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Java™ Composite Application Platform Suite Deployment Guide: Sun Seebeyond

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Release 5.1.2

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Part Number: 819-7563-10
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Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


List of Figures

List of Tables

Chapter 1



Whats New in This Release


About This Document


Whats in This Document

Intended Audience
Text Conventions


Related Documents


Sun Microsystems, Inc. Web Site


Documentation Feedback


Chapter 2

Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite

Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator


Integration Model
User Interfaces
Enterprise Designer
Enterprise Manager
System Architecture


Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager


Sun SeeBeyond eVision Studio


Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator


Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator


Sun SeeBeyond eView Studio


Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun SeeBeyond eIndex Single Patient View


Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio


Chapter 3

Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning




Requirements Analysis


System-Specific Needs
Operation and Performance Needs
Personnel and Training Needs
Business Planning Needs


Deployment Planning


Determining Overall Objectives

Initiation Steps
Hold a Project Kick-off Meeting
Ensure That Hardware and Software Are Ready
Complete Installation Test, Installation, and Checklist
Establish the Change Management Process
Creating the Planning Documents
Deployment Project Plan
Functional Requirements Specification
Technical Requirements Specification
Initial Test Plan


Chapter 4

System Design and Development




Service-Oriented Architecture


Architecture Layers
Existing Systems
Elemental Business Services
Composed Business Services
Composite Applications
Core Technologies


System Design


Identifying External Systems

Configuring Java CAPS Components
Hardware and Network Connections


System Development


Creating Users
Naming Conventions


Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Project Teams with Multiple Developers

Subprojects and Multiple Projects
Version Control and Access Control Lists
Logical Hosts
Error Handling
Variables and Constants
Multiple Environments
Multiple Runtime Components
Multiple Logical Host Domains on a Computer
Development and Production Versions

Optimizing Your System



Tuning for High-Volume Scenarios

Tuning the eInsight Engine
Max Concurrent Instances Property
Receive Timeout Property
Work Item Submit Limit Property
Invocation Allocation Ratio Property
Database Connection Max Idle Time Property
Database Connection Pool Size Property
Database Connection Retries Property
Database Connection Retry Interval Property
Database Connection Steady Pool Size Property
IBM AIX Tuning and Troubleshooting


Chapter 5

Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance




Pre-Transition Testing


Testing Methodology
Test Plan
Type of Data To Use
Testing the Output
Responsibility for Testing
Unit Testing
Integration Testing
Partial Integration Testing
Complete System Testing
Performance Testing
Acceptance Testing
Enterprise Manager
Log Files
Alert Agent
SNMP Agent


Transition to Production


Post-Transition Maintenance


Monitoring System Activity

Enterprise Manager


Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Log Files
Repository Backup
Implementing Changes




Chapter 6

Determining System Requirements


System Requirements Introduction


Initial Considerations


Estimating Requirements


General Considerations
Minimum System Requirements


Chapter 7

Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment 66

Sun Cluster 3.1 Overview


Configuring Support for Repository Failover


Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover


Chapter 8

Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering



Windows Clustering Overview


Configuring Support for Repository Failover


Creating the Cluster Group
Creating a Physical Disk Resource
Creating an IP Address Resource
Creating a Network Name Resource
Installing the Repository as a Windows Service
Duplicating the Registry Keys
Creating a Generic Service Resource
Using the Repository in a Windows Clustering Environment

Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

Creating the CAPS Cluster Group

Java CAPS Deployment Guide



Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Creating a Physical Disk Resource

Creating an IP Address Resource
Creating a Network Name Resource
Installing the Logical Host as a Windows Service
Creating Domains
Using the Domain Manager
Duplicating the Registry Keys
Creating a Generic Service Resource
Using the Logical Host in a Windows Clustering Environment


Chapter 9

eInsight Load Balancing and Failover


Configuring Load Balancing


Configuring Failover



Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

List of Figures

List of Figures
Figure 1



Figure 2

Business Process Model Example


Figure 3

Page Layout Example


Figure 4

Deployment Phases


Figure 5

Information-Gathering Cycle in Requirements Analysis Phase


Figure 6

System Design and Development Phase


Figure 7

Connectivity Map with Two Services


Figure 8

Architecture Layers


Figure 9

Naming Subprojects


Figure 10

Sharing Logical Hosts Between Projects


Figure 11

Multiple Domains on a Single Computer (Windows)


Figure 12

Development and Production Versions


Figure 13

Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance Phases


Figure 14

Change Management Cycle


Figure 15

Cluster with Two Nodes


Figure 16

SunPlex Agent Builder - Create Screen


Figure 17

SunPlex Agent Builder - Configure Screen


Figure 18

SunPlex Agent Builder - Create Screen


Figure 19

SunPlex Agent Builder - Configure Screen


Figure 20

Cluster With Two Nodes


Figure 21

New Resource Dialog Box


Figure 22

Possible Owners Dialog Box


Figure 23

Dependencies Dialog Box


Figure 24

TCP/IP Address Parameters Dialog Box


Figure 25

Network Name Parameters Dialog Box


Figure 26

Generic Service Parameters Dialog Box


Figure 27

Registry Replication Dialog Box


Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

List of Tables

List of Tables
Table 1

Text Conventions


Table 2

Deployment Project Plan


Table 3

Functional Requirements Specification


Table 4

Technical Requirements Specification


Table 5

Initial Test Plan


Table 6

Core Technologies


Table 7

Suggested Prefixes for Project Components


Table 8

Suggested Prefixes for Environment Components


Table 9

Testing Types


Table 10

General Considerations


Table 11

Windows System Requirements


Table 12

HP Tru64 System Requirements


Table 13

HP-UX Itanium and PA-RISC System Requirements


Table 14

IBM AIX System Requirements


Table 15

Red Hat Linux System Requirements


Table 16

Sun Solaris System Requirements


Table 17

SunPlex Agent Builder - Field Description


Table 18

SunPlex Agent Builder - Field Description


Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 1

This chapter provides an overview of this Sun Java Composite Application Platform
Suite document.
Whats in This Chapter
Whats New in This Release on page 10
About This Document on page 10
Related Documents on page 12
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Web Site on page 12
Documentation Feedback on page 12


Whats New in This Release

This document includes the following new features and changes:
The Max Concurrent Instances property has moved from the eInsight Engine

configuration to the General tab of the Business Process Properties dialog box.
This change provides added flexibility. If a Project has multiple Business Processes,
then you can configure each Business Process to have a different number of
maximum concurrent instances.


About This Document


Whats in This Document

This document includes the following information:
Chapter 1 Introduction introduces you to this guide, its general purpose and

scope, its organization, and writing conventions. It also provides sources of related
documentation and information.
Chapter 2 Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite

provides a general overview of Java CAPS.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 1

Section 1.2
About This Document

Chapter 3 Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning describes the first

two phases of deploying Java CAPS: requirements analysis and deployment

Chapter 4 System Design and Development describes the third phase of

deploying Java CAPS: system design and development.

Chapter 5 Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance describes the

final three phases of deploying Java CAPS: pre-transition testing, transition to

production, and post-transition maintenance.
Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements offers guidelines to help you

determine the system requirements for the deployment of Java CAPS.

Chapter 7 Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

describes how to configure failover support for the Repository and the Logical Host
using Sun Cluster 3.1.
Chapter 8 Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering

Environment describes how to configure failover support for the Repository and
the Logical Host using Windows Server 2003 clustering technologies.
Chapter 9 eInsight Load Balancing and Failover describes how to configure Sun

SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager for load balancing and failover.

This guide provides deployment planning guidelines and deployment strategies for
Java CAPS.


Intended Audience
This guide is designed for management, system administrators, and others who are
tasked with deployment of Java CAPS.


Text Conventions
The following conventions are observed throughout this document.
Table 1 Text Conventions
Text Convention

Used For



Names of buttons, files, icons,

parameters, variables, methods,
menus, and objects

Click OK.
On the File menu, click Exit.
Select the eGate.sar file.


Command line arguments, code

samples; variables are shown in

java -jar filename.jar

bold italic
Blue bold

Java CAPS Deployment Guide

Hypertext links within


See Text Conventions on page 11


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 1

Section 1.3
Related Documents

Table 1 Text Conventions (Continued)

Text Convention
Blue underlined


Used For


Hypertext links for Web

addresses (URLs) or email


Depending on what products you have installed, and how they are configured, the
screenshots in this document may differ from what you see on your system.


Related Documents
For more information about Java CAPS, see the following documents:
Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installation Guide
Java Composite Application Platform Suite Primer
Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator JMS Reference Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System Administration Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Tutorial
Sun SeeBeyond eIndex Single Patient Identifier Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eView Studio Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eVision Studio Users Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator Users Guide

In addition, each eWay Adapter has a users guide.


Sun Microsystems, Inc. Web Site

The Sun Microsystems web site is your best source for up-to-the-minute product news
and technical support information. The sites URL is:

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 1


Section 1.5
Documentation Feedback

Documentation Feedback
We appreciate your feedback. Please send any comments or suggestions regarding this
document to:
[email protected]

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2

Overview of the Sun Java Composite

Application Platform Suite
This chapter provides a general overview of Java CAPS.
Figure 1 Java CAPS

Whats in This Chapter

Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator on page 15
Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager on page 16
Sun SeeBeyond eVision Studio on page 16
Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator on page 17
Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator on page 17
Sun SeeBeyond eView Studio on page 18

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2
Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite

Section 2.1
Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator

Sun SeeBeyond eIndex Single Patient View on page 18

Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio on page 18


Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator

Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator is a fully Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE
platform) certified and web services-based, distributed integration platform that serves
as the foundation of Java CAPS.
eGate Integrator provides the core integration platform, comprehensive systems
connectivity, guaranteed messaging, and robust transformation capabilities. eGate
Integrator also provides a unified, single sign-on environment for integration
development, deployment, monitoring, and management.


Integration Model
eGate Integrator addresses application integration by means of a Project, which
contains the business logic required to solve the specific problem. The Project contains
the various logical components and supporting information required to perform the
routing, processing, and caching of messages containing the relevant data from one
application to another. Project information is stored in the Repository.


User Interfaces
The main user interfaces are Enterprise Designer and Enterprise Manager.

Enterprise Designer
Enterprise Designer is used to create and configure the logical components and
physical resources of a Project. Through this interface, you can develop Projects to
process and route data through an eGate Integrator system. Enterprise Designer is also
used by other components of Java CAPS.

Enterprise Manager
Enterprise Manager is a web-based application that is used to deploy and monitor
runtime components.

System Architecture
eGate Integrator employs a versatile architecture that is ideally suited to distributed
computing environments. As a result, the various components of an eGate Integrator
system can reside on the same hardware platform (assuming adequate system
resources), or be distributed across several different hardware platforms in the
enterprise network.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2
Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite


Section 2.2
Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager

Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager

Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager delivers business process
management features and functions to Java CAPS.
Business process management is a strategic orchestration of the movement of information
and the flow of complex processes between participants (systems, users, and
organizations) to accomplish larger business objectives.
eInsight provides you with a clear view into the internal and external processes of an
organization. These processes may be executed by computer systems or employees.
Business process management consists of two phases:
The design phase begins before you start using eInsight and ends once the business

process is deployed.
The runtime phase refers to the tasks that you perform after the business process is

Figure 2 shows an example of a business process model created with eInsight Business
Process Manager.
Figure 2 Business Process Model Example


Sun SeeBeyond eVision Studio

Sun SeeBeyond eVision Studio is a graphical environment that enables business
analysts and web developers to rapidly create interfaces for composite applications,
without the need for advanced programming abilities.
eVision Studio provides two main tools: the Page Layout Designer and the Page Flow
Designer. Both tools are integrated within Enterprise Designer.
eVision Studio can be used in a variety of ways as a front end to Java CAPS solutions.
For example:
In conjunction with eInsight Business Process Manager, eVision Studio enables

users to participate in business processes. The users perform workflow tasks with
eVision Studio web pages that are tailored for specific organizational roles.
eVision Studio can provide the login pages in which users enter their user name and

password, which are then authenticated.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2
Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite

Section 2.4
Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator

Figure 3 shows an example of a Page Layout created with eVision Studio. The runtime
data is retrieved dynamically from back-end systems.
Figure 3 Page Layout Example

eVision Studio enables you to create a JSR 168-compliant portlet for use in JSR 168compliant portals, such as Sun Java System Portal Server. The Portal Server provides
a new level of enterprise productivity, enabling users and groups to work together
easily and securely within the requirements of a dynamic organizational structure.


Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator

Extraction, transform, and load (ETL) is a data integration technology that extracts data
from several heterogeneous data sources, transforms the data, and then loads the data
in a uniform format into a target data source.
Sun SeeBeyond eTL Integrator is optimized for extracting, transforming and loading
bulk data between files and databases, and provides an ETL development and runtime
environment that is both fully integrated into the Java CAPS platform and specially
optimized for handling very large record sets.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2
Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite


Section 2.5
Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator

Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator

Sun SeeBeyond eXchange Integrator is an application that runs on the Sun SeeBeyond
Integration Server in distributed computing environments. eXchange Integrator
manages interactions with trading partners by facilitating the reception, validation,
transmission, and tracking of messages in supported formats.


Sun SeeBeyond eView Studio

Sun SeeBeyond eView Studio provides a flexible framework to allow you to create
matching and indexing applications called enterprise-wide master indexes.
eView Studio helps you to design, configure, and create a master index that uniquely
identifies and cross-references the business objects stored in your system databases.
Business objects can be any type of entity for which you store information, such as
customers, members, vendors, businesses, and hardware parts. In eView Studio, you
define the data structure of the business objects to be stored and cross-referenced. In
addition, you define the logic that determines how data is updated, standardized,
weighted, and matched in the master index database.


Sun SeeBeyond eIndex Single Patient View

Sun SeeBeyond eIndex Single Patient View is a health care-oriented, enterprise-wide
master person index that creates a single view of person information by maintaining
the most current information about the people who participate throughout your
organization, and by linking information from different locations and computer


Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio

Business activity monitoring involves the collection, aggregation, and presentation of
business activity data according to specified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio provides the tools for generating custom, crossapplication digital dashboards for defining and monitoring KPIs, which summarize the
aggregated business data collected through the eInsight or eGate application layers.
The eBAM Studio web interface enables the business analyst to transform data that has
been collected over time into meaningful, rich visual presentations.
eBAM Studio delivers a real-time view of business activities (for example, monitoring
service-level agreements for enforcement), enabling the business analyst to identify
problems and trends and to resolve them proactively.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 2
Overview of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite

Section 2.8
Sun SeeBeyond eBAM Studio

Notifications are triggered according to preset threshold limits set by the designer.
eBAM Studio generates alerts when KPIs fall below or exceed a specified threshold.
The alerts can be used to send email messages and to launch other processes.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3

Requirements Analysis and Deployment

This chapter describes the first two phases of deploying Java CAPS: requirements
analysis and deployment planning.
Whats in This Chapter
Introduction on page 20
Requirements Analysis on page 22
Deployment Planning on page 25


Deploying Java CAPS consists of the following phases:
1 Requirements analysis
2 Deployment planning
3 System design and development
4 Pre-transition testing
5 Transition to production
6 Post-transition maintenance
Note: In a typical deployment, some of the phases overlap with each other. For example,
unit and integration testing is usually performed during the system design and
development phase.
Figure 4 shows a diagram of these phases.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.1

Figure 4 Deployment Phases

Phase 1:
Requirements Analysis

Phase 2:
Deployment Planning

Phase 3:
System Design and Development

Phase 4:
Pre-Transition Testing

Phase 5:
Transition to Production

Phase 6:
Post-Transition Maintenance

This chapter explains the first two phases:

Requirements analysis: This guide seeks to give you a road map of how to deploy

Java CAPS. First, to use a road map, you have to know where you are (analysis) and
where you are going (planning). In other words, find out everything you can about
your information system setup and business processes. Then, you can decide what
information systems and business process needs you want Java CAPS to meet.
Deployment planning: Deployment begins when you plan and schedule how, in

view of your analysis and allocated resources, you want to implement your Java
CAPS environment. During this phase, you set up the operation procedure and
schedule for the entire deployment project.
The first two phases lay a foundation for the entire deployment project. Poor analysis
and planning can cause major problems during the later phases. Thorough,
comprehensive analysis and planning can make the deployment project easier, more
efficient, and less costly.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning


Section 3.2
Requirements Analysis

Requirements Analysis
In gathering and analyzing information on your Java CAPS needs, you must first know
what type of information you need. Java CAPS links your current networks, business
systems, and applications together into a single, seamless information system. The
purpose of this system is to facilitate your current and future business process needs. In
as much detail as possible, find out where you are and what you need.
During the requirements analysis phase, you examine your needs and define the
properties that the system must possess to meet those needs. Also, you identify system
constraints and performance requirements. Define what functions you want the
deployed system to perform, but not how the functions work (this task occurs during
the system design and development phase).
This section describes the information that you need to gather to facilitate your
deployment, by posing a series of relevant questions. The questions are divided into the
following categories:
Operation and performance
Personnel and training
Business planning

The examples in this section are general and are only meant to start you thinking in the
right direction. You must begin by assembling general information on your needs,
categorizing the information, and adding the necessary details.

System-Specific Needs
These needs are the basic information systems, network, and database-related
requirements that you want the Java CAPS system to meet. Determine your systemspecific needs by asking the following questions:
What existing systems do we need to connect?
Create a complete picture of your current information system setup. Include
applications, networks, systems, platforms, and outside information pathways.
How do we want to do the connecting?
Find out how you want your various systems to talk to each other (communication
protocols), which systems must be linked, and the direction of communication.
Example: We have systems A, B, C, and D. Systems A, B, and C need to communicate
with all of the other systems. System D needs to communicate only with system A. All
of the communication is two way.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.2
Requirements Analysis

What are our data requirements?

What types of data do you use, how much, and when?
Example: Our system uses HL7 and X12 data types. On average, our system needs to
move about 100,000 messages per day at about 5 MB per message, with 90 percent of
the data moving between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. every Monday through Friday. Peak data
loads are generally between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays (60 percent of volume).
What are our system/hardware limitations and constraints?
Installing Java CAPS requires that you have the necessary hardware and operating
system software. What is your budget for additional hardware and software? Do you
have any space limitations in the area where the hardware will reside?
Example: We use the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) for our large-scale
systems. We already have Windows client PCs for each of our system developers who
will be using Enterprise Designer.
Planning for hardware needs requires special considerations, such as how many
systems you need, memory (RAM) required, the number of CPUs you need, and total
disk space. Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements discusses how to analyze
and plan for these additional system requirements.

Operation and Performance Needs

Do you have any specific system operation and performance issues? Now is the time to
discover, organize, and itemize them by asking the following questions:
What are our performance requirements?
Performance is a trade-off between speed and maintainability. This statement is true
overall, as well as being true for the operation of individual system component
operations. You must prioritize these needs specifically.
Example: Customer databases must be totally accurate and detailed because the
information is used often and is vital to the company. Detailed maintenance of this data
is more important than speed of processing. However, our moment-by-moment stock
quotations have to be fast and up-to-the-minute. Maintainability here is negligible
because this data changes so fast that long-term retrieval is not an issue.
What are our internal security requirements?
Java CAPS has access security, which allows only certain people to log on to the system
and different people to have specific privileges after the log on.
Example: The company allows only five people to log on to the system: one with
system administrator privileges, two with operator privileges, and two with
monitoring privileges.
What are our error-handling and data validation requirements?
How, when, and where in the system does the customer require data to be error
checked and validated? Keep in mind that processing speed decreases as checking
instances and the detail of error checking increases.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.2
Requirements Analysis

Example: All data passing through our system must be validated as thoroughly as
possible. To facilitate this process, we compiled a complete list of all different data types
that require validation.

Personnel and Training Needs

Deploying and maintaining the Java CAPS solution might require some expanded
personnel needs. Consider the following questions:
Do we have personnel trained and able to deploy the system?
The number of resources required to deploy the Java CAPS solution depends on the
size and complexity of the project. You might want to take advantage of Sun Services
in-depth product knowledge and experience. In addition, Sun offers a comprehensive
set of courses.
Example: We need three resources to deploy the solution. The senior member of the
team must attend Sun training.
Do we have personnel trained and able to maintain the system after deployment?
You must also examine the personnel and training needs of the post-transition
maintenance phase.
Example: We need one resource for the maintenance phase.


Business Planning Needs

Java CAPS can help you facilitate and improve your overall business processes. Assess
your needs in these areas by asking the following questions:
What are our record-keeping and documentation needs?
Make sure that you set up a system for documenting your Java CAPS operation.
Example: We must put a new methodology in place to document and diagram the total
operation of our Java CAPS operation. In addition, we must keep complete records on
that operation.
How do we create a deployment road map?
Plan your deployment well. Choose a deployment project team, and be sure to
document your plan in writing. For a small deployment, one person might be able to
perform this task. Flowcharts and system diagrams can be helpful. See Deployment
Planning on page 25.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Figure 5 shows a diagram of the information-gathering cycle in the deployment

projects requirements analysis phase.
Figure 5 Information-Gathering Cycle in Requirements Analysis Phase


SystemSpecific Concerns

Operation and

Personnel and

As you continue the analysis process, allow the results to feed back into your overall
analysis. If necessary, repeat the process to fine-tune the information that you have
gathered. This approach helps to ensure the accuracy and usability of the requirements
that you collect.
Once we have the information, what do we do with it?
Complete the process of documenting and organizing your information as correctly
and comprehensively as possible. When you finish the requirements analysis phase,
you use this information to help you with the next phase: deployment planning. Much
of the information will be added to the planning documents.


Deployment Planning
The deployment planning phase is the second phase in your deployment project. In this
phase, you create a road map of what the deployment will look like. You include such
criteria as resources, schedules, goals, and objectives. The main purpose of this phase is

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

to initiate the project, define the integrated system to be developed, create top-level
design documents, and create a formal project plan or road map.
In creating your road map, you provide a detailed description of the integrated system
to be developed. This plan serves the following purposes:
Designing what your future system looks like
Showing you the resource allocation needed to implement the design

Planning enables you to find out where you want to go and how to get there. When
necessary, you can obtain help from Sun Services and other Sun representatives.
Thorough, comprehensive planning helps to ensure a successful deployment project.
The major steps in deployment planning are:
Determining overall objectives
Initiation steps
Creating the planning documents

Determining Overall Objectives

This step of the deployment planning phase includes the following operations:
1 Achieve a consensus on the projects overall functionality and scope.
Set up technical and functional teams or roles to handle individual phases and

aspects of the deployment.

Note: For a small deployment, one person might be able to handle the tasks of a team.
Ensure that the functionality is clearly stated and agreed on.
Document the functionality and scope of the project based on analysis

information, and match this information against the scope of the project as
stated in the Approved Proposal.
If necessary, resolve any differences between the Approved Proposal scope and

your prepared analysis and requirements information (see Requirements

Analysis on page 22).
2 Create a general model of what the system will do. This model:
Serves as the foundation architectural plan for all Java CAPS design.
Consists of diagrams and supporting documentation that represent the design

strategy for any required Java CAPS interfaces.

3 Set up a design and development team and provide this team with an
understanding of the application domain. In addition, provide the team with the
top-level design documents.
4 Formulate a basis of validation of the final product during acceptance testing. This
validation process includes the testing required to validate the functionality of the
system and that it works as stated in the Approved Proposal.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning


Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Initiation Steps
The deployment project begins in earnest with the following tasks.

Hold a Project Kick-off Meeting

This meeting brings together all the members of the deployment project team. The
analysis tasks and responsibilities assigned to each resource are also identified. The
purpose of this task is to outline the reporting structure for the project and identify with
whom the Project Manager communicates to ensure that other tasks in the project are
being completed as planned. In addition, documentation standards are established.

Ensure That Hardware and Software Are Ready

Ensure that your hardware and software are in place and ready for the Java CAPS
installation. This process includes ensuring that the Java CAPS software is fully
supported on your hardware platform and operating system, and that the software has
been shipped.

Complete Installation Test, Installation, and Checklist

The Java CAPS installation task is completed during this phase to ensure that there are
no issues with your technical environment. You can use a deployment checklist to
detail the exact hardware and operating systems where the installation will be
This task includes the following steps:
The total Java CAPS environment must be installed and tested. The deployment

checklist is updated to identify what items were completed and to document any
outstanding issues that prevented items from being completed.
The hardware, software, and network requirements (current and planned) are

identified and verified.

The end-to-end communications with your other systems are also tested to ensure

that communications are set up correctly and systems are exchanging messages
correctly according to the communication protocol being invoked.
Any communication with other businesses or trading partners are tested in the

same way.
For detailed installation instructions, see the Java Composite Application Platform Suite
Installation Guide.

Establish the Change Management Process

Change management is a critical factor during all phases of the project. Change
management identifies and tracks all changes for a project that depart from the original
deployment plan. All changes must be identified and tracked because many small
changes can impact a deployment project in the same way as a more easily identifiable
large-scale change. Tracking all changes enables the Project Manager to plan and
control a project and keep track of all changes to the projects scope.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning


Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Creating the Planning Documents

In this step of the deployment planning phase, the following documents are created:
Deployment project plan
Functional requirements specification
Technical requirements specification
Initial test plan

Deployment Project Plan

The deployment project plan establishes a baseline reference plan. It is your road map
for the deployment project. The roles and responsibilities of each organization, the
schedule of tasks, and any estimates must be defined in this plan.
Be as detailed as possible. Any project risks must be assessed and documented. Your
resources are budgeted using this plan (or validated if you have already created a
The deployment project plan must be reviewed and agreed on by all of the
organizations involved in the project. The plan must be communicated to all affected
Table 2 describes the contents of this document.
Table 2 Deployment Project Plan


Scope of work

This item must be based on the purchase contract, Approved

Proposal, or any equivalent document.

Project organization

Include the deployment project team, development organization,

review organization, and any external organizations involved in the
project. The roles and responsibilities must be clearly defined.

Delivery schedule

Include the schedules for all specified deliverables, including the

final delivery date after all validation and verification tasks are


This section includes a work breakdown structure (WBS).

Overall schedule

This section contains a schedule for all deployment project tasks

including resource assignments; key phase completion milestones
must be indicated. This schedule will be further elaborated by
developing various phase work plans.

Resource requirements

Include the manpower, hardware, and software resources required

for the pre-transition testing phase.

Issues and risks

Potential project issues and risks must be identified, and

contingency plans must be drawn up for any risks.

Organizational interfaces

The dependencies on other projects and information needed from

other organizations must be clearly identified, documented, and
conveyed to any affected parties.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Functional Requirements Specification

In creating the functional requirements specification, you identify and analyze your
specific system requirements. The behavior of the various application components
(messages, process, and associated data) are carefully analyzed and documented.
The functional requirements specification and the technical requirements specification
help form the basis for system design and final project acceptance.
The typical tasks in creating this document are:
Study and identify system requirements to derive the business process functionality

required and identify the system architecture needed to meet functional

Create an architecture model to show the proposed integrated system.
Create interface models to define interface requirements.

Table 3 describes the contents of this document.

Table 3 Functional Requirements Specification


Statement of requirements

Define the objectives that you want the project to meet.

Proposed architecture

Show a summary design model of the sending and receiving

systems, eWay Adapters to be used, and interfaces that take place.

Proposed directory
structure and messages
that trigger processing

Provide a map of the external sending/receiving systems, directory

structures, and the business/processing messages, including the Java
CAPS processing that will be initiated by the messages.

Exception processing

Define requirements for processing errors and exceptions.


Define data volumes, performance, and any backup/archive


Interface diagrams

Produce a diagram for each proposed interface, showing the

sending/receiving system, message processing, and any


Show the hardware/software environment and high-level related

schematics for development, test, and production systems.

The general design model provided by this document forms the basis of the system
design and development phase.

Technical Requirements Specification

In creating the technical requirements specification, you identify and analyze your
specific technical requirements. The behavior of the various application components
(messages, process, and associated data) are carefully analyzed and documented.
The functional requirements specification and the technical requirements specification
help form the basis for system design and final project acceptance.
Table 4 describes the contents of this document.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Table 4 Technical Requirements Specification



Hardware/software model

Define the environment in which Java CAPS will process.

Security and system


Define the requirements for security, system availability, and the

technology being used to meet these requirements.

Additional requirements

Any additional related requirements.

Initial Test Plan

A high-level test plan must be produced, highlighting the testing tasks to be performed
during each phase. This document specifies the test approach, the types of tests to be
carried out, and the organization responsible for carrying out the tests for each test
Note: The test plan is enhanced during the system design and development phase (see
Chapter 4 System Design and Development). The actual testing is
performed during the pre-transition testing phase (see Chapter 5 Testing,
Transition to Production, and Maintenance).
Table 5 describes the contents of this document.
Table 5 Initial Test Plan


Test plan

Contains a general description of the testing phase. Ideally, this plan

is created by an independent test team or role based on your
requirements for the testing of applications and their process for
promoting applications to production.

Test phases

Includes unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing.

Test approach

Details whether there will be manual or automated testing and the

validation process for each test performed.


Includes the testing team or role (functional and technical).


Defines the system availability for test data and system resources
needed for the different test phases.

Resource requirements

Defines system, individual, and team resources needed for the test

Going Forward
When the members of your management and deployment project team agree that these
objectives have been met, you have finished the deployment planning phase. You have
created a complete deployment road map (the deployment project plan), as well as
some general designs for your completed system.
The next chapters in this guide describe the following topics:
System Design and Development: For a discussion of the next deployment phase,

see Chapter 4 System Design and Development.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 3
Requirements Analysis and Deployment Planning

Section 3.3
Deployment Planning

Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance: For a discussion of the pre-

transition testing, transition to production, and post-transition maintenance phases,

see Chapter 5 Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance.
Hardware Needs: An important part of planning for your system and deployment

is how to determine your hardware requirements. If you need additional

information on planning for and determining your systems hardware
requirements, see Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4

System Design and Development

This chapter describes the third phase of deploying Java CAPS: system design and
Whats in This Chapter
Introduction on page 32
Service-Oriented Architecture on page 33
System Design on page 37
System Development on page 38
Optimizing Your System on page 46


When the requirements analysis and deployment planning phases have been
completed, your next major step is the system design and development phase. During
this phase, you work on the essential system architecture that implements your
business plans and processes.
This phase requires a series of successive refinements applied to your initial summary
plan (the functional requirements specification). Your design starts with the broadest
view of the system and then proceeds to the details. This top-down approach results in
the most effective application of the technology to the integration of your existing
systems and applications.
The system design and development phase includes the following steps:
Planning general hardware configuration
System design methodology
Software development
System optimization

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.2
Service-Oriented Architecture

Figure 6 shows where the system design and development phase fits into the overall
Java CAPS deployment.
Figure 6 System Design and Development Phase
Phase 1:
Requirements Analysis

Phase 2:
Deployment Planning

Phase 3:
System Design and Development

Phase 4:
Pre-Transition Testing

Phase 5:
Transition to Production

Phase 6:
Post-Transition Maintenance


Service-Oriented Architecture
Java CAPS enables you to develop composite applications on top of a service-oriented


In a service-oriented architecture, a group of software components offers functionality
to other components. A service consumer makes a request, and a service provider sends
a response. Some services are high level (for example, verify the insurance eligibility of
a patient). Other services are more technical (for example, transform a message from an
external format to an internal format).

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.2
Service-Oriented Architecture

The service provider publishes an interface that service consumers interact with. The
implementation details are hidden from the consumers.
In Java CAPS, you can create various types of services, including:
Java Collaborations
Business Processes
Page Flows
eTL Collaborations

These services are created independently in Enterprise Designer and stored in the
Repository. You then use a Connectivity Map to link the services and other component
types (such as topics and external applications) together.
Figure 7 shows a simple Connectivity Map that contains two services, both of which are
Java Collaborations.
Figure 7 Connectivity Map with Two Services

One of the key benefits of a service-oriented architecture is reusability. Services can be

combined in different ways. For example, Service1 in the preceding Connectivity Map
might also appear in a different Project.
Another benefit is location transparency. The service consumer does not need to know
where the service provider is located on the network, and vice versa.
A third benefit is that services in a service-oriented architecture are loosely coupled.
This concept means that changing a service does not necessarily require changes to the
components with which the service interacts.

Architecture Layers
Figure 8 shows the four layers of the service-oriented architecture in Java CAPS.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.2
Service-Oriented Architecture

Figure 8 Architecture Layers

Patient Name:

John Smith

Date of Birth:


Insurance Plan:

Composite Applications


Business Services






Business Services


Existing Systems

The following subsections describe each layer, starting with the lowest layer and
moving upward.

Existing Systems
The Existing Systems layer consists of back-end programs, such as databases, packaged
applications, external trading partners, and legacy systems.
The back-end programs might use technologies that are incompatible with each other.
For example, information about a customer might be located in an Oracle database
(used by one company division) and in an IBM DB2 database (used by another
company division).

Elemental Business Services

The Elemental Business Services layer contains services that perform discrete, finegrained tasks, such as:
Verify customer credit
Determine product availability
Calculate shipping charges

eGate Integrator enables you to define these services, which can be based on Java or
XSL Transformations (XSLT). Object Type Definitions (OTDs) define the various
formats of messages that the services process.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.2
Service-Oriented Architecture

eTL Integrator enables you to extract, transform, and load bulk data between files and
eView Studio provides methods that you can use in Java Collaborations to specify how
data is processed into the master index database.
eWay Adapters enable the services to interact with the different technologies in the
Existing Systems layer. Thus, the adapters shield the incompatibilities between backend programs from this layer.

Composed Business Services

The Composed Business Services layer combines services in the lower layer into largergrained services that represent a specific business process. Examples of services in this
layer are:
Process customer order
Execute revenue process

In many scenarios, conditional branching is required. An example of conditional

branching is: if condition 1 is true, invoke service 1; otherwise, invoke service 2. The
second Composed Business Service in Figure 8 includes a conditional branch.
You can incorporate human tasks into the flow of a business process. The flow waits for
a person to complete the task before proceeding further.
Some business processes are long running, which means that under normal
circumstances they can take days, weeks, or months to complete.
eInsight Business Process Manager contains a wide variety of design elements
(including elements that support conditional branching) for creating business processes
in this layer.
Note: You can also use eInsight to create an Elemental Business Service.
eView Studio enables eInsight to access the master index database.
eXchange Integrator includes the concept of a B2B protocol, which represents a
business process in trading partner scenarios.

Composite Applications
The Composite Applications layer contains applications that are based on the services
in the lower layers.
The information that appears in the user interface might be combined from multiple
back-end systems. Without the composite application, the user would need to obtain
the desired information by accessing each system independently.
eVision Studio enables you to create web-based user interfaces for composite
eBAM Studio enables you to create dashboards that illustrate Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). These dashboards can help users to visualize the current state of the

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.3
System Design

eIndex Single Patient View enables you to create a single view of person information
across an enterprise.

Core Technologies
Table 6 describes various technologies that Java CAPS uses to implement a serviceoriented architecture.
Table 6 Core Technologies


Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

An architecture for developing, deploying,

integrating, and managing enterprise applications.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

A form of Standard Generalized Markup Language

(SGML) that is widely used for data exchange and
configuration files.

XSL Transformations (XSLT)

A language for transforming XML documents into

other XML documents.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

An XML-based specification for exchanging

messages in a distributed environment, typically
over HTTP.

Web Services Description Language


An XML-based language for describing the

functionality that a web service offers.

Universal Description, Discovery, and

Integration (UDDI)

A specification that enables web services to be

published in a registry. Service consumers can
search the registry for service providers.

Business Process Execution Language for

Web Services (BPEL4WS)

A notation for describing the behavior of business



System Design
The three basic steps in designing a Java CAPS deployment are:
Identify all of the external systems to be connected
Define the configuration of Java CAPS components
Define the configuration of hardware and network connections


Identifying External Systems

The first step is to identify all of the external systems to be connected to each other
through the system. The resulting set of interconnected systems is called the
communication topology. The communication topology exists without regard for the
hardware hosts where components execute and without regard for the format of data
exchanged between systems.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development


Section 4.4
System Development

Configuring Java CAPS Components

The second step is to define a configuration of Java CAPS components (for example,
eWay Adapters, Collaborations, and Message Servers) to run on the respective hosts in
the hardware topology. The component arrangement is called the component topology.
Choose the simplest Object Type Definitions and Collaborations. Defining the most
efficient component topology depends on the relationship of data formats. Therefore,
defining object types is an integral part of designing the component topology.


Hardware and Network Connections

The third step is to define a configuration of hardware and network connections that
enable the external systems to communicate as required by the communications
topology. This hardware configuration is called the hardware topology.
Java CAPS is designed to run as a distributed system with central management. Only
network performance and the demands on each host are relevant considerations in
defining hardware topology. Because of the distributed architecture of the total system,
the hardware topology is not rigidly defined. It can be adjusted as needed when system
demands change. For example, increased demands on the Java CAPS environment can
be met by distributing processing across more CPUs.
For more information on how to determine and meet your hardware requirements, see
Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements.


System Development
This section describes a variety of system development topics, including user
management, naming conventions, and project teams with multiple developers.


Creating Users
Java CAPS users are divided into the following categories:
Logical Host
Enterprise Manager

Repository users can use Enterprise Designer to create the necessary Project and
Environment components for a Java CAPS solution.
Java CAPS has one predefined Repository user: Administrator. The Administrator user
has unlimited power to create other users. Each user has one or more roles, which
specify the tasks that the user can perform. Every user has the predefined all role. The
predefined administration role enables the user to perform uploads in the Java CAPS
Installer and to create Repository branches.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

When creating a user, the Administrator user should not give the user a more powerful
role than necessary.
If your organization stores information about the project team members in an LDAP
server, you can integrate with the LDAP server. The following LDAP servers are
supported: Sun Java System Directory Server, Microsofts Active Directory, and
Logical Host users can access Java CAPS applications that are running in a Logical
Enterprise Manager users can monitor running Java CAPS applications.
For detailed information about managing users of the Repository, Logical Host, and
Enterprise Manager, see the Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System Administration Guide.

Naming Conventions
Create a set of naming conventions early in the system design and development phase.
Naming conventions help to ensure readability and maintainability. Consider using the
prefixes and suffixes described in this section. Additional standards might include:
Start the main portion of a Service name with a verb
Include the data format or external system in an Object Type Definition name.

Add a prefix to each component name to identify the component type. For example,
you could use the prefix prj as an identifier for Projects.
Table 7 contains suggested prefixes for Project components.
Table 7 Suggested Prefixes for Project Components






Business Process



Collaboration Definition



Collaboration Definition



Connectivity Map



Deployment Profile



Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

Table 7 Suggested Prefixes for Project Components




External Application



Object Type Definition



Page Flow



Page Layout



Page Link















Web Service Definition



XML Schema Definition



If you create subprojects as an organizational aid (for example, as the container for a
large number of Collaboration Definitions or Object Type Definitions), then you can
omit the prj prefix.
Figure 9 Naming Subprojects


Table 8 contains suggested prefixes for Environment components.

Table 8 Suggested Prefixes for Environment Components






Logical Host



Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

Table 8 Suggested Prefixes for Environment Components




Sun SeeBeyond Integration




Sun SeeBeyond JMS IQ




External System



You might want to add a suffix to components that have development, test, and
production versions. In Table 7, the examples for the Deployment Profile use this
convention. In Table 8, the examples for the Environment, Logical Host, and Integration
Server use this convention.
You can also use suffixes to indicate whether External Applications and External
Systems are inbound or outbound.

Project Teams with Multiple Developers

This section contains guidelines for project teams with multiple developers.

Subprojects and Multiple Projects

If you have a large development team, you might find it useful to divide the work using
one of the following approaches:
Create multiple subprojects within a top-level Project. Choose this approach when

the subprojects have common components.

Create multiple Projects.

When using the first approach, the developers must consider the order in which
components are created. For example, assume that a Collaboration Definition called
jcdCheckInventory is used by two subprojects. The developers might want to work on
this Collaboration Definition before working on Collaboration Definitions that are not
used by multiple subprojects.

Version Control and Access Control Lists

The version control system and Access Control Lists (ACLs) enable a project team to
limit access to components.
With the version control system, a developer can work on the new version of a
component while other team members use the most recent stable version. For example,
assume that version 1.4 of an Object Type Definition called otdEmployeeInfo is
considered to be stable. While the developer works on version 1.5, the other team
members can use version 1.4.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

Important: More than one person concurrently using the same user name will circumvent the
version control system, and one persons work can be overwritten by another.
Ensure that all personnel using Enterprise Designer use unique names.
ACLs become more important as the size of a Project grows, or when you divide the
work as described in Subprojects and Multiple Projects. They enable you to control
which users have read only or read/write access to a component, and thus reduce the
possibility of deliberate or accidental changes.
Ensure that the development team fully understands how the version control system
and ACLs work. The Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator Users Guide describes how to use
the version control system. The Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System Administration
Guide describes how to create and modify ACLs.

Logical Hosts
Ideally, each developer installs and uses a Logical Host on the same computer as
Enterprise Designer. Thus, developers can run the Logical Host without interfering
with the work of other developers.
If a development computer does not have enough resources to run a Logical Host, you
can try other approaches.
Note: Typically, the amount of system resources used by a developers Logical Host is less
than the amount of system resources used by a Logical Host in the test and
production environments. Chapter 6 Determining System Requirements
lists the minimum system requirements for the Logical Host on various operating
One approach is to share Logical Hosts. For example, assume that there are two
Projects, each of which has two developers. Rather than creating four Logical Hosts
(one for each developer), the teams could create two Logical Hosts:
Logical Host 1 is shared by developer 1 from the first Project and developer 1 from

the second Project.

Logical Host 2 is shared by developer 2 from the first Project and developer 2 from

the second Project.

Use this approach only when the two Projects are sufficiently independent from each
Figure 10 shows a diagram of this approach.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

Figure 10 Sharing Logical Hosts Between Projects

Project 1

Project 2

Dev 1

Dev 1

Dev 2

Logical Host 1


Dev 2

Logical Host 2

Error Handling
In the requirements analysis and deployment planning phases, you define the
requirements for processing errors and exceptions.
In the system design and development phase, you use various Java CAPS features to
implement these requirements. For example:
When creating a business process in eInsight, you can configure the process to catch

all exceptions or certain exceptions that you specify. In addition, eInsight provides a
Compensation Handler element, which enables you to add sophisticated rollback
logic to Straight Through Processing (STP), fast processes, and long-running
eVision enables you to return preconfigured web pages if a requested page cannot

be found or if there is a serious problem with the business process. These

preconfigured web pages correspond to the HTTP response codes 404 and 500,

Variables and Constants

Variables and constants enable you to avoid hard-coding environment-specific
information such as file names and database names.
A variable functions as a placeholder. The value is determined when you create a
Deployment Profile. You can define variables at the Project level.
Assume that you create a Connectivity Map that includes an inbound File eWay
Adapter. The eWay Adapter has an environment property called Directory, which
specifies the folder that the eWay Adapter polls for input files. Instead of entering a
value such as C:/input, you can select a variable that you previously defined (for
example, VARIABLE_FILE_INPUT). When you create the Deployment Profile, you
assign a value to the variable.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.4
System Development

A constant is a name/value pair that is visible across a Project or an Environment.

For more information about variables and constants, see the Sun SeeBeyond eGate
Integrator Users Guide.

Multiple Environments
Create separate Environments for the development, test, and production phases.
Each Environment should have a corresponding Deployment Profile:
The development Deployment Profile maps Project components to the

development Environment.
The test Deployment Profile maps Project components to the test Environment.
The production Deployment Profile maps Project components to the production


Multiple Runtime Components

Under normal circumstances, you should not need to create multiple runtime
components. In other words, you can run a single Logical Host that contains a single
Sun SeeBeyond Integration Server and/or a single Sun SeeBeyond JMS IQ Manager.
The Integration Server is designed to scale up to meet higher demands. Note that you
can modify Integration Server properties associated with scalability from the
Integration Server Administration tool.
However, there are situations when you may want to create multiple runtime
Assume that you are running a Logical Host on a computer that has multiple CPUs. If
you discover that some of the CPUs are being underutilized, check to see whether
creating an additional Logical Host improves performance.
Multiple Logical Hosts can be useful in isolating deployed Projects from each other. For
example, if you are running two Projects on the same Logical Host and Project 1
requires the Logical Host to be restarted, then Project 2 is also restarted. Using multiple
Logical Hosts would prevent Project 2 from being restarted.
In general, be sure to test and monitor your deployed Projects so you can determine
how effectively the runtime components are handling the load.
Note: You can deploy two services that are not directly dependent upon each other (for
example, two JCD services that send messages via JMS) across two Logical Hosts.
However, two processes that need to have direct access to one another must be
deployed to the same Logical Host.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development


Section 4.4
System Development

Multiple Logical Host Domains on a Computer

You only need to install the Logical Host once on a computer. You can create multiple
domains within the Logical Host.
For each domain, a directory is automatically created with the same name as the
domain. Figure 11 shows an example of this behavior on a Windows computer. The
Logical Host contains three domains: domain1, domain2, and domain3.
Figure 11 Multiple Domains on a Single Computer (Windows)

Here is an example for a UNIX computer:


If you plan to run more than one Logical Host domain at the same time, be sure to
configure the port numbers so that they do not conflict with each other. For example, do
not set the administration port number for both domains to 18000.

Development and Production Versions

Create separate versions of the Logical Host and the Enterprise Manager Server for the
development and production phases.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.5
Optimizing Your System

Figure 12 Development and Production Versions



Manager Server

Manager Server

Logical Host

Logical Host


Because the Repository is not needed during the production phase, Figure 12 shows
only one Repository installation.


Optimizing Your System

This section provides information on the following system optimization topics:
Tuning for high-volume scenarios
Tuning the eInsight Engine
IBM AIX tuning and troubleshooting


Tuning for High-Volume Scenarios

If you deploy an application that processes a large number of transactions, consider the
following guidance.
Outbound JMS Clients include a property called Maximum Pool Size. To avoid
exhausting the pool of connections, you might need to increase the default value of this
property (for example, to 128). You can edit this property in the Connectivity Map
Editor of Enterprise Designer.
If you are running a high-volume JMS application on a Windows platform, and the
TcpTimedWaitDelay registry parameter is set to the default value, then the application

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.5
Optimizing Your System

might use all of the ephemeral ports. Try decreasing the value, so that TCP can release
closed connections more quickly.
Note: You can add the MaxUserPort registry parameter to increase the number of
ephemeral ports.

Tuning the eInsight Engine

This section describes various configuration properties that affect the performance of
the eInsight Engine. The suggested ranges are for a typical Project. Each Project might
need customized tuning for the best performance. You could start with low values for
these properties, and increment the values until the throughput peaks and resource
usage is optimal.
Note: The Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager Users Guide describes how
to access and modify the configuration properties from Enterprise Designer.
Each Project has its own eInsight Engine.
The eInsight Engine creates work items and submits them to the application server for
execution. This approach enables the application server to pool threads efficiently and
to have more control over the runtime environment. The eInsight Engine does not need
to create or manage threads directly.
There are two categories of work items: invoke activities, and other types of activities.
The eInsight Engine allows you to limit the maximum number of work items that are
submitted for execution by the application server at a given time. In addition, the
engine allows you to limit the maximum number of invocations that can be made of the
total available work items submission limit. This feature allows the engine to keep
processing other activities (if available) and ensures that the total thread pool is not
used up in invocations.

Max Concurrent Instances Property

The Max Concurrent Instances property specifies the maximum number of instances of
a Business Process in a Project that can be processed by the eInsight Engine at a given
time. If the engine receives additional requests, then these requests are placed in a
waiting state. As soon as any of the instances being processed is completed, one of the
waiting requests is obtained for processing.
If a Project has multiple Business Processes, then you can configure each Business
Process to have a different number of maximum concurrent instances.
A higher value for this property results in higher memory requirements.
Memory requirements are also based on the type of Business Process. Assume that two
Business Processes have the same value for this property. The Business Process that has
more defined variables will require more memory.
The default value is 40, which is sufficient for most scenarios. The suggested range is
from 40 to 1000.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.5
Optimizing Your System

Receive Timeout Property

The Receive Timeout property can affect the performance of certain Projects.
If the maximum concurrent instances for a Business Process has been reached and

the engine receives another request, then the new request is placed into a waiting
state. This parameter defines how long the request can be in the waiting state. After
this duration, a timeout occurs and the incoming request thread is returned.
If a Business Process is defined with correlation, it is possible that the instance to be

correlated for the incoming request has not been created. In this situation, the
incoming request is placed into a waiting state for the Receive Timeout period.
When the correlating instance is available, this request is picked up. If a timeout
occurs before the correlating instance is available, then the incoming request thread
is returned.
If a Project has multiple Receive Activities and the request for the second Receive

Activity arrives before the request for the first Receive Activity, then the request for
the second Receive Activity is placed into a waiting state for the Receive Timeout
period. The request is notified as soon as the Business Process instance is created for
the first Receive Activity.
If the eInsight Engine has not completely started and an incoming request arrives,

then the request is placed into a waiting state for the Receive Timeout period.
The default value is 15 seconds. The suggested range is from 1 second to as needed. Be
sure to enter the value in milliseconds, rather than seconds.

Work Item Submit Limit Property

The Work Item Submit Limit property specifies the maximum number of work items
that the eInsight Engine can submit to the application server for execution at a given
The default value is 500. The suggested range is from 50 to 750.

Invocation Allocation Ratio Property

The Invocation Allocation Ratio property is closely related to the Work Submit Limit
property. This property specifies the percentage of threads that can be used for invoke
activities, as opposed to other types of activities.
If a Business Process makes a lot of invocations to other processes, then you can
increase the ratio to improve performance.
Important: Do not set this value to 100 percent. If all of the threads are used and the Business
Process needs to execute other Activities, then a deadlock situation can occur.
The default value is 80 percent.
The suggested range depends on the partners that the Business Process is interacting
with. For example, if the Work Submit Limit property is set to the default value of 500
and the Business Process has a JMS partner with a connection pool size limit of 32, then
the highest suggested value for the Invocation Allocation Ratio property is 6 percent.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development

Section 4.5
Optimizing Your System

The processing needs of the partner might require you to enter a value that is lower
than the highest suggested value. Alternately, the partner could increase its pool size

Database Connection Max Idle Time Property

The Database Connection Max Idle Time property is used with Business Process
instances that have been configured for persistence. This property specifies the
maximum number of seconds that a physical connection can remain unused before the
connection is closed. If the value is zero (0), then there is no limit.
The default value is 600.

Database Connection Pool Size Property

The Database Connection Pool Size property is used with Business Process instances
that have been configured for persistence. This property specifies the maximum
number of database connections that the eInsight Engine can cache for performance.
The default value is 60. The suggested range is from 10 to 100.

Database Connection Retries Property

The Database Connection Retries property is used with Business Process instances
that have been configured for persistence. This property specifies how many times the
eInsight Engine attempts to establish a database connection after a connection failure.
The default value is Infinity.

Database Connection Retry Interval Property

The Database Connection Retry Interval property is used with Business Process
instances that have been configured for persistence. This property specifies the
milliseconds of pause before each reattempt to establish a database connection after a
connection failure.
The default value is 10000. Be sure to enter the value in milliseconds, rather than

Database Connection Steady Pool Size Property

The Database Connection Steady Pool Size property is used with Business Process
instances that have been configured for persistence. This property specifies the initial
and minimum number of database connections that the eInsight Engine maintains in its
database pool.
The default value is 20.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 4
System Design and Development


Section 4.5
Optimizing Your System

IBM AIX Tuning and Troubleshooting

The IBM web site includes a resource called developerWorks, which provides valuable
information that can help you with tuning and troubleshooting on IBM AIX systems.
For example, the following series of articles provide tips and techniques for
maximizing Java performance on IBM AIX:
The following article describes how to find out whether garbage collection is finely
tuned and how to resolve any issues:
These URLs were accurate as of this Java CAPS release.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5

Testing, Transition to Production, and

This chapter describes the final three phases of deploying Java CAPS: pre-transition
testing, transition to production, and post-transition maintenance.
Whats in This Chapter
Introduction on page 51
Pre-Transition Testing on page 53
Transition to Production on page 57
Post-Transition Maintenance on page 58
Summary on page 59


The final three phases of deploying Java CAPS are:
Pre-transition testing: The system must be fully tested before it is transitioned to a

production environment. This phase includes unit testing, integration testing, and
acceptance testing.
Transition to production: After the system is fully tested, it must be migrated to the

production environment. This chapter covers the procedures and considerations for
performing the transition to production.
Post-transition maintenance: Once the system has been migrated to the production

environment, the system must be monitored for correct performance, possible

errors, and the need for changes. System monitoring is a critical step in the longterm success of your deployment project. Routine checks and fine-tuning help to
establish long-term performance benchmarks and aid in identifying undesirable

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.1

Figure 13 shows where these phases fit into the overall Java CAPS deployment.
Figure 13 Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance Phases
Phase 1:
Requirements Analysis

Phase 2:
Deployment Planning

Phase 3:
System Design and Development

Phase 4:
Pre-Transition Testing

Phase 5:
Transition to Production

Phase 6:
Post-Transition Maintenance

An important part of the entire deployment project is change management. If changes

are required, they must be processed through the same cycle of planning, development,
testing, transition to production, and maintenance as the rest of the deployment.
Figure 14 illustrates this cycle of change management.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.2
Pre-Transition Testing

Figure 14 Change Management Cycle

Identify Needed





Pre-Transition Testing


An essential part of the implementation of any complicated system is thorough testing.

Table 9 describes the types of testing that must be performed.
Table 9 Testing Types


Unit testing

Testing individual components in isolation.

Integration testing

Testing groups of components together, up to and including the entire


Acceptance testing

Testing a completed system (or portion thereof) to ensure that it meets

the requirements.

For the most part, unit and integration testing are done in the development phase,
while acceptance testing is done as a final check before putting the system into

Testing Methodology
While how a system is tested varies, depending on the particulars of the specific
system, certain methodologies apply to all system testing.
In general, you test the individual parts of the system before testing the entire system.
Similarly, you test individual components in isolation before testing them in a broader


Test Plan
Planning for system testing begins with a careful examination of the requirements of
the system. An initial test plan is created in the deployment planning phase. The test

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.2
Pre-Transition Testing

plan specifies how the system is tested and what requirements the system must meet
before it is put into production.
The initial test plan can be enhanced during the system design and development phase.
The functional and technical requirements specifications outline the procedures used to
conduct the tests, both at a component level and at an integrated system level. These
specifications include:
Type of data to use
Expected output
Who is responsible for the test

Type of Data To Use

The test plan specifies the type of data to use when testing the system. At both the
component level and the integration level, be sure to work with data that is typical of
the data that the system is designed to process. If possible, use real data from your
pre-existing systems. Vary the data enough so that all possible types of processing
implemented by the system are tested.
In addition to real-life typical data, use data designed to test the systems error
handling. This data might have to be specially constructed.

Testing the Output

The test plan includes specifications for:
Proper error handling
Transaction processing speed
Correct routing of information
Correct transformation of data
Any other special requirements

Responsibility for Testing

In general, the responsibility for testing an individual component belongs to the
developer of the component. The responsibility for the testing of the entire system
might belong to the project manager or the technical lead for the project.
Acceptance testing is done by or in conjunction with people for whom the system is
being created.

Unit Testing
Unit testing checks the individual parts of a larger system for correct functioning prior
to integration testing.
Each component used in the system must be unit-tested and its functionality must be
verified before the component can be used in the integrated system.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.2
Pre-Transition Testing

Unit testing is done as part of the development phase by the developer responsible for
creating the component. If the functional or technical requirements specifications
include a procedure for testing the component, then this procedure must be followed. If
the functional and technical requirements specifications do not include a procedure for
testing the component, then at a minimum the test must verify that the component
performs as outlined in the specifications.
The tools used to test each part are different, depending on what the part is designed to
do in the system. In addition, though all are designed to verify correct functioning, the
methods employed vary, depending on the component being tested.
Take advantage of the validation tools in various Java CAPS products. For example:
Enterprise Designer includes a Java Debugger that enables you to debug Java-based

Collaboration Definitions.
eInsight Business Process Manager includes a validation tool that enables you to

check for errors in a Business Process model.


Integration Testing
Integration testing verifies how well the new components work together and with the
existing Java CAPS infrastructure.
If the system is large and complex, you can break the integration testing into pieces
designed to test a self-contained portion of the system.

Partial Integration Testing

Partial integration testing verifies correct data movement from one external system to
another (that is, a complete data path).
For example, assume that you have a system that brings in data from a single external
system and then sends the data to several other external systems. A partial test of this
system would be to test whether the data can be sent to one of the external systems.

Complete System Testing

Complete system testing tests the entire system, including the interaction with all of the
external systems. If the system is large and complex, this type of test requires a large
amount of coordination. Set up this test to duplicate the actual production system. In
many cases, it is used as a dry run prior to doing the actual acceptance test.

Performance Testing
Performance testing tests whether the system works fast enough. This type of testing
must be done once a component or system is functioning correctly and transforming
the data properly.
Many factors in combination affect performance. Speeding up one component might
not speed up the performance of the entire system if the bottleneck is located elsewhere.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.2
Pre-Transition Testing

The exact requirement or goal in terms of the systems performance must be specified
in the test plan. Whether you meet the goal determines whether you pass the test.
An additional goal in performance testing is to find the bottlenecks in the system.
Uncovering these bottlenecks enables additional system resources to be allocated
intelligently in order to improve processing.
Speed Testing
This operation tests whether the system processes data fast enough. Ensure that the
logging is set to the levels that will be used in production before doing a speed test.
Higher-than-normal levels of logging can seriously degrade system performance and
slow processing speed.
Stress Testing
This operation tests whether the system can handle the expected load. This type of
testing attempts to overload the system with data to see whether or how it could fail.
Effective stress tests include large volumes of messages, large-sized messages, and
multiple concurrent connections. Many times, network bottlenecks can be uncovered
this way. The test plan describes the methodology to use for stress testing.

Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is done before moving the system into production. This type of
testing serves as a final check to prove to end users that the system performs according
to plan.
Acceptance testing can be done for part of a system or for a complete system. If the
entire system is not going into production at the same time, then you can test the
portion of the system that is going into production.
The test plan specifies all conditions that the system has to meet before being put into
production. In addition, the test plan specifies the people who must approve the system
and who must be involved in the test.


The following tools are available for finding and correcting errors:
Enterprise Manager
Log files created by individual components
Alert Agent
SNMP Agent

Enterprise Manager
Enterprise Manager gives you control over the components in a Project. Enterprise
Manager alerts you to the status of components (for example, whether they are
running) and enables you to send commands to them (such as start or shut down).
For more information on using Enterprise Manager, see the following documents:

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.3
Transition to Production

Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System Administration Guide

Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator JMS Reference Guide
Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process Manager Users Guide

Log Files
To gain additional information, use the log files created by any component that fails.
When a component or system is not working, errors are written to the log file to help
you diagnose the problem. In a normally functioning system, only the most serious
errors (such as a shut-down component) are written to the log, because each entry
written to the log uses system resources and slows processing. To learn more about a
malfunctioning component, you can enable the system to log more information.
For more information on log files, see the Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System
Administration Guide.

Alert Agent
The Alert Agent enables you to send a specified category of alerts to one or more
destinations as the alerts occur. For detailed information, see the Sun SeeBeyond Alert
Agent Users Guide.

SNMP Agent
The SNMP Agent enables you to forward alerts as SNMP version 2 traps to a thirdparty SNMP management system. For detailed information, see the Sun SeeBeyond
SNMP Agent Users Guide.


Transition to Production
After verifying the performance and reliability of the system, the next step is to
transition the system to the live production environment.
This phase consists of the following steps:
1 Create a production version of the Deployment Profile
2 Build the EAR file
3 Deploy the EAR file
The Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator Users Guide describes the first two steps. The Sun
SeeBeyond eGate Integrator System Administration Guide describes the third step.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance


Section 5.4
Post-Transition Maintenance

Post-Transition Maintenance
With your project up and running, it is important to monitor system activity, check for
errors, and make any needed changes.
Figure 14 on page 53 shows the steps to take when changes are required. You must put
changes through the same high scrutiny as the original system design.


Monitoring System Activity

Monitoring system activity is a critical step in the long-term success of the system.
Routine checks help to establish long-term performance benchmarks. Such benchmarks
are helpful in identifying undesirable changes. If you do not have a good feel for a
healthy systems vital signs, you may have a more difficult time recognizing when your
system needs attention.

Enterprise Manager
Enterprise Manager provides visual cues to let you know when a component needs
Note: By default, Enterprise Manager is timed out after three hours. You can disable the
If you configure the Alert Agent or SNMP Agent, you can avoid having to run the
Enterprise Manager continuously. The agent notifies you when the specified problem

Log Files
On a daily basis, review the runtime log files and examine any messages that indicate a
major problem.
If you are using the Sun SeeBeyond Integration Server, then the server log file is the
main log file. This log file uses the Java Logging API.
Note: You can specify the minimum severity level that a logger outputs to the
corresponding log file. Do not use the FINE, FINER, or FINEST levels during
Many of the log files (such as repository.log) are configured to behave as a recirculating
stack. Each file has a maximum size, and the oldest file is reused when the maximum
number of files is reached. Java CAPS includes configuration files that enable you to
change the maximum file size and the maximum number of files.
The other log files (such as connection.log) do not have configuration files. On a
regular basis, check the size of these log files. If a file has grown too large, you can
rename the file, delete the file, or move the file to a separate disk or computer.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 5
Testing, Transition to Production, and Maintenance

Section 5.5

Repository Backup
On a regular basis, back up the Repository. The frequency will vary depending on the
project. One scenario is to back up the Repository once a week at a time of low system

Implementing Changes
After a period of time, you may need to make changes to your project. Changes are
common as the needs of your end users evolve and as additional external systems are
Implement changes by using the same process that was originally used to deploy your
project. Consider the change management process illustrated in Figure 14 on page 53.
Applying this same process of planning, configuration, testing, migration, monitoring,
and re-evaluation helps to ensure a successful deployment.


The proper use of a lab environment provides an excellent opportunity to verify and
refine the system configuration that was implemented earlier in the deployment
process. Focusing on the deployment plan helps to ensure the smoothest possible
By thoroughly unit testing and system testing the system in the lab, costly errors can be
avoided and the end users are more satisfied with the final results.
Going Forward
When the management team, the deployment project team, and the end users agree
that the system is up and running according to plan, you have successfully finished the
If you have any questions about further system operation and maintenance, see the
appropriate documents listed in Related Documents on page 12 or contact Sun

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6

Determining System Requirements

This chapter offers guidelines to help you determine the system requirements for the
deployment of Java CAPS.
Whats in This Chapter
System Requirements Introduction on page 60
Initial Considerations on page 60
Estimating Requirements on page 61


System Requirements Introduction

This chapter explains how to assess your needs for the following types of hardware:
Random access memory (RAM)
Hard disk space

There are many factors to consider in order to determine the hardware requirements for
your particular system. This discussion is limited to issues as they relate directly to Java
This chapter does not consider networking topology, and does not address such issues
as shared applications, how resources are distributed throughout a network, and how
many workstations are included in the network. For databases, this chapter assumes
that each database management system is installed on a separate host.


Initial Considerations
Depending on the number of external connections, the type of data being processed,
and how the data is processed, the required resources can vary. Consider the following
points as you begin estimating your hardware requirements:
Each deployment of Java CAPS is different. The configuration of each deployment

is unique because there are varying numbers of components as well as variances in

interconnectivity. Some components are bidirectional and complex, while others
merely pass data through.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6
Determining System Requirements

Section 6.3
Estimating Requirements

In addition to differences in configuration, the computational requirements will

differ both in scope and complexity. The high-performance architecture of Java

CAPS is net-centric, which makes Java CAPS highly flexible. This flexibility makes
predicting the general requirements of hardware a complex task.
A Java CAPS solution is distributed using run-time components and is platform

independent. System stability and redundancy are important considerations. Server

requirements vary greatly, depending on the components on the server, the
archiving requirements configured on the customers system, and other factors.
Instead of only referring to absolute minimum requirements, it is more meaningful

to discuss the hardware needs of an installation in terms of recommendations. By

using the methods described in this chapter, a system analyst can estimate the
required resources for a given configuration, from a simple deployment to a
complex deployment, and thereby define an initial recommendation. Once
installed, Java CAPS can be fine-tuned, both in terms of hardware and software, to
optimize performance.


Estimating Requirements
This section lists some of the factors that affect performance, and then provides
guidelines for estimating requirements.


Because Java CAPS is a general-purpose toolkit that is flexible in its deployment and
configuration, estimating the processor requirements is a challenge. There are infinite
possibilities and numerous factors with complex interactions that affect the estimates.
Some factors are more critical than others, depending on the circumstances.
Factors that affect performance include:
CPU type and architecture
CPU speed
Presence of a CPU cache and its size
Number of CPUs
Physical memory size
Swap size
Disk subsystem (that is, bandwidth, latency, block size, RPM, seek time, and the

presence and size of the cache)

Network bandwidth and load
Number of external systems and their latencies in servicing messages and

Complexity and amount of processing to be performed by each component

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6
Determining System Requirements

Section 6.3
Estimating Requirements

Message volume, size, and distribution through the day

Throughput and response-time requirements
Complexity of messages, including the number of nodes and complexity of regular

Bundling of messages (that is, more than one logical record in one physical record)
Number of transitions between components for a given message (for example,

moving data from an eWay to a topic/queue to an eWay or Collaboration)

Amount of the implementation that can utilize parallel processing
Other loads on the Logical Hosts (for example, queue cleanup schedules, backups,

and other processes)

Dispersion of solution across multiple CPUs and systems
Number and architecture of subcomponents participating in the Project

Start with a good base configuration as a development system and use that
configuration to predict the processor requirements for a production system for your
unique implementation.
The recommended methodology is to:
1 Implement a representative number of interfaces (that exercise a good sample of the
various data transformations and communication requirements of the
implementation) on this system.
2 Run representative data files through the system.
3 Record the CPU load.
From these measures, you can project what the final production load will be and,
therefore, the CPU requirement. The architecture can be tuned to achieve more
efficiency using this same technique.
One advantage of the suites distributed and scalable architecture is that hardware does
not need to be replaced but can be included in a multi-system implementation.
Therefore, as processing requirements grow, you can add new hardware.

General Considerations
When estimating resource requirements, certain general considerations exist.
Table 10 lists the RAM and disk space considerations for the Repository, Logical Host,
and Enterprise Designer computers.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6
Determining System Requirements

Section 6.3
Estimating Requirements

Table 10 General Considerations

Computer Role


Disk Space


Memory usage increases with

each additional client
connection. Every Enterprise
Designer connection uses RAM
resources on the Repository

The disk space usage increases

as additional Java CAPS
products are installed.

Enterprise Designer

Memory usage increases based

on the number of Projects or
components being configured.

The disk space usage increases

as additional Java CAPS
products are installed.

Logical Host

Memory usage increases when:

Disk resources are used only by

the products deployed on a
Logical Host.

The number of
Collaborations and other
deployed modules increases.
The size and complexity of
messages increase.

A Logical Host running only one

component uses less disk space
than a Logical Host that
contains multiple configured

Minimum System Requirements

The following tables list the minimum requirements for installing and running Java
CAPS components. The RAM and disk space requirements do not take into
consideration the RAM and disk space required by the operating system. Note that the
requirements vary based on the operating system and the role of the host computer.
Note: For optimum performance of Enterprise Designer, avoid running other applications
at the same time.

Table 11 Windows System Requirements




Disk Space

Enterprise Designer

1.2 GHz Pentium class

768 MB

250 MB


1.2 GHz Pentium class

240 MB

1.2 GB

Enterprise Manager

1.2 GHz Pentium class

400 MB

170 MB

Logical Host

1.2 GHz Pentium class

270 MB

250 MB

Table 12 HP Tru64 System Requirements




Disk Space


667 MHz

380 MB

1000 MB

Enterprise Manager

667 MHz

400 MB

150 MB

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6
Determining System Requirements

Section 6.3
Estimating Requirements

Table 12 HP Tru64 System Requirements



Logical Host


667 MHz

320 MB

Disk Space
350 MB

Table 13 HP-UX Itanium and PA-RISC System Requirements




Disk Space


540 MHz

280 MB

1150 MB

Enterprise Manager

540 MHz

400 MB

400 MB

Logical Host

540 MHz

450 MB

500 MB

Table 14 IBM AIX System Requirements




Disk Space


450 MHz

180 MB

900 MB

Enterprise Manager

450 MHz

400 MB

180 MB

Logical Host

450 MHz

300 MB

450 MB

Table 15 Red Hat Linux System Requirements




Disk Space


1.2 GHz

240 MB

900 MB

Enterprise Manager

1.2 GHz

400 MB

180 MB

Logical Host

1.2 GHz

360 MB

350 MB

Table 16 Sun Solaris System Requirements




Disk Space


400 MHz

240 MB

850 MB

Enterprise Manager

400 MHz

400 MB

210 MB

Logical Host

400 MHz

360 MB

400 MB

The Java Composite Application Platform Suite Installation Guide contains additional
information about the system requirements. The Java CAPS Readme file contains the
most up-to-date system requirements.
Additional Sun Solaris Requirements
If you want to run the Sun SeeBeyond Integration Server on Sun Solaris in 64-bit mode,
then you must do the following:
1 Use Sun Solaris 9 or 10.
2 Go to http://<IS-host>:<port-number>.
3 Login to the Configuration Agent.
4 Click Configuration.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 6
Determining System Requirements

Section 6.3
Estimating Requirements

5 Click the JVM Settings tab, and then click on JVM options.
6 Add new JVM option and provide -d64.
7 Check the box and save.
8 Restart the Integration Server. The Integration Server will start in 64-bit mode.
Note: The Integration Server can be configured by editing the domain.xml file.
Important: You cannot run the Integration Server on Sun Solaris 8 in 64-bit mode.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7

Configuring Failover Support in a Sun

Clustering Environment
This chapter describes how to configure failover support for the Repository and the
Logical Host using Sun Cluster 3.1.
Whats in This Chapter
Sun Cluster 3.1 Overview on page 66
Configuring Support for Repository Failover on page 67
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover on page 71


Sun Cluster 3.1 Overview

In a cluster, a set of nodes are tied together, such that the end users and applications
perceive the nodes as a single server resource. Every node has a subsystem designed to
incorporate redundancy. These redundant subsystems take charge when the primary
system fails. This section explains the cluster environment by taking an example of twonode cluster. In general, it supports more than two nodes.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Figure 15 Cluster with Two Nodes

If the primary and secondary are active at the same time, then the configuration is
termed as active/active. If the primary is active and the secondary is passive, then the
configuration is termed as active/passive.
Resource types are public to the cluster. Resources are instances of resource types.
Resource type enfolds an application, such that the application can run in a clustered
environment. Resource Group Manager controls the clustered environment, and thus
also the application running in it.


Configuring Support for Repository Failover

This section describes how to configure support for Repository failover in a Sun
clustering environment.
If you are connecting remotely to the cluster nodes, install third-party software and
configure it. Refer to the third-party user manual for instructions.
The utility commands are located in the /usr/cluster/bin directory.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

To configure support for Repository failover

1 From either of the nodes, install the Repository on the Central Storage Unit. Make
sure that the installed location is available to all of the cluster nodes.
2 Type scdsbuilder to create a resource type for the Repository.
Step 1 of SunPlex Agent Builder appears.
Note: SunPlex Agent Builder belongs to Sun Cluster software, and is not a part of Java
Figure 16 SunPlex Agent Builder - Create Screen

Table 17 SunPlex Agent Builder - Field Description



Values for this illustration

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor

<SUN> You can enter any

name here.

Application Name

Name of the application

<Repos> You can enter any

name here.

Working Directory

The location where the utility

should store the resulting
resource type.

You specify the working


Scalability provides high

availability along with
increased performance.
Failover provides high

Select Failover

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Table 17 SunPlex Agent Builder - Field Description



Values for this illustration

Network Aware

If enabled, gives the provision

for the application to query the
network connectivity. It also
gets notified in case of

Enabled by default

Type of the generated source

for the Resource Type

The different source options

available are C, ksh, and GDS.

Select ksh.

Output Log

The log is generated when you

click Create.

3 Click Create.
Step 2 of SunPlex Agent Builder appears.
Figure 17 SunPlex Agent Builder - Configure Screen

4 Click Browse to enter the full path of the start, stop, and probe scripts for the
Repository. The probe command is optional. The paths of the scripts are:
Start Script
For example, C:\JavaCAPS51\repository\startserv.bat
Stop Script
For example, C:\JavaCAPS51\repository\stopserv.bat
Probe Script

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

This field is optional and can be left blank.

Note: The start, stop, and probe scripts are available in the Repository where the clustered
application is created. Fault monitor constantly checks the data service to ensure
that everything is running properly and the clients are served. Actions are taken
based on the message sent by the probes.
5 Click Configure to create the resource type as a Solaris package in the <working
directory>/<vendor+application name>/pkg directory.
Note: A new folder is created in the specified working directory. The name of the folder is
the concatenated string of vendor and application name. The pkg folder is created
under the newly created folder. This pkg folder location is the package location
where the resource types are installed. For example, /global/JavaCAPS51/myRT/
6 Type # pkgadd -d <Package Location> to install the resource type on the nodes.
Run this command separately in every node of the cluster.
7 Type # scrgadm -a -g <Application Name> -<Resource Group Name> -h <list of
hostnames of nodes separated by comma> to create a resource group to hold the
resources. For example:
# scrgadm -a -g Repos -RG -h host1, host2
Note: The resources are grouped for better manageability. In case of failover, the resource
groups are transferred as a whole. Scalable service employs scalable resource group
and failover resource group. Failover service employs failover resource group and
network resources.
8 Type # scrgadm -a -L -g <Resource Group Name> -l <Repository resource> to add
a resource of type Logical Host name to the Resource Group. For example:
# scrgadm -a -L -g Repos -RG -l sunJavaCAPS51cluster
Note: You can access all nodes in the cluster by the LogicalHost name, which has a single
IP address. Make sure that the system administrator has added an entry of the
Logical Host name resource in the /etc/hosts directory with a valid IP address.
9 Type # scswitch -e -j <LogicalHost name resource> and # scswitch -e -M -j
<LogicalHost name resource> to enable the LogicalHost name resource. For
# scswitch -e -j sunJavaCAPS51cluster
# scswitch -e -M -j sunJavaCAPS51cluster
10 Type # scrgadm -a -t <Vendor Name>.<Application Name> to register the resource
type. For example:
# scrgadm -a -t SUN.Repos

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

11 Type # scrgadm -a -j <Application Name> -res -g <Application Name> <Resource Group Name> -t <Vendor Name>.<Application Name> -y
Scalable=False to add a resource for Repository of the resource type. For example:
# scrgadm -a -j Repos -res -g Repos -RG -t SUN.Repos -y Scalable=False
12 Type # scswitch -Z -g <Application Name> -<Resource Group> to enable
Repository resource. This command also brings it online. For example:
# scswitch -Z -g Repos -RG
13 Access the http://<Logicalhostname>:<portnumber> URL to view the application
installed in the cluster environment. For example:


Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

This section describes how to configure support for Logical Host failover in a Sun
clustering environment.
The utility commands are located in the /usr/cluster/bin directory.
To configure support for Logical Host failover
1 From either of the nodes, install the Logical Host on the Central Storage Unit. Make
sure that the installed location is available to all of the cluster nodes.
2 Type scdsbuilder to create a resource type for the Logical Host.
Step 1 of SunPlex Agent Builder appears.
Note: SunPlex Agent Builder belongs to the Sun Cluster software, and is not a part of
Java CAPS.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

Figure 18 SunPlex Agent Builder - Create Screen

Table 18 SunPlex Agent Builder - Field Description



Values for this illustration

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor

<SUN> You can enter any

name here.

Application Name

Name of the application

<Logical Host>. You can enter

any name here.

Working Directory

The location where the utility

should store the resulting
resource type.

You specify the working


Scalability provides high

availability along with
increased performance.
Failover provides high

Select Failover

Network Aware

If enabled, gives the provision

for the application to query the
network connectivity. It also
gets notified in case of

Enabled by default

Type of the generated source

for the Resource Type

The different source options

available are C, ksh, and GDS.

Select ksh.

Output Log

The log is generated when you

click Create.

3 Click Create.
Step 2 of SunPlex Agent Builder appears.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

Figure 19 SunPlex Agent Builder - Configure Screen

4 Click Browse to enter the full path of the start, stop, and probe scripts for the
Logical Host. The probe command is optional. The paths of the scripts are:
Start Script
<Sun_JavaCAPS51_install_dir>/logicalhost/is/domains/<domain name>/bin/
Stop Script
<Sun_JavaCAPS51_install_dir>/logicalhost/is/domains/<domain name>/bin/
Probe Script
Note: The start, stop, and probe scripts are available in the domain where the clustered
application is created. Fault monitor constantly checks the data service to ensure
that everything is running properly and the clients are served. Actions are taken
based on the message sent by the probes.
5 Click Configure to create the resource type as a Solaris package in the <working
directory>/<vendor+application name>/pkg directory.
Note: A new folder is created in the specified working directory. The name of the folder is
the concatenated string of vendor and application name. The pkg folder is created
under the newly created folder. This pkg folder location is the package location
where the resource types are installed. For example, /global/JavaCAPS51/myRT/
6 Type # pkgadd -d <Package Location> to install the resource type on the nodes.
Run this command separately in every node of the cluster.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 7
Configuring Failover Support in a Sun Clustering Environment

Section 7.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

7 Type # scrgadm -a -g <Application Name> -<Resource Group Name> -h <list of

hostnamesof nodes separated by comma> to create a resource group to hold the
resources. For example:
# scrgadm -a -g LogicalHost -RG -h host1, host2
Note: The resources are grouped for better manageability. In case of failover, the resource
groups are transferred as a whole. Scalable service employs scalable resource group
and failover resource group. Failover service employs failover resource group and
network resources.
8 Type # scrgadm -a -L -g <Application Name> -<Resource Group Name> -l
<LogicalHost resource> to add a resource of type LogicalHostname to the Resource
Group. For example:
# scrgadm -a -L -g LogicalHost -RG -l sunJavaCAPS51cluster
Note: You can access all nodes in the cluster by the Logical Host name, which has a single
IP address. Make sure that the system administrator has added an entry of the
logicalhost resource in the /etc/hosts directory with a valid IP address.
9 Type # scswitch -e -j <LogicalHost resource> and # scswitch -e -M -j
<LogicalHost resource> to enable the LogicalHostname resource. For example:
# scswitch -e -j sunJavaCAPS51cluster
# scswitch -e -M -j sunJavaCAPS51cluster
10 Type # scrgadm -a -t <Vendor Name>.<Application Name> to register the resource
type. For example:
# scrgadm -a -t SUN.LogicalHost
11 Type # scrgadm -a -j <Application Name> -res -g <Application Name> <Resource Group Name> -t <Vendor Name>.<Application Name> -y
Scalable=False to add a resource for LogicalHost of the resource type. For example:
# scrgadm -a -j LogicalHost -res -g LogicalHost -RG -t SUN.LogicalHost -y
12 Type # scswitch -Z -g <Application Name> -<Resource Group> to enable
LogicalHost resource. This command also brings it online. For example:
# scswitch -Z -g LogicalHost -RG
13 Access the http://<Logicalhostname>:<portnumber> url to view the application
installed in the cluster environment. For example:

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8

Configuring Failover Support in a Windows

Clustering Environment
This chapter describes how to configure failover support for the Repository and the
Logical Host using Windows Server 2003 clustering technologies.
Whats in This Chapter
Windows Clustering Overview on page 75
Configuring Support for Repository Failover on page 76
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover on page 84


Windows Clustering Overview

A cluster consists of two or more independent computers that work together as one
system. These computers are referred to as nodes. Each node includes an instance of the
Cluster service. Each node is connected to a shared storage device. Figure 20 shows a
cluster with two nodes.
Figure 20 Cluster With Two Nodes


Host 1


Shared Disk

Host 2

A group is a collection of resources that are assigned to a node. Examples of resources

include physical disks, IP addresses, and network names.
A node can be either active or passive. You can set up a cluster in which one node is
active and the other node(s) is passive. This configuration is called active/passive. You
can also set up a cluster in which all the nodes are active. This configuration is called

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment


Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Configuring Support for Repository Failover

This section describes how to configure support for Repository failover in a Windows
clustering environment.


In the Repository failover environment, one node is active and the other node(s) is
passive. This configuration is called active/passive.
During the configuration process, you use Microsofts Cluster Administrator tool to
create a group that contains the following resources:
Shared disk drive
IP address
Network name
The Repository

In addition, you must install the Repository on the shared disk drive.
The active node is the owner of the group. If one of the resources fails, the group is
automatically moved to another node and started on that node. This process is called
failover. The new node now becomes the active node.
The Repository is not cluster aware. When a failover is completed, the Repository does
not remember the state that existed before the failover. This limitation could affect the
users. For example,
If an Enterprise Designer user is saving objects to the Repository during the

failover, then the save will not succeed. Once the failover is completed, the user will
need to save the objects again. If an Enterprise Designer user is not saving objects
during the failover, then the failover will be transparent to the user.
When the failover begins, the browser session of all Enterprise Manager users will

expire. Once the failover is completed, the users will need to login to Enterprise
Manager again.

Before you perform the procedures, you must have the following:
A functional active/passive cluster that consists of two or more nodes. The nodes

must be running on Windows Server 2003.

For detailed information about how to set up a cluster, see the Microsoft clustering
Note: Microsoft has a certification program for hardware vendors that supply a cluster
system. When you go to a vendor to buy computers for a cluster, the vendor has to
sell you two computers, set up in the specific way dictated by Microsoft. See the
appropriate Microsoft documentation or Web page for details.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

A cluster shared drive that is available for the Repository installation. The shared

drive must be mountable from each cluster node.

CAPS 5.1 was tested using Windows Server 2003 with Cluster Administrator

version 5.2.

Creating the Cluster Group

The first task is to create a cluster group in which you can include a set of resources.
Note: If you are using an existing group, you can skip this procedure.
To create the Cluster Group
1 Start Cluster Administrator.
2 Select the cluster in which the Repository will run.
3 Right-click Groups folder under the cluster, select New, and then choose Group.
The New Group wizard appears.
4 Enter a name for the group (for example, CAPS Cluster Group). Enter a description
for the group. Click Next.
The Preferred Owners dialog box appears.
5 Move the nodes to the Preferred Owners list and arrange them in order of
preference. Click Finish.


Creating a Physical Disk Resource

You must now create a Physical Disk resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From
the Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.
To create a Physical Disk resource
1 Right-click CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Figure 21 New Resource Dialog Box

2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS Shared Drive).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to Physical Disk.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
Figure 22 Possible Owners Dialog Box

6 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Figure 23 Dependencies Dialog Box

7 The Physical Disk resource is not dependent on other resources. Therefore, click
The Disk Parameters dialog box then appears.
8 Choose the shared disk. Click Finish.
9 To ensure that the Physical Disk resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder, and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Creating an IP Address Resource

You must now create an IP Address resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From the
Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.
To create an IP Address resource
1 Right-click CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS IP Address).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to IP Address.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
7 The IP Address resource is not dependent on other resources. Therefore, click Next.
The TCP/IP Address Parameters dialog box appears.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Figure 24 TCP/IP Address Parameters Dialog Box

8 Enter the IP address and subnet mask of the cluster. Choose the network card.
Click Finish.
9 To ensure that the IP Address resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Creating a Network Name Resource

You must now create a Network Name resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From
the Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.
To create a Network Name resource
1 Right-click the CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS Network Name).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to Network Name.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
7 The Network Name resource is dependent on the IP Address resource. Therefore,
move the IP Address resource to the Resource dependencies list. When finished,
click Next.
The Network Name Parameters dialog box appears.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

Figure 25 Network Name Parameters Dialog Box

8 Enter the network name of the cluster. Click Finish.

9 To ensure that the Network Name resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Installing the Repository as a Windows Service

Install the Repository on one of the cluster nodes where the shared disk drive is
accessible. During the installation process, you must do the following:
Use a shared drive letter in the Repository location (for example, X:\CAPS...).
Specify that you want to run the Repository as a Windows service. If you are using

the GUI installation program, do this by selecting the Run repository as Windows
Service check box in the Repository Configuration dialog box.
Note: For detailed instructions on installing the Repository, see the Sun Java Composite
Application Platform Suite Installation Guide.

Duplicating the Registry Keys

When you installed the Repository as a Windows service in the previous subsection, a
series of registry keys were created on that cluster node. You must copy these registry
keys to the other cluster nodes.

Important: The drive letter must be the same on each cluster node.
The steps to be followed are:
1 From the Cluster Administrator, move the CAPS Cluster Group to a node on which
the Repository was not installed.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

2 Run the installwinsvc.bat script in the

<shared_drive>:\<CAPS_home>\repository directory on the node.
3 Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for the other nodes (if any) on which the Repository was
not installed.

Creating a Generic Service Resource

You must now create a Generic Service resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. This
resource represents the Repository. From the Cluster Administrator, perform the
following steps.
To create a Generic Service resource
1 Right-click the CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS Repository).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to Generic Service.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
7 The Generic Service resource is dependent on the Physical Disk, IP Address, and
Network Name resources. Therefore, move these resources to the Resource
dependencies list. When finished, click Next.
The Generic Service Parameters dialog box appears.
Figure 26 Generic Service Parameters Dialog Box

8 In the Service name field, enter the Repository name. Leave the Start parameters
field blank. Click Next.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.2
Configuring Support for Repository Failover

The Registry Replication dialog box appears.

Figure 27 Registry Replication Dialog Box

9 Click Finish.
10 To ensure that the Generic Service resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Using the Repository in a Windows Clustering Environment

In a Windows clustering environment, you start and stop the Repository from Cluster
Administrator. Right-click the Generic Service resource (which represents the
Repository) and choose Bring Online or Take Offline, respectively.
Note: The context menu also contains an item called Initiate Failure. You can choose this
item for testing purposes to simulate a failover.
When the Repository is running, you can connect to it from Enterprise Designer and
Enterprise Manager. In the hostname URL, use the cluster name rather than a node
name. You will automatically be connected to the active node.
For example, assume that:
You have a two-node cluster.
The cluster name is MyWindows2003Cluster.acme.com.
The name of node 1 is MyWindows2003Node1.acme.com.
The name of node 2 is MyWindows2003Node2.acme.com.
The base port number of the Repository is 12000.

To access Enterprise Designer or Enterprise Manager, you would use


Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment


Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

This section describes how to configure support for Logical Host failover in a Windows
clustering environment.


In the Logical Host failover environment, one node is active and the other node(s) is
passive. This configuration is called active/passive.
During the configuration process, you use Microsofts Cluster Administrator tool to
create a group that contains the following resources:
Shared disk drive
IP address
Network name
The Logical Host itself

In addition, you must install the Logical Host on the shared disk drive.
The active node is the owner of the group. If one of the resources fails, the group is
automatically moved to another node and started on that node. This process is called
failover. The new node becomes the active node.

Before you perform the following procedures, you must have the following:
A functional active/passive cluster that consists of two or more nodes. The nodes

must be running on Windows Server 2003.

For detailed information about how to set up a cluster, see the Microsoft clustering
Note: Microsoft has a certification program for hardware vendors that supply a cluster
system. When you go to a vendor to buy computers for a cluster, the vendor has to
sell you two computers, set up in the specific way dictated by Microsoft. See the
appropriate Microsoft documentation or Web page for details.
A cluster shared drive that is available for the Logical Host installation. The shared

drive must be mountable from each cluster node.

CAPS 5.1 was tested using Windows Server 2003 with Cluster Administrator

version 5.2..

Creating the CAPS Cluster Group

The first task is to create a cluster group in which you can include a set of resources.
Note: If you are using an existing group, you can skip this procedure.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

To create the CAPS Cluster Group

1 Start Cluster Administrator.
2 Select the cluster in which the Logical Host runs.
3 Right-click the Groups folder under the cluster, select New, and then choose Group.
The New Group wizard appears.
4 Enter a name for the group (for example, CAPS LH Group).
5 Enter a description for the group. Click Next.
The Preferred Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes to the Preferred Owners list and arrange them in order of
preference. Click Finish.

Creating a Physical Disk Resource

You must now create a Physical Disk resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From
the Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.
To create a Physical Disk resource,
1 Right-click the CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS LH Shared Drive).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to Physical Disk.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
7 The Physical Disk resource is not dependent on other resources. Therefore, click
The Disk Parameters dialog box appears.
8 Choose the shared disk. Click Finish.
9 To ensure that the Physical Disk resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.


Creating an IP Address Resource

You must now create an IP Address resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From the
Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

To create an IP Address resource

1 Right-click CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS LH IP Address). Enter a
description for the resource. Set the resource type to IP Address. Set the group to
the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
3 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
4 The IP Address resource is not dependent on other resources. Therefore, click Next.
The TCP/IP Address Parameters dialog box appears.
5 Enter the IP address and subnet mask of the cluster. Choose the network card. Click
6 To ensure that the IP Address resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Creating a Network Name Resource

You must now create a Network Name resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. From
the Cluster Administrator, perform the following steps.
To create a Network Name resource
1 Right-click the CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS LH Network Name). Enter a
description for the resource. Set the resource type to Network Name. Set the group
to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
3 Move the nodes that will be part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
4 The Network Name resource is dependent on the IP Address resource. Therefore,
move the IP Address resource to the Resource dependencies list. When finished,
click Next.
The Network Name Parameters dialog box appears.
5 Enter the network name of the cluster. Click Finish.

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Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

6 To ensure that the Network Name resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.

Installing the Logical Host as a Windows Service

Install the Logical Host on one of the cluster nodes where the shared disk drive is
accessible. During the installation process, you must do the following:
Use a shared drive letter for the Logical Host location (for example, X:\CAPS..)

Creating Domains
To deploy applications to the Sun SeeBeyond Integration Server, you must first create a
A domain is an instance of a Logical Host. You create a domain using the Domain

Using the Domain Manager

The Domain Manager is included with the Windows installation of the Logical Host.
To create a domain using the Domain Manager
1 In the <CAPS-root>\logicalhost directory, run the domainmgr.bat script.
2 If there are currently no domains, a dialog box indicates that you can create a
domain now. If you click Yes, the Create Domain dialog box appears displaying
information about existing domains (if any). To allow the Domain Manager choose
the port numbers for you, click AutoPick Port.
3 On the Action menu, click New Domain. The Create Domain dialog box next
appears. If desired, change the default values
If you want to install the Sun SeeBeyond Integration Server as a Windows service, select
the Install Runtime as Windows Service check box. The Service name appears as
Domain1 by default.
Note: For detailed instructions on installing the Logical Host, see the Sun Java Composite
Application Platform Suite Installation Guide and for detailed instructions on
configuring the Logical Host to run as a Windows service, see the Sun SeeBeyond
eGate Integrator System Administration Guide.

Duplicating the Registry Keys

When you installed the Logical Host as a Windows service in the previous subsection, a
series of registry keys were created on that cluster node. You must copy these registry
keys to the other cluster nodes.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

The steps for performing this are:

1 From the Cluster Administrator, move the CAPS Cluster Group to a node on which
the Logical Host was not installed.
2 Run <shared_drive>:\logicalhost\is\bin\service_domain1.bat on the node.
3 Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for the other nodes (if any) on which the Logical Host was
not installed.

Creating a Generic Service Resource

You must now create a Generic Service resource within the CAPS Cluster Group. This
resource represents the Logical Host. From the Cluster Administrator, perform the
following steps.
To create a Generic Service resource
1 Right-click the CAPS Cluster Group, select New, and then choose Resource.
The New Resource dialog box appears.
2 Enter a name for the resource (for example, CAPS Logical Host).
3 Enter a description for the resource.
4 Set the resource type to Generic Service.
5 Set the group to the CAPS Cluster Group. When finished, click Next.
The Possible Owners dialog box appears.
6 Move the nodes that will be a part of the cluster to the Possible Owners list. Click
The Dependencies dialog box appears.
7 The Generic Service resource is dependent on the Physical Disk, IP Address, and
Network Name resources. Therefore, move these resources to the Resource
dependencies list. When finished, click Next.
The Generic Service Parameters dialog box appears.
8 In the Service name field, enter the name of the Logical Host Windows service.
Leave the Start parameters field blank. Click Next.
The Registry Replication dialog box appears.
9 Click Finish.
10 To ensure that the Generic Service resource is accessible from each node, move the
CAPS Cluster Group into each nodes Active Groups folder and verify that the
group can be brought online at each node.


Using the Logical Host in a Windows Clustering Environment

In a Windows clustering environment, you start and stop the Logical Host from Cluster
Administrator. Right-click the Generic Service resource (which represents the Logical
Host) and choose Bring Online or Take Offline, respectively.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 8
Configuring Failover Support in a Windows Clustering Environment

Section 8.3
Configuring Support for Logical Host Failover

Note: The context menu also contains an item called Initiate Failure. You can choose this
item for testing purposes to simulate a failover.
Important: When configuring a Windows clustering environment, it is highly recommended
not to manage the processes outside of the cluster sofware.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 9

eInsight Load Balancing and Failover

This chapter describes how to configure Sun SeeBeyond eInsight Business Process
Manager for load balancing and failover.
Whats in This Chapter
Configuring Load Balancing on page 90
Configuring Failover on page 90


Configuring Load Balancing

When a Business Process needs to be scaled to meet heavier processing needs, you can
distribute the Business Process across multiple engines to increase throughput.
eInsights load balancing algorithm automatically distributes processing across
multiple engines; however, eInsight cannot load balance correlated messages.
To configure load balancing
1 Ensure that eInsight Persistence is enabled.
2 In the eInsight Engine Properties, set eInsight Persistence to Multiple Engines.
3 Configure all eInsight Engines to share the same database.


Configuring Failover
When your Business Process is configured for load balancing, eInsights failover
capabilities ensure throughput of running Business Process instances. When Business
Process instances encounter an engine failure, eInsight load balances those instances
across all available engines. As with load balancing, eInsights failover capabilities are
limited to non-correlated messages.
To configure failover
1 In the eInsight Engine Properties, set Engine Expiry Interval (sec) so that it
registers itself as alive frequently enough to meet the demands of your system.
Optimizing this property setting might require some testing. This property also
applies to the interval for the recovery of dangling instances. The default setting is

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Chapter 9
eInsight Load Balancing and Failover

Section 9.2
Configuring Failover

2 In the eInsight Engine Properties, set Failover Grace Period (sec) for the optimal
elapsed time period before moving running Business Process instances from an
unavailable engine to an available engine. Optimizing this property setting might
require some testing.

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Red Hat Linux 64

Sun Solaris 64
underutilization 44
Windows 63


Database Connection Max Idle Time property 49
Database Connection Pool Size property 49
Database Connection Retries property 49
Database Connection Retry Interval property 49
Database Connection Steady Pool Size property 49
avoiding 48
debugging 55
deployment planning
checklist 27
documents 28
objectives 26
overview 21, 25
deployment project plan 28
developerWorks 50
directory structure
multiple Logical Hosts 45
disk space requirements
HP Tru64 63
HP-UX 64
Red Hat Linux 64
Sun Solaris 64
Windows 63
related 12
standards 27

64-bit mode
Sun Solaris requirement 64

acceptance testing 26, 56
guideline 41
active/active cluster
defined 75
active/passive cluster
defined 75
Administrator user 38
Alert Agent
troubleshooting with 57
functional requirements 29
availability 30

bottlenecks 56
business activity monitoring 18
business process management 16
Business Processes
memory requirements 47

eBAM Studio
overview 18
eGate Integrator
overview 15
overview 18
Engine 47
error handling 43
failover 90
load balancing 90
overview 16
persistence 49
work items 47
Elemental Business Services layer 35
Enterprise Designer
disk space 63

change management 27, 52, 59
Sun 66
Windows 75
Composed Business Services layer 36
Composite Applications layer 36
constants 43
constraints 29
conventions, text 11
CPU requirements
HP Tru64 63
HP-UX 64

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


overview 15
RAM 63
Enterprise Manager
overview 15
troubleshooting with 56
Environment 44
ephemeral ports 46
error handling 23, 43
eTL Integrator
overview 17
eView Studio
overview 18
eVision Studio
error handling 43
overview 16
eWay Adapters 29, 36
business process model 16
Page Layout 17
eXchange Integrator
overview 18
Existing Systems layer 35
extraction, transform, and load 17

Logical Host 84
Repository 76
functional requirements specification 29

Key Performance Indicators 18

system requirements
CPU 64
disk space 64
RAM 64
troubleshooting 50
tuning 50
Integration Server
naming convention 41
scalability of 44
Sun Solaris requirement 64
integration testing 55
interfaces 26, 28, 29
Invocation Allocation Ratio property 48
invoke activities
eInsight 47
isolating Projects 44

JVM Args property 64

location transparency 34
log files
troubleshooting with 57
effect on performance 56
Logical Host
disk space 63
failover 84
multiple on single computer 45
naming convention 40
RAM 63
sharing 42
loose coupling 34

general model 26

determining requirements 60
high volume 46
HP Tru64
system requirements
CPU 63
disk space 63
RAM 63
system requirements
CPU 64
disk space 64
RAM 64

Java CAPS Deployment Guide

maintenance 58
master indexes 18
Max Concurrent Instances property 47
Maximum Pool Size property 46
MaxUserPort registry parameter 47
milestones 28


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


naming conventions 39

scalability 44
deployment project plan 28
test plan 30
screenshots 12
requirements 23, 30
service-oriented architecture
layers 34
overview 33
technologies 37
SNMP Agent
troubleshooting with 57
speed testing 56
stress testing 56
large development team 41
naming conventions 40
suffixes 41
Sun clustering
Logical Host 71
overview 66
Repository 67
Sun Solaris
64-bit mode 64
system requirements
CPU 64
disk space 64
RAM 64
system requirements
determining 60
minimum 63
system testing 55

Object Type Definition
naming convention 40
test team 30

eInsight Engine 47
high-volume scenarios 46
requirements 23
testing 55
port numbers 45
prefixes 39
production, transition to 57
professional services 24, 26
project manager 27
project plan 28

RAM requirements
HP Tru64 63
HP-UX 64
Red Hat Linux 64
Sun Solaris 64
Windows 63
Receive Activity 48
Receive Timeout property 48
Red Hat Linux
system requirements
CPU 64
disk space 64
RAM 64
disk space 63
failover 76
RAM 63
requirements 30
requirements analysis
business planning needs 24
operation and performance needs 23
overview 21, 22
personnel and training needs 24
system-specific needs 22
reusability 34
risks 28

Java CAPS Deployment Guide

TcpTimedWaitDelay 46
technical requirements specification 29
test plan 30, 53
acceptance testing 56
integration testing 55
performance testing 55
speed testing 56
stress testing 56
system testing 55
test plan 53
unit testing 54
text conventions 11
threading 47
trading partners 18


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


training 24
transition to production 57
pre-transition testing phase 56
eInsight Engine 47
high-volume scenarios 46

unit testing 54

variables 43
version control 41

CPU requirements 63
disk space requirements 63
RAM requirements 63
registry settings 46
Windows clustering
Logical Host 84
overview 75
Repository 76
work breakdown structure 28
Work Item Submit Limit property 48
work items
eInsight 47
workflow tasks 16

XML 37

Java CAPS Deployment Guide


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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