Nix Information Literacy Plan FRIT 7136
Nix Information Literacy Plan FRIT 7136
Nix Information Literacy Plan FRIT 7136
*This Lesson was written and implemented in a second grade environment in a rural school district.
STANDARDS STANDARD FORTHE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNER GOALS Standard: Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Skills Indicator(s): 2.1.4.Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information. Benchmark(s):Explain and Illustrate through technology how the information of topic of content is understood and how it can be organized and shared. Dispositions Indicator(s): 2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products to express learning. Responsibilities Indicator(s): 2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicators(s): 2.4.3 Recognize new knowledge and understanding.
STATE STANDARD- GEORGIA PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS S2E2. Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year. a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at various times of the day. b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick or using a sundial. c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example: Days are longer than the night in the summer.). d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of time.
COMMON CORE (utilizing crosswalk which combines AASL and the Common Core)
CC9-10RS/TS9Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts.
PATHFINDER A pathfinder is intended to help you get started researching a certain topic. It is a guide to help educators on their path to learn more about a topic. Due to the age of the target audience this pathfinder was created as a teacher resource to aid in implementation of this Information Literacy Plan. The pathfinder was compiled with an array of sources aimed at meeting the standards listed above. The pathfinder was assembled on PBWorks. The pathfinder can be found at the following address >
Overview- This literacy plan is part of a thematic unit for second grade science. The lesson starts with an introduction and short explanation of the standards that will be addressed in the lesson. Students will then be introduced to a series of essential questions about the sun, moon, shadows and seasons. Because the students are Elementary aged- most of them are visual learners. Therefore, I will start the lesson with a visual hook to get the students interested in the subject that addresses these questions. This plan will occur over a period of four sessions. First session will be in the classroom with the teacher (project). The second session will be with the Media Specialist (Venn diagram). The third session will begin in the classroom with the teacher (product). The fourth and final session will be in the computer lab in Library -with BOTH the teacher and Media Specialist- to review, assess and share. Each session will highlight a different segment of the standard being addressed. As a class we will create a rubric together that addresses the components that make our work great. Upon completion of all sessions students should be able to demonstrate that they are knowledgeable about their investigation of the position of the sun and moon as they make patterns in the sky throughout the year. Hook Introduction to the first lesson will include the website The site is a photo site with a wonderful interactive sphere to spin around and look at pictures. Its a real eyopener. It will appeal to all the students and hook them to the lesson! Essential Questions
What is a shadow? How do you make a shadow? What does the sun and shadows have in common? What do seasons and the sun and moon have in common? How can I show and share what I have learned?
Final Product Journal entries from Science Journal, Venn diagram from the library, illustrated and labeled document that shows phases of moon and our understandings of the questions (formative assessment) will be our final products.
Library Lesson Two questions will be addressed. What do the sun and moon have in common? This lesson plays an important role in this literacy plan. The Media Specialist will allow all the students to find information on both topics. Information will be obtained through two different sources. First source will be a book and the second source will be GALILEO Kids. Two different sources are used to help with differentiation as well as excite the children by being allowed to use the computer. The students will fill in a Big Venn Diagram with the Media Specialist as a whole group. The students will then be given their own Venn diagram and be allowed to fill it in with information from the sun and moon from their two sources. They will learn and show similarities and differences of both. (Shadows should be in the answer!!!) Answers compiled in this lesson will be taken back to the classroom and used for the next lesson as well as the fourth and final assessment lesson. The Media Specialist will also be involved in the last and final lesson in the computer lab which is located in the library. Assessment and sharing will occur during that lesson.
Assessment Product- Each student will draw and write things in their Science Journal. They will illustrate concepts and topics that are discussed in the lessons (summative assessment). After predictions Vocabulary in Journal- Sun, position, rotation, orbit, North, South, East, West, Shadow, Sundial, Season, Tilt, Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall, Moon, Satellite, Reflection, Phases, Full, New, Hal, Quarter, Crescent
Direct Instruction-! Shadows are distorted 2d projections made when light shines past the edges of 3d objects. Do a Venn diagram to show similarities and differences.
Modeled and Guided Practice- Create a rubric together as a group. Discuss what are the attributes that make our work great good
Wallwishershould be used as an assessment to show and share what has been learned. *Venn Diagram example and printout is attached in plan.
Reflection of Lesson The lesson proved successful and mastery was achieved at 95%. Upon creating this lesson, I found that compiling the list of standards aided me in what direction to guide my instruction. The essential questions were a big part of my plan, besides telling the students the standard the essential question was my starting point in all sessions of the lesson plan. Reflection on Collaboration The collaboration went very smoothly on this lesson plan. One reason I thin it ran so smoothly is because I went above and beyond to provide the teacher with all the necessary tools to achieve mastery for this lesson. It was my first lesson plan acting as a Media Specialist. I collaborated with the teacher on emails and after school. We even had lunch together on one occasion to talk about the assessment lesson. Out of all the sessions, I think the fourth and final session ran the smoothest. The students loved the computers and they loved sharing what they learned with other students.