The Norway Model
The Norway Model
The Norway Model
David Chambers, Elroy Dimson and Antti Ilmanen This version: 10 October 2011
Abstract: The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global was recently ranked the largest fund on the planet. It is also highly rated for its professional, low-cost, transparent, and socially responsible approach to asset management. Investment professionals increasingly refer to Norway as a model for managing financial assets. We present and evaluate the strategies followed by the Fund, review long-term performance, and describe how it responded to the financial crisis. We conclude with some lessons that investors can draw from Norways approach to asset management, contrasting the Norway Model with the Yale Model.
By 2011, Norways Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) was ranked the largest investor in the world (Barbary and Bortolotti, 2011). It has for some time been ranked the second-largest sovereign wealth fund, behind the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority whose market value is not publicised (SWFI, 2011). Only 15 years earlier, it had been the smallest. In a short period, this fast-growing fund has become an exemplar for investors around the world. The Norway model has become a coherent and compelling alternative to the Yale model for endowment investment. The transition from zero to hero has not been smooth, and there has been turmoil along the way. Norway is among the worlds most visible investors, and consequently the Funds rollercoaster experience has been scrutinised closely. Short-term underperformance during the recent financial crisis provoked widespread soul-searching and criticism within Norway. Yet the GPFG fared better through the 2007-08 turbulence than most institutional investors, and by 2010 it had fully recovered the absolute and relative losses it experienced over that period. Although this outcome was not preordained, the Funds long horizon and low spending needs equipped it exceptionally well to bear short-term losses. The Fund has enhanced Norways reputation as an investor. While Yale is often cited as a thought leader for endowment management (Swensen, 2000), high esteem is nowadays expressed for Norways management of its wealth. In line with the Funds formidable reputation in terms of structure, governance, transparency, and responsible investing, it has been awarded the highest ranking, a score of 97%, among 53 sovereign wealth funds in 37 countries (Truman, 2010). The GPFG also excels in other important dimensions that are omitted from this scorecard, including investment performance and its degree of professionalism. The Norway model is virtually the opposite of the Swensen model. Norway has relied almost exclusively on publicly traded securities, it is constrained to a low tracking error, and it has a rigorous asset allocation that allows little deviation from the policy portfolio. More generally, it depends on beta returns, not alpha returns. This contrasts with the Swensen model, which aims for investment managers to bridge their deficit in systematic risk exposure by exploiting market mispricing. In this article, we describe and evaluate Norways approach to managing its national endowment. By understanding the strategy, we can learn what might profitably be imitated, and what is
David Chambers ([email protected]) is Lecturer in Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School. Elroy Dimson ([email protected]) is Emeritus Professor of Finance at London Business School, Visiting Professor of Finance at Cambridge Judge Business School, and Chair of the Strategy Council, Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. Antti Ilmanen ([email protected]) is Managing Director at AQR Capital Management (Europe) LLP and a Member of the Strategy Council, Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. This paper was written while David Chambers received support from the Robert Brown Foundation and Elroy Dimson held a Leverhulme Trust Emeritus Fellowship. The authors write in a personal capacity using publicdomain data; they have not received any payment, direct or indirect, for this study; and they are solely responsible for any errors. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, their affiliates or employees. Acknowledgements are at the end of the article.
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suitable for Norway but inappropriate for other investors. Our article is structured as follows. We start with some background on the GPFG, and then describe the Funds long term strategy. Next, we discuss its volatile performance, focussing on the recent financial crisis. We then look ahead to ways in which management of the Fund may evolve in the future. We conclude by presenting some lessons from Norways approach to portfolio management that are relevant for other investors.
Norway is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. While shipping had been a mainstay of its export activity, much of the economys growth has been underpinned by natural resources such as fishing, hydroelectric power and, most importantly, petroleum exploration and production. Hydro power meets virtually all the nations electricity needs, resulting in a low and stable domestic demand for oil and allowing the export of most of its oil production. Norway was recently ranked as the worlds sixth largest oil exporter and eleventh largest oil producer, and as the worlds second largest gas exporter and fifth largest gas producer (Nordvik, Verlo, and Zenker, 2010). Oil revenues have enabled Norway to amass substantial wealth, which is channelled into the GPFG. The Government Pension Fund Global was formally set up in 1990 as the Petroleum Fund to manage Norways resource wealth in a long-term and sustainable manner. The original idea behind establishing the Fund was twofold: First, the Fund was to serve as a long-term savings vehicle which seeks to secure the income from a non-renewable resource by diversifying into a broad portfolio of international securities. There is an ethical obligation to share the wealth from natural resources, developed over millions of years, with future generations and to use these savings to cover government expenditures that will be associated with an ageing population. Second, the Fund was a device to insulate the domestic economy from the resource curse, known as Dutch disease. The experiences of other countries have shown that the receipt of a sudden increase in natural resource wealth can rapidly inflate domestic prices and the exchange rate, decrease international competitiveness and result in de-industrialisation. A further potential problem is that this enormous resource wealth could disincentivize citizens from working and developing their human capital. Yet, human capital is estimated to form 82% of Norways wealth per capita, far exceeding its petroleum wealth (Haugerud, 2011). Established in 1990, no capital transfers were made from the State budget into the Fund until the budget had turned from deficit to surplus. The initial allocation in 1996 of NOK 2 billion (then equivalent to USD 0.3 billion) was restricted to investment in government bonds. In 1998 the investment universe was widened to allow a 40% allocation to equities. Thereafter, there were further innovations to the strategy in the form of inclusion of new asset classes and an increase in the equity allocation to 60%. New ethical guidelines were also implemented, which led to some companies being excluded from the Funds investment universe. A more detailed overview is provided by Gjedrem (2010). Although production has already peaked, Norway is expected to remain a substantial producer of petroleum products for a long time to come. The Funds security holdings will continue to grow, so long as the sum of oil-based revenues and investment returns exceed spending. At the end of June 2011, the GPFG had grown to NOK 3111 billion (USD 580 billion). It is projected to double in size over the next decade, based on assumptions that are detailed in the National Budget (Ministry of Finance, 2010). The petroleum inflows make the GPFGs investment horizon particularly long well after inflows to the Fund start to decline. Around 2020, the annual withdrawals from the Fund to cover the oil-corrected budget deficit in the state budget are projected to exceed inflows of new money. To the extent that the Fund remains willing to bear risk commensurate with its continuing long horizon, and returns on capital exceed net withdrawals, the Fund will then continue to grow.
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Ang (2010) describes the political, economic, governance and professional context in which sovereign wealth funds are managed, while Curzio and Miceli (2010) present a comparative guide to these state-owned investment vehicles. There is increasing scrutiny of the decision-making of these funds (Kotter and Le, 2011) and of their economic impact (Dewenter, Han, and Malatesta, 2010). The fast-expanding literature on sovereign wealth funds is testimony to their distinctive structure, governance and other characteristics.
Transfer to finance non-oil deficit
State Budget
Fiscal policy guideline: Over time spend Fund real return (estimated at 4%)
Source: Haugerud (2011)
The mandate of the Fund is to maximize international purchasing power, given acceptable levels of risks. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the long-term management of the Fund. Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) a business unit within Norges Bank, the central bank manages the assets in accordance with investment guidelines issued by the Ministry. NBIM also manage the foreign exchange reserves of the central bank. The Ministry of Finance received guidance from Norges Bank from the earliest days, and key elements of the Norway model were in place by the end of the 1990s. By 20052010 the Ministry was advised by a six-member Advisory Council (which included one of the current authors). Since 2010, the Ministry has received advice from a four-member Strategy Council (which
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includes two of the current authors). The Strategy Council has explicit objectives: to strengthen both the legitimacy and foundation of the Funds long-term investment strategy; to advise on how to develop the strategy further; and to facilitate transparency and debate on important decisions regarding the investment strategy for the Fund. Naturally, the Ministry also takes advice from external consultants and continues to receive inputs from Norges Bank. The Ministry decides on the levels of acceptable risks, constructs the benchmark (regional allocation, asset classes), the rules and criteria (e.g. maximum ownership levels), and the overall investment universe. By presenting significant changes to investment strategy to Parliament before implementation, the Ministry effectively seeks to earn support sufficient to help public understanding of Fund performance through subsequent financial downturns. Transparency is underscored by making an extensive list of publications available on the Ministry and NBIM websites, in English as well as Norwegian, and Fund returns are published monthly. The Ministry provides to Parliament detailed annual reports including information on investment returns, strategy, and implementation of ethical guidelines. Norges Bank publishes quarterly financial reports and an annual listing of all investments, including their size and information on voting. Indeed, NBIM has since the first annual report in 1998 provided much more information on strategy, investment philosophy, results and risk than most sovereign funds and pension funds in any jurisdiction. External consultant reports and the Strategy Councils recommendations are also published. This high degree of transparency may be viewed as a means of creating pressure for adoption of best practice in investment management and delivery of satisfactory financial returns. The Fund is now the yardstick against which other sovereign wealth funds are often measured.
As noted by the Strategy Council and the Ministry of Finance, the GPFGs long-run investment strategy should reflect its distinctive characteristics and investment beliefs (see Dimson, Ilmanen, Liljeblom, and Stephansen, 2010, and Ministry of Finance, 2011). The distinctive characteristics include the Funds large size, long time horizon, absence of specific liabilities (apart from the long-term return assumption discussed later), and its ownership and governance structure, including the demand for transparency. There are at least six factors that should drive strategy: First, the underlying investors have a long time horizon and little need for marketability, which gives the GPFG a natural relative advantage for harvesting liquidity premia. Second, this long horizon makes the Fund more tolerant of return volatility and short-term capital losses than most other investors, so it should lean towards earning higher risk premia, notably through an equity focus. Third, whereas institutions with a smaller capital base may be better able to leverage up small risk premia that offer a superior reward per unit of volatility and to harvest liquidity premia in niche markets, the Funds size makes it impractical to exploit either of these sources of value added. Fourth, capacity issues also favour benchmarks that are, at least loosely, linked to market capitalization. Fifth, as a large, long-horizon investor with relatively stable risk preferences over time, the Fund may most effectively earn liquidity and other premia by serving as an opportunistic liquidity provider through contrarian transactions in liquid markets, and through buying unpopular asset classes. Sixth, as long as oil remains a significant underground resource, the GPFG arguably has less need for inflation-hedging than most investors, and a deflation scenario is a more damaging tail risk than an inflation scenario; since nominal government bonds are the best deflation hedges, it may be reasonable to hold some government bonds despite their low expected returns. In summary, the long-term objectives of the Fund suggest a tilt towards patient, liquiditysupplying and market-stabilizing value strategies, holding assets that have typically experienced price declines and waning investor interest.
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Investment beliefs
The Ministry of Finance (2010, 2011) explains its investment strategy on its website. The strategy is underpinned by several core beliefs: a belief that markets are largely efficient; a commitment to diversification; a focus on earning risk premia; a clearly articulated benchmark; careful selection and monitoring of asset managers, especially for less liquid assets; and a commitment to responsible investing. The latter is integral to the Funds value system. In addition, certain fundamental requirements must be met: effective control of operational risk; exploitation of the Funds size and long horizon; and adherence to good governance principles. This continues a heritage of disclosure and communication by the Fund, in which NBIM describes its investment philosophy and core principles in annual reports, articles and presentations. These include extensive explanations of how the fundamental law of active management (Grinold, 1989) was the foundation of the Funds investment style.
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The Funds strategic benchmark comprises two asset class indices with the equity index constituting 60% and the fixed income index 40% less the exposure to real estate (see below). Each asset class index in turn consists of three regional indices: Europe, America, and Asia, making six sub-indices. Each of the latter is weighted broadly by market capitalization, though with some exceptions. The strategic equity index is the FTSE All-Cap indices for the Developed, Advanced Emerging, and Secondary Emerging markets. The regions have the following weights: 50% Europe, excluding Norway; 35% Americas/Middle East/Africa; and 15% Asia/Oceania. The strategic fixed income index has a 60% weighting in the Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Index and Barclays Capital Global Inflation-Linked Index Europe, excluding Norway; 35% U.S./Canada; and 5% Asia/Oceania. The overweight of Europe based on market capitalization is partly motivated by currency reasons. All investments are unhedged and the Norwegian kroner exchange rates have in the recent past been less volatile against European currencies than against currencies outside Europe. However, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) has held better over the long term than over shorter intervals (see, for example, Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton, 2011). This suggests that the tilt towards European neighbors might be reduced, and indeed, the Ministry has sought advice that could underpin revision of the Funds regional weights. Wherever possible, portfolio rebalancing is pursued by allocating the monthly revenue inflows to the asset class/region with the largest negative deviation from the benchmark, and operational costs are controlled by adjusting existing positions, when feasible. In mid-2011, the Fund held shares in 8400 companies worldwide, and was among the largest shareholders in a considerable number of companies. The average equity holdings expressed as a proportion of the FTSE All Cap Indexs market capitalization are displayed on the left hand side of Exhibit 3 for each region. On average, the Fund already holds over 1% of every listed company in the FTSE world index, and almost 2% in Europe. The Fund holds 7945 bonds. Its holdings in fixed-income markets, as a proportion of the Barclays Global Aggregate and Inflation Linked indices, represent almost 0.6% of global bond market capitalization, as shown on the right hand side of Exhibit 3. Exhibit 3: The Funds Holdings in Global Markets
Weighting in Equity Markets (%) Weighting in Fixed-Income Markets (%)
Europe 1.0 Europe
0.2 Asia/Oceania
0.0 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Jun
0.0 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Jun
Real estate
Most comparable funds invest in illiquid assets such as real estate, infrastructure and private equity, or in other alternative asset classes. With its very long horizon, regular large capital inflows and virtual absence of short-term obligations, the Fund is better positioned than its peers to tolerate higher levels of illiquidity. Yet this challenges the principle of transparency that is also central to the way the Fund has been managed, and it creates a need for a performance measurement system that deviates from the mark-to-market approach that the Fund uses for traded assets. On advice from its Advisory Council, and consistent with preferences expressed by Norges Bank, the Ministry decided in 2008 to carve out up to 5% from the fixed-income portfolio as a strategic allocation to real estate. In March 2010, Norges Bank was given a mandate to invest in real estate up to this level, and the first purchase, completed in 2011, was an interest in Londons Regent Street. Further investments will concentrate on major markets, typically via joint ventures, with the intention of building a well-diversified real estate portfolio over time. The case for real estate is largely driven by its absolute return nature. At the same time, opacity, illiquidity, tax and leverage present challenges to creating a helpful real-estate benchmark. The four dimensions of market risk currently employed in managing overall Fund risk benchmark deviation, relative volatility, factor exposure and position liquidity are inadequate. Additional dimensions consistent with an absolute return and absolute risk focus, will be required namely, liquidity, credit, counterparty, operational, legal, taxation, technical, as well as environmental issues.
Responsible investment
The Fund is a professional financial investor and it cannot uphold all of Norways ethical commitments. Yet the assets belong to the people of Norway, and so the Fund has to take account of important, commonly shared ethical values. After a government commission delivered a comprehensive report in 2003, and after hearings, parliament debate and public involvement, the Fund adopted a framework for responsible investing in 2004. The Ministry of Finance (2010) cites two obligations for the Fund: it should be managed with a view to achieving a high return for the benefit of future generations, and there should be respect for the fundamental rights of those affected by the companies in which the Fund invests. These activities reflect a belief that, given its long horizon and highly diversified portfolio, taking such
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factors into account will ultimately lead to more sustainable long-term, financial results. The Funds approach to ethical investment is widely referenced, two examples being Myklebust (2010) and Halvorssen (2011). The mandate awarded to Norges Bank by the Ministry of Finance (2010), and the guidelines followed by the Council of Ethics (2011) when monitoring Fund investments, emphasize the Funds role as a responsible investor. ESG (environmental, social and governance) aspects are factored into management of the Fund, which may initiate positive actions, through the exercise of ownership rights, or negative actions, by excluding certain companies from the investment universe. These responsibilities are split: the Ministry is involved with screening that takes place outside NBIM, while the manager is concerned with active ownership of Fund holdings. Six areas are stressed for positive actions: shareholder rights, board responsibilities, wellfunctioning markets, climate change, water management, and childrens rights. In addition to voting, active ownership involves company dialogue, expectations documents, shareholder proposals, legal action and regulatory participation. At the time of writing, 52 companies were excluded from the Funds universe.
The behaviour and performance of sovereign wealth funds has recently come under scrutiny, especially since the financial crisis (Gasparro and Pagano, 2010). Exhibits 5 and 6 report the performance of the GPFG. Changes in the Norwegian kroner exchange rate do not impact the Funds international purchasing power, and the Fund does not hedge against moves in the kroner. Consequently, the return is given in international currency, based on a weighted combination of 35 currencies in the Funds benchmark indices. Exhibit 4 (below) shows that until the crisis, investment performance had been commendable. The Fund had suffered negative absolute returns during the 2001-02 equity market sell-off but weathered that adverse experience. Impressively, NBIMs active management resulted in small positive excess returns in eight successive years to 2006. Exhibit 4: Absolute and Relative Performance by Asset Class to 30 June 2011 Period 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 to 30 June All assets (%) Absolute Relative 12.44 1.23 2.49 0.27 2.47 0.15 4.74 0.30 12.59 0.55 8.94 0.54 11.09 1.06 7.92 0.14 4.26 0.24 23.30 3.37 25.62 4.13 9.62 1.06 2.36 0.17 Equities (%) Absolute Relative 34.81 3.49 5.82 0.49 14.60 0.06 24.39 0.07 22.84 0.51 13.00 0.79 22.49 2.16 17.05 0.09 6.82 1.15 40.17 1.15 34.27 1.86 13.34 0.73 2.23 0.04 Fixed income (%) Absolute Relative 0.99 0.01 8.41 0.07 5.04 0.08 9.90 0.49 5.26 0.48 6.10 0.37 3.82 0.36 1.93 0.25 2.96 1.29 0.53 6.60 12.49 7.36 4.11 1.53 2.51 0.52
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Longer-run performance
Exhibit 5 summarizes performance over various periods, including returns since inception in the last column. By mid-2011 the Fund had generated favourable absolute returns and an excess return that made a valued additional contribution to long-term performance. Between January 1998 and June 2011, the annual nominal return of the Fund was 5.03% which was 0.31% above the Funds benchmark. Performance therefore has been volatile but satisfactory over the long-run. Following the adsverse performance of 2007-08, the Ministry of Finance sought external advice. Such advice may have assuaged public criticism by emphasising the need for risk-taking in line with the opportunities offered by the Funds very long investment horizon. Among the most influential analyses was the AGS Report (Ang, Goetzmann, and Schaefer, 2009), which assessed NBIMs active management both retrospectively and prospectively, and the Strategy Council Report which advised on how to further develop the Funds long-term investment strategy. These reports presented several responses to the setbacks of 2007-08 and the public criticism of Fund performance over the crisis period. In particular, they addressed four keys issues: First, they defended a continuing commitment to moderate active management. Second, they suggested there might actually be too little risk-taking, instead of too much. Third, they asked how the Funds long horizon can be maintained in practice. And fourth, they emphasized the importance of measures that ensure the GPFG stays the course, and avoids flipping strategy during a downturn. Exhibit 5: GPFG Annualized Returns to 30 June 2011 Returns (%) Last 12 months Gross return 14.17 Benchmark return 13.30 = Excess return Tracking error = Information ratio Gross return Price inflation Management costs = Net return Standard deviation
Source: NBIM (2011)
Past 3 years 5.29 5.01 0.28 1.47 0.19 5.29 1.57 0.12 3.54 12.67
Past 5 years 3.86 3.86 0.00 1.22 0.00 3.86 2.16 0.11 1.55 10.50
Past 10 years 4.59 4.33 0.27 0.89 0.30 4.59 2.05 0.10 2.38 8.24
Since 1.1.98 5.03 4.71 0.31 0.80 0.39 5.03 1.93 0.10 2.94 7.67
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External advice
We discuss below each of the issues raised by AGS and the Strategy Council. As we noted, the Funds performance in 2008 was poor both in terms of total return and relative to the benchmark. Unlike 2002 when critics questioned equity investments in general, public criticism during 200809 focused on active management and even called for an end to allowing any deviations from the Funds benchmark. The AGS report in December 2009 noted that GPFGs active risks (deviations from benchmark) are constrained to be so small compared to its total portfolio risk that it effectively resembles a passive index fund. Moreover, Ang, Goetzmann, and Schaefer (2009, 2011) argue that a fund of GPFGs size, resources and distinctive characteristics is among those few investors where it is reasonable to expect active management to add value. The authors recommended the Fund to shift its active management focus from bottom-up security selection toward top-down factor allocation. Still, there were questions about the Funds risk-taking profile and active management. The Strategy Council report presented in November 2010 noted that the Funds 60/40 stock/bond mix was typical among institutional investors, while the Fund was hardly a typical investor. Its distinctive characteristics warrant greater than average risk tolerance, which could help it to achieve a satisfactory real return even in the prevailing financial environment. (This conclusion may not apply nearly as well to other long-horizon investors if they have more immediate spending needs than the GPFG.) The Strategy Council report highlighted a particular agency problem that may prevent the asset manager NBIM from fully exploiting the asset owners long investment horizon. A public focus on quarterly performance measures and headline risk aversion reinforced by media scrutiny may induce short-termism and excess conservatism. As a result, the Fund may avoid investment strategies that would be a natural fit for a large long-horizon investor, but that could occasionally result in adverse performance and negative media and political reactions. Riskier strategies that seek long-run rewards but involve asymmetric payoffs and/or dynamic risk-taking certainly imply new governance challenges. It is important to avoid capitulating at the wrong time, in the midst of a crisis. Thus the Strategy Council stressed that it is crucial to communicate in advance the likely risks (as well as the long-run benefits) of such strategies. Clear communication of past performance particularly during down market episodes should help. The public may recall during the next crisis that listening to popular demands to de-risk the benchmark in 2002 or to wind down active positions in 2008 would, with hindsight, have been poor decisions. Since inception, the Fund has gradually increased its risk profile, and so far the country has been well served by rejecting short-term reactions to adverse performance. The Norwegian Minister of Finance, Sigbjrn Johnsen (2011), recently signalled the importance of the GPFG long-term strategy in a presentation to the Storting, the Norwegian parliament: The overall results of the last years show that the large losses during the financial crisis have been more than compensated by the gains made in the subsequent market upswing. One important reason is that we held on firmly to the long-term investment strategy. The Minister highlights the fact that investment must not only be driven by the right strategy, but there must be a commitment to stick to the strategy even during bad times.
GPFG suffered short-term setbacks during the recent financial crisis and there are lessons to be learned. Looking forward, we first highlight the Strategy Councils advice on the GPFGs direction for the next decade harvesting risk premia from multiple sources and exploiting the Funds natural advantages. We conclude by describing the Ministrys assessments and risk control measures, as well as the Norges Bank Executive Board priorities for the coming years.
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of value stocks compared to their more richly valued peers. The size premium has been known for even longer, though historically it has been less consistent. Small-capitalization stocks have tended to outperform large-capitalization stocks, at least on paper. Trading costs on small-cap stocks are higher, which makes it harder to harvest any size premium. This finding leaves open the possibility that the long term outperformance of small-cap stocks may reflect no more than fair compensation for their illiquidity. Yet liquidity is, itself, a multi-faceted concept that is hard to define and measure, and so liquidity-related premia share these features. Liquidity premia reflect compensation for the characteristic of poor marketability, in addition to a risk factor premium for the tendency of illiquid assets to perform poorly during bad times. In light of the evidence above, the Strategy Council endorsed raising Fund risks, not by further increasing the equity market allocation but by harvesting risk premia from multiple sources. This recommendation can be seen as broadly consistent with risk parity investing which should result in more effective diversification and avoid a heavy reliance on the equity premium.
underperformance on the scale that was actually experienced. There had been persistent gains in previous years and there was limited awareness of the systematic exposures in the active strategies. A key reason for the strong negative public reaction to the 2008 underperformance was therefore the element of surprise. Looking to the future, more disclosure as well as constraints on risk exposures can help reduce the potential for future surprises. The Ministry revised Norges Banks mandate for 2011, including new provisions in areas such as risk management and reporting. The manager now has a revised risk budget expressed as a cap on tracking error, which is defined as the expected value of the standard deviation of the difference between the annual returns on the actual and benchmark portfolios. This ex ante tracking error is limited to 1%, and the interval over which tracking error is measured is now longer than it was before 2011. Assuming that NBIM makes full use of its risk budget, in two out of three years the Funds return should not deviate from the benchmark by more than one percentage point. NBIMs strategic plan for the period to 2013 commits it to strengthening its financial theory resources and investment research efforts. In parallel with related work within the Ministry, it plans to reappraise asset-class benchmarks, re-evaluate the Funds regional distribution and currency composition, review the rebalancing regime, and re-evaluate additional asset classes such as infrastructure, private equity and environmental investments. There will be a greater focus on absolute returns, with a continued emphasis on fundamental research, more concentrated long positions than before, lengthier holding periods, and a greater tolerance for gains and losses on individual positions. NBIM will continue to employ external specialist equity managers, notably in emerging markets, small-caps and selected industries. In fixed-income, there will be simpler and more concentrated portfolios, with fewer holdings and a lesser role for non-government bonds, greater awareness of the risk of correlated positions, and a focus on the combined exposure of the overall Fund. Trading activity will be reduced, new issues will become more important, and bonds will no longer be systematically sold after downgrade or index exclusion; competence in credit, emerging-market bonds and macroeconomic research will be developed. Large inflows make efficient trade execution more difficult, and internal pricing has to enable traders to take responsibility for the impact of their transactions. This requires a commitment to high quality data, systems, and technology. The manager aims to concentrate on core activities and to outsource investment services to external providers. The key challenge for the manager is how to pursue implementation, facilitate success in active management, control risk, and instil continuing high standards of professionalism in the organisation. This involves creating a global investment culture staffed with fewer personnel than comparable funds NBIM expects to from 277 employees at the end of 2010 to around 400 by the end of 2013. The manager aims for balanced Norwegian and international staffing at its Oslo, London, New York, Shanghai and Singapore offices, with a doubling to 40% of personnel being based outside Norway. Building the right culture is critical, and NBIM stresses its commitment to fostering an environment where people thrive on investing. The manager pursues a knowledge-based atmosphere of change and continuing improvement, with a focus on performance via a team approach balancing internal co-operation with the need to be competitive with external investment solutions. Future success is seen as dependent on achieving a blend of specialist knowledge and shared competence. NBIM (2008) recounts the long-term and on-going commitment to developing a truly professional investment organisation. Transparency remains important, and the Norges Bank Executive Board (2010) writes as follows: We will be open about how we evaluate markets, but not about how we regard single
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investments. We will express our views on recent market developments, but not forecast the future. We will be open about how we manage the business, build the organisation, and set strategies and policies, but not about individual contracts or business relationships. Our ambition is to be open about all relevant information that does not affect the funds competitiveness or performance. The last sentence reiterates the fact that announcements about positions and trading intentions could be exploited by the Funds counterparties and competitors. Frank communication with the Funds owners is important. But even in Norway, there are limits to the desirability of full and immediate transparency.
The GPFG is managed along lines that differentiate the Fund from other pools of investment assets. The Fund follows a management style that is sometimes universal, and therefore suitable for adoption by most investors, and sometimes specific to Norway. We draw attention to seven aspects of the Norway Model for endowment asset management: First, the Fund emphasises reducing risk through diversification, limiting itself almost exclusively to publicly traded securities. This approach is easily replicable. Even today, there are still many endowment and other funds that are seriously overexposed to founder-stock and to home-biased assets. Second, the Fund is committed to building on its long investment horizon. This element of strategy blends harvesting risk premia over time, and a willingness to take contrarian positions in financial markets. Investors with a shorter investment horizon should, of course, pursue different strategies. Third, the Fund emphasises its role as a responsible investor. There are elements of this strategy that very large investors, who are resigned to holding sizeable equity positions, must follow. When a portfolio is really big, there are benefits to a substantial and committed long-term investor creating value by pressing for good corporate governance and by actively engaging with management. Norway aims to have demonstrably high ethical standards of investment. Fourth, the Fund stresses cost efficiency. There is only one consistent source of performance deviations from the benchmark; it is not stock and sector selection skill but cost drag. Investors would do well to control all elements of fee and cost inefficiency in their portfolios. Fifth, there is a moderate element of active management in the Fund. Major investors have large in-house resources and potential access to the best investment managers. However, superior performance cannot be attained by all, so other investors may defend themselves by investing at minimum cost in passive vehicles. Sixth, the Fund has a clear governance structure designed to deliver a well-considered investment strategy. Ill-thought and frivolous changes to guidelines are avoided, and there is awareness of the need to mitigate moral hazard and principal-agent problems. This minimises short-termism and maximises the chance of long-term investment success. Seventh, the Fund is committed to transparency and openness. Few investors have put as much effort as Norway into ensuring that public debate is encouraged, strategy is publicly owned, and the organisation remains open to new ideas. Norways long term investment success will depend on the Funds culture and competence; on building and retaining professionalism; on clarity in line structures and delegated responsibilities. It needs to ensure its active management strategies are effective, and needs to exploit the competitive edge of its long horizon in building more dynamic strategies. There are of course arguments against the universal applicability of the Norway model. First, the Fund claims to be highly diversified; yet while the Swensen (2000) approach was developed as an extended diversification model, the GPFG has so far eschewed private equity and has only
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recently embraced real estate. Diversification is predominantly limited to traded assets. Second, the Fund is only as patient as its ultimate clients, the Norwegian people, and some might argue that a less transparent model for a sovereign fund allows greater patience. Third, it is not clear whether the Funds responsible investment strategy adds or subtracts from performance. There are two components, social responsibility and active governance; the former reflects national preferences, and there is as yet little evidence on the efficacy of the latter. Fourth, we do not know how NBIMs trading acumen compares to specialists in factor investing firms like Dimensional for the size factor, or low-cost index funds for the market factor. Rule-based factor investing can be expensive, a classic case being when a small-cap portfolio keeps selling winners even though the momentum effect can make this costly. Furthermore, even if NBIM successfully harvests factor risk premia at low trading costs, other funds may be unable to follow this strategy efficiently. Fifth, most portfolios have explicit liabilities, and a manager with annual liquidity needs would need to modify the Norwegian model to make it appropriate for such a situation. The Norway model works for that country for a variety of social, governmental and institutional reasons. This model or its underlying philosophy might be a more suitable template than Swensens Yale model for many other investors. Why could this be? There are three major reasons. First, while there is little long-term evidence of persistent alpha returns, there is ample historical support for beta returns from multiple factors. This can make the Norway Model attractive to many investors since they can also evaluate the potential future performance statistically, rather than relying on an ill-defined and unmeasured illiquid asset premium." Second, the costs and managerial complexity of the Norway Model are significantly lower. Third, there is much less opportunity for agency problems when portfolio holdings are marked to market, centrally custodied, and observable. The Norway Model has been the subject of much recent discussion. It is likely to be an important contributor to investment thinking over the years to come.
This article draws on three primary sources: First; the report of the 2010 Strategy Council, Investment Strategy and the GPFG by Elroy Dimson, Antti Ilmanen, Eva Liljeblom, and ystein Stephansen. Second, three case studies, The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global 2011 by David Chambers and Elroy Dimson, The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global 2008 by Elroy Dimson, Kamil Hilali, and Ankur Mehrotra, and The Norwegian Petroleum Fund 2004 by Elroy Dimson and Argiro Papadopoulou. Third, it integrates documentary material that is in the public domain. It does not incorporate any non-public or proprietary information. We have benefited from discussions with Andrew Ang, Sigbjrn Atle Berg, Vibeke Bakken, Stephen Brown, Dag Dyrdal, Thomas Ekeli, Bjrn From, William Goetzmann, Campbell Harvey, Pl Haugerud, Thore Johnsen, Knut Kjr, Eva Liljeblom, Paul Marsh, Richard Maitland, Wilhelm Mohn, Terrance Odean, Stephen Schaefer, Lawrence Siegel, Martin Skancke, Yngve Slyngstad, Mike Staunton, Erling Steigum, ystein Stephansen, Bjorn Taraldsen, and Vegard Vik. We have also received helpful comments from seminar participants at BI Norwegian Business School (Oslo), Coller Institute of Private Equity (London Business School), Erasmus University (Rotterdam), ESCP Europe (Paris), Judge Business School (Cambridge), Tilburg School of Economics and Management (The Netherlands), Tsinghua University (Beijing), and Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria); and from session participants at the Endowment Institute (Yale School of Management), GlobalARC Conference (London), Global Sovereign Funds Roundtable (London), Portfolio Management Conference (Frankfurt), Russell Academic Advisory Board Meeting (Seattle, by video), World Economy and Future Forum (Seoul), and World Investment Forum (Napa).
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