and Geometry, Berkeley, May 2005 Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC), Italy, June 2005 Representation Theory, Geometry and Combinatorics Seminar, Berkeley, October 2005 AMS special session on Noncommutative Algebra and Noncommutative Birational Geometry, Oregon, Nov 2005 AMS special session on Representations of groups and algebras, Oregon, Nov 2005 Algebra-Geometry-Combinatorics Seminar, SFSU, Nov 2005 Representation Theory Seminar, University of Utah, April 2006 NSF/CBMS Regional Conference on Cluster Algebras and Applications, NCSU, June 2006 Combinatorics Seminar, UC Berkeley, September 2006 AMS special session on Combinatorial Representation Theory, Arkansas, November 2006 AMS special session on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory, NC, March 2007 University of Washington Combinatorics Seminar, Seattle, WA, April 2007 AMS Special Session on Algebraic Combinatorics, AZ, April 2007 Combinatorial Hopf Algebras and Macdonald Polynomials, Centre de recherches mathmatiques e (CRM), Montreal, Canada, May 2007 Interactions between Algebraic Combinatorics and Algebraic Geometry, weeklong minicourse, Centre de recherches mathmatiques (CRM), Montreal, Canada, May 2007 e Cherednik Algebras, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 2007 Algebraic and Geometric Lie Theory (AGLT) Workshop at University of Aarhus, at the Center for the Topology and Quantization of Moduli Spaces, June 2007. Connections for Women: Introduction to Spring 2008 program, MSRI, January 2008 Combinatorial and Representation-theoretic Aspects of the Double Ane Hecke Algebra and Higher-dimensional Langlands, AIM SQuaREs; American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, March, 2008 Joint International Meeting of AMS and SBM, Special Session on Geometry, Representation Theory, and Mathematical Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2008 Algebra Seminar, University of Georgia, September 2008 AMS Special Session on Combinatorial Representation Theory, Vancouver, Canada, October 2008 Mathematics Department Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 2009 International workshop on combinatorial and geometric approach to representation theory at the National Institute for Mathematical Science, at NIMS, Daejon, Korea September 2009 Southeastern Lie Theory Conference at NCSU, October 2009 Representation Theory, Geometry and Combinatorics Seminar, Berkeley, December 2009 AMS Special Session on Cohomological and algebraic methods in representation theory, National AMS meeting, San Francisco, California, January 2010 Combinatorial Representation Theory at Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, March 2010 Combinatorics Seminar, Dartmouth, May 2010 Combinatorics Seminar, MIT, May 2010 4

Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC), talk by co-author and poster accepted, August 2010 Southwestern Group Theory Day, Tucson, AZ, November 2010 Tenth UCB/UCSB Algebra Day, UC Berkeley, December 2010 Colloquim, San Jose State University, April 2011 Algebraic Combinatorixx, Ban International Research Station (BIRS), May 2011 Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC), invited talk, Iceland, June 2011 Combinatorics seminar, UC Berkeley, September 2011 Professional Activities Research sta member, summer 2001, Institute for Defense Analysis, CCR, La Jolla, CA. Math research on secure communications. Journals refereed: Advances in Mathematics Algebra and Representation Theory Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society Communications in Algebra Duke Mathematical Journal International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Inventiones mathematicae Journal of Algebra Journal of the AMS Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Kyoto Journal of Mathematics Mathematische Annalen Pacic Journal of Mathematics Proceedings of the Royal Society A Representation Theory Transactions of the AMS Transformation Groups Grants refereed: National Security Agency (MSP) NSF panel (Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics; CDI) France-Berkeley Fund US Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) Cooperative Grants Program (CGP) AWM Travel Grants, selection committee 2008-2009 Reviewed new edition of Artins Algebra for Pearson publishing 2009 FPSAC 09 scientic program committee (refereeing conference papers) Conferences organized: member of organizing committee for Bay Area Discrete Math Days, fall 2004spring 2007; local organizer for October 2005 meeting. (with Anne Schilling) American Institute of Mathematics workshop on Generalized Kostka Polynomials, July 2005. (with Misha Kapovich and Arun Ram) American Institute of Mathematics workshop on Buildings and combinatorial representation theory, March 2007. (with Bhama Srinivasan) Connections for Women: Introduction to the Spring 2008 programs, MSRI. 5

(with Sergey Fomin, Bernard Leclerc, Vic Reiner) Topics in Combinatorial Representation Theory, MSRI, March 2008. Combinatorial and Representation-theoretic Aspects of the Double Ane Hecke Algebra and Higher-dimensional Langlands, AIM SQuaREs; American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, March, 2008. Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference, UC Davis, April 2008. Faculty advisor. (with M. Mulase, A. Schwarz, Y. Eliashberg, N. Reshetikhin, S. Tabachnikov) Algebra and Topology in Interaction, UC Davis, September 2009. (with Georgia Benkart, Stephanie van Willigenberg) Algebraic Combinatorixx, BIRS, May 2011. Editorial Committee for special Bay Area Discrete Math Days issue in the Annals of Combinatorics Centennial Fellowship Committee, AMS, 2011-2013 University Service member of UC systemwide University Committee on Armative Action and Diversity (UCAAD), 2009present member of Armative Action and Diversity Committee, 2006present Letters & Science College Assembly Representative, 20042006, 20082009 Chair of the Academic Senate Mentoring Task Force, 2008present Led Davis Honors Challenge (DHC) 3rd year team, Winter 2009 WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) advisory board, 2008present Department committees and Service Undergraduate Math Contests, 200304 Faculty adviser to UCD Math Club, 200405 Lead faculty for Research Focus Group in Hecke Algebras and Orthogonal Polynomials, 2004 2005. Undergraduate Math Research Coordinator, 200405 Faculty Representative Committee (FRC) member, 20062008 Seminars organized: UCD Discrete Math and Representation Theory Seminar, Winter 04, Fall 04, Winter 06, Winter 10 Search Committee member, 20062007 Merit review committee member for instructors Kouba and Chuchel, 2007, 2008 KAP/VIGRE (postdoctoral) Search Committee member, 20082009 UPC member, 20082009 Graduate commencement committee, 2009 Undergraduate Advisor, 20092011; Head Advisor 2010present Student Activities Committee (Coordinator of Picnic Day), 20092010 Qualifying exam committee member, for Rebecca Vessenes, Caltech, Spring 2003. for UC Davis students: Philip Sternberg, May 2004 (chair);Yvonne Lai, June 2004; Robin Wilson, November 2004; Alice Stevens, November 2005; Chris Berg, May 2006; Connie Wilmarth, December 2006 (chair); Rohit Thomas, October 2007; Qiang Wang, December 2007 (chair); David Cherney, April 2008; David Sivako, April 2008; Steven Pon, May 2008 (chair); Carlos Barrera-Rodriguez, September 2008; Sam Tom Denton, February 2009; Gus Wiseman, May 2009; Efrem Rensi, June 2009 (chair); Jerey Ferreira, June 2009; Matthew Stamps, March 2010; Ben Fineman, April 2010; Benjamin Johnson, December 2010 (chair); Elisa Gutierrez (Chemistry), May 2011. 6

Thesis committee member, for UC Davis students: Philip Sternberg, Connie Wilmarth, Chris Berg, (chair); Rohit Thomas, Steven Pon, Sam Tom Denton, UCD; Jerey Ferreira, (chair); Gus Wiseman, (chair). Mentor VRAP postdocs: Robin Endelman, 20032005; Viswanath Sankaran, 20042007; (comentor) VIGRE postdoc Alex Woo, 20052008; VIGRE postdoc Brant Jones, 20072010. Teaching Course Assistant, Harvard University Department of Mathematics, Fall 1990, 91, 92. Teaching Assistant, Summer Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (SIMS) (then known as SMI), 1994, 1995. ( Mentor/Tutor, summer 1998, Academic Talent Development Program. Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley. Linear Algebra and Dierential Equations, 1995, 1999. Representation Theory, 1996. Multivariable Calculus, 1998. Lecturer, UC San Diego. Discrete math, Fall 1999. Linear algebra, Winter 2001. Lecturer, UC Berkeley. Abstract algebra, Fall 2000. Supervised graduate reading course, Fall 2001, using Bruce Sagans The symmetric group. Representations, combinatorial algorithms, and symmetric functions. Supervised graduate reading course in linear algebra, Spring 2002. Instructor, Caltech. Topics course on Hecke algebras, Fall 2002. Graduate algebra, Winter 2003. Associate Professor, UC Davis. Abstract algebra, Fall 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010; Winter 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011; Spring 2009. Calculus, Winter 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010; Fall 2009. Introduction to Abstract Math, Fall 2007. Algebra (graduate level), Winter 2010. Combinatorics (graduate level), Winter 2011. Graduate reading courses: (with Eric Rains) Representation Theory, Winter 2004; the Symmetric Group, Winter 2004, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Winter 2005; (with Anne Schilling) On Crystal Graphs, Spring 2005; Cores and Quotients, Fall 2006; Tableaux, Spring 2007; Schubert polynomials, Fall 2008; Categorication and KLR algebras, Winter 2011. Graduate topics course: Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials, Spring 2005. Graduate summer projects: Summer 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010. Undergraduate research projects: Supervised Gus Wiseman (undergraduate) research project, Spring 2005. Braids (Dido Salazar-Torres) , Winter 2009; Burnsides Formula (Andy Huang), Winter 2009. Quantum groups (Travis Scrimshaw), Summer 2010. Fock space (Adam Afandi), Winter 2011. Synergistic Activities Presentations and lectures: UC Davis Graduate Student-Run Seminar, October 2003. UC Davis Mentorships for Undergraduate Research Participants in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences (MURPPS), February 2004. Math Caf, March 2004. e California State Summer School for Mathematics & Science (COSMOS), July 2004. Professional Development Seminar for UCD Mathematics Graduate Students, October 2006. UC Davis Math Circle, Jan 2007. University of Washington Pre-Seminar for the Combinatorics Seminar, Seattle, WA, April 2007. UCSB Hypatian Seminar, March 2008. 7

Graduate student VIGRE Seminar, including discussion and dissemination of best practices with VIGRE co-PIs, University of Georgia, September 2008. Professional Development Seminar for UCD Mathematics Graduate Students, February 2009. Qual Preparation Seminar for UCD Mathematics Graduate Students, February 2009. Mentoring Task Force presentation, February 2009. Student-run Discrete Math Seminar talk, April 2009. Panel member for WISE: Navigating Faculty Relationships for Women in Science and Engineering, April 2009; Where are all the Women in STEM classes?, October 2010; Navigating Faculty Relationships, May 2011. Canada/USA Mathcamp, Maine, August 2004. Gave one week of lectures. Canada/USA Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students. Faculty adviser to the Noetherian Ring, an organization supporting women graduate students in mathematics, Fall 20042007. Faculty adviser to UC Davis Undergraduate Math Club, 20042005. Activities organized include: Mini-Research Conference, November 2004; Math Mania Day at Explorit Science Museum, March 2005; Careers in Mathematics Night, May 2005. Faculty liaison to Math Caf, a study group for women math majors, 2006present. e Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Combinatorics, Centre de recherches mathmatiques, Mone treal, Canada, May 2007. One week mini-course. California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS), July 2007, 2008, 2010. One week mini-course. MathFest, summer 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 co-organizer. This event is one of the Math Dept VIGRE supported outreach eorts to the community and in particular to high school students to inform and educate them about the power and excitement of mathematics, careers in mathematics, and studying math at UC Davis. Each year we had over 400 attendees, more than half of whom were high school students. WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) advisory board, 2008present. WISTEM for girls fair: snap circuits, April 2010. UC Davis Mathematics Project Coaching and Mentoring Teachers of Mathematics Institute, July 2009. This institute was for 3rd-7th grade teachers and focussed on algebraic thinking. 1-day workshop, November 2009. Engaging Secondary Students in Learning Mathematics Institute, July 2010 for 7th-12th grade teachers. AIM panel on professsional development for the Institute Postdocs, December 2009.

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