Ldom Admin Guide
Ldom Admin Guide
Ldom Admin Guide
1 Administration Guide
Part No. 820-4913-10 December 2008, Revision A Submit comments about this document at: http://www.sun.com/hwdocs/feedback
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is described in this document. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U.S. patents listed at http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and in other countries. U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements. Parts of the product may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems, licensed from the University of California. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and in other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, Solaris, JumpStart, OpenBoot, Sun Fire, Netra, SunSolve, Sun BluePrints, Sun Blade, Sun Ultra, and SunVTS are service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., or its subsidiaries, in the U.S. and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. The Adobe PostScript logo is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Products covered by and information contained in this service manual are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. 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Les exportations ou reexportations vers des pays sous embargo des Etats-Unis, ou vers des entites gurant sur les listes dexclusion dexportation americaines, y compris, mais de maniere non exclusive, la liste de personnes qui font objet dun ordre de ne pas participer, dune facon directe ou indirecte, aux exportations des produits ou des services qui sont regi par la legislation americaine en matiere de controle des exportations et la liste de ressortissants speciquement designes, sont rigoureusement interdites. LA DOCUMENTATION EST FOURNIE "EN LETAT" ET TOUTES AUTRES CONDITIONS, DECLARATIONS ET GARANTIES EXPRESSES OU TACITES SONT FORMELLEMENT EXCLUES, DANS LA MESURE AUTORISEE PAR LA LOI APPLICABLE, Y COMPRIS NOTAMMENT TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE RELATIVE A LA QUALITE
Preface 1.
xv 1
Overview of the Logical Domains Software Hypervisor and Logical Domains Logical Domains Manager 3 4 4 1
Roles for Logical Domains Command-Line Interface Virtual Input/Output Virtual Network Virtual Storage Virtual Console 6 6 5 5
6 6 8
Security Considerations
Authorization Auditing 14
Compliance 3.
14 15 16
Preserving the Logical Domains Constraints Database File When Using Live Upgrade 17 Upgrading From Solaris 10 OS Older Than Solaris 10 5/08 OS 17 17
Stop All Domains Running on the Platform, Except the Control Domain 17 18 18 20 21
23 23
23 24
Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Automatically 24 Using JumpStart to Install the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 and Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Software 31 Installing Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Manually 34
iv Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Administration Guide December 2008
36 37
Creating Authorization and Profiles and Assigning Roles for User Accounts 37 Managing User Authorizations Managing User Profiles Assigning Roles to Users 38 39 40 38
41 41
Restore the Factory Default Configuration Disable the Logical Domains Manager 42
46 46 48
48 49
53 53 56 56 59
Install Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From a Solaris ISO File Jump-Start a Guest Domain 61 62
62 62
Logical Domain Information (ldom_info) Section Cryptographic (mau) Section CPU (cpu) Section 66 67 66
Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Section Virtual Disk Server (vds) Section 69
70 71 71
72 75
Enabling the I/O MMU Bypass Mode on a PCI Bus 6. Using Virtual Disks With Logical Domains Introduction to Virtual Disks Managing Virtual Disks
78 78
Export a Virtual Disk Backend Multiple Times Change Virtual Disk Options Change the Timeout Option Remove a Virtual Disk 80 80 79 80
Virtual Disk Backend Options Read-only (ro) Option Exclusive (excl) Option Slice (slice) Option Virtual Disk Backend 83 82 81
83 83
86 87 87 88 89
Virtual Disk and the format(1M) Command Using ZFS With Virtual Disks 97
Configuring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain Storing Disk Images With ZFS 97
98 98
Create a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume Create a Disk Image Using a ZFS File Export the ZFS Volume Export the ZFS File 99 98 98
Using Clone to Provision a New Domain Cloning a Boot Disk Image 100
Using Volume Managers in a Logical Domains Environment Using Virtual Disks on Top of Volume Managers Using Virtual Disks on Top of SVM 103 103 104 101
Using Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed Using Volume Managers on Top of Virtual Disks Using ZFS on Top of Virtual Disks Using SVM on Top of Virtual Disks Using VxVM on Top of Virtual Disks 7. 104 104 105 107
Using a Virtual Network With Logical Domains Introduction to a Virtual Network Virtual Switch 107 107
Set Options for an Existing Virtual Switch Remove a Virtual Switch 111 111 111
Set Options for an Existing Virtual Network Device Remove a Virtual Network Device 112
Determining the Solaris Network Interface Name Corresponding to a Virtual Network Device 113
Range of MAC Addresses Assigned to Logical Domains Software Automatic Assignment Algorithm Duplicate MAC Address Detection Freed MAC Addresses 116 117 117 115 115
Configuring Virtual Switch and Service Domain for NAT and Routing
Set Up the Virtual Switch to Provide External Connectivity to Domains 118 119
Configuring Virtual Network Devices into an IPMP Group in a Logical Domain 119
Configuring and Using IPMP in the Service Domain Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software Port VLAN ID (PVID) VLAN ID (VID) 123 123
Assign VLANs to a Virtual Switch and Virtual Network Device 125 127
Configure a Virtual Switch With an NIU Network Device Enable Hybrid Mode Disable Hybrid Mode 128 128 129 129
Introduction to Logical Domain Migration Overview of a Migration Operation Software Compatibility Authentication 131 131 130 129
Delayed Reconfiguration
Monitoring a Migration in Progress Canceling a Migration in Progress Recovering From a Failed Migration Examples 136
142 142
Virtual Disk Server backend and Virtual Switch Device Names Configuration Name (config_name) All Other Names 143 143 143
143 143
Flag Definitions
148 148
Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p) Generate a Subset of a Long List (-o format) List a Variable List Bindings 155 155 156 153
Listing Constraints
Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses CPU Mapping
164 164
Memory Mapping
167 167
OpenBoot Firmware Not Available After Solaris OS Has Started If Domaining Is Enabled 168 Power-Cycling a Server
168 169
Do Not Use the psradm(1M) Command on Active CPUs in a Power-Managed Domain 169 Result of Solaris OS Breaks 169 169
Results From Halting or Rebooting the Control Domain Using LDoms With ALOM CMT
Reset the Logical Domain Configuration to the Default or Another Configuration 171 172 172 173
Use the Solaris OS bsmconv(1M) Command Verify that BSM Auditing is Enabled 173
Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager XML Transport XMPP 176 176 175
Request and Response Messages Requests Responses Events 182 178 180
Registration and Unregistration The <LDM_event> Messages Event Types 184 184 185 186
Logical Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource CPU (cpu) Resource MAU (mau) Resource 189 189 190 190
Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource Disk (disk) Resource 192
Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource Console (console) Resource Domain Migration A. XML Schemas 203 203 201 200
198 199
The ovf-envelope.xsd Schema The ovf-section.xsd Schema The ovf-core.xsd Schema 212
208 211
The ovf-virtualhardware.xsc Schema The cim-rasd.xsd Schema The cim-vssd.xsd Schema 221 226 227 231
The GenericProperty XML Schema Binding_Type XML Schema Glossary 233 232
The Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Administration Guide provides detailed information and procedures that describe the overview, security considerations, installation, configuration, modification, and execution of common tasks for the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software on supported servers, blades, and server modules. Refer to Supported Platforms in the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes for a list. This guide is intended for the system administrators on these servers who have a working knowledge of UNIX systems and the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS).
Related Documentation
The Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Administration Guide and Release Notes are available at: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/prod/ldoms#hic The Beginners Guide to LDoms: Understanding and Deploying Logical Domains Software can be found at the Sun BluePrints site at: http://www.sun.com/blueprints/0207/820-0832.html You can find documents relating to your server, software, or Solaris OS at: http://docs.sun.com
Type the name of the server, software, or Solaris OS in the Search box to find the documents you need.
Application Title Part Number Format
Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes Solaris 10 Reference Manual Collection: drd(1M) man page vntsd(1M) man page ldm(1M) man page
820-4914-10 N/A
Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Manager Man Page Guide Basics for Logical Domains software Administration for LDoms MIB Release notes for LDoms MIB Administration for Libvirt for LDoms Release Notes for Libvirt for LDoms Solaris OS including installation, using JumpStart, and using the SMF Security Security Security Security Beginners Guide to LDoms: Understanding and Deploying Logical Domains Software Logical Domains (LDoms) MIB 1.0.1 Administration Guide Logical Domains (LDoms) MIB 1.0.1 Release Notes Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 Administration Guide Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 Release Notes Solaris 10 Collection Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Administration Guide Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Release Notes Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Man Page Guide
820-4915-10 820-0832 820-2319-10 820-2320-10 820-3839-10 820-3838-10 N/A 819-1402-10 819-1503-10 819-1504-10 819-1505-10
This is the fundamental mechanism for creating logical domains. The following diagram shows the hypervisor supporting two logical domains. It also shows the layers that make up the Logical Domains functionality:
Applications, or user/services Kernel, or operating systems Firmware, or hypervisor Hardware, including CPU, memory, and I/O
Hypervisor Supporting Two Logical Domains
Logical Domain A
Logical Domain B
Operating System A
Operating System B
C P U ,
M e m o r y
I / O
The number and capabilities of each logical domain that a specific SPARC hypervisor supports are server-dependent features. The hypervisor can allocate subsets of the overall CPU, memory, and I/O resources of a server to a given logical domain. This enables support of multiple operating systems simultaneously, each within its own logical domain. Resources can be rearranged between separate logical domains with an arbitrary granularity. For example, memory is assignable to a logical domain with an 8-kilobyte granularity. Each virtual machine can be managed as an entirely independent machine with its own resources, such as:
Kernel, patches, and tuning parameters User accounts and administrators Disks
Each virtual machine can be stopped, started, and rebooted independently of each other without requiring a power cycle of the server. The hypervisor software is responsible for maintaining the separation between logical domains. The hypervisor software also provides logical domain channels (LDCs), so that logical domains can communicate with each other. Using logical domain channels, domains can provide services to each other, such as networking or disk services. The service processor (SP), also known as the system controller (SC), monitors and runs the physical machine, but it does not manage the virtual machines. The Logical Domains Manager runs the virtual machines.
Chapter 1
Control domain
Domain in which the Logical Domains Manager runs allowing you to create and manage other logical domains and allocate virtual resources to other domains. There can be only one control domain per server. The initial domain created when installing Logical Domains software is a control domain and is named primary. Domain that provides virtual device services to other domains, such as a virtual switch, a virtual console concentrator, and a virtual disk server. Domain that has direct ownership of and direct access to physical I/O devices, such as a network card in a PCI Express controller. Shares the devices with other domains in the form of virtual devices when the I/O domain is also the control domain. The number of I/O domains you can have is dependent on your platform architecture. For example, if you are using a Sun UltraSPARC T1 processor, you can have a maximum of two I/O domains, one of which also must be the control domain. Domain that is managed by the control domain and uses services from the I/O and service domains.
Guest domain
If you have an existing system and already have an operating system and other software running on your server, that will be your control domain once you install the Logical Domains Manager. You might want to remove some of your applications from the control domain once it is set up, and balance the load of your applications throughout your domains to make the most efficient use of your system.
Command-Line Interface
The Logical Domains Manager provides a command-line interface (CLI) for the system administrator to create and configure logical domains. The CLI is a single command, ldm(1M), with multiple subcommands. To use the Logical Domains Manager CLI, you must have the Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd, running. The ldm(1M) command and its subcommands are described in detail in the ldm(1M) man page and the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager Man Page Guide. The ldm(1M) man page is part of the SUNWldm package and is installed when the SUNWldm package is installed.
To execute the ldm command, you must have the /opt/SUNWldm/bin directory in your UNIX $PATH variable. To access the ldm(1M) man page, add the directory path /opt/SUNWldm/man to the variable $MANPATH. Both are shown as follows:
$ $ % % PATH=$PATH:/opt/SUNWldm/bin; export PATH (for Bourne or K shell) MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/SUNWldm/man; export MANPATH set PATH=($PATH /opt/SUNWldm/bin) (for C shell) set MANPATH=($MANPATH /opt/SUNWldm/man)
Virtual Input/Output
In a Logical Domains environment, an administrator can provision up to 32 domains on a Sun Fire or SPARC Enterprise T1000 or T2000 server. Though each domain can be assigned dedicated CPUs and memory, the limited number of I/O buses and physical I/O slots in these systems makes it impossible to provide all domains exclusive access to the disk and network devices. Though some physical devices can be shared by splitting the PCI Express (PCIe) bus into two (see Configuring PCI Express Busses Across Multiple Logical Domains on page 71), it is not sufficient to provide all domains exclusive device access. This lack of direct physical I/O device access is addressed by implementing a virtualized I/O model. All logical domains with no direct I/O access are configured with virtual I/O devices that communicate with a service domain, which runs a service to provide access to a physical device or its functions. In this client-server model, virtual I/O devices either communicate with each other or a service counterpart through interdomain communication channels called logical domain channels (LDCs). In Logical Domains 1.1 software, the virtualized I/O functionality comprises support for virtual networking, storage, and consoles.
Virtual Network
The virtual network support is implemented using two components: the virtual network and virtual network switch device. The virtual network (vnet) device emulates an Ethernet device and communicates with other vnet devices in the system using a point-to-point channel. The virtual switch (vsw) device mainly functions as a multiplexor of all the virtual networks incoming and outgoing packets. The vsw device interfaces directly with a physical network adapter on a service domain, and sends and receives packets on a virtual networks behalf. The vsw device also functions as a simple layer-2 switch and switches packets between the vnet devices connected to it within the system.
Chapter 1
Virtual Storage
The virtual storage infrastructure enables logical domains to access block-level storage that is not directly assigned to them through a client-server model. It consists of two components: a virtual disk client (vdc) that exports as a block device interface; and a virtual disk service (vds) that processes disk requests on behalf of the virtual disk client and submits them to the physical storage residing on the service domain. Although the virtual disks appear as regular disks on the client domain, all disk operations are forwarded to the physical disk through the virtual disk service.
Virtual Console
In a Logical Domains environment, console I/O from all domains, except the primary domain, is redirected to a service domain running the virtual console concentrator (vcc) and virtual network terminal server, instead of the systems controller. The virtual console concentrator service functions as a concentrator for all domains console traffic, and interfaces with the virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd) and provides access to each console through a UNIX socket.
Dynamic Reconfiguration
Dynamic reconfiguration (DR) is the ability to add or remove resources while the operating system is running. The ability to perform dynamic reconfiguration of a particular resource type is dependent on having support in the OS running in the logical domain. Support for dynamic reconfiguration of virtual CPUs is available in all versions of the Solaris 10 OS. Dynamic reconfiguration of virtual I/O devices is supported in logical domains running Solaris 10 10/08 at a minimum. There is no support for dynamic reconfiguration of memory and physical I/O devices. To use the dynamic reconfiguration capability in the Logical Domains Manager CLI, you must have the Logical Domains dynamic reconfiguration daemon, drd(1M) running in the domain you want to change.
Delayed Reconfiguration
In contrast to dynamic reconfiguration operations that take place immediately, delayed reconfiguration operations take effect after the next reboot of the OS or stop and start of the logical domain if no OS is running. Any add or remove operations on active logical domains, except add-vcpu, set-vcpu, and remove-vcpu subcommands, are considered delayed reconfiguration operations if you have Solaris 10 5/08 OS or earlier running in the domain. If you have Solaris 10 10/08 OS
running in the domain, the addition and removal of virtual input/output devices do not result in a delayed configuration. The set-vswitch subcommand on an active logical domain is considered a delayed reconfiguration operation no matter what Solaris OS is running in the domain. If you are using a Sun UltraSPARC T1 processor, when the Logical Domains Manager is first installed and enabled (or when the configuration is restored to factory-default), the LDoms Manager runs in the configuration mode. In this mode, reconfiguration requests are accepted and queued up, but are not acted upon. This allows a new configuration to be generated and stored to the SC without affecting the state of the running machine, and therefore, without being encumbered by any of the restrictions around things like delayed reconfiguration and reboot of I/O domains. Once a delayed reconfiguration is in progress for a particular logical domain, any other reconfiguration requests for that logical domain are also deferred until the domain is rebooted or stopped and started. Also, when there is a delayed reconfiguration outstanding for one logical domain, reconfiguration requests for other logical domains are severely restricted and will fail with an appropriate error message. Even though attempts to remove virtual I/O devices on an active logical domain are handled as a delayed reconfiguration operation if you are running the Solaris 10 5/08 OS or earlier, some configuration change does occur immediately in the domain. This means the device will stop functioning as soon as the associated Logical Domains Manager CLI operation is invoked. This issue does not apply if you are running the Solaris 10 10/08 OS in the domain, since the entire removal happens immediately as part of a virtual I/O dynamic reconfiguration operation. The Logical Domains Manager subcommand remove-reconf cancels delayed reconfiguration operations. You can list delayed reconfiguration operations by using the ldm list-domain command. Refer to the ldm(1M) man page or the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager Man Page Guide for more information about how to use the delayed reconfiguration feature.
Note You cannot use the ldm remove-reconf command if any other ldm remove-* commands have been issued on virtual I/O devices. The ldm remove-reconf command fails in these circumstances.
Chapter 1
Persistent Configurations
The current configuration of a logical domain can be stored on the system controller (SC) using the Logical Domains Manager CLI commands. You can add a configuration, specify a configuration to be used, remove a configuration, and list the configurations on the system controller. (Refer to the ldm(1M) man page or the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager Man Page Guide.) In addition, there is an ALOM CMT Version 1.3 command that enables you to select a configuration to boot (see Using LDoms With ALOM CMT on page 171).
This chapter describes the Solaris Security Toolkit software and how you can use it to secure the Solaris OS in your logical domains.
Security Considerations
The Solaris Security Toolkit software, informally known as the JumpStart Architecture and Security Scripts (JASS) toolkit, provides an automated, extensible, and scalable mechanism to build and maintain secure Solaris OS systems. The Solaris Security Toolkit provides security for devices critical to the management of your server, including the control domain in the Logical Domains Manager. The Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software package, SUNWjass, provides the means to secure the Solaris Operating System on your control domain through the use of the install-ldm script by:
Letting the Solaris Security Toolkit automatically harden your control domain by using the Logical Domains Manager install script (install-ldm) and the control driver specific to the Logical Domains Manager (ldm_control-secure.driver). Selecting an alternative driver when using the install script. Selecting no driver when using the install script and applying your own Solaris hardening.
The SUNWjass package is located with the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager 1.1 software package, SUNWldm, at Suns software download web site. You have the option to download and install the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software package at the same time you download and install the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software. The Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software package includes the required patches to enable the Solaris Security Toolkit software to work with the Logical Domains
Manager. Once the software is installed, you can harden your system with Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software. Chapter 3 tells you how to install and configure the Solaris Security Toolkit, and harden your control domain. Following are the security functions available to users of the Logical Domains Manager provided by the Solaris Security Toolkit:
Hardening Modifying Solaris OS configurations to improve a systems security using the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software with required patches to enable the Solaris Security Toolkit to work with the Logical Domains Manager. Minimizing Installing the minimum number of core Solaris OS packages necessary for LDoms and LDoms Management Information Base (MIB) support. Authorization Setting up authorization using the Solaris OS Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) adapted for the Logical Domains Manager. Auditing Using the Solaris OS Basic Security module (BSM) adapted for the Logical Domains Manager to identify the source of security changes to the system to determine what was done, when it was done, by whom, and what was affected. Compliance Determining if a systems configuration is in compliance with a predefined security profile using the Solaris Security Toolkits auditing feature.
The driver (ldm_control-secure.driver) that Solaris Security Toolkit uses to harden the Solaris OS on the control domain is specifically tailored so that the Logical Domains Manager can run with the OS. The ldm_control-secure.driver is analogous to the secure.driver described in the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual. The ldm_control-secure.driver provides a baseline configuration for the control domain of a system running the Logical Domains Manager software. It is intended to provide fewer system services than typical for a Solaris OS domain, reserving the control domain for Logical Domains Manager operations, rather than general usage. The install-ldm script installs the Logical Domains Manager software if it is not already installed, and enables the software. Following is a short summary of the other notable changes from secure.driver.
The Telnet server is disabled from running. You can use Secure Shell (ssh) instead. You also can still use the Telnet client to access virtual consoles started by the Logical Domains virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd). For example, if a virtual console is running that is listening to TCP port 5001 on the local system, you can access it as follows.
# telnet localhost 5001
See Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon on page 36 for instructions on enabling vntsd. It is not automatically enabled.
The following finish scripts have been added. They enable the Logical Domains Manager to install and start. Some of these added scripts must be added to any customized drivers you make and some are optional. The scripts are marked as to whether they are required or optional. install-ldm.fin Installs the SUNWldm package. (Required) enable-ldmd.fin Enables the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd) (Required) enable-ssh-root-login.fin Enables the superuser to directly log in through the Secure Shell (ssh). (Optional)
The following files have changed. These changes are optional to make in any customized drivers you have and are marked as optional. /etc/ssh/sshd_config Root account access is allowed for the entire network. This file is not used in either driver. (Optional) /etc/ipf/ipf.conf UDP port 161 (SNMP) is opened. (Optional) /etc/host.allow The Secure Shell daemon (sshd) is open for the entire network, not just the local subnet. (Optional)
Chapter 2 Security 11
The following finish scripts are disabled (commented out). You should comment out the disable-rpc.fin script in any customized driver you make. The other changes are optional. The scripts are marked as to whether they are required or optional. enable-ipfilter.fin IP Filter, a network packet filter, is not enabled. (Optional) disable-rpc.fin Leaves Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service enabled. The RPC service is used by many other system services, such as Network Information Services (NIS) and network file system (NFS). (Required) disable-sma.fin Leaves the System Management Agent (NET-SNMP) enabled. (Optional) disable-ssh-root-login.fin ssh root login cannot be disabled. set-term-type.fin Unneeded legacy script. (Optional)
Authorization for the Logical Domains Manager has two levels:
Read allows you to view, but not modify the configuration. Read and write allows you to view and change the configuration.
The changes are not made to the Solaris OS, but are added to the authorization file by the package script postinstall when the Logical Domains Manager is installed. Similarly, the authorization entries are removed by the package script preremove. The following table lists the ldm subcommands with the corresponding user authorization that is needed to perform the commands.
ldm Subcommand*
add-* bind-domain list list-* panic-domain remove-* set-* start-domain stop-domain unbind-domain
* Refers to all the resources you can add, list, remove, or set.
solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.read solaris.ldoms.read solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write solaris.ldoms.write
Chapter 2
Auditing the Logical Domains Manager CLI commands is done with Solaris OS Basic Security module (BSM) auditing. Refer to the Solaris 10 System Administration Guide: Security Services for detailed information about using Solaris OS BSM auditing. BSM auditing is not enabled by default for the Logical Domains Manager; however, the infrastructure is provided. You can enable BSM auditing in one of two ways:
Run the enable-bsm.fin finish script in the Solaris Security Toolkit. Use the Solaris OS bsmconv(1M) command.
For further details about enabling, verifying, disabling, printing output, and rotating logs using BSM auditing with the Logical Domains Manager, see Enabling and Using BSM Auditing on page 172.
Solaris Security Toolkit does have its own auditing capabilities. The Solaris Security Toolkit software can automatically validate the security posture of any system running the Solaris OS by comparing it with a predefined security profile. Refer to Auditing System Security in the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Administration Guide for more information about this compliance function.
Supported platform, refer to "Supported Platforms" in the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes for a list of supported platforms. Control domain running an operating system at least equivalent to the Solaris 10/08 OS with any patches recommended in Required Software and Patches in the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes. See Upgrading the Solaris OS on page 16. System firmware version 6.7.x for your Sun UltraSPARC T1 platform or system firmware version 7.2.x for your Sun UltraSPARC T2 or T2 Plus platform at a minimum. See Upgrading the System Firmware on page 21. LDoms 1.1 software installed and enabled on the control domain. See Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit on page 24. (Optional) the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software. See Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit on page 24 (Optional) the Logical Domains (LDoms) Management Information Base (MIB) software package. Refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) Management Information Base (MIB) 1.0.1 Administration Guide for more information about using the LDoms MIB. (Optional) Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 software packages. Refer to the Libvirt for LDoms 1.0.1 Administration Guide for more information about using Libvirt for LDoms.
The Solaris OS and the system firmware must be installed or upgraded on your server before you install or upgrade the Logical Domains Manager. If your system is already using Logical Domains software, see Upgrading a System Already Using Logical Domains on page 16. Otherwise, see Installing Logical Domains Software on a New System on page 21.
Note You must also save and restore the /var/opt/SUNWldm/ldom-db.xml file
when you perform any other operation that is destructive to the control domains file data, such as a disk swap.
Preserving the Logical Domains Constraints Database File When Using Live Upgrade
If you are using live upgrade on the control domain, consider adding the following line to the /etc/lu/synclist file:
/var/opt/SUNWldm/ldom-db.xml OVERWRITE
This causes the database to be copied automatically from the active boot environment to the new boot environment when switching boot environments. For more information about /etc/lu/synclist and synchronizing files between boot environments, refer to Synchronizing Files Between Boot Environments in the Solaris 10 8/07 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning.
Stop All Domains Running on the Platform, Except the Control Domain
1. Bring down each domain to the ok prompt.
Chapter 3
2. Issue the stop-domain subcommand from the control domain for each domain.
primary# ldm stop-domain ldom
3. Issue the unbind-domain subcommand from the control domain for each domain.
primary# ldm unbind-domain ldom
The method that follows does not preserve actual bindings, only the constraints used to create those bindings. This means that, after this procedure, the domains will have the same virtual resources, but will not necessarily be bound to the same physical resources. 1. For each domain, create an XML file containing the domains constraints.
# ldm ls-constraints -x ldom > ldom.xml
2. List all the logical domain configurations stored on the system controller.
# ldm ls-config
6. Remove the Solaris Security Toolkit package (SUNWjass) if you are using that.
# pkgrm SUNWjass
7. Flash update the system firmware. For the entire procedure, see Upgrade System Firmware on page 21 or Upgrade System Firmware Without an FTP Server on page 23. 8. Reinstall the Logical Domain Manager and the Solaris Security Toolkit. See Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit on page 24. 9. Reconfigure the primary domain manually. For instructions, see Set Up the Control Domain on page 48. 10. Run the following commands for each guest domains XML file you created in Step 1.
# ldm add-domain -i ldom.xml # ldm bind-domain ldom # ldm start-domain ldom
Chapter 3
4. Add the new SUNWldm package. Specifying the -d option assumes that the package is in the current directory.
# pkgadd -Gd . SUNWldm
7. Use the ldm list command to verify that the Logical Domains Manager is running. You receive a message similar to the following, which is for the factory-default configuration. Note that the primary domain is active, which means that the Logical Domains Manager is running.
# ldm list NAME primary
STATE active
FLAGS ---c-
UTIL 0.3%
UPTIME 19d 9m
This procedure describes how to upgrade system firmware using the flashupdate(1M) command on your system controller.
If you do not have access to a local FTP server, see Upgrade System Firmware Without an FTP Server on page 23. If you want to update the system firmware from the control domain, refer to your system firmware release notes.
Refer to the administration guides or product notes for the supported servers for more information about installing and updating system firmware for these servers. 1. Shut down and power off the host server from either management port connected to the system controller: serial or network.
# shutdown -i5 -g0 -y
2. Use the flashupdate(1M) command to upgrade the system firmware, depending on your server.
sc> flashupdate -s IP-address -f path/Sun_System_Firmwarex_x_x_build_nn-server-name.bin username: your-userid password: your-password
IP-address is the IP address of your FTP server. path is the location in SunSolvesm or your own directory where you can obtain the system firmware image. x_x_x is the version number of the System Firmware. nn is the number of the build that applies to this release. server-name is the name of your server. For example, the server-name for the Sun Fire T2000 server is Sun_Fire_T2000.
Chapter 3
The Logical Domains Manager and the Solaris Security Toolkit are bundled in the same zip file. Refer to Location of Logical Domains 1.1 Software in the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes for details about the structure of the file and what it includes.
Using the installation script to install the packages and patches. This automatically installs both the Logical Domains Manager and the Solaris Security Toolkit software. See Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Automatically on page 24. Using JumpStart to install the packages. See Using JumpStart to Install the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 and Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Software on page 31. Installing each package manually. See Installing Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Manually on page 34.
Note Remember that you need to manually install the LDoms MIB software
package after you install the LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. It is not automatically installed with the other packages. Refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) Management Information Base 1.0.1 Administration Guide for more information about installing and using the LDoms MIB.
Installing the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Automatically
If you use the install-ldm installation script, you have several choices to specify how you want the script to run. Each choice is described in the procedures that follow.
Using the install-ldm script with no options does the following automatically:
Verifies that the package subdirectories SUNWldm/ and SUNWjass/ are present Verifies that the prerequisite Solaris Logical Domains driver packages, SUNWldomr and SUNWldomu, are present Verifies that the SUNWldm and SUNWjass packages have not been installed
Note If the script does detect a previous version of SUNWjass during installation, you must remove it. You do not need to undo any previous hardening of your Solaris OS.
Installs the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software (SUNWldm package) Installs the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software including required patches (SUNWjass package) Verifies that all packages are installed Enables the Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd Hardens the Solaris OS on the control domain with the Solaris Security Toolkit ldm_control-secure.driver or one of the other drivers ending in -secure.driver that you select.
Using the install-ldm script with option -d allows you to specify a Solaris Security Toolkit driver other than a driver ending with -secure.driver. This option automatically performs all the functions listed in the preceding choice with the added option:
Hardens the Solaris OS on the control domain with the Solaris Security Toolkit customized driver that you specify; for example, the server-secure-myname.driver.
Using the install-ldm script with option -d and specifying none specifies that you do not want to harden the Solaris OS running on your control domain by using the Solaris Security Toolkit. This option automatically performs all the functions except hardening listed in the preceding choices. Bypassing the use of the Solaris Security Toolkit is not suggested and should only be done when you intend to harden your control domain using an alternate process. Using the install-ldm script with option -p specifies that you only want to perform the post-installation actions of enabling the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd) and running the Solaris Security Toolkit. For example, you would use this option if the SUNWldm and SUNWjass packages are preinstalled on your server. See Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon and Run the Solaris Security Toolkit Only on page 31
Chapter 3
Run the install-ldm installation script with no options. The installation script is part of the SUNWldm package and is in the Install subdirectory.
# Install/install-ldm
a. If one or more packages are previously installed, you receive this message.
# Install/install-ldm ERROR: One or more packages are already installed: SUNWldm SUNWjass. If packages SUNWldm.v and SUNWjass are factory pre-installed, run install-ldm -p to perform post-install actions. Otherwise remove the package(s) and restart install-ldm.
If you want to perform post-installation actions only, go to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon and Run the Solaris Security Toolkit Only on page 31. b. If the process is successful, you receive messages similar to the following examples.
Code Example 3-2 shows a successful run of the install-ldm script if you choose the following default security profile: a) Hardened Solaris configuration for LDoms (recommended) Code Example 3-3 shows a successful run of the install-ldm script if you choose the following security profile: c) Your custom-defined Solaris security configuration profile The drivers that are displayed for you to choose are drivers ending with -secure.driver. If you write a customized driver that does not end with -secure.driver, you must specify your customized driver with the install-ldm -d option. (See Install With a Customized Hardening Driver on page 29.)
# Install/install-ldm Welcome to the LDoms installer. You are about to install the domain manager package that will enable you to create, destroy and control other domains on your system. Given the capabilities of the domain manager, you can now change the security configuration of this Solaris instance using the Solaris Security Toolkit. Select a security profile from this list: a) Hardened Solaris configuration for LDoms (recommended) b) Standard Solaris configuration c) Your custom-defined Solaris security configuration profile Enter a, b, or c [a]: a The changes made by selecting this option can be undone through the Solaris Security Toolkits undo feature. This can be done with the /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u command. Installing LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Logical_Domain_Manager" -a pkg_admin SUNWldm.v Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWldm> was successful. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Solaris_Security_Toolkit" -a pkg_admin SUNWjass Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Verifying that all packages are fully installed. OK. Enabling services: svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2.0 driver ldm_control-secure.driver. Please wait. . . /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d ldm_control-secure.driver Executing driver, ldm_control-secure.driver Solaris Security Toolkit hardening executed successfully; log file /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20070208142843/jass-install-log.txt. It will not take effect until the next reboot. Before rebooting, make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
Chapter 3
# Install/install-ldm Welcome to the LDoms installer. You are about to install the domain manager package that will enable you to create, destroy and control other domains on your system. Given the capabilities of the domain manager, you can now change the security configuration of this Solaris instance using the Solaris Security Toolkit. Select a security profile from this list: a) Hardened Solaris configuration for LDoms (recommended) b) Standard Solaris configuration c) Your custom-defined Solaris security configuration profile Enter a, b, or c [a]: c Choose a Solaris Security Toolkit .driver configuration profile from this list 1) ldm_control-secure.driver 2) secure.driver 3) server-secure.driver 4) suncluster3x-secure.driver 5) sunfire_15k_sc-secure.driver Enter a number 1 to 5: 2 The driver you selected may not perform all the LDoms-specific operations specified in the LDoms Administration Guide. Is this OK (yes/no)? [no] y The changes made by selecting this option can be undone through the Solaris Security Toolkits undo feature. This can be done with the /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u command. Installing LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Logical_Domain_Manager" -a pkg_admin SUNWldm.v Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWldm> was successful. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Solaris_Security_Toolkit" -a pkg_admin SUNWjass Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Verifying that all packages are fully installed. OK.
Enabling services: svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2.0 driver secure.driver. Please wait. . . /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d secure.driver Executing driver, secure.driver Solaris Security Toolkit hardening executed successfully; log file /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20070102142843/jass-install-log.txt. It will not take effect until the next reboot. Before rebooting, make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
Run the install-ldm installation script with the -d option to specify a Solaris Security Toolkit customized hardening driver; for example, server-secure-myname.driver. The installation script is part of the SUNWldm package and is in the Install subdirectory.
# Install/install-ldm -d server-secure-myname.driver
If the process is successful, you receive messages similar to that in Code Example 3-4.
# Install/install-ldm -d server-secure.driver The driver you selected may not perform all the LDoms-specific operations specified in the LDoms Administration Guide. Installing LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Logical_Domain_Manager" -a pkg_admin SUNWldm.v Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWldm> was successful. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Solaris_Security_Toolkit" -a pkg_admin SUNWjass Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Verifying that all packages are fully installed. OK. Enabling services: svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2.0 driver server-secure-myname.driver.
Chapter 3
Please wait. . . /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d server-secure-myname.driver Executing driver, server-secure-myname.driver Solaris Security Toolkit hardening executed successfully; log file /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20061114143128/jass-install-log.txt. It will not take effect until the next reboot. Before rebooting, make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
Run the install-ldm installation script with the -d none option to specify not to harden your system using a Solaris Security Toolkit driver. The installation script is part of the SUNWldm package and is in the Install subdirectory.
# Install/install-ldm -d none
If the process is successful, you receive messages similar to the example shown in Code Example 3-5.
# Install/install-ldm -d none Installing LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Logical_Domain_Manager" -a pkg_admin SUNWldm.v Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWldm> was successful. pkgadd -n -d "/var/tmp/install/Product/Solaris_Security_Toolkit" -a pkg_admin SUNWjass Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Installation of <SUNWjass> was successful. Verifying that all packages are fully installed. OK. Enabling services: svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default Solaris Security Toolkit was not applied. Bypassing the use of the Solaris Security Toolkit is not recommended and should only be performed when alternative hardening steps are to be taken.
Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon and Run the Solaris Security Toolkit Only
You might use this option if the SUNWldm and SUNWjass packages are preinstalled on your server and you want to perform the post-installation actions of enabling the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd) and running the Solaris Security Toolkit.
Run the install-ldm installation script with the -p option to perform only the post-installation actions of enabling ldmd and running the Solaris Security Toolkit to harden your system.
# Install/install-ldm -p Verifying that all packages are fully installed. OK. Enabling services: svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default Running Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2.0 driver ldm_control-secure.driver. Please wait. . . /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -q -d ldm_control-secure.driver Solaris Security Toolkit hardening executed successfully; log file var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20070515140944/jass-install-log.txt. It will not take effect until the next reboot. Before rebooting, make sure SSH or the serial line is setup for use after the reboot.
Using JumpStart to Install the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 and Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Software
Refer to JumpStart Technology: Effective Use in the Solaris Operating Environment for complete information about using JumpStart.
Caution Do not disconnect from the virtual console during a network installation.
If you have already set up a JumpStart server, proceed to Install Using JumpStart Software on page 32 of this administration guide. If you have not already set up a JumpStart server, you must do so. Refer to the Solaris 10 10/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations for complete information about this procedure.
1. Refer to Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations (Tasks) in the Solaris 10 10/08 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations, and perform the following steps.
Chapter 3
a. Read the task map in Task Map: Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations. b. Set up networked systems with the procedures in Creating a Profile Server for Network Systems. c. Create the rules file with the procedure in Creating the rules File. 2. Validate the rules file with the procedure in Validating the rules File. The Solaris Security Toolkit provides profiles and finish scripts. Refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual for more information about profiles and finish scripts.
3. Use your text editor to modify the /jumpstart/opt/SUNWjass/Sysidcfg/Solaris_10/sysidcfg file to reflect your network environment. 4. Copy the /jumpstart/opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init.SAMPLE file to the /jumpstart/opt/SUNWjass/Drivers/user.init file.
# cp user.init.SAMPLE user.init
5. Edit the user.init file to reflect your paths. 6. To install the Solaris Security Toolkit package (SUNWjass) onto the target system during a JumpStart install, you must place the package in the JASS_PACKAGE_MOUNT directory defined in your user.init file. For example:
# cp -r /path/to/LDoms_Manager-1_0_2/Product/SUNWjass /jumpstart/opt/SUNWjass/Packages
7. To install the Logical Domains Manager package (SUNWldm.v) onto the target system during a JumpStart install, you must place the package from the download area in the JASS_PACKAGE_MOUNT directory defined in your user.init file. For example:
# cp -r /path/to/LDoms_Manager-1_0_2/Product/SUNWldm.v /jumpstart/opt/SUNWjass/Packages
8. If you experience problems with a multihomed JumpStart server, modify the two entries in the user.init file for JASS_PACKAGE_MOUNT and JASS_PATCH_MOUNT to the correct path to the JASS_HOME_DIR/Patches and JASS_HOME_DIR/Packages directories. Refer to the comments in the user.init.SAMPLE file for more information. 9. Use the ldm_control-secure.driver as the basic driver for the Logical Domains Manager control domain. Refer to Chapter 4 in the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual for information about how to modify the driver for your use. The main driver in the Solaris Security Toolkit that is the counterpart to the ldm_control-secure.driver is the secure.driver. 10. After completing the modifications to the ldm_control-secure.driver, make the correct entry in the rules file.
If you want to minimize the LDoms control domain, specify the minimal-ldm-control.profile in your rules file similar to the following.
Note You must manually install the LDoms MIB software package and Libvirt for LDoms packages after you install the LDoms and Solaris Security Toolkit packages. They are not automatically installed with the other packages.
If you do not want to minimize the LDoms control domain, your entry should be similar to the following.
11. If you undo hardening during a JumpStart install, you must run the following SMF command to restart the Logical Domains Manager.
# svcadm enable svc:/ldoms/ldmd:default
Chapter 3
Installing Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software Manually
Perform the following procedures to install the Logical Domains Manager and Solaris Security Toolkit Software manually:
Install the Logical Domains Manager (LDoms) 1.1 Software Manually on page 34. (Optional) Install the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Software Manually on page 34. (Optional) Harden the Control Domain Manually on page 35.
2. Answer y for yes to all questions in the interactive prompts. 3. Use the pkginfo(1) command to verify that the SUNWldm package for Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software is installed. The revision (REV) information shown below is an example.
# pkginfo -l SUNWldm | grep VERSION VERSION=1.1,REV=2007.
See Chapter 2 in this document for more information about security considerations when using Logical Domains Manager software. For further reference, you can find Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 documentation at: http://docs.sun.com 1. Use the pkgadd(1M) command to install the SUNWjass package.
# pkgadd -d . SUNWjass
2. Use the pkginfo(1) command to verify that the SUNWjass package for Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 software is installed.
# pkginfo -l SUNWjass | grep VERSION VERSION: 4.2.0
Note When you use the Solaris Security Toolkit to harden the control domain, you
disable many system services and place certain restrictions on network access. Refer to Related Documentation on page xv in this document to find Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 documentation for more information. 1. Harden using the ldm_control-secure.driver.
# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -d ldm_control-secure.driver
You can use other drivers to harden your system. You can also customize drivers to tune the security of your environment. Refer to the Solaris Security Toolkit 4.2 Reference Manual for more information about drivers and customizing them. 2. Answer y for yes to all questions in the interactive prompts. 3. Shut down and reboot your server for the hardening to take place.
# /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i6
Chapter 3
Validate Hardening
Check whether the Logical Domains hardening driver (ldom_control-secure.driver) applied hardening correctly. If you want to check on another driver, substitute that drivers name in this command example.
# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -a ldom_control-secure.driver
Undo Hardening
1. Undo the configuration changes applied by the Solaris Security Toolkit.
# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u
The Solaris Security Toolkit asks you which hardening runs you want to undo. 2. Select the hardening runs you want to undo. 3. Reboot the system so that the unhardened configuration takes place.
# /usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i6
Note If you undo hardening that was performed during a JumpStart installation,
you must run the following SMF commands to restart the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd) and the virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd).
2. Use the ldm list command to verify that the Logical Domains Manager is running. You receive a message similar to the following, which is for the factory-default configuration. Note that the primary domain is active, which means that the Logical Domains Manager is running.
# /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm list NAME STATE FLAGS primary active ---c-
UTIL 0.3%
UPTIME 19d 9m
Creating Authorization and Profiles and Assigning Roles for User Accounts
You set up authorization and profiles and assign roles for user accounts using the Solaris OS Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) adapted for the Logical Domains Manager. Refer to the Solaris 10 System Administrator Collection for more information about RBAC. Authorization for the Logical Domains Manager has two levels:
Read allows you to view, but not modify the configuration. Read and write allows you to view and change the configuration.
Following are the Logical Domains entries automatically added to the Solaris OS /etc/security/auth_attr file:
solaris.ldoms.:::LDom administration:: solaris.ldoms.grant:::Delegate LDom configuration:: solaris.ldoms.read:::View LDom configuration:: solaris.ldoms.write:::Manage LDom configuration::
Chapter 3
Add a read and write authorization for a user using the usermod(1M) command.
Delete all authorizations for a local user account (the only possible option).
# usermod -A username
One of the preceding profiles can be assigned to a user account using the following procedure.
Add an administrative profile for a local user account; for example, LDoms Management.
# usermod -P LDoms Management username
Delete all profiles for a local user account (the only possible option).
# usermod -P username
5. Assign access only to the user_1 account to become the ldm_read account.
# su user_1
6. Type the user password when or if prompted. 7. Verify the user ID and access to the ldm_read role.
$ id uid=nn(user_1) gid=nn(<group name>) $ roles ldm_read
8. Provide access to the user for ldm subcommands that have read authorization.
# su ldm_read
9. Type the user password when or if prompted. 10. Type the id command to show the user.
$ id uid=nn(ldm_read) gid=nn(<group name>)
2. Remove all configurations (config_name) previously saved to the system controller (SC). Use the following command for each such configuration.
primary# ldm rm-config config_name
Once you remove all the configurations previously saved to the SC, the factory-default domain would be the next one to use when the control domain (primary) is rebooted. 3. Stop all guest domains using the -a option.
primary# ldm stop-domain -a
Note You might not be able to unbind an I/O domain in a split-PCI configuration
if it is providing services required by the control domain. In this situation, skip this step.
3. Power cycle the system controller so that the factory-default configuration is reloaded.
sc> poweroff sc> poweron
Chapter 3
Note Disabling the Logical Domains Manager does not stop any running
domains, but does disable the ability to create a new domains, change the configuration of existing domains, or monitor the state of the domains.
Caution If you disable the Logical Domains Manager, this disables some services,
such as error reporting or power management. In the case of error reporting, if you are in the factory-default configuration, you can reboot the sole domain to restore error reporting. However, this is not the case with power management. In addition, some system management or monitoring tools rely on the Logical Domains Manager.
Note If you remove the Logical Domains Manager before restoring the factory
default configuration, you can restore the factory default configuration from the system controller as shown in the following procedure.
Chapter 3
Output Messages
You receive different output messages from the commands you use to create default services and to set up the control (primary) domain depending on your platform:
You receive the following notice after every subsequent operation on the primary domain until reboot if you are using a server with a Sun UltraSPARC T2 or T2 Plus processor:
Notice: LDom primary is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration. Any changes made to this LDom will only take effect after it reboots.
vdiskserver virtual disk server vswitch virtual switch service vconscon virtual console concentrator service
2. Create a virtual console concentrator (vcc) service for use by the virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd) and as a concentrator for all logical domain consoles. For example, the following command would add a virtual console concentrator service (primary-vcc0) with a port range from 5000 to 5100 to the control domain (primary).
primary$ ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
3. Create a virtual switch service (vsw) to enable networking between virtual network (vnet) devices in logical domains. Assign a GLDv3-compliant network adapter to the virtual switch if each of the logical domains needs to communicate outside the box through the virtual switch. For example, the following command would add a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on network adapter driver e1000g0 to the control domain (primary).
primary$ ldm add-vsw net-dev=e1000g0 primary-vsw0 primary
This command automatically allocates a MAC address to the virtual switch. You can specify your own MAC address as an option to the ldm add-vsw command. However, in that case, it is your responsibility to ensure that the MAC address specified does not conflict with an already existing MAC address. If the virtual switch being added replaces the underlying physical adapter as the primary network interface, it must be assigned the MAC address of the physical adapter, so that the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server assigns the domain the same IP address. See Enabling Networking Between the Control/Service Domain and Other Domains on page 50.
primary$ ldm add-vsw mac-addr=2:04:4f:fb:9f:0d net-dev=e1000g0 primary-vsw0 primary
Chapter 4
4. Verify the services have been created by using the list-services subcommand. Your output should look similar to the following.
primary$ ldm list-services primary VDS NAME VOLUME primary-vds0 VCC NAME primary-vcc0 VSW NAME primary-vsw0 MAC NET-DEV 02:04:4f:fb:9f:0d e1000g0 DEVICE switch@0 MODE prog,promisc PORT-RANGE 5000-5100
Note If you have any cryptographic devices in the control domain, you cannot
dynamically reconfigure CPUs. So if you are not using cryptographic devices, set-mau to 0. The following example would assign one cryptographic resource to the control domain, primary. This leaves the remainder of the cryptographic resources available to a guest domain.
primary$ ldm set-mau 1 primary
48 Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Administration Guide December 2008
2. Assign virtual CPUs to the control domain. For example, the following command would assign 4 virtual CPUs to the control domain, primary. This leaves the remainder of the virtual CPUs available to a guest domain.
primary$ ldm set-vcpu 4 primary
3. Assign memory to the control domain. For example, the following command would assign 4 gigabyte of memory to the control domain, primary. This leaves the remainder of the memory available to a guest domain.
primary$ ldm set-memory 4G primary
4. Add a logical domain machine configuration to the system controller (SC). For example, the following command would add a configuration called initial.
primary$ ldm add-config initial
This list subcommand shows the initial configuration set will be used once you power cycle.
Shut down and reboot the primary domain, which is also the service domain in our examples.
primary# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
Chapter 4
Note Either a reboot or power cycle instantiates the new configuration. Only a
power cycle actually boots the configuration saved to the service processor (SP), which is then reflected in the list-config output.
Note Perform the following configuration steps from the domains console, as the
procedure could temporarily disrupt network connectivity to the domain.
2. Plumb the virtual switch. In this example, vsw0 is the virtual switch being configured.
primary# ifconfig vsw0 plumb
3. (Optional) To obtain the list of all virtual switch instances in a domain, you can list them.
primary# /usr/sbin/dladm show-link | grep vsw vsw0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500
device: vsw0
4. Unplumb the physical network device assigned to the virtual switch (net-dev), which is e1000g0 in this example.
primary# ifconfig e1000g0 down unplumb
5. To migrate properties of the physical network device (e1000g0) to the virtual switch (vsw0) device, do one of the following:
If networking is configured using a static IP address, reuse the IP address and netmask of e1000g0 for vsw0.
6. Make the required configuration file modifications to make this change permanent.
primary# mv /etc/hostname.e1000g0 /etc/hostname.vsw0 primary# mv /etc/dhcp.e1000g0 /etc/dhcp.vsw0
Note If necessary, you can also configure the virtual switch as well as the physical
network device. In this case, plumb the virtual switch as in Step 2, and do not unplumb the physical device (skip Step 4). You must then configure the virtual switch with either a static IP address or a dynamic IP address. You can obtain a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server. For additional information and an example of this case, see Configuring Virtual Switch and Service Domain for NAT and Routing on page 117.
Chapter 4
2. Add CPUs to the guest domain. For example, the following command would add four virtual CPUs to guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm add-vcpu 4 ldg1
3. Add memory to the guest domain. For example, the following command would add 2 gigabytes of memory to guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm add-memory 2G ldg1
4. Add a virtual network device to the guest domain. For example, the following command would add a virtual network device with these specifics to the guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
vnet1 is a unique interface name to the logical domain, assigned to this virtual network device instance for reference on subsequent set-vnet or remove-vnet subcommands.
Chapter 4
primary-vsw0 is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to connect.
Note Steps 5 and 6 are simplified instructions for adding a virtual disk server
device (vdsdev) to the primary domain and a virtual disk (vdisk) to the guest domain. To learn how ZFS volumes and file systems can be used as virtual disks, see Export a ZFS Volume as a Single Slice Disk on page 87 and Using ZFS With Virtual Disks on page 97. 5. Specify the device to be exported by the virtual disk server as a virtual disk to the guest domain. You can export a physical disk, disk slice, volumes, or file as a block device. The following examples show a physical disk and a file.
Physical Disk Example. The first example adds a physical disk with these specifics.
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 is the path name of the actual physical device. When adding a device, the path name must be paired with the device name. vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance, because this name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device. primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.
backend is the path name of the actual file exported as a block device. When adding a device, the backend must be paired with the device name. vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance, because this name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device. primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.
6. Add a virtual disk to the guest domain. The following example adds a virtual disk to the guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm add-vdisk vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 ldg1
vdisk1 is the name of the virtual disk. vol1 is the name of the existing volume to which to connect. primary-vds0 is the name of the existing virtual disk server to which to connect.
Note The virtual disks are generic block devices that are backed by different types
of physical devices, volumes, or files. A virtual disk is not synonymous with a SCSI disk and, therefore, excludes the target ID in the disk label. Virtual disks in a logical domain have the following format: cNdNsN, where cN is the virtual controller, dN is the virtual disk number, and sN is the slice. 7. Set auto-boot and boot-device variables for the guest domain. The first example command sets auto-boot\? to true for guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true ldg1
The second example command sets boot-device to vdisk for the guest domain ldg1.
primary$ ldm set-var boot-device=vdisk ldg1
8. Bind resources to the guest domain ldg1 and then list the domain to verify that it is bound.
primary$ ldm bind-domain ldg1 primary$ ldm list-domain ldg1 NAME STATE FLAGS CONS ldg1 bound ----- 5001
9. To find the console port of the guest domain, you can look at the output of the preceding list-domain subcommand. You can see under the heading Cons that logical domain guest 1 (ldg1) has its console output bound to port 5001.
Chapter 4
10. Connect to the console of a guest domain from another terminal by logging into the control domain and connecting directly to the console port on the local host.
$ ssh [email protected] $ telnet localhost 5001
3. Confirm on the primary domain that the DVD disk is mounted successfully by vold(1M). 4. Stop and unbind the guest domain (ldg1). Then add the DVD with DVDROM media as a secondary volume (dvd_vol@primary-vds0) and virtual disk (vdisk_cd_media), for example. c0t0d0s2 is where the Solaris OS media resides
primary# primary# primary# primary# ldm ldm ldm ldm stop ldg1 unbind ldg1 add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 dvd_vol@primary-vds0 add-vdisk vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1
5. Check to see that the DVD is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk. TOUT in the lists for virtual disks means the timeout set for the disk when added, if any. In this example, the virtual disk vdisk_cd_media would wait 60 seconds before timing out and sending an error message while trying to connect to the virtual disk server.
primary# ldm list-bindings NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME primary active -n-cv SP 4 4G 0.2% 22h 45m ... VDS NAME VOLUME OPTIONS DEVICE primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s2 iso_vol /export/solarisdvd.iso dvd_vol /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 install_vol /export/install_disk .... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME ldg1 inactive ----60 6G ... DISK NAME VOLUME TOUT DEVICE SERVER vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0 60 vdisk_install install_vol@primary-vds0 ....
6. Create and add another disk (install_disk) on which to install the Solaris OS. This is an example of using a disk space on an existing file system to install the OS. You can also use a physical disk to install the OS if it has already been defined for the guest domain.
primary# mkfile -n 20g /export/install_disk primary# ldm add-vdsdev /export/install_disk install_vol@primary-vds0 primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_install install_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1
Chapter 4
8. Create the device aliases that you need. In this example, an alias for disk 2 is created.
ok show-disks a) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@3 b) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@2 c) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1 d) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0 q) NO SELECTION Enter Selection, q to quit: b
9. Show the device aliases in the client OpenBoot PROM. In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_cd_media, which is the Solaris DVD, and vdisk_install, which is the disk space.
ok devalias vdisk_install vdisk_cd_media vdisk_iso vdisk1 vnet1 net disk virtual-console name
2. Add the Solaris ISO file (solarisdvd.iso) as a secondary volume (iso_vol@primary-vds0) and virtual disk (vdisk_iso), for example.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /export/solarisdvd.iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 primary# vdisk vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1
3. Check to see that the Solaris ISO file is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk. TOUT in the lists for virtual disks means the timeout set for the disk when added, if any. There is no timeout period specified for the virtual disk vdisk_iso.
primary# ldm list-bindings NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME primary active -n-cv SP 4 4G 0.2% 22h 45m ... VDS NAME VOLUME OPTIONS DEVICE primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s2 iso_vol /export/solarisdvd.iso dvd_vol /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 install_vol /export/install_disk .... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME ldg1 inactive ----60 6G ... DISK NAME VOLUME TOUT DEVICE SERVER vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0 60 vdisk_install install_vol@primary-vds0 ....
Chapter 4
5. Show the device aliases in the client OpenBoot PROM. In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_iso, which is the Solaris ISO image, and vdisk_install, which is the disk space.
ok devalias vdisk_install vdisk_cd_media vdisk_iso vdisk1 vnet1 net disk virtual-console name
To jump-start a guest domain, use a normal JumpStart procedure with the following profile syntax changes from a regular Solaris OS JumpStart procedure to a JumpStart procedure specific to LDoms as shown in the following two examples. Normal JumpStart Profile
filesys filesys filesys filesys c1t1d0s0 c1t1d0s1 c1t1d0s5 c1t1d0s6 free / 2048 swap 120 /spare1 120 /spare2
Virtual disk device names in a logical domain differ from physical disk device names in that they do not contain a target ID (tN) in the device name. Instead of the normal cNtNdNsN format, virtual disk device names are of the format cNdNsN, where cN is the virtual controller, dN is the virtual disk number, and sN is the slice. Modify your JumpStart profile to reflect this change as in the following profile example. Actual Profile Used for a Logical Domain
filesys filesys filesys filesys c0d0s0 c0d0s1 c0d0s5 c0d0s6 free / 2048 swap 120 /spare1 120 /spare2
Note You must use the MAC address of the virtual network (vnet) device as
reported by the ldm(1M) command for your jumpstart configuration and not the one reported in the banner for the guest.
Chapter 4
For each logical domain, create an XML file containing the domains constraints.
# ldm ls-constraints -x ldom > ldom.xml
Run the following commands for each guest domains XML file you created.
# ldm add-domain -i ldom.xml # ldm bind-domain ldom # ldm start-domain ldom
<?xml version="1.0"?> <LDM_interface version="1.1" xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="./schemas/combined-v3.xsd" xmlns:ovf="./schemas/envelope" xmlns:rasd="./schemas/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" xmlns:vssd="./schemas/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" xmlns:gprop="./schemas/GenericProperty" xmlns:bind= "./schemas/Binding"> <data version="3.0"> <Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="primary"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>ldom_info</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:Address>00:03:ba:d8:ba:f6</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "hostid">0x83d8baf6</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>cpu</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>4</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>mau</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>1</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section>
Chapter 4
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>memory</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>4G</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>physio_device</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="name">pci@7c0</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vsw</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:Address>auto-allocated</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "service_name">primary-vsw0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "dev_path">e1000g0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "default-vlan-id">1</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vcc</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "service_name">primary-vcc0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="min_port">5000</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="max_port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vds</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "service_name">primary-vds0</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vds_volume</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "vol_name">primary-vds0-vol0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key"block_dev"> /opt/SUNWldm/domain_disks/testdisk.nv.53.1</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "service_name">primary-vds0</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope> </data> </LDM_interface>
The <Content> tag and the <Section>s inside the <Content> tag describe the primary domain and all the resources contained in the primary domain. The <rasd:...> and <gprop:GenericProperty...> tags within <Item>s describe the properties needed for each resource. You can go through each resource in each <Section> and construct CLI commands based on the resources constraints. The following sections identify some of the more common resources in the domain XML description and the equivalent CLI command for that resource.
<Section> xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>ldom_info</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:Address>00:03:ba:d8:ba:f6</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "hostid">0x83d8baf6</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section>
Chapter 4
Note Even though the mau section comes after the cpu section in the XML listing,
you must run the set-mau subcommand before the set-cpu subcommand, because you cannot remove CPUs from a domain without also removing their corresponding cryptographic units.
To set your primary domain with the same I/O devices as previously configured, you first need to list the I/O devices that are configured on startup. # ldm list -l primary
.... IO DEVICE pci@7c0 pci@780 .... PSEUDONYM bus_b bus_a OPTIONS
In CODE EXAMPLE 4-6, the bus previously configured to remain in the primary domain was pci@7c0. If there are no other physio-device sections in the XML, the pci@780 bus must be removed.
Chapter 4
The <rasd:Address> tag describes the MAC address to be used for the virtual switch. If the value of this tag is auto-allocated, you do not need to supply a MAC address. The XML key property service_name is the name of the virtual switch; in this case, primary-vsw0. The XML key property dev_path is the path name for the actual network device; in this case net-dev=e1000g. The XML key property mode indicates sc for SunCluster heartbeat support.
Some of the values in this section are default values, such as the default-vlan-id (1) and pvid (1), so the section is equivalent to the following CLI command:
# ldm add-vswitch net-dev=e1000g primary-vsw0 primary
The XML key property service_name is the name of the vcc service; in this case, primary-vcc0.
The XML key property service_name is the service name for this instance of the virtual disk server; in this case, primary-vds0. The service_name must be unique among all virtual disk server instances on the server.
Chapter 4
The XML key properties volume name (vol_name) and service name (service_name) are paired in the CLI command; in this case, vdsdev0@primary-vds0. The XML key property block_dev is the backend argument in the equivalent CLI command, which is the location where data of a virtual disk are stored; in this case, /opt/SUNWldm/domain_disks/testdisk1. The optional XML key property vol_opts is one or more of the following, comma-separated, within one string: {ro,slice,excl}. The optional XML key property mpgroup is the name of the multipath (failover) group.
Caution All internal disks on the supported servers are connected to a single leaf. If a control domain is booted from an internal disk, do not remove that leaf from the domain. Also, ensure that you are not removing the leaf with the primary network port. If you remove the wrong leaf from the control or service domain, that domain would not be able to access required devices and would become unusable. If the primary network port is on a different bus than the system disk, then move the network cable to an onboard network port and use the Logical Domains Manager to reconfigure the virtual switch (vsw) to reflect this change.
2. Determine the device path of the boot disk, which needs to be retained.
primary# df / /
457028 files
3. Determine the physical device to which the block device c1t0d0s0 is linked.
primary# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 65 Feb 2 17:19 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 -> ../ ../devices/pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@1/pci@0,2/LSILogic,sas@2/sd@0,0:a
In this example, the physical device for the boot disk for domain primary is under the leaf pci@7c0, which corresponds to our earlier listing of bus_b. This means that we can assign bus_a (pci@780) of the PCIe bus to another domain.
4. Check /etc/path_to_inst to find the physical path of the onboard network ports.
primary# grep e1000g /etc/path_to_inst
5. Remove the leaf that does not contain the boot disk (pci@780 in this example) from the primary domain.
primary# ldm remove-io pci@780 primary
6. Add this split PCI configuration (split-cfg in this example) to the system controller.
primary# ldm add-config split-cfg
This configuration (split-cfg) is also set as the next configuration to be used after the reboot.
Note Currently, there is a limit of 8 configurations that can be saved on the SC, not
including the factory-default configuration. 7. Reboot the primary domain so that the change takes effect.
primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y
8. Add the leaf (pci@780 in this example) to the domain (ldg1 in this example) that needs direct access.
primary# ldm add-io pci@780 ldg1 Notice: the LDom Manager is running in configuration mode. Any configuration changes made will only take effect after the machine configuration is downloaded to the system controller and the host is reset.
If you have an Infiniband card, you might need to enable the bypass mode on the pci@780 bus. See Enabling the I/O MMU Bypass Mode on a PCI Bus on page 75 for information on whether you need to enable the bypass mode. 9. Reboot domain ldg1 so that the change takes effect. All domains must be inactive for this reboot. If you are configuring this domain for the first time, the domain will be inactive.
ldg1# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y
Chapter 5
10. Confirm that the correct leaf is still assigned to the primary domain and the correct leaf is assigned to domain ldg1.
primary# ldm list-bindings primary NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME primary active -n-cv SP 4 4G 0.4% 18h 25m ... IO DEVICE PSEUDONYM OPTIONS pci@7c0 bus_b ... ---------------------------------------------------------------NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME ldg1 active -n--- 5000 4 2G 10% 35m ... IO DEVICE PSEUDONYM OPTIONS pci@780 bus_a ...
This output confirms that the PCIe leaf bus_b and the devices below it are assigned to domain primary, and bus_a and its devices are assigned to ldg1.
Chapter 5
Physical disk or disk logical unit number (LUN) Physical disk slice
File on a file system, such as ZFS or UFS Logical volume from a volume manager, such as ZFS, VxVM, or Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) Any disk pseudo device accessible from the service domain
Service Domain
virtual disk backend
Guest Domain
virtual disk /dev/[r]dsk/cXdYsZ
Note A backend is actually exported from the service domain and assigned to the
guest domain when the guest domain (ldom) is bound.
The add-vdsdev subcommand displays the following warning to indicate that the backend is being exported more than once.
Warning: backend is already in use by one or more servers in guest ldom
2. Assign the exported backend to each guest domain by using the following commands. The disk_name can be different for ldom1 and ldom2.
# ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk_name volume1@service_name ldom1 # ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk_name volume2@service_name ldom2
After a backend is exported from the service domain, you can change the virtual disk options by using the following command.
# ldm set-vdsdev options=[{ro,slice,excl}] volume_name@service_name
Chapter 6
After a virtual disk is assigned to a guest domain, you can change the timeout of the virtual disk by using the following command.
# ldm set-vdisk timeout=seconds disk_name ldom
2. Stop exporting the corresponding backend from the service domain by using the following command.
# ldm rm-vdsdev volume_name@service_name
Full Disk
When a backend is exported to a domain as a full disk, it appears in that domain as a regular disk with 8 slices (s0 to s7). Such a disk is visible with the format(1M) command. The disks partition table can be changed using either the fmthard(1M) or format(1M) command. A full disk is also visible to the OS installation software and can be selected as a disk onto which the OS can be installed. Any backend can be exported as a full disk except physical disk slices that can only be exported as single slice disks.
Note Before the Solaris 10 10/08 OS release, a single slice disk appeared as a disk
with a single partition (s0). Such a disk was not visible with the format(1M) command. The disk also was not visible from the OS installation software and could not be selected as a disk device onto which the OS could be installed.
Chapter 6
other applications in the service domain. This prevents the applications running in the service domain from inadvertently using a backend that is also being used by a guest domain.
Note Some drivers do not honor the excl option and will disallow some virtual
disk backends from being opened exclusively. The excl option is known to work with physical disks and slices, but the option does not work with files. It may or may not work with pseudo devices, such as disk volumes. If the driver of the backend does not honor the exclusive open, the backend excl option is ignored, and the backend is not opened exclusively. Because the excl option prevents applications running in the service domain from accessing a backend exported to a guest domain, do not set the excl option in the following situations:
When guest domains are running, if you want to be able to use commands such as format(1M) or luxadm(1M) to manage physical disks, then do not export these disks with the excl option. When you export an SVM volume, such as a RAID or a mirrored volume, do not set the excl option. Otherwise, this can prevent SVM from starting some recovery operation in case a component of the RAID or mirrored volume fails. See Using Virtual Disks on Top of SVM on page 103 for more information. If the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) is installed in the service domain and Veritas Dynamic Multipathing (VxDMP) is enabled for physical disks, then physical disks have to be exported without the (non-default) excl option. Otherwise, the export fails, because the virtual disk server (vds) is unable to open the physical disk device. See Using Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed on page 103 for more information. If you are exporting the same virtual disk backend multiple times from the same virtual disk service, see Export a Virtual Disk Backend Multiple Times on page 79 for more information.
By default, the backend is opened non-exclusively. That way the backend still can be used by applications running in the service domain while it is exported to another domain. Note that this is a new behavior starting with the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release. Before the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, disk backends were always opened exclusively, and it was not possible to have a backend opened non-exclusively.
This option is useful when you want to export the raw content of a backend. For example, if you have a ZFS or SVM volume where you have already stored data and you want your guest domain to access this data, then you should export the ZFS or SVM volume using the slice option. For more information about this option, see Virtual Disk Backend on page 83.
2. From the service domain, assign the disk (pdisk) to guest domain ldg1, for example.
service# ldm add-vdisk pdisk c1t48d0@primary-vds0 ldg1
Chapter 6
3. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d1, for example) and see that the disk is accessible and is a full disk; that is, a regular disk with 8 slices.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d1s* /dev/dsk/c0d1s0 /dev/dsk/c0d1s1 /dev/dsk/c0d1s2 /dev/dsk/c0d1s3 /dev/dsk/c0d1s4 /dev/dsk/c0d1s5 /dev/dsk/c0d1s6 /dev/dsk/c0d1s7
You do not need to specify the slice option, because a slice is always exported as a single slice disk. 2. From the service domain, assign the disk (pslice) to guest domain ldg1, for example.
service# ldm add-vdisk pslice c1t57d0s0@primary-vds0 ldg1
3. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d13, for example) and see that the disk is accessible.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d13s* /dev/dsk/c0d13s0 /dev/dsk/c0d13s1 /dev/dsk/c0d13s2 /dev/dsk/c0d13s3 /dev/dsk/c0d13s4 /dev/dsk/c0d13s5 /dev/dsk/c0d13s6 /dev/dsk/c0d13s7
Although there are 8 devices, because the disk is a single slice disk, only the first slice (s0) is usable.
Export Slice 2
To export slice 2 (disk c1t57d0s2, for example) you must specify the slice option; otherwise, the entire disk is exported.
Chapter 6
Note Before the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, when a blank file was exported as a
virtual disk, the system wrote a default disk label and created default partitioning. This is no longer the case with the Solaris 10 5/08 OS release, and you must run format(1M) in the guest domain to create partitions.
The size of the file defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100megabyte blank file to get a 100-megabyte virtual disk. 2. From the service domain, export the file as a virtual disk.
service# ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/domain/test/fdisk0 fdisk0@primary-vds0
In this example, the slice option is not set, so the file is exported as a full disk. 3. From the service domain, assign the disk (fdisk) to guest domain ldg1, for example.
service# ldm add-vdisk fdisk fdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1
4. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d5, for example) and see that the disk is accessible and is a full disk; that is, a regular disk with 8 slices.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d5s* /dev/dsk/c0d5s0 /dev/dsk/c0d5s1 /dev/dsk/c0d5s2 /dev/dsk/c0d5s3 /dev/dsk/c0d5s4 /dev/dsk/c0d5s5 /dev/dsk/c0d5s6 /dev/dsk/c0d5s7
The size of the volume defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100-megabyte volume to get a 100-megabyte virtual disk. 2. From the service domain, export the device corresponding to that ZFS volume, and set the slice option so that the volume is exported as a single slice disk.
service# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0 zdisk0@primary-vds0
3. From the service domain, assign the volume (zdisk0) to guest domain ldg1, for example.
service# ldm add-vdisk zdisk0 zdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1
4. After the guest domain is started and running the Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d9, for example) and see that the disk is accessible and is a single slice disk (s0).
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d9s* /dev/dsk/c0d9s0 /dev/dsk/c0d9s1 /dev/dsk/c0d9s2 /dev/dsk/c0d9s3 /dev/dsk/c0d9s4 /dev/dsk/c0d9s5 /dev/dsk/c0d9s6 /dev/dsk/c0d9s7
Chapter 6
Use the ldm set-vdsdev command in LDoms 1.1 software, and set the slice option for all volumes you want to export as single slice disks. Refer to the ldm man page or the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager 1.1 Man Page Guide for more information about this command. Add the following line to the /etc/system file on the service domain.
set vds:vd_volume_force_slice = 1
Note Setting this tunable forces the export of all volumes as single slice disks, and
you cannot export any volume as a full disk.
Disk (disk slice 2) Disk slice (not slice 2) File Volume, including ZFS, SVM, or VxVM
* Export the entire disk. \ A slice is always exported as a single slice disk. d Export only slice 2
Single slice diskd Single slice disk Single slice disk Single slice disk
Using the Loopback File (lofi) Driver
It is possible to use the loopback file (lofi) driver to export a file as a virtual disk. However, doing this adds an extra driver layer and impacts performance of the virtual disk. Instead, you can directly export a file as a full disk or as a single slice disk. See File and Volume on page 85.
Chapter 6
Where backend_path1 is the path to the virtual disk backend from the primary domain. 2. Export the same virtual backend from the alternate service domain.
# ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=foo backend_path2 volume@alternate-vds0
Where backend_path2 is the path to the virtual disk backend from the alternate domain.
Note backend_path1 and backend_path2 are paths to the same virtual disk backend, but from two different domains (primary and alternate). These paths might be the same or might be different depending on the configuration of the primary and alternate domains. The volume name is a user choice. It might be the same or different for both commands.
3. Export the virtual disk to the guest domain.
# ldm add-vdisk disk_name volume@primary-vds0 ldom
Note Although the virtual disk backend is exported several times through
different service domains, you assign only one virtual disk to the guest domain and associate it with the virtual disk backend through any of the service domains.
Chapter 6
Caution When defining a multipathing group (mpgroup), ensure that the virtual disk backends that are part of the same mpgroup are effectively the same virtual disk backend. If you add different virtual disks backends into the same mpgroup, you might see some unexpected behavior, and you can potentially lose or corrupt data stored on the backends.
Note You cannot export the CD or DVD drive itself; you only can export the CD
or DVD that is inside the CD or DVD drive. Therefore, a CD or DVD must be present inside the drive before you can export it. Also, to be able to export a CD or DVD, that CD or DVD cannot be in use in the service domain. In particular, the Volume Management file system, volfs(7FS) service must not use the CD or DVD. See Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain on page 93 for instructions on how to remove the device from use by volfs. If you have an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) image of a CD or DVD stored in file or on a volume, and export that file or volume as a full disk then it appears as a CD or DVD in the guest domain. When you export a CD, DVD, or an ISO image, it automatically appears as a read-only device in the guest domain. However, you cannot perform any CD control operations from the guest domain; that is, you cannot start, stop, or eject the CD from the guest domain. If the exported CD, DVD, or ISO image is bootable, the guest domain can be booted on the corresponding virtual disk. For example, if you export a Solaris OS installation DVD, you can boot the guest domain on the virtual disk corresponding to that DVD and install the guest domain from that DVD. To do so, when the guest domain reaches the ok prompt, use the following command.
ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@n:f
Where n is the index of the virtual disk representing the exported DVD.
Note If you export a Solaris OS installation DVD and boot a guest domain on the
virtual disk corresponding to that DVD to install the guest domain, then you cannot change the DVD during the installation. So you might need to skip any step of the installation requesting a different CD/DVD, or you will need to provide an alternate path to access this requested media.
If the volume management daemon is not running or online, go to step 5. If the volume management daemon is running and online, as in the example in Step 2, do the following:
a. Edit the /etc/vold.conf file and comment out the line starting with the following words.
use cdrom drive....
Refer to the vold.conf(1M) man page for more information. b. From the service domain, restart the volume management file system service.
service# svcadm refresh volfs service# svcadm restart volfs
4. From the service domain, find the disk path for the CD-ROM device.
service# cdrw -l Looking for CD devices... Node Connected Device Device type ----------------------+--------------------------------+----------------/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8124 DZ13 | CD Reader/Writer
Chapter 6
5. From the service domain, export the CD or DVD disk device as a full disk.
service# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 cdrom@primary-vds0
6. From the service domain, assign the exported CD or DVD to the guest domain (ldg1 in this example).
service# ldm add-vdisk cdrom cdrom@primary-vds0 ldg1
Specify the timeout in seconds. If the timeout is set to 0, the timeout is disabled and I/O is blocked while the service domain is down (this is the default setting and behavior). Alternatively, the timeout can be set by adding the following line to the /etc/system file on the guest domain.
set vdc:vdc_timeout = seconds
Note If this tunable is set, it overwrites any timeout setting done using the ldm
CLI. Also, the tunable sets the timeout for all virtual disks in the guest domain.
Chapter 6
Note SCSI operations are effectively executed by the service domain, which
manages the physical SCSI disk or LUN used as a virtual disk backend. In particular, SCSI reservations are done by the service domain. Therefore, applications running in the service domain and in guest domains should not issue SCSI commands to the same physical SCSI disks; otherwise, this can lead to an unexpected disk state.
Storing disk images in ZFS volumes or ZFS files Using snapshots to backup disk images Using clones to duplicate disk images and provision additional domains
Refer to the Solaris ZFS Administration Guide in the Solaris 10 System Administrator Collection for more information about using the ZFS. In the following descriptions and examples, the primary domain is also the service domain where disk images are stored.
Disk images can be stored on ZFS volumes or ZFS files. Creating a ZFS volume, whatever its size, is quick using the zfs create -V command. On the other hand, ZFS files have to be created using the mkfile command. The command can take some time to complete, especially if the file to create is quite large, which is often the case when creating a disk image. Both ZFS volumes and ZFS files can take advantage of ZFS features such as snapshot and clone, but a ZFS volume is a pseudo device while a ZFS file is a regular file.
Chapter 6
If the disk image is to be used as a virtual disk onto which the Solaris OS is to be installed, then it should be large enough to contain:
Installed software about 6 gigabytes Swap partition about 1 gigabyte Extra space to store system data at least 1 gigabyte
Therefore, the size of a disk image to install the entire Solaris OS should be at least 8 gigabytes.
Assign the ZFS volume or file to a guest domain; in this example, ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0 ldg1
Stop and unbind the guest domain. This is the safest solution, and this is the only solution available if you want to create a snapshot of a disk image used as the boot disk of a guest domain. Alternatively, you can unmount any slices of the disk you want to snapshot used in the guest domain, and ensure that no slice is in use the guest domain.
In this example, because of the ZFS layout, the command to create a snapshot of the disk image is the same whether the disk image is stored on a ZFS volume or on a ZFS file.
Create a snapshot of the disk image that was created for the ldg1 domain, for example.
primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1
Chapter 6
Then ldompool/ldg2/disk0 can be exported as a virtual disk and assigned to the new ldg2 domain. The domain ldg2 can directly boot from that virtual disk without having to go through the OS installation process.
4. Stop and unbind the domain; do not reboot it. 5. Take a snapshot of the domain boot disk image, for example.
primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@unconfigured
6. At this point you have the snapshot of the boot disk image of an unconfigured system. You can clone this image to create a new domain which, when first booted, asks for the configuration of the system. If the original domain was configured with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), then a new domain using the cloned image also uses DHCP. In that case, you do not need to change the network configuration of the new domain because it automatically receives an IP address and its network configuration as it boots.
Note The host ID of a domain is not stored on the boot disk, but it is assigned by the Logical Domains Manager when you create a domain. Therefore, when you clone a disk image, the new domain does not keep the host ID of the original domain.
Note The remainder of this section uses an SVM volume as an example. However,
the discussion also applies to ZFS and VxVM volumes.
Chapter 6
The following example shows how to export a volume as a single slice disk. For example, if a service domain exports the SVM volume /dev/md/dsk/d0 to domain1 as a single slice disk, and domain1 sees that virtual disk as /dev/dsk/c0d2*, then domain1 only has an s0 device; that is, /dev/dsk/c0d2s0. The virtual disk in the guest domain (for example, /dev/dsk/c0d2s0) is directly mapped to the associated volume (for example, /dev/md/dsk/d0), and data stored onto the virtual disk from the guest domain are directly stored onto the associated volume with no extra metadata. So data stored on the virtual disk from the guest domain can also be directly accessed from the service domain through the associated volume. Examples
If the SVM volume d0 is exported from the primary domain to domain1, then the configuration of domain1 requires some extra steps.
primary# metainit d0 3 1 c2t70d0s6 1 c2t80d0s6 1 c2t90d0s6 primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/md/dsk/d0 vol3@primary-vds0 primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk3 vol3@primary-vds0 domain1
After domain1 has been bound and started, the exported volume appears as /dev/dsk/c0d2s0, for example, and you can use it.
domain1# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0d2s0 domain1# mount /dev/dsk/c0d2s0 /mnt domain1# echo test-domain1 > /mnt/file
After domain1 has been stopped and unbound, data stored on the virtual disk from domain1 can be directly accessed from the primary domain through SVM volume d0.
primary# mount /dev/md/dsk/d0 /mnt primary# cat /mnt/file test-domain1
Note A single slice disk cannot be seen by the format(1M) command, cannot be
partitioned, and cannot be used as an installation disk for the Solaris OS. See Virtual Disk Appearance on page 80 for more information about this topic.
In such a situation, the domain using the SVM volume as a virtual disk has to be stopped and unbound to complete the resynchronization. Then the SVM volume can be resynchronized using the metasync command.
# metasync d0
Chapter 6
You can check if Veritas DMP is enabled by checking multipathing information in the output of the command vxdisk list; for example:
# vxdisk list Disk_3 Device: Disk_3 devicetag: Disk_3 type: auto info: format=none flags: online ready private autoconfig invalid pubpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/Disk_3s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/Disk_3s2 guid: udid: SEAGATE%5FST336753LSUN36G%5FDISKS%5F3032333948303144304E0000 site: Multipathing information: numpaths: 1 c4t12d0s2 state=enabled
Alternatively, if Veritas DMP is enabled on a disk or a slice that you want to export as a virtual disk with the excl option set, then you can disable DMP using the vxdmpadm command. For example:
# vxdmpadm -f disable path=/dev/dsk/c4t12d0s2
Any virtual disk whose backend is a SCSI disk can be used in a SVM shared disk set, metaset(1M). Virtual disks whose backends are not SCSI disks cannot be added into a SVM share disk set. Trying to add a virtual disk whose backend is not a SCSI disk into a SVM shared disk set fails with an error similar to the following.
# metaset -s test -a c2d2 metaset: domain1: test: failed to reserve any drives
Chapter 6
Virtual Switch
A virtual switch (vsw) is a component running in a service domain and managed by the virtual switch driver. A virtual switch can be connected to some guest domains to enable network communications between those domains. In addition, if the virtual switch is associated also with a physical network interface, then this allows network communications between guest domains and the physical network over the physical network interface. A virtual switch also has a network interface, vswn, where n is a number corresponding to the instance of the virtual switch, for example vsw0 for the first virtual switch in a service domain. This interface allows the service domain to communicate with the other domains connected to that virtual switch. It can be used like any regular network interface and configured with the ifconfig(1M) command.
Note When a virtual switch is added to a service domain, its network interface is not plumbed. So, by default, the service domain is unable to communicate with the guest domains connected to its virtual switch. To enable network communications between guest domains and the service domain, the network interface of the associated virtual switch must be plumbed and configured in the service domain. See Enabling Networking Between the Control/Service Domain and Other Domains on page 50 for instructions.
The virtual switch in the service domain is connected to the guest domains. This allows guest domains to communicate with each other. The virtual switch also is connected to the physical network interface e1000g0. This allows guest domains to communicate with the physical network. The virtual switch network interface vsw0 is plumbed in the service domain, so this allows the two guest domains to communicate with the service domain. The virtual switch network interface vsw0 in the service domain can be configured using the ifconfig(1M) command. The virtual network interfaces vnet0 in the guest domains can be configured using the ifconfig(1M) command.
Basically the virtual switch behaves like a regular physical network switch and switches network packets between the different systems, such as guest domains, service domain, and physical network, to which it is connected.
# ldm add-vsw [default-vlan-id=vlan-id] [pvid=port-vlan-id] [vid=vlan-id1,vlan-id2,...] [mac-addr=num] [net-dev=device] [mode=sc] vswitch_name ldom
default-vlan-id=vlan-id specifies the default virtual local area network (VLAN) to which a virtual switch and its associated virtual network devices belong to implicitly, in untagged mode. It serves as the default port VLAN id (pvid) of the virtual switch and virtual network devices. Without this option, the default value of this property is 1. Normally, you would not need to use this option. It is provided only as a way to change the default value of 1. See Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software on page 122 for more information.
Chapter 7
pvid=port-vlan-id specifies the VLAN to which the virtual switch needs to be a member, in untagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software on page 122 for more information. vid=vlan-id specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual switch needs to be a member, in tagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software on page 122 for more information. mac-addr=num is the MAC address to be used by this switch. The number must be in standard octet notation; for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66. If you do not specify a MAC address, the switch is automatically assigned an address from the range of public MAC addresses allocated to the Logical Domains Manager. See Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually on page 114 for more information. net-dev=device is the path to the network device over which this switch operates. mode=sc enables virtual networking support for prioritized processing of Solaris Cluster heartbeat packets in a Logical Domains environment. Applications like Solaris Cluster need to ensure that high priority heartbeat packets are not dropped by congested virtual network and switch devices. This option prioritizes Solaris Cluster heartbeat frames and ensures that they are transferred in a reliable manner. You must set this option when running Solaris Cluster in a Logical Domains environment and using guest domains as Solaris Cluster nodes. Do not set this option when you are not running Solaris Cluster software in guest domains, because you could impact virtual network performance.
vswitch_name is the unique name of the switch that is to be exported as a service. Clients (network) can attach to this service. ldom specifies the logical domain in which to add a virtual switch.
Use the following command syntax to set options for a virtual switch that already exists.
mode= (left blank) stops special processing of Solaris Cluster heartbeat packets. Otherwise, the command arguments are the same as described in Add a Virtual Switch on page 109.
-f attempts to force the removal of a virtual switch. The removal might fail. vswitch_name is the name of the switch that is to be removed as a service.
mac-addr=num is the MAC address for this network device. The number must be in standard octet notation; for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66. See Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually on page 114 for more information. mode=hybrid to request the system to use NIU Hybrid I/O on this vnet if possible. If it is not possible, the system reverts to virtual I/O. This hybrid mode is considered a delayed reconfiguration if set on an active vnet. See Using NIU Hybrid I/O on page 125 for more information. pvid=port-vlan-id specifies the VLAN to which the virtual network device needs to be a member, in untagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software on page 122 for more information. vid=vlan-id specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device needs to be a member, in tagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging With Logical Domains Software on page 122 for more information.
Chapter 7
if_name, interface name, is a unique name to the logical domain, assigned to this virtual network device instance for reference on subsequent set-vnet or rm-vnet subcommands. vswitch_name is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to connect. ldom specifies the logical domain to which to add the virtual network device.
Use the following command syntax to set options for a virtual network device that already exists.
mode= (left blank) disables NIU Hybrid I/O. if_name, interface name, is the unique name assigned to the virtual network device you want to set. ldom specifies the logical domain from which to remove the virtual network device. Otherwise, the command arguments are the same as described in Add a Virtual Network Device on page 111.
-f attempts to force the removal of a virtual network device from a logical domain. The removal might fail. if_name, interface name, is the unique name assigned to the virtual network device you want to remove. ldom specifies the logical domain from which to remove the virtual network device.
Determining the Solaris Network Interface Name Corresponding to a Virtual Network Device
There is no way to determine the Solaris OS network interface name on a guest, corresponding to a given virtual device, directly from the output provided by the ldm list-* commands. However, you can do this by using a combination of the output from ldm list -l command and the entries under /devices on the Solaris OS guest.
The virtual network device instance for net-c is network@2. 2. To find the corresponding network interface on ldg1, log into ldg1 and find the entry for this instance under /devices.
# uname -n ldg1 # find /devices/virtual-devices@100 -type c -name network@2\* /devices/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@2:vnet1 #
The network interface name is the part of the entry after the colon; that is, vnet1.
Chapter 7
3. Plumb vnet1 to see that it has the MAC address 00:14:4f:f8:dd:68 as shown in the ldm list -l output for net-c in Step 1.
# ifconfig vnet1 vnet1: flags=1000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3 inet netmask 0 ether 0:14:4f:f8:dd:68 #
The lower 256K addresses are used by the Logical Domains Manager for automatic MAC address allocation, and you cannot manually request an address in this range: 00:14:4F:F8:00:00 - 00:14:4F:FB:FF:FF You can use the upper half of this range for manual MAC address allocation: 00:14:4F:FC:00:00 - 00:14:4F:FF:FF:FF
the device. The Logical Domains Manger attempting to assign the MAC address waits for one second for a response back. If a different device on another LDoms-enabled system has already been assigned that MAC address, the Logical Domains Manager on that system sends back a response containing the MAC address in question. If the requesting Logical Domains Manager receives a response, it knows the chosen MAC address has already been allocated, chooses another, and iterates. By default, these multicast messages are sent only to other managers on the same subnet; the default time-to-live (TTL) is 1. The TTL can be configured using the Service Management Facilities (SMF) property ldmd/hops. Each Logical Domains Manager is responsible for:
Listening for multicast messages Keeping track of MAC addresses assigned to its domains Looking for duplicates Responding so that duplicates do not occur
If the Logical Domains Manager on a system is shut down for any reason, duplicate MAC addresses could occur while the Logical Domains Manager is down. Automatic MAC allocation occurs at the time the logical domain or network device is created and persists until the device or the logical domain is removed.
If a collision is detected, the address is simply removed from the database. The Logical Domains Manager then either tries the next address in the database or if none is available, randomly picks a new MAC address.
mtu: 1500
device: bge0
GLDv3-compliant drivers will have a type of non-vlan or vlan. Non-GLDv3-compliant drivers will have a type of legacy.
Configuring Virtual Switch and Service Domain for NAT and Routing
The virtual switch (vsw) is a layer-2 switch, that also can be used as a network device in the service domain. The virtual switch can be configured to act only as a switch between the virtual network (vnet) devices in the various logical domains but with no connectivity to a network outside the box through a physical device. In this mode, plumbing the vsw as a network device and enabling IP routing in the service domain enables virtual networks to communicate outside the box using the
Chapter 7
service domain as a router. This mode of operation is very essential to provide external connectivity to the domains when the physical network adapter is not GLDv3-compliant. The advantages of this configuration are:
The virtual switch does not need to use a physical device directly and can provide external connectivity even when the underlying device is not GLDv3-compliant. The configuration can take advantage of the IP routing and filtering capabilities of the Solaris OS.
Virtual Network Routing
2. Plumb the virtual switch as a network device in addition to the physical network device being used by the domain. See Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface on page 50 for more information about plumbing the virtual switch. 3. Configure the virtual switch device for DHCP, if needed. See Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface on page 50 for more information about configuring the virtual switch device for DHCP. 4. Create the /etc/dhcp.vsw file, if needed. 5. Configure IP routing in the service domain, and set up required routing tables in all the domains. For information about how to do this, refer to the section on Packet Forwarding and Routing on IPv4 Networks in Chapter 5 Configuring TCP/IP Network Services and IPv4 Administration in the System Administration Guide: IP Services in the Solaris Express System Administrator Collection.
Chapter 7
The following diagram shows two virtual networks (vnet1 and vnet2) connected to separate virtual switch instances (vsw0 and vsw1) in the service domain, which, in turn, use two different physical interfaces (e1000g0 and e1000g1). In the event of a physical interface failure, the IP layer in LDom_A detects failure and loss of connectivity on the corresponding vnet through probe-based detection, and automatically fails over to the secondary vnet device.
Two Virtual Networks Connected to Separate Virtual Switch Instances Service LDom
Further reliability can be achieved in the logical domain by connecting each virtual network device (vnet0 and vnet1) to virtual switch instances in different service domains (as shown in the following diagram). Two service domains (Service_1 and Service_2) with virtual switch instances (vsw1 and vsw2) can be set up using a split-PCI configuration. In this case, in addition to network hardware failure, LDom_A can detect virtual network failure and trigger a failover following a service domain crash or shutdown.
Each Virtual Network Device Connected to Different Service Domains LDom_A Service_2
Refer to the Solaris 10 System Administration Guide: IP Services for more information about how to configure and use IPMP groups.
For example:
# route add -host -static
Refer to the Solaris 10 System Administration Guide: IP Services, IPMP, Chapter 31 Administering IPMP (Tasks), Configuring Target Systems for more information.
Chapter 7
Two Network Interfaces Configured as Part of IPMP Group Service LDom IP (routing)
Note Tagged VLANs are not supported in any of the previous releases for LDoms
networking components. The virtual switch (vsw) and virtual network (vnet) devices support switching of Ethernet packets based on the virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) and handle the necessary tagging or untagging of Ethernet frames. You can create multiple VLAN interfaces over a vnet device in a guest domain. You can use the Solaris OS ifconfig(1M) command to create a VLAN interface over a virtual network device, the same way it is used to configure a VLAN interface over any other physical network device. The additional requirement in the LDoms environment is that you must assign the vnet to the corresponding VLANs using the Logical Domains Manager CLI commands. Refer to the ldm(1M) man page or the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager 1.1 Man Page Guide for complete information about the Logical Domains Manager CLI commands. Similarly, you can configure VLAN interfaces over a virtual switch device in the service domain. VLAN IDs 2 through 4094 are valid; VLAN ID 1 is reserved as the default-vlan-id.
When you create a vnet device on a guest domain, you must assign it to the required VLANs by specifying a port VLAN ID and zero or more VLAN IDs for this vnet, using the pvid= and vid= arguments to the ldm add-vnet command. This configures the virtual switch to support multiple VLANs in the LDoms network and switch packets using both MAC address and VLAN IDs in the network. Similarly, any VLANs to which the vsw device itself should belong, when plumbed as a network interface, must be configured in the vsw device using the pvid= and vid= arguments to the ldm add-vsw command. You can change the VLANs to which a device belongs using ldm set-vnet or ldm set-vsw command.
The VID indicates the VLAN to which a virtual network device or virtual switch needs to be a member, in tagged mode. The virtual network device sends and receives tagged frames over the VLANs specified by its VIDs. The virtual switch passes any frames that are tagged with the specified VID between the virtual network device and the external network.
Chapter 7
2. Plumb the VLAN interfaces. This example assumes that the instance number of these devices is 0 in the domains and the VLANs are mapped to these subnets:
VLAN Subnet
20 21 22
For more information about how to configure VLAN interfaces in the Solaris OS, refer to "Administering Virtual Local Area Networks" in the Solaris System Administration Guide: IP Services.
Chapter 7
The hybrid mode applies only for the vnet devices that are associated with a virtual switch (vsw) configured to use an NIU network device. As the shareable DMA hardware resources are limited, up to only three vnet devices per vsw can have DMA hardware resources assigned at a given time. If more than three vnet devices have the hybrid mode enabled, the assignment is done on a first-come, first-served basis. As there are two NIU network devices in a system, there can be a total of six vnet devices on two different virtual switches with DMA hardware resources assigned. Following are points you need to be aware of when using this feature:
Hybrid mode option for a vnet device is treated as a suggestion only. That means the DMA resources are assigned only when they are available and the device is capable of using them. Logical Domains Manager CLI commands do not validate the hybrid mode option; that is, it is possible to set the hybrid mode on any vnet or any number of vnet devices. Guest domains and the service domain need to run Solaris 10 10/08 OS at a minimum.
Up to a maximum of only three vnet devices per vsw can have DMA hardware resources loaned at a given time. As there are two NIU network devices, there can be a total of six vnet devices with DMA hardware resources loaned.
Note Set the hybrid mode only for three vnet devices per vsw so that they are
guaranteed to have DMA hardware resources assigned.
Hybrid mode is disabled by default for a vnet device. It needs to be explicitly enabled with Logical Domains Manager CLI commands. See Enable Hybrid Mode on page 128. (Refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager 1.1 Man Page Guide or the ldm man page for more details.)
The hybrid mode option cannot be changed dynamically while the guest domain is active. The DMA hardware resources are assigned only when a vnet device is active that is plumbed in the guest domain. The Sun x8 Express 1/10G Ethernet Adapter (nxge) driver is used for the NIU card, but the same driver is also used for other 10-gigabit network cards. However, the NUI hybrid I/O feature is available for NIU network devices only.
For example, do the following to configure a virtual switch with a NIU network device. a. For example, determine an NIU network device.
# grep nxge /etc/path_to_inst "/niu@80/network@0" 0 "nxge" "/niu@80/network@1" 1 "nxge"
Chapter 7
For example, enable a hybrid mode for a vnet device while it is being created.
# ldm add-vnet mode=hybrid vnet01 primary-vsw0 ldom01
Phase 2: When all checks in Phase 1 have passed, the source and target machines prepare for the migration. In the case where the source domain is active, this includes shrinking the number of CPUs to one and suspending the domain. On the target machine, a domain is created to receive the source domain. Phase 3: For an active domain, the next phase is to transfer all the runtime state information for the domain to the target. This information is retrieved from the hypervisor. On the target, the state information is installed in the hypervisor. Phase 4: Handoff. After all state information is transferred, the handoff occurs when the target domain resumes execution (if the source was active) and the source domain is destroyed. From this point on, the target domain is the sole version of the domain running.
Software Compatibility
For a migration to occur, both the source and target machines must be running compatible software:
The hypervisor on the source and target machines both must support the most recent version of the LDoms 1.1 firmware. If you see the following error, you do not have the correct version of system firmware on either the source or target machine.
System Firmware version on <downrev machine> does not support Domain Migration Domain Migration of LDom <source domain> failed
A compatible version of the Logical Domains Manager must be running on both machines.
Note Since this is the first release of the migration feature, both machines must be
running LDoms 1.1 software and up-to-date firmware. Refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) 1.1 Release Notes for the latest firmware for your platform.
Since the migration operation executes on two machines, a user must be authenticated on both the source and target host. In particular, the user must have the solaris.ldoms.write authorization on both machines. The ldm command line interface for migration allows the user to specify an optional alternate user name for authentication on the target host. If this is not specified, the user name of the user executing the migration command is used. In both cases, the user is prompted for a password for the target machine.
Following are the requirements and restrictions on CPUs when performing a migration.
The source and target machines must have the same processor type running at the same frequency. The target machine must have sufficient free strands to accommodate the number of strands in use by the domain. In addition, full cores must be allocated for the migrated domain. If the number of strands in the source are less than a full core, the extra strands are unavailable to any domain until after the migrated domain is rebooted. After a migration, CPU dynamic reconfiguration (DR) is disabled for the target domain until it has been rebooted. Once a reboot has occurred, CPU DR becomes available for that domain. Either the source domain must have only a single strand, or the guest OS must support CPU DR, so that the domain can be shrunk to a single strand before migration. Conditions in the guest domain that would cause a CPU DR removal
Chapter 8
to fail would also cause the migration attempt to fail. For example, processes bound to CPUs within the guest domain, or processor sets configured in the source logical domain, can cause a migration operation to fail.
There must be sufficient free memory on the target machine to accommodate the migration of the source domain. In addition, following are a few properties that must be maintained across the migration:
It must be possible to create the same number of identically-sized memory blocks. The physical addresses of the memory blocks do not need to match, but the same real addresses must be maintained across the migration.
Physical Input/Output
The logical domain to be migrated must not contain any physical I/O devices. If a domain has any physical I/O devices, the migration fails.
Virtual Input/Output
All virtual I/O (VIO) services used by the source domain must be available on the target machine. In other words, the following conditions must exist:
Each logical volume used in the source logical domain must also be available on the target host and must refer to the same storage.
Caution If the logical volume used by the source as a boot device exists on the
target but does not refer to the same storage, the migration appears to succeed, but the machine is not usable as it is unable to access its boot device. The domain has to be stopped, the configuration issue corrected, and then the domain restarted. Otherwise, the domain could be left in an inconsistent state.
For each virtual network device in the source domain, a virtual network switch must exist on the target host, with the same name as the virtual network switch the device is attached to on the source host. For example, if vnet0 in the source domain is attached to a virtual switch service name switch-y, then there must be a logical domain on the target host providing a virtual switch service named switch-y.
Note The switches do not have to be connected to the same network for the
migration to occur, though the migrated domain can experience networking problems if the switches are not connected to the same network. MAC addresses used by the source domain that are in the automatically allocated range must be available for use on the target host.
A virtual console concentrator (vcc) service must exist on the target host and have at least one free port. Explicit console constraints are ignored during the migration. The console for the target domain is created using the target domain name as the console group and using any available port on the first vcc device in the control domain. If there is a conflict with the default group name, the migration fails.
Cryptographic Units
You cannot migrate a logical domain that has bound cryptographic units. Attempts to migrate such a domain fail.
Delayed Reconfiguration
Any active delayed reconfiguration operations on the source or target hosts prevent a migration from starting. Delayed reconfiguration operations are blocked while a migration is in progress.
Chapter 8
You can migrate a bound or inactive domain between machines running different processor types and machines that are running at different frequencies. The Solaris OS image in the guest must support the processor type on the target machine.
Virtual Input/Output
For an inactive domain, there are no checks performed against the virtual input/output (VIO) constraints. So, the VIO servers do not need to exist for the migration to succeed. As with any inactive domain, the VIO servers need to exist and be available at the time the domain is bound.
Note Because of the dynamic nature of logical domains, it is possible for a dry run
to succeed and a migration to fail and vice-versa.
TARGET t5440-sys-2
Note Once a migration has been initiated, suspending the ldm(1M) process does
not pause the operation, because it is the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd) on the source and target machines that are effecting the migration. The ldm process waits for a signal from the ldmd that the migration has been completed before returning.
Chapter 8
Determine whether the target domain has resumed successfully. The target domain will be in one of two states:
If the migration completed successfully, the target domain is in the normal state. If the migration failed, the target cleans up and destroys the target domain.
If the target is resumed, it is safe to destroy the source domain in the error state. If the target is not present, the source domain is still the master version of the domain, and it must be recovered. To do this, execute the cancel command on the source machine. This clears the error state and restores the source domain back to its original condition.
CODE EXAMPLE 8-2 shows how a domain, called ldg1, can be migrated to a machine called t5440-sys-2.
CODE EXAMPLE 8-4 shows a sample failure message if the target domain does not have migration support; that is, if you are running an LDoms version prior to version 1.1.
# ldm migrate ldg1 t5440-sys-2 Target Password: Failed to establish connection with ldmd(1m) on target: t5440-sys-2 Check that the ldmd service is enabled on the target machine and that the version supports Domain Migration. Check that the xmpp_enabled and incoming_migration_enabled properties of the ldmd service on the target machine are set to true using svccfg(1M).
CODE EXAMPLE 8-5 shows how to obtain status on a target domain while the migration is in progress. In this example, the source machine is t5440-sys-1.
SOURCE t5440-sys-1
CODE EXAMPLE 8-6 shows how to obtain parseable status on the source domain while the migration is in progress. In this example, the target machine is t5440-sys-2.
Chapter 8
Performance The system is allowed to use all the power that is available. Elastic The system power usage is adapted to the current utilization level. For example, power up or down just enough system components to keep utilization within thresholds at all times, even if the workload fluctuates.
For instructions on configuring the power policy using the ILOM 3.0 firmware CLI, refer to Monitoring Power Consumption in the Sun Integration Lights Out Management (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide.
List power-managed strands by doing one of the following. a. Use the list -l subcommand. A dash (---) in the UTIL column of the CPU means the strand is power-managed.
# ldm list -l primary NAME STATE FLAGS primary active -n-cv SOFTSTATE Solaris running VCPU VID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ....
UTIL 4.3%
PID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
UTIL STRAND 0.0% 100% --100% --100% --100% --100% --100% --100% --100%
b. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list -l subcommand. A blank after util= means the strand is power-managed.
# ldm ls -l -p VCPU |vid=0|pid=0|util=0.7%|strand=100 |vid=1|pid=1|util=|strand=100 |vid=2|pid=2|util=|strand=100 |vid=3|pid=3|util=|strand=100 |vid=4|pid=4|util=0.7%|strand=100 |vid=5|pid=5|util=|strand=100 |vid=6|pid=6|util=|strand=100 |vid=7|pid=7|util=|strand=100
List power-managed CPUs by doing one of the following. a. Use the list-devices -a cpu subcommand. In the power management (PM) column, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the dash (---) under PM.
# ldm list-devices -a cpu VCPU PID %FREE PM 0 0 no 1 0 yes 2 0 yes 3 0 yes 4 100 --5 100 --6 100 --7 100 ---
Chapter 9
b. Use the parseable option (-p) to the list-devices -a cpu subcommand. In the power management (pm=) field, a yes means the CPU is power-managed and a no means the CPU is powered on. It is assumed that 100 percent free CPUs are power-managed by default, hence the blank in that field.
# ldm list-devices -a -p cpu VERSION 1.4 VCPU |pid=0|free=0|pm=no |pid=1|free=0|pm=yes |pid=2|free=0|pm=yes |pid=3|free=0|pm=yes |pid=4|free=0|pm=no |pid=5|free=0|pm=yes |pid=6|free=0|pm=yes |pid=7|free=0|pm=yes |pid=8|free=100|pm= |pid=9|free=100|pm= |pid=10|free=100|pm=
First character must be a letter, a number, or a forward slash (/). Subsequent letters must be letters, numbers, or punctuation.
First character must be a letter or number. Subsequent characters must be letters, numbers, or any of the following characters: -_+#.:;~()
Machine-Readable Output
If you are creating scripts that use ldm list command output, always use the -p option to produce the machine-readable form of the output. See Generate a Parseable, Machine-Readable List (-p) on page 153 for more information.
primary# ldm --help Usage: ldm [--help] command [options] [properties] operands ldm -V
Chapter 9
Syntax Usage for All ldm Subcommands (Continued) Display version information
Options: -V
Command(s) for each resource (aliases in parens): bindings list-bindings [-e] [-p] [<ldom>...] services list-services [-e] [-p] [<ldom>...] constraints list-constraints ([-x] | [-e] [-p]) [<ldom>...] devices list-devices [-a] [-p] [cpu] [crypto|mau] [memory] [io] domain ( dom ) add-domain (-i <file> | mac-addr=<num] [hostid=<num>] <ldom> | <ldom>...) remove-domain (-a | <ldom>...) list-domain [-e] [-l] [-o <format>] [-p] [<ldom>...] format is one or more of: console,cpu,crypto,disk,domain,memory,network,physio,serial,status start-domain (-a | -i <file> | <ldom>...) stop-domain [-f] (-a | <ldom>...) bind-domain (-i <file> | <ldom>) unbind-domain <ldom> panic-domain <ldom> migrate-domain [-n|--dry-run] <source_ldom> [<user>@]<target_host>[:<target_ldom>] io add-io [bypass=on] <bus> <ldom> remove-io <bus> <ldom> crypto ( mau ) add-crypto <number> <ldom> set-crypto <number> <ldom> remove-crypto <number> <ldom> memory ( mem ) add-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom> set-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom> remove-memory <number>[GMK] <ldom> operation
cancel-operation (migration | reconf) <ldom> reconf cancel-reconf <ldom> spconfig ( config ) add-spconfig <config_name> set-spconfig <config_name> remove-spconfig <config_name> list-spconfig variable ( var ) add-variable <var_name>=<value>... <ldom> set-variable <var_name>=<value>... <ldom> remove-variable <var_name>... <ldom> list-variable [<var_name>...] <ldom> vconscon ( vcc ) add-vconscon port-range=<x>-<y> <vcc_name> <ldom> set-vconscon port-range=<x>-<y> <vcc_name> remove-vconscon [-f] <vcc_name> vconsole ( vcons ) set-vcons [port=[<port-num>]] [group=<group>] [service=<vcc_server>] <ldom> vcpu add-vcpu <number> <ldom> set-vcpu <number> <ldom> remove-vcpu <number> <ldom> vdisk add-vdisk [timeout=<seconds>] <disk_name> <volume_name>@<service_name> <ldom> set-vdisk [timeout=<seconds>] [volume=<volume_name>@<service_name>] <disk_name> <ldom> remove-vdisk [-f] <disk_name> <ldom> vdiskserver ( vds ) add-vdiskserver <service_name> <ldom> remove-vdiskserver [-f] <service_name> vdpcc ( ndpsldcc ) add-vdpcc <vdpcc_name> <service_name> <ldom> remove-vdpcc [-f] <vdpcc_name> <ldom> vdpcs ( ndpsldcs )
Chapter 9
add-vdpcs <vdpcs_name> <ldom> remove-vdpcs [-f] <vdpcs_name> vdiskserverdevice ( vdsdev ) add-vdiskserverdevice [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=<mpgroup>] <backend> <volume_name>@<service_name> set-vdiskserverdevice options=[{ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=<mpgroup>] <volume_name>@<service_name> remove-vdiskserverdevice [-f] <volume_name>@<service_name> vnet add-vnet [mac-addr=<num>] [mode=hybrid] [pvid=<pvid>] [vid=<vid1,vid2,...>] <if_name> <vswitch_name> <ldom> set-vnet [mac-addr=<num>] [mode=[hybrid]] [pvid=[<pvid>]] [vid=[<vid1,vid2,...>]] [vswitch=<vswitch_name>] <if_name> remove-vnet [-f] <if_name> <ldom>
vswitch ( vsw ) add-vswitch [default-vlan-id=<vid>] [pvid=<pvid>] [vid=<vid1,vid2,...>] [mac-addr=<num>] [net-dev=<device>] [mode=<mode>] <vswitch_name> <ldom> set-vswitch [pvid=[<pvid>]] [vid=[<vid1,vid2,...>]] [mac-addr=<num>] [net-dev=<device>] [mode=<mode>] <vswitch_name> remove-vswitch [-f] <vswitch_name> Verb aliases: Alias ----rm ls Command aliases: Alias ----cancel-op create destroy remove-reconf start stop bind unbind panic migrate
Command ------cancel-operation add-domain remove-domain cancel-reconf start-domain stop-domain bind-domain unbind-domain panic-domain migrate-domain
Flag Definitions
The following flags can be shown in the output for a domain (ldm list). If you use the long, parseable options (-l -p) for the command, the flags are spelled out; for example, flags=normal,control,vio-service. If not, you see the letter abbreviation; for example -n-cv-. The list flag values are position dependent. Following are the values that can appear in each of the six columns from left to right. Column 1
Column 2
n normal t transition
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Column 6
s source domain in a migration t target domain in a migration e error occurred during a migration - placeholder
Chapter 9
View the current software versions installed, and you receive a listing similar to the following.
Software Versions Installed
primary$ ldm -V Logical Domain Manager (v 1.1) Hypervisor control protocol v 1.3 Using Hypervisor MD v 0.1 System PROM: Hypervisor OpenBoot
v. 1.7.0. v. 4.30.0.
MEMORY RA 0x4000000 IO DEVICE pci@780 pci@7c0 VCC NAME vcc0 VSW NAME vsw0 vsw1 VDS NAME vds0
PA 0x4000000
OPTIONS bypass=on
PORT-RANGE 5000-5100
DEVICE switch@0
Chapter 9
Long List for All Domains (Continued) myvol-c myvol-d ro,slice,excl /disk/c /disk/d
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME ldg1 bound ----5000 1 512M VCPU VID 0
MEMORY RA 0x4000000 NETWORK NAME mynet-b mynet-a DISK NAME mydisk-a mydisk-b VDPCC NAME myvdpcc-a myvdpcc-b VCONS NAME mygroup
PA 0x34000000
SERVICE vcc0@primary
PORT 5000
MEMORY RA 0x4000000 IO DEVICE pci@780 pci@7c0 VLDC NAME primary VCC NAME vcc0 VSW NAME vsw0 vsw1 VDS NAME vds0
PA 0x4000000
OPTIONS bypass=on
PORT-RANGE 5000-5100
DEVICE switch@0
Chapter 9
Extended List for all Domains (Continued) SERVICE primary@primary primary@primary DESC hvctl ds
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------NAME STATE FLAGS CONS VCPU MEMORY UTIL UPTIME ldg1 bound ----5000 1 512M VCPU VID 0
MEMORY RA 0x4000000 VLDCC NAME vldcc0 NETWORK NAME mynet-b mynet-a DISK NAME mydisk-a mydisk-b VDPCC NAME myvdpcc-a myvdpcc-b VCONS NAME mygroup
PA 0x34000000
SERVICE primary@primary
SERVICE vcc0@primary
PORT 5000
Generate output as a subset of resources by entering one or more of the following format options. If you specify more than one format, delimit the items by a comma with no spaces.
console - output contains virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator (vcc) service cpu - output contains virtual CPU (vcpu) and physical CPU (pcpu) crypto - cryptographic unit output contains Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any other LDoms-supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ) disk - output contains virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds) domain - output contains variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags, and software state memory - output contains memory network - output contains media access control (mac) address , virtual network switch (vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device physio - physical input/output contains peripheral component interconnect (pci) and network interface unit (niu) serial - output contains virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs) status - output contains status about a domain migration in progress.
Chapter 9
The following examples show various subsets of output that you can specify.
PID 0 1 2 3
UTIL STRAND 1.0% 100% 0.6% 100% 0.2% 100% 0.5% 100% List Domain Information for a Guest Domain FLAGS -t---
# ldm ls -o domain ldm2 NAME STATE ldm2 active SOFTSTATE Openboot initializing
# ldm ls -o network,memory ldm1 NAME ldm1 MAC 00:14:4f:f9:dd:ae MEMORY RA 0x6800000 NETWORK NAME ldm1-network0
PA 0x46800000
SIZE 1500M
MAC 00:14:4f:fb:21:0f
List a Variable
List a variable (for example, boot-device) for a domain (for example, ldg1).
Variable List for a Domain
List Bindings
List resources that are bound for a domain (for example, ldg1).
Bindings List for a Domain CONS 5000 VCPU 1 MEMORY 512M UTIL UPTIME
primary$ ldm list-bindings ldg1 NAME STATE FLAGS ldg1 bound ----VCPU VID 0
MEMORY RA 0x4000000 NETWORK NAME mynet-b PEER vsw0@primary mynet-a@ldg1 mynet-c@ldg2 NAME mynet-a PEER vsw0@primary mynet-b@ldg1 mynet-c@ldg2 DISK NAME mydisk-a mydisk-b VDPCC
PA 0x34000000
SERVICE vsw0@primary
DEVICE network@0 MAC 08:00:20:aa:bb:e0 08:00:20:ab:9a:11 08:00:20:ab:9a:22 DEVICE network@1 MAC 08:00:20:aa:bb:e0 08:00:20:ab:9a:12 08:00:20:ab:9a:22
MAC 08:00:20:ab:9a:12
SERVICE vsw0@primary
MAC 08:00:20:ab:9a:11
Chapter 9
SERVICE vcc0@primary
PORT 5000
List Configurations
List logical domain configurations that have been stored on the SC.
Configurations List
primary$ ldm list-config factory-default 3guests foo [next poweron] primary reconfig-primary
Meaning of Labels
The labels to the right of the configuration name mean the following:
[current] - last booted configuration, only as long as it matches the currently running configuration; that is, until you initiate a reconfiguration. After the reconfiguration, the annotation changes to [next poweron]. [next poweron] - configuration to be used at the next power cycle.
List Devices
primary$ ldm list-devices -a VCPU PID %FREE PM 0 0 NO 1 0 YES 2 0 YES 3 0 YES 4 100 --5 100 --6 100 --7 100 --8 100 --9 100 --10 100 --11 100 --12 100 --13 100 --14 100 --15 100 --16 100 --17 100 --18 100 --19 100 --20 100 --21 100 --22 100 --23 100 --24 100 --25 100 --26 100 --27 100 --28 100 --29 100 --30 100 --31 100 --MAU CPUSET (0, 1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6, 7) (8, 9, 10, 11) (12, 13, 14, 15) (16, 17, 18, 19) BOUND ldg2
Chapter 9
(20, 21, 22, 23) (24, 25, 26, 27) (28, 29, 30, 31) MEMORY PA 0x0 0x80000 0x200000 0x4000000 0x34000000 0x54000000 0x54800000 0xd4800000 IO DEVICE pci@780 pci@7c0 PSEUDONYM bus_a bus_b BOUND yes yes OPTIONS bypass=on
List Services
primary$ ldm list-services VDS NAME VOLUME OPTIONS DEVICE primary-vds0 VCC NAME PORT-RANGE primary-vcc0 5000-5100 VSW NAME MAC NET-DEV DEVICE MODE primary-vsw0 00:14:4f:f9:68:d0 e1000g0 switch@0 prog,promisc
Listing Constraints
To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have assigned to a particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a domain or you get none of them, depending upon the available resources. The list-constraints subcommand lists those resources you requested assigned to the domain.
Chapter 9
primary$ ldm list-constraints ldg1 DOMAIN ldg1 VCPU COUNT 1 MEMORY SIZE 512M NETWORK NAME mynet-b mynet-b DISK NAME mydisk-a mydisk-b VDPCC NAME myvdpcc-a myvdpcc-b VCONS NAME mygroup
List constraints in XML format for a particular domain (for example, ldg1).
Constraints for a Domain in XML Format
primary$ ldm list-constraints -x ldg1 <?xml version="1.0"?> <LDM_interface version="1.0"> <data version="2.0"> <ldom> <ldom_info> <ldom_name>ldg1</ldom_name> </ldom_info> <cpu> <number>8</number> </cpu> <memory> <size>1G</size> </memory> <network> <vnet_name>vnet0</vnet_name> <service_name>primary-vsw0</service_name> <mac_address>01:14:4f:fa:0f:55</mac_address> </network> <disk> <vdisk_name>vdisk0</vdisk_name> <service_name>primary-vds0</service_name> <vol_name>vol0</vol_name> </disk> <var> <name>boot-device</name> <value>/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0:a</value> </var> <var> <name>nvramrc</name> <value>devalias vnet0 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/ network@0</value> </var> <var> <name>use-nvramrc?</name> <value>true</value> </var> </ldom> </data> </LDM_interface>
Chapter 9
primary$ ldm list-constraints -p VERSION 1.0 DOMAIN|name=primary MAC|mac-addr=00:03:ba:d8:b1:46 VCPU|count=4 MEMORY|size=805306368 IO |dev=pci@780|alias= |dev=pci@7c0|alias= VDS|name=primary-vds0 |vol=disk-ldg2|opts=|dev=/ldoms/nv72-ldg2/disk |vol=vol0|opts=|dev=/ldoms/nv72-ldg1/disk VCC|name=primary-vcc0|port-range=5000-5100 VSW|name=primary-vsw0|mac-addr=|net-dev=e1000g0|dev=switch@0 DOMAIN|name=ldg1 VCPU|count=8 MEMORY|size=1073741824 VARIABLES |boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0:a |nvramrc=devalias vnet0 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0 |use-nvramrc?=true VNET|name=vnet0|dev=network@0|service=primary-vsw0|mac-addr=01:14:4f:fa:0f:55 VDISK|name=vdisk0|vol=vol0@primary-vds0
Note Enabling network access to a console has security implications. Any user can
connect to a console and for this reason it is disabled by default.
A Service Management Facility manifest is an XML file that describes a service. For more information about creating an SMF manifest, refer to the Solaris 10 System Administrator Collection.
However, the domain could still be processing the shutdown request. Use the ldm list-domain command to verify the status of the domain. For example:
# ldm list-domain ldg8 NAME STATE FLAGS ldg8 active s----
CONS 5000
The preceding list shows the domain as active, but the s flag indicates that the domain is in the process of stopping. This should be a transitory state. The following example shows the domain has now stopped.
# ldm list-domain ldg8 NAME STATE FLAGS ldg8 bound -----
CONS 5000
Chapter 9
CPU Mapping
The domain and the virtual CPU number within the domain, which correspond to a given physical CPU number, can be determined with the following procedures.
2. Look for the entry in the lists VCPU sections that has a pid field equal to the physical CPU number.
If you find such an entry, the CPU is in the domain the entry is listed under, and the virtual CPU number within the domain is given by the entrys vid field. If you do not find such an entry, the CPU is not in any domain.
Memory Mapping
The domain and the real memory address within the domain, which correspond to a given physical memory address (PA), can be determined as follows.
2. Look for the line in the lists MEMORY sections where the PA falls within the inclusive range pa to (pa + size - 1); that is, pa <= PA < (pa + size - 1). Here pa and size refer to the values in the corresponding fields of the line.
If you find such an entry, the PA is in the domain the entry is listed under and the corresponding real address within the domain is given by ra + (PA pa). If you do not find such an entry, the PA is not in any domain.
Hence, the physical CPU number 5 is in domain ldg1 and within the domain it has virtual CPU number 1. Looking through the MEMORY entries in the list, you can find the following entry under domain ldg2.
Where 0x78000000 <= 0x7e816000 <= (0x78000000 + 1073741824 - 1); that is, pa <= PA <= (pa + size - 1).
Chapter 9
Hence, the PA is in domain ldg2 and the corresponding real address is 0x8000000 + (0x7e816000 - 0x78000000) = 0xe816000.
primary$ ldm ls -l -p VERSION 1.0 DOMAIN|name=primary|state=active|flags=normal,control,vio-service|cons= SP|ncpu=4|mem=1073741824|util=0.6|uptime=64801|softstate=Solaris running VCPU |vid=0|pid=0|util=0.9|strand=100 |vid=1|pid=1|util=0.5|strand=100 |vid=2|pid=2|util=0.6|strand=100 |vid=3|pid=3|util=0.6|strand=100 MEMORY |ra=0x8000000|pa=0x8000000|size=1073741824 IO |dev=pci@780|alias=bus_a |dev=pci@7c0|alias=bus_b VDS|name=primary-vds0|nclients=2 |vol=disk-ldg1|opts=|dev=/opt/ldoms/testdisk.1 |vol=disk-ldg2|opts=|dev=/opt/ldoms/testdisk.2 VCC|name=primary-vcc0|nclients=2|port-range=5000-5100 VSW|name=primary-vsw0|nclients=2|mac-addr=00:14:4f:fb:42:5c|net-dev= e1000g0|dev=switch@0|mode=prog,promisc VCONS|type=SP DOMAIN|name=ldg1|state=active|flags=normal|cons=5000|ncpu=2|mem= 805306368|util=29|uptime=903|softstate=Solaris running VCPU |vid=0|pid=4|util=29|strand=100 |vid=1|pid=5|util=29|strand=100 MEMORY |ra=0x8000000|pa=0x48000000|size=805306368 VARIABLES |auto-boot?=true |boot-device=/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0 VNET|name=net|dev=network@0|service=primary-vsw0@primary|mac-addr= 00:14:4f:f9:8f:e6 VDISK|name=vdisk-1|vol=disk-ldg1@primary-vds0|dev=disk@0|server=primary VCONS|group=group1|service=primary-vcc0@primary|port=5000 DOMAIN|name=ldg2|state=active|flags=normal|cons=5001|ncpu=3|mem= 1073741824|util=35|uptime=775|softstate=Solaris running VCPU |vid=0|pid=6|util=35|strand=100 |vid=1|pid=7|util=34|strand=100 |vid=2|pid=8|util=35|strand=100 MEMORY |ra=0x8000000|pa=0x78000000|size=1073741824 VARIABLES
2. Connect to the associated TCP port (localhost at port 5000 in this example).
# telnet localhost 5000 primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q:
You are prompted to select one of the domain consoles. 3. List the domains within the group by selecting l (list).
primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q: l DOMAIN ID DOMAIN NAME 0 ldg1 1 ldg2 2 ldg3
Chapter 9
Note To re-assign the console to a different group or vcc instance, the domain must be unbound; that is, it has to be in the inactive state. Refer to the Solaris 10 OS vntsd(1M) man page for more information on configuring and using SMF to manage vntsd and using console groups.
Note Any discussion about whether domaining is enabled pertains only to Sun
UltraSPARC T1based platforms. Otherwise, domaining is always enabled.
OpenBoot Firmware Not Available After Solaris OS Has Started If Domaining Is Enabled
Domaining is enabled once a logical domains configuration created by the Logical Domains Manager is instantiated. If domaining is enabled, the OpenBoot firmware is not available after the Solaris OS has started, because it is removed from memory. To reach the ok prompt from the Solaris OS, you must halt the domain. You can use the Solaris OS halt command to halt the domain.
Power-Cycling a Server
Whenever performing any maintenance on a system running LDoms software that requires power-cycling the server, you must save your current logical domain configurations to the SC first.
Type the letter that represents what you want the system to do after these types of breaks.
Chapter 9
TABLE 9-1 regarding whether domaining is enabled pertains only to the Sun UltraSPARC T1 processors. Otherwise, domaining is always enabled.
Disabled Enabled
N/A No
For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: Drops to the ok prompt. For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: System either resets and goes to the OpenBoot ok prompt or goes to the following prompt: r)eboot, o)k prompt, or h)alt? For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors: Host powered off and stays off until powered on at the SC. Soft resets and boots up if the variable auto-boot?=true. Soft resets and halts at ok prompt if the variable auto-boot?= false. For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: Powers off and powers on the host. For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: Powers off and powers on the host. For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors: Reboots the host, no power off. For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: Powers off and powers on the host. For Sun UltraSPARC T2 Processors: Reboots the host, no power off. For Sun UltraSPARC T1 Processors: Powers off the host. Host powered off, stays off until powered on at the SC. Soft resets and reboots.
Disabled Enabled
N/A No
shutdown -i 5
N/A No Yes
Caution The ALOM CMT documentation refers to only one domain, so you must
be aware that the Logical Domains Manager is introducing multiple domains. If a logical domain is restarted, I/O services for guest domains might be unavailable until the control domain has restarted. This is because the control domain functions as a service domain in the Logical Domains Manager 1.1 software. Guest domains appear to freeze during the reboot process. Once the control domain has fully restarted, the guest domains resume normal operations. It is only necessary to shut down guest domains when power is going to be removed from the entire server. An additional option is available to the existing ALOM CMT command.
bootmode [normal|reset_nvram|bootscript=strong|config=config-name]
The config=config-name option enables you to set the configuration on the next power on to another configuration, including the factory-default shipping configuration. You can invoke the command whether the host is powered on or off. It takes effect on the next host reset or power on.
Reset the logical domain configuration on the next power on to the default shipping configuration by executing this command in ALOM CMT software.
sc> bootmode config=factory-default
You also can select other configurations that have been created with the Logical Domains Manager using the ldm add-config command and stored on the system controller (SC). The name you specify in the Logical Domains Manager
Chapter 9
ldm add-config command can be used to select that configuration with the ALOM CMT bootmode command. For example, assume you stored the configuration with the name ldm-config1.
sc> bootmode config=ldm-config1
Refer to the ldm(1M) man page or the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager 1.1 Man Page Guide for more information about the ldm add-config command.
Use the enable-bsm.fin finish script in the Solaris Security Toolkit. The enable-bsm.fin script is not used by default by the ldm_control-secure.driver. You must enable the finish script in your chosen driver.
3. Copy the ldm_control-hardening.driver to my-ldm-hardening.driver, where my-ldm-hardening.driver is the name for your copy of the ldm_control-hardening.driver. 4. Edit my-ldm.driver to refer to the new configuration and hardening drivers, my-ldm-control.driver and my-ldm-hardening.driver, respectively. 5. Edit my-ldm-hardening.driver, and remove the pound sign (#) from in front of the following line in the driver.
6. Execute my-ldm.driver.
# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -d my-ldm.driver
For more information about this command, refer to the Solaris 10 Reference Manual Collection or the man page. 3. Reboot the Solaris Operating System for auditing to take effect.
Chapter 9
Disable Auditing
You can disable auditing in one of two ways, depending on how you enabled it. See Enabling and Using BSM Auditing on page 172. 1. Do one of the following.
Undo the Solaris Security Toolkit hardening run which enabled BSM auditing.
# /opt/SUNWjass/bin/jass-execute -u
# /etc/security/bsmunconv
For example, use the Solaris OS commands auditreduce(1M) and praudit(1M) to print audit output.
Transport How communications are initiated between an external program and the Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager. Protocol Format of XML messages sent to and received from the Logical Domains Manager. Events Logical Domains Manager alert notifications.
For various schemas to use with the Logical Domains Manager, see Appendix A.
XML Transport
External programs use the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) RFC 3920 to communicate with the Logical Domains Manager. XMPP is supported for both local and remote connections and is on by default. To shut off a remote connection, set the ldmd/xmpp_enable SMF property to false and restart the Logical Domains Manager.
# # # # svcadm svccfg svcadm svcadm disable ldmd -s ldom/ldmd setprop ldmd/xmpp_enabled=false refresh ldmd enable ldmd
The Logical Domains Manager implements an XMPP server which can communicate with numerous available XMPP client applications and libraries. The LDoms Manager uses the following security mechanisms:
Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure the communication channel between the client and itself. Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) for authentication. PLAIN is the only SASL mechanism supported. You must send in a user name and password to the server, so it can authorize you before allowing monitoring or management operations.
Local Connections
The LDoms Manager detects whether user clients are running on the same domain as itself and, if so, does a minimal XMPP handshake with that client. Specifically, the SASL authentication step after the setup of a secure channel through TLS is skipped. Authentication and authorization are done based on the credentials of the process implementing the client interface. Clients can choose to implement a full XMPP client or to simply run a streaming XML parser, such as the libxml2 Simple API for XML (SAX) parser. Either way the client has to handle an XMPP handshake to the point of TLS negotiation. Refer to the XMPP specification for the sequence needed.
XML Protocol
After communication initialization is complete, LDoms-defined XML messages are sent next. There are two general types of XML messages:
Request and response messages use the <LDM_interface> tag. This type of XML message is used for communicating commands and getting results back from the LDoms Manager, analogous to executing commands using the command-line interface (CLI). This tag is also used for event registration and unregistration. Event messages use the <LDM_event> tag. This type of XML message is used to asynchronously report events posted by the LDoms Manager.
One format for sending commands into the LDoms Manager Another format for LDoms Manager to respond on the status of the incoming message and the actions requested within that message.
The two formats share many common XML structures, but are separated in this discussion for a better understanding of the differences between them. This document also contains an XML Schema which details the combined incoming and outgoing XML (See LDM_Event XML Schema on page 206).
Chapter 10
An incoming XML request to the LDoms Manager at its most basic level includes a description of a single command, operating on a single object. More complicated requests can handle multiple commands and multiple objects per command. Following is the structure of a basic XML command.
<LDM_interface version="1.0"> <cmd> <action>Place command here</action> <data version="3.0"> <Envelope> <References/> <!-- Note a <Section> section can be here instead of <Content> --> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="Domain name"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType> LDom Resource Type </rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="Property name"> Property Value </gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <!-- Note: More Sections sections can be placed here --> </Content> </Envelope> </data> <!-- Note: More Data sections can be placed here --> </cmd> <!-- Note: More Commands sections can be placed here --> </LDM_interface>
<gprop:GenericProperty> tag (See The GenericProperty XML Schema on page 231.) <Binding> tag (See Binding_Type XML Schema on page 232.)
The <gprop:GenericProperty> tag was defined to handle any objects property for which the OVF specification does not have a definition. The property name is defined in the key= attribute of the node and the value of the property is the contents of the node. The <binding> tag is used in the list-bindings subcommand output to define resources that are bound to other resources.
Chapter 10
An outgoing XML response closely matches the structure of the incoming request in terms of the commands and objects included, with the addition of a <Response> section for each object and command specified, as well as an overall <Response> section for the request. The <Response> sections provide status and message information as described in CODE EXAMPLE 10-2. Following is the structure of a response to a basic XML request.
<LDM_interface version="1.0"> <cmd> <action>Place command here</action> <data version="3.0"> <Envelope> <References/> <!-- Note a <Section> section can be here instead of <Content> --> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="Domain name"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType> LDom Resource Type </rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="Property name"> Property Value </gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> <!-- Note: More <Section> sections can be placed here --> </Content> </Envelope> <response> <status>success or failure</status> <resp_msg>Reason for failure</resp_msg> </response> </data> <!-- Note: More Data sections can be placed here --> <response> <status>success or failure</status> <resp_msg>Reason for failure</resp_msg> </response> </cmd> <!-- Note: More Command sections can be placed here --> <response> <status>success or failure</status>
Overall Response
This <response> section, which is the direct child of the <LDM_interface> section, indicates overall success or failure of the entire request. Unless the incoming XML document is malformed, the <response> section includes only a <status> tag. If this response status indicates success, all commands on all objects have succeeded. If this response status is a failure and there is no <resp_msg> tag, then one of the commands included in the original request failed. The <resp_msg> tag is used only to describe some problem with the XML document itself.
Command Response
The <response> section under the <cmd> section alerts the user to success or failure of that particular command. The <status> tag shows if that command succeeds or fails. As with the overall response, if the command fails, the <response> section includes only a <resp_msg> tag if the contents of the <cmd> section of the request is malformed. Otherwise, the failed status means one of the objects the command ran against caused a failure.
Object Response
Finally, each <data> section in a <cmd> section also has a <response> section. This shows if the command being run on this particular object passes or fails. If the status of the response is SUCCESS, there is no <resp_msg> tag in the <response> section. If the status is FAILURE, there are one or more <resp_msg> tags in the <response> field, depending on the errors encountered when running the command against that object. Object errors can result from problems found when running the command, or a malformed or unknown object. In addition to the <response> section, the <data> section can contain other information. This information is in the same format as an incoming <data> field, describing the object that caused a failure. See The <data> Tag on page 179. This additional information is especially useful in the following cases:
When a command fails against a particular <data> section but passes for any additional <data> sections When an empty <data> section is passed into a command and fails for some domains but passes for others
Chapter 10
In lieu of polling, you can subscribe to receive event notifications of certain state changes that occur. There are three types of events to which you can subscribe, individually or collectively. See Event Types on page 184 for complete details.
The Logical Domains Manager responds with an <LDM_interface> response message stating whether the registration or unregistration was successful.
<LDM_interface version="1.0"> <cmd> <action>reg-domain-events</action> <data version="3.0"/> <response> <status>success</status> </response> </data> <response> <status>success</status> </response> </cmd> <response> <status>success</status> </response> </LDM_interface>
The action string for each type of event is listed in the events subsection.
<LDM_event version=1.0> <cmd> <action>Event command here</action> <data version=3.0> <Envelope <References/> Content xsi:type=ovf:VirtualSystem_Type ovf:id=ldg1/> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type" <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType> LDom Resource Type </rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="Property name"> Property Value </gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Envelope> </data> </cmd> </LDM_event>
Chapter 10
Event Types
The three types of events to which you can subscribe are:
Domain Events
Domain events describe what actions can be performed directly to a domain. The following table shows the domain events which can be listed in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message.
Domain Events Domain Events
These events always contain only a <Content> tag in the OVF data section that describes to which domain the event happened. To register for the domain events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-domain-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the action tag set to unreg-domain-events.
Resource Events
Resource events occur when resources are added, removed, or changed in any domain. The data section for some of these events contains the <Content> tag with a <Section> tag giving a service name in the OVF data section. The following table shows events which can be listed in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message.
Resource Events Resource Events
The remaining resource events always contain only the <Content> tag in the OVF data section that describes to which domain the event happened.
Resource Events Resource Events Resource Events
To register for the resource events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-resource-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-resource-events.
Chapter 10
Hardware Events
Hardware events pertain to changing the physical system hardware. In the case of LDoms software, the only hardware changes that can be made are those to the service processor (SP) when a user adds, removes, or sets an SP configuration. Currently, the only three events of this type are:
The hardware events always contain only a <Section> tag in the OVF data section which describes which SP configuration to which the event is happening. To register for these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-hardware-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-hardware-events.
All Events
You can also register to listen for all three type of events without having to register for each one individually. To register for all three types of events simultaneously, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-all-events. Unregistering for these events require an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-all-events.
Note The XML interface does not support the verb or command aliases supported
by the Logical Domains Manager CLI. The supported strings in the <action> tag are as follows:
LDoms Actions LDoms Actions LDoms Actions
list-bindings list-devices list-domain bind-domain remove-io remove-mau remove-memory set-spconfig add-variable list-variable remove-vconscon set-vcpu remove-vdisk add-vdpcc remove-vdpcs add-vnet add-vswitch reg-domain-events unreg-resource-events reg-all-events
list-services add-domain start-domain unbind-domain add-mau add-memory remove-reconf remove-spconfig set-variable add-vconscon set-vconsole remove-vcpu add-vdiskserver remove-vdpcc add-vdiskserverdevice set-vnet set-vswitch unreg-domain-events reg-hardware-events unreg-all-events
list-constraints remove-domain stop-domain add-io set-mau set-memory add-spconfig list-spconfig remove-variable set-vconscon add-vcpu add-vdisk remove-vdiskserver add-vdpcs remove-vdiskserverdevice remove-vnet remove-vswitch reg-resource-events unreg-hardware-events migrate-domain
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="primary"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>ldom_info</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:Address>00:03:ba:d8:ba:f6</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericPropertykey="hostid">83d8baf6</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
The ldom_info resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The two properties within the ldom_info resource are optional properties:
<rasd:Address> tag, which specifies the MAC address to be assigned to a domain. <gprop:GenericPropertykey="hostid"> tag, which specifies the host ID to be assigned to the domain.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>cpu</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>4</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A cpu resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which specifies the number of virtual CPUs.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>mau</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>1</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A mau resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the number of MAUs or other cryptographic units.
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>memory</rasd:OtherResourceType> <rasd:AllocationUnits>4G</rasd:AllocationUnits> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A memory resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the amount of memory.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vds</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vdstmp< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A virtual disk server (vds) resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with a key of "service_name" and which contains the name of the vds resource being described.
<Envelope> <References/> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vds_volume</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vds0< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="block_dev"> opt/SUNWldm/domain_disks/testdisk1</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_opts">ro< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="mpgroup">mpgroup-name< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Envelope>
A vds_volume resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vol_name - Name of the volume service_name - Name of the virtual disk server to which this volume is to be bound block_dev - File or device name to be associated with this volume
vol_opts - One or more of the following, comma-separated, within one string: {ro,slice,excl} mpgroup - Name of the multipath (failover) group
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>disk</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vdisk_name">vdisk0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vds0< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="timeout">60</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A disk resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vdisk_name - Name of the virtual disk service_name - Name of the virtual disk server to which this virtual disk is to be bound vol_name - Virtual disk service device with which this virtual disk is to be associated
Optionally, the disk resource can also have the following property:
timeout - Timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection between a virtual disk client (vdc) and a virtual disk server (vds). If there are multiple virtual disk (vdisk) paths, then the vdc can try to connect to a different vds, and the timeout ensures that a connection to any vds is established within the specified amount of time.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vsw</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vsw1-ldg1< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="dev-path">bge0</gprop:GenericProperty> <rasd:Address>00:14:4f:fc:00:01</rasd:Address> <gprop:GenericProperty key="mode">sc</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">12345678</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vid">87654321</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A vsw resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
service_name - Name to be assigned to the virtual switch. dev-path - Path of the network device to be associated with this virtual switch
Optionally, the vsw resource can also have the following properties:
<rasd:Address> - Assigns a MAC address to the virtual switch pvid - Port virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which the virtual network needs to be a member, in untagged mode. vid - Virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which a virtual network and virtual switch need to be a member, in tagged mode. mode - sc for SunCluster heartbeat support.
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>network</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">ldg1-vnet0< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vsw0< /gprop:GenericProperty> <rasd:Address>00:14:4f:fc:00:01</rasd:Address> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A network resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vnet_name - Name of the virtual network (vnet) service_name - Name of the virtual switch (vswitch) to which this virtual network is to be bound
Optionally, the network resource can also have the following properties:
<rasd:Address> - Assigns a MAC address to the virtual switch pvid - Port virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which the virtual network needs to be a member, in untagged mode. vid - Virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which a virtual network and virtual switch need to be a member, in tagged mode. mode - hybrid to enable hybrid I/O for that virtual network.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vcc</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc1</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="min_port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="max_port">6100</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A vcc resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
service_name - Name to be assigned to the virtual console concentrator service min_port - Minimum port number to be associated with this vcc max_port - Maximum port number to be associated with this vcc
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>var</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="name">test_var</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="value">test1</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A var resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>physio_device</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="name">pci@780</gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A physio_device resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the following key property value:
<Envelope> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>spconfig</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="spconfig_name">primary< /gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="spconfig_status">current< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Envelope>
A service processor (SP) configuration (spconfig) resource always appears on its own in an <Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys
spconfig_name - Name of a configuration to be stored on the SP spconfig_status - The current status of a particular SP configuration. This property is used in the output of an ldm list-spconfig command.
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vdpcs</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">dg1-vdpcs< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
This resource is only of interest in a Netra DPS environment. A vdpcs resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the following key property value:
service_name - Name of the virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs) resource being described
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>vdpcc</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="vdpcc_name">vdpcc</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">ldg1-vdpcs< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
This resource is only of interest in a Netra DPS environment. A virtual data plane channel client resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vdpcc_name - Name of the virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc) service_name - Name of the virtual data plane channel service vdpcs to which this vdpcc is to be bound
Chapter 10
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1"> <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>console</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key="port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc2</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="group">group-name< /gprop:GenericProperty> </Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
A console resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
port - Port to which to change this virtual console (console) service_name - Virtual console concentrator (vcc) service to which to bind this console group - Name of the group to which to bind this console
Domain Migration
This example shows what is contained in the <data> section for a migrate-domain subcommand.
<Envelope> <References/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/> <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/> <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type"> <Item> <rasd:OtherResourceType>ldom_info</rasd:OtherResourceType> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "target">target-host</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key= "username">user-name</gprop:GenericProperty> <gprop:GenericProperty key="password">password</gprop:GenericProperty> <Item> </Section> </Content> </Envelope>
First <Content> node (without an <ldom_info> section) is the source domain to migrate. Second <Content> node (with an <ldom_info> section) is the target domain to which to migrate. The source and target domain names can be the same. The <ldom_info> section for the target domain describes the machine to which to migrate and the details needed to migrate to that machine:
target-host is the target machine to which to migrate. user-name is the login user name for the target machine. Must be SASL 64-bit encoded. password is the password to use for logging into the target machine. Must be SASL 64-bit encoded.
Note The Logical Domains Manager uses sasl_decode64() to decode the target user name and password and uses sasl_encode64() to encode these values. SASL 64 encoding is equivalent to base64 encoding.
Chapter 10
XML Schemas
This appendix provides various XML schemas for your use with the Logical Domains Manager.
<?xml version="1.0"?> xs:schema xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" schemaLocation= "ovf-envelope.xsd"/> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Use is subject to license terms. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <!-================== Type Definitions ================== --> <xs:simpleType name="statusStringType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="success"/> <xs:enumeration value="failure"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:complexType name="responseType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="status" type="statusStringType"/> <xs:element name="resp_msg" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <!-- LDM interface document --> <xs:element name="LDM_interface"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <!-- START cmd --> <xs:element name="cmd" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="action" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <!-- START data --> <xs:element name="data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <!--OVF Evelope Version 0.9 --> <xs:element name="Envelope" type="ovf:Envelope_Type"/> <!-- DATA response --> <xs:element name="response" type="responseType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <!-- END data --> <!-- CMD response --> <xs:element name="response" type="responseType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <!-- END cmd -->
<!-- DOCUMENT response --> <xs:element name="response" type="responseType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <!-- LDM interface document --> </xs:schema>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" schemaLocation= "ovf-envelope.xsd"/> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Use is subject to license terms. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <!-- LDM interface document --> <xs:element name="LDM_event"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <!-- START cmd --> <xs:element name="cmd" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="action" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <!-- START data --> <xs:element name="data" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <!--OVF Evelope Version 0.9 --> <xs:element name="Envelope" type="ovf:Envelope_Type"/> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <!-- END data --> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
</xs:element> <!-- END cmd --> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <!-- LDM interface document --> </xs:schema>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <!-- Include virtual hardware schema --> <xs:include schemaLocation="./ovf-section.xsd"/> <xs:include schemaLocation="./cim-virtualhardware.xsd"/> <xs:include schemaLocation="./ovf-core.xsd"/> <!-- Root element of a OVF package--> <xs:element name="Envelope" type="ovf:Envelope_Type"/> <xs:complexType name="Envelope_Type"> <xs:sequence> <!--- References to all external files --> <xs:element name="References" type="ovf:References_Type"/> <!-- Package level meta-data --> <xs:element name="Section" type="ovf:Section_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <!-- Content. A virtual machine or a vService --> <xs:element name="Content" type="ovf:Entity_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="signed" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="manifest" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="References_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="File" type="ovf:File_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs= "unbounded"/>
<xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> <!--Type for an external reference to a resource --> <xs:complexType name="File_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <!-- Reference key used in other parts of the package --> <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <!-- Same as using a single part element --> <xs:attribute name="href" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <!-- Size in bytes of the files (if known) --> <xs:attribute name="size" type="xs:integer" use="optional"/> <!-- Estimated size in bytes of the files (if a good guess is known) --> <xs:attribute name="estSize" type="xs:integer" use="optional"/> <!-- Compression type (gzip or bzip2) --> <xs:attribute name="compression" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <!-- Chunk size (except of last chunk) --> <xs:attribute name="chunkSize" type="xs:long" use="optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> <!-- Base class for an entity --> <xs:complexType name="Entity_Type" abstract="true"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Info" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs= "unbounded"/> <xs:element name="Section" type="ovf:Section_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <!-- A Virtual Machine Entity --> <xs:complexType name="VirtualSystem_Type"> <xs:complexContent>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<xs:extension base="ovf:Entity_Type"> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- A Composite Service --> <xs:complexType name="VirtualSystemCollection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Entity_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Content" type="ovf:Entity_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs= "0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/> <!-- The base class for a section. Subclassing this is the most common form of extensibility --> <xs:complexType name="Section_Type" abstract="true"> <xs:sequence> <!-- The info element specifies the meaning of the section. This is typically shown if the section is not understood by the importer --> <xs:element name="Info" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs= "unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <!-- Whether the import should fail or not, if the section is not understood --> <xs:attribute name="required" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> <!-- Subtypes defines more specific elements --> </xs:complexType> <!-- A basic type for a localizable string --> <xs:complexType name="Info_Type"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:include schemaLocation="ovf-section.xsd"/> <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/> <!-- A user defined annotation on an entity --> <xs:complexType name="AnnotationSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <!-- Several localized annotations can be included --> <xs:element name="Annotation" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Product information about a virtual appliance --> <xs:complexType name="ProductSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Product" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="Vendor" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element name="Version" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Full-version" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="ProductUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="VendorUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="AppUrl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Configuration parameters that can be passed to the virtual machine for application-level configuration --> <xs:complexType name="PropertySection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Property" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Description" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs= "0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:string"/> <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string"/> <xs:attribute name="configurableByUser" type="xs:boolean" use= "optional"/> <xs:attribute name="configurableAtRuntime" type="xs:boolean" use= "optional"/> <xs:attribute name="defaultValue" type="xs:string" use= "optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <!-- A comma-separated list of transports that are supported by the virtual machine to access the OVF environment. --> <xs:attribute name="transport" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
</xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Provides descriptions for the logical networks used within the package. These descriptions are typically used as an aid when the package is deployed. --> <xs:complexType name="NetworkSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Network" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Description" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Provides meta-information description of the virtual disks in the package --> <xs:complexType name="DiskSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Disk" type="ovf:VirtualDiskDesc_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/>
</xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Disk --> <xs:complexType name="VirtualDiskDesc_Type"> <!-- A logical ID for the virtual disk within this package --> <xs:attribute name="diskId" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <!-- A file reference to the virtual disk file. If this is not specified a blank virtual disk is created of the given size --> <xs:attribute name="fileRef" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <!-- Capacity in bytes. The capacity can be specified as either a size or as a reference to a property using $(property_name) --> <xs:attribute name="capacity" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <!-- Format of the disk. The format is an URL that identifies the disk type, e.g., http://www.vmware.com/format/vmdk.html#sparse --> <xs:attribute name="format" type="xs:string" use="required"/> <!-- Populated size of disk. This is an estimation of how much storage the disk needs if backed by a non pre-allocated (aka. sparse) disk. This size does not take the meta-data into account used by a sparse disk. --> <xs:attribute name="populatedSize" type="xs:long" use="optional"/> <!-- Reference to a potential parent disk --> <xs:attribute name="parentRef" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> </xs:complexType> <!-- CPU Architecture requirements for the guest software. --> <xs:complexType name="CpuCompatibilitySection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Level" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="eax" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="ebx" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="ecx" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> <xs:attribute name="edx" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="Vendor" type="xs:string"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
</xs:complexType> <!-- Specification of the operating system installed in the guest --> <xs:complexType name="OperatingSystemSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Description" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <!-- The IDs are the enumeration used in CIM_OperatingSystem_Type --> <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- End-User License Agreement --> <xs:complexType name="EulaSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <!-- Contains the license agreement in plain text. Several different locales can be specified --> <xs:element name="License" type="ovf:Info_Type" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- For a VirtualSystemCollection, this section is used to specify the order in which the contained entities are to be powered on. -<xs:complexType name="StartupSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:complexType> <!-- Id of entity in collection --> <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string"/> <!-- Startup order. Entities are started up starting with lower-numbers first. Items with same order identifier may be started up concurrently or in any order. The order is reversed for shutdown. --> <xs:attribute name="order" type="xs:int"/> <!-- Delay in seconds to wait for the power on to complete --> <xs:attribute name="startDelay" type="xs:int"/> <!-- Whether to resume power-on sequence, once the guest reports ok. --> <xs:attribute name="waitingForGuest" type="xs:boolean"/> <!-- Delay in seconds to wait for the power on to complete --> <xs:attribute name="stopDelay" type="xs:int"/> <!-- Stop action to use. Valid values are: powerOn? (default), none?. --> <xs:attribute name="startAction" type="xs:string"/> <!-- Stop action to use. Valid values are: powerOff (default), guestShutdown, suspend. --> <xs:attribute name="stopAction" type="xs:string"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <!-- A comma-separated list of transports that the virtual machine supports to provide feedback. --> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- If this section is present, it indicates that the virtual machine needs to be initially booted to install and configure the software. --> <xs:complexType name="InstallSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<!-- A comma-separated list of transports that the virtual machine supports to provide feedback. --> <xs:attribute name="transport" type="xs:string"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:ovf="/var/opt/SUNWldom/envelope" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:vssd="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData xmlns:rasd="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData"> <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" schemaLocation= "http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd"/> <xs:include schemaLocation="ovf-section.xsd"/> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" schemaLocation="cim-vssd.xsd"/> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" schemaLocation="cim-rasd.xsd"/> !-- Specifies the virtual hardware for a virtual machine --> <xs:complexType name="VirtualHardwareSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="System" type="vssd:CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData_Type" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element name="Item" type="rasd:CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs= "unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> <!-- Specifies a section for resource constraints on a VirtualSystemCollection --> <xs:complexType name="ResourceAllocationSection_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="ovf:Section_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Item"
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" xmlns:class="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" xmlns:cim="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" schemaLocation= "cim-common.xsd"/> <xs:element name="Caption" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="Description" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/ <xs:element name="InstanceId" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="ResourceType" nillable="true"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:enumeration value="1"/> <!-- Other --> <xs:enumeration value="2"/> <!-- Computer System --> <xs:enumeration value="3"/> <!-- Processor--> <xs:enumeration value="4"/> <!-- Memory--> <xs:enumeration value="5"/> <!-- IDE Controller --> <xs:enumeration value="6"/> <!-- Parallel SCSI HBA --> <xs:enumeration value="7"/> <!-- FC HBA --> <xs:enumeration value="8"/> <!-- iSCSI HBA --> <xs:enumeration value="9"/> <!-- IB HCA --> <xs:enumeration value="10"/> <!-- Ethernet Adapter --> <xs:enumeration value="11"/> <!-- Other Network Adapter --> <xs:enumeration value="12"/> <!-- I/O Slot --> <xs:enumeration value="13"/> <!-- I/O Device --> <xs:enumeration value="14"/> <!-- Floppy Drive --> <xs:enumeration value="15"/> <!-- CD Drive --> <xs:enumeration value="16"/> <!-- DVD drive --> <xs:enumeration value="17"/> <!-- Disk Drive --> <xs:enumeration value="18"/> <!-- Tape Drive -->
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<xs:enumeration value="19"/> <!-- Storage Extent --> <xs:enumeration value="20"/> <!-- Other storage device --> <xs:enumeration value="21"/> <!-- Serial port --> <xs:enumeration value="22"/> <!-- Parallel port --> <xs:enumeration value="23"/> <!-- USB Controller --> <xs:enumeration value="24"/> <!-- Graphics controller --> <xs:enumeration value="25"/> <!-- IEEE 1394 Controller --> <xs:enumeration value="26"/> <!-- Partitionable Unit --> <xs:enumeration value="27"/> <!-- Base Partitionable Unit --> <xs:enumeration value="28"/> <!-- Power Supply --> <xs:enumeration value="29"/> <!-- Cooling Device --> <xs:enumeration value="29"/> <!-- Cooling Device --> <xs:enumeration value="31"/> <!-- PS2 Controller --> <xs:enumeration value="32"/> <!-- SIO Controller --> <xs:enumeration value="33"/> <!-- Keyboard --> <xs:enumeration value="34"/> <!-- Pointing Device --> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:minInclusive value="30"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="32769"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:minInclusive value="32768"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="OtherResourceType" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="ResourceSubType" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="PoolID" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="ConsumerVisibility" nillable="true"> <xs:complexType> <xs:simpleContent>
<xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:enumeration value="0"/> <xs:enumeration value="2"/> <xs:enumeration value="3"/> <xs:enumeration value="4"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:minInclusive value="5"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="32768"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:minInclusive value="32767"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/ </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="HostResource" nillable="true" type="xs:anyType"/> <xs:element name="AllocationUnits" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="VirtualQuantity" nillable="true" type= "cim:cimUnsignedLong"/> <xs:element name="Reservation" nillable="true" type="cim:cimUnsignedLong"/> <xs:element name="Limit" nillable="true" type="cim:cimUnsignedLong"/> <xs:element name="Weight" nillable="true" type="cim:cimUnsignedInt"/> <xs:element name="AutomaticAllocation" nillable="true" type= "cim:cimBoolean"/> <xs:element name="AutomaticDeallocation" nillable="true" type= "cim:cimBoolean"/> <xs:element name="Parent" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="Connection" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="Address" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/ <xs:element name="MappingBehavior" nillable="true"> <xs:complexType>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<xs:simpleContent> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:union> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:enumeration value="0"/> <xs:enumeration value="1"/> <xs:enumeration value="2"/> <xs:enumeration value="3"/> <xs:enumeration value="4"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"> <xs:minInclusive value="5"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="32768"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort" <xs:minInclusive value="32767"/> <xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:union> </xs:simpleType> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="AddressOnParent" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="BusNumber" nillable="true" type="cim:cimUnsignedShort"/> <xs:complexType <xs:sequence> <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element <xs:element name="CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData_Type"> ref="class:Caption" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> ref="class:Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> ref="class:InstanceId" minOccurs="0"/> ref="class:ResourceType" minOccurs="0"/> ref="class:OtherResourceType" minOccurs="0"/> ref="class:ResourceSubType" minOccurs="0"/> ref="class:PoolID" minOccurs="0"/> ref="class:ConsumerVisibility" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="class:HostResource" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs= "0"/> <xs:element ref="class:AllocationUnits" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:VirtualQuantity" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Reservation" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Limit" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Weight" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:AutomaticAllocation" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:AutomaticDeallocation" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Parent" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Connection" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:Address" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:MappingBehavior" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:AddressOnParent" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:BusNumber" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/ </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" type="class:CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData_Type"/> </xs:schema>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" xmlns:class="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" xmlns:cim="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" schemaLocation="cim-common.xsd"/> <xs:element name="Caption" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="Description" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="InstanceId" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="VirtualSystemIdentifier" nillable="true" type= "cim:cimString"/> <xs:element name="VirtualSystemType" nillable="true" type="cim:cimString"/> <xs:complexType name="CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="class:Caption" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="class:Description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xs:element ref="class:InstanceId" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:VirtualSystemIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="class:VirtualSystemType" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData" type="class:CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData_Type"/> </xs:schema>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" xmlns:cim="/var/opt/SUNWldom/common" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <!-- The following are runtime attribute definitions --> <xs:attribute name="Key" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:attribute name="Version" type="xs:string"/> <!-- The following section defines the extended WS-CIM datatypes --> <xs:complexType name="cimDateTime"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="CIM_DateTime" type="xs:string" nillable="true"/> <xs:element name="Interval" type="xs:duration"/> <xs:element name="Date" type="xs:date"/> <xs:element name="Time" type="xs:time"/> <xs:element name="Datetime" type="xs:dateTime"/> </xs:choice> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimUnsignedByte"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:unsignedByte"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimByte"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:byte"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimUnsignedShort"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:unsignedShort">
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimShort"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:short"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimUnsignedInt"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:unsignedInt"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimInt"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:int"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimUnsignedLong"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:unsignedLong"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimLong"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:long"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimString"> <xs:simpleContent>
<xs:extension base="xs:string"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimBoolean"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:boolean"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimFloat"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:float"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimDouble"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:double"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimChar16"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:restriction base="cim:cimString"> <xs:maxLength value="1"/> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimBase64Binary"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<xs:complexType name="cimHexBinary"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="xs:hexBinary"> <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="cimReference"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any namespace="##other" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/> </xs:complexType> <!-- The following datatypes are used exclusively to define metadata fragments -<xs:attribute name="qualifier" type="xs:boolean"/> <xs:complexType name="qualifierString"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="cim:cimString"> <xs:attribute ref="cim:qualifier" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="qualifierBoolean"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="cim:cimBoolean"> <xs:attribute ref="cim:qualifier" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="qualifierUInt32"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="cim:cimUnsignedInt"> <xs:attribute ref="cim:qualifier" use="required"/> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="qualifierSInt64"> <xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="cim:cimLong"> <xs:attribute ref="cim:qualifier" use="required"/>
</xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> <!-<xs:complexType name="qualifierSArray"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="cim:qualifierString"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> --> <!-- The following element is to be used only for defining metadata --> <xs:element name=" DefaultValue" type="xs:anySimpleType"/> </xs:schema>
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/GenericProperty" xmlns:class="/var/opt/SUNWldom/GenericProperty" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:complexType name="GenericProperty_Type" type="xs:string"> <xs:attribute name="key" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name="GenericProperty" type="class:GenericProperty_Type"/> </xs:schema>
Appendix A
XML Schemas
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?> <xs:schema targetNamespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/Binding" xmlns:class="/var/opt/SUNWldom/Binding" xmlns:rasd="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <xs:import namespace="/var/opt/SUNWldom/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData" schemaLocation="cim-rasd.xsd"/> <xs:complexType name="Binding_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="Item" type="rasd:CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData_Type"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:schema>
This list defines terminology, abbreviations, and acronyms in the Logical Domains documentation.
ALOM CMT API auditreduce(1M) auditing authorization Advanced Lights Out Manager chip multithreading, which runs on the system controller and allows you to monitor and control your CMT server Application Programming Interface merge and select audit records from audit trail files Using the Solaris OS BSM to identify the source of security changes Setting up authorization using the Solaris OS RBAC
bge BSM bsmconv(1M) bsmunconv(1M) Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet driver on Broadcom BCM57xx devices Basic Security module enable the BSM disable the BSM
CD CLI compliance config CMT constraints compact disc command-line interface Determining if a systems configuration is in compliance with a predefined security profile Name of logical domain configuration saved on the system controller chip multithreading To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have assigned to a particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a domain or you get none of them, depending upon the available resources. Domain that creates and manages other logical domains and services central processing unit Control Word Queue; cryptographic unit for Sun UltraSPARC T2-based platforms
DHCP DMA Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Direct Memory Access is the ability to directly transfer data between the memory and a device (for example, a network card) without involving the CPU. Dynamic Multipathing (Veritas) data plane software dynamic reconfiguration dynamic reconfiguration daemon for Logical Domains Manager (Solaris 10 OS) Domain Services module (Solaris 10 OS) digital versatile disc
e1000g EFI ETM driver for Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit family of network interface controllers extensible firmware interface Encoding Table Management module (Solaris 10 OS)
FC_AL FMA fmd(1M) format(1M) fmthard(1M) FTP Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop Fault Management Architecture fault manager daemon (Solaris 10 OS) disk partitioning and maintenance utility populate label on hard disks File Transfer Protocol
Gb guest domain GLDv3 gigabit Uses services from the I/O and service domains and is managed by the control domain. Generic LAN Driver version 3.
hardening HDD Modifying Solaris OS configuration to improve security hard disk drive
Firmware layer interposed between the operating system and the hardware layer
I/O domain Domain that has direct ownership of and direct access to physical I/O devices and that shares those devices to other logical domains in the form of virtual devices Infiniband Integrated Drive Electronics Interim Diagnostics Release Integrated Lights Out Manager I/O devices, such as internal disks and PCIe controllers and their attached adapters and devices input/output control call Internet Protocol Internet Protocol Network Multipathing International Organization for Standardization IB IDE IDR ILOM io
kaio KB KU kernel asynchronous input/output kilobyte kernel update
LAN LDAP local-area network Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDC ldm(1M) ldmd lofi logical domain Logical Domains (LDoms) Manager LUN
logical domain channel Logical Domain Manager utility Logical Domains Manager daemon loopback file Discrete logical grouping with its own operating system, resources, and identity within a single computer system Provides a CLI to create and manage logical domains and allocate resources to domains logical unit number
MAC MAU MB MD mem, memory media access control address, which LDoms can automatically assign or you can assign manually Modular Arithmetic Unit; the cryptographic device for Sun UltraSPARC T1based platforms megabyte machine description in the server database memory unit - default size in bytes, or specify gigabytes (G), kilobytes (K), or megabytes (M). Virtualized memory of the server that can be allocated to guest domains. create and delete replicas of the SVM metadevice state database configure disk sets multihost disk control operations Management Information Base Installing the minimum number of core Solaris OS package necessary Multimode fiber memory management unit multipathing group name for virtual disk failover maximum transmission unit
NAT ndpsldcc ndpsldcs NFS NIS NIU NTS NVRAM nxge Network Address Translation Netra DPS Logical Domain Channel Client. See also vdpcc. Netra DPS Logical Domain Channel Service. See also vdpcs. network file system Network Information Services Network Interface Unit (Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 servers) network terminal server non-volatile random-access memory Driver for Sun x8 Express 1/10G Ethernet Adapter
OS OVF operating system Open Virtualization Format
PA PCI PCIe PCI-X pcpu physio PICL picld(1M) physical address peripheral component interconnect bus PCI Express bus PCI Extended bus physical CPU physical input/output Platform Information and Control Library PICL daemon
PM praudit(1M) PRI
Power management of virtual CPUs print contents of an audit trail file priority
RA RAID RBAC RPC real address Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks Role-Based Access Control Remote Procedure Call
SASL SAX SC SCSI service domain SMA SMF SNMP SP SSH ssh(1) sshd(1M) SunVTS
svcadm(1M) SVM
TCP TLS Transmission Control Protocol
UDP UFS unicast USB uscsi(7D) UTP User Diagram Protocol UNIX File System Communication that takes place over a network between a single sender and a single receiver. Universal Serial Bus user SCSI command interface unshielded twisted pair
var VBSC vcc, vconscon variable virtual blade system controller virtual console concentrator service with a specific port range to assign to the guest domains virtual console for accessing system level messages. A connection is achieved by connecting to vconscon service in the control domain at a specific port. virtual central processing unit. Each of the cores of a server are represented as virtual CPUs. For example, an 8-core Sun Fire T2000 Server has 32 virtual CPUs that can be allocated between the logical domains.
vcons, vconsole
virtual disk client virtual data plane channel client in a Netra DPS environment virtual data plane channel service in a Netra DPS environment virtual disks are generic block devices backed by different types of physical devices, volumes, or files. virtual disk server allows you to import virtual disks into a logical domain. virtual disk server device is exported by the virtual disk server. The device can be an entire disk, a slice on a disk, a file, or a disk volume. virtual local area network virtual logical domain channel service virtual logical domain channel client virtual network device implements a virtual Ethernet device and communicates with other vnet devices in the system using the virtual network switch (vswitch). virtual network terminal server daemon for Logical Domains consoles (Solaris 10 OS) Volume Management file system virtual network switch that connects the virtual network devices to the external network and also switches packets between them. volume table of contents Veritas Dynamic Multipathing Veritas Volume Manager
WAN wide-area network
XFP XML XMPP eXtreme Fast Path Extensible Markup Language Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
ZFS zpool(1M) ZVOL Zettabyte File System (Solaris 10 OS) ZFS storage pool