Update On ESP Operation at BP Wytch Farm
Update On ESP Operation at BP Wytch Farm
Update On ESP Operation at BP Wytch Farm
By Erwin Wahidiyat Presented at the European Artificial Lift Forum 17-18 February 2010
Presentation Agenda
Introduction to Wytch Farm Oilfield: Location Sherwood Reservoir Summary Role of ESP in Sherwood Reservoir Development ESP Run-Life Progression: 1985 2009 Summary of Run-Life Measurements Failures by Components High HP ESP System MTTF Shift in Depletion Plan & Impact on ESP Strategy Summary of Current ESP Systems Past-Present Comparisons M11 & M15 Examples Application of Dual ESP to Extend Life Cycle Application of Dual ESP to Manage Productivity Uncertainties Closing Remarks
Poole Harbour
P r o x im a l ( c lo s e r t o ) s e d im e n t s o u r c e
> P e r m e a b ility d is t r ib u tio n d r iv e n b y fa c ie s t y p e > B e s t q u a lity s a n d s a n d a v e r a g e s a n d s a r e i n d is t i n g u i s h a b l e o n p o r o s i t y l o g s > 6 -8 % p o ro s ity s a n d c a n h a v e g o o d p e r m e a b i l it y ( c u r r e n t p o r o s i t y c u t - o f f fo r n e t s a n d is 1 2 % )
A l l z o n e s in w e s t e r n a r e a s h a v e L o w e r N e t t o G r o s s t h is l i m i t s V e r t ic a l c o n n e c t iv i t y t o u p p e r r e s e r v o ir B a s e o f Z 1 0 : is o la t e d f lu v ia l c h a n n e ls o b s e r v e d in c o r e
B a s e Z 1 0 a p p e a rs s a n d ie r f ie ld w id e
M id Z o n e 3 0 s i lt s t o n e / s a b k h a A p p e a r s f ie l d w id e in c o r e
B a s e o f Z 1 0 in b o t h w e s t A n d e a s t a p p e a r s s a n d ie r F r o m c o r e o b s e r v a tio n s
Z 4 0 / Z 6 0 ( a n d lo c a l l y Z 2 0 ) a r e d is c o n t i n u o u s in t h e o f f s h o r e a r e a s o a r e b a f f le s r a t h e r t h a n b a r r i e r s t o f lu id f lo w R h i z o c r e t io n s a n d s p r e s e n t m o s t l y I n Z 5 0 ( l o c a ll y in Z 3 0 i n o f f s h o r e a r e a ) - C o u ld b e m o r e p o o r ly c o n n e c t e d th a n - F l u v ia l s a n d s d u e t o m u d d ie r o v e r b a n k - d e p o s its
I n j e c t i v i t y o f u p p e r r e s e r v o ir In o n s h o re a re a h a s n o t y e t b e e n te s te d
Z 5 0 / Z 7 0 s tr a n d e d A t tic T a r g e t s p o s s ib l e
B a s e Z 1 0 : l o c a li s e d i s o l a t e d F l u v ia l c h a n n e ls i n e a s t e r n a r e a s ( a n d o c c a s i o n a l l y in w e s t ) .
PVT Properties Oil Gravity (API) at 60 deg. F Solution GOR, SCF/STB Bubble Point Pressure, psig Initial Reservoir Pressure at datum, psig Reservoir Temperature at datum, deg. F Current pressure, at datum, psig CO2 % mol H2S, % mol
150 1600-2200
Normally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) is present with the produced fluids and causes complications when retrieving downhole completion and the handling of retrieved ESPs during teardown. 4
F ie ld O il P ro d uc tio n -S he rw o o d F ie ld W a te r C ut - S he rw o o d
F ie ld W a te r P ro d uc tio n - S he rw o o d
1985 1st ESP installation: Three installations, with two premature failures** 1st ESP installed had a zero run life.
Cumulative ESP Installation Count
2009 As of 25th of November: Total ESPs installed to date: 193 Total premature failures** to date: 23 Total failed ESPs to date: 113 MTTF*: 1,415 days, Runtime to Failure*: 805 days
Installation Period Mean Time To Failure, Days Runtime to Failure, Days ESP Installation Count
Notes: *Per day, runtime is calculated as follows: If runtime <12 hours = 0, If runtime>, or equal to 12 hours = 1 ** Premature failure: <, or equal to 3-month runtime
Runtime To Failure
Failure Count
Premature Failure
Installation Count
Unknown 8%
"Cable" including main cable, MLE, pigtail, splice, surface cable, etc. 22%
Motor 44%
Pump 14%
"Cable" including main cable, MLE, pigtail, splice, surface cable, etc. Motor External - ESP Not at fault
* Estimated, component failure does not translate to it being the root cause of failure
The drilling of prolific Sherwood wells, particularly in the offshore area, necessitated the use of high flow rate ESP with high HP motor system (defined arbitrarily as greater than, or equal to 800 HP). The 1st high HP ESP motor system installed in October 1997 To date, a total of 47 high HP ESP systems have been installed (27 failures, of which 3 were premature failures). Nominal pump flow rates: 8,500 28,000 BFPD The largest HP ESP motor system: 1,400 HP (2 x 700 HP motors, installed in 2006), with 28 MBD nominal pump flow rate Large HP Motor ESP System MTTF Comparison:
Installation Period: 1997 - 2009 All ESPs Large HP Motor ESP Systems MTTF, days 1919 1634
Maturing Wytch Farm Oilfield & Its Impact on ESP Completion Strategy
The drilling of barefoot multilateral wells as a way to maximise well production in Wytch Farm started at around 1998. As the field is maturing, the depletion strategy focus shifted to being able to achieve maximum drawdown (from all laterals) for maximum liquid (both oil & water) rate at surface. The increase in water cut over time, along with the desire to keep development cost down, also led to the phasing out of smart completions (use of down hole flow control, flow meter, etc.) The relatively short run-life of the downhole instrumentations coupled with increasing ESP run-life also contributed to the phasing out of these downhole instrumentations. Effect of corrosion seen as a result of increase in water cut led to the introduction of Chrome tubing and the use of corrosion resistant alloys for ESP housing (ca. 2000). The continued increase in water cut made it possible to move ESP setting depth up, particularly on the high PI wells without sacrificing production or without introducing excessive amount of free gas at pump intake, and generally reduce the power requirement (per bbl lifted) Larger capacity and more efficient medium voltage drives (MVD) up to 2050 KVA (200A) were introduced in 2001 to enable high rate production from the prolific Sherwood wells The installations of Dual-ESP completions, beginning in 2004, address two needs at Wytch Farm: Extending well life-cycle (i.e., minimising the number of ESP replacement workovers) Managing uncertainty in productivity in new wells
Number of active (ESP) wells: 31 Number of Dual-ESP installations: 11 ESP Nominal Flow Rate Range: 1,000 28,000 BPD 4.00 to 6.75 nominal OD Average liquid production from ESP wells: 8,700 BLPD Oil production from ESPs represents over 85% of total field oil production at Wytch Farm Motor HP Range: 84 to 1,400 HP (average: 550 HP) 4.56 to 7.38 nominal OD Most ESPs set in 9-5/8 casing, though some in 7 liner, and some ESPs are shrouded. ESP Setting depths: 600 m-MD to 4,600 m-MD (average 2,300 m-MD) VSDs: 400 KVA to 2,050 KVA
Sustaining Production in High PI, High Water Cut Wells by Moving ESP Up M11 Example
SPE 50586 discussed ESP installation in M11, set at a depth of ca. 8420 m-MD. Well trajectory: 10,114 m-MD Longest well trajectory at the time Pump size: 20,000 BPD with 900HP tandem motor Production rate: 18,000 BPD at 30% water cut VSD: 1,050 KVA
M11 ESP setting depth at 3400 m-MD Pump size: 28,000 BPD with 1400 HP tandem motor Production rate: 26,500 BPD at 95% water cut. VSD: 2,050 KVA
Sustaining Production in High PI, High Water Cut Wells by Simplifying Downhole Completion M15 Example
F lo w m e te r A t W o rk o v e r: a d d 4 th P re s s u re g a u g e ? (M u ltip le x e d ) S h ro ud D is c o n n e c t 4 th c o n tro l lin e - p re s s u re m o n ito r n o d is c h a rg e
F lo w c o n tro l v a lv e s
B lin d FSV
C o n tro l lin e f la t p a c k
P h o e n ix m u lti-s e n s o r
FS V packer
Sum p packer
B a re fo o t fo r th e 8 1 /2 h o le
1999: SPE 62951 discussed the use of Down Hole Flow Meter to measure production rate & DHFC to facilitate selective production from the two well laterals. ESP setting depth: 5,150 m-MD (1452 m-TVD) Pump size: 21,500 BPD with 1170HP (3x390HP) triple tandem motor Initial production rate: 15,000 BPD at 50% water cut VSD: 1,050 KVA
2009: Production opened to both laterals (simple packered ESP completion, with 5-1/2 tubing) M15 ESP setting depth: 3,800 m-MD (1323 mTVD) Pump size: 21,500 BPD with 1170 HP (3x390HP) triple tandem motor Production rate: 18,000 BPD at 95% water cut. VSD: 2,050 KVA
In this example, remaining oil reserves is sufficient to sustain economic production rate for at least 15 years. Liquid rate decline rate is very small (i.e., liquid rate expected to be more or less constant over time) Present Liquid rate: 17,600 BLPD at 95% water cut Pump setting depth: 1,900 m-MD (1295 m-TVD) Pump Intake Pressure: 460 psia (4.2% estimated free gas volume at intake conditions) Workover frequency to replace ESP is expected to reduce over the 15-year period
When drilled, there was a lot of subsurface uncertainties (PI, SBHP, etc).
Gross Liquid [bpd]
Primary ESP (3,500-7,800) ran for almost one year before switching to smaller ESP. Currently still running on the secondary ESP (1,600-3,200 BPD)
Retrievable Packer
9-5/8" casing
7" liner hanger Secondary System: 2600BPD Nominal ESP with 150HP motor
Closing Remarks
As Wytch Farm oilfield continues to mature (i.e., declining oil rate & increasing water cut) the need to operate ESP more efficiently becomes more important. This involves the use of efficient ESP system, coupled with extended well life cycle (i.e., extending the ESP run-life & the application of dual-ESP, where applicable). It is expected that the conventional, tubing-deployed ESP systems to continue to dominate the ESP population at Wytch Farm, especially for those wells producing from the prolific offshore Sherwood reservoir.
The presenter would like to thank the following companies for making this presentation possible: BP Exploration & Operating Co Limited Premier Oil Exploration Limited Summit Petroleum Dorset Maersk Oil North Sea UK Limited Talisman North Sea Limited