Greenhouse Automation
Greenhouse Automation
Greenhouse Automation
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
(SITCOE, ETC Engineering), yadrav India. [email protected]
(SITCOE, ETC Engineering), yadrav India. [email protected]
(SITCOE, ETC Engineering), yadrav India. [email protected]
(SITCOE, ETC Engineering), yadrav India [email protected]
Andriod app is developed to monitor and control give water to plants or soil, but if it is too humid they will
whether inside green. greenhouse can be considered open the rooftop of greenhouse. The farmer must
as microclimate incubator ,the important physically present in greenhouse to take controlling
parameters inside greenhouse are temperature, soil action.
moisture, humidity, light intensity. These values can While designing this system there is limitation to this
be easily measured by using different sensors. They problems to see how far system can do its tasks.
can easily get on android app. we can set threshold There are three action performed in this system first
values and according to sensors values we can action is that monitor the climate inside greenhouse,
control the devices like water spayer, light bulb, fan second is if soil moisture is too dry then water sprayer
or ac. Depending on sensor output controlling action made on and once it reaches to set threshold value then
is taken by microcontroller. And by pressing a single it is turned off automatically. The system for monitoring
button we are control the devices through android and controlling the greenhouse is based on the
app. The objective is to design a simple and easy user measuring the temperature, humidity, and soil moisture
friendly system to monitor and control whether by sensors that are placed in different places
inside greenhouse, and control water sprayer, light The sensors sense the change in atmosphere and give it
bulb, cooling fan or ac. The achieved result shows to microcontroller. Microcontroller is heart of our
that system is appropriate and working properly. system .sensors are at input side of microcontroller .they
KEYWORDS: Greenhouse automation, sensors, sense data which is analog in nature that analog data is
android application converted in to digital form by using analog to digital
convertor (ADC). If threshold value is not obtained then
1. INTRODUCTION controlling action is taken by microcontroller this action
The climate inside the greenhouse plays very important is stopped once the values are brought to its optimum
role in plant growth. The farmers cannot precisely detect level. The data sensed by sensors will continuously
the level of temperature, humidity, soil moisture inside display on LCD display to inform farmers about whether
greenhouse. They just feel it by themselves. manually conditions inside the greenhouse. This system is easy,
ultimately experiences plays a bigger part on their daily simple and cost effective with low maintained and user
operation, if the condition is too much dry then they will friendly.
78 | P a g e
Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
A transducer is a device which measures a physical continuous signals into discrete form so that the
quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read microcontroller can read the data.
by the farmer. The sensors used in this system are:
1. Light Sensor (LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)) The microcontroller is the heart of the proposed
embedded system. It continously monitors the data
2. Humidity Sensor (DH 11) given by various sensors and verifies them with the
predefined threshold values. It checks if any corrective
3. Temperature Sensor(LM 35) action is to be taken for the condition at that instant of
4.Soil moisture sensor time. In case such a situation arises, it activates the
actuators to perform a controlling action.
In our system we are using different sensors, the output 3.4 LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY
of those sensors are analog in nature so to convert it into A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat display device
digital form we are using analog to digital convertor made up of any number of color or monochrome pixels
0808/0809. It it electronic circuit that converts arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. Each pixel
consists of a column of liquid crystal molecules
79 | P a g e
Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
suspended between two transparent electrodes, and two relay is able to control an output circuit of higher power
polarizing filters, the axes of polarity of which are than the input drives output devices in our
perpendicular to each other. system
80 | P a g e
Novateur Publication’s
International Journal of Research Publications in Engineering and Technology (ISSN No: 2454-7875)
Conference Proceedings of A National Conference on “Modern Trends in Electrical Engineering”
(NCMTEE-2K17) 27th March 2017
4.1 SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION 8) Department of Computer Science
For software implementation, Figure 3 shows the flow of Telecommunication Engineering Group P.O. Box
the software in monitoring and controlling the green 700, FI-65101, Vaasa, Finland Tel. +358-6-324
house. C program for microcontroller to measure 8111 Fax. +358-6-324 8677 {teemu. ahonen,
humidity, temperature, soil moisture and send the value reino.virrankoski, mohammed. elmusrati} @uwasa.
to LCD display then to Android Smartphone through
serial communication. Next receive input from Android
Smartphone then control the water sprayer through
stepper motor, light bulb and fan. PHP code use for
communication path. Last, Modules for application in
android are written in embedded C program.
A step-by-step approach in designing the
microcontroller based system for measurement and
control of the four essential parameters for plant growth.
i.e temperature, soil moisture, humidity and light
intensity. The system is successfully designed and
implemented in reality, by reducing the power
consumption, maintenance and complexity, at the same
time providing a flexible and precise form of maintaining
the environment. the system has overcome all these
problems very precisely.
1) K. M. AI-Aubidy, M. M. Ali, A. Derbas, and A.
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2) Tunisia, 2013, papaer #1569725469 International
Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,
Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 1769 ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013 http://www Greenhouse
Monitoring System Using GSM Prakash.H.Patil,
Chaitali Borse, Snehal Gaikwad, Shilpa Patil
3) The International Journal Of Engineering And
Science (IJES) ||Volume|| 2 ||Issue|| 11 ||Pages||
129-135 || 2013 || ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p):
2319 – 1805 The IJES Page 129
Alausa Dele W.S, 2Keshinro Kazeem Kolawole
4) Department Of Computer Engineering the Federal
Polytechnic, Ilaro
5) Department of Computer Engireeng Lagos State
Polytechnic, Ikorodu
6) Greenhouse Monitoring with Wireless Sensor
7) Teemu Ahonen, Reino Virrankoski and Mohammed
Elmusrati University of Vaasa
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