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Content of unite or subject Methods of Teaching Methods

General objective teaching material of
unite At the end of this unit the student will be able


Week or assessment
to :-

UNIT ONE  Compare the views of different Gap-lecture Flip chart
1.1 Atomic structure and Periodic  State postulates of Dalton’s atomic Exercise
property of the element theory and the modern one Group Schematic Oral --
 State the laws of conservation of mass, Discussion diagrams question
1.2 Dalton’s Atomic Theory and the the laws of multiple properties and the inquiry Activities
Modern Atomic Theory laws of definite proportions Model Presentation

 philosophers on the nature of matter concept map -Question

1.2.1 Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic  understand the historical development of and answer
Theory atomic structure Tube and Harmonizin
Second week

 explain the experimental observations Brain copper g concepts

1.2.2 Postulates of Modern Atomic and inferences made by some famous Storming wire or
Theory scientists to characterize the atom stabilization
 Describe the properties of cathode rays Knowledge Animation Class work
1.3 Early Experiments to Characterize  Discuss the discovery of the electron card quiz
the Atom

1.3.1 The Discovery of the Electron Question and

 Define the term like radioactivity , Gap-lecture Flip chart Exercise
1.3.2 Radioactivity and the Discovery of radioactive decay , and radio isotope Oral --
the Nucleus  Describe the common types of Group Schematic question
radioactive emissions Discussion diagrams Activities
1.3.3 Discovery of the Neutron  Illustrate the alpha scattering experiment inquiry Presentation
and summarize and interpret the major Model -Question
contribution of experiments of concept map and answer
1.4 Make-up of the Nucleus Thomson , Milken and Rutherford Harmonizin
concerning atomic structure Tube and g concepts

 Describe the make-up of the nucleus Brain copper or

 Define atomic mass Storming wire stabilization
1.4.1 Subatomic Particles  Define isotope and calculate the relative Class work
atomic mass of naturally occurring Knowledge Animation quiz
Third week

isotopic elements card

 List and describe the subatomic
1.4.2 Atomic Mass and Isotopes particles Question and
 explain the terms ; atomic mass and answer
isotopes Experiment

 Characterize electromagnetic radiation Gap-lecture Exercise

1.5 Electromagnetic Radiation and (EMR) in terms of wavelength , Oral --
Atomic Spectra frequency and speed Group Flip chart question
 Calculate the wavelength and frequency Discussion Activities
of EMR inquiry Schematic Presentation
 Explain the dual nature of light diagrams -Question
 Describe emission spectra of atoms as concept map and answer
1.5.1 Electromagnetic Radiation consisting of a series of lines Model Harmonizin
 Understand electromagnetic radiation , g concepts
atomic spectra and Bohr’sModels of the Brain or

atom Storming Tube and stabilization

 Define a photon as a unit of light energy copper Class work
1.5.2 The Quantum Theory and Photon  Distinguish how the photon theory Knowledge wire quiz
explain the photoelectric effect card
Fourth week

Photo electric effect  Identify the relationship between a Animation

photon absorbed and electron released Question and
1.5.3 Atomic Spectra  Explain atomic and line spectrum of answer
atom demonstrates the quantized nature Experiment
of the energy of its electron
 -Do calculate involving atomic
1.5.4 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen  State Bohr’s assumption of the electron Gap-lecture Exercise
September Atom in hydrogen atom
 Calculate the radius of electron orbit , Group Flip chart
Oral --
Fifth week the electron velocity and the energy of Discussion Activities
an electron using Bohr’s model Schematic Presentation
1.5.5 Limitations of the Bohr Model  explain that atoms emit or absorb energy diagrams -Question
when they undergo transitions from one inquiry and answer
state to other Model Harmonizin
 understand the limitation of Bohr Model concept -map g concepts
 Compose the limitations of Bohr’s Brain or
theory Storming Tube and stabilization
1.5.6 The Wave-Particle Duality of  Describe the wave –particle dual nature copper Class work
Matter and Energy 0f energy and matter Knowledge wire quiz
 -Describe the quantum mechanical card
model of the atomic , related postulate Animation
and principle Question and
1.6 The Quantum Mechanical Model of  -about quantum numbers and shapes of answer
the Atom atomic orbitals Experiment

Gap-lecture Exercise
Group Oral --
Discussion Flip chart question
1.6.1 The Heisenberg’s Principle  State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle inquiry Activities
 Describe the significance of electron concept map Schematic Presentation

probability distribution Brain diagrams -Question

 Explain the quantum numbers n ,l, ml Storming and answer
1.6.2 Quantum Numbers ms Knowledge Model Harmonizin
 Write all possible sets of quantum card g concepts
First week

numbers of electron in an atom Question and or

 describe the shapes of orbitals answer Tube and stabilization
1.6.3 Shapes of Atomic Orbitals . designated by s , p , d ,and f Experiment copper Class work
wire quiz

1.7 Electronic Configurations and  explain the Aufbau principle Exercise
Orbital Diagrams Gap-lecture Periodic
 explain pauli’s Exclusion principle table Oral --
Group question
Discussion Flip chart
 explain Hund’s Rule Activities
11/02/2017—15/02/2017 concept map Schematic
1.7.1 Ground State Electronic  writing ground state electron diagrams Presentation
Configuration of the Elements . configurations of multi-electron atoms Brain
Storming Model Question
Second week

and answer
 correlate the electron configuration of Knowledge
elements with their positions in the card Tube and Harmonizin
1.8 Electronic Configurations and the periodic table copper g concepts
Periodic Table of the Elements Question and wire or
 give a reasonable explanation for the answer stabilization
shape of the periodic table Animation
Class work
 classify elements as representative ,
1.8.1 The Modern Periodic Table . transition , and inner – transition
O elements Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
c  explain the general trands in atomic table
t radius ,ionization energy ,electron Group Oral --
affinity ,electronegativity ,and metallic Discussion question
o 1.8.2 Classification of the Elements . character of elements within a period Flip chart
b and group of the periodic table Activities
 classify elements as representative , inquiry
e 1.8.3 Periodic Properties . transition , and inner – transition Presentation
r elements concept map Schematic
 Demonstrate an understanding of diagrams Question
periodic law and how electronic and answer

configuration of atoms are related to the Brain Model

1.8.4 Advantages of Periodic orbital diagrams and can explain Storming Harmonizin
Classification of the Elements. periodic trends and g concepts
 explain the general trands in atomic Knowledge or
radius ,ionization energy ,electron card Animation stabilization
affinity ,electronegativity ,and metallic
Third week

character of elements within a period Question and Class work

and group of the periodic table answer
 write the advantage of the periodic quiz
classification of elements
 correlate the electron configuration of
elements with the periodicity of Experiment
At the end of this unit the student will be able Gap-lecture
UNIT TWO to ..
CHEMICAL BONDING  define chemical bonding Group
2.1.1 The Octet Rule  explain why atoms form chemical Discussion Periodic Exercise
bonds inquiry table Oral --

 illustrate chemical bonding using the Flip chart question
2.1.2 Types of Chemical Bonding . octet rule concept map Activities
 describe the types of chemical bonding Schematic Presentation
Forth week

and the mechanisms of the bonding diagrams -Question

process Brain and answer
2.2 Ionic Bonds  understand that a chemical bond is an Storming Model Harmonizin
attractive force between particles g concepts
 define ionic bonding Knowledge or
 use Lewis electron dot symbols for main card stabilization
2.2.1 Lewis Electron-Dot Symbols group elements Animation Class work
First semester

 describe ionic bonding using Lewis Question and quiz

electron dot symbols answer
 demonstrate an understanding of the Periodic
2.2.2 Formation of Ionic Bond formation and general properties of Gap-lecture table
substances containing ionic , covalent Exercise
and metallic bons
Lewis dot symboling of covalent  draw Lewis structure for simple ionic
Bonding compound Flip chart Oral --
 list the favorable conditions for the Group question
formation of ionic bonds Discussion
 explain the formation of ionic bonding inquiry
First week

Drowing the structure of Ionic  give examples of ionic compounds Activities

compounds  define lattice energy
 calculate lattice energy of ionic crystals concept map Schematic Presentation
from given data using the Born Haber diagrams
cycle Question
2.2.3 Exceptions to the Octet Rule in  about the formation of Ionic bonds and Brain and answer
Ionic Compounds exception to the octate rule in ionic Storming
 discuss the exceptions to the octet rule

Model Harmonizin
 describe the properties of ionic bonding g concepts
 carry out an activity to demonstrate the Knowledge or
effect of electricity on ionic compounds card stabilization
2.2.4 Properties of Ionic Compounds . (PbI2 and NaCl) Animation

 carry out an investigation into the

melting point and solubility of some Class work
ionic compounds (NaCl and CuCl2). Question and
 -about the properties of Ionic answer
Compounds quiz
2.3 Covalent Bonds and Molecular  define covalent bonding Periodic Exercise
Geometry Group table
Discussion Oral --
 explain the formation of covalent inquiry question
 Formation of covalent bond bonding using examples Flip chart
concept map Activities

 Drawing Lewis structure  draw Lewis structures or electron dot Presentation


formulas of some covalent molecules Brain Schematic


 Steps to write a lewis formul Storming diagrams Question

and answer
 illustrate the formation of coordinate Knowledge
 Coordinate – covalent Bonding covalent bonding using examples ) card Model Harmonizin
g concepts
Second week

 Resonance structures  draw resonance structures of some Question and or

answer Animation stabilization
Class work


 Exception to the octate rule in  covalent molecules and polyatomic ions Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
covalent bonding table
Group Oral --
Discussion question
 discuss the exceptions to the octet rule in inquiry Flip chart
covalent bonding Activities
concept map

 Polar and non-polar covalent Presentation

bonding  distinguish between polar and non-polar Schematic
covalent molecules Brain diagrams Question
Storming and answer

 describe the properties of covalent Knowledge Model Harmonizin

Third week

Properties of covalent molecules card g concepts


compounds or
Question and stabilization
answer Animation
Experiment Class work
2.3.1 Molecular Geometry . Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
 describe the valence shell electron pair table
repulsion theory (VSEPR) Group Oral --
Discussion question
inquiry Flip chart
23/03/2017---27/03/2017  Valence shell electron pair concept map
Repulsion ( VSEPR) theory  distinguish between the bonding pairs Presentation
and nonbonding pairs of electrons Schematic
Brain diagrams Question
Storming and answer
Fourth week

 describe how electron pair arrangements Knowledge Model Harmonizin

and shapes of molecules can be card g concepts

 Electron pair Arrangement

predicted from the number of electron or
pairs ) Question and stabilization
answer Animation
Experiment Class work

 explain why double bonds and lone pairs Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
cause deviations from ideal bond angles table Oral --
Molecular shape  explain the term dipole moment with the Group question
help of a diagram ) Discussion
 describe the relationship between dipole inquiry Flip chart Activities
moment and molecular geometry
 describe how bond polarities and concept map Presentation
 Molecular shape and

molecular shapes combine to give

Molecular polarity molecular polarity Schematic Question
 predict the geometrical shapes of some Brain diagrams and answer
First week

simple molecules on the bases of Storming

 Bond polarity and Dipole hybridization and the nature of electron Harmonizin
moment pairs ) Knowledge Model g concepts

 construct models to represent shapes of card or

some simple molecules ) stabilization
Question and
answer Animation Class work
Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
2.3.2 Intermolecular Forces in  define intermolecular forces Group table Oral –
 name the different types of question
Covalent Compounds . intermolecular forces Discussion
 explain dipole dipole interactions inquiry Flip chart Activities
 Dipole – Dipole force
 give examples of dipole dipole
interaction concept map Presentation
 define hydrogen bonding
 explain the effect of hydrogen bond on Brain Schematic Question
 Hydrogen Bonding
the properties of substances Storming diagrams and answer
 give reasons why hydrogen bonding is
stronger than ordinary dipole dipole Knowledge Harmonizin
Second week

interactions card Model g concepts

 explain dispersion London forces give or

 Dispersion or London force

examples of dispersion forces predict Question and stabilization
the strength of intermolecular forces for answer
a given pair of molecules. Animation Class work
 molecular properties ( bond angle, bond Experiment
length, bond energy, etc) quiz

Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise

 explain how a metallic bond is formed table
2.4 Metallic Bonding . Group Oral --
Discussion question
 explain the properties of metals related inquiry Flip chart
to the concept of bonding, and Activities

investigate the conductivity, malleability concept map

2.4.1 Formation of Metallic Bonding . and ductility of some metals and non- Presentation

metals (Al, Cu, Fe, Sn, Zn, S, C Schematic

charcoal, C graphite and Si) Brain diagrams Question
Storming and answer
2.4.2 Electron-Sea Model .  About metallic bonding , its properties Knowledge Model Harmonizin
Third week

2.4.3 Properties of Metals and Bonding and formation of metallic bonding card g concepts
. or
 about electron sea model Question and stabilization
answer Animation
Experiment Class work
Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
2.5 Chemical Bonding Theories  name two chemical bond theories table
Group Oral –
 explain the valence bond theory Discussion
 distinguish the Lewis model and the Flip chart question
valence bond model inquiry
 discuss the overlapping of orbitals in concept map Schematic
2.5.1 Valence Bond (VB) Theory . covalent bond formation diagrams Presentation
 explain hybridization Storming Question
 show the process of hybridization Model and answer
involved in some covalent molecules Knowledge
 Hybridization of orbital card Animation Harmonizin
Fourth week

g concepts
 draw hybridization diagrams for the Question and or

formation of sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d and sp3d2 answer stabilization

hybrids Experiment
Class work

 suggest the kind of hybrid orbitals on the Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise

basis of the electron structure of the Group table Oral --
Fifth week

central atom Discussion question

 Multiple bond and inquiry Activities
hybridization  predict the geometrical shapes of some concept map Flip chart Presentation
simple molecules on the basis of -Question
hybridization and the nature of electron Brain and answer
pairs Storming Schematic Harmonizin

diagrams g concepts
Knowledge or
 discuss the hybridization involved in card stabilization
compounds containing multiple bonds Question and Model Class work
 explain bond length and bond strength answer quiz
 explain molecular orbital theory Experiment Animation
2.5.2 Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT)  describe molecular orbital-using atomic Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
orbitals table
 describe bonding and anti-bonding Group Oral --
molecular orbitals Discussion question
 Bonding and Anti-bonding  draw molecular orbital energy level Flip chart
molecular orbital diagrams for homonuclear diatomic inquiry Activities
30/04/2017---02/05/2017 molecules Presentation
 write the electron configuration of concept map Schematic
 Electron Configuration of simple molecules using the molecular diagrams Question

Diatomic Molecules orbital model Brain and answer

 define bond order and determine the Storming
First week

bond order of some simple molecules Knowledge Model Harmonizin

 Magnetic Properties and molecule-ions card g concepts

 determine the stability of a molecule or Question and Animation or

an ion using its bond order; and predict answer stabilization
magnetic properties of molecules Experiment Class work

2.6 Types of Crystal  define a crystal Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise

Group table Oral --
 name the four types of crystalline solids Discussion question
 Ionic Crystal and give examples inquiry Activities

concept map Flip chart Presentation

Second week

Brain -Question
 Molecular Crystal  mention the types of attractive forces Storming and answer
that exist within each type of crystalline Knowledge Schematic Harmonizin
solids card diagrams g concepts
 Covalent Network  describe the properties of each type of Question and or
crystalline solids, and answer Model stabilization
Crystal  build a model of sodium chloride crystal Experiment Animation Class work
structure quiz

Summary of first Harmonizing in short the main

concepts of first semesters lesson and

semester lessons work some questions

Third week
UNIT THREE  At the end of this unit the student will Gap-lecture Exercise
be able to Group Oral --
Physical state of Matter  describe the physical states of matter Discussion question
 give examples for each of the three inquiry Activities
3.2 Kinetic Theory and physical states of matter concept map Presentation
 compare and contrast the three physical Brain -Question
states of matter. Storming and answer
Properties of Matter  state the kinetic theory of matter Knowledge Harmonizin
 explain the properties of matter in terms card g concepts
of the kinetic theory. Question and or
3.2.1 The Kinetic Theory of  explain how the properties of a answer stabilization
Matter . substance ( solid or liquid) depends on Experiment Class work
the nature of the particles present and the quiz
type of intermolecular force

3.2.2 Properties of Matter .



First week
 explain the assumptions of the kinetic Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
3.3 The Gaseous State molecular theory of gases table
 describe the properties of gases using the Group Oral --
kinetic molecular theory
Discussion question
 describe the behavior of gases by using the
variables V (volume), T (temperature), P
Flip chart
(pressure) and n (number of moles) inquiry Activities
3.3.1 The Kinetic  explain the assumptions of the kinetic
molecular theory of gases ) concept map Presentation
Molecular Theory of Gases  describe the properties of gases using the Schematic
. kinetic molecular theory Brain diagrams Question
 describe the behavior of gases by using the Storming and answer
variables V (volume), T (temperature), P
(pressure) and n (number of moles) Knowledge Model Harmonizin
 state Boyle’s law ) perform an activity to card g concepts

3.3.2 The Gas Laws show changes in volume and pressure of

gases to illustrates Boyle’s law )
 apply Boyle’s law in solving problems Question and stabilization
 state Charles’ law answer Animation
 conduct an activity to show changes in Class work
Second week

volume and temperature of gases to illustrate

 Boyle’s Law Charles’ law quiz

 apply Charles’ law in solving problems

 Charles’ Law
 Gay Lussac’s Law  state Gay-Lussac’s law
 use Gay-Lussac’s law in solving Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
problems table
 The Combined gas Law  derive the combined gas law equation Group Oral --
from Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, and Discussion question
Gay-Lussac’s law Flip chart
 Avogadro’s Law  use the combined gas law to calculate inquiry Activities

changes in volume, pressure or

temperature concept map Presentation
 define an ideal gas Schematic
 derive an ideal gas equation from Brain diagrams -Question

17/06/2017 ---21/06/2017

 The Ideal Gas Law Boyle’s law, Charles’ law and Storming and answer
Avogadro’s law
 compare the nature of real gases with Knowledge Model Harmonizin
ideal gases card g concepts
 solve problems related to the ideal gas or
equation Question and stabilization
 Graham’s Law of Diffusion  define diffusion answer Animation
 state Graham’s law of diffusion Class work
Third week

 carry out an activity to compare the rate Experiment

of diffusion of two different gases quiz
 apply Graham’s law of diffusion in
solving problems.
 explain the terms: evaporation, boiling, Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
3.4 The Liquid State condensation, vapor pressure; boiling table
point, molar heat of vaporization and
molar heat of condensation Group Oral --
Discussion Flip chart question
 Carry out an activity to demonstrate the
concept of vapor pressure
3.4.1 Energy Changes in inquiry Activities
Liquids .  carry out an activity to determine the concept map diagrams
boiling points of water and ethanol. Presentation
 describe phase changes
 explain the terms melting, fusion, Brain Model
sublimation, melting point, freezing Storming Question
point, molar heat of solidification and answer
3.5 The Solid State
 explain temperature changes associated Knowledge Animation
24/06/2017 ---28/06/2017

with phase changes card Harmonizin

g concepts
 Heating Curve  Determine melting point of ice Question and stabilization
 demonstrate an experiment to show the Class work
phase changes from ice to liquid water Experiment
Fourth week

and then to water vapor.


UNIT FOUR  At the end of this unit the student will Gap-lecture Exercise
be able to. Group Oral --
4.Chemical Kinetics  explain rate of reaction Discussion question
4.2 The Rate of a Reaction  describe the pre-conditions for a inquiry Activities
 Determination of rate of chemical reaction to occur concept map Presentation
 discuss factors that affect rate of Brain -Question
Reaction chemical reaction Storming and answer
 Condition needed for a  define rate of reaction Knowledge Harmonizin
chemical reaction  describe rate of reaction using graphs card g concepts
 Collision between  conduct an experiment to illustrate Question and or
the relative rate of reactions answer stabilization
reactants  list the pre-conditions for a chemical Experiment Class work
 Proper orientation reaction to occur, and quiz
 Activation energy  explain how collision, activation
energy and proper orientation of
reactants cause a chemical reaction to
First week
Gap-lecture Exercise
4.3 Factors Affecting the Rate  list factors that affect the rate of a Group
of a Chemical Reaction chemical reaction Periodic Oral --
Discussion table question

 describe the effects of changes in inquiry Activities

 Nature of the reactants temperature, concentration or Flip chart
 Surface Area of Reaction pressure and surface area on the rates concept map Presentation
8/07/2017 –12/07/2017

of a chemical reaction
 Concentration of Schematic and answer
Reactants Brain diagrams
 explain the effect of catalysts on the Storming
rates of chemical reaction Harmonizin
Model g concepts
 Temperature of Knowledge or
Second week

Reactants  do an experiment on how the factors card stabilization

affect the rate of chemical reaction

Question and Class work

 Presence of catalyst answer

 At the end of this unit the student will
UNIT FIVE be able to.
Gap-lecture Oral --
Group question
 explain reversible and irreversible
5.2 Chemical Equilibrium reactions
 define dynamic chemical equilibrium Activities
5.2.1 Reversible and Irreversible inquiry -
Reactions . Question
 state the necessary conditions for and answer
attainment of equilibrium concept map
5.2.2 Attainment and Characteristics of
Chemical Equilibrium . Harmonizin
15/07/2017 ---19/07/2017

Brain g concepts
Storming or

5.2.3 Conditions for Attainment of  describe the microscopic event that stabilization
Third week

Chemical Equilibrium occur when a chemical system is in Knowledge

equilibrium card Class work

 explain the characteristics of Question and

chemical equilibrium answer quiz
 state the law of mass action Experiment
 define equilibrium constant Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
 write the equilibrium constant table
5.2.4 Equilibrium Expression and expression for chemical reactions that Group Oral --
Equilibrium Constant involve concentration Discussion question
 Equilibrium constant  calculate values for equilibrium Flip chart
expression involving constant involving concentration inquiry Activities
29/07/2017 – 03/08/2017 concentration KC  state the relationship of Keq to the concept map Presentation
 Equilibrium constant relative amounts of products and
expression involving partial reactants in a given reaction Brain Schematic Question
pressure KP  write the equilibrium constant Storming diagrams and answer
 Equilibrium Constant for expression for chemical reactions that Knowledge
Heterogeneous reaction involve partial pressure card Harmonizin
Fifth week

 Relation between KC and KP  calculate values for equilibrium Question and Model g concepts
constant involving partial pressure answer or
 show the relationship between KC and Experiment Animation stabilization
KP Class work

 distinguish between homogeneous and Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise

5.2.5 Applications of Equilibrium heterogeneous equilibrium reactions Group table Oral --
Constant  define reaction quotient Discussion question
 Predict the composition of an inquiry Flip chart Activities
 use the equilibrium quotient to
equilibrium mixture concept map Presentation
 Predict the direction of the predict the direction of the reaction Brain Schematic -Question

reaction and the position of equilibrium Storming diagrams and answer

 Calculate the equilibrium  calculate equilibrium concentrations Knowledge Harmonizin
First week

concentration given initial concentrations card Model g concepts

 determine whether the reactants or Question and or
answer Animation stabilization
Class work
5.2.6 Changing Equilibrium  products are favored in a chemical Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
Conditions: Le-Chatelier’s Principle . reaction given the equilibrium table
constant Group Oral --
 list factors that affect chemical Discussion question

6/08/2017 -- 10/08/2017
 A. effect of change in the equilibrium Flip chart
concentration  state Le-Chatelier’s principle inquiry Activities
 use Le-Chatelier’s principle to
explain the effect of changes in concept map Presentation
 B. Effect of change in the temperature, pressure, concentration Schematic
pressure and presence of catalyst on a reaction Brain diagrams Question
 state the effect of changes in Storming and answer
concentration, pressure/volume and
 C. Effect of change in temperature on Keq Knowledge Model Harmonizin
Second week

Temperature  perform an activity to demonstrate card g concepts

the effect of changes in concentration or
on the position of equilibrium Question and stabilization
 Effect of Catalyst  perform an activity to demonstrate answer Animation
the effect of changes in temperature Class work

on the position of equilibrium Experiment

 perform an activity to determine KC quiz
for esterification of an organic acid
Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
5.2.7 Equilibrium and Industry . Group table Oral --
 define optimum conditions Discussion question
13/08/2017 – 17/08/2017

 Haber Process for the inquiry Activities

Manufacture of Ammonia concept map Flip chart Presentation
 explain how Le-Chatelier’s principle Brain -Question
Contact Process for the Manufacturing is applied in the Haber process Storming Schematic and answer
Third week

of Sulphuric acid (production of NH3 and in the Contact Knowledge diagrams Harmonizin
process (production of H2SO4 card g concepts
Question and or
answer Model stabilization

Experiment Class work

Animation quiz
UNIT SIX  At the end of this unit the student will
be able to.
 define alcohols Exercise
Some Important Oxygen  tell the functional group of alcohols Oral --
 classify alcohols based on the number question
Containing Organic of hydroxyl groups Gap-lecture Activities
Compounds  write the general formulas of Group Presentation
monohydric alcohols Discussion -Question
 write the molecular formulas and the inquiry and answer
names of the first six members of the concept map Harmonizin
6.2 Alcohols and Ethers monohydric alcohols Brain g concepts
 give the IUPAC names for the given Storming or
alcohols Knowledge stabilization
6.2.1 Classification of Alcohols  classify monohydric alcohols based on card Class work
the number of alkyl groups attached Question and quiz
20/08/2017 --- 24/08/2017

to the carbon atom carrying the answer

hydroxyl group Experiment
6.2.2 Nomenclature of  give some examples for primary,
Alcohols secondary and tertiary alcohols
 describe the physical properties of
Fourth week

 explain general methods of

6.2.3 Physical Properties of preparation of alcohols
 explain the industrial preparation of
Alcohols ethanol
 explain the chemical reactions of
alcohols such as oxidation, reaction
6.2.4 Preparation of Alcohols . with active metals, esterification and
 carry out an activity to show chemical
reactions of alcohols with active
6.2.5 Chemical Properties of metals
Alcohols .
6.2.6 Structure and Exercise
 list common sources of esters Gap-lecture
Nomenclature of Ethers . Periodic Oral --
 write the general structural formula of Group table question
esters Discussion
6.2.7 Physical Properties of Activities
27/08/2017 -- 01/09/2017 Ethers . inquiry Flip chart
 write the molecular formulas and names Presentation
of some simple esters concept map
6.2.8 Preparation of Question
 describe physical properties of esters Brain Schematic and answer
Ethers .  explain the chemical properties of esters Storming diagrams
Fifth week

 explain the general methods of Knowledge g concepts

6.2.9 Reactions of Ethers .. preparation of esters card Model or
6.3.1 Nomenclature . Question and
 describe some uses of common esters. answer Class work

Experiment Animation

6.3 Aldehydes and Ketones Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise

 write the general structural formulas of table
6.3.1 Nomenclature . aldehydes and ketones Group Oral --
Discussion question
6.3.2 Physical Properties of  give the structures and names of Flip chart
Aldehydes and Ketones . common members of each group inquiry Activities

 describe the physical properties of concept map Presentation

6.4 Carboxylic Acids
04/09/2017 -- 08/09/2017

aldehydes and ketones Schematic

6.4.1 Structure and Brain diagrams Question
Nomenclature of Carboxylic  explain some methods of preparation of Storming and answer
aldehydes and ketones
Acids .  explain the chemical reactions of Knowledge Harmonizin
aldehydes and ketones such as addition, card Model g concepts
First week

6.4.2 Physical Properties of oxidation and reduction or

Question and stabilization
Carboxylic Acids  give some chemical tests that answer Animation
differentiate aldehydes from ketones Experiment Class work

 list common organic acids and name Gap-lecture Periodic Exercise
their sources Group table Oral --
 write the general formula of saturated Discussion question
6.4.3 Chemical Properties of Carboxylic monocarboxylic acids inquiry Flip chart Activities
Acids.  write the molecular formulas and names concept map Presentation
of the first six members of the saturated Brain Schematic -Question
monocarboxylic acids Storming diagrams and answer
 give the structural formula for the first Knowledge Harmonizin
6.4.4 Preparation of Carboxylic Acids four members of the saturated card Model g concepts
monocarboxylic acids Question and or
 give the examples of mono, di and answer stabilization
25/09/2017---29/09/2017 11/09/2017 -- 15/09/2017

tricarboxylic acids Experiment Animation Class work


 name some branched carboxylic acids Gap-lecture Periodic

 explain why “Tella” or “Tej” turns sour Group table Exercise
Fourth weekSecond week

 describe the physical and chemical Discussion Oral --

6.4.5 Fatty Acids . properties of saturated monocarboxylic inquiry Flip chart question
acids concept map Activities
 explain the general methods of Brain Schematic Presentation
preparation of saturated monocarboxylic Storming diagrams -Question
acids Knowledge and answer
 explain the industrial and laboratory card Model Harmonizin
May May

6.4.6 Uses of Carboxylic Acids . preparation of acetic acid Question and g concepts
 conduct an experiment to prepare acetic answer Animation or
acid in the laboratory Experiment stabilization
Class work

6.5 Esters Gap-lecture Exercise

6.5.1 Sources of Esters  list common sources of esters Group Oral --
 write the general structural formula of Discussion question
02/10/2017 -- 06/10/2017

6.5.2 Nomenclature . esters inquiry Activities

6.5.3 Physical Properties .  write the molecular formulas and names concept map Presentation
of some simple esters Brain -Question
6.5.4 Chemical Properties .  describe physical properties of esters Storming and answer
 explain the chemical properties of esters Knowledge Harmonizin

6.5.5 Preparation of Esters .  explain the general methods of card g concepts

6.5.6 Uses of Esters preparation of esters Question and or
First week

 describe some uses of common esters. answer stabilization

Experiment Class work
6.6 Fats and Oils  define fats and oils Gap-lecture Exercise
 write the general structural formula for Group Oral --
6.6.1 Source of Fats and Oils fats and oils Discussion question
 write the structures of some common inquiry Activities
6.6.2 Structure of Fats and Oils . triglycerides concept map Presentation

09/10/2017 --
 describe physical properties of fats and Brain -Question
6.6.3 Physical Properties of Fats and oils Storming and answer
Oils Knowledge Harmonizin
card g concepts
Third week Second week

Question and or
answer stabilization
Experiment Class work

 explain hardening of oils (process of

converting oils to hard fats
6.6.4 Hardening of Oils .  explain rancidity
June June


6.6.5 Rancidity

Revision and Review Exercise  Harmonize the main concepts that they
learn in the second semester
Teacher name –Zemedkun Abebe Department hade name--------------------------------

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Date --------------------------- Date --------------------------

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