How To Build A Stacking Harness

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How To Build A Stacking Harness


From Dr.Ace – WH2T

How to Build a Home Brew
Coax Harness for Co-Phasing
Stacking Two 50 Ohm Antennas
When making a Co-Phasing Stacking Harness try to avoid splicing the bare coax wires together.
Always use the appropriate UHF PL-259 Coaxial Connectors, PL-258 barrel connectors and RFU 533
(83-1T) “T” connectors.
If properly stacked, You add approximately 3db Gain each time the number of Yagi antennas is doubled.

A note about the phasing lines below

L = Left and R = Right
Both phasing lines MUST be of equal length.

UHF “T” Coax Connector RFU 533 (83-1T)

Phasing Line L = | Phasing Line R =
Any Odd Multiple | Any Odd Multiple
Of Quarter Wave Lengths | Of Quarter Wave Lengths
Of any 50 Ohm Coax | Of any 50 Ohm Coax
With a PL-259 connector | With a PL-259 connector
Screwed onto the “T” Connector | Screwed onto the “T” Connector
| | |
| | |
| | |

Antenna #1 ____________________ ___________________ Antenna #2


I ß UHF Coaxial barrel connector (PL-258)

-I- ß Upside Down T Connector RFU 533 (83-1T)

| |
| |
| | ß Two equal lengths of any 75 Ohm Coax
| | Each an electrical ¼ Wave Length Long
| | Each has a PL-259 connector on

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How To Build A Stacking Harness

| | ends = Matching Q Section.
| |

T ß UHF “T” Coax Connector RFU 533 (83-1T)

I ß UHF Coaxial barrel connector (PL-258)

Then use any needed length of any 50 Ohm coax with a PL-259 connector on each end from the bottom UHF
Coaxial barrel connector (PL-258) above to reach your Ham Shack.

Here is how to figure out an electrical 1/4 wave length of coax:

* In Feet:
246 x (Velocity Factor) / Frequency (MHz) = Length in Feet

* In Inches:

2952 x (Velocity Factor) / Frequency (MHz) = Length in Inches

Here is the Formula to Properly Determine the Optimal Broadside Stacking Distance for Two
Yagi Antennas:
Stacking Distance in Wavelengths = 52 / 3db Beamwidth in Degrees.

OR If you don't want to do the math, OR you don't know the antenna's 3db Beamwidth in
Here's a (not as good) less scientific method.
Recommended Broadside Stacking Distances for 2 Meter Band Yagis
82” or 2.08 meters Minimum --- 132”
or 3.37 meters Maximum.
I Recommend stacking 1.25 wavelengths apart i.e.
8 Feet 5.4 Inches or 101.4 Inches, or 2.6 meters apart at 144.15 Mhz.
OR 8 feet, or 96 Inches, or 2.46 meters apart at 146 Mhz.

The following section is supplemental

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How To Build A Stacking Harness

RG-8 .66
LMR-400 .85
RG-8X .84
RG-11 .75
RG-58 .66
LMR-195 .83
RG-59 .82
RG-62 .84
RG-174 .66
RG-213 .66
RG-214 .66
RG-217 .66
RG-218 .66
RG-316 .79
RG-400 .695
LMR-500 .85
LMR-600 .86
1/2 HARD .81
7/8 HARD .81
LDF all ver .88

Phasing Line Information,

Stacked Antennas
Antenna Coax Type Cut Length Freq
6M5 LMR-400 105" x 2 50mHz
6M7 LMR-400 205" x 2 50mHz
6M2WLC LMR-400 402" x 2 50.1mHz
6M2.5WLC LMR-400 402" x 2 50.1mHz
6M7JHV LMR-400 305" x 2 (with M2 PD) 50mHz

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How To Build A Stacking Harness

2M4 LMR-400 72" x 2 144mHz

2M7 LMR-400 106" x 2 144mHz
2M9SSB LMR-400 144" x 2 144mHz
2M9FM LMR-400 142" x 2 144mHz
2M12 LMR-400 178" x 2 144mHz
2M5WL LMR-400 284" x 2 (H or V) 144mHz
2M18XXX LMR-400 285" x 2 144mHz
2M8WL LMR-400 385" x 2 144mHz
2MCP14 LMR-400 175" x 2 144mHz
2MCP22 LMR-400 214" x 2 144mHz
2MXP20 LMR-400 248" x 2 144mHz
2MXP28 LMR-400 360" x 2 144mHz

222-7EZ LMR-400 48" x 2 222mHz

222-10EZ LMR-400 115" x 2 222mHz
222-7WL LMR-400 255" x 2 (H & V) 222mHz
222-5WL LMR-400 210" x 2 222mHz

420-50-5HD LMR-400 34" x 2 432mHz

440-50-11 LMR-400 35" x 2 432 mHz
440-18 LMR-400 84" x 2 (H & V) 432 mHz
440-21ATV LMR-400 118" x 2 432 mHz
432-9WL LMR-400 168" x 2 (H & V) 432 mHz
432-13WLA LMR-400 226" x (H & V) 432 mHz
436CP30 LMR-400 163" x 2 432 mHz
436CP42UG LMR-400 176" x 2 432 mHz

902-18EZ LMR-400 32" x 2 902mHz

902-14WL LMR-400 102" x 2 902mHz

23CM22EZ LMR-400 36" x 2 1296mHz

23CM35EZ LMR-400 80" x 2 (H & V) 1296mHz

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How To Build A Stacking Harness

Dr.Ace's WH2T Antenna Info

Dr.Ace's Web Page

2004 Ratronix International L.L.C. All Rights


WH2T - We're Hot 2 Trot

If you have any comments or suggestions,
please e-mail Dr.Ace at
[email protected]

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