Section 4.6
Section 4.6
Section 4.6
r r
0.4 f- 0.002
0. 35 r 0.3 f-
C 0.0015
.c;; ~
0.0005 r
0. 15
0. 1
0.05 -
6 5 In (Monthly production)
(b )
FIGURE 4.16 (a) A hi stogram showing monthly production fo r 255 gas wells. There is a lo ng right-h and tail. (b) A histogram showing the natural logs of the monthly productions . The distribution of the logged data is mu ch closer to norma l.
The article "Stochastic Estimates of Exposure and Cancer Risk from Carbon Tetrachloride Released to the Air from the Rocky Flats Plant" (A. Rood, P. McGavran , et a!. , Risk Analysis, 2001:675-695) models the increase in the risk of cancer due to exposure to carbon tetrachloride as lognormal with IL = -15.65 and (j = 0.79. a. Find the mean risk. b. Find the median risk. c. Find the standard deviation of the risk. d. Find the 5th percentile. e. Find the 95th percentile. 5. If a resistor with resistance R ohms carries a current of I amperes, the potential difference across the re sistor, in volts, is given by V = JR. Suppose that J is lognormal with parameters ILl = 1 and (j; = 0.2, R is lognormal with parameters ILR = 4 and (j~ = 0.1, and that I and R are independent. a. Show that V is 10gnonl1ally distributed, and com pute the parameters and (j~. (Him: In V = In I + In R.) b. Find P(V < 200). c. Find d. Find e. Find f. Find g. Find h. Find
P(150 ::: V ::: 300). the mean of V. the median of V. the standard deviation of V. the 10th percentile of V. the 90th percentile of V.
b. What is the mean withdrawal strength for helically threaded nails? c. For which type of nail is it more probable that the withdrawal strength will be greater than 50 N/mm? d. What is the probability that a helically threaded nail will have a greater withdrawal strength than the median for annularly threaded nails? e. An experiment is performed in which withdrawal strengths are measured for several nails of both types. One nail is recorded as having a withdrawal strength of 20 Nlmm, but its type is not given. Do you think it was an annularly threaded nail or a helically threaded nail? Why? How sure are you?
8. Choose the best answer, and explain. If X is a random variable with a lognormal distribution , then _ _ __
the mean of X is always less than the median. the mean may be greater than, less than, or equal to the median, depending on the value of (j.
9. The prices of stocks or other financial instruments are often modeled with a lognormal distribution. An in vestor is considering purchasing stock in one of two companies, A or B. The price of a share of stock today is $ 1 for both companies. For company A, the value of the stock one year from now is modeled as lognormal with parameters f.t = 0.05 and (j = 0.1. For com pany B, the value of the stock one year from now is modeled as lognormal with parameters IL = 0.02 and (j = 0.2.
a. Find the mean of the price of one share of company A one year from now. b. Find the probability that the price of one share of company A one year from now will be greater than $1.20. c. Find the mean of the price of one share of company B one year from now. d. Find the probability that the price of one share of company B one year from now will be greater than $1.20.
10. A manufacturer claims that the tensile strength of a certain composite (in MPa) has the lognormal distli bution with IL = 5 and (j = 0.5. Let X be the strength of a randomly sampled specimen of this composite.
6. Refer to Exercise 5. Suppose 10 circuits are con structed. Find the probability that 8 or more have volt ages less than 200 volts. 7. The article "Withdrawal Strength of Threaded Nails" (D. Rammer, S. Winistorfer, and D. Bender, Journal of Structural Engineering 200 I :442-449) describes an experiment comparing the ultimate withdrawal strengths (in N/mm) for several types of nails. For an annularly threaded nail with shank diameter 3.76 mm driven into spruce-pine-fir lumber, the ultimate withdrawal strength was modeled as lognormal with IL = 3.82and(j = 0.219. Fora helically threaded nail under the same conditions, the strength was modeled as lognormal with f.t = 3.47 and (j = 0.272. a. What is the mean withdrawal strength for annu lady threaded nails?
b. Based on the answer to part (a), if the claim is true, would a strength of 20 MPa be unusually small? c. If you observed a tensile strength of20 MPa, would this be convincing evidence that the claim is false? Explain. d. If the claim is true, what is P(X < 130)7 e. Based on the answer to part (d), if the claim is true, would a strength of 130 MPa be unusually small?
f. If you observed a tensile strength of 130 MPa, would this be convincing evidence that the claim is false? Explain.
11. Let XI,"" X" be independent lognormal random variables and let a, . .... a" be constants. Show that the product P = X~' X;;" is lognormal. (Hint: In P = a, In X I + ... + an In X,,).
The probability density function of the exponential distribution with parameter A > 0 is Ax x> 0 f(x) _ {Ae (4.32) 0
Figure 4.17 presents the probability density function of the exponential distribution fo: various values of A. If X is a random variable whose distribution is exponential wi parameter )c, we write X ~ EXp(A). The cumulative distribution function of the exponential distlibution is easy to com pute. For x < 0, F(x) = P(X S x) = O. For x > 0, the cumulative distributi function is
F(x) = P(X S x) =
dl = 1 - e- h
If X
. '
EXp(A), the cumulative distribution function of X is I -Xx x> 0 F(x) = P(X S x) = 0 - e { XSO