What Are The Symptoms of Alcoholism?: News On Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs

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An alcoholic is a person who suffers from alcoholism - the body is dependent on alcohol. An alcoholic is addicted to alcohol.

Alcoholism is a chronic (long-term) disease. People who suffer from alcoholism are obsessed with alcohol and cannot control how much they consume, even if it is causing serious problems at home, work and financially. Alcohol abuse generally refers to people who do not display the characteristics of alcoholism but still have a problem with it these people are not as dependent on alcohol as an alcoholic is; they have not yet completely lost their control over its consumption. Consuming moderate quantities of alcohol will not usually cause any physical or psychological harm. Unfortunately, for some people social drinking eventually leads to heavier drinking, which can cause devastating health and psychological problems. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, approximately 1 in every 13 people in the UK is an alcoholic - a sizable proportion of the UK population drinks excessively. According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health), 15% of people in the United States are problem drinkers, and about 5% to 10% of male drinkers and 3% to 5% of female drinkers could be diagnosed as alcohol dependent. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are at least 140 million alcoholics in the world, and the majority of them are not treated. A US study estimated that about 30% of Americans report having an alcohol disorder at some time in their lives. Alcohol consumption more severely affects women than men, according to a coordinated study carried out by researchers at RTI International, Pavlov Medical University, Leningrad Regional Center of Addictions, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. News on Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs For the latest news and research on Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs, and to sign up to newsletters or news alerts, please visit our: Alcohol / Addiction / Illegal Drugs News section. A Canadian study found that alcohol is a factor in 1 in 25 deaths worldwide. The British Medical Association says that alcohol kills six people in Scotland every day. The lifetime risk of alcohol-use disorders for men is more than 20%, with a risk of about 15% for alcohol abuse and 10% for alcohol dependence, according to researchers from the University of California, San Diego, USA.

What are the symptoms of alcoholism?

The signs of alcoholism and alcohol abuse are very similar, and are often just a question of degree or intensity. Ads by Google Digitot Control Equipment - Inventory Stock Control Stock Control Solutions www.digitot.co.za

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Drinking alone.

Drinking in secret.

Not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed.

Blacking out - not being able to remember chunks of time.

Having rituals and being irritated/annoyed when these rituals are disturbed or commented on. This could be drinks before/during/after meals, or after work.

Dropping hobbies and activities the person used to enjoy; losing interest in them.

Feeling an urge to drink.

Feeling irritable when drinking times approach. This feeling is more intense if the alcohol is not available, or there appears to be a chance it may not be available.

Having stashes of alcohol in unlikely places.

Gulping drinks down in order to get drunk and then feel good.

Having relationship problems (triggered by drinking).

Having problems with the law (caused by drinking).

Having work problems (caused by drinking, or drinking as root cause).

Having money problems (caused by drinking).

Requiring a larger quantity of alcohol to feel its effect.

Nausea, sweating, or even shaking when not drinking.

A person who abuses alcohol may have many of these signs and symptoms - but they do not have the withdrawal symptoms like an alcoholic does, nor the same degree of compulsion to drink. The problems linked to alcohol dependence are extensive, and affect the person physically, psychologically and socially. Drinking becomes a compulsion for a person with a drink problem - it takes precedence over all other activities. It can remain undetected for several years.

What is binge drinking?

In the UK, binge drinking occurs when a man consumes more than eight units of alcohol and a woman consumes over six units in one sitting. Drinking large amounts of alcohol now-and-again is worse for the heath than frequently drinking small quantities. Binge drinking has become a growing problem in many countries, especially in the UK where 40% of emergency hospital admittances are alcohol-related. Sipping wine, beer or spirits three to four times per week increases the risk of binge drinking, particularly among young men, according to a study carried out by researchers from the Universit de Montral and the

University of Western Ontario. Men who drink 22 or more units of alcohol a week have a 20% higher rate of admissions into acute care hospitals than non-drinkers, researchers from the University of Glasgow found.

What causes alcohol dependence (alcoholism)?

Alcohol dependence is a gradual process which can take from a few years to several decades to become a problem - with some very vulnerable people addiction can come in a question of months. Eventually, over time, regular alcohol consumption can disrupt the balance of the brain chemical GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which controls impulsiveness, as well as glutamate, which stimulates the nervous system. Brain levels of dopamine are raised when we consume alcohol - dopamine levels may make the drinking experience more gratifying. Over the long- or medium-term, excessive drinking can significantly alter the levels of these brain chemicals, making the person's body crave alcohol in order to feel good and avoid feeling bad. These risk factors may also be linked to excessive drinking:

Genes - scientists say there are specific genetic factors which may make some people more likely to become addicted to alcohol, as well as other substances. People who have a family history of addiction are at higher risk for abusing alcohol. Alcoholics are six times more likely than nonalcoholic to have blood relatives who are alcohol dependent. Researchers from the Universidad de Granada, Spain, revealed that "the lack of endorphin is hereditary, and thus that there is a genetic predisposition to become addicted to alcohol".

The age of first alcoholic drink - a study found that people who started drinking alcohol before the age of 15 were much more likely to have an alcohol problem later in life.

Smoking, especially non-daily smokers - A study by Yale University researchers found that non-daily smokers are five times more likely to have a problem with alcohol compared to people who have never smoked.

Easy access - Experts say there is a correlation between easy access to alcohol (cheap prices) and alcohol abuse and alcohol-related deaths. A US study found a strong link between alcohol tax increases in 1983 and 2002 and a significant drop in deaths related to alcohol use in one American state - the effect was found to be nearly two to four times that of other prevention strategies such as school programs or media campaigns.

Stress - some stress hormones are linked to alcoholism. If our levels of stress, anxiety are high some of us may consume alcohol in an attempt to blank out the upheaval. Military service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are likely to experience posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorders simultaneously, according to researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Peer drinking - people who have friends who drink regularly or abuse alcohol are more likely to drink excessively and eventually have an alcohol problem.

Low self-esteem - experts say that people with low self-esteem who have alcohol readily available are more likely to abuse it.

Depression - people with depression may deliberately or unwittingly use alcohol as a means of self-treatment. On the other hand, a statistical modeling study suggested that alcohol abuse may lead to depression risk, rather than vice versa.

Media and advertising - in some countries alcohol is portrayed as a glamorous, worldly and cool activity. Many experts believe that alcohol advertising and media coverage of it may convey the message that excessive drinking is acceptable. The Royal College of Physicians is asking for a European Union ban on alcohol advertising to protect children.

How the body processes (metabolizes) alcohol - people who need comparatively more alcohol to achieve an effect have a higher risk of eventually having an alcohol problem, a study carried out by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, found.

How is alcoholism diagnosed?

In the USA a person must meet the criteria laid out in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), published by the APA (American Psychiatric Association). This includes a pattern of alcohol abuse which leads to considerable impairment or distress. The patient should experience at least three of the criteria below during the past 12 months:

Alcohol tolerance - the patient needs a large quantity of alcohol to feel intoxicated. However, when the liver is damaged and cannot metabolize the alcohol so well, this tolerance may drop. Damage to the central nervous system may also reduce tolerance levels.

Withdrawal symptoms - when the patient abstains from alcohol or cuts down he/she experiences tremors, insomnia, nausea or anxiety. Typically, the patient drinks more to avoid these symptoms.

Beyond intentions - the patient ends up drinking more alcohol, or drinks for a longer period than he/she intended.

Unsuccessfully attempting to cut down - the patient is continuously trying to cut down alcohol consumption, but does not succeed. Or the patient has a persistent desire to cut down.

Time consuming - the patient spends a lot of time obtaining, using or recovering from alcohol consumption.

Withdrawal - the patient withdraws from recreational, social, or occupational activities. This did not used to be the case.

Persistence - the patient carries on consuming alcohol even though he/she knows it is harming him/her physically and psychologically.

Some signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse may be due to another condition, or simple aging, such as memory problems, or falling. Some patients may go to their doctor about a medical condition, such as a digestive problem, and not mention their alcohol abuse. It is not always easy for a doctor to identify candidates for alcohol dependency screening. If a doctor suspects alcohol may be a problem, he/she may ask a series of questions - if the patient answers in a certain way the doctor may go on to use a standardized questionnaire. A single question can identify unhealthy alcohol use in patients, a study revealed. Blood tests can only reveal very recent alcohol consumption. They cannot tell whether a person has been drinking heavily for a long time. If a blood test reveals that the red blood cells have increased in size it could be an indication of long-term alcohol abuse.

Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) - this is a test which helps detect heavy alcohol consumption. It is a blood test. There are other tests which can indicate whether the liver has been damaged, or whether a man has reduced testosterone levels - however, screening with a good questionnaire is seen as the most effective means for an accurate diagnosis. Most alcoholics deny they have a problem and tend to minimize the extent of their drinking. Talking to family members may help the doctor in his/her diagnosis (permission will be needed for this).

Complications of alcoholism and alcohol abuse

Usually, drinking alcohol initially elevates the person's mood. However, after a long period of regular heavy drinking the person's nervous system will become depressed and the drinker will become sedated by alcohol. Alcohol may undermine a person's judgment; it can lower inhibitions and alter the drinker's thoughts, emotions and general behavior. Heavy regular drinking can have a serious effect on a person's ability to coordinate his/her muscles and speak properly. Heavy binge drinking could cause the patient to go into coma. Eventually, regular heavy drinking may cause at least one of the following problems:

Fatigue - the patient is tired most of the time.

Memory loss - especially the patient's short-term memory.

Eye muscles - the eye muscles can become significantly weaker.

Liver diseases - the patient has a considerably higher chance of developing hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver is an irreversible and progressive condition.

Gastrointestinal complications - the patient can develop gastritis, or pancreas damage. These problems also seriously undermine the body's ability to digest food, absorb certain vitamins, and produce hormones which regulate metabolism.

Hypertension - regular heavy drinking invariably raises the person's blood pressure.

Heart problems - regular heaving drinking can lead to cardiomyopathy (damaged heart muscle), heart failure, and stroke.

Diabetes - alcoholics have a very high risk of developing diabetes type 2. Patients who have diabetes will invariably have serious complications if they are regular heavy drinkers of alcohol. Alcohol prevents the release of glucose from the liver, causing hypoglycemia. A person with diabetes is already taking insulin to lower his/her blood sugar levels - hypoglycemia could be devastating.

Menstruation - alcoholism will usually stop menstruation or disrupt it.

Erectile dysfunction - alcoholic men are much more likely to have problems getting an erection, or sustaining one.

Fetal alcohol syndrome - women who abuse alcohol during their pregnancy are much more likely to have babies with birth defects, including a small head, heart problems, shortened eyelids, as well as developmental and cognitive problems.

Thinning bones - alcoholics invariably suffer from thinning of the bones because alcohol interferes with the production of new bone. This means an increased risk of fractures.

Nervous system problems - alcoholism often causes numbness in the extremities, dementia and confused/disordered thinking.

Cancer - alcoholics have a much higher risk of developing several cancers, including cancer of the mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, breast, prostate and pharynx. An international study found that the key causes of bowel cancer are alcohol and smoking.

In fact, even moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a higher incidence of cancer among women, a study found. Another study found that consuming just two or more drinks per day could increase a person's risk of pancreatic cancer by about 22%.

Accidents - alcoholics are vulnerable to injuries from falls, car crashes, being run over, etc. The NIH says that over half of all American traffic deaths are alcohol-related.

Domestic abuse - alcohol is a major factor in spouse beating, child abuse, and conflicts with neighbors.

Work (school) problems - employment problems, unemployment, school problems, are often alcohol-related.

Suicide - suicide rates among people who are alcohol-dependent or who abuse alcohol are much higher than among other people.

Mental illness - alcohol abuse can cause mental illness and make existing mental illnesses worse.

Problems with the law - the percentage of alcoholics who end up in court or in prison is significantly higher compared to the rest of the population.

Treatment for alcohol dependency

Some medical inpatients with unhealthy alcohol use may benefit from a brief intervention, say researchers from Boston University School of Medicine. The first step for the alcoholic it to acknowledge that there is an alcohol dependency problem. The next step is to get help. In most of the world there are several support groups and professional services available. A study found that people with a stable psychosocial life situation often delay in seeking help for their alcohol problems even though they are serious.

Do-it-yourself - experts say about 30% of people with an alcohol problem manage to reduce their drinking or abstain without seeking professional help. There is a great deal of material in books and the internet that may help the self-helper.

Counseling - a qualified counselor can help the alcoholic talk through his/her problems and then devise a plan to tackle the drinking. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is commonly used to treat alcohol dependency.

Treating underlying problems - the alcoholic may have a problem with self-esteem, stress, anxiety, depression, or some other mental health problem. It is important to treat these problems too. It is crucial for the alcoholic to realize that drinking will probably make mental health problems worse. As alcoholics commonly suffer from hypertension, liver diseases, and possibly heart diseases, these will need to be treated too.

Residential programs - residential programs are ideal for some people. They include expert professional help, individual or group therapy, support groups, training, family involvement, activity therapy, and a host of strategies that are aimed at treating the alcoholic successfully. Some people find that being physically away from access to temptation is a great help.

Drug that provokes a severe reaction to alcohol - Antabuse (disulfiram) causes a severe reaction when somebody drinks alcohol, including nausea, flushing, vomiting and headaches. It is a deterrent. It will not treat the alcoholic's compulsion and will not cure alcoholism.

Drugs for cravings - Naltrexone (ReVia) may help with the urge to have a drink. Acamprosate (Campral) may help with cravings.

Hormone ghrelin - Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg, have discovered a new brain mechanism involved in alcohol addiction involving the stomach hormone ghrelin. When ghrelin's actions in the brain are blocked, alcohol's effects on the reward system are reduced. It is an important discovery that could lead to new therapies for addictions such as alcohol dependence.

Detoxification - the patient takes some medication to prevent withdrawal symptoms (delirium tremens) which many alcoholics experience when they give up drinking. Treatment usually lasts from four to seven days. Chlordiazepoxide, a benzodiazepine medication, is frequently used for detoxification (detox). Doses will be initially high, and will then taper off. It is important that the patient abstains completely from alcohol during the detox.

Staying on the wagon (remaining abstinent) - some patients find the detox acheivable, but start drinking again soon after, or some time later. It is important to remember Samuel Johnson's phrase "If at first you don't succeed. Try, try, and try again." Success rates are significantly improved if the patient has access to counseling or some support group. Family support is crucial. Sometimes a good GP can provide vital support. A study found that genetics is a factor in predicting the risk of relapse among alcoholdependent patients.

Further Reading: "What is Alcohol Poisoning? What are the Dangers of Alcohol Poisoning?" Written by Christian Nordqvist View drug information on Campral; Naltrexone Hydrochloride Tablets. Copyright: Medical News Today Not to be reproduced without permission of Medical News Today

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Visitor Opinions In Chronological Order (16)

Alcoholism And Alcoholics Anonymous
posted by contrailjd on 10 Jul 2009 at 11:06 pm I am a recovered alcoholic who tried to recover using almost every means possible, but nothing worked. By January 1984 I had just about given up hope and had resigned myself to an ugly alcoholic death in the not too distant future (just like my father). However,just then a long lost friend came back into my life briefly and introduced me to Alcoholics Anonymous. I followed their 12 step program as closely as I could, and I have not had a single drink of alcohol since February 19, 1984. To this day I still employ the principals that AA taught me, and I still enjoy attending AA meetings. My own personal experience and that of countless others attests to the fact that Alcoholics Anonymous is what works best for most people. | post followup | alert a moderator |

Let's Not Forget The Spiritual Dimension.

posted by Peter O'Loughlin on 12 Jul 2009 at 6:24 am An excellent article clear and well presented. Sadly it did not cover the spiritual aspects of addiction, the desolation, isolation, despair and sense of hoplessness, experienced by alcoholics and their families. One of the many reasons for the success of AA in helping alcoholics to recover is that those who engage in the programme of recovery discover for themselves how all of those feeliing can be overcome and a sustainable return to normal living, free of this insidous drug, can be achieved. Now that's something no pharmacotherapy is intended or likely to achieve. | post followup | alert a moderator |

Just For Today

posted by Warren Du Plessis on 24 Aug 2010 at 2:15 am I am a alcoholic, and have been for a good 18 years of my life, if I see the destruction I have left behind and the pain I have caused, it is unbearable to think about? The two most important people in my life I have hurt the most. I thank them for being by my side after what I have put them through, that is why being dry and through the help of the AA, my life is turning around, and I realize evry day what I have missed out on, I never want to lose love ones again, and live a life of lies and deception. The AA program works, and what I have learned the most is Just for today, I can not fix the past, I can't see tomorrow, but I can do my best today, thanks to my stunning partner and the AA, being sober is a amazing thing, I wish I new about it a long time ago. I know I had to have a new beginning and this beginning had to be there.I had to let go of the past and forget about the future. As long as I held onto the past with one hand and grabbed at the future with the other hand, I had nothing to hold onto today with. So I had to begin here, now. Thought to ponder: There are no endings-Only new beginnings | post followup | alert a moderator |

Question about alcohol abuse

posted by bq1197 on 3 Nov 2010 at 9:00 am My wife is a pretty heavy wine drinker. She buys the large bottles of $11.00 wine, not the standard size. It takes her only 3 days to finish the bottle (usually between 2-3 full - not half glasses of wine). She does this every night. She has already been told by a doctor that she abuses alcohol, but she continues to drink. She blames stress (she's a teacher) and our marriage of 13 years is not great. She sees no problem with her drinking as she insists that all her friends drink the same amount (though she can't prove that they do it every night like she does.) Am I incorrect in saying that she's an alcohol abuser? Is what she's doing normal? She doesn't think she has a problem and it upset with me because I think she does. Am I wrong? | post followup | alert a moderator |

my opinion
posted by katie woods on 3 Nov 2010 at 9:54 am

i think people like drug users are just in need of someone to tell them off oh and not just anybody a family member or freind because maybe then they might listen anif anyone who reads this if they could maybe answer the following question it would be most appriciated. why do alchoholics drink? and why do addics use drugs?? | post followup | alert a moderator |

Alcoholism and stroke

posted by ann on 12 Nov 2010 at 6:44 am My husband had a stroke 3 years ago and is affected on his right side. He is a chronic alcoholic. Is there any one out there that had a stroke left with a disability and is a recovered alcoholic? If so please reply please help! | post followup | alert a moderator |

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