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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

: Cloud Computing and Big Data/ Computer Technology/ Computer Engineering/
Computer Science & Engineering/
Programme Name/s
Computer Hardware & Maintenance/ Information Technology/ Computer Science &
Information Technology/ Computer Science/
Programme Code : BD/ CM/ CO/ CW/ HA/ IF/ IH/ SE
Semester : Fourth
Course Code : 314004

Python is an open source, general-purpose and most versatile programming language. Python code is simple,
readable, short, intuitive, and powerful, and thus it is effective for introducing computing and problem solving for
beginners. This course covers basic fundamentals of Python programming, which also provides a foundation for
further exploration of its more advanced applications in a variety of domains, including application development,
data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more.


Develop applications using python to solve given problem.


Students will be able to achieve & demonstrate the following COs on completion of course based learning

CO1 - Develop python programs using control flow statements.

CO2 - Perform operations on various data structures in Python.
CO3 - Develop packages to solve given problem using python.
CO4 - Apply object-oriented approach to solve given problem using python.
CO5 - Use relevant built-in python package to develop application.


Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme
Based on LL &
Contact Based on
Theory TL
Course Course Hrs./Week SL
Course Title Abbr Credits Paper Total
Code Category/s SLH NLH Practical
Duration Marks
Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
314004 PWP AEC 2 - 4 - 6 3 - - - - - 50 20 50# 20 - - 100

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Total IKS Hrs for Sem. : 0 Hrs
Abbreviations: CL- ClassRoom Learning , TL- Tutorial Learning, LL-Laboratory Learning, SLH-Self Learning
Hours, NLH-Notional Learning Hours, FA - Formative Assessment, SA -Summative assessment, IKS - Indian
Knowledge System, SLA - Self Learning Assessment
Legends: @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination , @$ Internal Online
Note :

1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be declared
as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.


Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory Learning
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - I Introduction to Python and Control flow
TLO 1.1 Explain given feature statements
of python. 1.1 Introduction: Features, History and Applications
TLO 1.2 Write python program of Python, Python IDE’s
to perform basic input output 1.2 Python building blocks: Indentation, Identifiers,
operations. Variable, Comments, Keywords Chalk-Board
1 TLO 1.3 Write python program 1.3 Basic input output operations: input(), print() Demonstration
to solve given expression. 1.4 Operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Assignment, Presentations
TLO 1.4 Implement given Logical, Bitwise, Membership and Identity operator
decision making statements and 1.5 Control flow statements: Conditional statements
looping statements in python (if, if-else, if-elif-else, nested if), Loops in python
program. (while, for, nested loops), Loop manipulation
statements (continue, pass, break, else)

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory Learning
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - II Data Structures in Python
2.1 List:
a) Defining lists, accessing values from list, deleting
list values, updating lists
b) Basic list operations
c) Built-in list functions/methods
2.2 Tuple:
TLO 2.1 Write python program
a) Defining Tuple, accessing values from Tuple
to manipulate lists.
b) Basic Tuple operations
TLO 2.2 Write python program Chalk-Board
c) Built in Tuple functions/methods
to manipulate tuples. Demonstration
2 2.3 Set:
TLO 2.3 Write python program Presentations
a) Defining Sets, accessing values from set, deleting
to manipulate sets. Hands-on
set values
TLO 2.4 Write python program
b) Basic set operations
to manipulate dictionaries.
c) Built in set functions/methods
2.4 Dictionary:
a) Defining Dictionary, accessing values from
Dictionary, deleting Dictionary values, updating
b) Basic Dictionary operations
c) Built in Dictionary functions/methods
Unit - III Functions, Modules and Packages in
TLO 3.1 Write relevant user
3.1 Functions: Defining function, Calling function,
defined functions for the given
Function arguments, Return statement, Scope of
problem. Chalk-Board
Variable, Lambda functions
TLO 3.2 Write relevant user Demonstration
3 3.2 Modules: Create user defined Module, Importing
defined module for the given Presentations
a module, Using python built-in modules, Namespace
problem. Hands-on
and scoping
TLO 3.3 Write packages for the
3.3 Python Packages: Create user defined Package,
given problem.
Importing a Package, Using python built-in Packages,
Installing packages using PIP
TLO 4.1 Write python program
using classes and objects to Unit - IV Object Oriented Programming in
solve given problem. Python
TLO 4.2 Implement python 4.1 Object oriented Concepts: Creating class,
program using different types of Creating object
constructors. 4.2 Constructors in python (Parameterized & Non-
4 TLO 4.3 Write program to Parameterized), the self parameter
demonstrate polymorphism. 4.3 Polymorphism: Method Overloading and
TLO 4.4 Write python code Overriding
using data abstraction for given 4.4 Data Hiding / Abstraction
problem. 4.5 Inheritance: Single Inheritance, Multiple
TLO 4.5 Apply inheritance for Inheritance, Multilevel Inheritance
the given problem.

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory Learning
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - V Introduction to Built-in Packages in
TLO 5.1 Write python program Python
to use pandas package for the 5.1 Pandas: Use of pandas, pandas series, pandas
Lecture Using
given problem. DataFrames, pandas Read CSV
TLO 5.2 Create GUI application 5.2 Creating GUI using tkinter: Introduction to
5 using tkinter package for the tkinter, Widgets (Entry, Label, Button, RadioButton,
given problem. Checkbutton), Creating a simple GUI application
TLO 5.3 Create a python 5.3 Connecting to Database using MySQL: Installing
application to connect with mysql-connector, cursor() object, execute() method,
database. fetchall() method, Creating simple program to
connect database


Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO 1.1 Install the given Python IDE. 1 Install given Python IDE. 2 CO1
*1. Write python program to display
LLO 2.1 Write python program for
welcome message on screen.
performing basic input and output 2 2 CO1
2. Implement the python program to read
operation in given problem.
data from user and display data on screen.
*Implement a python programs using
following operators:
1. Arithmetic
LLO 3.1 Write python program to solve 2. Relational & logical
3 2 CO1
given expression. 3. Assignment
4. Bitwise
5. Membership
6. Identity
*Implement a python program to
demonstrate the use of following conditional
LLO 4.1 Write python program for statements:
solving given problem using various if 4 1. if statement 2 CO1
statements. 2. if..else statement
3. if..elif..else statement
4. nested if statement
*Implement a python program to
LLO 5.1 Write python program for
demonstrate the use of following looping
solving given problems using a while
loop. 5 2 CO1
1. while loop
LLO 5.2 Write python program for
2. for loop
solving given problem using for loop.
3. nested loop
Implement python program to demonstrate
LLO 6.1 Use loop control statements in
6 the use of loop control statements. [continue, 2 CO1
python for solving given problem.
pass, break, else]

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
*Implement a python program to perform
following operations on the List:
LLO 7.1 Write python program to 1. Create a List
7 2 CO2
perform operations on list. 2. Access List
3. Update List
4. Delete List
Implement Python program to demonstrate
LLO 8.1 Write python program to use
8 the use of built-in functions/methods on List 2 CO2
built-in functions on list.
(Any Eight Functions/methods)
*Implement python program to perform
following operations on the Tuple:
1. Create a Tuple
LLO 9.1 Write python program to
9 2. Access Tuple 2 CO2
perform operations on tuple.
3. Print Tuple
4. Delete Tuple
5. Convert tuple into list and vice-versa
*Implement a python program to perform
following operations on the Set:
LLO 10.1 Write python program to 1. Create a Set
10 2 CO2
manipulate the set. 2. Access Set
3. Update Set
4. Delete Set
Implement a python program to perform
following functions on Set:
LLO 11.1 Use built-in functions/methods
1. Union
on sets in python for solving given 11 2 CO2
2. Intersection
3. Difference
4. Symmetric Difference
*Implement a python program to perform
following operations on the Dictionary:
1. Create a Dictionary
LLO 12.1 Write python program to 2. Access Dictionary
12 2 CO2
perform operations on dictionary. 3. Update Dictionary
4. Delete Dictionary
5. Looping through Dictionary
6. Create Dictionary from list
Write a user define function to implement
following features:
LLO 13.1 Write function to solve given
13 1. Function without argument 2 CO3
2. Function with argument
3. Function returning value
*Implement user defined function for given
LLO 14.1 Write python program to
1. Function positional/required argument
create function by selecting appropriate 14 2 CO3
2. Function with keyword argument
type of argument.
3. Function with default argument
4. Function with variable length argument

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
Write Python program to demonstrate use of
LLO 15.1 Write python program using
following advanced functions:
anonymous function.
15 1. lambda 2 CO3
LLO 15.2 Write python program to use
2. map
function in argument.
3. reduce
LLO 16.1 Write user defined module to Write a python program to create and use a
16 2 CO3
solve given problem. user defined module for a given problem.
Write a python program to demonstrate the
LLO 17.1 Select appropriate module to
use of following module:
solve given problem.
17 1. math module 2 CO3
LLO 17.2 Use given module to solve
2. random module
3. os module
LLO 18.1 Write user defined package to *Write python program to create and use a
18 2 CO3
solve given problem. user defined package for a given problem.
LLO 19.1 Use numpy and matplotlib
Write a python program to use of numpy
package to solve given problem.
package to perform operation on 2D matrix.
LLO 19.2 Select appropriate methods 19 2 CO4
Write a python program to use of matplotlib
from numpy and matplotlib package to
package to represent data in graphical form.
solve given problem.
*Develop a python program to perform
LLO 20.1 Write python program using following operations:
classes and objects to solve a given 20 1. Creating a Class with method 2 CO4
problem. 2. Creating Objects of class
3. Accessing method using object
*Write a python program to demonstrate the
LLO 21.1 Write a python program to use of constructors:
initialize objects of class using various 21 1. Default 2 CO4
types of constructors. 2. Parameterized
3. Constructor Overloading
*Implement a python program to
LLO 22.1 Write a python program to demonstrate
22 2 CO4
implement polymorphism. 1. Method Overloading
2. Method Overriding
LLO 23.1 Write a python program to use Write python program to demonstrate data
23 2 CO4
data hiding concept in python. hiding.
LLO 24.1 Select appropriate type of *Write a python program to implement
inheritance to solve given problem. 1. Single inheritance
24 2 CO4
LLO 24.2 Write python program using 2. Multiple Inheritance
inheritance to solve given problem. 3. Multilevel inheritance
*Implement Python program to perform
following operations using panda package:
LLO 25.1 Use panda package and its
1. Create Series from Array
appropriate functions/methods to solve a 25 2 CO5
2. Create Series from List
given problem.
3. Access element of series
4. Create DataFrame using List or dictionary
Implement python program to load a CSV
LLO 26.1 Write python program to read
26 file into a Pandas DataFrame and perform 2 CO5
CSV file using the panda package.
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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO 27.1 Use appropriate packages in a *Write python GUI program to import
python program to create GUI 27 Tkinter package and create a window and set 2 CO5
applications. its title.
LLO 28.1 Write python program to
Write python GUI program that adds labels
create GUI based python applications 28 2 CO5
and buttons to the Tkinter window.
using appropriate python packages.
LLO 29.1 Write python program to Write program to create a connection
29 2 CO5
connect database. between database and python.
Implement python program to select records
LLO 30.1 Write python program to
30 from the database table and display the 2 CO5
display the content from database.
Note : Out of above suggestive LLOs -
'*' Marked Practicals (LLOs) Are mandatory.
Minimum 80% of above list of lab experiment are to be performed.
Judicial mix of LLOs are to be performed to achieve desired outcomes.




Students are encouraged to use online tools to improve their learning, such as the e-Kumbh from AICTE and the
Virtual Labs from IIT.
Students should be encouraged to participate in various coding competitions, such as hackathons, online coding
contests on websites like hackerrank, Codechef etc.
At the institution level, encourage students to start a coding club.

Self Learning

Students are encouraged to register themselves in various MOOC's such as Infosys Springboard, Swayam etc. to
further enhance their learning.

Note :

Above is just a suggestive list of microprojects and assignments; faculty must prepare their own bank of
microprojects, assignments, and activities in a similar way.
The faculty must allocate judicial mix of tasks, considering the weaknesses and / strengths of the student in
acquiring the desired skills.
If a microproject is assigned, it is expected to be completed as a group activity.
SLA marks shall be awarded as per the continuous assessment record.
For courses with no SLA component the list of suggestive microprojects / assignments/ activities are
optional, faculty may encourage students to perform these tasks for enhanced learning experiences.
If the course does not have associated SLA component, above suggestive listings is applicable to Tutorials
and maybe considered for FA-PR evaluations.


Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications Relevant LLO Number
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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications Relevant LLO Number
1 Any Database Software 29,30
Computer System
2 All
(Any computer system with basic configuration)
Python Interpreter / IDE
3 (Any open source python distribution such as anaconda etc) All
(Any open source IDE such IDLE, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, PyCharm etc)


Aligned Learning R- U- A- Total
Sr.No Unit Unit Title
COs Hours Level Level Level Marks
Introduction to Python and Control
1 I CO1 6 0 0 0 0
flow statements
2 II Data Structures in Python CO2 8 0 0 0 0
Functions, Modules and Packages in
3 III CO3 6 0 0 0 0
Object Oriented Programming in
4 IV CO4 4 0 0 0 0
Introduction to Built-in Packages in
5 V CO5 6 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 30 0 0 0 0


Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)

Continuous assessment based on process and product related performance indicators. Each practical will be
assessed considering 1) 60% weightage is to process 2) 40% weightage to product

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning)

End Semester Examination, Lab Performance, Viva-voce


Programme Outcomes (POs)
Course PO-5
Outcomes PO-1 Basic Engineering
(COs) PO-3 PO-7
and PO-2 PO-4 Practices for
Design/ PO-6 Project Life PSO- PSO- PSO-
Discipline Problem Engineering Society,
Development Management Long 1 2 3
Specific Analysis Tools Sustainability
of Solutions Learning
Knowledge and
CO1 2 1 1 1 - - -
CO2 2 1 1 1 - - -

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PYTHON PROGRAMMING Course Code : 314004

CO3 3 2 2 2 - - -
CO4 3 3 3 2 - - 1
CO5 3 2 3 3 - - 1
Legends :- High:03, Medium:02,Low:01, No Mapping: -
*PSOs are to be formulated at institute level


Sr.No Author Title Publisher with ISBN Number
Core Python
1 R. Nageswara Rao Dreamtech Press, ISBN-13:9789390457151
2 Mark Lutz Learning Python O'Reilly Media, Inc, ISBN: 9781449355739
David Amos, Dan Bader, Joanna
3 Python Basics Real Python, ISBN-13: 9781775093329
Jablonski, Fletcher Heisler
Taming Python by Khanna Book Publishing CO(P) LTD, New
4 Dr. Jeeva Jose
Programming Delhi, ISBN: 9789386173348
AICTE, ISBN 9788195986354 [Online
5 Rupesh Nasre Python Programming
available on AICTE e-Kumbh]


Sr.No Link / Portal Description
1 https://ekumbh.aicte-india.org/allbook.php Python Programming
2 https://python-iitk.vlabs.ac.in/ Python Programming Lab
Introduction to Python and control flow
3 statements, Data Structures in Python,
Function and module
4 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_cs41/preview Python Programming Course
5 Python for Beginners
6 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-gui-tkinter/ Python GUI Programming
7 https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_mysql_getstarted.asp Python MySQL Database Connectivity
8 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python_pandas/index.htm Python pandas package
9 oriented OOP using Python
Note :

Teachers are requested to check the creative common license status/financial implications of the suggested
online educational resources before use by the students

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