A Project Report On Portfolio Management
A Project Report On Portfolio Management
A Project Report On Portfolio Management
1. INTRODUCTION From The Rational Edge: The first in a new series of articles on portfolio management, this introduction expresses IBMs viewpoint about the foundations and essentials of portfolio management, and discusses ideas and assets that support and enable effective portfoliomanagement practices.A good way to begin understanding what portfolio management is(and is not) may be to define the term portfolio. In a business context,we can look to the mutual fund industry to explain the terms origins.Morgan Stanleys Dictionary of Financial Terms offers the followingexplanation:If you own more than one security, you have an investment portfolio.You build the portfolio by buying additional stocks, bonds, mutualfunds, or other investments. Your goal is to increase the portfoliosvalue by selecting investments that you believe will go up in price.According to modern portfolio theory, you can reduce your investmentrisk by creating a diversified portfolio that includes enough differenttypes, or classes, of securities so that at least some of them mayproduce strong returns in any economic climate. 2. Note that this explanation contains a number of important ideas: A portfolio contains many investment vehicles. Owning a portfolio involves making choices -- that is, deciding what additional stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments to buy; when to buy; what and when to sell; and so forth. Making such decisions is a form of management. The management of a portfolio is goal-driven. For an investment portfolio, the specific goal is to increase the value. Managing a portfolio involves inherent risks.Over time, other industry sectors have adapted and applied theseideas to other types of "investments," including the following:Application portfolio management: This refers to the practice ofmanaging an entire group or major subset of software applicationswithin a portfolio. Organizations regard
these applications asinvestments because they require development (or acquisition) costsand incur continuing maintenance costs. Also, organizations mustconstantly make financial decisions about new and existing softwareapplications, including whether to invest in modifying them, whetherto buy additional applications, and when to "sell" -- that is, retire -anobsolete software application. 3. Product portfolio management: Businesses group major productsthat they develop and sell into (logical) portfolios, organized by majorline-of-business or business segment. Such portfolios requireongoing management decisions about what new products to develop(to diversify investments and investment risk) and what existingproducts to transform or retire (i.e., spin off or divest). Project orinitiative portfolio management, an initiative, in the simplest sense, isa body of work with: A specific (and limited) collection of needed results or work products. A group of people who are responsible for executing the initiative and use resources, such as funding. A defined beginning and end.Managers can group a number of initiatives into a portfolio thatsupports a business segment, product, or product line. These effortsare goal-driven; that is, they support major goals and/or componentsof the enterprises business strategy. Managers must continuallychoose among competing initiatives (i.e., manage the organizationsinvestments), selecting those that best support and enable diversebusiness goals (i.e., they diversify investment risk). They must alsomanage their investments by providing continuing oversight anddecision-making about which initiatives to undertake, which tocontinue, and which to reject or discontinue.
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Indian Bank enters into a Strategic Alliance with Pnb Principal Chennai, January 25, 2006: Indian Bank is enlarging its activities todeliver value-added services to its customers. The Bank is presentlyselling the Insurance products, both Life and Non-life as a CorporateAgent. The Bank is concentrating on optimizing the 3 Ps, People,Process and Products to give maximum advantage to its customersand to face the market competition by exploiting the emergingopportunities. Indian Bank today announced a strategic alliance with Pnb PrincipalInsurance Advisory Co., Pvt. Ltd. in the insurance advisory businessand Pnb Principal Financial Planners Pvt. Ltd. in the financialplanning business. As the alliance will enable access to the Financialproducts of 30 Insurance companies both life and non-life and anequal number of Investment solutions to the Banks Customers underone roof, the Banks emphasis would be to serve as an agent to itscustomers. As per the scope of the alliance with Pnb Principal InsuranceAdvisory Co., Pvt. Ltd., Indian Bank has taken an equity stake in theCompany. This partnership will also deliver risk managementsolutions to Indian Bank customers through the Insurance advisoryroute. The solutions offered will include risk assessment, insuranceportfolio analysis & placement, insurance portfolio administration, andclaims management. As per Indian Banks strategic alliance with Pnb Principal FinancialPlanners Pvt. Ltd., the Bank will distribute the investment solutionsoffered by Pnb Principal Financial Planners through its extensivebranch network. Pnb Principal Financial Planners will provide supportin the area of financial planning, investment advisory, research,systems and business development to Indian Bank. The strategic alliance will enable customers of Indian Bank to access a wide rangeof superior investment solutions. Announcing the partnership with Indian Bank, Sanjay Sachdev,Country Manager-India, Principal International said, Banks havecurrently emerged as the largest distribution channel for financialinvestment options. We are pleased to associate ourselves withIndian Bank. This partnership with Indian Bank will make a range ofinvestment solutions more accessible to retail investors of IndianBank.
Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Chairman and Managing Director, IndianBank said, The alliance with Pnb Principal in the areas of RiskManagement, Insurance and Investment will help in providing aOne-stop solution to the 15 million strong customers of IndianBank throughout the country. The Tie-up will help realize ourcherished goal of making our Bank, the best people to bankwith. Elaborating, Mr. B Sambamurthy, Executive Director has saidthat this is a part of Banks mission to provide all financialproducts under one roof. This tie-up brings a paradigm shift frombeing an agent of Insurance Company to one of being acustomer agent. METHODOLOGY Portfolio Management is used to select a portfolio of new productdevelopment projects to achieve the following goals: Maximize the profitability or value of the portfolio Provide balance Support the strategy of the enterprise Portfolio Management is the responsibility of the senior management teamof an organization or business unit. This team, which might be called theProduct Committee, meets regularly to manage the product pipeline andmake decisions about the product portfolio. Often, this is the same groupthat conducts the stage-gate reviews in the organization. A logical starting point is to create a product strategy - markets, customers,products, strategy approach, competitive emphasis, etc. The second step is tounderstand the budget or resources available to balance the portfolio against.Third, each project must be assessed for profitability (rewards), investmentrequirements (resources), risks, and other appropriate factors.
The weighting of the goals in making decisions about products varies fromcompany. But organizations must balance these goals: risk vs. profitability, products vs. improvements, strategy fit vs. reward, market vs. productline, long-term vs. short-term. Several types of techniques have been used to support the portfoliomanagement process: Heuristic models Scoring techniques Visual or mapping techniques The earliest Portfolio Management techniques optimized projectsprofitability or financial returns using heuristic or mathematical models.However, this approach paid little attention to balance or aligning theportfolio to the organizations strategy. Scoring techniques weight and scorecriteria to take into account investment requirements, profitability, risk andstrategic alignment. The shortcoming with this approach can be an overemphasis on financial measures and an inability to optimize the mix ofprojects. Mapping techniques use graphical presentation to visualize aportfolios balance. These are typically presented in the form of a two-dimensional graph that shows the trade-offs or balance between two factorssuch as risks vs. profitability, marketplace fit vs. product line coverage,financial return vs. probability of success, etc. Diagram miss in word The chart shown above provides a graphical view of the project portfoliorisk-reward balance. It is used to assure balance in the portfolio of projects -neither too risky nor conservative and appropriate levels of reward for therisk involved. The horizontal axis is Net Present Value; the vertical axis isProbability of Success. The size of the bubble is proportional to the totalrevenue generated over the lifetime sales of the product. While this visual presentation is useful, it cant prioritize projects.Therefore, some mix of these techniques is appropriate to support thePortfolio Management Process. This mix is often dependent upon thepriority of the goals.
The recommended approach is to start with the overall business plan thatshould define the planned level of R&:D investment, resources (e.g.,headcount, etc.), and related sales expected from new products. Withmultiple business units, product lines or types of development, werecommend a strategic allocation process based on the business plan. Thisstrategic allocation should apportion the planned R&D investment intobusiness units, product lines, markets, geographic areas, etc. It may alsobreakdown the R&D investment into types of development, e.g., technologydevelopment, platform development, new products, andupgrades/enhancements/line extensions, etc. Once this is done, then a portfolio listing can be developed including therelevant portfolio data. We favor use of the development productivity index(DPI) or scores from the scoring method. The development productivityindex is calculated as follows: (Net Present Value x Probability of Success) /Development Cost Remaining. It factors the NPV by the probability of bothtechnical and commercial success. By dividing this result by thedevelopment cost remaining, it places more weight on projects nearercompletion and with lower uncommitted costs. The scoring method uses aset of criteria (potentially different for each stage of the project) as a basisfor scoring or evaluating each project. An example of this scoring method isshown with the worksheet below. Weighting factors can be set for each criterion. The evaluators on a ProductCommittee score projects (1 to 10, where 10 are best). The worksheetcomputes the average scores and applies the weighting factors to computethe overall score. The maximum weighted score for a project is 100. This portfolio list can then be ranked by either the developmentpriority index or the score. An example of the portfolio list is shownbelow and the second illustration shows the category summary forthe scoring method.
Diagram not in word Once the organization has its prioritized list of projects, it then needs todetermine where the cutoff is based on the business plan and the plannedlevel of investment of the resources avaialable. This subset of the highpriority projects then needs to be further analyzed and
checked. The firststep is to check that the prioritized list reflects the planned breakdown ofprojects based on the strategic allocation of the business plan. Pie chartssuch as the one below can be used for this purpose. Diagram-not in word Other factors can also be checked using bubble charts. For example,the risk-reward balance is commonly checked using the bubble chartshown earlier. A final check is to analyze product and technologyroadmaps for project relationships. For example, if a lower priorityplatform project was omitted from the protfolio priority list, thesubsequent higher priority projects that depend on that platform or platform technology would be impossible to execute unless thatplatform project were included in the portfolio priority list. Finally, this balanced portfolio that has been developed is checkedagainst the business plan as shown below to see if the plan goalshave been achieved - projects within the planned R&D investmentand resource levels and sales that have met the goals. With the significant investments required to develop new productsand the risks involved, Portfolio Management is becoming anincreasingly important tool to make strategic decisions about productdevelopment and the investment of company resources. In manycompanies, current year revenues are increasingly based on newproducts developed in the last one to three years. MEANING OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT The asset may be physical or financial like Sharesis a collection of asset. The individual investor or aBonds, Debentures, and Preference Shares etc. fund manager would not like to put all his money in the shares of one company, Main objective is to maximize portfoliofor that would amount to great risk. return and at the same time minimizing the portfolio risk by diversification. Portfolio management is the management of various
financial assets, which According to Securities and Exchange Board of Indiacomprise the portfolio. (Portfolio manager) Rules, 1993; portfolio means the total holding of
involves making several projections regarding the future, When the actual situation is at variancebased on the current information. One of the keyfrom the projections portfolio composition needs to be changed. inputs in portfolio building is the risk bearing ability of the investor. Portfolio management can be having institutional, for example, Unit Trust, Mutual Funds, Pension Provident and Insurance Funds, Investment Companies and nonInvestment Companies.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Institutional e.g. individual, Hindu17. Projectsformba.blogspot.com institutionalundivided families, Non- investment Companys etc. manages otherinvestors avail services of professionals. investment portfolio with the object of profitability, minimization, is known as a portfolio manager.
The large
A professional, who
peoples or institutions
performs the job of security analyst. sized organization, job function of portfolio manager and security analyst are Portfolios are built to suit the return expectations and the
18. Projectsformba.blogspot.com INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT AND PORTFOLIO THEORYPortfolio theory is an investment approach developed by University ofChicago economist Harry M. Markowitz (1927 - ), who won a NobelPrize in economics in 1990. Portfolio theory allows investors toestimate both the expected risks and returns, as measuredstatistically, for their investment portfolios.Markowitz described how to combine assets into efficiently diversifiedportfolios. It was his position that a portfolios risk could be reducedand the expected rate of return could be improved if investmentshaving dissimilar price movements were combined. In other words,Markowitz explained how to best assemble a diversified portfolio andproved that such a portfolio would likely do well.There are two types of Portfolio Strategies:A. Passive Portfolio StrategyA strategy that involves minimal expectation input, and instead relieson diversification to match the performance of some market index.B. Active Portfolio StrategyA strategy that uses available information and forecasting techniquesto seek a better performance than a portfolio that is simply diversifiedbroadlyProjectsformba.blogspot.com
19. Projectsformba.blogspot.com BASIC CONCEPTS AND COMPONENTS FOR PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTNow that we understand some of the basic dynamics and
inherentchallenges organizations face in executing a business strategy viasupporting initiatives, lets look at some basic concepts andcomponents of portfolio management practices.1.The PortfolioFirst, we can now introduce a definition of portfolio that relates moredirectly to the context of our preceding discussion. In the IBM view, aportfolio is: One of a number of mechanisms, constructed to actualizesignificant elements in the Enterprise Business Strategy.It contains a selected, approved, and continuously evolving, collectionof Initiatives which are aligned with the organizing element of thePortfolio, and, which contribute to the achievement of goals or goalcomponents identified in the Enterprise Business Strategy. The basisfor constructing a portfolio should reflect the enterprises particularneeds. For example, you might choose to build a portfolio aroundinitiatives for a specific product, business segment, or separatebusiness unit within a multinational organization.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
20. Projectsformba.blogspot.com2.The Portfolio StructureAs we noted earlier, a portfolio structure identifies and contains anumber of portfolios. This structure, like the portfolios within it, shouldalign with significant planning and results boundaries, and withbusiness components. If you have a product-oriented portfoliostructure, for example, then you would have a separate portfolio foreach major product or product group. Each portfolio would contain allthe initiatives that help that particular product or product groupcontribute to the success of the enterprise business strategy.3.The Portfolio ManagerThis is a new role for organizations that embrace a portfoliomanagement approach. A portfolio manager is responsible forcontinuing oversight of the contents within a portfolio. If you haveseveral portfolios within your portfolio structure, then you will likelyneed a portfolio manager for each one. The exact range ofresponsibilities (and authority) will vary from one organization toanother,1 but the basics are as follows: One portfolio manager oversees one portfolio. The portfolio manager provides day-to-day oversight. The portfolio manager periodically reviews the performance of, and conformance to expectations for, initiatives within the portfolio.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
21. Projectsformba.blogspot.com The portfolio manager ensures that data is collected and analyzed about each of the initiatives in the portfolio. The portfolio manager enables periodic decision making about the future direction of individual initiatives.4. Portfolio Reviews and Decision MakingAs initiatives are executed, the organization should conduct
periodicreviews of actual (versus planned) performance and conformance tooriginal expectations. Typically, organization managers specify thefrequency and contents for these periodic reviews, and individualportfolio managers oversee their planning and execution. The reviewsshould be multi-dimensional, including both tactical elements (e.g.,adherence to plan, budget, and resource allocation) and strategicelements (e.g., support for business strategy goals and delivery ofexpected organizational benefits).A significant aspect of oversight is setting multiple decision points foreach initiative, so that managers can periodically evaluate data anddecide whether to continue the work.
These"continue/change/discontinue" decisions should be driven by anunderstanding (developed via the periodic reviews) of a giveninitiatives continuing value, expected benefits, and strategiccontribution, Making these decisions at multiple points in theinitiatives lifecycle helps to ensure that managers will continuallyexamine and assess changing internal and external circumstances,needs, and performance.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
practices in an organization is atransformation effort that typically involves developing newcapabilities to address new work efforts, defining (and filling) newroles to identify portfolios (collections of work to be done), anddelineating boundaries among work efforts and collections.Implementing portfolio management also requires creating a structureto provide planning, continuing direction, and oversight and control forall portfolios and the initiatives they encompass. That is where thenotion of governance comes into play. The IBM view of governanceis:An abstract, collective term that defines and contains a framework fororganization, exercise of control and oversight, and decision-makingauthority, and within which actions and activities are legitimately andproperly executed; together with the definition of the functions, theroles, and the responsibilities of those who exercise this oversightand decision-making.Portfolio management governance involves multiple
dimensions,including: Defining and maintaining an enterprise business strategy. Defining and maintaining a portfolio structure containing all of the organizations initiatives (programs, projects, etc.).Projectsformba.blogspot.com
23. Projectsformba.blogspot.com Reviewing and approving business cases that propose the creation of new initiatives. Providing oversight, control, and decision-making for all ongoing initiatives. Ownership of portfolios and their contents.Each of these dimensions
requires an owner -- either an individual ora collective -- to develop and approve plans, continuously adjustdirection, and exercise control through periodic assessment andreview of conformance to expectations.A good governance structure decomposes both the types of work andthe authority to plan and oversee work. It defines individual andcollective roles, and links them to an authority scheme. Policies thatare collectively developed and agreed upon provide a framework forthe exercise of governance. The complexities of governancestructures extend well beyond the scope of this article. Manyorganizations turn to experts for help in this area because it is socritical to the success of any business transformation effort thatencompasses portfolio management. For now, suffice it to say that itis worth investing time and effort to create a sound and flexiblegovernance structure before you attempt to implement portfoliomanagement practices.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
24. Projectsformba.blogspot.com6.Portfolio management essentialsEvery practical discipline is based on a collection of fundamentalconcepts that people have identified and proven (and sometimesrefined or discarded) through continuous application. These conceptsare useful until they become obsolete, supplanted by newer and moreeffective ideas.For example, in Roman times, engineers discovered that if theupstream supports of a bridge were shaped to offer little resistance tothe current of a stream or river, they would last longer. They appliedthis principle all across the Roman Empire. Then, in the Middle Ages,engineers discovered that such supports would last even longer iftheir downstream side was also shaped to offer little resistance to thecurrent. So that became the new standard for bridge construction.Portfolio management, like bridge-building, is a discipline, and anumber of authors and practitioners have documented fundamentalideas about its exercise. Recently, based on our experiences withclients who have implemented portfolio management practices andon our research into the discipline, we have started to shape an IBMview of fundamental ideas around portfolio management. We arebeginning to express this view as a collection of "essentials" that are,in turn, grouped around a small collection of portfolio
25. Projectsformba.blogspot.comFor example, one of these themes is initiative value contribution. Itsuggests that the value of an initiative (i.e., a program or project)should be estimated and approved in order to start work, and thenassessed periodically on the basis of the initiatives contribution to thegoals and goal components in the enterprise business
strategy.These assessments determine (in part) whether the initiative warrantscontinued support.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
26. Projectsformba.blogspot.com OBJECTIVES OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT The basic objective of Portfolio Management is to maximize yield and minimize risk. The other objectives are as follows: a) Stability of Income: An investor considers stability of income from his investment. He also considers the stability of purchasing power of income. b) Capital Growth: Capital appreciation has become an important investment principle. Investors seek growth stocks which provide a very large capital appreciation by way of rights, bonus and appreciation in the market price of a share. c) Liquidity: An investment is a liquid asset. It can be converted into cash with the help of a stock exchange. Investment should be liquid as well as marketable. The portfolio should contain a planned proportion of high-grade and readily salable investment. d) Safety: safety means protection for investment against loss under reasonably variations. In order to provide safety, a careful review of economic and industry trends is necessary. In other words, errors in portfolio are unavoidable and it requires extensive diversification.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
27. Projectsformba.blogspot.com e) Tax Incentives: Investors try to minimize their tax liabilities from the investments. The portfolio manager has to keep a list of such investment avenues along with the return risk, profile, tax implications, yields and other returns.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
28. Projectsformba.blogspot.comThere are three goals of portfolio management: 1. Maximize the value of the portfolio 2. Seek balance in the portfolio 3. Keep portfolio projects strategically alignedIt provides a set of portfolio management tools to help achieve these goals.With multiple business units, product lines or types of development, werecommend a strategic allocation process based on the business plan. TheMaster Project Schedule provides a summary of all-active as well asproposed projects and classifies them by status (active, proposed, on-hold)and by business unit/product line to align projects with the strategicallocation. The Master Project Schedule also provides additional method or
portfolioinformation to
either a scorecard
thedevelopment productivity index (DPI *). In addition to this prioritization,PD-Trek provides a Risk-Reward Bubble Chart and a Project Type Pie Chartto assure balance. A Product or Technology Roadmap template is providedto help visualize platform and
technology relationships to assure criticalproject relationships are not overlooked with this prioritization. This willallow management to develop a balanced approach to selecting andcontinuing
goals.Projectsformba.blogspot.com 29. Projectsformba.blogspot.com FUNCTIONS OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENTThe basic purpose of portfolio management is to maximize yield andminimize risk. Every investor is risk averse. In order to diversify therisk by investing into various securities following functions arerequired to be performed.The functions undertaken by the portfolio management are asfollows: 1. To frame the investment strategy and select an investment mix to achieve the desired investment objective; 2. To provide a balanced portfolio which not only can hedge against the inflation but can also optimize returns with the associated degree of risk; 3. To make timely buying and selling of securities; 4. To maximize the aftertax
instruments.Projectsformba.blogspot.com 30. Projectsformba.blogspot.com STEPS IN PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Performance Portfolio Evaluation Revision Portfolio Execution STEPS Selection of Asset Mix Identification Portfolio Of Strategy ObjectivesProjectsformba.blogspot.com
The<31. Projectsformba.blogspot.com 1) IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECTIVES starting point in this process is to determine the characteristics of the various investments and then matching them with the individuals need and All the personal investing is designed in order to achieve<preferences. These objectives may be tangible such as buying a car,<certain objectives. <house etc. and intangible objectives such as social status, security etc. Similarly, these objectives may be classified as financial or personal < Financial objectives are safety, profitability and liquidity. <objectives. Personal or individual
objectives may be related to personal characteristics of individuals such as family commitments, status, depends, educational requirements, income, consumption and provision for retirement etc. 2) The aspect of Portfolio Management is
proper portfolio investment and speculation. planning, a careful review should be conducted about the financial situation and This will suggest a set of investment and<current capital market conditions. The statement of investment policies<speculation policies to be
There are
different<be followed while investing in different types of assets. They require changes as time passes, investors wealth<investment strategies. price change, investors knowledge expands. Therefore, the<changes, security
allocation also changes. allocation policy would call for broad diversification through an indexed holding of virtually all securities in the asset class. 3) SELECTION OF ASSET The most important decision in portfolio management is selection of asset<MIX It means spreading out portfolio investment into different asset classes<mix. In other words
selection of asset mix<like bonds, stocks, mutual funds etc. means investing in different kinds of assets and reduces risk and volatility and Selection of asset mix refers
to<maximizes returns in investment portfolio. The security<the percentage to the invested in various security classes. classes are simply the type of securities as under: money market instrument fixed income securityProjectsformba.blogspot.com
33. Projectsformba.blogspot.com equity shares real estate investment objective of the portfolio is determined the<international securities
the<securities to be included in the portfolio must be selected. portfolio is selected from a list of high-quality bonds that the portfolio The portfolio manager has to decide the goals before<manager has at hand. The goal may be to achieve pure growth, growth<selecting
the common stock. with some income or income only. Once the goal has been selected, the portfolio The process of<manager can select the common stocks. 4) PORTFOLIO portfolio management involves a logical set of steps common to any
decision, Applying this process to actual portfolios<plan, implementation and monitor. Therefore, in the execution stage, three decisions need to be<can be complex. made, if the percentage holdings of various asset classes are currently different from desired holdings.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
If the
statement of investment policy requires pure investment strategy, this is However, many portfolio<only thing, which is done in the execution stage. managers engage in the
speculative transactions in the belief that such Such speculative<transactions will generate excess risk-adjusted returns. Timing<transactions are usually classified as timing or
selection decisions. decisions over or under weight various asset classes, industries or economic Such timing decisions are known<sectors from the strategic asset allocation. as tactical asset allocation and selection decision deals with securities within The investor has to<a given asset class, industry group or economic sector. begin with periodically adjusting the asset mix to the desired mix, which is Then the investor or portfolio manager<known as strategic asset allocation. decision. 5) REVISION can make any tactical asset allocation or security selection
Portfolio management would be an incomplete exercise<PORTFOLIO The portfolio, which is once selected, has to be<without periodic review.
continuously reviewed over a period of time and if necessary revised depending on the objectives of investor.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Thus, portfolio revision means changing<35. Projectsformba.blogspot.com portfolio management involves<the asset allocation of a portfolio.
maintaining proper
combination of securities, which comprise the investors For<portfolio in a manner that they give maximum return with minimum risk. this purpose, investor should have
continuous review and scrutiny of his Whenever adverse conditions develop, he can dispose of<investment portfolio. However, the frequency of review depends<the securities, which are not worth. upon the size of the portfolio, the sum involved, the kind of securities held The review should include a careful<and the time available to the investor. examination of investment objectives, targets for portfolio performance, actual be<results obtained and analysis of reason for variations. portfolio<followed by suitable and timely action. The review should
objectives and return-risk<revision. These fluctuations may be related to economic activity or due to<framework. when<other factors. Ideally investors should buy when prices are low and sell prices rise to levels higher than their normal
36. Projectsformba The investor should decide how often the<.blogspot.com occurs to often, transaction and<portfolio should be revised.
If revision
infrequently the<analysis costs may be high. The important factor to take into<benefits of
EVALUATION: combination of securities, which comprise the investors portfolio in a manner The investor should have<that they give maximum return with minimum risk. These rates of<continues review and scrutiny of his investment portfolio. Complete<return should be based on the market value of the assets of the fund. evaluation of the portfolio performance must include examining a measure of the A portfolio manager, by evaluating his own<degree of risk taken by the fund. It can be viewed as<performance can identify
sources of strength or weakness. a feedback and control mechanism that can make the investment management process more effective.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Good performance in the past might have<37. Projectsformba.blogspot.com resulted from good luck, in which case such performance may not be expected to On the other hand, poor performance in the past might<continue in the future. performance<have been result of bad luck. Therefore, the first task in
past performance was good or poor. <second task is to determine whether such performance was due to skill or luck. Good performance in the past may have resulted from the actions of a highly The performance of portfolio should be measured<skilled portfolio manager. The performance of an<periodically, preferably once in a month or a quarter. individual stock
market.Projectsformba.blogspot.com 38. Projectsformba.blogspot.com TYPES OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT:The two types of portfolio management services are available o theinvestors: Discretionary portfolio Non-discretionary Management portfolio Management 1. The Discretionary In this type of services, the clientportfolio management services (DPMS): parts with his money in favor of manager, who in return, handles all the paper work, makes all the decisions and gives a good return on the investment and for In this discretionary PMS, to maximize thethis he charges a certain fees. yield, almost all portfolio managers parks the funds in the money market securities such as overnight market, 182 days treasury bills and 90 days Normally, return on such investment varies from 14 to 18 percommercial bills. cent, depending on the call money rates prevailing at the time of investment.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
39. Projectsformba.blogspot.com 2. The Non-discretionary portfolio The manager function as a counselor, but the investor ismanagement services: free to accept or reject the
managers advice; the manager for a services charge The manager concentrates on stock marketalso undertakes the paper work. instruments with a portfolio tailor made to the risk taking ability of the investor.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
It is logical*40. Projectsformba.blogspot.com EQUITY PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT that the expected return of a portfolio should depend on the expected return of There are two approaches to the selection of*the security contained in it. One is technical analysis
and the other is fundamental*equity portfolio. Technical analysis assumes that the price of a stock depends on*analysis. All financial and market information of*supply and demand in the stock market. Charts are drawn to*given security is already reflected in the market price. These*identify price movements of a given security over a period of time. charts
enable the investors to predict the future movement of the price of Equity portfolio is a risky portfolio, but at the same time the*security. An* Equity portfolio provides highest returns. *return is also higher. efficient portfolio manager can obviously give more weight age to fundamental analysis than the technical analysis.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
The fundamental analysis includes the*41. Projectsformba.blogspot.com study of ratio analysis, past and present track record of the company, quality There may be several combinations of*of management, government policies etc. Allocation of funds for equity portfolio is a question*investment portfolio. importance to any portfolio manager. allocation of funds among these Among all risky investments,*of top most
selection of the best possible combination and selected investment groups are of great
The individual*42. Projectsformba.blogspot.com BONDS PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT The portfolio can be spared over*investors can invest in bond portfolio. Investment in
bond is less risky and safe as compared*variety of securities. There are no* However, the return on bond is very low. *to equity investment. Therefore, there is no capital
appreciation*much fluctuations in bond prices. Some bonds are tax saving which help the investor to reduce his*in this case. There is no much liquidity in bonds, investment in
bond*tax liability. portfolio is less risky and safe but, return is reasonable, low liquidity
and tax saving are some of the more important features of bond portfolio investment. However, it is suitable for normal investors for getting average return over* Bond portfolio includes different types of bond, tax free*their investment. bonds.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Tax free bonds are issued by public sector*43. Projectsformba.blogspot.com undertaking or Government on which interest s compounded half yearly and payable They have a maturity of 7 to 10 years with the facility for*accordingly. The tax free bonds means the interest income on these bonds is not*buyback. However,* Therefore, the interest rates on these bonds are very low. *taxable. taxable bonds yield higher interest compounded half yearly and also payable half They also have buy back facilities similar to taxable*yearly. bonds.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
44. Projectsformba.blogspot.com ADVANTAGES OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Individuals will benefits immensely by taking portfolio management services for the following reason: - a) Whatever may be the status of the capital market; over the long period capital markets have given an excellent return when compared to other forms of investment. The return from bank deposits, units etc., is much less than from stock market. b) The Indian stock markets are very complicated. Though there are thousands of companies that are listed only a few hundred, which have the necessary liquidity. It is impossible for any individual whishing to invest and sit down and analyses all these intricacies of the market unless he does nothing else. c) Even if an investor is able to visualize the market, it is difficult to investor to trade in all the major exchanges of India, look after his deliveries and payments. This is further complicated by theProjectsformba.blogspot.com
45. Projectsformba.blogspot.com volatile nature of our markets, which demands constant reshuffling of portProjectsformba.blogspot.com 46. Projectsformba.blogspot.com IMPORTANCE OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT In
the past one-decade, significant changes have taken place in the investment climate in India. Portfolio management is becoming a rapidly growing area serving a broad array of investors- both individual and institutional-with investment portfolios ranging in asset size from thousands to cores of rupees. It is becoming important because of: i. Emergence of
institutional investing on behalf of individuals. A number of financial institutions, mutual funds, and other agencies are undertaking the task of investing money of small investors, on
their behalf. ii. Growth in the number and the size of invisible fundsa large part of household savings is being directed towards financial assets. iii. Increased market volatilityrisk and return parameters of financial assets are continuously changing because of frequent changes in governments industrial and fiscal policies, economic uncertainty and instability. iv. Greater use of computers for processing mass of data.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
47. Projectsformba.blogspot.com v. Professionalization of the field and increase use of analytical methods (e.g. quantitative techniques) in the investment decision-making, and vi. Larger direct and indirect costs of errors or shortfalls in meeting portfolio objectivesincreased competition and greater scrutiny by investors.Projectsformba.blogspot.com 48. Projectsformba.blogspot.com QUALITIES OF PORTFOLIO MANAGER 1. Sound Portfolio management is an existing and challenging job. general knowledge: In theHe has to work in an extremely uncertain and conflicting environment. stock market every new piece of information affects the value of the securities He must be able to judge andof different industries in a different way. He must have sharp memory,predict the effects of the information he gets. alertness, fast intuition and self-confidence to arrive at quick decisions. 2. He must have his own theory to arrive at the value of theAnalytical Ability: An analysis of the securitys values, company, etc. is continues jobsecurity. A good analyst makes a good financial consultant. of the portfolio manager. The analyst can know the strengths, weakness, opportunities of the economy, industry and the
He must be good49. Projectsformba.blogspot.com 3. Marketing skills: convince the clients about the particular security. salesman. compete with the Stock brokers in the stock market.
He He has to
In this Marketinghas to
stockskills help him a lot. 4. Experience: market history is often repeated, therefore the experience of the different The experience of different types ofphases helps to make rational decisions.
manager.Projectsformba.blogspot.com 50. Projectsformba.blogspot.com CODE OF CONDUCT- PORTFOLIO MANAGERS: 1. A portfolio manager shall, in the conduct of his business, observe high standards of integrity and fairness in all his dealings with his clients and other portfolio managers. 2. The money
received by a portfolio manager from a client for an investment purpose should be deployed by the portfolio manager as soon as possible for that purpose and money due and payable to a client should be paid forthwith. 3. A portfolio manager shall render at all time high standards of services exercise due diligence, ensure proper care and exercise independent professional judgment. The portfolio manager shall either avoid any conflict of interest in his investment or disinvestments decision, or where any conflict of interest arises; ensure fair treatment to all his customers. He shall disclose to the clients, possible sources of conflict of duties and interest, while providing unbiased services. A portfolio manager shall not place his interest above those of his clients. 4. A portfolio manager shall not make any statement or become privy to any act, practice or unfair competition, which is likely to be harmful to the interests of other portfolio managers or it likely to place such other portfolio managers in a disadvantageousProjectsformba.blogspot.com
51. Projectsformba.blogspot.com position in relation to the portfolio manager himself, while competing for or executing any assignment. 5. A portfolio manager shall not make any exaggerated statement, whether oral or written, to the client either about the qualification or the capability to render certain services or his achievements in regard to services rendered to other clients. 6. At the time of entering into a contract, the portfolio manager shall obtain in writing from the client, his interest in various corporate bodies, which enables him to obtain unpublished price-sensitive information of the body corporate. 7. A portfolio manager shall not disclose to any clients or press any confidential information about his clients, which has come to his knowledge. 8. The portfolio manager shall where necessary and in the interest of the client take adequate steps for registration of the transfer of the clients securities and for claiming and receiving dividend, interest payment and other rights accruing to the client. He shall also take necessary action for conversion of securities and subscription of/or rights in accordance with the clients instruction. 9. Portfolio manager shall ensure that the investors are provided with true and adequate information without making
52. Projectsformba.blogspot.com misguiding or exaggerated claims and are made aware of attendant risks before they take any investment decision. 10.He should render the best possible advice to the client having regard to the clients needs and the environment, and his
own professional skills. 11.Ensure that all professional dealings are affected in a prompt, efficient and cost effective manner.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
53. Projectsformba.blogspot.com FACTORS AFFECTING THE INVESTORThere may be many reasons why the portfolio of an investor mayhave to be changed. The portfolio manager always remains alert andsensitive to the changes in the requirements of the investor. Thefollowing are the some factors affecting the investor, which make itnecessary to change the portfolio composition. 1. Change According to the utility theory, the risk taking ability of thein Wealth It says that people can afford toinvestor increases with
increase in wealth. But, intake more risk as they grow rich and benefit from its reward. As people get rich,practice, while they can afford, they may not be willing. they become more concerned about losing the newly got riches than getting The fund So they may become conservative and vary risk- averse. richer. manager should observe the changes in the attitude of the investor towards risk If the investor turns to beand try to understand them in proper perspective. conservative after making huge gains, the portfolio manager should modify the portfolio accordingly.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
As time54. Projectsformba.blogspot.com 2. Change in the Time Horizon passes, some events take place that may have an impact on the time horizon of Births, deaths, marriages, and divorces all have their ownthe investor. There are, of course, many other importantimpact on the investment horizon. events in the persons life that may force a change in the investment horizon. The happening or the non-happening of the events will naturally have its effect. For example, a person may have planned for an early retirement, considering But, after turning 55 years of age, if his healthhis delicate health.
Investorsimproves, he may not take retirement. 3. Change in Liquidity Needs very often ask the portfolio manager to keep enough scope in the portfolio to This forces portfolio manager to increase theget some cash as and they want. Due to this, the amountsweight of liquid investments in the asset mix. available for investment in the fixed income or growth securities that actually help in achieving the goal of the investor get reduced.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
That is, the money taken out today from55. Projectsformba.blogspot.com the portfolio means that the amount and the return that would have been earned on it are no longer
available for achievement of the investors goals. 4. It is said that there are onlyChanges in Taxes two things certain in this The only uncertainties regarding them relate to
theworld- death and taxes. Portfolio manager have to constantly look out fordate, time, place and mode. changes in the tax structure and make suitable changes in the portfolio The rate of tax under long- term capital gains is usually lowercomposition. than the rate applicable for income. If there is a change in the minimum holding period for long-term capital gains, it may lead to revision. The specifics of There can bethe planning depend on the nature of the investments. 5. Others many of other reasons for which clients may ask for a change in the asset mix in For example, there may be change in the return available on thethe portfolio. investments that have to be compulsorily made with the government say, in the form of provident fund.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
This may call for a change in the return56. Projectsformba.blogspot.com required from the other investments.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
SEBISCENARIO fixing strict norms for companies launching PMS, only the serious players are The PMS members today have full transparency:going to enter his business. managers are required to maintain individual accounts showing all dealings in a Secondly, They must also advise him on all transactions. clients portfolio. all PMS Managers have to send their clients at least a quarterly report giving Thethe status of their portfolio and the transactions that have taken place. It has several checksclient-PMS manager contract is as per SEBI ground rules. to protect investors interest like laying the custodial responsibility on the manager and preventing any alterations in the scheme without the clients Finally, managers have to send half-yearly reports to SEBI on theirconsent. Experienced handling of cash and money powerportfolio management activities. apart, PMS also takes care of a number of the headaches endemic with investing markets. services.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
All PMS Managers act as custodians of58. Projectsformba.blogspot.com shares and are responsible for the load of paper work related to the share transfer, documentation work, postal work and even ensuring that dividends are SEBI directives also put the onus on the
PMScredited to clients account. promoters to take follow-up action in case shares are lost or damaged. Difficulties such as late transfer and postal theft are reduced in case of brokers, because they not only have direct access to registrars but also have All these services come for a fee,branch offices to ensure quicker transfers. While the actual PMS charges vary from a high of 7% of the amountof course. As in allinvested to a low of around 3.5%, follow-up services charges extra. schemes, there is a downside to putting cash into portfolio management as well. PMS ManagersThe most important is the fact that despite all the SEBI checks. This really discharges theare not allowed to assured any fixed returns. So investors have tomanagers for any responsibility if the scheme does badly. Problem
inherent in most schemes onbe very careful in choosing the promoters. offer will be misused of investors funds to some extent.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Funds collected from investors will aid59. Projectsformba.blogspot.com concerned in their own games in the market.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
the brokers
present, there are a very few agencies which render this type of services in an organized and professional way. However, their share in the total volume is very small. There is no
constraint on the demand for this type of financial service as every entity would be saving and investing and interested in optimizing the rate of return. increasing. The size of capital market is New instruments are
is conservatively estimated that during the eighth plan resources to the tune of over Rs.50000crore will be mobilized through the stock market.
investors, as compared to 2 million in 1980. .Projectsformba.blogspot.com 61. Projectsformba.blogspot.comSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA RULES, No person to act as portfolio manager*1993 REGARDING PORTFOLIO
MANAGERS without certificate. No person shall carry on any activity as a portfolio manager unless he holds a certificate granted by the Board under this regulation. Provided that such person, who was engaged as portfolio manager prior to the coming into force of the Act, may continue to carry on activity as portfolio manager, if he has made an application
for such registration, till the disposal of such application. Provided further that nothing contained in this rule shall apply in case of merchant banker holding a certificate granted by the board of India Regulations, 1992 as category I or category II merchant banker, as the case may be. Provided also that a merchant banker acting as a portfolio manager under the second provision to this rule shall also be bound by the rules and regulations applicable to a portfolio manager.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
Conditions for grant or renewal of*62. Projectsformba.blogspot.com certificate to portfolio manager. The board may grant or renew certificate to portfolio manager subject to the following conditions namely: a) The portfolio manager in case of any change in its status and constitution, shall obtain prior permission of the board to carry on its activities; b) He shall pay the amount of fees for registration or renewal, as the case may be, in the manner provided in the regulations; c) He shall make adequate steps for redressed of grievances of the clients within one month of the date of receipt of the complaint and keep the board informed about the number, nature and other particulars of the complaints received; d) He shall abide by the rules and regulations made under *the Act in respect of the activities carried on by the portfolio manager. Period of validity of the certificate. The certificate of registration on its renewal, as the case may be, shall be valid for a period of here years from the date of its issue to the portfolio manager.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
63. Projectsformba.blogspot.com SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA Registration of Portfolio Managers: 1. Application for grant8REGULATIONS, 1993 application by a portfolio manager for grant of aof certificate An
anythingcertificate shall be made to the board on Form A. contained in sub regulation (1), any application made by a portfolio manager prior to coming into force of these regulations containing such particulars or as near thereto as mentioned in form A shall be treated as an application made in pursuance of sub-regulation and dealt with accordingly. 2. Application of Subject to the provisions of sub-regulation (2) ofconfirm to the requirements regulation 3, any application, which is not complete in all respects and does not confirm to the instructions specified in the form, shall be rejected: Provided that, before rejecting any such application, the applicant shall be given an opportunity to remove within theProjectsformba.blogspot.com
64. Projectsformba.blogspot.com time specified such objections as may be indicated by the board. 3. Furnishing of further information, clarification and The Board may require the applicant to furnishpersonal representation. further information or clarification regarding matters relevant to his activity Theof a portfolio manager for the purposes of disposal of the application. applicant or, its principal officer shall, if so required, appear before the The BoardBoard for personal representation. 4. Consideration of application. shall take into account for considering the grant of certificate, all matters which are relevant to the activities relating to portfolio manager and in particular whether the applicant complies with the following requirements The applicant has the necessary infrastructure like to adequate officenamely: Thespace, equipments and manpower to effectively discharge his
activities; applicant has his employment minimum of two persons who have the experience to conduct the business of portfolio manager;Projectsformba.blogspot.com
with the
applicant has not been granted registration by the Board in case of the The applicant, fulfils the capital adequacyapplicant being a body corporate; The applicant, his partner, director orrequirements specified in regulation 7 principal officer is not involved in any litigation connected with the securities market and which has an adverse bearing on the business of the The applicant, his director, partner or principal officer has notapplicant; at any time been convinced for any offence involving moral turpitude or has been The applicant has the professionalfound guilty of any economic offences; recognized by the government qualification from an institution
To*66. Projectsformba.blogspot.com PRIMARY SURVEY Purpose of the study: ascertain investor awareness about services provided by portfolio management institutions and the interest shown by investor to invest in portfolio To know whether they are interested to hire such services*management services. in future and if not,
67. Projectsformba.blogspot.com SPECIMEN QUESTIONNAIRESurvey on investors views about Portfolio Management Name: Age: Occupation: Are you aware of services offered by portfolio manager? Yes No If yes, what types of services you are aware of ?
Management of Mutual fund investment Management of Equities Management of Money market investmentProjectsformba.blogspot.com
68. Projectsformba.blogspot.com Advisory or consultancy services Others (If other please specify) Would you want to hire a portfolio manager at present or in future? Yes No If yes, for what type of services? Investments in Mutual Funds Investments in Equities Investments in Money market Investments in other[s] (If other please specify) Advisory or consultancy service If No, why?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ What is the Percentage of commission that you are ready to pay to portfolio manager for services provided by him in ? Equities Money market investmentProjectsformba.blogspot.com
69. Projectsformba.blogspot.com Mutual fund investment Advisory or consultancy services Other investment (If other please specify) Do you think there will be growth in portfolio management in future? If Yes why? If No, why? What type of services would you want from portfolio manager in future?
70. Projectsformba.blogspot.com SignatureProjectsformba.blogspot.com 71. Projectsformba.blogspot.com FINDINGSThis case study has been conducted on various age groups ofindividual investors on portfolio management. These consist of agegroup ranging from 18-30, 30-45, 45-60 and 60 & above. Followinginterpretation has been made on the basis of the informationcollected Ageifrom individual investors of various age groups throughquestionnaire: group of 18-30 is more aware about services offered by portfolio manager whereas age group of 60 & Management ofiabove is less aware of such services. mutual fund investment, management of equities, management of money market investment, advisory and consultancy services are the services provided by the portfolio management institution. Amongst these, advisory and consultancy Dueiservices are the
services that the individual investors are more aware of. to lack of experience and market knowledge, the age group of 45-60 is more interested to hire portfolio manager at present in order to manage their portfolio. The age group ranging from 18-30 is more interested in making investment in equities whereas group ranging from 60 & above are more interested in making investment in mutual fund. On the otherProjectsformba.blogspot.com
72. Projectsformba.blogspot.com hand, age group of 30-45 and 45-60 are least interested in any of the services provided by portfolio management institution. Reasons specified for the presence of disinterest in any of these services were that the investors are having good hold on their investment. Also they possess good knowledge with regards to market fluctuations, investment portfolios and All the age groups ofiother factors relating to portfolio
management. individual investors in portfolio management believe that there is a better scope for portfolio management in future. Investors would prefer the introduction of services like advisory and consultancy services, investment in mutual funds in the near future.Projectsformba.blogspot.com
73. Projectsformba.blogspot.com CONCLUSIONWith the help of given project I got an indepth knowledge about theworking of portfolio management. Also I got an insight as too how toinvest in portfolio management, which scheme provide better returnas compared to other and who are the portfolio management playersin the Indian market.It can be concluded from the project that future of portfoliomanagement is bright provided proper regulations prevail andinvestors needs are satisfied by providing variety of schemes. Theinterest of investors is protected by SEBI. Portfolio management isgoverned by SEBI Act.Due to the benefits available to the individuals such as reduction inrisk, expert professional management, diversified portfolios, taxbenefits etc. young generation (i.e. age group bet. 1830) is willing toinvest in different investment avenues through portfolio manager orthrough mutual funds which are again managed by portfoliomanagers. On the other hand, age group of 60 & above are leastinterested in making investment in different avenues through portfolioProjectsformba.blogspot.com
74. Projectsformba.blogspot.commanagers. They believe in investing and managing their portfolio ontheir own.However, it can be said that the future of portfolio management isbright in years to come.Projectsformba.blogspot.com