Jordan Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Jordan Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Jordan Journal of Earth & Environmental Sciences
JJEES is An International Peer-Revievwed Research Journal Issued by High er Scientific Research Committee
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Deanship of Academic Research and Graduate
Studies The Hashemite University.
Professor Abdul Rahim A. Hamdan
The Hashemite University
Editorial board
Professor Abdulkader M. Abed
University of Jordan
Professor Hani N. Khoury
University of Jordan
Professor Zuhair El-Isa
University of Jordan
Yarmouk University
Prof. Sayed Abdul Rahman,
Cairo University, Egypt.
Prof. Abdullah Al-Amri,
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.
Prof. Waleed Al-Zubair,
Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain.
Prof. Ute Austermann-Haun,
Fachhochschule und Lipp, Germany.
Prof. Ibrahim Banat,
University of Ulster, UK.
Prof. Matthias Barjenbruch,
Technisch Universitat Berlin, Germany.
Prof. Mohamed Boukhary,
Ain Shams University, Egypt.
Prof. Mohammad El-Sharkawy,
Cairo University, Egypt
- Prof. Venugopalan Ittekkot.
Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremn,
Prof. Christopher Kendall,
University of North Carolina, U.S.A.
Prof. Elias Salameh,
University of Jordan, Jordan.
Prof. V. Subramanian,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.
Prof. Omar Rimawy,
University of Jordan, Jordan.
Prof. Hakam Mustafa,
Yarmouk University, Jordan.
Dr. Michael Crosby,
The National Science Board, National Science
Foundation, Virginia, U.S.A.
Dr. Brian Turner,
Durham University, U.K..
-- Dr. Friedhelm Krupp,
Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History
Museum, Germany.
-- Dr. Richard Lim,
University of Technology, Australia.
Professor Abdul Rahim A. Hamdan
Deanship of Academic Research and Higher Studies
Hashemite University, P.O. Box 330127, Postal Code 13133, Zarqa, Jordan.
Phone: +962-5-3903333 ext. 4151
E-Mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
Language Editor Publishing Layout
Dr. Wael Zuraiq
MCPD. Osama AlShareet
Professor Sameh Gharaibeh
Yarmouk University
Professor Ahmad Abu Hilal
-Professor Issa Makhlouf
The Hashemite University
Speci al Edi t i on
The Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES)
JJEES is An International Peer-Revievwed Research Journal Issued by Higher Scientific Research Committee Ministry of
Higher Education and Scientific Research and Deanship of Academic Research and Graduate Studies The Hashemite
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The Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences (JJEES) is the national journal of Jordan in earth and
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Hunt, J. 1996. Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology. 2
Ed., H. W. Freeman and Company, New York.
Chapter in a book:
Shinn E. A., 1983. Tidal Flat Environment, In: Carbonate Depositional Environments, edited by Scholle, P. A.,
Bebout, D. G., and Moore, C. H., The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
pp. 171-210.
Sexton, P. F., Wilson, P. A.,and Pearson, P. N., 2006. Paleoecology of Late Middle Eocene Planktonic
Foraminifera and Evolutionary Implication, Marine Micropaleontology, 60(1): 1-16.
Conferences and Meetings:
Huber, B. T. 1991. Paleogene and Early Neogene Planktonic Foraninifer Biostratigraphy of Sites 738 and 744,
Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean). In: Barron, J., Larsen, B., et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean
Drilling Program. Scientific Results, vol. 119. Ocean Drilling Program, College station, TX, pp. 427-449.
Thawabteh, S. M. 2006. Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Petrographic Study of Travertine Deposits along the
Eastern Side of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea, M. Sc. Thesis, The Hashemite University.
Makhlouf, I. M. and El-Haddad, A. 2006. Depositional Environments and Facies of the Late Triassic Abu Ruweis
Formation, Jordan, J. Asian Earth Sciences, England, in Press.
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Submit three copies of the manuscript (including copies of tables and illustrations) to the Editor-in-Chief
Professor Abdul Rahim A. Hamdan
Deanship of Academic Research and Higher Studies
Hashemite University, P.O. Box 330127, Postal Code 13133, Zarqa, Jordan.
Phone: +962-5-3903333 ext. 4151
E-Mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
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Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Editorial Preface
It is my great pleasure to introduce the first special publication of the Jordan Journal of Earth and
Environmental Sciences (JJEES), dealing with eight selected papers that have been presented in the International
Conference on Materials in Jordan.
I have read the papers of this issue with lively interest, with real enjoyment, and with close attention and
appreciation of its accurate and discreet coverage of materials in Jordan.
This special publication is intended to help the participants as well as colleagues in material sciences of
different disciplines to work together on their common or interrelated problems and to use their work ideas and
information presented at the conference. This document will be useful to many materials scientists.
Without the warm support and patient assistance of the editorial board this work could not have been
completed. They cheerfully helped me in this publication.
Many special thanks go to Dr. Wael Zuraiq, the Dept. of English Language and Literature, who reviewed
the language and MCPD. Osama Al-Shareet from the Computer Center, who prepared this special issue for the printer
with great skill.
Professor Abdul Rahim A. Hamdan,
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
The Hashemite University,
Zarqa, Jordan.
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Conference Preface
The International Conference on Materials in Jordan was held during the period from 4 - 6 March 2009 at
the German / Jordanian University (GJU), Amman, Jordan (Humboldt Kolleg).
Preparation for the 1st International Conference on Materials in Jordan started on 12.4.2008 following the
successful "Materials Workshop" held by the Jordanian Club of Humboldt Fellows (JCHF) at Goethe
Institute/Amman which was followed by lectures in Jordan by the German Scientist Dr Nelia Wanderka from Berlin.
The efforts of HE Prof. Dr Khaled Toukan, chairman of Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) who
participated at the workshop, in addition to the efforts of Dr. Nelia Wanderka, were crucial to the success of the
conference. The GJU joined the team of organizers; thus having a powerful team with a committee of 20 Jordanian
scientists from various universities and research institutions. The efforts of the president of GJU Prof. Labib Khadra
and its vice president (Humboldtian Prof. Dr. Ziad AlSaad) were extremely important to the success. Least and not
last the executive committee members of JCHF Dr Ahmad Al Ajlouni and Dr. Lamia Khouri in addition to the
dedication of other members of the club enabled holding a successful conference.
The valuable assistance by HE the ambassador of the German Embassy in Jordan Dr. Joachim Heidorn and
the First Secretary and the Cultural Attachee of the Embassy Mr Carsten Fischer were valuable. The support of the
Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR), Secretary General of the Ministry Prof. Turki
Obaidat combined with financial support from the "Scientific Research Support Fund/MoHESR, the Middle East
Scientific Fund, Arab Potash Co, Jordan Ahli Bank" needed in addition to the crucial financial support from the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enabled us to cover most of the financial expenses for the event. The conference
co-hosting by Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT) and the unlimited support extended by its
president Prof. Hisham Gaseeb were important towards achieving the goals of the conference.
The conference was patronized by PM HE Eng. Nader Dahabi who deputized the Minister of Higher
Education and Sci. Research Prof. Dr. Walid Maani in opening of the conference that was held at PSUT with the
attendance of 279 people.
Important decisions emerged from the conference that include forming a committee for Int. Network to
follow decisions and to continue the good work, to consider this conference as an important national and Int. event, to
be the first and to be biannual conference. The Int. Committee was formed from: HE Prof. Khaled Toukan
(Chairman, JAEC), Prof. Ziad Al Saad (VP of GJU, Jordan), Prof. Hani Khoury (UJ, Jordan), Prof. Thomas Kelly
(USA) Prof. Simon Ringer (Australia), Dr Nelli Wanderka (Germany), Prof. Jan Wastiels (Belgium), Nick Nugent
(North Holland) Prof. Marwan S. Mousa , (Mu'tah Univ., Jordan).
Prof. Dr. Marwan S. Mousa
Director of ICMJ (Humboldt Kolleg)
President of the Jordanian Club of Humboldt Fellows
Dept. of Physics
Mu'tah University
Al-Karak, Jordan
email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Conference Organizing Committee:
1. HE Prof. Dr. Khalid Toukan, Chairman of the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission (Chairman of the
2. Prof. Dr. Labib Khadra, President of German Jordanian University GJU (Co-Chairman of the Conference).
3. Prof. Dr. Marwan S. Mousa, President of Jordanian Club of Humboldt Fellows (Director of the Conference).
4. Prof. Dr. Ziad Al Saad, Vice president GJU.
5. Dr Nelia Wanderka, Helmholtz-Center Berlin for Materials and Energy.
Conference Scientific Committee:
1. Prof. Dr. Hani Nicola Khouri, Jordan University
2. Prof. Dr. Mohammad El-Khateeb, Jordan University of Science and Technology
3. Prof. Dr. Tayel El-Hasan, Mutah University
4. Prof. Dr. Abdelaziz Khlaifat, Mutah University
5. Dr Khalid Al-Nawayseh, Arab Potash Co.
6. Dr Jamal Alali, Natural Resources Authority
7. Dr. Raed Ghanem, Al al-Bayt University
8. Dr. Mousa Gougazeh, Tafila Technical University
9. Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. Al-Ajlouni, Jordan University of Science and Technology
10. Dr. Yaseen Al-Sou'd, Al al-Bayt University
11. Dr Lamia El-Khouri, Yarmouk University
12. Prof. Dr. Sami Mahmood, Yarmouk University
13. Prof. Dr. Dia-Eddin Arafah, Jordan Unversity
14. Prof. Dr. Akram Rousan, Jordan University of Science and Technology
15. Cyrus Salimi-Asl, DAAD Rep in Jordan
16. Dr. Ned Xoubi, Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission
17. Prof. Dr. Abdul Haleem Wreikat, Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission
Guest Editors:
Prof. Dr. Marwan S. Mousa [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Hani Khoury [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Ziad Al-Saad [email protected]
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
38 49
Environmental Magnetism: Heavy Metal Concentrations in Soils as a Function of Magnetic
Materials Content.
Tayel El-Hasan, Abdel-Jaleel Al-Nawiseh, Mahdi S. Lataifeh
50 59
Heavy Metals Distribution in the Dead Sea Black Mud, Jordan
Kamal Momani; Tayel El-Hasan, Samer Auaydeh , Khaled Al-Nawayseh
60 65
Exchange Coupling and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Ir(001) superlattices
B. Alqassem, B.A. Hamad, J.M. Khalifeh
66 71
Associated Minerals and their Influence on the Optical Properties of Jordanian Kaolin
Akl M. Awwad, Rafat Ahmad, Hatem Alsyouri
72 83
Mineralogy and Authigenesis of Zeolitic Tuff from Tall-Juhira and Tall Amir, South Jordan
Reyad A. Dwairi, Hani N. Khoury, Khalil M. Ibrahim
84 95
Cementation of Silver Ions on Metallic Copper
Marian Jaskua
96 107
Determination of crystallite thickness and crystal growth mechanisms of Jordanian clays by X-
ray diffraction method.
I.M.Odeh, W.A.Saqqa, D.Eberl
108 119
Adsorption of Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI) by Tulul al-Shabba Zeolitic Tuff, Jordan
Mona Al-Shaybe and Fawwaz Khalili
Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 38- 49
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Environmental Magnetism: Heavy Metal Concentrations in Soils
as a Function of Magnetic Materials Content.
Tayel El-Hasan *, Abdel-Jaleel Al-Nawiseh, Mahdi S. Lataifeh
Faculty of Science, Mutah University, 61710, P.O. Box (7), Mutah, Al-Karak - Jordan.
The magnetic materials contained in the urban soil or roadside soils have become increasingly important as they could serve
as good adsorbent media for the heavy metals such as Co, Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni. Usually, Fe-Oxides or hydroxides such as
the magnetite, hematite and goethite are contained in the soil originated through natural or anthropogenic processes.
The results obtained in this investigation indicate the positive correlation between magnetic materials content and the heavy
metals concentrations; and show that magnetite (Fe
) is the main magnetic mineral phase, which might be attributed to
various anthropogenic sources mainly the traffic related activities. Recently, this finding has an important implication in
monitoring the urban and roadside soil heavy metal pollution, which is developed into new concept called the environmental
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Magnetite, Urban soil, Heavy metals, Magnetic Proxies, Pollution, VSM.
1. Introduction
The first explicit description of environmental
magnetism as a distinct field was reported by (Thompson
& Oldfield, 1986). The environmental magnetism, a
newly developing interdisciplinary trend, aimed to use the
magnetic proxies as pollution indicator (Fassdinder et al.
1990; Morris et al. 1995; Versteeg et al. 1995; and
Ptrovsky et al. 1999). The extent of this methodology was
reviewed in details in (Oldfield et al. 1991; Versteeg et al.
1996; and Gautam et al. 2005).
Environmental magnetism has played an important role
in understanding past climate change through studying of
loess, lake and marine sediments magnetic properties
(Waden, 2004). Furthermore, the environmental
magnetism acts as a more rapid and non-destructive means
of assessing pollution history of sediments (Brilhante et al.
1989, Foster et al., 1991, and Charlesworth & Lees, 2001).
Moreover, Shilton et al., (2005) found positive relationship
between magnetic contents and organic matter in dust
Strzyszcz and Magiera, (1998) had investigated the
correlation coefficient between magnetic susceptibility and
heavy metal concentration in industrial areas. They
showed that the magnetic susceptibility and the
concentration of heavy metals in soil were in good
correlation. Chalresworth and Lees (2001) reported a good
correlation between heavy metal concentrations and
magnetic proxies in Lake Core sediments. Good
correlation was pointed out to exist between heavy metal
Corresponding author. [email protected];
and the magnetic mineral characteristics (Beckwith et al.,
1986; Rose and Bianchi-Mosquera, 1993; Hunt et al.,
1995). Kim et al. (2007), noticed a positive significant
correlation between enrichment index of the magnetic
susceptibility (Ei ) and enrichment index of analyzed
element (Ei metals), which confirmed the validity of use of
magnetic proxies for heavy metal pollution.
Magnetic measurements were shown to be useful in
investigating the atmospheric aerosols pollution, and
source of pollution in many urban and industrial areas
(Hoffman et al. 1999; Muxworthy et al. 2001; and
Jordanov et al. 2003). Using the rapid and inexpensive
environmental magnetism method, it is possible to obtain
qualitative or semi-quantitative data on urban pollution,
specially the magnetic susceptibility (Kim et al. 2007). Lu
et al. (2005) showed that the magnetic properties and
heavy metal content of automobile emission particulates
resulted in significant positive correlations between the
magnetic parameters and the contents of Pb, Cu and Fe.
The magnetic measurements of various environmental
materials, such as atmospheric particulates, roadside dust,
soil, and vegetation, have successfully detected the source
of pollution in many urban and industrial areas (Hoffman
et al. 2003; and Jordanova et al. 2003).
Xia et al. (2001) suggested mixed contribution of
magnetic materials from natural and anthropogenic
sources; they confirmed the relationship between magnetic
materials and pollution identification studies. Lu et al.
(2005) showed that ferromagnetic materials were
responsible for the magnetic properties of automobile
emission particulates, and found that Cu, Pb, Cd and Fe
are correlated with the magnetic particulates in automobile
The positive correlations between organic matter
content of urban street dust and certain mineral magnetic
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 39
properties were reported by (Shilton et al. 2005). In
Jordan, the first attempt related to environmental
magnetism implications was limited to motioning the
roadside pollution using magnetic proxies (El-Hasan and
Lataifeh, 2003; and El-Hasan, 2008). However, there are
no previous studies in Jordan in using this implication to
delineate the urban soil heavy metal pollution. The studied
area was chosen as a known polluted area based on the
results of (El-Hasan, 2002). The current work aimed to
study the content and type of magnetic mineral phases in
the urban soils of Sahab city, central Jordan, using two
magnetic proxies, the initial magnetic susceptibility (
and the saturation magnetization (M
). Moreover, this
study aims to unravel the relationship between the heavy
metals and magnetic parameters in soil samples and to
determine the influences of the industrial activities in
Sahab industrial city. Additionally, it aims to determine
which magnetic proxies can be used as an effective
environmental pollution probe, also to identify the
magnetic mineral phases using the X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD) technique. As well, to study the effect of grain size
on the observed magnetic parameter, and to evaluate the
environmental situation in accordance to the obtained
results using the Index of Pollution (IP) and the
categorization of samples based on their activities.
2. Study Area Settings
Sahab city is located in the central region of Jordan, 12
km to the east of the capital Amman (Fig. 1). It is of
moderate topography with an altitude of around 700 m
above sea level, and of moderate precipitation of around
250 mm/year. The soil of the study area is of Vertisol type,
and the texture analysis shows that it has sandy clay;
composed of sand 50%, clay 25% and silt 22% (El-Hasan,
The study area is about 25 km
with 60,000 inhabitants.
It compresses the Jordanian first and largest industrial
estate King Abdullah the Second Industrial Estate (KAIE),
which was established in 1980. It is located at the
southeastern part of the study area (Fig. 1). It contains 365
firms with various types of industries such as engineering,
chemical, pharmacological, food, plastic, rubber, and
construction etc. Besides, an international highway and
leading national roads crosses Sahab city.
The study area is dominated by Al-Hisa Phosphorite
Unit (AHP) of Campanian-Mastrichitian age. It is 15 - 20
m thick, and consists of thin-bedded chert, white marl,
chalky - marl, and phosphate (Fadda, 1991).
3. Sampling and Analytical Methods
The mineral constituents of the samples were
determined using X-Ray Diffraction system (Philips-X`
pert MpD) operating at 40 KV and 40 mA. Ten samples
were pre-concentrated by separating the magnetic
materials in each sample using ordinary magnet, then they
were grinded till particle size became <63 m, and after
that they were analyzed using the XRD. The fine powder
samples were randomly mounted on special slides and then
scanned between 2
A total of 56 samples were collected on a basis
(500X500) grid across the whole city with a density of 9
samples per km
each soil sample was collected from
upper soils (0-10 cm depth). The samples were collected
during the period from January to April 2000. Each sample
coordinate was delineated, using the GPS (Garmin GPS
The samples extracted by taking 2g of soil sample
(<2mm), then mixed with 25 ml of de-ionized water,
vigorously shaken for 2 hours, and then centrifuged for an
hour at 700 revolutions using Sorvall RC-5B Refrigerated
Super Speed Centrifuge (model GFL-3032). The solution
was then transferred into 50 ml polyethylene bottles
(Water extract). Residual was treated with 25ml of 0.01M
and again shacked and centrifuged as in the
previous step; the extract was decanted into 50 ml-
polyethylene bottles (Acid extract). The soil pH and the
electrical conductivity (EC) were analyzed by mixing 1:5
ratios of soil and de-ionized water.
Heavy metals were determined using Perkin Elmer
AAS Analyst 300, with graphite furnace HGA 800, and
autosampler AS 72.The analytical accuracy was monitored
by using (Fluka Chemika) reference standard solution. The
error for all analyzed elements was within 5% of the
certified references.
Samples were sieved into sand size (63-150m), and
silt size (<63 m). The two different sizes samples were
analyzed for their initial magnetic susceptibility
saturation magnetization M
using Vibrating Sample
Magnetometer (VSM). The VSM gives an indirect
measure of the saturation magnetization (M
) and the
initial magnetic susceptibility
. The parameters can be
deduced from the initial magnetization curve with an
applied magnetic field up to 10
Oe. The VSM was also
used to determine the magnetic phase from the shape of
the hysteresis loops (Xia et al. 2008).
The measurements were made at room temperature
(RT) in an applied magnetic field (H) up to 1 Tesla (Oe).
The saturation magnetization M
was determined by
plotting M versus 1/ H for each sample, and then
extrapolating to 1/H equal zero. The intercept with the M -
axis represents the M
value, as shown Fig. (2a), and then
the portion of M
was recalculated to 1g samples. The
initial magnetic susceptibility
was calculated, using the
following equations:
= dM / dH (1)
(Culity, 1972)
) was deduced by calculating the slope of the line as
H = zero and M = zero as shown in Fig. (2b). Then the
portion of
was recalculated to 1g sample.
and 65
scanning speed of 3
1 1.21 0.002 1.27 0.0025 8.8 6.3
2 0.90 0.002 1.46 0.0026 20.4 17.5
3 1.43 0.002 1.92 0.0027 32.8 28.6
4 1.83 0.002 1.65 0.0026 26.7 22.6
5 1.44 0.003 1.87 0.0028 76.5 71.5
6 1.25 0.002 1.28 0.0028 9.4 3.3
7 1.65 0.002 1.68 0.0023 15.8 13.8
8 1.56 0.004 1.31 0.0022 13.8 12
9 1.29 0.002 1.47 0.0028 9.8 7.3
10 1.73 0.002 2.37 0.0047 101 95
11 1.02 0.002 1.19 0.0021 8.0 3.4
12 1.42 0.003 1.49 0.0036 25.3 20.5
13 1.18 0.003 1.59 0.0025 9.9 7.6
14 1.38 0.002 1.87 0.0030 28.1 24.8
15 1.27 0.002 1.72 0.0026 22.1 18.8
16 1.40 0.002 1.24 0.0022 11.2 7.3
17 1.60 0.002 2.00 0.0030 53.2 46.4
18 1.36 0.003 1.44 0.0023 10.1 6.8
19 1.61 0.002 2.02 0.0030 48.2 42.6
20 1.52 0.002 1.72 0.0024 31.4 24.5
21 1.53 0.003 1.88 0.0030 37.0 32.4
22 1.35 0.002 1.34 0.0025 15.5 11.4
23 2.11 0.003 2.16 0.0041 89.2 82.9
24 1.07 0.002 1.57 0.0027 8.8 4.4
25 1.09 0.002 1.18 0.0023 8.7 4.4
26 1.27 0.004 1.59 0.0048 41.8 37.6
27 1.38 0.002 1.40 0.0019 18.4 13.5
28 1.31 0.002 1.38 0.0023 19.3 14.5
29 0.99 0.002 1.17 0.0018 24.6 21.1
30 1.56 0.003 1.60 0.0031 37.8 30.4
31 1.13 0.002 1.59 0.0026 15.3 8.6
32 1.35 0.003 1.41 0.0026 25.3 19.1
33 1.43 0.002 1.48 0.0024 20.8 14.6
34 1.32 0.003 1.35 0.0031 15.6 9.5
35 1.45 0.003 1.46 0.0029 39.0 34
36 0.88 0.002 1.23 0.0020 24.6 20.6
37 0.94 0.001 1.01 0.0015 6.5 4.5
38 1.10 0.002 1.29 0.0022 18.2 11.1
39 1.13 0.002 1.50 0.0027 21.8 17.6
40 0.91 0.001 1.14 0.0016 13.4 10.5
41 0.83 0.002 1.10 0.0025 20.9 16
Table 1 continues next page
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 42
42 1.04 0.002 1.45 0.0025 18.1 12.4
43 0.96 0.002 1.33 0.0017 18.5 13.9
44 1.44 0.002 1.47 0.0020 16.9 12.9
45 1.40 0.002 1.43 0.0025 24.6 19.8
46 1.44 0.002 1.45 0.0027 26.2 17.9
47 1.02 0.002 1.29 0.0023 16.1 11.4
48 1.14 0.002 1.38 0.0026 18.7 13.9
49 0.94 0.002 1.62 0.0031 16.8 11.9
50 0.88 0.002 1.67 0.0029 14.4 10.3
51 1.18 0.002 1.13 0.0019 14.5 11.8
52 1.67 0.002 1.75 0.0026 43 38.1
53 1.62 0.002 1.60 0.0026 24.2 18.4
54 0.90 0.002 1.29 0.0024 13.4 8.5
55 0.96 0.002 1.66 0.0026 23.5 19.6
56 0.90 0.002 1.33 0.0025 22.9 17.8
Average 1.28 0.0022 1.50 0.0026
Max 2.11 0.0041 2.37 0.0048
Min 0.83 0.0014 1.01 0.0015
ST. Dev. 0.28 0.0005 0.28 0.00062
Threshold 1.21 0.002 2.05 0.00384
The values of
for large grain size particles range
(1.01 - 2.37 x10
emu/g.Oe) with an average of (1.5 x10
emu/g.Oe). The value of M
ranges from (0.0015 - 0.0048
emu/g) with an average of (0.0026 emu/g). The spatial
distribution of
and M
are illustrated graphically in
Figures (4 a & b).
(a) Magnetic Susceptibility (
in )
Large size particles Fine size particels
According to data illustrated in Table (1) the values of
initial magnetic susceptibility
and the saturation
magnetization M
are higher in the following samples (3,
5, 10 and, 19), particularly the sample (19) is located at the
center of the city and influenced by the highest density of
traffic jam. Samples (3 & 5) are located at the international
highway and the main entrance of Sahab city respectively,
where both have a high traffic density. The sample (36) is
located in the middle of King Abdullah II Industrial Estate
(KAIE) that is affected by the industrial activity alone.
However, it bears low values of both
and M
in large
particle size (0.002 emu/g and 1.23 x10
respectively. This would indicate the influence of traffic as
the prime source of magnetic pollution. Although, Kim et
al. (2007) has found that industrial areas bear the higher
magnetic concentrations, with intermediate concentrations
in traffic area, the lowest concentrations were found in
park areas.
(b) Saturation Magentization (Ms)
Large size particles Fine size particels
4.2. Relationship between magnetic proxies and heavy
metal distribution
The correlation coefficient was used in order to clarify
the relationship between the magnetic proxies and heavy
metal contents. The high correlation coefficient between
the heavy metals concentration with the initial magnetic
susceptibility (
and saturation magnetization (M
) was
obvious (Table 2). This table shows that the correlation
coefficient between the t-HM and the initial magnetic
susceptibility (
values are (0.77 - 0.59) for large and
Fig. (3): Histogram showing the difference between the fine and
large size particles in their contents of the (a) Magnetic
susceptibility, and (b) Saturation magnetization.
Therefore, the climatic conditions would lower the
pedogenesis as a result of lowering the chemical
weathering rate. Similar results were reached by Kim et
al., (2007) and El-Hasan, (2008). The effect of the post-
depositional processes (diagenetic) or pedogenesis on the
magnetic signal was recognized by (Hofmann et al. 1999).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Fig. (4): Contour maps showing the distribution of studied parameters (a) Magnetic Susceptibility, (b) Saturation magnetization, (c) Fe,
(d) Total heavy metal (t-HM).
Table 2. Correlation coefficient matrix for
, t-HM and Fe in both fine and large particle size.
t-HM Fe
0.50 0.59 0.59
0.68 0.23 0.24
t-HM 0.77 0.66 0.99
Fe 0.77 0.66 0.99
fine size particles, respectively. Whereas the correlation
coefficient between the t-HM and the saturation
magnetization (M
) have the values (0.66 - 0.23) for large
and fine size particles, respectively. Moreover, the
correlation coefficient showed large difference between
the two magnetic proxies; where the correlation between
and heavy metals is lower than the correlation between
and heavy metals. This might be attributed to the fact
is the measure of the value of a respective quantity
at the origin of the initial magnetization curve.
The distribution of all studied parameters (Fe, total
heavy metals (t-HM),
and M
) are shown as contour
maps using the Surfer 7.0 as illustrated in Fig. (4). There is
an obvious correlation between the
and M
with total heavy metals (t-HM) and iron (Fe). This is in
agreement with the results obtained from correlation
coefficient in Table (2). There are many previous studies
that reached similar conclusions (e.g. Bityukova et al.,
1999); they found the Ni, Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb and Mo are the
heavy metals that influenced the low field susceptibility
). In addition, the laboratory studies reveal that Fe-
oxides particles in soil are highly adsorbing of heavy
metals (Rose and Bianchi-Mosquera, 1993).
4.3. Magnetic mineral phases characterization
The magnetic materials contained in the samples of
high magnetic susceptibility were pre-concentrated with
ordinary magnet. A similar way of treatment was done by
(Kim et al., 2007). The pre-concentrated samples were
investigated using the X-ray diffractometer; the results
showed that the magnetite is the main magnetic mineral
phase (Fig. 5). The X-ray chart in figure (5) is for the
sample (No. 23), which is located at a mixed area; where
residential and traffic activities are usually intervening.
This conclusion indicates the effect of anthropogenic
origin of the magnetic pollutant materials, like the
manufactured iron structures such as the vehicle structures
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Fig. (5): X-Ray diffraction chart for selected soil sample, showing that magnetite is the main magnetic mineral phase.
which are mainly composed of magnetite-like materials
(Kapicka et al. 2003). Shi & Cioppa, (2006) attributed
small grain magnetic source to the construction debris or
eroded river sediments whereas the larger magnetic
particles are associated with industrial and traffic areas.
Moreover, this result was reached by (Thomson and
Oldfield, 1986). Hofmann et al., (1999) found the
magnetite-like phase is the responsible for enhancement of
magnetic signal in roadside soil whereas the natural
magnetic materials are often composed of hematite and
goethite (Xia et al. 2008). Gautam et al., (2004) reported
that manufactured bricks and kilns used stable hematite
and magnetite; similar results were also reported in
(Hofmann et al., 1999; and Guatam et al. 2005).
Furthermore, the hysteresis loop for the same sample (No.
23) shows a typical ferrimagnatic material with low
coercive force (i.e. steep and narrow loops) as shown in
Fig. (6), which confirms the presence of magnetite as the
main magnetic mineral, such an observation was reported
also by (Xia et al. 2008).
Shilton et al., (2005) found higher magnetite more than
hematite in dust magnetic minerals. Moreover, Gautam et
al. (2004) have found that magnetite is the dominant
magnetic phase for typical road dust samples. Moreover,
the magnetite presence in soil was attributed to be as a
result of the pedogenesis (Banerjee, 2006).
4.4. Environmental aspects
The environmental implication of the obtained results
shows that magnetic proxies can be used as environmental
monitoring tools, for both natural and anthropogenic
sources of pollution. The discrimination between
lithological and anthropogenic influence on topsoil, using
the magnetic susceptibility was successfully done by
(Magiera et al., 2005). Therefore, the data were further
treated using the index of pollution (IP).
The early-developed method of calculating the index of
pollution (IP) of (Chester et al., 1985) was used. This
method was successfully used in evaluating the urban
pollution in Karak city, central Jordan (El-Hasan and
Jiries, 2000).
Fig. (6): Magnetic hysteresis loop of the topsoils from the study
area of Sahab city.
This technique is based on assigning the ABS
(Artificial Background Samples) in the sampling sites. The
site numbers (9, 14, 24, 15 and 37) were chosen as the
ABS due to their lowest concentration of heavy metals,
and site numbers (37, 40, 41, 43 and 51) were chosen as
the ABS due to their lowest concentration of magnetic
proxies. Then the threshold for each element based on the
ABS was calculated. The Index of pollution (IP) was then
calculated by dividing the concentration of each element
by the new threshold of the ABS of that element as
Threshold = (X
+ 2
) (2)
Chester et al., (1985).
IP = Conc. E/Threshold (3)
Chester et al., (1985).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 45
Where, X
is the average of elements in the ABS
samples, and
is the standard deviation of each
element of the ABS samples as shown in Table (3).
According to the data presented in Table (3), we notice
the existence of a positive relationship between the IP for
heavy elements and both the IP for the initial magnetic
, and the saturation magnetization M
Moreover, there was a clear positive significance
correlation coefficient between the IP of both
and M
with the IP for total heavy metals (IP t-HM) and the IP for
iron (IP Fe). The correlation significance was also higher
in the large size particles (0.66, 0.77) between M
respectively, rather than for fine size particles (0.24 and
0.59) between M
respectively as shown in Table
nd Fe in both particle sizes are
c related
the fact that these samples are mainly composed of red
The samples were categorized into four groups based
on the dominating activities at each site. These groups are
traffic (17 samples), industrial (11 samples), residential
(20 samples) and the rest were considered as background
(8 samples), which are the empty spaces. The averages of
t-HM a
strated in Table 5.
Traffic samples bear the highest magnetic materials for
both sizes, where the
and M
are (1.66 10
0.0029 emu/g) and (1.41 10
(emu/g.Oe), 0.0022 emu/g)
for large and fine particle, respectively. However,
residential sites came in the second place followed
ustrial, and finally the background sample (Fig. 7).
The traffic pollution was pointed out as the main source
for magnetic pollution (Hoffmann et al., 1999; Lu, 2003
and Lu et al. 2005; and Guatam et al. 2005). Moreover,
(Shilton et al. 2005) had reported the traffi
issions enhancing strong magnetic signature.
Using the magnetic susceptibility
the enrichment
series was as follows: Traffic> Residential> Industrial>
Background, in both fine and large particle sizes.
However, for the saturation magnetization M
in large size
particles it was: Traffic> Background>Residential>
Industrial, whereas in fine particles there was no
nificant variation between the four categories (Table 5).
This would confirm that
as well the large size
particles exhibit more clearly magnetic signature than M
and fine particles. And it indicates that the traffic areas
have usually higher magnetic susceptibility. Although the
background samples have the lowest magnetic
concentrations, their concentrations have little difference
from other categories (Table 5). This might be attributed to
soils which normally have high Fe content. The analytical
measurement of
and M
for these samples, using the
VSM, usually measures not only the adsorbed magnetic
materials (anthropogenic) but also the magnetic materials
of natural origin inside the soil itself. This caused high
magnetic signature in the background samples.
5. Conclusions
The magnetic proxies show a good correlation with
heavy metals, and thus can be used as indicator for
pollution; this correlation was evident from the IP results
too. The magnetic susceptibility was better than saturation
magnetization as pollution proxy indicator. The large grain
size bears higher magnetic materials than smaller size,
which can be attributed to the lack or low rate of
pedogenesis. Traffic areas show higher magnetic pollution
than other industrial and residential areas.
Background Residential Industrial Traffic
Xin (emu/g.Oe)*10-5
Ms * 100 (emu/g)
Background Residential Industrial Traffic
Fe (ppm)
t-HM (ppm)
Fig. (7. a,b): Histogram showing the average values for all
categories in a) Magnetic proxies, and b) Fe and t-HM.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table 3. Index of pollution values for (
) and (M
), t-HM and Fe in the large size and fine size particles.
Fine particles Large particles
1 0.93 1.00 0.94 1.00 0.79 0.64
2 0.69 0.67 1.08 1.04 1.82 1.79
3 1.10 0.83 1.42 1.08 2.93 2.93
4 1.40 0.96 1.22 1.04 2.38 2.31
5 1.10 1.04 1.38 1.12 6.83 7.32
6 0.95 0.75 0.95 1.12 0.84 0.34
7 1.26 0.88 1.24 0.92 1.41 1.41
8 1.19 1.50 0.97 0.88 1.24 1.23
9 0.99 0.92 1.08 1.12 0.87 0.75
10 1.33 0.83 1.75 1.87 9.02 9.72
11 0.78 0.75 0.88 0.84 0.71 0.35
12 1.09 1.17 1.10 1.43 2.25 2.10
13 0.91 1.25 1.18 1.00 0.88 0.78
14 1.06 0.88 1.39 1.20 2.51 2.54
15 0.98 0.88 1.27 1.04 1.97 1.92
16 1.07 0.96 0.92 0.88 1.00 0.75
17 1.22 0.83 1.48 1.20 4.75 4.75
18 1.04 1.13 1.06 0.92 0.90 0.70
19 1.23 0.92 1.49 1.20 4.30 4.36
20 1.16 0.79 1.27 0.96 2.80 2.51
21 1.17 1.08 1.39 1.20 3.31 3.32
22 1.03 0.88 0.99 1.00 1.39 1.17
23 1.61 1.08 1.60 1.63 7.97 8.49
24 0.81 0.83 1.16 1.08 0.78 0.45
25 0.84 0.71 0.87 0.92 0.78 0.45
26 0.97 1.67 1.18 1.91 3.73 3.85
27 1.05 0.79 1.04 0.76 1.64 1.38
28 1.00 0.83 1.01 0.92 1.72 1.48
29 0.76 0.63 0.86 0.72 2.20 2.16
30 1.19 1.17 1.18 1.24 3.37 3.11
31 0.87 0.75 1.17 1.04 1.36 0.88
32 1.04 1.08 1.04 1.04 2.26 1.96
33 1.09 0.96 1.09 0.96 1.85 1.49
34 1.01 1.09 1.00 1.24 1.39 0.97
35 1.11 1.05 1.08 1.16 3.49 3.48
36 0.68 0.67 0.91 0.80 2.20 1.83
37 0.72 0.60 0.75 0.60 0.58 0.46
38 0.84 0.67 0.96 0.86 1.63 1.14
39 0.86 0.88 1.11 1.08 1.95 1.80
40 0.70 0.59 0.85 0.64 1.20 1.07
41 0.64 0.73 0.81 1.00 1.87 1.64
42 0.80 0.88 1.07 1.00 1.62 1.27
43 0.74 0.69 0.98 0.66 1.65 1.42
44 1.10 0.65 1.09 0.80 1.51 1.32
45 1.07 0.96 1.06 1.00 2.20 2.03
46 1.10 0.83 1.07 1.08 2.34 2.11
47 0.78 0.79 0.95 0.92 1.43 1.17
48 0.87 0.75 1.02 1.04 1.67 1.42
49 0.72 0.71 1.20 1.24 1.50 1.22
50 0.67 0.67 1.23 1.16 1.29 1.05
51 0.90 0.83 0.84 0.74 1.29 1.21
52 1.29 0.92 1.30 1.02 3.84 3.90
53 1.24 0.92 1.18 1.02 2.16 1.88
54 0.69 0.75 0.96 0.96 1.20 0.87
55 0.74 0.77 1.23 1.04 2.10 2.01
56 0.69 0.71 0.98 1.00 2.05 1.82
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
The authors are deeply thankful for Al-albayt
University (Earth Science Institute) for their help in X-Ray
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Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 50- 59
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Heavy Metals Distribution in the Dead Sea Black Mud, Jordan
Kamal Momani
; Tayel El-Hasan
, Samer Auaydeh
, Khaled Al-Nawayseh
Department of Chemistry, Mutah University, 61710, Al-Karak Jordan.
Arab Potash Company; P.O. Box (1470), Amman - Jordan.
The concentrations of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, Cu and Pb) were investigated in the Dead Sea black mud and
river sediments in the northern basin of the Dead Sea region, Jordan. The pH of the mud was slightly above 8 while it was
around 6 for the seawater. All analyzed heavy metal content in the black mud, except Pb, was less than their contents in other
types of mud. This might be due to the effect of the mildly acidic pH of seawater, which would enhance the metal solubility
or incorporation within salt mineral structure, rather than precipitation. The sequential extraction results showed that Ni and
Co transferred into the carbonate fraction, Mn is found mostly as manganese-iron oxide, and the residual phase contained Cr,
Cu, Fe and Pb . This study illustrated that the black mud had low heavy metal contents, thus indicating low toxicity.
Additionally, it shows insignificance effect of the mixing of freshwater with seawater on the heavy metal contents in the
black mud.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Dead Sea, Black mud, Sequential extraction, Heavy metals, Jordan.
1. Introduction
The Dead Sea is one of the most famous sites for
climatotherapy. It is the lowest point on earth at 422 m
below Sea level; its level is declining with rate equal to
1m/year, and evaporation rate is equal to 0.5 cm/day
(APC, 2007). The Dead Sea is among the saltiest water
bodies on the earth, its salinity reaches 340 g/kg compared
with oceans 35 gkg
(Al-Nawayseh, 2003).
The Dead Sea is only 35 km west of Amman and 30
km east of Jerusalem; it is located in the middle of Jordan
rift valley region, extending from north to south along
Wadi Araba and Jordan River (Oumeish, 1996). The Dead
Sea is as old as the history of Jordan and Palestine. It was
mentioned in the world Old Testament and the Holy
Koran, the Dead Sea was given many names for example,
Sedom, dragon Araba, Asphalt Sea and Lutt Sea
(Oumeish, 1996). It is 28 million years old; and is divided
into two lakes: the northern lake comprises 76% of the
whole Sea with a maximum depth of 360 m, and the
southern one comprises 24% of whole Sea and it is l0 m
deep, the two lakes are separated by the Lisan Island, the
total length of the Sea is 67 km, and the width ranges from
12 to 17 km, the total surface area is 1000 km
Fattah, 1997).
The Dead Sea is the lowest lake in the world, and it is
considered the saltiest one among all the hyper saline lakes
of the world. The chemical composition of the Dead Sea
brains are Potassium Chloride which consists of 1.2 %
(weight/weight) or (w/w) of the brine salt, Magnesium
Corresponding author. [email protected]
Chloride 14.5%, Sodium Chloride 7.5%, Calcium Chloride
3.8% and Magnesium Bromide 0.5% (Es-Shahat et al.,
2003). These chemicals provide the raw materials for
fertilizers, salts and cosmetic products. Abdel-Fattah and
Nicholas (2009) studied the toxic element contents in the
natural black mud of the Dead Sea that is used in
cosmetics production. They found no toxic enrichment of
elements either in the raw mud or its derivative products.
The climate in the Dead Sea area is characterized by it
is hot dry summer season, with mean temperature about 33
C. In winter the temperature is pleasant, with average
temperature 16.8 C. The maximum temperature is 40.6 C
in July, the hottest month, while the minimum temperature
is 10.8 C in January, the coldest month. The average
relative humidity ranges from 40.6% to 44.3% in summer
and from 59% to 63.3% in winter season. Rainfall is very
low with an annual rainfall of 70 mm (Al-Nawayseh,
The atmosphere over the Dead Sea is rich in oxygen
10% more than any other seas, which might be due to its
lower altitude. Water evaporation is relatively low because
the dissolved salts lower the vapor pressure over the sea
surface (Oumeish, 1996). The geology of the investigated
area is controlled by the Rift valley, which is a
continuation of the East African Rift valley and the Red
Sea and began during the Eocene-Oligocene age (Powell,
The Dead Sea represents a rich source of black mud,
which is used in climatotherapy for many skin diseases
(Oumeish, 1996). The Dead Sea black mud was used as
facial masks and skin curative since ancient times (Abdel-
Fattah and Schultz-Makuch, 2004). Therefore, it is
essential to evaluate its chemical feature, especially heavy
metal content.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
A previous study, dealing with the Dead Sea mud
geochemistry and mineralogical features in four places
along the eastern shore, has found that the level of trace
elements in the Dead Sea mud was less than those in any
other sea mud and its composition was 40% of the total
mud is carbonate, 20% is clay, 5% feldspar, 25% quartz,
6% pyrite and 0.7 % organic matter (Abdel-Fattah, 1997).
Abdel-Samie et al., (2004) studied the groundwater and
the surface water of the Dead Sea area especially in Wadi
Issal, Mazraa area, Es-Safi area and Wadi Ibn Hammad.
They found that the surface water has low salinity 700
mg/L, but the groundwater has a higher salinity 569 mg/L
- 2266 mg/l. Also high level of nitrate was noticed in Es-
Safi and Mazraa. Furthermore, and they found that the
surface and groundwater resources of the Dead Sea were
not highly contaminated with heavy metals except for Fe
and Mn. Al-Nadaf, (1992) found that the levels of trace
elements (Zn, Cd, Cu, Co, Cr, Ba, Sr, Pb, and Ni) in soil of
Kitim-Nueimeh, north Jordan valley; were higher than the
average soil values, and in some cases exceed the
maximum tolerable limits, which is attributable to using
large quantities of nutrients and heavy traffics.
A study on the physiography, structure, stratigraphy,
paleo-limnology, water, and sediments of the Dead Sea has
illustrated many interrelationships between geology,
chemistry, and limnology (Neev and Emery, 1967).
Moreover, another study indicated that the sulfate-
reducing bacteria is present in the reducing bottom
sediments of the Dead Sea and that they were the most
probable source of the dissolved sulfide in the bottom
water (Nissebaum, 1969).
This work aims to determine the concentration of heavy
metals in the Black mud and their spatial distribution along
the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. The physiochemical
parameters of the black mud such as pH, EC, and organic
matter (OC) were used to study the heavy metal
distribution profiles. Furthermore, the sequential extraction
technique was used to investigate the distribution of heavy
metals and the chemical forms in which those elements
might be associated in the black mud. Finally, the mixing
of fresh and salty waters and its effect on the black mud
composition was studied too.
1.1. Study area settings
The Dead Sea is located in the center part of the Jordan
rift valley and consists of tow basins, the northern basin (a
longer and deepen one) and the southern basin (a smaller
and shallow) (Abed, 1985). The southern basin had
completely dried out and exposed through pumping of the
brine to the Potash factories. The northern basin contains
the hotels and tourism sites. Therefore, the investigated
area concentrates on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea
northern basin, where the black mud and the main streams
supply the Dead Sea by freshwater, Fig. (1). Particularly,
this study covered the area between Swiemah in the north
to the Lisan Island in the south, passing through three
sources of fresh water: Swiemah, Zarqa - Maen and Wadi
Al-Mujeb, Fig. (1).
2. Materials and Methodology
2.1. Sampling collection and preparation
A total of 30 samples of black mud were collected in
the summer of 2005 from different sites on the eastern
shore of the Dead Sea starting from Swiemah to the Lisan
Island passing through three sites of mixing with fresh
water. These sites are Swiemah, Zarqa - Maen and Wadi
The mud samples had been collected from the area
covered with the Dead Sea water, ranging from 1-3 meters
off-shore. Another 4 samples were collected from outside
the sea; they are covered only by freshwater Fig. (1). The
samples were collected from 5 cm deep at the mud/water
interface. The sample sites were separated by about one
kilometer from each other. The samples were characterized
in detailed descriptive procedure including: location of
mud sample, depth, color, smell, etc. The electrical
conductivity (EC) was measured by conductivity meter
(WTW, LF-320, Weilheim, Germany) and was calibrated
by using 0.01 M KCl at 25C. The seawater pH was
measured on sites by using glass electrode pH meter
(WTW, pH 523, Weilheim, Germany) that was calibrated
based on pH 5 and pH 9 at 25C, all these data are
presented in Table (1).
The collected samples of black mud were stored in
polyethylene bags and carried to the laboratory, where
they air-dried for two days and stored in Polyethylene bags
in cold and dark place. The mud pH values were
determined by treating the mud with de-ionized water
(soil-to-water ratio = 1:2.5) that was equilibrated over
night (Abul-Kashem and Singh 1999).
2.2. Analytical methods
One gram of each black mud sample was accurately
weighted, then dried in an oven at 105 C for 12 hours to
reach constant weight in order to determine the moisture
content. The weight loss was calculated based on the
difference between the final and the initial weights. The
same samples were burned in furnace at a 550 C for 4
hours to determine the organic matter content in the form
of Loss On Ignition (LOI), which then was calculated
gravimetrically based in the weight difference (Preer et al.,
The collected samples of black mud were stored in
polyethylene bags and carried to the laboratory, where
they were air-dried for two days and were stored in
Polyethylene bags in cold and dark place. The mud pH
values were determined by treating the mud with de-
ionized water (soil-to-water ratio = 1:2.5) that was
equilibrated over night (Abul-Kashem and Singh 1999).
2.2.1. Heavy metals extraction
One gram of the mud sample was digested with 15 ml
of high purity concentrated HNO
by using a 50 ml
Polyethylene test tube. The mixture was heated to 95C for
2 hours by using a water bath, ultrasonicated for 30
minutes at 80C, then was filtered by Whatman pre-
washed filter paper (45 n) with 1% HNO
. Then sample
was diluted into a 25 ml Polyethylene volumetric flask
with 1% HNO
. Heavy metals (Mn, Pb, Cu, Co, Zn, Cr, Ni
and Fe) were analyzed by using a Flame Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS) model Spectra
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Figure (1): Location map of the study area showing the two basins of the Dead Sea and the samplings sites.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table 1. Black mud description, location, depth, pH and EC parameters.
Sample Location
Mud Description
color, odor
pH water EC water (mS/cm) pH Mud
S1 Salt Black bad odor 6.01 180.3 8.05
S2 Salt Black bad odor 5.97 181.4 7.80
S3 Mixing Black bad odor 6.04 185.7 7.95
AS3 Fresh White bad odor 6.97 26.5 7.80
S4 Salt Black bad odor 5.92 180.8 8.08
S5 Salt Black bad odor 6.03 186.9 8.25
S6 Salt Black bad odor 6.05 163.4 8.24
S7 Salt Black bad odor 6.05 180.0 8.13
S8 Salt Black bad odor 6.04 180.1 7.85
S9 Salt Black bad odor 6.05 181.9 8.04
S10 Salt Red bad odor 5.91 180.7 7.98
S11 Salt Black bad odor 6.02 180.5 7.83
S12 Salt Black bad odor 6.28 188.5 7.73
S13 Salt Black bad odor 5.95 188.0 7.93
S14 Mixing White bad odor 5.94 180.6 8.51
AS14 Fresh White bad odor 6.94 10.19 8.31
S15 Mixing Black bad odor 5.96 180.7 8.24
AS15 Fresh White bad odor 6.84 38.9 8.24
S16 Mixing Black bad odor 5.97 180.7 8.02
S17 Salt Black bad odor 5.95 181.6 8.03
S18 Salt Black bad odor 5.94 181.3 7.99
S19 Salt Black bad odor 5.94 180.6 7.83
S20 Salt Black bad odor 5.91 181.9 7.95
S21 Mixing Black bad odor 5.92 182.1 8.29
S22 Mixing Black bad odor 5.92 181.6 8.03
AS22 Fresh Black bad odor 7.25 30.9 8.09
S23 Salt Black bad odor 6.03 180.6 8.08
S24 Salt Black bad odor 6.02 180.3 8.04
S25 Salt Black bad odor 6.01 180.6 8.04
S26 Salt Black bad odor 6.01 182.9 8.21
S27 Salt Black bad odor 5.98 181.0 8.22
S28 Salt Black bad odor 6.01 180.8 8.10
S29 Salt Black bad odor 6.03 181.9 8.1
S30 Salt Black bad odor 6.03 180.7 8.23
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Atomic Absorption Varian 800 (Varian, Australia).
Quality control was done for Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb
and Cr by using (Merck ICP4) standard solutions. The
errors were within 95% confidence level.
2.2.2. Sequential extraction procedure
The sequential extraction procedure of (Tessier et al.,
1979) was used because it was widely employed in
studying the chemical fractionation of soils, dusts and
marine sediments (Tessier et al., 1979; Navas and
Lindhofer, 2003; Sulkowski and Hirner, 2006 and
Momani, 2006).
The quality control procedure including reagent blanks,
duplicate samples, and analysis of standard reference
material was used to assess precision and accuracy of the
obtained data. Blanks were prepared in a similar manner
and were analyzed before each measurement. All
extractions and analyses were made with duplicate
samples for quality control assessment, and the average
results were reported. The analytical accuracy for the total
heavy metal content was confirmed by analyzing the
standard reference material (SRM, soil 7) from the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
USA. The level was better than 6 %. The detection limits
for heavy metals by using the flame AAS technique
(FAAS) of (Varian, 800) are as follows in (g/l): Co
(0.05), Cr (0.06), Cu (0.04), Fe (0.1), Mn (0.02), Ni (0.01),
Pb (0.1), and %RSD was less than 1.3.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Black mud physicochemical properties
The saltwater mud samples are generally black in color;
with few exceptions of reddish black color Table (3). The
freshwater mud samples (AS3, AS14, AS15 and AS22) are
white in color. The depth ranges from 3-10 cm from mud
surface. All freshwater and saltwater mud samples has bad
odor, due to higher organic matter content.
The pH value of seawater ranged from 5.91 to 6.28
with an average of 5.99. While the freshwater has higher
pH values ranged from 6.84 to 7.25 with an average of
7.05. The pH values of both saltwater ranges: 7.74 to 8.51
with an average of 8.05, and the freshwater mud sample
ranges 8.11 to 8.31 with an average of 8.11. Therefore,
they posses almost similar average pH; which was above
8; which indicates the alkaline nature of this type of water.
The interesting feature was the conversion between
seawater pH value (5.99) and saltwater mud pH value
(8.05) from mild acidic to alkaline. Therefore, the mild
acidic media of the seawater would cause the heavy metals
to remain in solution rather than to precipitate into the
black mud.
Table 2. Sequential extraction procedure.
Fraction Procedure
1 g of sample is extracted with 8 m of pH = 7, unbuffered 1.0 M MgCl
in Polyethylene
centrifuge tubes for 1 hour at 25C with continues agitation
Residue from exchangeable fraction extracted with 8 ml of pH 5, 1.0 M NaOAC for 5 hours at
25C with continues agitation.
Fe-Mn oxides
Residue from Carbonate fraction, extracted with 20 ml of 0.04 M NH
OH.HCl in 25% acetic
acid (v/v) for 5hours at 96 C with occasional agitation.
The residue from Fe-Mn oxides fraction extracted with 3 ml of 0.02 M HNO
and 5 ml of 30%
adjusted to pH 2 with concentrated HNO
. The mixture was heated to 85 C for 2 hours
with occasional agitation. A second 3 ml aliquot 30% of H
(pH 2 with concentrated HNO
was then added and the sample was heated again to 85C for 3 hours with occasional agitation.
After cooling, 5 ml of 3.2 M NH
OAC in 20% (v/v) HNO
was added and the sample diluted
o 20 ml and agitation continuously for 30 minutes. t
The residue from the organic fraction was digested with 15 ml conc. HNO
, heated to 95C for
3 hours sonicated for 1 hour at 60 C, filtered and diluted with 1 % (v/v) HNO
in a 25 ml
Polyethylene volumetric flask to the mark and then stored at 4C until the time of analysis.
The electrical conductivity (EC) of seawater ranges
(163.4-188.5 mS/cm) with an average value of 181.27
mS/cm. whereas freshwater samples characterized by low
EC values vary from 10.19 to 38.90 mS/cm with an
average of 26.62 mS/cm. High EC value of Dead Sea mud
compared to freshwater mud can be due to its enrichment
with salts and other alkaline minerals such as calcite,
aragonite, and gypsum which are often precipitated from
saltwater (Abdel-Fattah, 1997).
3.2. Heavy metal abundances
The concentrations of the heavy metals and the Loss
On Ignition (LOI) were illustrated in Table (3). Generally,
the Dead Sea black mud does not show anomalous or even
high heavy metal levels. This might be attributed to the
lack of metallic-rich occurrences in the catchment areas of
the Dead Sea (Abed, 1985). Furthermore, in the Dead Sea
area there are no main sources of pollution compared with
other urban areas.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
The heavy metals content in the black mud of the Dead
Sea was compared with freshwater and saline water
sediments such as hemipelagic sediments (Deep Sea
sediment), near shore sediments, and freshwater sediments
(Lake and River mud), Table (4) and Figures (2a, b, c and
d). These figures indicate clearly that most of the heavy
metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Co and Ni) are depleted in the
Dead Sea black mud when compared with hemipelagic
mud, lake mud, river mud and the near shore sediments,
representing both freshwater and saline water sediments.
The only exceptions were Pb and Zn to lesser extent,
which were enriched in the Dead Sea black. The findings
of this study are in agreement with that reached by
(Oumeish, 1996). Moreover, the heavy metals contents of
the studied black mud agree with (NRA, 1991). The
average of LOI which was obtained by NRA laboratories
(37.16 wt%) was higher than what reported in this study
(32.69 wt%). This might be attributed to the differences in
analytical methods used in LOI measurements, where in
this study the LOI was measured at 550C, following the
procedure of (Jaradat et al., 2005). Whereas, the NRA data
are measured at 1000C, which means more structural
halogens were evaporated and thus increases the LOI
The Dead Sea water is highly enriched with various
heavy elements. However, the relative depletion of heavy
metals in the Dead Sea black mud, compared with other
sediments worldwide, might be attributed as most of these
heavy elements are incorporated into salt complexes rather
than being precipitated or co-precipitated with neither
sediments nor organic matter, Figures (2a, b, c and d).
Furthermore, the average saltwater pH value was 5.99,
indicating a mild acidic media, which would enhance the
heavy metals solubility rather than precipitation. This can
explain the enrichment of the heavy metals in the seawater
while it is depleted in the black mud. Similar findings were
reported by several researchers (Oumeish, 1996;
Nissebaum, 1969 and 1974).
3.3. Speciation of heavy metals in the black mud
The sequential extraction results in grouping the heavy
metals, based on their preferred phases as following:
carbonate phase [Ni and Co], Fe-Mn Oxides [Mn], residual
phase [Cr, Cu, Fe and Pb]. There were no preferences of
any metal to the exchangeable and organic phases. The
correlation coefficients of heavy metals and LOI are in
agreement with the sequential extraction results, Table (6).
The correlation coefficient results showed that none of the
heavy metals have positive correlation with Loss On
Ignition (LOI) and Mn. This might be interpreted that none
of them preferred the organic phase. Particularly, Mn had
no significant correlation with any other metals confirming
the fact that Mn is associated with iron-manganese oxides
phase only. The manganese was found on the Dead Sea
shores as black incrustations in form of Mn-Oxides such as
psilomelane, cryptomelane and pyrolusite (Garber et al.,
1981). This would explain the reason why Mn was
confined particularly to this phase.
Moreover, Cr, Cu and Fe had significant correlations
with each other, Ni and Co that had moderate correlation
values while a positive correlation among Cu, Cr and Zn
was observed. Nevertheless, the combination between
sequential analysis and correlation coefficient was highly
in agreement with each other, where these groups of heavy
metals are concentrated in the residual fraction. These
results were found in agreement to high extent to those
findings of heavy metals in the Dead Sea sediments
(Nissenbaum, 1974).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table 3. Table showing the average heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg) and LOI (wt%) in the saltwater mud samples.
Sample Fe Cu Ni Zn Cr Mn Co Pb LOI
S1 1230.8 9.2 31.4 16.3 25.6 195.8 10.0 59.5 27.6
S2 1348.0 10.8 33.3 19.9 31.4 324.9 11.0 62.0 34.2
S3 1610.3 12.9 43.8 29.3 39.7 380.9 12.0 68.0 36.7
S4 1579.3 13.3 36.2 25.5 34.3 365.8 10.0 56.3 36.3
S5 1318.5 11.0 35.7 26.4 33.5 288.6 9.0 58.3 28.4
S6 1232.8 12.4 41.4 43.1 36.1 348.7 11.0 72.0 32.9
S7 1386.0 12.0 48.3 45.6 42.8 140.2 7.0 55.3 31.1
S8 855.8 12.5 66.4 52.7 35.0 206.4 10.0 61.0 33.4
S9 926.8 10.7 60.5 38.9 36.5 216.9 7.0 58.5 34.0
S10 1725.3 5.1 45.9 9.5 41.0 393.6 6.0 42.5 30.5
S11 1086.0 11.1 64.3 29.1 38.5 227.6 11.0 49.5 35.8
S12 1270.0 13.1 63.9 26.9 42.4 320.3 12.0 64.7 32.2
S13 1100.0 13.0 62.9 37.2 42.3 234.8 11.0 70.8 33.2
S14 1240.5 12.7 64.2 31.8 39.6 293.8 15.0 52.8 31.0
S15 1999.0 13.1 59.1 30.7 35.4 189.9 14.0 65.8 22.2
S16 1344.5 10.9 56.9 29.9 37.5 255.7 13.0 61.3 36.0
S17 1331.0 12.4 61.4 46.5 44.7 167.2 13.0 57.5 33.5
S18 746.5 8.6 51.7 17.5 32.7 109.5 11.0 58.5 31.3
S19 365.3 5.5 41.8 9.0 23.9 176.1 9.0 29.5 31.0
S20 1584.8 15.2 68.7 46.2 50.2 150.2 13.0 47.0 33.7
S21 1873.3 15.2 71.7 66.7 59.5 114.2 13.0 60.0 31.8
S22 1736.3 14.7 66.8 38.2 56.4 143 12.0 53.8 32.8
S23 1589.3 16.2 69.0 96.8 48.7 131.0 14.0 58.3 34.7
S24 1624.3 15.7 68.1 69.7 50.4 136.7 12.0 49.3 35.2
S25 1610.8 16.7 72.1 67.3 51.2 145.2 13.0 46.3 32.5
S26 924.0 12.4 61.9 32.2 43.2 99.2 9.0 51,0 34.8
S27 1530.8 12.2 62.7 42.1 53.8 162.4 9.0 53.8 32.3
S28 1503.3 16.0 68.7 46.0 47.6 118.3 10.0 73.8 33.2
S29 1167.8 13.1 62.4 38.7 45.2 121.2 9.0 62.5 33.1
S30 2137.5 18.9 73.2 70.3 65.6 285.3 13.0 60.8 32.9
Mean 1365.9 12.6 57.2 39.3 42.2 214.8 11.0 57.3 32.6
Max. 2137.5 18.9 73.4 96.8 65.6 393.6 15.0 73.8 36.7
Min. 365.3 5.1 31.4 9.0 23.9 99.2 6.0 29.5 22.2
324.5 3.0 19.6 9.7 12.8 78.8 3.79 9.3 2.9
Table 4. Comparison of heavy metal contents in several types of mud and sediments from freshwater and saline water, all are in ppm except
Fe in wt%
*The data is for saltwater mud samples only.
Dead Sea
This Study*
Near Shore Sediments
**Fe 0.195 4.75 3.64 3.4 -
Mn 254 760 378 620 850
Cu 13 30 29 32 48
Co 12 20 57 14 13
Cr 43 97 68 85 100
Ni 58 53 40 32 55
Zn 39 24 73 23 95
Pb 58 130 27 78 20
**Fe as Fe
(% by mass);
Govindaraju, (1989);
Dasa, et al., (2006);
Wedepohl, (1960)
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Fig. (2): 1:1 ratio scatter plot shows the comparison of heavy metals between the Dead Sea Mud and (a) Hemipelagic mud and (b) Lake
mud (c) River mud and (d) Near Shore sediments.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table 5. Distribution of heavy metals based on sequential extraction in various chemical fractions of black mud.
Sites Fraction Cr Mn Cu Ni Co Fe Pb
S1 Exchangeable 4.0 5.8 0.8 5.3 2.0 0.3 1.3
Carbonate 6.0 33.5 3.5 12.0 4.0 5.7 7.8
Fe-Mn Oxides 5.5 109.8 1.3 5.3 1.9 156.2 7.0
Organic 2.0 33.5 3.5 5.5 1.5 478.9 8.8
Residual 7.0 13.8 4.0 5.0 1.8 607.1 18.3
S6 Exchangeable 4.0 7.3 0.8 4.3 1.5 1.2 0.8
Carbonate 7.5 42.5 3.8 12.8 4.1 1.4 5.5
Fe-Mn Oxides 9.0 216.3 1.8 7.8 2.8 65.0 7.5
Organic 3.0 36.5 2.8 6.8 1.3 322.6 7.0
Residual 11.0 33.5 4.5 6.3 1.8 631.2 20.0
S15 Exchangeable 4.5 6.3 0.8 5.3 1.5 0.3 2.5
Carbonate 8.5 33.3 3.8 14.8 4.3 4.6 5.8
Fe-Mn Oxides 9.0 108.3 1.0 5.3 2.2 133 7.3
Organic 4.0 22.0 2.0 3.3 0.8 228.9 9.3
Residual 10.5 12.8 4.0 6.0 1.7 581.1 25.8
S22 Exchangeable 5.0 15.8 0.8 6.3 1.6 1.3 4.3
Carbonate 8.5 52.0 3.8 18.3 4.2 18.9 6.8
Fe-Mn Oxides 10.0 45.3 2.0 6.8 1.9 568.6 9.0
Organic 9.0 14.0 1.8 5.8 0.5 426 8.0
Residual 19.0 26.5 7.3 10.8 2.1 758 22.3
S28 Exchangeable 5.0 14.8 0.8 7.3 1.6 0.4 4.0
Carbonate 7.5 15.5 3.8 17.8 4.1 2.3 9.8
Fe-Mn Oxides 10.5 49.5 1.3 8.0 2.2 127.1 7.8
Organic 5.5 35.5 3.8 7.0 1.2 535.6 11.8
Residual 12.0 13.0 3.8 6.5 1.4 744.5 25.3
Table .6. Correlation coefficient matrix; significance threshold at 99% confidence level is (0.4357) (n=34)
Fe Cu Cr Zn Ni Pb Co Mn LOI
Fe 1.00
Cu 0.52 1
Cr 0.56 0.76 1
Zn 0.42 0.74 0.69 1
Ni 0.27 0.66 0.75 0.67 1
Pb 0.17 0.37 0.07 0.1 0.002 1
Co 0.23 0.64 0.42 0.37 0.42 0.23 1
Mn 0.00 0.17 0.04 -0.16 -0.18 0.23 0.35 1
LOI 0.17 -0.04 -0.10 0.09 0.07 -0.13 -0.37 -049 1
3.4. Effect of mixing with freshwater
The samples were divided into two groups, based on
Table (1): (a) Normal samples which are totally covered
by Dead Sea saltwater alone (thirty samples), (b) Mixed
samples, those affected by the mixing of freshwater and
Dead Sea saltwater, and they were seven samples namely
(S1, S2, S3, S14, S15, S21 and S22), those samples are
located in front of the big tributaries at Swiemah,
Zarqa-Maen and Al-Mujeb. The comparison of the heavy
metal concentrations with LOI values for the mud samples
in the mixed water and Dead Sea saltwater showed no
significant difference across them, thus no effect of the
mixing processes was dominant, Fig. (3).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Fig. (3): 1:1 ratio scatter plot to compare the average heavy metals
and LOI between the mixed water and normal seawater samples.
4. Conclusion
The heavy metal levels in the Dead Sea black mud
samples were depleted comparatively to other saline and
freshwater sediments worldwide. This might be attributed
to the fact that there are no geological exposures of
metallic rich deposits in the catchments area of the Dead
Sea. The mud samples are not exposed to anthropogenic
pollution sources such as aerial deposition. Although Dead
Seawater is rich in heavy metals, the black mud is depleted
in the most of trace elements. Thus, it was found that
heavy metals prefer to be incorporated in the soluble salt
complexes rather than precipitating due to the mild acidic
environment of the Dead Sea water.
The findings of the sequential extraction and the
analysis of correlation of various chemical parameters
showed that none of heavy metals preferred the organic
phase of the black mud. Finally, there was no effect of
mixing the freshwater entering the Dead Sea from
surrounding streams with saltwater on the components of
the Black mud.
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Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 60- 65
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Exchange Coupling and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Ir(001)
B. Alqassem, B.A. Hamad
, J.M. Khalifeh
Department of Physics, University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan
We present ab initio calculations of the exchange coupling for Fe/Ir system using a self-consistent full-potential linearized
augmented plane-wave (FLAPW) method. The local spin density approximation (LSDA) as well as the generalized gradient
approximation (GGA) are used to treat the exchange correlation potential. In this work, supercells consisting of two layers
of Fe separated by Ir layers ranging from 1 to 7 are constructed. For each spacer layer thickness, two calculations were
performed, one for ferro- and another for anti-ferromagnetic ordering of Fe atoms. We obtained an oscillatory behavior for
the interlayer exchange coupling with a period of 7.83 for both LSDA as well as GGA.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Magnetism, Superlattice, Fe, Ir, Exchange Coupling, ab initio calculations.
1. Introduction
All through the last two decades, the influence of
interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) between magnetic
layers separated by a non-magnetic spacer has involved
substantial efforts. Ever since, it was firstly studied by
Grnberg [1] for Fe/Cr superlattices in 1986, and
following the discovery of Parkin [2] on coupling
oscillates between the FM and the AF configurations as a
function of spacer layer thickness, and the inertest is on the
rise. Shortly afterwards, Parkin has shown that oscillatory
exchange coupling occurs with almost all transition and
noble metals as spacer materials [3]. Not until the last
decade when the reward of this detection is translated to a
definite application. The giant magneto-resistance became
a renowned industrial application for the coupling. The
giant magneto-resistances are utilized as responsive
detectors for magnetic field in magnetic data storage; it is
now commonly used in magnetic read head of all magnetic
recording devices. It is all due to the remarkable properties
of these materials, exhibited in the great change of their
resistance once placed in a small field, large enough to
reverse their magnetic alignments. This discovery gave an
important momentum for intensive investigations in this
area of research [4-11].
Corresponding author. [email protected]
An assortment of methodologies covering a wide
spectrum of theoretical approaches has been explored to
clarify this inspiring phenomenon, approaches like the first
principles or tight-binding total energy calculations [12-
15], the Ruderman-Kittel- Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) theory
[16-19], a free-electron model [20-22] and the Anderson s-
d Mixing models [23, 24]. Recently, a new disclosure
stating that every one of the above models can be
integrated into a more broad approach. Seeing the
-exchange coupling as an interpretation of quantum
size effect and described in terms of
(spin-dependent) reflection coefficients of electrons at
the interfaces between the nonmagnetic spacer and the
ferromagnetic layers [25-27].
In this work, we study the interlayer exchange coupling
in Fe/Ir(001) superlattices using a self-consistent full-
potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FLAPW)
method. Although, this system is expected to be a good
candidate for interlayer exchange coupling, yet the
theoretical studies to investigate its behavior are scarce.
Previous experimental studies have obtained high quality
of Fe/Ir(001) superlattice with flat interfaces and absence
of interdiffusion [28-30], the fact that makes them
promising structures for GMR devices.
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: In section,
II we present the computational details of calculations; in
section III, we put forward the results and discussion; and
finally, in section IV we provide recommendations and
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 61
2. Computational Details
All calculations are performed using the self-consistent
full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FLAPW)
method within the density functional theory [31]. The
calculations are carried out using the LSDA [32] as well as
GGA [33] approximations. The cutoff energy of the plane
waves in the interstitial region between the muffin tins is
taken as 16 Ry for the wavefunction and 169 Ry for the
potential. The k-point sampling is performed using
MonkhorstPack grid in the irreducible part of the
Brillouin zone. The wavefunction expansion inside the
muffin tins are taken up to lmax = 10 and the potential
expansion up to lmax = 4. These parameters were chosen
to set the self-consistent calculations where the
convergence is taken with respect to the total charge of the
system with a tolerance of 0.0001 electron charges. The
muffin-tin radii are taken to be 1.12 and 1.24 for Fe
and Ir, respectively. The calculations are performed using
Fermi-level smearing of 0.005 Rydberg.
The calculated lattice constant of bulk ground states of
bcc Fe and fcc Ir are found to be 2.84 and 3.87 . We
used the supercell technique to build FeIrn (n=1-7)
superlattices, Fig.1 presents one of these supercells,
namely FeIr4 superlattice. To optimize the structures, the
lattice constants for each cell were relaxed in three steps.
We start with a cubic supercell and varying the volume of
the supercell keeping the c/a ratio constant. The energy
dependence on the volume is tested and the equilibrium
volume is obtained using the Murnaghan's equation of
state fit [34]. Then varying the c/a ratio at the equilibrium
volume obtained from the first step. The energy
dependence on the c/a ratio is tested to obtain the
equilibrium value. Finally, the volume of the supercell re-
varied again at the equilibrium c/a ratio obtained from the
second step. The new equilibrium volume is found by the
Murnaghan's equation of state fit [34].
The lattice constants for each superlattice structure are
given in Table 1. It is to be noted here that the lattice
parameters are compared with those obtained by Vegard's
law [35], where the lattice constants are calculated using
the following equations:
1 n
2 / na a
Ir Fe
= (1)
a c (2)
here the 2 factor is used to convert from fcc-
structure to bct-structure, e ( ) while th 2 1 + n factor
represents the number of unit cells formed. A close look at
Table 1 reveals that the lattice constants of the supercells
obtained by the optimization technique are close to those
of Vegard's law.
The total energy is calculated for ferro- and
antiferromagnetic configurations of Fe for each FeIr
superlattice. The same structure has been used for both
configurations for the sake of consistency to obtain reliable
energy differences, i.e. the unit cell is doubled even in the
ferromagnetic configuration for comparison purposes. The
exchange coupling, j, is calculated using the equation:
( ) ( ) ( ) d E d E d j
tot tot
= -
ere d ickne
wh is the th ss of the spacer layer and
are the total energies of the
system in AF and FM arrangements. The exchange
( ) d E
( ) d E
Fig.1 : The schematic diagram for FeIr
coupling convergence with respect to the number of k-
points in the irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ) has been
checked for each FeIr
structure. The convergence test of
j as a function of the number of k points is shown in Fig. 2
for both the LSDA and GGA exchange potentials. It is
found that j converges faster than the total energy as a
function of the number of k-points.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 62
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Exchange Coupling
The study of the interlayer exchange coupling requires
the calculation of the total energy of Ferro- and
antiferromagnetic ordering of Fe designed for each Ir
spacer layer thickness. The IEC is calculated for both
LSDA and GGA exchange correlation potentials as shown
in Fig. 3. As the Ir spacer thickness is increased, the IEC
Table1:The lattice constants for the relaxed seven superlattices.
Fig. 2 : Interlayer exchange coupling, j(meV) for FeIr
the number of k- points in the IBZ for
From Fig.3, it can be noticed that the LSDA
calculations give higher values of the interlayer exchange
coupling than those obtained using the GGA exchange-
and LSDA
calculations for different la ented in Table 2
and Table 3, respectively. , the Fe layer
carries the overwhelming part of t a magnetic
moment. The table also points out the following: (i) the
Fig. n exchange coupling, (meV) for FeIr
sp er laye f LS
GGA potentials.
agnetons) for each layer in
the Fe/Ir unit cell using the GGA approximation. Results are
shown for one Fe layer on top of up to 7 Ir layers.
er number
multilayers as a function of
different number of Ir layers for (a) LSDA and (b) GGA.
oscillate between FM and AF by a period of oscillation
about 7.83 for both the LSDA and GGA potentials,
which is comparable with that obtained by Stoeffler [36].
It is to be noted here that only one period of oscillation
could be obtained in our calculations since we are
restricted with small Ir thickness up to 14 .
correlation potential, with the same period of oscillation
for both approximations.
3.2. Magnetic structure
Magnetic moments (in Bohr magnetons,
) for the
case of FM ordering, using the GGA
yers, are pres
As expected
he tot l
3: I
as a func
tion of Ir ac r thickness () or (a) DA and (b)
Table 2: Magnetic moments (in Bohr m
Ir lay
Fe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2.14536 0.03033
2.52453 -0.07337 -0.07338
2.68122 0.08753 -0.10992 0.08690
2.69386 0.09129 -0.04400 -0.04406 0.09129
2.68806 0.04772 -0.06590 0.00860 -0.06586 0.04770
2.70738 0.05870 -0.07538 0.00964 0.00966 -0.07516 0.05875
2.72556 0.07470 -0.05586 0.00494 0.02015 0.00497 -0.05588 0.07471
first Ir substrate layer continuously ferromagnetically
coupled to the Fe layer. (ii) The second Ir layer continually
antiferromagnetically coupled to the Fe layer.
In Fig. 4, the induced magnetic moments per atom on
the Ir spacer layers are plotted, using both the GGA as well
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 63
as the LSDA potentials, for the FeIr
multilayers system.
The induced magnetic moments of Ir atoms are oscillatin
however, the magnetic moments in the cent
ral layers are
weaker than those at the i induced magnetic
moment at the interface is 0.075 whilst 0.020
at the
centr ye tions. The induced
m nts ced in the LSDA calculations.
The induced magnetic moment at the interface is 0.056
w id le layer.
Table 3: Magnetic moments (in Bohr magnetons) for each layer in
t ap ma n. Re lts are
shown for one Fe layer on top of up to 7 Ir layers.
Ir layer number
nterface. The
cula al la r for the GGA cal
agnetic mome are redu
hilst 0.017
at the m d
he Fe/Ir unit cell using the LSDA proxi tio su
Fe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1.93343 0.02476
2.32311 -0.06518 -0.06518
2. 08 0.07706 -0.09588 0.07706 513
2.51253 0.06905 -0.03793 -0.03794 0.06906
2.51602 0.03807 -0.05674 0.00828 -0.05674 0.03807
2.54075 0.04495 -0.06511 0.01152 0.01152 -0.06511 0.04495
2.55823 0.05584 -0.05095 0.00593 0.01701 0.00593 -0.05104 0.05584
Fig. 4: Induced m
ferromagnetic FeIr
agnetic moments on Ir apacer layer in
multilayer using (a) LSDA and (b) GGA
calculations. The Fe atoms are placed in positions 0 and 8.
ed in positions 0 and 8.
e self-
s an oscillatory behavior as a function of Ir
thickness with a period of 7.83 for both
The first Ir substrate layer is
The oscillatory behavior also appears for the magnetic
moments on Ir atoms, with zero magnetic moment at the
central Ir atom, Fig.5.
Fig. 5: Induced magnetic moments on Ir apacer layer in anti-
ferromagnetic FeIr
multilayer using (a) LSDA and (b) GGA
calculations. The Fe atoms are plac
4. Conclusion
The IEC for Fe/Ir is calculated by using th
consistent FLAPW method with the LSDA and GGA
exchange correlation potentials. We can summarize the
main points of this study as foll
1. The IEC ha
spacer layer
the LSDA as well as the GGA potentials. The period of
oscillation is found to be the same for both the LSDA
as well as GGA potentials.
2. The induced magnetic moments on Ir atoms show an
oscillatory behavior.
always ferromagnetically coupled to the magn
layer, whereas, the interior Ir layers are coupled
3. The GGA gives higher magnetic moments for Fe and Ir
as compared to the LSDA.
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Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 66- 71
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associated Minerals and their Influence on the Optical Properties
of Jordanian Kaolin
Akl M. Awwad*, Rafat Ahmad, Hatem Alsyouri
Industrial Chemistry Centre, Royal Scientific Society, Amman, Jordan
Kaolin samples from Al-Disi kaolin deposits in southeastern region of Jordan are associated with mineral impurities, which
impart color to this kaolin and adversely affect its application in paper and paint industries. The associated mineral impurities
with kaolin were separated by deflocculating of kaolin particles in polymeric sodium polyphosphate solution. The crude
kaolin, deflocculated kaolin (suspended kaolin), and the associated mineral impurities with kaolin (residue) were determined
by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, and spectroscopic studies. The composition of the residue
separated from Al-Disi kaolin composed mainly from quartz, feldspar, and hematite. The separation of these associated
mineral impurities from al-Disi kaolin by deflocculating process improves the brightness of kaolin to be suitable for
processing to produce kaolin that meets specifications for paper making, filler, cosmetics and other uses that demand high
whiteness and low impurity content.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Kaolin; Sodium polyphosphate; Jordan; Associated minerals; Deflocculated agent; FTIR, XRD, Optical properties.
1. Introduction
Kaolin is a geologic term refering to a rock that is
predominately composed of > 50% [1] of the mineral
kaolinite [Al
]. Kaolin is a layered silicate
mineral, with one tetrahedral sheet linked through oxygen
atoms to one octahedral sheet of alumina octahedral. The
mineral kaolin is usually associated with various
impurities: quartz, anatase, rutile, pyrite, siderite, feldspar,
etc., depending on the origin and depositional environment
[2]. These impurities affect the characteristic properties of
kaolin and its utility for applications. The industrial
applications of kaolin in ceramics tiles and glass, paper
coating, rubber, adhesives, sealants, as filler [3] lead to an
extensive research to be carried out on the nature of the
existing impurities associated with kaolin [5-7]. In Jordan,
although kaolin deposits occur, their industrial usage has
been restricted to the manufacturing of ceramics. No
research has been conducted to understand the genesis and
suitable industrial applications of kaolin occurrences in the
Suspensions of kaolin particles in aqueous solutions are
tremendously important in ceramics, pharmaceuticals,
paints, and cosmetics industries. The performance of
kaolin suspensions depends on the stability of these
suspensions. The stability of the kaolin suspensions is
governed by two factors van der Waals forces and
repulsive electrostatic forces. kaolin suspensions are
prepared by suspending the kaolin particles in aqueous
Corresponding author. [email protected]
solutions of different deflocculated agents such as sodium
sulfite, sodium nitrate, sodium phosphate, monomeric and
oligomeric phosphates [5,9-11].
The purpose of the present paper is to separate and
identify the associated mineral impurities with kaolin by
deflocculating of kaolin particles in sodium polyphosphate
solutions and to be useful for industrial applications.
2. Materials and Methods
Kaolin clay samples have been collected from the
quarry of Al-Disi district of Aqaba state located 45 km east
of Al-Quweira town. The location of this site is shown in
Fig.1. The mine area is around 54 Mt as given in the
survey of Natural Resources authority, Jordan.
Clay samples in this study were crushed ground, using
a vibrating Disc mill (model RS 200, Retsch-Germany).
The clay was then sieved through a 325-mesh sieve (44
m particle size) and washed with dionized water three
times to dissolve soluble salts.
Concentration of associated minerals was performed
by the following method: 100 grams of the fine powder
of Al-Disi clay , 1-2 grams of sodium polyphosphate,
and 200-400 ml of water were mixed in a glass tank and
slurried by stirring with an electric stirrer for 30 minutes to
form suspension of clay. The clay deflocculated particles
were removed by decantation and repeated washing with
water to get the associated mineral impurities concentrate
as residue. The residue was dried in an oven at 105
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Figure1. Location map of the kaolin mines in Jordan., Al-Disi deposits of kaolin
The chemical composition of the samples was
determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF-800 Shimadizu).
The XRD patterns were taken using X-ray
diffractometer (Shimadzu XRD-6000) equipped with Cu
radiation source using Ni as filter and at a setting of 30
kV/30 mA. All XRD data were collected under the same
experimental conditions, in the angular range 3
FTIR spectra were obtained by IRprestige-21 Shimaduz
FT-IR- spectrophotometer, using KBr pellet method.
Optical brightness and color values were measured by
Color Touch Macbeth color-eye 7000 spectrophotometer.
Brightness represents the percent of reflectance of light at
a wavelength of 457 nm. The "Lab" system based on the
color opposites gives representation of the colors. The
term "L" is a measure of lightness/darkness and varies
from 100 for perfect white to 0 for absolute black. The
red/green color is indicated by "a". The more positive
value a indicates reddishness and negative value indicates
greenishness. Similarly, the yellow/blue shades are
represented by "b", positive value for yellow and negative
for bluishness.
3. Results and Discussion
Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the
crude clay, the suspended clay and the concentrated
associated minerals (residue) determined by X-ray
fluorescence (XRF).
Table 1. Chemical composition of crude kaolin, suspended kaolin,
and associated minerals in weight percent (nd = not determined).
Crude kaolin
59.18 63.48 90.51
26.22 22.89 5.16
1.52 1.36 3.05
1.42 1.33 nd
CaO 0.11 0.18 0.11
MgO 0.09 0.17 nd
O 0.11 0.09 0.08
O 1.12 1.42 1.44
0.11 0.18 nd
LOI 10.21 8.88
It is observed that the concentrations of SiO
greater than the theoretical value, which can be explained
by the presence of various amounts of quartz in all samples
as indicated by X-ray diffraction. After Si, the most
abundant impurity elements are Fe, Ti, and K. Crude clay
and suspended clay contain around 1.5% iron oxide and
titanium oxide. It can be seen that the associated mineral
impurities with clay predominantly composed of > 90%
, > 5% Al
, and > 3% Fe
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 68
The amounts of associated mineral impurities with clay
in all samples studied are 4% to 6% of the total crude
clay. Also it can be seen in Table 1 that the ignition loss is
less significant as compared to the theoretical value, which
confirms the low carbonate in the clay samples. The K
percentage is more important. This gives an indication of
the existence of illite and K-feldspar in this clay.
X-ray diffraction study (XRD) of the crude kaolin
samples Fig. 2a showed that the kaolinite is the dominant
mineral phase with quartz impurities. The suspended
kaolin samples deflocculated by sodium polyphosphate
Fig.2b show the emergence of a small peak at 2 = 8.9
relative to illite, which does not appear in the crude clay,
this peak is too small to be detected in the crude clay
samples. The associated mineral impurities are separated
as residue by deflocculating process of crude kaolin as can
be seen in Fig. 2C shows that quartz is the dominant
mineral impurities with additional reflection of feldspar
and hematite.
Figure 2. X-ray diffraction patterns of < 50-m size (a) crude
kaolin; (b) suspended kaolin; (c) associated mineral (residue). K:
Kaolinite, Q: Quartz, A: Anatase, I: Illite, F: Feldspar, H:
FTIR spectra of the crude kaolin, suspended kaolin, and
the residue (associated mineral impurities) are illustrated
in Fig. 3. The FTIR profiles of both crude kaolin and the
suspended kaolin are roughly similar, as seen in Figures 3a
and 3b. The FTIR spectrum shows the strongest
absorbance bands at 3698, 3655, 3624, 1040, 799, cm
characteristic of kaolinite, Table 2.
A shoulder at 1099 cm
indicates the presence of
quartz. A weak band at around 1449 cm
indicates the
presence of carbonate bearing minerals. FTIR spectra of
the residue Fig. 3c shows a strong band of H
O at 3445
dominates the OH-stretching region. The absorption
bands in the 450 -1103 cm
owing to Si-0, Si-O-Si, Al-O-
Si deformation and Si-0 stretching are characteristic of
quartz and feldspar.
Table 2. FTIR band assignments of crude kaolin, suspended
kaolin, and associated minerals.
The microscopic studies showed that the associated
minerals (residue) separated from Al-Disi kaolin clay by
deflocculated kaolin in sodium polyphosphate consist
mainly of Quartz, feldspar, and hematite, Fig.4.
The associated mineral impurities (residue) are treated
with concentrated hydrochloric acid; a pale yellow
solution is formed. The pale yellow solution was separated
from the unreacted residue by filtration and analyzed by
Inductively-coupled Plasma optical Emission
Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The results showed that the
solution consists mainly of iron oxides. This result
indicates the presence of small amounts of hematite in the
residue. The microscopic photograph, Fig. 5 shows the
remaining residue contains quartz and feldspar.
The data for the two optical properties whiteness and
color values are reported in Table 3.
The whiteness of the suspended kaolin is compared to
the crude kaolin sample of 49%. The term L is a measure
of lightness/darkness and varies from 100 for perfect white
to 0 for absolute black. The red/green balance is indicated
by "a" (the more positive the value "a", the greater the
redness and the more negative the more greenness). The
yellow/blue shades are presented by "b". The positive
value gives yellowness and the negative corresponds to
blueness). The whiteness and color values such as Lab
values in Table 3 show the whiteness of suspended kaolin
(deflocculated by polymeric sodium polyphosphate); and
are superior to that crude kaolin. Both kaolin samples have
positive values for "a" and "b" indicating that they are red
and yellow. The suspended kaolin sample have lower
values of "a" and "b" than that of crude kaolin. This
indicates that the redness and yellowness of suspended
kaolin is decreased due to the decrease of metal oxides
impurities such as iron oxides. It seems that these oxides
decrease the whiteness of kaolin.
ded kaolin
Assignments Band (cm
) Band (cm
OH - vibration
3697, 3655,
3444 3444 OH stretching of water
1639 1647 OH deformation of water
1449 CO
vibration 1432
Si-O-Si 1098 1100
- Si-O- 1039
AlAlOH 918
Si-O-Si 795 800
Si-O stretching of quartz 758
Al-O-Si 696 640
Si-O 649
Si-O-Si deformation 538
Si-O-Si deformation 471 475
Si-O deformation 430
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
400 900 1400 1900 2400 2900 3400 3900
Figure 3. FTIR spectra: (a) crude kaolin; (b) suspended kaolin; (c) associated minerals (residue).
Figure 4. Microscope pictures of associated mineral impurities taken by Wraymer BM-3400 T microscope with magnification x 200. H:
hematite; F: feldspar; Q: quartz.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 70
Figure 5. Microscope pictures of associated mineral impurities taken by Wraymer BM-3400 T microscope with magnification x 200. After
treatment with hydrochloric acid. F: feldspar; Q: quartz.
Table 3. Optical properties: whiteness and Lab values of crude kaolin and suspended kaolin.
Crude kaolin Suspended kaolin
whiteness 49.17 65.27
color values L 79.64 88.29
a 2.29 0.69
b 7.62 7.39
a: Reddishness value, b: Yellowness value, L: Lightness/darkness
References 4. Conclusion
The chemical analysis, XRF, and XRD show that Al-
Disi kaolin clay is mainly constituted of silica and alumina
in major quantities and iron, titanium, calcium, magnesium
and other elements in minor quantities. The loss of ignition
value indicates that clay has lower carbonaceous matter.
The X-Ray diffraction study shows the presence of quartz,
feldspar, hematite, and illite as major phases. The presence
of the above minerals was further confirmed by
microscopic studies. The deflocculating of kaolin clay with
polymeric sodium polyphosphate (SPP-kaolinite clay)
raised its whiteness from 49.17 to 65.27. The FTIR spectra
analysis reveals that the polymeric sodium polyphosphate
was basically held onto kaolinite clay.
[1] T. Dombrowsky, The orgins of kaolinite-implcation for
utilization. In: Carty, W. (Ed.), Science of Whiteware. The
American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH, 2000, pp. 3-12.
[2] R.W.Grimshaw, Physics and Chemistry of Clay, 4
Ernest Benn, London, ISBN: 1971, 0510-47701-7.
[3] H.H. Murray, Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial
Chemistry, 5
Edition. VCH Publishers, 1986, pp. 109-136.
[4] W. B. Jepson, Structural iron in kaolinities and in associated
ancillary minerals. In: Stucki, J. W.; Goodman, B. A.;
Schwertmann, U. (Eds.), Iron in Soils and Clay Minerals.
NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series. D. Riedel
Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 1988, pp.
[5] N. Yildiz, M. Erol, B. Baran, Y. Sarikaya, A. Calimil,
Modification of rheology and permeability of Turkish
ceramic clays using sodium silicate. Applied Clay Science
Vol. 13, 1988, 65-77.
The authors are thankful to the Royal Scientific
Society for financial grant and for permission to
communicate this work, and to Natural Resources
Authority Jordan for providing kaolin samples.
[6] S. Chandrasekhar, S. Ramaswamy, Influence of mineral
impurities on the properties of kaolin and its thermally
treated products. Applied Clay Science Vol. 21, 2002, 133-
[7] S. Chandraschar, S. Ramaswamy, Investigation on a gray
kaolin from south east India. Applied Clay Science Vol. 37,
2007, 32-46.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 71
[8] T. Manfredini, G.C. Pellacani, P. Pozzi, A.B. Corradi,
Monomeric and oligomeric phosphate as deflocculants of
concentrated aqueous clay suspensions. Applied Clay
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[9] D. Penner, G. Lagaly, Influence of anions on the rheological
properties of clay mineral dispersion. Applied Clay Science
Vol. 19, 2001, 131-142.
[10] F. Andreola, E. Castellini, J.M.F. Ferreira, S. Olhero, M.
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systems. Applied Clay Science Vol. 33, 2006, 52-58.
Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 72- 83
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Mineralogy and Authigenesis of Zeolitic Tuff from Tall-Juhira
and Tall Amir, South Jordan
Reyad A. Dwairi
, Hani N. Khoury
, Khalil M. Ibrahim
Tafila Technical University, Department of Natural Resources and Chemical Engineering, Tafila, Jordan
The University of Jordan, Department of Applied Geology, Amman, Jordan
Hashemite University, Department of Environmental Geology, Zarqa, Jordan
Tall Amir and Tall Juhira are two important volcanoes located in southern Jordan. Huge quantities of zeolitic tuff deposits are
existed within basaltic rocks. These two localities havent been investigated nor evaluated for their mineralogical and zeolitic
content. Zeolitic tuff from south Jordan is composed mainly of three components: Volcanic glass, primary rock forming
minerals and secondary rock forming minerals.
Zeolitic tuff from Tall Juhira (ZTJ) are characterized by highly weathered red to brown color, and friable tuff. The main
zeolitic tuff minerals in ZTJ are phillipsite and chabazite.
Zeolitic tuff from Tall Amir (ZTA) is characterized by gray color and well-cemented tuff. The main zeolitic tuff minerals are
phillipsite, chabazite and analcime.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Zeolitic tuff; Tall-Juhira; Tall Amir; Phillipsite; Chabazite; Analcime.
1. Introduction
Zeolitic tuff associated with basaltic rocks in Jordan are
exposed in different localities include northeast, central
and south of Jordan, Figure (1) shows two important
locations of basaltic volcano. The first one is Tall Juhira
with latitude of (30 38 47) and longitude of (35 49
37) with a height of about (1355 m). It is one of the most
important deposits of zeolitic tuff in the south of Jordan.
The second one is Tall Amir with a latitude of (30 33
05) and longitude of ( 35 47 58) with a height of
about (1049 m).
The study area is characterized by rainy period which is
short in the studied volcanoes areas (December to March)
with average annual precipitation of about 100 mm, the
rest of the year is warm and dry. Occasional Snow falls
mainly in the highlands, and may reach 70 cm in thickness.
The maximum recorded temperature is 39 C in July.
2. Regional Geology
Basalt in the studied areas is of Neogene age. It
comprises porphyritic, fine grained rocks. The previous
petrological, geochemical and geostatistical studies that
dealt with the basalt from the study area demonstrates that
they are sodic alkalic basalts that belong to the alkali
olivine basalt series, and are considered as nepheline
basanite (Ibrahim, 1987).
Corresponding author. [email protected]
According to Ibrahim (1987) the essential minerals in
the basaltic samples are pyroxene, plagioclase and olivine
with variable amounts of opaques and nepheline. Apatite is
the most abundant accessory mineral.
Fig. (1). Location map of the studied basaltic volcano.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 73
Uneiza volcano is type localities for the basalt along
the Dead Sea Rift in southern Jordan (1143m high). It
comprises one of the symmetrical volcanic centers with
basaltic flows separated by zones of pyroclastic deposits.
The rocks of the volcano are 110 m thick of lapilli, ash,
welded tuff, and basaltic flow. The lithics are angular to
rounded and consist of carbonates, phosphates, shale, and
chert. The studied cross section include two types of
ejecta: the first one is at the bottom and belong to the
Aritayn type which consists of reddish brown well bedded,
well sorted, well cemented, fining upward pyroclastic with
small bombs, and Zeolites in this ejecta occur as
cementing material. And the second type is the Hassan
type, which consists of violet to black, poorly sorted,
poorly cemented, angular to sub angular pyroclastics. The
total thickness of the Aritayn type is 18 m in Jordan, while
the Hassan type thickness is only 3 meters thick. Figure (2)
is a columnar section of Jabal Uneiza volcano after (Ghrir,
Fig. (2) Columnar section of Jabal Uneiza volcano after (Ghrir, 1998).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
3. Materials and Methods
Ten fresh representative channel samples were
collected from the two volcanic centers and zeolitic tuff
outcrop, five samples of each location.
Thin section petrography was carried out by using
impregnation method. Ten thin sections of zeolitic tuff
from the two locations were prepared and examined under
the polarizing microscope.
The samples were investigated using scanning electron
microscope (SEM) (Quanta 600 F, FEI) combined with
Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) mapping
(Genesis 4000, EDAX) available in BGR, Hanover,
Germany. EDX (spot analysis) was carried out during the
progress of SEM studies. With SEM/EDX analyses
technique, samples were investigated for their physical
properties including size, shape, and surface morphology.
EDX provides information on the chemistry of the
individual particles.
X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) for random
preparation samples was done using Phillips X-ray
Diffractometer. Random preparations for X-ray diffraction
analyses were also made for zeolitic fractions of the size
range between (1) mm and (0.3) mm.
4. Results
4.1. Transmitted polarizing microscope results
Thin sections investigation shows that the tuffaceous
basaltic samples are composed of four major components:
1. Vesicles
2. Volcanic glass and Palagonite
3. Major rock forming primary minerals (olivine,
nepheline, pyroxene, plagioclase)
4. Secondary weathering product minerals (zeolites, iron
oxides, clay minerals, and calcite)
The volcanic tuff can be divided into two components
(pyroginic and authigenic minerals) according to the
mineral formation phases. The term pyroginic refers to the
host mineral phase (major rock forming minerals), while
the term authigenic refers to the alteration product
(secondary product minerals).
The break down of rock-forming primary minerals
during weathering transfers them into secondary minerals
as alteration products. Willson (2004) has described the
weathering of pyroginic minerals and their alteration
product. He found that olivine, plagioclase, and pyroxene
break down during weathering to clay minerals, Fe oxides,
and Ca, Na, K aluminosilicate rich minerals.
The studied thin sections show that most of the samples
are highly-altered tuffaceous volcanic basalt. The
weathering of volcanic rocks from all localities is indicated
by number of presented phases. Thin sections investigation
shows that the secondary weathered products are zeolites
(phillipsite, chabazite, and analcime) and non zeolites such
as smectite, calcite, and gypsum. The detailed results of
thin section studies for both primary and secondary
minerals are as follow:
4.1.1. Vesicles (V)
The results of studied samples indicate a typical
vesicular texture of different degrees. These vesicles are
mainly empty or filled with a secondary filling material.
These vesicles are circular, subcircular and irregular in
shape (Figure 3).
4.1.2. Volcanic Glass (Vg) and Palagonite (Pl)
Low-temperature alteration of basaltic glass produces
palagonite. The world palagonite was used to describe the
altered basaltic glass of the hyloclastics from palagonia in
the Hyblean Mounts, Sicily (Honnorez, 1981). Palagonite
is present in most of the studied thin sections with variable
colors that range from dark brown, yellow brown to deep
red, depending on the degree of alteration
(palagonitization). Palagonite occurs as microphenocrysts
in the groundmass of all thin sections. Lath shape euhedral
tabular crystals with zeolitic coating are common (Figure
3). Under the binocular microscope, palagonite is
characterized by its vitreous, wax like or resinous luster
with a conchoidal fracture.
The studied thin sections show two types of volcanic
glass. These are fresh volcanic glass and weathered
volcanic glass (palagonite). Palagonite is not stable and
tends to crystallize to zeolites and chlorite as alteration
products. The alteration of palagonite (palagonitization)
gives the general chemical composition of SiO
, Al
, FeO, MgO, and H
O (Kerr, 1977). The studied
altered tuff shows all samples from Tall Juhira are
characterized by the presence of palagonitic glass with
different degrees of alteration while four samples from
Tall Amir shows palagonitization .
Fig. (3) vesicles from south Jordan zeolitic tiff (Tall Amir)
4.1.3. Major Rock Forming Primary Minerals
a- Olivine (Ol)
Olivine and its alteration product iddingsite (Id) are the
most abundant microphenocrysts in most of the slides.
Olivine is usually colorless and is highly fractured in the
plain polarized light. The fresh crystals show olive green
to pink interference colors. The crystals range in length
from 0.3 to 2 mm. Olivine is altered to iddingsite (Id).
Figure 4 shows a microphotograph from Tall Amir that is
highly-altered olivine crystal to iddingsite. The
iddingsitization is seen to surround the margins and the
innermost parts of the crystal. Some crystals show
corroded outlines and embayment.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 75
Olivine usually is destroyed or replaced during
the early stage of weathering. Olivine is altered by deuteric
or hydrothermal process to a mixture of hydrous
phyllosilicates and Fe-oxide minerals. In the latter case,
the most common product is iddingsite, which may be
optically homogeneous and crystallographically oriented
with respect to the parent olivine (Wilson, 2004).
The transformation from olivine to iddingsite was
studied in detail by Eggleton (1984), using transmission
electron microscopy of ion-beam thinned specimens. A
two-stage process was proposed. In the first stage, the
olivine breaks down into thin lamellae consisting of a
metastable hexagonal phase and elongated parallel to the
olivine c axis. This transformation opens up solution
channels which become infilled with lath-like crystals of
saponite. In the second stage, water migrates more freely
through the solution channels and permitting further
growth of the smectite and goethite nuclei formed during
early alteration and largely, but not entirely. In this
instance, alteration was undoubtedly due to deuteric /
hydrothermal activity, although weathering was considered
to result in similar mineral assemblages. This point was
amplified in a later study on the weathering of olivine in
basalt to iddingsite by Smith et al, (1987). Three different
basalts were examined. In each, the process of
iddingsitization appears to have commenced before
weathering, but progresses to completion as a result of
later weathering. Iddingsite formation again involves
etching along lamellar zones parallel to (001) and
formation of smectite and oriented goethite within these
zones. An important finding, however, is that some
elements such as Al and Na, have been introduced from
outside the weathering olivine crystal, showing that the
process is not truly isochemical. In fact, in the later stages
of decomposition, dioctahedral smectite and halloysite are
associated with the weathered olivine. The initial stages of
the alteration of olivine were explored in further detail by
Banfield et al, (1990). It was founded that in altered
basaltic andesites, the olivine consisted of fine
intergrowths of forsterite-rich olivine and laihunite, an
oxidized fayalitic phase where structural ferric iron is
balanced by structural vacancies resulting in a distorted
olivine structure. Where the intergrowths are widely
spaced, the laihunite act as a barrier to weathering,
resulting in the preferential dissolution and etching out of
the forsterite to yield textures very similar to those
reported by Eggleton (1984) and Smith et al, (1987). The
etched out channels are first filled with semi-oriented
aggregates of saponitic clay and subsequently with
aggregates of oriented hematite crystals.
b- Plagioclase (Pla)
The second important rock forming mineral in the
studied samples and the most abundant after olivine is
plagioclase. In thin sections, plagioclase is found as
phenocrysts or small laths in the groundmass. The crystals
shape is euhedral to subhedral. The phenocrysts and lathes
show albite twinning. In all thin section, plagioclase shows
a highly strong alteration with partly or completely
damaged crystals. Figure 5 shows lath shaped slightly
altered plagioclase crystals which are dominated in most of
the studied thin sections.
c- Pyroxene (Py)
High-Ca pyroxene diopside and augite are the most
abundant clinopyroxenes in the studied thin sections. In
thin sections clinopyroxene are colorless, pale green to
bright green, and subhedral crystals. Figure 5 shows augite
with plagioclase crystals as groundmass in most of the
studied localities.
Orthopyroxenes are not abundant and are observed in
restricted samples. Pyroxene have been found to weather
to hydrous layer silicates in a similar way to that described
for olivine (Willson, 2004).
d- Nepheline
The most abundant feldspathoidal mineral in all thin
sections is nepheline. In thin sections, it appears colorless
to turbid, euhedral to anhedral crystals. Nepheline crystals
in most of slides are altered and not clear in the
groundmass of basaltic tuff. The alteration product of
nepheline is zeolites (Kerr, 1977).
Fig. (4) Fe-oxides and iddingsite and augite with plagioclase
crystals as groundmass from Tall Amir SJ.
Fig. (5) shows lath shaped slightly altered plagioclase crystals
which are dominated in most of the studied thin sections.
4.1.4. Secondary Mineral Products (SM) Zeolites
a-Phillipsite (Ph)
All samples from Tall Juhira south Jordan show
phillipsitic crystals growth. It occur mainly as colorless,
radial, fan shape crystal that is forming a thin rim of
phillipsite crystals. Phillipsite is the most abundant zeolitic
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 76
mineral in all of the studied samples. It grows may be
directly as the earliest phase in the walls of palagonite
Figure 6 from Tall Juhira shows that phillipsite occurs
as a rim of crystals growing directly on palagonite. Figure
7 from Tall Amir shows phillipsite growth as the first
phase growth as a rim that shows a radial (fan like) shape
growth of phillipsitic crystals with an assemblages of
chabazite crystals while other plates show spherulitic
growth of phillipsite crystals.
c- Chabazite (Ch)
Chabazite was reported for the first time in Jordan by
Dwairi (1987) in Aritayn. Ibrahim (1993) described
chabazite crystals from Jabal Aritayn as strongly zoned,
elongated rhombohedra crystals with a complex
penetration twinning. In all of the investigated sites,
chabazite appears as colorless rhombohedra crystals with
twinning and zoning.
Figure 7 shows that chabazite crystals grow as a second
phase preceded phillipsite as indicated in samples from
Tall Amir. Figure 8 shows a sugar like growth of chabazite
crystals from Tall Juhira. All samples from this location
show chabazite crystals. Non Zeolitic Minerals
a - Clay minerals (Smectite (Sm))
Smectite form the earliest alteration product of the
authigenic minerals. It appears as colorless, cloudy rim
fringing palagonite granules and/or encrusting the vesicle
walls with minute fringes (Figure 9) in most of the
samples. This rim is circular in shape; and locks to form a
flaky habit. It is absent in three samples from Tall Juhira,
depending on the type and the degree of weathering. The
most abundant smectite mineral in all samples is
Fig. (6). Sample from Tall Juhira show that phillipsite occurs as a
rim of crystals growing directly on palagonite followed by the
growth of chabazite phase.
4.2 Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy-Dispersive
X-ray Results.
Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) was carried out
combined with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)
for all samples from Tall Juhira and Tall Amir. SEM/EDX
analyses show that there are different zeolitic minerals
included within the zeolitic tuff such as phillipsite,
chabazite and analcime.
Fig. (6). Sample from Tall Juhira show that phillipsite occurs as a
rim of crystals growing directly on palagonite followed by the
growth of chabazite phase.
Fig. (7). Photograph shows a rim of phillipsite growth as a radial
(fan like) shape growth of phillipsitic crystals from Tall Amir .
Fig. (8). Photograph show a sugar like growth of chabazite
crystals as indicated in samples from Tall Juhira
a- Phillipsite
Phillipsite is the most abundant zeolitic mineral that
appears under the SEM. It occurs as spherulitic radiating
prismatic crystals. The spherulites are about 100m to
150m in diameter while the prismatic crystals commonly
have zoning, and range in length from 100 m to 200 m
and in width from 10m to 5m with a dome cap at the
end of the prism
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 77
Fig. (9). Photograph shows a rim of clay minerals (smectite).
Figure 10 shows a group of growing prismatic
phillipsitic crystals radiating from a growth center with a
diameter range between 50 m and 100 m from Tall
Juhira. Figure 11 shows two generations of phillipsite
crystals from Tall Amir.
EDX results for phillipsite crystals are illustrated in
Figures (12 and 13). Figure 12 from Tall Juhira shows that
the chemical composition of phillipsitic crystals (K, Na,
Ca) (Si, Al)
has variable amounts of Na, K, and Ca.
Figure 13 shows EDX results for phillipsite crystals from
Tall Amir shows a high content of Na, K, and Ca.
Phillipsite from Tall Juhira show high content of Ca and K
and small amounts of Na as indicated in figure 12.
b- Chabazite
Dwairi (1987) described chabazite from Aritayn as wall
rim crystals. Ibrahim (1993) has described also chabazite
from Jabal Tarbush as rhombohedral crystals with
dimensions range between 10-80 m.
Chabazite is the second abundant zeolitic mineral after
phillipsite in all studied localities. Chabazite crystals
appear as a group of rhombohedral crystals with simple
and complex penetration twinning. Crystals from the study
areas range in dimensions from several microns to 15 m.
Chabazite from Tall Juhira, as in Figure 14, shows a
complex penetration twinning with dimensions range
between 15-20 m. Both chabazite and phillipsite occur
together as illustrated in Figure 14. Moreover, aggregates
of chabazite crystals from Tall Amir grow directly on
palagonite walls, as in figure 15.
EDX analysis for chabazite crystals for the two sites
indicates a high content of Ca as illustrated in Figures (16
and 17). Chabazite from the two sites has a possible
chemical composition similar to the theoretical chabazite
of CaAl
d- Analcime
Analcime is the third zeolitic mineral found in the
study area. It is restricted to Tall Amir locality. Analcime
under the SEM appears as isolated euhedral crystals
(rhombdodecahedron form). Figure 18 shows isolated
euhedral crystals of analcime from Tall Amir. EDX data
for analcime from Tall Amir showed high content of Na as
indicated in figure 19. The theoretical chemical
composition of analcime is NaAlSi
E- Smectite
It is one of the most important non zeolitic secondary
minerals which are associated with phillipsite and
chabazite. It is the main alteration product of the basaltic
volcanic glass; and is developed in the early stage of
alteration. Smectite under the SEM appears as circular to
semi circular aggregates forming colloform structure. The
circles have a radius of less than 30 m. Figure 20 shows
smectite circular growth with a cornflakes appearance.
Fig. (10) SEM photo shows a prismatic phillipsite crystals from
Tall Juhira.
Fig. (11) SEM photo shows two generations of phillipsite crystals
from Tall Amir
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 78
Fig. (12) Energy-dispersive X-ray results of zeolitic tuff (phillipsite) samples from Tall Juhira
Fig. (13) Energy-dispersive X-ray results of zeolitic tuff (phillipsite) samples Tall Amir.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Fig. (14) SEM photo showing Simple twining of chabazite
crystals and phillipsite growth from Tall Juhira
Fig. (15) SEM photo showing assemblages of chabazite from Tall
Fig. (16) Energy-dispersive X-ray results of zeolitic tuff (chabazite) for samples from Tall Juhira
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 80
Fig. (17) Energy-dispersive X-ray results of zeolitic tuff (chabazite) the sample from Tall Amir.
Fig. (18) SEM photo showing assemblages of analcime from Tall Amir.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 81
Fig. (19) Energy-dispersive X-ray results of zeolitic tuff (analcime) for sample from Tall Amir.
Table (1) illustrates the X-ray diffraction results of all
the investigated sites. Table (2) gives the detailed results of
the studied samples. The results are in agreement with the
published data on zeolites (Breck, 1974)
The X-ray diffraction patterns show that zeolitic tuff
samples contain different zeolitic minerals such as
phillipsite and chabazite (Table 1). The most abundant
mineral is phillipsite; and is present in all of the studied
samples while chabazite is present as the second abundant
Table (1) Minerals of zeolitic tuff identified by XRD
Mineral components minerals
Zeolitic minerals
phillipsite, chabazite,
Non zeolitic minerals
calcite, olivine, plagioclase,
pyroxene (augite and
diopside), smectite, gypsum,
Fig. (20) SEM photo for the smectite colloform structure from
Tall Juhira.
4.3 X Ray Diffraction Results
Figures 21 and 22 are the X-ray diffraction patterns of
the zeolitic tuff samples, which indicated the presence of
two main groups of minerals zeolites and non-zeolites.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 82
Table (2) X-ray diffraction results of Tall Juhira and Tall Amir, south Jordan.
S.No Ph Ch An He Ca F Di Fo Sm
ZTA1 * * - - * - * * -
ZTA2 * * * - * - * * -
ZTA3 * * - * * * - - -
ZTA4 * - * * * - * - *
ZTJ1 * * - - * - * * *
ZTJ2 * * - * * * - - -
ZTJ3 * - - * * - * - -
ZTJ4 * * - - * - * - *
Ph= phillipsite Ch= chabazite An= analcime He= Hematite Ca= calcite
F= feldspar Di= diopside Fo= forstrite Sm= Smectite
Fig. (21) X R D pattern of the zeolitic tuff sample from Tall Juhira.
Fig. (22) XRD pattern of the zeolitic tuff sample Tall Amir.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 83
5. Discussion
SEM/EDX, XRD and TS results have indicated that the
studied tuffaceous basaltic samples are highly altered
volcanic glass. The studied samples are composed of
olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, nepheline and volcanic
glass. Olivine is altered to iddingsite. Plagioclase and
pyroxene are altered to aluminosilicate and Fe, Mg gels.
Nepheline is altered to zeolite. Zeolitic tuff is a weathering
product as a result of the reaction of volcanic glass with
invading percolating waters. Zeolites are most readily
found in alkaline environments (pH>8) because silica is
more soluble under these conditions, and thus the supply
of most essential reactant is greater. Furthermore, because
Ca, K and Na are essential for zeolite structure formation,
zeolites tend to form in an environment where these ions
are abundant (Hawkins, 1984).
In Jordan, the formation of zeolitic tuff as a result of
the alteration of the basaltic tuff was studied by many
authors Such as (Dwairi 1987 and 1991) who described the
zeolitic deposits in Aritayn area. He divided the zeolitic
tuff deposits into three types depending on their degree of
zeolitization as follows:
a. Least zeolitized tuff (violet zeolitic tuff).
b. Moderately zeolitic tuff (brownish zeolitic tuff), and
c. Highly zeolitic tuff (reddish zeolitic tuff).
The formation sequence of Jordanian phillipsite in
Aritayn area was explained by Dwairi, 1987 and 1991 as a
reaction process of basaltic glass with alkaline water
according to the following steps:
d. The reaction between volcanic glass and percolating
alkaline water has lead to the formation of palagonite
with a thin film of intergranular phillipsite.
e. Palagonite has reacted with Mg-rich percolating
solutions to form the Mg-clay.
f. Mg-clay then was altered to aluminosilicate gel.
g. The reaction of aluminosilicate gel with Na+ and K+
rich percolating water has led to the formation of in-
situ phillipsite.
Ibrahim (1993) has explained the formation of authigenic
minerals in Aritayn according to following paragenesis:
[Fresh sideromelane palagonite smectite faujasite
phillipsite chabazite natrolite analcime
calcite]. Hay and Lijima (1968b) reported the following
sequence of authigenic minerals:
[Phillipsite chabazite thomsonlite gonnardite
natrolite analcime or faujasite montmorillonite
calcite gypsum].
The SEM/EDX and petrographic results aided by X-ray
diffraction analysis, the order of paragenesis of the
principle authigenic minerals in the different localities are
indicated as follow:
[Fresh sideromelane palagonite smectite
(montmorillonite) phillipsite chabazite analcime
calcite gypsum].
The above order is similar to the paragenesis of Ibrahim
(1993) and Hay and Lijima (1968b). Natrolite was not
identified during the current work. Faujasite is restricted to
Northeast Jordan, while analcime appears only in South
Jordan. Gypsum is shown in South Jordan sequence.
6. Conclusion
1. Tall Juhira and Tall Amir are two important Jordanian
zeolitic tuffs outcropping in southern Jordan.
2. The Jordanian zeolitic tuff is highly weathered and is
altered mainly to zeolites (chabazite, phillipsite, and
analcime), clay minerals, calcite, gypsum, and
[1] Banfield, J., Barker W., Welch S., and Taunton, A., (1999)
Biological impact on mineral dissolution: Application of the
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rhizosphere. Proceedings of the National Academy of
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[2] Breck, D., (1974) Zeolite molecular sieves, structure,
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[3] Dwairi, I., (1987) A chemical study of the palagonitic tuffs of
the Aritain area of Jordan, with special reference to nature,
origin and industrial potential of the associated zeolite
deposits, PhD thesis, Hull Univ., UK, 408 P.
[4] Dwairi, I., (1991) Evaluation of Jordanian phillipsite tuff in
removal of ammonia from wastewater: Experimental study.
Al- Belga Journal, Vol. 153-66.
[5] Eggleton, R., (1984) Formation of iddingsite rims on olivine:
a transmission electron microscope study. Clays and Clay
Minerals, 32 ,1_11.
[6] Hawkins, A., (1984) kinetics of glass dissolution and zeolite
formation under hydrothermal conditions. Clay Minerals, 29,
[7] Hay, R., and lijima, A., (1968) Nature and origin of
palagonite tuffs of the Honolulu group on Ohahu. Hawaii,
Geol. Soc. America Mem., 116, 331-376.
[8] Honnorez, J., (1981) The ageing of the oceanic lithosphere.
In E. Emiliani (ed). Wiley New York, 7, 525-567.
[9] Ghrir, A., (1998) The distribution, nature, origin, and
economic potential of zeolite deposits in Uneiza, Mukawir,
and Tell Hassan of Jordan. Unpublished M. Sc. Thesis,
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.169 p.
[10] Ibrahim, K., (1987) Geochemistry and petrology for some of
the basaltic outcrops in central Jordan. M. Sc. Thesis,
University of Jordan, Amman, 164p.
[11] Ibrahim, K., (1993) The geological framework for the Harrat
Ash-Shaam Basaltic super-group and its volcano tectonic
evolution. Natural Resources Authority, Geological Mapping
Division, Bulletin 25, Amman, 33 P.
[12] Kerr, P., (1977) Optical mineralogy. Forth Edition, Stanford
[13] Smith K., Milnes A., and Eggleton R., (1987) Weathering of
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Institute, UK.
Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 84- 95
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Cementation of Silver Ions on Metallic Copper
Marian Jaskua
Jagiellonian University, Department of Physical Chemistry & Electrochemistry, 30-060 Cracow (Poland)
The silver ion cementation on metallic copper was investigated in the presence or absence of oxygen. The influence of
sulphuric acid and copper sulphate concentration on the silver cement morphology was studied in details, and results were
linked with the previously determined kinetics data of the process. The morphology of silver deposit was found to be
independent of the presence of oxygen in the system as well as the sulphuric acid concentration. Contrary, the concentration
of copper sulphate strongly influenced the morphology of silver deposit. Two-stage mechanism of cementation was proposed.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords: Silver ion cementation, cementation on copper, kinetics of cementation, surface morphology.
1. Introduction
One of the oldest and most effective hydrometallurgical
processes which allow recovering metals from solutions is
cementation. This process is known since the ancient times
of human culture, but in Europe the early knowledge of
cementation spread only at the beginning of the Middle
Ages. The famous medieval work of Agricola De Re
Metallica should be mentioned here (Fig.1). At that time,
the cementation process was used by alchemist in order to
perform the transmutation of metals. For several decades,
cementation has been commonly used in the industry for
the recovery of metals, removal of metal ions from dilute
wastes and purification of solutions.
Many new technologies used in the environmental
protection and purification are based on cementation. The
main advantage of this process is the possibility of
removal of ions of very low concentrations (traces) from
the great volumes of various electrolytes (i.g. in situation
where other methods are much more expensive or
Typical industrial applications of cementation are:
of copper with iron (for example the production of
copper metal in the refinery Rio Tinto in Spain),
of gold from cyanide solutions with zinc powder,
of cadmium ions (purification of zinc sulphate solution)
during zinc processing.
Intensive investigations on cementation process have
been undertaken recently which allowed to attain
significant improvement in technology and in apparatus
construction like the introduction of industrial practice of
the so called cementation towers, instead of leaching tanks
used until now.
Although cementation has been used in practice for a
long time, the theoretical backgrounds of this process still
Corresponding author. [email protected]
remains questionable. There are lots of papers devoted to
cementation of various ions, but usually they are
concerned about the kinetics of process and not about the
mechanism itself. The problem becomes even more
complex when the metal used for cementation of the ions
may occur at different states of oxidation.
One of the important fields for the use of cementation
is the recovery of noble metals, and we have concentrated
our interest on the cementation of silver ion on metallic
copper from industrial baths, used for electrowinning and
electroplating of copper and containing sulphuric acid and
copper sulphate. This problem has a great importance not
only for the recovery of silver but also to obtain high
purity copper for electronic purposes.
This problem is especially important in Poland, because
concentration of silver in Polish copper ores is relatively
2. Theory
The overall cementation reaction can be expressed by
the following equation:
2 1
z z
+ +
+ +
Cementation process present a system of many short-
circuited microcells and the overall reaction can be
expressed as the sum of half-cell reactions:
+ e z M M
+ e z M M
ementation is an electrochemical process, but it
differs from the electrolytic deposition where the electrons
are supplied from the external source as well as from
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 85
Fig.1 The reprint of the boo
k De Re netallica from Agricola
ore, from thermodynamic
for the
propriate cell
nstant and the number of
al/volt.equil * 0.36 V = -
calculate that the reaction attains
equilibrium if
electroless plating where the
additive occurs.
ve value theref
and F and an are Faraday co
* 23.06 kc
xidation of an organic And one can further
For many cementation reactions, free enthalpy G has
very high negati
int of view, these reactions go to completion.
The change of G can be evaluated from the standard
potentials of given half cells. For example
entation of cadmium ions on zinc one has
+ Zn
= Zn
+ Cd
The change of free enthalpy G is given by
G - -nFE
where E0 is the standard emf of the ap
ctrons respectively.
G = - 2 equil/mol
16,6 k
2 12
3. T imple model of ce
The simple accepted model of cementation is based on
two assumptions:
ces on the
surface of more negative metal (dissolving metal)
r at cathodic places.
he s mentation reaction
1. Appearance of many anodic and cathodic pla
Reduction of ions of more noble metal in the
Helmholtz laye
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 86
For the heterogeneous cementation reaction at the
smooth metal surface under well defined hydrodynamic
to take place: 1)
rface reactions and 2) mass transport.
Usually the chemical processes (surface reactions) are
in increasing the
ort takes place by convection, migration of
compare it
e is
conditions and in the absence of other im
generally two processes are proposed
ter than the transport processes, and therefore the total
rate is controlled by the transport process. In such cases of
transport limitation, one can expect the kinetics of first
The increase in temperature results
al process rate, independently of limiting stage, but the
observed effect is bigger in the case of chemical reaction
control. The investigation of the temperature influence is
important because it allows one to understand the nature of
Among the various factors that influence the process
and its kinetics the following should be also mentioned
the form and shape of deposit (cementate),
the presence of impurities e.g. compounds which
influence the stoichiometry and kinetics of reaction.
Mass transp
s under electric field, or by diffusion caused by
concentration differences. Under given circumstances, i s
possible to calculate the mass transport rate and
with experimental values. Finding which transfer mod
process-limiting is important to find out whether the
face reaction, which is going slowly, or that the mass
transfer through cementate deposit layer, is in control of
the process.
The description of kinetics of cementation process is
similar to the metal deposition and the process rates may
be expressed by the current densities. A more detailed
analysis, made by Wadsworth [1], gives the following
equation describing the rate of cementation reaction
( )
F E E z
k c
2 1
0 1
exp 1
- concentration of noble metal ion M
- concentration of active metal ion M
z - charge of ion
- standard half-cell potential
k - rate constant (the complex function of
entials, potential drop in double layer, diffusion
Based portant
coe ts etc).
on equation (5), the back reaction is im
( )
2 1 2
F E E z c
RT c
10 >
above condition (equation 6) is not
e rate of backward reaction is very small.
The backward reaction should be taken into account only
if the difference of standard potentials is ab
Usually the
fulfilled, and th
out 0.5 V.
The cementation reaction is of the 1
order with respect
to the concentration of metals ions:
= (7)
epends strongly on surface area (A)
me (V). Other parameters like initial
and its rate d and
electrolyte volu
tration of ions, temperature, stirring, current
ensity, presence of additives or other complex forming
the organic additives (like glue, gelatine), lower
t results
ted to the morphology of the silver deposit
tion experiments were carried out, using the
rotating cylinder system, allowing the controlled
s (Fig. 2).
The rotating cylinder, made from stainless steel, had
high purity argon or
mples of solution were
SEM pictures of the surface
stances influence the magnitude and character of active
area of electrode. The influence of these parameters is as
in thick crystalline, incompact and spongy deposits are
created at higher temperatures, higher current densities
and higher concentrations of metal ions,
concentrations of metal ions and lower temperatures
prefer deposition of shinny and fine crystalline
The present review is based on papers published by the
author [2-8] concerning the kinetics and mechanism
silver ion cementation on metallic copper, Differen
that are devo
re obtained under various experimental conditions. The
detailed mechanism of the proposed process is also
4. Experimental Work
hydrodynamical condition
working surface area of 27.50 cm
. The cementation
cell has the volume of 200 cm
. All solutions before the
use were purged by bubbling with
h purity oxygen for 20 minutes. The oxygen free
atmosphere or oxygen atmosphere was also maintained
over the solution throughout the whole duration of the
process. Before each cementation experiment, the surface
of the cylinder was covered electrolytically with fresh
layer of copper. The copper layer was then polished
electrolytically, rinsed and dried.
The changed parameters of cementation experiments
were: concentrations of copper sulphate and sulphuric
acid, initial concentration of silver ion and temperature.
During the experiment, the sa
en for the determination of the silver concentration by
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) using the Philips
PU 9100X. Additionally, the concentration of silver i
s monitored during the cementation by measuring the
potential of silver ion selective electrode (EMF) immersed
into the solution.
After each run, copper with cemented silver was rinsed,
dried and carefully separated from the cylinder. The
samples were dissolved in nitric acid and analysed for
silver content. Also the
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 87
Fig 2 The rotating cy
percentage of cemented silver on copper in comparison
linder system used for investigation of cementation.
deposit were recorded. All details of experiments and
used apparatuses were described in details previously [3,
5. Results and Discussion
Fig.3 shows some examples of kinetics plots. It is seen
that both used independently analytical methods i.e.
atomic absorption spectroscopy (where total silver content
was found in solution) and ion-selective electrode where
only ionic part gave the same (or similar) results only in
the case when the oxygen was presented in the system over
the whole duration of the experiment. In the deoxygenated
solutions and after first few minutes of experiment, the
growing discrepancies were observed.
For the initial period of cementation the linearity of the
concentration versus time plot (Fig. 4) was retained. This
is in agreement with the assumption about 1
reaction. Therefore the appropriate rate constants were
Table 1 shows the values of activation energy
calculated from the experimental data and compared with
theoretical values obtained based on the Pang-Ritchie
equation describing the transport to the rotating cylinder
[10]. The tabulated values confirm that the cementation
process kinetics, at its initial step, is of first-order.
Fig.5 shows SEM images of cemented silver which
were formed during the cementation conducted in 0.5 M
sulphuric acid without copper sulphate taken from
different parts of the surface. The value of denotes the
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 88
Fig.3 Variations in [Ag
] concentrations with time in deoxygenated and oxygenated solutions
2 98K, [Ag+]
= 20 mg/L, f = 500 rev/min, [CuSO
] =
0.5 M , [H
] =
0.5 M or 0.005M
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 89
EMF, 55C, 20 mg/ l
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t [ min]
Fig 4. Concentration of silver ion versus time of cementation
Table 1. Activation energy values for the initial period of cementation
] emperature T
20 mg/L Ag
deoxy 21,35 0.38 20.45 0.29
7-55 16.14
15.61 0.40 15.78 0.84 oxy
100 mg/L Ag
deoxy 19.36 0.49 19.03 1.04
15-55 16.14
18.63 0.45
18.13 0.10 oxy
ith the initial silver content in solution, determined by
es not modify
log c
versus time and
illustrates the moment when in the smooth surface of
cementate, the dendrites start to grow. Moreover, figure 7
oxygenated solution but in the
AAS method. It was found that the morphology of
cemented deposit is highly non-uniform. Some parts of
copper surface are covered with tiny Ag crystals (Figs 5A
and 5B), but other parts are occupied by fern leaf-shaped
dendrites. There is no visible effect of the oxygen presence
on the morphology of formed silver deposit.
The presence of oxygen in the system do
tight Ag deposit as well as Ag dendrites. On the
relatively smooth parts of silver deposit (Figs. 5A and 5B),
germs of pre-dendrites are already visible as white spots.
These germs can further develop in huge silver dendrites
as we can see in Fig 5C and 5D.
Fig. 6 shows the typical curve
ws the dendrites observed in the solution where a little
amount of copper sulphate was introduced (concentration
of CuSO
0.005 M). When the concentration of copper
sulphate in the solution was increased (up to 0.5 M), no
dendrites were found on the surface and the surface was
smooth (Fig. 8).
In Table 2, the values (percentage of cemented silver
found on the surface) are shown. The amount of cemented
silver remains constant in
sence of oxygen it depends strongly on the content of
copper sulphate and sulphuric acid.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 90
Fig. 5 SEM micrographs of Ag cements obtained from 0.5 M H
Fig. 6 The growing of dendrites
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 91
Fig. 7 SEM top-view images of the surface with cemented silver formed in the deoxygenated or oxygenated solution containing 0.5 M
and 1.85 x 10
. Cementation was conducted for 60 min at 25
C. (a and b) Smoth deposit and (c and d) Ag dendrites.
Fig. 8 SEM top-view images of the surface with silver deposited in a 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.5 M CuSO4
Tab 2.The percentage of cemented silver on copper .
Composition of solution deoxy oxy
n [%] n [%]
0,5 0 3 77.7 3 78.4
0.5 0.005 4 78.0 4 77.5
0.5 0.05 3 64.7 3 71.8
0.5 0.5 9 52.7 6 73.8
0.005 0.5 3 37.6 3 74.8
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 92
epends on presence or
and transform to the non reactive copper (II)
le on the surface. There are germs of
dendrite growth.
In the deoxygenated solution the copper (I) ions diffuse
without obstacles into the bulk and then they react with
silver ions creating the silver colloid. In many cases,
the subtle haze of silver colloid was observed.
Sulka and Jaskula [3] showed that in the deoxygenated
solution containing 0.5M H
and 0.5 M CuSO
consumption of about 8 mg/L of silver ions (their
concentration at the beginning was 20 mg/L) in
cementation process corresponds to the production of
about 4.7 mg/L of copper (I) ions. This concentration is
high enough to initiate the progress of the reaction
between Cu
and Ag
ions in the bulk of solution.
Thermodynamics calculations
show that practically all
silver ions could be cemented before reaching the
equilibrium between copper (I) and copper (II) ions.
The above results allow proposing the two-stage
cementation process mechanism as shown in Fig. 9 and
described by the following steps:
Step 1:
The first step of the cementation reaction generates
ions in both deoxygenated and oxygenated
p 2:
The second step is different and d
absence of oxygen:
In oxygenated solution, the part of copper (I) ions
created during the first step at the copper surface react
immediately near to this surface with diffusing silver
ions. The other part starts to diffuse away into the bulk
of solution but on the way the copper (I) ions meet the
Fig. 9 Mechanism of silver on cementation.
The SEM images presented in Fig. 10 show formation of
cathodic sites on the reacting surface in the cementation
process. The images were taken from various sites of the
same sample. The study was performed for a cementation
test conducted in deoxygenated solutions containing 0.5 M
. At the beginning of the process, silver covers
uniformly the copper surface as shown in Fig. 10A. Ag
crystallites are very small and cover surface uniformly an
mpactly. Regular, hexagonal, sticking out Ag crystals
are also visib
ilibria in the studied system
that the equilibrium
. 90% was cemented
then [Cu
] = 4.3*10
ted on the previously formed silver fern leaf (Fig.
s a creation of an anodic site in a close
edges of the valley. Inside the deep valley much bigger Cu
Afterwards, a growth of dendrites is initiated on
preferential parts of the surface, usually on small
protrusions (Fig 10B). At the early stage of dendrites
growth, twig-shapes appear on the protrusion (Fig 10C),
which are transformed into lycopodium twigs-shapes or
fern leaves-shapes (Fig. 10D). Their further growth
leads to huge crystallite (Fig. 10E). The higher
magnification of this crystallite shows tiny silver crystals
The growing dendrite (Fig.10C) behaves as a cathodic
site and promote
Finally, the anodic site surrounds a dendrite island and
develops in the copper material. Such an anodic site
There are two ionic equ
(a) 2Cu
= Cu + Cu
K = [Cu
= 1.13*10
(at 298K). It means
ible on Fig. 10D as a crack encircling the protrusion.
The close examination of the anodic site is presented in
Fig.11. Deposited tiny silver crystals are visible on the
concentration of Cu
ions is equal to 6.6 *10
M. and
(b) Cu
+ Ag
= Cu
+ Ag
= - 61.6 KJ
= -RT ln K since K
= [Cu
]/[ Cu
][ Ag
] = 6.3 * 10
From the above values, equilibrium constants may be calculated that
if [Ag
] = 1.85*10
M i.e
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 93
Fig. 10 Growth of the cathodic site in the cementation process conducted in the deoxygenated 0.5 M H
containing 20 mg/L Ag
at 25
Fig. 11 The anodic site formed in the cementation process (deoxygenated 0.5 M H
20 mg/L Ag
, 25 C)
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 94
crystals appear. Results showed that anodic sites
develop their working surface area in the copper material
just under the deposited silver, with a formation of big
cavities. The depth of these cavities was estimated to be
about 3 m.
6. Conclusions
1. The morphology of silver cements practically does not
depend on oxygen content in solution.
2. The concentration of copper sulfate in the electrolyte
has a great impact on the morphology:
a) In the solutions containing pure sulfuric acid or acid
with small amount of copper (II) ions some parts of the
surface are covered with smooth deposit, but other exhibit
also huge dendrites.
b) Ihe increase in concentration of copper sulfate up to 0.5
M results in a total disappearance of dendrites from the
surface. Only tight deposit layer with tiny Ag crystals is
3. The percentage of cemented silver found on the surface
after the reaction in oxygen saturated solution remains
practically constant whereas in oxygen free solution
depends mainly on copper (II) ion concentration. It is
caused by parallel side reaction, which produces
colloidal silver in the bulk of solution.
4. The observed morphology of the deposits is consistent
very well with the results obtained from kinetic.
measurements and confirms the proposed two-stage
mechanism of cementation reaction.
[1] M.E. Wadsworth, Trans.Met. Soc. AIME, 254 (1969) 1381-
[2] M. Jaskula, Acta Metal. Slov., 1 (1995), 3, 184-195.
[3] G.D. Sulka and M. Jaskula, Hydrometallurgy 64 (2002), 13-
[4] G.D. Sulka and M. Jaskula, Hydrometallurgy 70 (2003), 185-
[5] G.D. Sulka and M. Jaskula, Hydrometallurgy 72 (2004), 93-
[6] G.D. Sulka and M. Jaskula, Hydrometallurgy 77 (2005), 131-
[7] G.D. Sulka and M. Jaskula, Electrochim. Acta 51 (2006)
[8] G.D.Sulka and M.Jaskula, Helv. Chim. Acta, 89 (2006)
[9] G.D.Sulka and M.Jaskula, Helv. Chim. Acta, 89 (2006) 902-
[10] J. Pang and I.M.Ritchie, Electrochim. Acta 26 (1981) 1345-
Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 96- 107
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Determination of crystallite thickness and crystal growth
mechanisms of Jordanian clays by X-ray diffraction method.
, W.A.Saqqa
, D.Eberl
Department of Physics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan,
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences,Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
U.S. Geological Survey, 3215 Marine St., Boulder, CO 80303-1066 USA
Five mudrock samples were collected at different stratigraphical positions within the rock column of Jordan. They represent
the ages of the late Ordovician-lower Silurian (SIL sample), late Permian (UI sample), Lower Cretaceous (MAH sample),
Lower Turonian (TAF sample) and Pleistocene (YAM sample). The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of clay
fraction (particle size < 2 m) show that the amount of smectite decreases towards more ancient mudrock samples, i.e.
towards an increase of burial depth. Smectite totally disappeared in the Silurian claystone (SIL sample) at a depth of 1.6 km
more likely as a function of burial diagenesis. The change of smectite into illite, due to burial history, was through a mixed
layer illite-smectite intermediate stage of alteration. The shape of crystallite thickness distributions (CTDs) for illite was
asymptotic in all study samples. This means that the crystal growth mechanism of illite particles was similar regardless of
the burial depth of sediments and was concurrent with nucleation. The XRD patterns showed that the degree of Kaolinite
crystallinity increased generally with depth as the 001 reflection becomes sharper and narrower. The CTDs shapes for
kaolinite were somewhat different. It was asymptotic in YAM and TAF samples, multimodal in MAH sample, and lognormal
in UI and SIL samples. These variations in CTDs distributions reflect the fact that crystal growth mechanism of kaolinite
differed with burial depth. Kaolinite crystal growth accompanied with nucleation was only at shallow-moderate depths. This
changed to crystal growth without continued nucleation at greater depths.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords :X-ray diffraction, Jordanian clays, MudMaster Program, crystallite thickness distribution, asymptotic shape, lognormal shape.
1. Introduction
The use of X-ray diffraction (XRD) to study the
crystallinity of clay minerals, crystallites sizes and the
shapes of crystallite thickness distributions (CTDs) have
attracted considerable attention over the past years. Dudek
et al. (2002) pointed to several mathematical approaches in
order to obtain information about crystal size from the
XRD peak shapes. Of these approaches is Scherer
equation (Drits et al., 1997), variance method (Wilson,
1963 in rkai et al., 1996), Bertaut-Warren-Averbach
(BWA) method (Eberl et al., 1996; Drits et al., 1998).
While Scherrers equation yields the mean crystallite
thickness, variance and Voigt methods give information
regarding the mean size and strain (Dudek et al., 2002).
The BWA-method however, is most universal because it is
capable of measuring the crystallite mean size, strain and
crystallites size distributions. The latter method forms the
basis of a computer program known as MudMaster, which
was produced by Eberl et al. (1996) and later developed by
Drits et al., (1998). MudMaster is capable of determining
Corresponding author. [email protected]
the particle size, crystallites size distributions and strain
for different types of clay minerals such as Illite, kaolinite,
smectite, and some other clay minerals. Determination of
crystallites thicknesses of illite by either XRD or TEM
(Eberl and Velde, 1989; Merriman et al., 1990; Nieto and
Snchez-Navaz, 1994; Lanson et al., 1996; Arkai et al.,
1996; Eberl et al., 1996; 1998a, b; Drits et al., 1998;
Jaboyedoff et al., 2001; Brime and Eberl, 2002) is as an
alternative approach for methods based on measuring illite
crystallinity by determining the Kbler index. The
evolution of illite in mudrock during burial diagenesis was
better explained by applying the BWA-method (Brume
and Eberl, 2002). According to the later authors and
earlier to (Eberl et al., 1996) the resulting crystallite
thickness distributions (CTDs) exhibit asymptotic,
lognormal and multimodal shapes. These CTDs can
suggest information about nucleation, crystal growth
mechanism, and history based on the theoretical approach
of Eberl et al. (1998a). The resulting shapes can be used to
establish a model for crystal growth of clay minerals.
The present study employed the X-ray diffraction and
the MudMaster software for measuring the mean
crystallite thickness, crystallite thickness distributions
(CTDs) of illite and kaolinite in some selected Paleozoic-
Pleistocene Jordanian mudrock samples. These
measurements aim to determine changes in crystallite size,
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 97
the mean crystallite thickness and the CTDs shapes of illite
(I) and kaolinite (K) and to detect their crystal growth
mechanisms from measurements of the 001 basal
2. Materials
Five mudrock samples were selected for this study
(Fig. 1).
Fig(1). Locations of study samples.
The first and most ancient sample (Sample Ref., SIL)
refers to the late Ordovician-early Silurian Batra Member
grayish-green kaolinitic clay stone with an abundance of
Graptolite remains found at bedding planes. Clay stones
are interbedded with reddish siltstone-fine sandstone beds
(Fig. 2). Batra Member is about 80 m thick and of marine
origin (Abed, 2000). The second sample (Sample Ref.,
UIR) was selected from the black shale horizons with plant
remains in the upper parts of the late Permian Umm Irna
Formation cropping out close to the northeastern Dead Sea
shorelines. The formation consists principally of two
quartz arenite sandstone facies (60 m. thick) with fining
upward cycles. Each starts with pebbly sandstone at the
base and changes upward into fine sandstone, siltstone and
silty clay stone (Fig.2). The uppermost two cycles are
distinguished by the presence of reddish-brown and
occasionally dark gray paleosol horizons separated from
each other by the dark gray-black shale beds (Makhlouf et
al., 1991) from which UIR sample was collected. The third
sample (Sample Ref., MAH) was selected from the light
gray-green kaolinitic clay deposits interbedding a thick
sandstone sequence ( 200m) of the Lower Cretaceous
Kurnub Group, which crops out in Mahis area (Fig. 2).
The fourth sample (Sample Ref., TAF) was selected from
the Turonian Shueib Formation. This formation crops out
in the area between Karak and Tafila, south of Jordan. The
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 98
Fig.2. Generalized columunar sections from which mudrock samples were selected.
{(Reference samples denoted in text as :SIL (sample 1), UI(sample 2), MAH (sample 3), TAF(sample 5)}.
formation consists principally of dolomitized carbonate
rocks and marl interbedded with gypsum layers of
different textures with green and red-colored gypsiferous
clay stone (Fig. 2). The fifth and the youngest sample
(sample Ref., YAM) was selected from the upper red-
brownish clay stone horizons of the Pleistocene Al-
Yamaniyya clay deposits cropping out 6 km east of the
Gulf of Aqaba, not far from Saudi borders with Jordan in
the south. The varicolored claystone deposits interbedding
sandstone of various sizes from course to fine (Fig.2)
indicating a near shore environment (Ibrahim and
Abdelhamid, 1990; Abu Halima, 1993; Saqqa et al., 1995).
3. Experimental
Mud rock samples were gently crushed, using an agate
mortar and pestle. Samples were then treated only with
12% H
to remove organic matter. Samples were wet
sieved using a test sieve of 45m to discard coarser
fractions. The clay fraction (< 2 m) was obtained from
the pass 45 fraction by sedimentation, centrifuging and
dialysis. The clay fraction (< 2 m) was sedimented on a
polished silicon-wafer substrate and left to dry at room
temperature. After mounting, air-dried samples were
heated at two different temperatures 350C, 550C. The
samples were then ethylene glycolated at 60C for 16
hours. PVP-10 (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) intercalated air-
dried clays (< 2 m fraction) were prepared, mounted on
silicon-wafer substrates and analyzed by XRD for the
purpose of measuring the fundamental illite particle
thicknesses and their distributions (Eberl et al., 1998a).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 99
In study samples, ratios of PVP to clay intercalations
were as follows:
Sample Ratio PVP : CLAY
YAM 4:1
TAF 3:1
MAH 2:1
UI 2:1
SIL 2:1
Clay fraction was suspended in distilled water
(concentration 2.5mg clay/1ml H2O), then mixed with an
aqueous solution containing 5mg PVP/1ml H2O fully
dispersed by ultrasonic treatment. The proportion of clay
to PVP used depended on the expandability of clay
sample. The larger the proportion of smectite layers, the
more PVP is added to obtain good intercalation. Samples
presumed to have < 50% smectite content were mixed in
proportions of 5 mg PVP to 2.5 mg clay (1 ml PVP
solution/1 ml clay suspension), whereas the amount of
PVP added for clays containing > 50% smectite was
chosen by interpolation between former proportion, and
that used for pure smectite (10 mg PVP to 2.5 mg clay or 2
ml PVP solution/1ml clay suspension). The mixtures were
shaken by hand, left for a few minutes, sonified and then
mounted appropriately for XRD scan (Dudek et al., 2002).
The treatment with PVP-10 was applied for measuring
sizes of illite particles. For kaolinite, such treatment was
not required. The advantage of the PVP-10 intercalation is
to remove the effect of peak broadening related to swelling
interface of the exposed basal surfaces (containing H2O
and exchangeable cations) of illite. In this way crystallite
thicknesses could be calculated accurately by the BWA
method. In the meantime the use of silicon wafers as
substrates improved significantly the background of the
XRD spectra (Eberl et al., 1998a; Drits et al., 1998; Bove
et al., 2002). The 001 reflection of PVP-illite and kaolinite
was measured by the BWA-method, using the MudMaster
computer program (Eberl et al., 1996). The mean
crystallite thickness, CTDs, the mean of natural logarithms
of thicknesses, and the variance of natural logarithms of
thicknesses 2 were all determined by applying the
foregoing method. The measured CTDs were compared to
theoretically calculated shapes of CTDs, using the
GALOPER computer program (Eberl et al., 2000). The
size of critical nucleus was set to 2nm when the modeling
results were compared to BWA-PVP data in case of illite
or to BWA data only in case of kaolinite. X-ray analysis
was carried out using a Phillips PW1710 Diffractometer
equipped with copper tube and a theta compensatory slit
assembly. The system was operated under the following
experimental conditions: a voltage of 35 kV, beam current
of 40 mA, 2 step size of 0.02, counting time of 0.01
sec/step, 1 mm receiving slit and a scanning range of 2-65
2. The BWA method adapted in the MudMaster computer
program is based on Fourier analysis of the interference
function (Eberl et al., 1996; Drits at al., 1998). The peak
shape analysis for the purpose of measuring the mean
crystallite thickness and the CTDs was for the 001 basal
reflection of illite (I) and kaolinite (K).
a. XRD Analysis
The XRD patterns (Fig. 3; Table 1) show that illite (I)
and kaolinite (K) are the main clay minerals in the Upper
OrdovicianLower Silurian Batra Member clay- stone
(SIL sample). In the Late Permian Umm Irna black shale
(UI sample) and in the Lower Cretaceous Mahis claystone
(MAH sample) asymmetric broad mixed-layer illite-
smectite (I-S) peaks of low intensity appear at 7.7 2 and
7.2 2 together with I and K. The mixed layer I-S peaks
collapsed to 8.8 2 by heating at 550 C. In the Lower
Turonian Tafila green claystone (TAF sample), a broad
peak of I/I-S appears around 8.02 2 in the air-dried X-
ray pattern (Fig.3; Table 1). After ethylene glycolation,
this peak was completely separated into two other peaks:
one at 5.4 2 referring to Mg-smectite (S) and the second
at 8.8 2 for illite. rodo (1980) and Weibel (1999)
considered the type of mixed layer I-S which completely
separated into two peaks after ethylene glycol saturation as
a random one. By heating at 550C, smectite (S) in the
mixed layer collapsed to the position of illite at 8.8 2.
Kaolinite (K) was also present in the Tafila claystone.
Mg-smectite (S) dominates other clay minerals in the
Pleistocene Al-Yamaniyyah claystone (YAM sample). To
a lesser extent is kaolinite (K), illite (I), mixed layer I-S,
chlorite (Ch) and mixed layer illite-chlorite (I-Ch). The
original 001 peak of smectite (S) at 6.2 2 in air-dried
sample expanded to 5 2 after ethylene glycol saturation
(see Fig.3; Table 1). The same peak collapsed upon
heating at 550 C to 9.04 2 (9.8). The display of
chlorite (Ch) and mixed layer illite-chlorite were verified
after heating at 550 C as shown in figure 3.
Fig.3 continues next page
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 100
Fig. 3: X-ray diffractograms (air-dried, ethylene glycolated,
heated at 550C) of study samples.
S=Smectite, I-S= mixed layer illite-smectite, I=illite, K=Kaolinite,
Ch =Chlorite, I-Ch= mixed layer illite-chlorite, Si=Silicon wafer.
b. Changes in particle size of illite and kaolinite with
burial depths:
Table (2) summarizes results of mean particle thickness
), , 2, CTDs shapes of illite (I) and kaolinite (K)
with corresponding burial depths and temperatures. For
illite (I) the mean particle thickness (T
) ranges from
2.8 nm - 3.3 nm. Although mean particle thickness
) of illite (I) shows no significant variations with
depth, the natural conditions under which the relevant illite
(I) formed are quite differen
For Kaolinite (K), the mean particle thickness (T
slightly varies from one sample to another. They range in
size from 3 nm-10.7 nm. At the beginning, slight increase
in the mean particle thickness (T
) of kaolinite particles
from 3 nm-3.7 nm resulted through a change in burial
depth from a shallow depth to about 0.95 km. This is
followed by a sharp increase from 3.7 nm-9.0 nm only
within a small increase in burial depth of about 150 m.
Again, a progressive increase in the mean crystallite
thickness, 9.0 nm 10.7 nm, was observed within a burial
depth from 1.05 km-1.22 km. Beyond this depth, the mean
particle thickness (T
) flipped toward a slight decrease
with mean crystallite thickness difference of 0.7 nm as the
burial depth approaches 1.6 km.
c. Crystallite thickness distributions (CTDs) for illite (I)
and kaolinite (K):
The CTDs for PVP-illite (air dried samples) and
kaolinite (heated at 350C samples) were calculated as
area-weighted in the BWA technique (Eberl, 1998b).
Figure (4) illustrates the shapes of crystallite thickness
distributions (CTDs) for illite (I). The CTDs of illite (I) in
study samples are similar with asymptotic shapes
indicating higher influence of simultaneous nucleation and
growth except MAH sample which looks lognormal.
Illites T
is between 3.8 nm-5.2 nm). Figure (5)
illustrates the CTDs shapes for kaolinite (K). They look
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table (1). Summary for XRD data between 3-15 2 of all studied samples.
Name of
(2) d()
(2) d ()
(2) d ()
Clay mineral
6.2 14.25 shifted to 5.0 17.67
9.04 9.8 smectite
n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 6.54 13.5
(Illite 30-40%).
8.88 10
increased to
8.68 10.10
slightly shifted
9.04 9.8
n.d. n.d. 10.3 8.6 shifted to 9.04 9.8
(Illite 10%)
12.42 7.13 12.2 7.25 12.62 7.02 chlorite
12.48 7.09 12.34 7.17 destroyed
8.02 11.02
separated to
two peaks:
1) 5.2 17.0
2) 8.8 10.0
1)collapsed to
2) unchanged
8.8 10.0
8.8 10.0
12.32 7.18 unchanged 12.32 7.18 destroyed kaolinite
6.92 12.7
separated to
two peaks:
1) 5.4 16.3
2) 7.2 12.3
1)collapsed to
8.8 10.0
8.8 10.0
shifted to
9.04 9.78
8.8 10
12.38 7.15 unchanged 12.38 7.15 destroyed kaolinite
7.7 11.5 unchanged 7.7 11.5 collapsed to 8.8 10
(illite 80%)
8.94 9.89 unchanged 8.94 9.89 unchanged 8.94 9.89 illite
12.4 7.13 unchanged 12.4 7.13 destroyed kaolinite
8.92 9.91
v. little
9.02 9.8
8.92 9.91
12.44 7.12 unchanged 12.48 7.2 destroyed
asymptotic for both YAM and TAF samples, multimodal
for MAH sample and lognormal for both UI and SIL
samples. The distribution shapes indicate changes in
crystal growth mechanisms from constant rate nucleation
accompanied with growth (shallow-moderate depths) to a
state of growth without continued nucleation at greater
d. versus 2 diagram
Illite CTDs were characterized further by simulating
illite (I) crystal growth using the GALOPER computer
program (Eberl et al., 2000). For this purpose the
parameter , the mean of the natural logarithms of
thicknesses, was plotted versus the parameter
, the
variance of the natural logarithms of thicknesses, together
with theoretical paths of two crystal growth mechanisms.
The first is the simultaneous nucleation and surface-
controlled growth, and the second is the surface-controlled
growth without nucleation (Eberl et al., 1998a; rodo et
al., 2000; Bove et al., 2002). In the first mechanism, new
illite (I) nuclei continue to form at a constant rate while
previously nucleated crystals continue to grow. During the
second mechanism, growth occurs on previously nucleated
crystals without new nucleation (Eberl, 1998a). Figure
(6) shows that all asymptotic shapes of illite (I) are plotted
close to the path line AB which reflects the first
mechanism, i.e. simultaneous constant rate nucleation
and surface-controlled growth. This crystal growth
mechanism proceeds with constant rate nucleation of 2 nm
thick-layered illite (I) which subsequently experiences size
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681)
Table (2): Parameters of mean crystallite thickness T
(best mean), ,
, d-spacing and CTDs shapes of PVP-illite and kaolinite as a
function of burial depth and the corresponding temperature of all studied samples.
Burial depth
Best mean,
YAM shallow surface T. 2.8 0.93 0.16 8.78 10.07 Asymptotic.
TAF 950 45 3 1.01 0.17 9 9.83 Asymptotic
MAH 1050 50 2.9 0.96 0.17 8.74 10.12 Asymptotic
U I 1220 58 3 0.99 0.18 8.82 10.03 Asymptotic.
SIL 1600 70 3.3 1.04 0.23 8.76 10.09 Asymptotic
B. Kaolinite (Heated at 350 samples)
Sample Burial depth (m)
Best mean T
YAM shallow surface T. 3 0.8 0.44 12.42 7.13 Asymptotic
TAF 950 45 3.7 0.81 0.75 12.34 7.17 Asymptotic
MAH 1050 50 8.9 2.07 0.66 12.34 7.17 Multimodal
U I 1220 58 10.7 2.25 0.29 12.42 7.13 Lognormal
SIL 1600 70 10 2.2 0.36 12.36 7.16 Lognormal
Fig. 4: Shapes of Illite particle thickness distributions in
study samples using the BWA-PVP technique.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 103
Fig. 5. Shapes of kaolinite particle thickness distributions in study
samples using BWA-PVP technique.
dependent growth by the Law of Proportionate Effect
LPE (Eberl et al., 1998a; rodo et al., 2000; Bove et
al., 2002). The asymptotic shapes of illite (I) to the left of
the path line 1 could indicate that the final nucleation
was not accompanied by growth.
5. Discussion
Results of raw X-ray data emphasize the fact that
diagenetic changes in clay mineral types must take place
through geological time. Smectite (S), which
predominates other clay minerals in the Pleistocene Al-
Yamaniyya surface clay deposits, is no longer abundant in
the Turonian Shueib clays, Tafila area (TAF sample) and
in the Lower Cretaceous Mahis clays (MAH sample),
where the depth of burial approaches 1 km. Smectite (S)
began to change into mixed layer I-S. Illite (I) and I-S are
chief constituents in Tafila clays with subordinate kaolinite
(K) and minor smectite (S). In the Lower Cretaceous
Mahis clays kaolinite (K) predominates other clay
minerals and illite (I) is less dominant. Progressive
illitization was more likely enhanced after a burial depth of
1 km. Significant peaks of illite (I) and kaolinite (K) are
typical in the late Permian black shale of Umm Irna
Formation (UI sample) where the burial depth
approximates 1200 m and in the Upper Ordovician-Lower
Silurian green claystone of Batra Member of a burial depth
1600 m. Based on the obtained results, the distinct
appearance of illite (I) peaks in the moderately to deeply
buried Paleozoic clays indicates that this mineral was
formed from diagenetic alterations of smectite (S) and S-I
precursors. The degradation of smectite (S) and its
transformation to illite (I) involve the incorporation of
potassium (K+) ions into smectite structure and loss of
interlayer water (Dunoyer de Segonzac, 1970; Hower et
al., 1976). Compaction of mud through overburden
pressure soon removes much of the water contained in
lattices of clay mineral and water adsorbed onto clay
surface or the less common pore filled water. At depths
greater than one kilometer (temperature 45 C), 70-90%
of the original volume of water is reduced to about 30%.
Further compaction through water loss requires
temperature of about 100 C. These are attained at greater
depths (2-4 km). Dehydration of clays then takes place
causing some changes in clay minerals types. Final
compaction, leading to mudrock with only small percent
water needs much longer period of overburden pressure
with elevated temperature (Tucker, 1981, 1991). Amireh
et al., (1994) studied the diagenesis in Paleozoic-
Cretaceous sandstones in Jordan, pointed to the
degradation of detrital muscovite into kaolinite and
postdating of newly formed kaolinite to quartz overgrowth.
They also observed the formation of dickite after kaolinite
in the pore spaces of the Cambrian-early Ordovician
sandstone (burial depth >2 km). Despite the significance
of temperature and burial history as controlling parameters
to diagenesis, we cant ignore the role of other controlling
parameters such as tectonic uplift and sediment unroofing,
which undoubtedly trigger sub aerial weathering for the
unroofed sediments through geological time. Another
criterion which may complicate the origin of clay minerals
is the possible occurrence of the same types of clay
minerals in more than one particular environment
(terrestrial-marine) with different physical and chemical
conditions. Therefore, in this work we attempted to give
answers to questions raised about the origin of the
investigated argillaceous rocks, giving the issue of primary
origin of clay minerals great consideration.
The coexistence of kaolinite (K) and smectite (S) in the
Pleistocene Al-Yamaniyya clays can only be explained on
the basis of their primary origin after chemical weathering
of the source materials. These two minerals very likely
originated from a relatively high weathering of the very
near Precambrian granitic source rocks intruded by mafic
dikes. Weathering products were transported by streams
draining granitic terrains and later deposited in a lacustrine
environment separated from sea by some beach terraces
(Abu Halimeh, 1993; Saqqa et al., 1995; Khouri, 2002).
Leaching of iron and magnesium from weathering
products leaves behind concentrations of silicon and
aluminum to yield kaolinite crystals.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 104
In the Lower Turonian Tafila clays, dolomite and
gypsum interbed green and red claystone beds. The whole
sediments were deposited in a coastal sabkha after tectonic
uplift at the beginning of the Turonian age. The tectonic
event caused sea level fall resulting in the development of
the sabkha environment (Abed and El Hiyari, 1986).
Tafila claystone were more likely deposited during
periodic influxes of fresh water (e.g. Droste, 1963) at the
time of sedimentation. After deposition, detritus clays
were subjected to diagenetic changes, and new clay phases
resulted through which smectite (S) altered to I-S and illite
(I) under conditions of a saline lake or the sabkha. In most
lake brines calcite or aragonite and/or gypsum precipitate
early where Mg/Ca ratio is relatively low. The increase in
Mg/Ca ratio causes Mg-rich minerals to precipitate such as
dolomite, sepiolite and Mg-smectite (Weaver, 1989).
Honty et al., (2004) noted that illitization of salt-bearing
bentonite was enhanced by the aid of salinity and burial
temperature. These authors referred to some studies that
focused on the formation of I-S from smectite at surface
conditions in sediments of saline lakes. Similarly, in their
study, Turner and Fishman (1991) discussed illitization of
smectite in altered tuff beds in a Jurassic lake with the
absence of the effect of deep burial and lack of
hydrothermal alteration. They concluded that solution
chemistry was the principal factor controlling illitization of
smectite at the surface temperatures. Eberl et al., (1986)
realized that illitization of smectite is possible through
wet-dry cycles. This is common in saline environments. In
the presence of K+ ions, wet-dry cycles lead to irreversible
fixation of K+ ions and formation of illite. Similarly,
Stoffers and Singer (1979) described genesis of physils in
Lake Albert sediments which reflected the evaporation
history of its water. These authors believed that detrital
smectite in bottom sediments were produced when the lake
was open and the concentration of dissolved ions was low.
I-S formed when the lake became closed and its water
level was at its lowest. Ionic concentration increased and
K+ content became high enough to start the process of
illitization. With regard to the genesis of the green clays
(TAF sample), we may suggest here that these clays were
originally developed from the reduction of hematite in red
clays by leaching of wet cycles at surface conditions. This
idea can be supported by the absence of chlorite from the
green clays (not detected in the X-ray data), which can
impart green color for clays in nature. In addition to the
above discussion about the genesis of green clays, we also
believe that these clays were subjected to early diagenetic
illitization as a result of surface wet-dry cycles,
evaporation, and fixation of K+ ions. Absence of halite
beds from the rock sequence of the Lower Turonian
Shueib Formation (Tafila area) support the lack of NaCl
concentrations from the depositional medium. This
significantly enhances K+ ions fixation in clays (Honty et
al., 2004). A burial depth of about one kilometer may help
the transformation of smectite to mixed layer I-S.
Mahis clays (MAH sample) which are a part of fluvial
system sediments (Abed, 1982; Khoury, 2002) have two
origins, detrital (primary) and diagenetic. Some kaolinite
produced from degradation of detrital feldspar and mica
and some other kaolinite are authigenic. Khouri (2002)
reported the presence of small authigenic kaolinite flakes
adhered to quartz surfaces as a result of diagenesis after
sedimentation. Intensive leaching of the detritus in acidic
medium helps kaolinization process aided by rainfall and
surface running water. Field observations confirmed the
presence of carbonized plant remains in the gray clays of
Mahis. The breakdown of plant remains and release of
CO2 due to compaction caused the creation of acidic
medium in the pore water. This initiated the neoformation
of kaolinite (K) at depths surpass 1km (T>50 C). The
minor content of I-S and the initial presence of illite (I)
suggest that more advanced stages of illitization were
enhanced at the same depths.
Coalified plant remains were found also in the Late
Permian Umm Irna black shale (UI sample). This again
promoted the creation of acidic medium in the pore water
as a result of organic matter decay and CO2 release
possibly by thermal maturation at greater depths (> 1200
m). Accordingly, crystal growth of primary kaolinite (K)
flakes took place. The strong appearance of illite and
kaolinite peaks as viewed from the XRD analysis supports
a continued smectite illitization and the increase of
kaolinite crystallinity with burial depth.
The marine green clays (SIL sample) of the Upper
Ordovician-Lower Silurian Batra Member are intercalated
with fine sandstone and siltstone materials with an
abundance of Graptolite remains at the bedding planes of
green clays. After sedimentation, the compaction of
sediments by the overlying rocks (burial depth >1.6 km)
caused a set of physical and chemical changes to these
sediments. Thus, illitization process proceeded and the
crystallinity of kaolinite (K) was increased. This was
despite the detrital origin of these clays which were
derived from the older highly weathered underlying rocks.
MudMaster analyses showed that the distribution
curves (CTDs shapes) of PVP-illite samples were all
asymptotic attained at burial depths from a shallow depth
to about 1.6 km. These results would explain the
diagenetic origin of illite after a detrital source. As
discussed earlier, the mechanism of illite crystal growth is
expressed as a simultaneous nucleation together with
growth where new illite nuclei continue to form at a
constant rate while previously nucleated crystals continue
to grow. An indication to illite crystals growth can be
deduced from the Tmean increase obtained when the burial
depth exceeded 1.05 km. Eberl (2004) found that the
asymptotic shape of illite (I) can be related to
sedimentation origin. It can also be obtained for illite (I)
from analyzed shale samples and in a hydro thermally-
altered wall rock. In the present work, there was no
evidence for hydrothermal activities. Hence diagenesis
postdating sedimentation process is most likely to be the
reason for the asymptotic distribution form and the
simultaneous nucleation and growth of illite crystals. This
is regardless of the changes in temperature, pressure and
time progress within the zone of diagenesis prior to
arriving low grade metamorphism. However, the
asymptotic CTDs shape also could be due to detrital illite.
On the other hand, kaolinte CTDs shapes were asymptotic
in the investigated younger sediments at burial depths of
less than1km. This is followed by multimodal distribution
at slightly deeper burial depth of 1.05 km. At relatively
greater depths of 1.6 km, the distribution changed into
lognormal form. The change in distribution forms might be
interpreted on the basis of sedimentation and early
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 105
diagenesis of kaolinite (K) taking place at a burial depth of
1 kilometer and allowing for simultaneous crystals
nucleation and growth. After this depth, kaolinite growth
mechanism changed through an intermediate stage of a
multimodal thickness distribution shape to lognormal
shape at greater depths (>1.6 km) where nucleation ceased
and growth only continued. This explanation of the
change in CTDs shapes of kaolinite (K) from asymptotic
to lognormal could be supported by the fact that the 00l
kaolinite peaks are of high intensity, narrow and more
symmetric reflecting well-ordered crystals in older deep
buried sediments in comparison with more recent
sediments buried at moderate-shallow depths.
6. Summary and Conclusions
The present work revealed that diagenetic changes of
the identified clay minerals took place at various depths.
Smectite (S) decreased and finally transformed into illite
(I) through an intermediate mixed-layer I-S after
exceeding a burial depth of one kilometer. Transformation
of clay mineral species from primary into authigenic was
produced under different depositional settings (terrestrial-
marine). For instance, illitization process in the Lower
Turonian Tafila green clays was enhanced in a saline
sabkha environment by the aid of wet-dry cycles and K-
ions fixation at surface conditions. This was aided by a
tectonic uplift and unroofing of the Lower Turonian
carbonate sediments of Shueib Formation. Deep burial
was a crucial factor for illite crystallization and the
increase of kaolinite crystallinity. Results obtained from
MudMaster calculations were consistent with the observed
X-ray diffraction data regarding illitization of smectite (S)
and mixed layer I-S after sedimentation process.
Simultaneous nucleation and continuous growth of illite
nuclei interpreted from the asymptotic shape in all samples
clearly reflect the effect of illitization of smectite into illite
during burial history. The changes in CTDs of kaolinite
(K) from asymptotic to lognormal through a multimodal
phase reflect the variations in kaolinite crystal growth
mechanisms with burial depth.
The authors would like to thank Dr. F. Ababneh of the
Physics Department, Yarmouk University for operating the
X-ray Diffractometer. For the anonymous referees, we
extend our appreciation for their comments and critique.
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Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1), December. 2009
ISSN 1995-6681
Pages 108- 119
Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Adsorption of Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI) by Tulul al-
Shabba Zeolitic Tuff, Jordan
Mona Al-Shaybe and Fawwaz Khalili*
University of Jordan, Chemistry Department, Amman Jordan
Tulul al-Shabba zeolite from Jordan was employed to remove actinides metal ions namely Uranium (VI) and Thorium (IV).
The used Jordanian zeolitic tuff is dominated by phillipsite and chabazite. The sorption behavior of the used zeolitic tuff
towards Th
and UO
metal(s) ions in aqueous solutions was studied by batch experiment as a function of pH, contact time
and temperature and column techniques at 25.0C and pH= 3. High initial rate of metal ions uptake was observed after 24 hr
of shaking, and the uptake have increased with increasing pH and have reached a maximum at pH = 3. Tulul al-Shabba
zeolitic tuff has shown high metal ion uptake capacity toward Thorium (IV) than Uranium (VI). Adsorption data was
evaluated according to the Pseudo second-order reaction kinetic.
Adsorption isotherms were studied at temperature 25C, 35C and 45C. The Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-
Raduskevich (D-R) adsorption models equations were applied, and the proper constants were derived. It was found that the
adsorptivity process is enthalpy driven for Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI).
Recovery of Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI) ions after adsorption was carried out by treatment of the loaded zeolitic tuff in
the column with 0.1N HNO
, 0.1N H
, 0.1 - 1*10
N EDTA, and 0.1N sodium acetate. The best percent recovery for
Thorium (IV) was obtained when 1*10
N EDTA was used, while for Uranium (VI) when 0.1N H
was used.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved
Keywords Jordanian zeolitic tuff, Thorium (IV), Uranium (VI), adsorption, isotherm, kinetic, recovery.
1. Introduction
Jordan is rich in industrial rocks and minerals. Zeolitic
tuff is widely distributed in Jordan (Khoury et al., 2003).
The huge reserves of the zeolitic tuff have encouraged the
authors to carry out this work since investment projects of
radioactive minerals have a priority in Jordan. Uranium is
enriched in the Phosphorite and Chalk Marl Units of
central Jordan (Daba-Siwaqa area 60 km south of
Amman). The area is currently under investigation by
Areva Co., and huge reserves are expected. UO
concentrations range between 140 2200 ppm in central
Jordan. Thorium is associated with the Dubaydib
Sandstone Formation, southern Jordan, where the level of
thorium oxide reaches 400 ppm (Khoury, 2006).
The methods for separation, collection and detection of
radionuclides are similar to ordinary analytical procedures
and employ many of the chemical and physical principles
that apply to the non-radioactive nuclides. However, some
important aspects of the behavior of radionuclides are
significantly different, resulting in challenges to the radio
chemists to find means for isolation of a pure sample for
analysis. There are many methods for the separation and
purification of radionuclides. The oldest method, used in
the large-scale separation of actinides, is the precipitation
Corresponding author. [email protected]
technique. However, this process produces complex
products and impure substances.
Many ion-exchange separations of radionuclides are
based on the formation of complex species between the
metal and an extractant in the organic phase as in the
extraction of Europium (III), Thorium(IV) and
Uranium(VI) with didodecylphosphoric acid (HDDPA),
(Kondo et al.1989); (Nazzal, 2006); (Khaled and Khalili,
1999). The use of solids for removing substances from
either gaseous or liquid solution has been widely used
since biblical times. This process, known as adsorption,
involves nothing more than the preferential partitioning of
substances from the gaseous or liquid phase onto the
surface of solid substrate. From the early days of using
bone char for decolorization of sugar solutions and other
foods to the later implementation of activated carbon for
removing nerve gases from the battlefield and to todays
thousands of applications, the adsorption phenomenon has
become a useful tool for purification and separation
(Slejko, 1985 and Lazaridis et al., 2004).
Ion exchange is a process by which ions held in a
porous, essentially insoluble solid exchange for ions in a
solution that is brought in contact with solid. The ion
exchange properties of clays and zeolite have been
recognized and studied for more than a century (Skoog et
al.1994); (Harvey, 2000). The main advantages of ion
exchange over chemical precipitation are removal of metal
value, selectivity, and less sludge volume produced-
meeting the strict discharge specifications. In ion exchange
system, polymeric resins as well as zeolite are usually
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 109
employed. The availability of natural zeolite in many
countries provides low-cost treatment by ion exchange
systems (Ali and El-bishtawi, 1997).
The adsorption of Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI) by
zeolite isolated from Metaxades (Greece), using batch type
method, was studied by Misaelides et al. (2006). They
found that NaCl pretreated zeolite material improved the
thorium uptake but not the uranium; this can be attributed
to the improvement of the ion-exchange properties of the
microporous minerals (Misaelides et al. 1995). The
adsorption behavior of Th(IV) onto the PAN
(Polyacrylonitrile)/zeolite, zeolite isolated from Manisa-
Gordes (Turky), composite adsorbent was investigated. It
was found that PAN (Polyacrylonitrile)/zeolite composite
adsorbent is economical and an effective sorbent for
Th(IV) ions, and the composite adsorbent exhibited an
excellent adsorption selectivity for Th(IV) (Kaygun and
Akyil, 2007).
The following work aims at studying the adsorption
behavior of uranium and thorium by using the zeolitic tuff
from Tulul Alshahba of Jordan. The batch technique of
removing uranium and thorium from solution was carried
out at specific conditions: pH= 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, at
temperatures 25.0C, 35.0C and 45.0C at different
contact time (kinetic) and with the same ionic strength
(0.1M NaClO4). The column experiment was carried out
at 25.0C and pH= 3. Analysis of data will be based on
adsorption models such as Langmuir, Freundlich and
DubininRadushkevich (DR). Adsorption kinetics was
applied in order to determine adsorption mechanism and
adsorption characteristic constants. The effective
adsorption from column and the coefficient of recovery
with different ligands was studied for the adsorbed metal
ions on the zeolitic tuff.
2. Methodology
2.1. Materials and Instrumentation
All reagents used in this study were analytical grade.
O is from Riedel DeHen Chemical
company Inc, UO
O, sodium perchlorate
sodium acetate, sulfuric acid and nitric acid are from
Merck, EDTA is from PARK, 35% Hydrochloric acid
from analytical Rasayan, Arsenazo (III) Indicator from
BDH Chemicals Ltd. Infrared spectra of the zeolitic tuff
was recorded using a Thermo Nicolet Nexus 870 FTIR.
The thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) of the zeolitic tuff
was studied using NETZSCH STA 409 PC. The main and
minor composition of zeolitic tuff was studied by X-ray
powdered diffraction method (Shimadzu PXRD-6000). A
pH meter model Cyberscan waterproof PC 300 was used
for pH measurements. The analytical balance that was
used is Shimadzu and its type is AW120, and its
readability is 0.1 mg. Shaking of samples was done by
using Clifton Shaker equipped with a thermostat. UV-VIS
Spectrophotometer was from Spectroscan model 80DV
with software UV Win5 v5.0.5.
2.2. Zeolitic tuff preparation.
Zeolitic tuff samples have a particle size of (250-500
m) were chosen for this study. The zeolitic tuffs samples
were converted to Na - type, by adding a 250 ml of 2M
NaCl to each 200g of zeolitic tuff, and shaking for 24hr.
The exchangeable cations in the zeolitic tuff structure were
replaced by Na
ions. After shaking, the zeolitic tuff
samples were washed several times with deionized water
to get rid of excess NaCl. The samples were dried in an
oven at 100C overnight.
2.3. Specrophotometeric procedure for Thorium (IV) and
2.3.1. Preparation of Arsenazo (III) indicator solution.
A 0.10% aqueous solution of Arsenazo (III) was used
as a spectrophotometric reagent in the determination of
Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) ion concentration
(Savvinn, 1961); (Khalili et al., 2008).
The spectrophotometric determination of Thorium (IV)
and Uranium (VI) ions in the aqueous solution was carried
out as follows:
Transfer 0.5 ml of Arsenazo (III) indicator to a 10 ml of
9.0 M Hydrochloric acid solution, and add 1.5 ml of the
aqueous Thorium (IV) test solution or 2.0 ml in the case of
Uranium (VI). Dilute the volume to 25.0 ml by addition of
water. Absorption measurement was carried out using a
(1.0 cm) quartz cell within one hour of sample preparation
at 660 nm wavelength for Thorium (IV) and 650 nm
wavelength for Uranium (VI).
2.4. Adsorption experiments
2.4.1. Metal ion-uptake by zeolitic tuff using batch
Batch adsorption was carried out using Pyrex glass flasks.
Experiments for determination the equilibrium time for the
adsorption process involving 0.05 g 0.1 mg of the
zeolitic tuff, 50.0 ml of metal ion was then added, and the
mixed solutions were mechanically shaken. The contact
time was varied from 0.25 hour to 24 hours at 25 C, the
concentration of the metal ion remaining was determined
with UV- VIS. Similar experiments were also carried out
at different pH 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.
The mass of the adsorbed metal per unit mass of the
zeolitic tuff was calculated using equation (1).
q = (C
) * V / m (1)
(Fendorf and Li, 1996; Lee et al., 2000).
q: Metal ion uptake by zeolitic tuff in (mg M / g zeolitic
: Initial metal concentration (ppm).
: The residual concentration of metal ion in solution at
equilibrium in (ppm).
m: Mass of zeolitic tuff (g).
The percentage of metal ion loading by zeolitic tuff
expressed as percentage uptake was calculated (Eq. (2))
% Metal uptake = C
/ C
* 100 (2)
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 110
3. Results and Discussion
(TGA) and X-ray powder
forsterite are normally present in
Jordanian zeolitic tuff.
= [(C
) / C
] V / m (mL / g) (3)
Calculations were made by using these data, and
adsorption curves were obtained.
2.5. Adsorption isotherm studies.
An accurate mass of 0.05 g of zeolitic tuff measured to
the nearest 0.1 mg was shaken with 50.0 ml of metal ion
solution at different concentrations, in a thermostatted
shaker for 24h (which had been found sufficient to ensure
equilibrium) at 25.0C, 35.0C, and 45.0 C. The
adsorption isotherms were studied, using similar
conditions at different pH=1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
2.6. Metal ion-uptake by zeolitic tuff using column
Glass column of 150 mm length and 10 mm inner
diameter was used in this experiment. The column was
packed with 1.00g .0001g of zeolitic tuff, a sample
volume of 50.0 ml containing U(VI) or Th(IV) of
1000ppm was passed through the column at a flow rate of
1.0 ml/ 2min. The eluate was collected in a 50 ml
volumetric flask, and concentration of the metal ion was
then determined by using UV-VIS.
2.7. Desorption studies.
Desorption of the U(VI) and Th(IV) was carried under
column condition, where zeolitic tuff was loaded with each
metal ion as described in (section 3.6). A 50.0 ml of the
following four eluting agents, 0.1N and 0.01N HNO
0.1N H
, 0.1 to 1*10
N EDTA, and 0.1N
COONa were used for metal ion recovery from
adsorbed zeolitic tuff, keeping the flow rate of elution at 1
ml/2min. The concentration of metal ion in the eluate was
collected in five 10 ml portions, and then determined usin
. Characterization of the zeolitic tuff sample.
The obtained zeolitic tuff was characterized by Fourier
transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy,
Thermogravimetric analysis
diffraction (XRD) technique.
. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).
The structural information of the zeolite tuff was
obtained by FTIR spectroscopy Figure (1) shows H-
bonded O-H stretching at 3443.9 cm
, H
O bending at
1640.7 cm
, 1428.6 cm
asymmetric stretching vibrations
of the carbonate in the sample, 1019.1 cm
strong band
due to phillipsite symmetric stretching vibration of silicate
group, 610.2 cm
symmetric stretching vibration of silicate
group for forsterite and 450.6 cm-1 bending vibrations for
phillipsite. Calcite and
Figure (1): The FTIR spectrum of zeolitic tuff at 25C.
3.3. Thermal properties.
Thermal behavior of zeolitic tuff was investigated by
using TGA. The TGA thermogram is given in Figure (2).
The temperature ranges are 45-400, 400-800 and 800-
1000C corresponding to the loss of external, loosely
bound and tightly bound water, respectively. The weight
losses were found as 8.64, 3.89 and 13.93% by weight for
the external, loosely and tightly bound water for the
examined zeolitic tuff (Duvarc et al., 2006). The 800-
1000C could be also related to the loss of CO
as a result
of decarbonation of calcite.
2000 2500
Wave numbers (cm
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 111
Figure (2): TGA thermogram of zeolitic tuff.
3.4. X-ray powder diffraction analysis.
The X-ray diffraction results have indicated that the
examined zeolitic tuff sample is rich in Phillipsite and
Chabazite together with calcite and forsterite; the XRD
chart is shown in Figure (3).
3.5. Rate of metal ion sorption by zeolitic tuff
The rate of metal ions uptake by zeolitic tuff was
determined at different time (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0,
18.0 and 24 hr), with three concentrations (5, 10, 35 ppm)
at different pH (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) and 25 C.
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
2-Theta scale
P: Phillipsite, C: Calcite, Z: Chabazite, F: Forsterite
Figure (3): X-ray powder diffraction chart.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 112
Samples of these results are shown in Figures (4 -5).
Shaking for 24h has been found sufficient to ensure
equilibrium for all the experiments.
Figure (4): Thorium (IV) percentage uptake by zeolitic tuff at pH 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 at 25C and concentration 35ppm.
Figure (5): Uranium (VI) percentage uptake by zeolitic tuff at pH 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 at 25C and concentration 35 ppm.
3.6. Pseudo-second-order reaction kinetic.
Adsorption data was evaluated according to the Pseudo
second-order reaction kinetic
proposed by Ho and McKay (1998):
/dt = k
where k
is the second order reaction constant. If Eq.
(4) is integrated, the following expression is obtained:
1 /(q
) = k
t + C
In Eq. (5), C
is the integration constant of the second
order reaction kinetic. Applying the
initial condition q
= 0 at t = 0 we get C
= 1/qe and on
elementary rearrangement this equation can be written as
=1 / k
+ t /q
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time hr
pH 1
pH 2
pH 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time hr
e pH 3
pH 2
pH 1
In this study, the initial Thorium (IV) and Uranium(VI)
concentrations were determined as 5, 10, 35 ppm . The
dependences of these concentrations against time are
shown in Fig. 4 and 5 for Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI)
at 25C and pH = 3 as an example.
For both metals, the curves in the plot of t /q
against t
are linear and k
rate constants can be calculated from the
slope of these curves as shown on figures (6-7).
The values of q
, calculated are found from the
intersection points of the second order reaction kinetic
Table1. Presents all the data at different pH (1.0,2.0
and 3.0) and 25 C.
Since the difference between q
calculated and q
experimental values is very small and the correlation
coefficient (R
values for the second order reaction
equation plots are high, it is seen that the Thorium (IV)
and Uranium (VI) removal by zeolitic tuff is well
described by the second order reaction kinetic.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 113
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
T ime (hour)
5 ppm
10 ppm
35 ppm
Figure (6): Pseudo-second order sorption kinetics of Thorium(IV) onto zeolitic tuff at various initial concentrations at 25C and pH = 3 .
0 10 20 30
5 ppm
10 ppm
35 ppm
Figure (7): Pseudo-second order sorption kinetics of Uranium (VI) onto zeolitic tuff at various initial concentrations at 25C and pH = 3.
Table (1): Adsorption rate constants, calculated q
experimental q
and R
values for the second order reaction kinetics of removal of
Uranium and Thorium by natural clay at pH = 1, 2, 3 and 25 C.
Pseudo-second order
pH =3
Pseudo-second order
pH =2
Pseudo-second order
pH = 1
Initial metal
(g/mg min) q
(mg/g) R
0.79 4.8 0.99
0.29 6.5 0.97
0.07 21.2 0.99
(g/mg min) q
(mg/g) R
0.34 4.8 0.98
0.08 7.8 0.99
0.03 17.7 0.99
(g/mg min) q
(mg/g) R
0.14 4.6 0.99
0.05 7.7 0.97
0.04 11.1 0.99
5 ppm
10 ppm
35 ppm
0.14 4.9 0.99
0.13 6.7 0.99
0.04 9.9 0.98
0.18 4.1 0.98
0.44 4.8 0.99
0.17 6.6 0.99
0.14 2.8 0.96
0.20 4.2 0.99
0.14 6.0 0.99
5 ppm
10 ppm
35 ppm
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 114
3.7. Adsorption isotherms.
3.7.1. Langmuir isotherm.
Langmuir isotherm models the single coating layer on
adsorption surface. This model supposes that the
adsorption takes place at a specific adsorption surface. The
attraction between molecules decreases as they are getting
further from the adsorption surface (nla and Ersoz,
2006). Langmuir isotherm can be defined according to the
following formulas:
/ (1 + kC
) (7)
Where q
is the amount of adsorbed heavy metal per
unit clay mass (mg/g), V
is the monolayer capacity, K is
the equilibrium constant and C
is the equilibrium
concentration of the solution in (ppm).
Eq. (7) can be written in the following linear form:
/ q
= 1/ KV
/ V
The results obtained from the empirical studies were
applied to Langmuir isotherm.
The plot of the linear form of Langmuir equation for
Thorium (IV) and Uranium (VI) adsorption on zeolitic tuff
is shown in Figures (8-9) as an example, and the values
for K and V
are shown in Tables (2-3).
Figure (8): Plot of (a) adsorption isotherm of Th(IV), (b) linearized Langmuir (III), (c) linearized Freundlich (d) D-R at pH=3 and 25C.
Figure (9): Plot of (a) adsorption isotherm of U(VI), (b) linearized Langmuir (III), (c) linearized Freundlich (d) D-R at pH=3 and 25C.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 115
3.8. Freundlich isotherm.
Freundlich isotherm (Freundlich, 1932) is used for
modeling the adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces. This
isotherm can be explained by the following equation:
= K
where K
is the Freundlich constant (mg/g), and 1/n is
the adsorption intensity:
The linear form of the Eq. (9) can be written as:
log q
= logK
+ 1/n logC
It is seen that the Freundlich isotherm curves are linear
both in Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) adsorption. The
Freundlich constant K
and adsorption intensity 1/n for
Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) are calculated from the
slopes of these curves (Tables 2-3).
3.9. DubininRadushkevich (DR) isotherm.
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are insufficient to
explain the physical and chemical characteristics of
adsorption. Dubinin and Radushkevich (1947) isotherm is
commonly used to describe the sorption isotherms of
single solute systems. In previous studies, DR isotherm
was used to express the adsorption processes of bentonite
(S. Tahir, and R. Naseem, 2006). The DR isotherm, apart
from being analogue of Langmuir isotherm, is more
general than Langmuir isotherm as it rejects the
homogeneous surface or constant adsorption potential
(Kilislioglu and Bilgin, 2003).
The DR isotherm is expressed as:
ln q
= ln V
Where q
is the heavy metal amount (mg/g) that is
removed per unit clay mass, V
is the DR adsorption
capacity (mg/g), K is the constant related with adsorption
energy (mol
), and is the Polanyi potential.
The Polanyi potential can be given as (Polanyi,
= RT ln(1 +1 /C
) (12)
Where R is the gas constant (kJ K
), and T is the
temperature (K).
The main energy of adsorption (E) is calculated by
using the following formula:
E = (2K)
Where E gives information about the physical and
chemical features of adsorption.
The DR isotherm is applied to the data obtained from
the empirical studies. A plot of
is given in Figures (8-9). As it is seen in
Figures (8-9), the DR plot yields a straight line.
In the DR isotherm, adsorption capacities (V
adsorption energy constants (K) and the main adsorption
energies (E) are calculated for Thorium(IV) and
Uranium(VI) removal.
All of the isotherm model parameters for the adsorption
of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) are provided in Tables
Table (2): The R
, q
, K
, K
and n values obtained from Langmuir (L), Freundlich (F) and Dubinin-Raduskevich (D-R) plots for
pH T C R
(L / mg)
(mg/g) E (kJ/mol) R
25 0.9515 17.0 0.17 0.9777 4.22 2.69 0.2451 10.85 1.43 0.9684 840
35 0.9455 14.0 0.14 0.9559 3.50 2.88 - - - 680 1.0
45 0.9251 13.5 0.12 0.9578 3.08 2.74 - - - 450
25 0.9614 21.0 0.59 0.9185 8.16 3.60 0.0632 16.5 2.81 0.8703 940
35 0.9753 18.8 0.62 0.9118 7.49 3.37 - - - - 900 2.0
45 0.9258 17.7 0.34 0.9258 6.64 3.58 - - - - 520
25 0.9871 21.9 0.51 0.9332 8.09 3.03 0.0967 16.49 2.27 0.7962 980
35 0.9790 19.4 0.46 0.9123 7.49 3.37 - - - 930 3.0
45 0.9520 18.1 0.41 0.9753 7.42 3.87 - - - 600
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 116
Table (3): The R
, q
, K
, K
and n values obtained from Langmuir (L), Freundlich (F) and Dubinin-Raduskevich (D-R) plots for
(L / mg) R
(kJ/mol) R
1.0 25 0.8342 10.8 0.04 0.9737 0.72 1.66 2.4956 8.16 0.45 0.939 400
35 0.9918 8.3 0.06 0.9894 0.72 1.69 - - - - 340
45 0.9858 5.3 0.08 0.9859 0.56 1.85 - - - - 270
2.0 25 0.9481 15.0 0.05 0.9964 1.05 1.55 2.3345 6.86 0.46 0.8961 440
35 0.9219 13.0 0.04 0.9979 0.74 1.53 - - - 360
45 0.9740 11.0 0.06 0.9801 0.98 1.55 - - - 300
3.0 25 0.9619 17.7 0.05 0.9849 1.16 1.48 3.8657 6.64 0.35 0.9615 480
35 0.9885 17.1 0.04 0.9737 0.72 1.66 - - - 400
45 0.9830 16.5 0.03 0.9908 0.73 1.37 - - - 320
3.10. Comparing adsorptivity between Thorium(IV) and
The correlation coefficient (R
values for the three
types are very close, so we cannot assume that the
adsorption behaviour fit one of them better, and it is a
homogeneous or a heterogeneous one. Depending in the
values of q
n in Tables (2-3), the adsorption of
Thorium(IV) is more favourable than Uranium(VI) metal
ions on zeolitic tuff at the same pH and temperature. The
DR isotherm showed the E values for Thorium(IV) are
higher than Uranium(VI), but both values are less than 8
kJ/mol, which means that it is a physisorption process.
These observations can be explained in terms of the
following two factors:
1. Hydration energy.
The adsorptivity of metal ions (q
) on zeolitic tuff was
found to be directly proportional to the ionic radius. This is
due to the decrease of hydration (-H
) as the ionic radius
increases (Hunt, 1965). Increasing the hydration energy
due to increase in the hydration shell makes it more
difficult for metal ion to discharge the water of hydration.
The formation of aqua complex [M(OH
takes place
(where m is larger than six, perhaps eight or nine), the
aqua complex, having m H
O molecules surrounding the
central ion, has a definite structure and the cloud of water
molecules (hydration shell) has another geometry than the
rest of the water. Thus, when M(NO
salts are dissolved
in water there will be very little attraction between
and the solvated NO
ion. Unless the other
ions or ligands have a strong structure breaking influence,
the sheath of water molecule will protect the metals ions
from influence of other anions or ligands. When
complexes are formed, the approach of a ligand will
interfere with the hydration shell, and the ordered
geometry will break down (Sinha, 1966). A stronger
hydration shell will surround small metal ion, which has
smaller radius than the metal ion with larger radius. The
adsorptivity of an ion of large radius is larger than small
Large charge-to-size ratio results in an increase in
hydration energy, which means that the hydrated ion
prefers the solution phase, where it may satisfy its
hydration requirements. Ions with lower hydration energy
prefer the zeolitic tuff phase. Table (4) shows that Thorium
has lower hydration energy than Uranium- this means
Thorium can exchange easily at the zeolitic tuff surface.
The values of electronegativity for Uranium and
Thorium are shown in Table (4). Thorium(IV) is more
electropositive than Uranium(VI). This means that
Thorium(IV) binding onto the negative surface and q
should be stronger and higher respectively, than
2. Hydrolysis Reaction.
Hydrolysis reaction can be represented by a hydrolysis
constant (K
+ H
+ H
From the value of K
in Table (4), the following sequence
was observed:
: UO
> Th
Table (4): Chemical properties of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI).
Metals Th(IV) U(VI)
Ionic radius () 1.19 0.97
Electronegativity 1.30 1.38
Hydrolysis constant at 0.1M NaClO
) 4.00 4.69
Hydration energy (kJ / mol) -3332 -3958
This indicates that at lower pK
value the metal ion can
diffuse easily and has a stronger binding strength at the
zeolitic tuff surface. Thorium(IV) has a lower pK
, so a
lower resistance to reach the active sites. As a conclusion:
the binding strength of Th
> UO
at the zeolitic tuff
surface due to the hydration and hydrolysis behavior.
3.11. Effect of pH.
Tables 2 & 3 show that as the pH increases the q
increase for Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI). This can be
explained by the following:
In solutions of pH less than 3, Thorium shows a small
tendency to hydrolyze, and the exchangeable Thorium ion
) dominates. In pH 3 and greater, mononuclear (e.g.,
, [Th (OH)
and [Th (OH)
) as well as
polynuclear-polymeric (e.g., [Th
) hydrolysis
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 117
products of the general type [Th
are formed.
The hydroxyl number of these species depends on the
Thorium concentration and rises rapidly with increasing
pH. Most of the hydrolysis species can be exchanged or
adsorbed on the zeolitic tuff. Thorium(IV) is the least
hydrolyzed tetrapositive ion when compared with other
tetrapositive actinides. In the case of uranium, the uranyl
ion (UO
is the most dominant species in low pH
solutions and Uranium uptake is mainly due to uranyl ion
The radius of the hydrated uranyl cation can be assigned to
determine how closely the centers of two ions actually
approach each other in solid substances, and then to
assume that such a distance is equal to the sum of the radii
of the two ions. Theoretically, a rough estimation of the
ionic radius of a complex ion ML
is given as the sum of
the ionic radius of the cation M and the mean diameter of
the ligand L. Since the ionic radius of the uranyl ion is
equal to 1.8 and the atomic radii of oxygen and
hydrogen are 0.74 A and 0.37 respectively, a rough
estimation of the hydrated uranyl ion diameter gives a
result higher than 6.5 . The estimated size of hydrated
uranyl cation [UO
is much greater than the
mean dimension of the zeolitic tuff channels; therefore the
uranium (VI) attenuation by natural zeolitic tuff cannot be
attributed to the cation exchange mechanism (Krestou et
al. 2003). Hydrolysis of the uranyl ion practically begins
at pH 3 and mononuclear (e.g., [UO
) as well as
polynuclear (e.g., [(UO
, [(UO
hydrolysis products of the general type [UO
are formed. The occurrence of species such as U
and polymeric species of the type UO
has also been suggested. The (UO
hydrolysis products
can be adsorbed on zeolitic tuff. However, the formation
of phases such as UO
, which can be precipitated, is
also possible. The metal species, present in the aqueous
solutions, strongly depend on the pH.
The adsorption of some species by ion exchange processes
can be considered to take place at the microporous
minerals (zeolitic tuffs, clay minerals and micas). Where
individual metal species penetrate into the lattice through
the micropores and replace exchangeable ions (mainly Na
and K
) but adsorption (surface uptake) takes place both
on the microporous and the non-microporous minerals
(feldspars, SiO
phases) (Misaelides et al., 1995).
In Zeolitic tuff, the silanol (> Si-OH) and Aluminol (> Al-
OH) groups are formed on the edge surface of the material.
Depending on the solution pH, these groups behave as
basic or acidic solutions according to the following
+ H
in acidic solutions.
+ OH
+ H
O in basic solutions.
The Uranium(VI) and Thorium(IV) species are preferably
adsorbed on the silanol groups, which are not protonated at
pH equals 3 rather than on the aluminol groups, and which
are strongly protonated in the same pH region (Talip et al.,
> SiOH
+ UO
[> SiO-UO
+ H
> SiOH
+ Th
[> SiO-Th]
+ H
So as the pH increases the amount of deprotonated SiOH
increases. Therefore, the negative charge on the surface
increases, and the adsorbed metal ions increase.
3.12. Effect of temperature.
From the data in Tables (2&3), the relation lnK
1/T was plotted and from the vant Hoff equation, H and
S were calculated for Th(IV) and U(VI) as shown in
Table (5). The adsorptivity process is enthalpy and entropy
driven for Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI). The negative
values of enthalpy show that the sorption of Thorium(IV)
and Uranium(VI) on zeolitic tuff is an exothermic process.
Values of the free energy (G) of adsorption for the
adsorption of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) on zeolitic
tuff are negative, showing that adsorption processes are
spontaneous in nature.
Table (5): Enthalpy, entropy and free energy (298 K) values for the adsorption of Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) on zeolitic tuff.
H( kJ/mol) -23.8 -22.7 -18.9 -14.7 -14.6 -15.1
S(J/mol.K) -23.7 -18.5 -5.6 0.4 1.1 0.6
G (kJ/mol) -16.7 -17.2 -17.1 -14.6 -14.3 -14.9
3.13. Column Experiments.
3.14. Metal Ion Uptake by Zeolitic tuff.
The metal ion uptake by zeolitic tuff using column
experiment for Thorium(IV) and Uranium(VI) were
determined at pH= 3, 25C, initial concentration of 1000
ppm and a flow rate of 1 ml /2 min. The percent uptake
for metal ions is represented in Table (6).
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 118
Table (6): Metal ion uptake using column experiment at pH= 3, 25C.
% Uptake Loaded concentration (ppm) Final concentration (ppm) C
(ppm) Metal Ion
93.1 931 69.0 1000
88.2 882 118.0 1000 Uranium(VI)
It can be seen that the uptake capacities of the metal
ions fall in the order Th(IV) > U(VI).
3.15. Desorption studies.
A four eluting agents, 0.1N HNO
, 0.1 H
, 0.1-
N EDTA (pH= 3.0), and 0.1N CH
COONa were
used for removal of metal ions, keeping the flow rate of
elution at 1 ml /2 min. The eluate was collected in five
portions, 10 ml each; the results are expressed as percent
recovery and represented in Tables (7& 8).
Depending on the values of percentage of accumulative
recovery, in Table (7) and Table (8), the following trend
was observed for the eluting agents of Th(IV) from zeolitic
N EDTA > 0.001N EDTA > 0.01 N EDTA > 0.1N
> 0.1N CH
Table (7): Desorption of Th(IV) ions from zeolitic tuff.
fifth portion
fourth portion
third portion
second portion
first portion
Eluting agents
14.6 1.7 1.9 3.5 3.5 4.0 0.1N HNO
_ _ _ _ _ _ 0.1N H
40.8 5.4 7.6 8.3 8.5 11.0 1*10
- - - - - - 0.1N EDTA
17.5 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.3 0.01N EDTA
25.0 1.5 2.3 5.1 7.2 8.9
10.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 2.9 7.1
Table (8): Desorption of U(VI) ions from zeolitic tuff.
fifth portion
%Recovery fourth
third portion
second portion
first portion
Eluting agents
27.1 2.3 2.9 2.9 8.5 10.5 0.1N HNO
29.4 2.8 2.8 5.4 7.9 10.5 0.1N H
21.7 2.0 3.0 3.5 5.2 8.0 1*10
- - - - - - 0.1N EDTA
6.9 0.3 0.5 1.7 2.1 2.3 0.01N
13.9 0.7 1.2 2.4 3.9 5.7 0.001N
27.5 3.3 3.6 4.2 7.3 9.1 0.1N
While the following trend was observed for eluting
agents of U(VI) from zeolitic tuff:
0.1N H
> 0.1N CH
COONa > 0.1N HNO
N EDTA >0.001N EDTA > 0.01 N EDTA.
2009 Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences . All rights reserved - Volume 2, (Special Publication, Number 1)(ISSN 1995-6681) 119
It can be noticed that the best desorption for Th(IV)
was observed for 1*10
N EDTA, but the best desorption
for U(VI) was observed for 0.1N H
Desorption yield for zeolitic tuff decreased with
increasing the desorption stages (Akyil and Yusan, 2008).
When concentration of EDTA is increased, desorption of
Uranium(VI) and Thorium(IV) decreased. Thorium sulfate
precipitated in the column (K
) while
Uranium(VI) form two successive soluble complexes with
+ SO
= UO
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