Electronic and Medical Instrumentation-1
Electronic and Medical Instrumentation-1
Electronic and Medical Instrumentation-1
ECTS credits: 5
Semester: 2
Course responsible: Associate Professor Florin Mihai TUFESCU Objectives: To present and analyze electronic and medical instrumentation, starting from physical principles and fundamental concepts of electronics. To enable students to acquire the skills needed in order to use the equipment in medical centers and to develop creative solutions to new problems in this constantly growing field of application and research. To introduce new instruments and to discuss their functions and potential use. Prerequisites: Electricity and Magnetism, Mathematics, Electronics.
Course content: Biological and biomedical signals. Characteristics, types of signals. Detection of bioelectric signals, electrodes and microelectrodes, model of metal - skin interface. Sensors and transducers for the biomedical signals. Amplification of electric signals for medical examination. Instrumentation amplifiers. Isolator amplifiers. The electrical noise in the amplification process, methods for filtering noise . Acquisition and data processing for biomedical signals. Numerical systems for data recording in medical instrumentation. Telemetry in biomedical systems. Investigation of the cardiovascular system., electrocardiography, vectorcardiography, the pacemaker, the defibrillator. Instruments for the examination of the respiratory system. Electrical investigation of the nervous system -electroencephalography. Electromyography. Body temperature. Audiometry. Safety in electromedical equipment. Recommended reading: Negoescu, R., Instrumentatia electronica biomedicala , Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1985 Borza, P.,Matlac,I.,Nicu,M.,Aparatura biomedicala, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1996 Gligor, Th., Aparate electronice medicale, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1989 Nicolau, Edm., coord. Manualul inginerului electronist-Masurari electronice, Ed.Tehnica, Bucuresti,1979 Strungaru, Rodica, Electronica Medicala, Ed. did.si ped., Bucuresti,1982 Herman, Sonia, Aparatura medicala. Principiile fizice ale aparaturii medicale moderne, Ed. Teora, 2000 Simion, E. ,Miron, C.,Festila, Lelia, Montaje electronice cu circuite integrate analogice, Ed. Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1986 Teodorescu, H.N. - Electronic Medical, Note de curs, UT Iai, 2001 Policec, A., T.D.Gligor, Gh. Ciocloda Electronic medical, Editura Dacia, 1983 Tufescu,Fl. M., Electronica Fizica, Indrumar de lucrari practice, Ed. Univ. Al. I. Cuza, Iasi, 2003 Teaching methods: multimedia - enhanced lectures, discussion, examples Assessment methods: - mid-term exam - (50%) : written and oral exam - final exam - (50%) : written and oral exam Language of instruction: Romanian