Intelligent_Irrigation_System_Based_on_Arduino (1)

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Intelligent Irrigation System Based on Arduino

Article · February 2018

DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.1803.00097


2 811

3 authors, including:

Carlos Gilarranz-Casado Max Loizu

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid , Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


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Intelligent Irrigation System Based on Arduino

Authors: C. Gilarranz (1) , S. Altares (1) , M. Loizu (2)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Madrid 28040, España.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Castelldefels s/n, Barcelona 08860, España.

This paper explains how to build an intelligent irrigation system using Arduino (a micro-
controller) and many devices (humidity, temperature, pressure and water flow sensors). Our
irrigation system combines a precise method to determine water balance of soils with an automatic
response to water content oscillations. Thus, it is an example of how we can perform better
irrigation systems by increasing the precision of measurements but also by automating decisions.

Keywords: Irrigation System, Sensors, Agricultural engineering, Control, Monitoring and



In the past, farmers had to deal with exhausting tasks due to the limited existence of
technology. The first agriculture revolution allowed the arrival of new technologies (as tractors). This
meant a drastic change for farmers, as they could be much more efficient. Nowadays, we are
experiencing the third agriculture revolution, which is bound to digital revolution. The new
technologies that have appeared (and those that are to arrive) are drastically transforming the
way farmers produce crops.

Until recently, flood irrigation has been the most extended irrigation system. Nowadays, drips
and sprinkles systems are replacing it, as they are much more efficient (90-95% and 70-75%
respectively) (Maisiri, Senzanje (1)). At the present time, we dispose of two methods to
determine water plants requirements. The first one has been used for a long time (it is still used)
and it based on crops evapotranspiration (Allen, Pereira (2)). The second method is the one we
are using in our experiment. It is based on measuring soil water content in real time (with
sensors), which allows a very precise management of the irrigation system. However, the
calibration of a moisture sensor is very different in the field as there are much more parameters
influencing lectures (Michot, Benderitter (3)). This will vary depending on the sensor used but also
on the precision expected.

In this paper, we show how to combine this precise method with automation. It allows not
only a fast and comfortable way to do things but most of the time it also allows less human
mistakes (having machine errors in contrast).

The objective of this experiment is to show that the automation of a complete irrigation system is
possible, increasing accuracy and efficiency in terms of water application (thanks to sensors) but
also allowing a more comfortable management.

Our hydraulic system is a simplified irrigation system (normally composed by a tertiary pipe, the
irrigation pipes and the drippers) as we make the experiment in a laboratory and dimensions are a
restriction. The irrigation pipe we use is made of low-density polyethylene (LDP) and working
pressure is set to 150 - 200 kPa (1,5 – 2,0 bar).

Figure 1. System Scheme

All components (except the shut-off valve, the pressure regulator and the first pressure sensor)
have analogical and digital versions, connected in parallel (measuring the same value). Digital and
analogical flow meter sensors are connected in chain, but they are close enough to give more or
less the same value.

Figure 2. Shut-off valve, pressure regulator and Figure 3. Electro-valve (Solenoid valve)
pressure sensor (manometer).

Figure 4. Filter Figure 5. Pressure sensors (digital and analogical)

and flow meter sensors (digital and analogical)

To accomplish our objective, we need to set which parameters are going to be measured. First
of all, we want to be sure the system is correctly working (Arviza (4)). To do that, we measure
pressure at many points of the pipe:
1. The first pressure sensor (located just after the pressure regulator) will confirm if water
is entering the system or not.
2. The second and third measures are done right before and after the filter, respectively.
This is necessary to know if the filter is saturated. If the pressure difference between
both measurements is too high, then the filter needs to be changed.
3. The fourth measurement is taken by flow meters, which is important as water flow is the
main parameter in our system (it’s what drippers will finally bring to crops).
4. The last two measurements are done at the beginning and at the end of the irrigation
pipe. They measure what we call “initial pressure” and “final pressure”, respectively. This
lets us know if drippers are clogged by measuring the difference between both values:
if that difference is equal to zero, it means there is no water discharge and so that
drippers are clogged.

Once we have established how we measure the correct operation of the system, we need to know
when to activate it (by opening the electro-valve). To do so, we measure soil water content (with
a soil moisture sensor). When soil water content is below 50%, the system has to get activated.
When soil water content is near 100% water flow has to be shut-off.

All this measurements are taken analogically and digitally (except for the first one which consist
only in one analogical sensor, a manometer). The digital measurements need to be calibrated in
order to obtain the same value that the analogical ones give us. Here is an example of calibration:

Regression curve of pressure sensor’s calibration

Minimum Squares Standard Statistic T
Parameter Estimated Error T P-value
Intercept 2,55225 0,199626 12,7852 0,0000
Gradient 0,142357 0,00123545 115,227 0,0000

Source Squares Sum Fd Average Square F-ratio P-value
Model 1049,53 1 1049,53 13277,25 0,0000
Residual 0,474281 6 0,0790469
Total (Corr.) 1050,0 7

Correlation coefficient = 0,999774

R-square = 99,9548 %
Manometer_measure = 2,55225 + 0,142357*Arduino_measure

Figure 6. Regression curve of pressure sensor’s calibration


All the automation system is based on Arduino. Arduino is a company that provides many kinds
of devices, as source of open hardware and software. The variety of applications are enormous
(Barrett (5)). The most important is the microcontroller (in our case, Arduino UNO). It also provides
a software that allows to program the Arduino microcontroller. Sensors that we use are suitable
with Arduino UNO. This microcontroller has many pins (distinguishable by their type of
connection: analogical or digital). Pins are the communication path between sensors and the

Figure 7. Electric and electronic system scheme

Figure 8. Key of the scheme

As we can see, we have four different microcontrollers. We could use only one, by connecting it
to all the sensors, but this would require long wires, which would be very unpractical in a real
irrigation system. That’s why we decided to use Bluetooth devices (in our case, HC-05 model),
which allows communication between microcontrollers (Bravo-Pérez, Redondo-Aycardi (6)). The
decision making has to rely on only one microcontroller (the “master”) which will receive data from
the others (the “slaves”). However the master microcontroller can also receive data directly from
sensors connected to it (which is our case).
Each microcontroller is placed near pressure sensors in order to reduce the amount of wire used.
Then, they are connected to all nearby sensors, as showed in Figure 7. Soil moisture and air
temperature and humidity sensors are placed in the irrigation zone (near the drippers) as it is
where plants are located.
Data retrieved from sensors will be integrated by microcontrollers. Then, all slaves
microcontrollers will send the data to the master microcontroller, which will transform it according
to calibrations. Here is an example of the code used for the master microcontroller:

When the master microcontroller has received and transformed all the data, it will evaluate that
information and compare it to the restrictions exposed initially. Then it will send a signal to the
solenoid valve to get it opened or closed. Concerning technical problems (as drippers clogging,
filter saturation or others), some other devices can be implemented in order to warn the person
in charge: a Display (which would show a text), a buzzer (producing a loud noise) or a LED.

We would like to conclude by saying that this system works successfully. We have shown that
there are other ways to manage crops and ornamental plants, which allows us to be much
more efficient in terms of time, money and water waste. It seems clear that this kind of
prototype can be extrapolated to a complete irrigation system. Thus, we could expect to see
this kind of systems appear increasingly in agriculture. This is why farmers and agricultural
companies should begin applying this kind of technology in their ordinary activities.


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2. Allen RG, Pereira LS, Raes D, Smith M. Crop evapotranspiration-Guidelines for computing crop
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3. Michot D, Benderitter Y, Dorigny A, Nicoullaud B, King D, Tabbagh A. Spatial and temporal

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4. Arviza J. Riego localizado. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. 1996.

5. Barrett SF. Arduino microcontroller processing for everyone! Synthesis Lectures on Digital
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6. Bravo-Pérez S, Redondo-Aycardi MA, Porta-Castañeda A, Vásquez E. Diseño de un prototipo

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