Project Report On Consumer Behaviour Computer Industry Computer Industry - An Introduction
Project Report On Consumer Behaviour Computer Industry Computer Industry - An Introduction
Project Report On Consumer Behaviour Computer Industry Computer Industry - An Introduction
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PROJECT REPORT ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR COMPUTER INDUSTRY COMPUTER INDUSTRY AN INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION COMPUTER INDUSTRY Every one knows the time of manual working and now we have different set of machines for the different work, it makes our work very easy and fast. In these machines computer is Wonderful invention of the men among the different machines and result is that today this machine is ready to beat the man mind, but before this computer was not as it looks and works today. In the age of 1940 computer was invented by Americans for the purpose made easy the chemical equation, which were used later on in Second World War as atom bomb, for which equations were firstly made on computers. That time size was very big and requires a one room space for this machine, but time to time technology advancement and its necessity in different fields increase it utility and on the other hand decrease in its size. Today computer is portable that we can wear it on wrist as wristwatch. That is possible due to of the changes in the IC technology and result is that today computer is emerged as big industry of the world. Computer ranked as industry in the age of 1970 in USA and after that in other countries of world, because it creates the lots of business, employment, business resource, foreign exchange etc.
TYPES OF COMPUTER INDUSTRY Computer industry is broadly in two types. 1. Computer Software Industry :- Computer software means all those application programs, which we cannot touch but see and computer software industry means that providing the business opportunities and employment in the field of computer software development. 2. Computer Hardware Industry :- Computer hardware means all those parts, which we can touch and see and computer hardware industry means that providing the business opportunities and employments in the field of computer software development. COMPUTER INDUSTRY - MAJOR PLAYER IN INDIA Computer industry has the number of player in each software and hardware industry in the world. Now we have a look over the major players of this industry in India. They are: -
COMPUTER INDUSTRY - THEIR SHARE : In USA Computer industry shares the 48% of the total income where as in INDIA it shares only 12% of the income and
major portion goes to software industry. In USA Computer industry provides the employment about 5.5 Iakhs and in INDIA 78 thousands approx. yearly and also the major portion goes to software industry. In USA 62% of population is dependent on the computer industry and where as in INDIA this ratio only is 8% of population. In INDIA computer industry shares the 10.9% of Export in form of software industry and 20 % of Import in form of hardware industry. In India only the 6-computer hardware companies and 13 computer software industry companies are listed in Indian stock exchanges. Today the computer industry shares the 28.9% of the total of world income. Today INDIA have 5computer behind 100 peoples and whereas in USA ration is 98 computer behind 100 people. AN INTRODUCTION - DIFFERENT PROCESSORS BRANDS INTRODUCTION Everyone related with the IT or Infotech knows that a processor is the one a chip heart of the computer. There no. of companies thats provides the sales support services and product services worldwide. In India there are only no. of companies thats provides the computer processors for the home PC and as well as for the office use. The each of the companies having the set of different processors thats are segmented on the basis of price and technology. Because in the computer processor market the price and technology plays the interchangeable role, but the technology advancement creates a mark able and vital role as competitive weapon. The different companies that are present in India, They are follows :-
In India there is only four companies is exist, but present scenario tells about only the three companies except Celeron because its near about to end from the Indian processor market. ABOUT INTEL Intel is the world first, largest processor manufacturing company. Intel was established in the age of 1960 with its first product a computer processor named with 8080 and after that in every decades Intel launched the many versions of the processor named in number terminology i.e. 8084, 8085 etc till the age, of 1980s After 1980s Intel uses name terminology of processor named PentiumI, Pentium 2 etc. With the advancement of technology in ICs technology for the personal computers. After 1995 along with the processor and chipset Intel launched the motherboards and other networking peripheral i.e. Hub, Web-Camera, VGA cards and Network cards. After that Intel launches the processor for the PC as welt as for the servers named XEON and for notebook computers named Pentium 4 M. Intel keeps the range of products of different segments to meet out the competition and change. Intel R & D division is continuously engaged to come out with the latest state of the art product in the IT hardware sector. Today Intel is worlds only company that produces more than the 8 hardware devices for the computer with world best rated technology. SOME UNIVERSAL TRUTH ABOUT INTEL:- WHERE DOES INTEL STAND
Intel is the 4th known brand In the world and 2nd in the world Infotech scenario. Intel comes under the list of top 10 companies of the world. Intel is first, largest and ranked as number one processor and chipset manufacturing company in the world. Intel has presence in 45 countries worldwide but has representatives in 22 offices around the world. Intel is only Company that has the first largest investment in IT Hardware Sector. Intel is an ISO9001 and ISO9002 company. Intel employs approximately 80,000 people in 45 nations worldwide. Intel satisfies the approx.92.5% of the IT people worldwide. Intel is only World Company that produces more than 8 devices of computers. Intel is only world company that produces the all type of processors i.e. server processors, PC processors, notebook processors etc. Intel have their alliance and premium provider in each of operating country. In India Intel enjoying the approx. 93% market share of IT hardware since 1998. ABOUT INTEL IN INDIA In India Intel enjoying the approx. 93% market share of IT hardware since 1998. Intel products in India in age of 1980s but with their representatives in 1997. Now in India Intel have one head office and two marketing office whose address are below. Intel Head Office in India : INTEL INDIA TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD.
136, Airport Road, Banglore 560017 Intel Marketing Office in India :INTEL TECHNOLOGY INDIA PVT. LTD. 45, Tech Park, Mumbai INTEL TECHNOLOGY INDIA PVT. LTD. Gresco Corporate Center, Nehru Place, New Delhi INTEL - PRODUCTS INTEL has number of products that are used worldwide computers. They are : Processors Mother boards Chipsets Communication devices Storage products Intel processors are bringing desktop and notebook computing to new levels of speed and convenience, and extending Intel Architecture to new levels of technical computing performance, offering you all the compatibility and reliability youd expect from Intel. Highlighted Processors products of Intel are: --
INTEL has eight strategic alliances worldwide and premium providers are exclusive of operating country those provide the sales support services and product services worldwide. They are: -
STRATEGIC ALLIANCES BEA Alliance IBM And Intel Microsoft And Intel Broad vision Alliance Oracle Alliance SAP And Intel SAS And Intel Intel i2 Alliance
Provides Customized Business Softwares Financial Assistance Hardware Assistance Doctors Software Assembler Assembler
ABOUT AMD The era of technology for technologys sake is behind us. Innovation driven by real customer needs customer-Hector Ruiz Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD provides microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and silicon-based solutions for our customers in the communications and computer industries worldwide. However, our focus goes beyond integrated circuits and transistors. AMD is committed to helping our customers and their customers take advantage of the phenomenal capacity of silicon to add value and help differentiate their offerings. To that end, AMD products are developed with customer needs always in mind and not for the sake of innovation alone. Stated more plainly, it means that AMD exists to provide real solutions for real customer problems that exist in the real world today. AMD refer to this philosophy as customer-centric innovation and it represents the guiding principle behind everything. AMD provide the different solutions in: Recommended motherboards. Cooling solutions. Power supplies. Storage devices. Chipsets. Communication devices. AMD PRODUCT PROCESSORS
AMD PRODUCT - MIX AMD has number of products at their different percentage as their product mix. Products Processors Mother Boards Chipsets Communication Devices Storage Devices %age 65% 18% 10% 5% 2%
AMD LOCATIONS AMD has manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe, Japan and Asia, and sales offices in major cities around the globe. Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD had revenues of approximately $2.7 billion in 2002. A truly global company, AMD derives more than half of its revenues from international markets. Shares of the company trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol AMD. One AMD Place P.O. Box 3453 Sunnyvale, California 94088-3453 (408) 749-4000
TWX:910-339-9280 TELEX:34-6306 AMD SUPPORT SERVICES AMD provides the support services to their consumers, to get the maximum consumer satisfaction. The services are: - After sales services. Warranty and credit facility. Services by premium provider in each country. The download area offers software, drivers, plug-ins and other utilities for your products, Quickly locate a variety of product support information throughout the Technical Support site. AMD - FLASH BACK May 1, 1969 - AMD incorporates with $100,000. September 1969 - The company moves to new headquarters at 901 Thompson Place, Sunnyvale. November 1969 - First good die emerges from Fab 1, the Am-9300, a 4-bit MSI shift register. 1970 - First proprietary product introduced, the Am-2501. January 1973 - First overseas manufacturing base in Penang, Malaysia, in volume production. 1975 - AMD enters the RAM market with the AM-9102. April 1987 - AMD and Monolithic Memories Inc. agree to merge. March 1991 - AMD introduces the AM386 microprocessor family, breaking the Intel monopoly. February 1992 - Five-year arbitration with Intel ends, with AMD awarded full rights to make and sell the entire Am-386
family of microprocessors. April 1993 - First members of the Am-486 microprocessor family are introduced. January 1994 - Compaq Computer Corp. and AMD form long-term alliance und which Am486 microprocessors will power Compaq computers. March 10, 1994--Federal court jury confirms AMDs right to Intel microcode in 287 math coprocessor trial. 1997 - AMD introduces AMD-K6 processor. 1998 - AMD and Celeron announce long-term alliance to develop copper 2001AMD introduces AMD AthlonTM XP processor. 2001AMD introduces AMD Athlon MP dual processor for servers and workstations. 2002AMD introduces first Flash memory device based on Mirror BitTM architecture. 2003AMD introduces AMD OpteronTM processor for servers and workstations. 2003AMD introduces AMD Athlon 64 processor for desktop and notebook PCs. 2003AMD introduces the AMD Athlon 64 FX processor, enabling cinematic computing on the desktop
WORLDWIDE LOCATIONS OF THESE COMPANIES These companies having the presence over 45 countries but has representatives in offices around the world. They are: Asia Pacific Region Australia China Europe Middle East & Africa Region Belgium France
Japan Tokyo
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