W14 Reading tasks STUDENT (Qs) kopyası
W14 Reading tasks STUDENT (Qs) kopyası
W14 Reading tasks STUDENT (Qs) kopyası
Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.
1. What are the elements that companionate love lacks but passionate love does not?
2. In paragraph 6, the author says, “The findings were largely supportive of the theory.”
Quote the theory mentioned below:
5. According to Walster’s findings what factor does the longevity of the relationship depend
7. If an unsociable man falls in love with a sociable woman, how would Maslow categorize
this love?
For each of the following find a single word in the passage which has the same meaning.
(The word in the passage may have an ending, e.g. -s, -ing, -ed.)
Spring 2020-2021 A Week 14
Search Reading
First locate the part of the text which provides the necessary information.
Then read carefully to answer each question.
The questions are in the order the information appears in the text.
2. What are the two options of a government when a foreign diplomat seriously violates the
a) ____________________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________________
3. How much did American diplomats owe the British authorities for traffic tickets as of
4. In the past, if a state killed the diplomats of another state, how would the sending state
interpret this action?
5. a) Which theory prevents a host government from entering the buildings occupied by a
diplomatic mission?
b) What is the paradox in this theory?
6. The inadequacy of the theory of functional necessity lies in the fact that while it aims to
protect _____________________________________, it actually provides immunity to
7. Why has the Vienna Convention failed to convince foreign diplomats to respect local
8. Some countries are thinking of unilaterally limiting diplomatic immunity to the diplomatic
agent only. What will this move enable the host government to do?
9. What can a host state find out by investigating a diplomat’s past employment records?
Spring 2020-2021 A Week 14
Watch the following videos before moving on to the text:
“Bang Goes the Theory: The Mozart Effect” @ https://goo.gl/eZyKEs
“Tuning in to Speech Sounds” @ https://goo.gl/LXwwfp
a) What is the period they listen to the experimental song when they are fetuses?
b) After they are born, in addition to the experimental song, what are they made to listen
2. Rick had listened to Bach’s Air on G String regularly when he was still a fetus. When he
was about a year old he came to Lamont’s laboratory for the experiment. As part of the
experimental technique called _______________________________________, Lamont
also played him Beethoven’s Für Elise. When Lamont played Bach’s Air on G String, Rick
was observed to __________________________ at the speaker than when he heard
Beethoven’s Für Elise. This led Lamont to think that Rick favored the song to which he
had ____________________________________.
3. According to paragraph 4, are the following statements True or False? Write T or F in the
_____ Lamont’s experiment conflicts with the view that we cannot remember events
which happened before we were five years old.
_____ Leyla claims that she remembers bursting into tears at the age of two when her
father was leaving for Saudi Arabia at the airport. It is not easy to understand
whether this is a memory or suggestion.
_____ Memories cannot be restored without language or conscious awareness.
4. Which article by Rauscher do the following statements relate to? Write 1st, 2nd and 3rd in
the spaces provided.
_____ Listening to Mozart leads to an improvement in spatio-temporal reasoning, which
turns out to be directly connected to certain regions of the brain.
_____ Rauscher designed an experiment involving three groups to falsify the claim that
listening to Mozart is merely a change in one’s state of mind.
Clémentine Beauvais. The ‘Mozart Effect’: A Sociological Reappraisal. Cultural Sociology, Vol 9, Issue 2, pp. 185 – 202,
November 13, 2014
Spring 2020-2021 A Week 14
_____ After listening to Mozart, there was temporary improvement in the subjects’
spatio-temporal reasoning.
6. Even though the Mozart Effect was tested on college students for several years, it
somehow got associated with younger ages in popular culture and politics.
What did this deviation stem from?
7. In the mid-twentieth century, education of gifted children became a cause for worry in the
US due to _______________________________________________________
8. Apart from Mozart’s popularity, why might Rauscher have used his music?
Spring 2020-2021 A Week 14
1. What differentiates other human relationships from friendship is that friendship can only be
_______________________ whereas other human relationships can be
_______________________ or _______________________.
2. Look at parag. 4 first sentence. First, find the references for the following:
One: _______________________
The other: _______________________
They: _______________________
Would: _______________________
Then, paraphrase this sentence getting rid of the references in the original sentence.
3. In small towns and villages, which essential factor that makes friendship a voluntary
relationship was missing before the Internet?
5. Right after graduation, Jenny left her old friend Ivy who used to help her with her class
assignments and tell her that she was doing fine as a basketball player. Which need(s) did
Ivy stop satisfying for Jenny?
Tom always selects friends who will back him up under all conditions and never turn
against him. What need are his friendships based on?
Spring 2020-2021 A Week 14
7. If a person is unwilling to share information about his intimate life, what may be holding
him back?
8. In which stage(s) of friendship are there both immediacy and greater understanding of
facial expressions of the other person?