281- May Be Today

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281 Maybe Today

Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the son of Man cometh 24:44

1. My Lord will comg, it may be soon, It could be

2.My Lord will come, I know not when, But this is
3. We'll sing His oraise for-ev-er-more, Whenwe have


morn ing, night, or noon; Till then I'll watch and work and
sure, He'll come a - gain; With ea - ger eyes I look for
en tered heav- en's door; Re- deemed from all our sin and


pray, When He comes, I'11 go home, there to stay.
Him, In His - ence new joy will be - gin.
pres May - be ro -
strife, There we'll know per- fect love, end- less life.
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day, my Lord will come for me, May- be to- day, my Sav- ior

WORDS: Frank Garlock, 1930-
MUSIC: Frank Garlock, 1930-; Flora Jean Garlock, 1930- with Refrain
@ Copyright 1976 by Majesty Music, Inc. All rights reserved.

shall see; May - be to - day

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Je - sus will will go home, it may be to - day.

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What a beautiful day for the Inrd to come again,

What a wonderful day for the Savior to descend,
We'll be caught up on high,
Tb the world we'll say '!ood-bye,"
For we never will die if today we cleave the slcy;

What a beautiful day for the Lord to claim His own,

What a wonderful day,
God will reap where He has sown,
I don't know when it will be that my Savior I shall see,
But what a beautiful day to go home.

Frank Garl.ock

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