Plejaren & Allies Evidence
Plejaren & Allies Evidence
Plejaren & Allies Evidence
& Plans to Construct a Machine that Cures Illnesses(Rheumatism): Semjase brings Meier Crystals & Minerals from Tayget-system, Venus & Asteroid Belt: Malachite Stones for Meier's Friend F.L . : Semjase wants to help Billy Financially by bringing Crystals from Other Planets: Semjase Refuses Selling of Crystals & Minerals to Expert in this Field: Semjase brings 'Ruby' for Meier from Mars:
Semajse brings Crystals, Minerals & Beamship Metal Samples to Billy :
Metal samples
Pictures/Films of Beamships for Lecture: Semjase allows Meier to take More Photos for lecture : Billy Asks Semjase to Photograph her Home-Planet with his Camera: Photographing Asket, Nera & Semjase : New Photography apparatus will be constructed by Asket:
Meier's Original 8 mm Movie films lost in testing in USA
Billy Photography & Scanning device Pictures of ET's that visit the Earth or that previously visited it: PICTURES OF VENUS, JUPITER, SATURN, MOON, EARTH, PTAAH, ASKET & NERA: Space photos of Billy's Great Journey & Impulses-Images : Guido's Space Photos :
Night-time Beamship Photos taken by -----Pirgler :
Suicide by a man who saw ET ANDRON: 2 younger men who joined in Mental-Asylum:
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CR 08, 1975
Semjase gives Meier a names of Precious Stones, Crystals,..& Plans to Construct a Machine that Cures Illnesses(Rheumatism):
CR 09
Semjase wants to help Billy Financially by bringing Crystals from Other Planets:
CR 12
Semjase brings Meier Crystals & Minerals from Tayget-system, Venus & Asteroid Belt:
CR 13
CR 24
CR 31
Elsa Schroeder:
Life-form Look-Alikes:
CR 44
Meier's Original 8 mm Movie films lost in testing in USA :
CR 46
Semajse brings Crystals, Minerals & Beamship Metal Samples to Billy :
CR 106
Universal Barrier & Future 'San Francisco' EarthQuake Paintings :
CR 75
Menara was pursued by a Swiss AirForce Jet Fighter CR 104 - Menara sent a piece of her writing to be published in monthly magazines no: 18 & 21 of BIlly as anonymous
CR 141
Metal samples from semjase - No longer concern the same materials, but they have an approximate resemblance to the first samples - new surprises for the analysts once again Primordial water/soup - Liquid from a planet that is still in its primeval form of development(could contain plant germs) ] ----------------------
PICTURES OF VENUS, JUPITER, SATURN, MOON, EARTH, PTAAH, ASKET & NERA: - After they have come to the earth plane, Billy requested Ptaah for taking pictures of Venus, saturn & Jupiter(Billys is especially interested in the Red Spot, of which I would like to make a close-up) - To take pictures on Venus, however, then you need a light source with your camera - I have various specialized, small beamships with strong light sources. - I will let two of these aircraft fly with you, so you can take pictures through their light - I can also correspond to the wish regarding the Moon as well as Saturn and Jupiter. - Concerning the close-ups of Jupiter, however, you should try hard to guard these pictures very carefully because Earth scientists could possibly gain insights from these, which wouldn t be good for them yet. - Venus - I take a few pictures on the planet on its night side, using the light from two of his special ships. - Moon - Back at the Moon, I can also take several pictures, and I also fly around with Semjase in her ship. Also with the film camera, I take various pictures, and also of an Earth satellite. - I ask Semjase about the Russian Lunar Rover, which roved around on the Moon years before. She explains that it is possible for her to set the Lunar Rover in motion, which I naturally want her to do right away.Thus, she flies to the vehicle and does, in fact, set it in motion through procedures that are inexplicable to me. Of course, I also capture this on film. - she goes back up into space, and there, I see a UFO flying over the Moon again, which I had already noticed during an earlier flight and which was christened Sewing Machine by Hans Jacob - When we then fly to Jupiter in Ptaah s ship, I still quickly film the Earth and the Moon from far away. At Jupiter, I transfer to Semjase s ship again; then, I take three pictures in large format of the Red Spot, while far in the background, Ptaah s ship hangs in space, which I also capture on film. - After that, Ptaah flies into the further vicinity of Saturn, where I can also take a few more pictures. - Also regarding the pictures of me(P), I must ask you not to spread these and to show these exclusively in your group - You shouldn t make any photos of these and should let the matter rest exclusively with slides, which should remain in your own possession CR 107, 1978 Billy was greeted by Menara & Pleija:
- We(FIGU & Billy) observed an object at that time, and it seemed to me as if someone had greeted me(B) from the ship - 1000 meters altitude & diretly under the cloud bank over the Center on 6th of May, 1978 at 7:00 PM(bright & Sunny day) - Pleija: It was thoughtless of us, and Quetzal also reprimanded us for it, but it was my wish that you should see that we haven't forgotten you all, especially not you
CR 175, 1982
-This frightened cruel one suddenly realized that you, your mission, and we had been defamed by the brothers H. and K. and that throughout his life, he had acted inferiorly and wrongly. - He recognized that Andron could not be a terrestrial life form but rather had to come from another planet somewhere because according to his knowledge, there were no such large men on the Earth, let alone one who could materialize himself at an edge of a forest. - Full of horror and sudden realization, he ran way, while his thoughts began to be confused. - Then, unfortunately, it didn t take too long before he robbed himself, in fear, terror, and confusion, of his own life. - he told no one of his experience; thus, he took his secret to the grave. - For this reason, only speculation surrounded the termination of his life, after which, through false clues, reasons were then found for his suicide. - The family members and coworkers strained themselves to put their thoughts together, etc., from which they now assume to know why the man had driven himself to death. - But the truth is different from what these people assume; moreover, the reason for the outbreak of his confusion of consciousness lies differently with those who were hostile-minded toward you, us, and the mission.
- Thereupon, I addressed therewith that a younger man, who became hostile-minded towards your and our mission through the brothers H. and K., has fallen into a confusion of consciousness, which is designated as insanity. - As a result, he was interned in an insane asylum, from which there will be for him no return to the socalled healthy society. - A second young man in Berne has fallen victim to a fanatical-sectarian insanity, which has already led to the fact that his acquaintances and family make serious efforts towards likewise committing him to a crazy mental hospital. - Q: Those are two cases, in addition to some other similar phenomena, which have arisen recently.
CR 233, 1989 Alleged analyses of Billy's Materials & Contacts by Negative-minded People :
Ptaah: 69. Such swear words(Dog-cunt) are unknown to us, but according to your description, this term applies to the core of things. 70. The same also applies to all of those who out of selfishness and other negative values, like out of greed for profit, desire to be great, and inferiority complexes, etc. deny the truth of the fact that your photos taken of our aircraft and other aircraft and your other materials and proofs are genuine. 72. Same or similar grades of data come from many others, who strive diligently around alleged analyses of your materials and our contacts, but without being able to call the skills for such analyses their own; thus, they create and invent insults, defamations, and false analyses through incredibly dirty lies and through just as dirty deceit, in order, on the one hand, to make a great name for themselves among all those idiots and misdirected ones, to be celebrated as a hero and to be placed in the limelight by those who are ignorant and credulous enough to lend their ears to such pseudo-scientists and to accept their lies and frauds unchecked.
73. But on the other hand, all these liars and deceivers are greedy for profit, without any doubt, because all their slanders, lies, frauds, false analyses, misrepresentations, and distortions, as well as defamations, they know how to convert into hard cash, for they sell everything at incredibly high prices to their believers and make enormous profits, as this is also the case with all those who steal and distort your writings for their own profit and wrongly translate them into other languages and wrongly interpret them, as this is particularly blatantly the case with those truth-offending elements of the Americans, who have no respect at all for life and truth, let alone that they would exhibit just a tiny bit of propriety toward the truth, love, life, and the Creation. 74. A fact, from which also that origin is evident, which leads to the fact that a human life is of no importance at all to these elements, once they can knock out profits for themselves, but for them, it is of no importance whether human lives are destroyed in small or large numbers by this. Billy: Those are dangerously open words, Ptaah, which bad creatures can charge to me again, in order to finish me. Ptaah: 77. If you want, then we can omit this part of the explanation during the transmission. Billy: No, that wasn t meant in such a way. I think that you should calmly mention the truth and that you don t have to cover your mouth. You also have freedom of speech, even if it doesn t fit different people.
Ptaah: 78. Then it should be that everything is left in such a way as I have explained it with my words. Billy: Exactly, it would be quite wrong if we would leave out just one iota of your explanations.
CR 236, 1990 Space photos of Billy's Great Journey & Impulses-Images : Billy: Then still the last question: over and over again, I am asked about the space photos of my great journey, namely in reference to whether these were traded around and became falsified. Ptaah: 302. You probably don t mean the paper images but rather the slides. 303. Yes, those were greatly falsified by the machinations of the fallible ones, and I mean all of them, because out of all those that Quetzal took and examined, there weren t any that weren t maliciously manipulated, and they ultimately turned out to be shots that correspond to a future film that was produced by our impulses on the Earth. Billy: And how did it happen, then, that the shots resembled the conditions of reality? Ptaah: 304. Because our transmitted impulses were given to the Earth people in the form of impulse-images that corresponded to true, existent things of foreign worlds. Billy: Planets, suns, humans, apparatuses, dinosaurs, and plants were all these things included? Ptaah: 305. That corresponds what was done. 306. But now, my friend, that must be enough of the questions. Billy:
Okay. I m satisfied. Thank you. Then now, fire away with what you still have to discuss privately CR 239 Guido's Space Photos : Billy: Then another question: in the future, may we use the space photos snapped by me and make them publicly accessible? Ptaah: 36. That should be omitted under all circumstances. 37. I cannot give permission for this. 38. Too many factors speak against the fact that the images should be presented. 39. Already once before, we made the mistake of giving permission for publication, and it brought immense harm. 40. The people and the times have not yet changed sufficiently, that we could allow these pictures to be published, either in small circles or in the large public. 41. We must strictly insist that the remaining pictures are not used for any purposes. 42. Quetzal destroyed all of your own pictures, like also the pictures of San Francisco. 43. Only Guido is, according to our knowledge, still in possession of space pictures. 44. Nevertheless, he may not utilize these under any circumstances; otherwise, we would have to destroy these as well, which would cause us very much sorrow, because for a much later time, they will be of great utility, which Guido won t experience, however, because this will be long after his time. CR 311, 2001 Night-time Beamship Photos taken by -----Pirgler : Billy: Recently, I received the photos from _______, the Pirgler. In addition, I must already say that these turned out quite fantastically well. For my part, I never had the opportunity to be able to take such good night pictures of one of your beamships. Nevertheless, I am glad that also someone else could once take good pictures.
Unfortunately, you are always reserved in such a way that you can only be seen by our group members from a far distance; consequently, the resulting photos then accordingly turn out in such a way that they only show your ships through multiple magnifications. Ptaah: 57. The group members also need no proofs of our existence, for they also know about our existence without these. 58. And so, when we make ourselves visible to them or when we allow them to photograph our aircraft, we don t do this for reasons of proof, like for the man _______, who only uses his shots for his own personal proof and, therefore, doesn t submit these to other people for inspection. 59. Thus, the fact that he got in touch with you and left you his shots only came about because I asked him to do so subconsciously, through telepathic impulses. Billy: Oh, so that s the case. Thanks for your efforts. By the way, I am also to pay you the thanks of the man. He was tremendously pleased that he could remove his doubts and that he was allowed to learn the truth, which only became possible for him through his observation and through his photos. At first, he thought, so he told me, that he had succumbed to an illusion when he saw the light phenomenon of the ship. The real insight and recognition first came to him when he had the photo proof in his hands. That s what I still wanted to discuss. Then now, until we meet again. Ptaah: 60. You are very modest, dear friend 61. Although the man could take better shots at night, you preserve no thought that we should also offer you the opportunity for such photos 62. Your thoughts and feelings are completely free of such desires. Billy: Why should I preserve such?
It was just to be noted that the pictures of the man are very much better than what I myself could ever make at night. Therefore, I am, in fact, not jealous, but on the contrary, I am very glad that someone other than me could also take good pictures. It is really a great joy to me. Ptaah: 63. This can also be heard from your voice. 64. Then now, until we meet again, my dear friend. 65. Once you have completed the work for us, then call me. 66. If you can t reach me, then Florena is available to you. 67. Salome. CR 434, 2006 Plejaren Measuring Climate Change in Europe & Switzerland : Billy: Ah, you re already here, dear friend. Be welcome Salome. Ptaah: 1. My greeting, my friend. 2. Yes, for we have continuously been here for about 8 days because we carry out various measurements concerning climate change, which take up a lot of time. Billy: Here in Switzerland? Ptaah: 3. In the entire European area, but this whole week, we were working in the area of Switzerland. Billy: Aha. - Is it possible that at the beginning of the week, you may have circled around in the northeast of Switzerland and that, perhaps, you were seen by observers? Ptaah:
4. Some of us were in that area, and because certain clarifications had to be carried out without the visibility protection screens, it is possible that, perhaps, our aircraft could be seen by observing persons. Billy: That was probably the case because at least one person apparently saw one of your ships, as she reported to Bernadette. Ptaah: 5. That may be possible because as I said, certain clarifications had to be carried out without the visibility protection screens. Billy: Good, then it is to be assumed that the person concerned has not exchanged any essential facts. CR 254 Wedding-Cake Ship(WCUFO) Design & Use on Earth:
Billy It is indeed a pleasure that you have come personally. I was actually expecting Florena. It was indeed she whom I asked to clear up the miserable matter. Still, that is why you are also here, isn't it? Ptaah 1. Certainly, because I considered the matter important enough that I should concern myself about everything immediately. 2. A quick clarification was necessary, because not only you are impacted by the matter, rather also the photographic evidence that you have prepared according to our direction, in that you have photographed the pertinent flying device. 3. Now these are the circumstances: 4. We already worked with those flying devices, which you call the cake-ship, in the twenties, but it was indeed only at the end of the seventies that they were brought to the required status for their use on the Earth.
5. The form of these flying devices was specially thought up for the Earth, for which reason we made the effort to transmit the entire necessary specifications for the design to terrestrial scientists through impulse-telepathy so that, out of that, flying disks could be developed. 6. This impulse-telepathic information went predominantly to aerospace technicians, as I will designate these persons, whereby especially German engineers were included for this, to whom we transmitted exact plans for the external form as well as certain technical particulars which were responsible to transmit. 7. Thereby the German scientists also actually experimented, whereby they could construct halfway suitable flying disks, which according to our thinking at those times should have been used to constitute an air power through which an early-brought-about world peace should have been achieved. 8. However, the political machinations changed very quickly into a bellicose direction, for which reason we brought an end to further impulse-telepathic information to the German scientists and allowed the project to expire, whereby we however initially transmitted false information so that the flying disks could not be created specifically for warlike purposes. 9. However, the plans existed furthermore in isolated copies because we could not obtain them all. 10. Which was, however, no longer bad, because these still-existing papers were extremely incomplete, and disappeared in this form. 11. In practice, these drafts were only available as sketches which only showed the outer ring and the underside of the flying device while the extension underneath and the construction of the top were no longer available; and it is exactly these sketches, of the outer ring as well as its underside, which survived for several decades and reappeared in the middle of the sixties. 12. Though this happened without our knowledge, because, since the disappearance of the sketches which had become useless, we concerned ourselves no further about that until just now, when you called Florena and communicated to her that you discovered that the forms of lids for large containers exist, which, in their configuration and construction, are made exactly the same as the lower ring and its underside, of our flying device and show the same structure more than only approximately. 13. And because you gave one of these kinds of lids to Florena in order to provide clarification, it was easy for us to compare it with the construction of the flying device, which made the astonishing sameness clear to us, which also gave us occasion to dedicate our attention to the matter. 14. Therefore we cleared everything up very precisely, and thereby found out that the sketches which surfaced again were evaluated in industrial firms and found application, and that these same sketches were utilized for the design and manufacture of forms of lids which were completely atypical, because, until then, the designers usually only ever drafted forms of lids which showed simple lines, however never forms which could be called futuristic and complicated.
15. Thus came about the form of the lids for the container named by you, whereby the form of the lids, as I already said, is deceptively similar to the area of the lower ring and its underside, as is shown by our flying devices which relate to this. Billy Phew. That is quite a story. But it appears logical to me. But that probably does not mean that, in spite of that, a trap will not be laid for me accusing me of fraud because of the photographs of the cake-ship. As a precaution, I have removed most of the pictures from the albums - as least for a certain time. Ptaah 16. I would also advise you to do such a thing - just for a certain time, as you say. 17. However, those who are malicious, who are known to you and who want to denigrate and damage you, will give you no peace in spite of that and will continue to accuse you of lying, swindling & defrauding. 18. That cannot be avoided - especially not in relation to those powers who are driven by hate and jealousy, as with your wife, and so forth. Billy That is clear to me. Ptaah 19. The really honest ones will continue to stand with you and recognize the truth for what it is, as you bring and explain it to them. 20. You have nothing to hide because you are not to blame, for neither a lie nor a swindle nor fraud nor charlatanism. 21. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be ground down or undermined by those who are malevolent and malicious, who will never give up finding various things in order to be able to defame you, because these humans are sick from hate, envy and jealousy, therefore they believe there is something to find in everything and anything which you could have used deceitfully in order to falsify photographic evidence, and so forth. 22. They are sick in their thinking and behavior and in their feelings in such a way that they torment and destroy themselves and obstruct their evolution; that is unfortunately so in your own family.
Billy Unfortunately. How Billy's portion of Photographs & Films were Falsified:
Billy Already a long time ago you promised me that you would give me a closer explanation as to how at least a portion of my photographs and films were falsified. But we have obviously both forgotten that again and again. Couldn't you explain that to me now? Ptaah 23. I actually have not thought any more about that. 24. It was as follows: 25. Various deceivers, who wanted to inflict damage on you, and who continue to attempt this, have constructed, from your photographs, exact models of our ships and have thereby taken new and falsified pictures in the respective correct places where the (original) pictures were taken. 26. They utilized tripods and cameras for this, whereby the very exact same picture sections were established as with your photographs, in order to subsequently bring the models, which were hung on thin threads and wires from long poles, into the correct position and to photograph them. 27. Photographs falsified in this way are trafficked today by various people and passed off as your falsifications in order, by these means, to accuse you of fraud. 28. In this regard, also your original films were stolen and adulterated, in which our flying objects were equipped with threads and wires which were copied into the film and negatives, or conjured into them in some other way. Billy But that's nothing new because you already explained that to me earlier. CR 259 Wedding-Cake Ship Plans used for Designing DIfferent Objects:
Nice to see you again already my friend. Ptaah Ptaah 1. It is quite in accord with my promise of November 28th, 1995, that I immediately relay to you the newest findings, when these were completed, in regard to the matter of the flying device. 2. That is now the case, and because I am staying in the SOL system anyway for several days, it is my pleasure to be able to visit you once again. Billy With the matter of the flying device, you do indeed mean the things about the "cake ship", don't you? Ptaah 3. Certainly. Billy Then fire away. Ptaah 4. My assumption was correct, that the utilization of the plan, in regard to this flying device, found wider-ranging interest than that merely futuristic forms of container lids were manufactured from them, as I communicated to you at our conversation on November 28th, 1995. 5. Our very extensive clarifications have revealed that the flying-device plans were variously divided up and were used for further manufacturing, as, for example, for various forms of decoration and holding devices for various purposes. 6. Also, exposed bolts for furniture shelves were created out of certain parts of the plans, as well as roller bearings from other parts of the plans. 7. A flower pot base came about from another part of the plans, which, in its outer edge part, is very precisely configured in accord with the plan sketch, consequently, therefore, even the surrounding pertinent special elements for the screening of the visibility of the flying body was carried over, and indeed so precisely and correctly that no difference exists between the plan sketches and the terrestrially created product. 8. However these are not the only terrestrially manufactured products from the flying-device plans, because we could determine a total of 17 different objects for different purposes which were worked out from the plans. 9. We have gained no knowledge as to why that happened, if you exclude the fact that the flying-device plans of that time were ripped out of their entirety and were distributed in several European countries
as well as in America and Japan where they found utilization for the planning and manufacturing of the most varied products which, in part, are still produced and utilized on Earth today. Billy Then it won't be long before the next attack comes from the side of my yet ex-wife, as well as from the side of her bosom buddies R., K. and B. and consorts, who are quite industriously busy with that, in order to defame everything and find things to which they believe they can object. Ptaah 10. That will continue to be the case. 11. There is no doubt about that, because the hate as well as the envy against you of those named is very great. 12. Also vindictiveness plays a great role in that, especially from the side of your wife, who maliciously left and truly, at no time considered standing by you. Billy I know, so we do not have to talk about it. ...