AP Class-09 English Sep-05 (1)
AP Class-09 English Sep-05 (1)
AP Class-09 English Sep-05 (1)
❑What Is a Phrase?
❑What Is a Clause?
❑Difference between Phrases and Clauses
❑Examples of Phrases and Clauses
❑Check Your Understanding of Phrases and Clauses
English Phrase
❖Phrase হচ্ছে একাধিক শচ্ছের সমষ্টি যাচ্ছে কখচ্ছ া ককা finite verb থাচ্ছক া। এরা আলাদাভাচ্ছে
ককা পূর্ণাঙ্গ োকয গঠ করচ্ছে পাচ্ছর া, ধকন্তু োচ্ছকযর ধেধভন্ন জায়গায় েচ্ছস একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ োকয গঠ
করচ্ছে সাহাযয কচ্ছর।
Birds fly in the sky at large.
As soon as we saw our teacher, we stood up
English Phrase
Phrase Example
I don’t know how to swim.
To swim is a good exercise.
Noun Phrase
The law is now a dead letter.
Dr. Shahidullah was a man of parts.
He is as brave as a lion.
Adjective Phrase The officer is free from corruption.
Your remarks are not applicable to subject.
He stole a watch belonging to that gentleman.
Sinners suffer in the long run.
Adverbial Phrase He is in the room.
The boys read with great devotion.
He tried heart and soul to get it done.
Phrase Example
In spite of his illness, he attended the classes.
Prepositional He told me this in connection with my plan.
Phrase He is in the good book of his teacher.
A bridge is laid across the river.
I will come home as soon as I can.
He ate as much as he wanted.
He as well as his brother went there.
Not only he but also his brother came to school.
They called off the strike.
Verbal Phrase We ought to obey our parents.
Don’t look down upon the poor.
The kids really look up to their teachers.
English Clause
কয শেসমষ্টিচ্ছে কমপচ্ছে একটি Subject ও একটি Finite Verb থাচ্ছক এেং ধ চ্ছজ একটি
sentence গঠ করচ্ছে পাচ্ছর ো একটি Sentence-এর অংশ ধহচ্ছসচ্ছে েযেহৃে হয়, োচ্ছক Clause
Kinds of Clause
I. Principal Clause or Independent Clause
II. Subordinate Clause or Dependent Clause
III. Coordinate Clause
English Classification of Clause
Clause Example
Who has done this is a fool.
I forgot who told me this.
Noun Clause
This is what he said.
I know where he was born.
I know the reason why he kept silent.
He is the man who is very rich.
Adjective Clause
I ate the chocolates which you gave me.
Jerry who was an honest boy could not take the
Do the work as I show you.
Adverb Clause If you want, I shall help you.
Tell us how you escaped.
Though he is rich, he is honest.
English Difference between Phrases and Clauses
Phrases Clauses
A phrase does not have a subject and A clause has a subject and a predicate
A phrase is not complete, cannot make In some cases, a clause can look
sense or convey meaning if it stands on complete, convey meaning and make
its own. sense when separated from the sentence.
There are five types of phrases namely There are two types of clauses namely
noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb phrase, independent clause and dependent
adjective phrase and prepositional clause.
Example: There is an unidentified Example: I am sick, so I am going to see
vehicle in front of our house. the doctor.
English Different usages of Phrases
Structure : Sub + have to/ has to .................. + main verb base form.
I. I have to go or I have got to go.
II. We have to live in the society.
III. He had to work hard.
English Different usages of Phrases
2. Would rather
ককউ ককা ধকছুচ্ছক অ য ধকছু কথচ্ছক কপচ্ছে ো করচ্ছে অধিকের পছন্দ করচ্ছল would
rather েযেহার করচ্ছে হয়।
Structure 1: Sub + would rather + verb base form + than + verb 4 base form
1. I would rather starve than beg.
2. I would rather die than surrender.
Structure 2: Sub + would rather + verb base form + ১ম noun / noun phrase
+ than +২য় noun / noun phrase
Examples: I would rather buy a book than a shirt .
English Different usages of Phrases
3. Had better
Had better is used to give advice. উপচ্ছদশ ধদচ্ছে had better েযেহৃে হয়।
Structure : Sub + had better/ had better (not) + main verb এর base form .......
1. It is raining. You had better carry an umbrella.
2. You had better not go without an umbrella.
English Poll Question 01
4. What if
What if এর অথণ হচ্ছলা োহচ্ছল ধক হচ্ছে। ভধেষ্যচ্ছে ককা খারাপ ধকছু ঘটচ্ছে পাচ্ছর েুঝচ্ছে What if
েযেহৃে হয়। োচ্ছকযর কশচ্ছষ্ “ ? ” েচ্ছস ।
1. What if the train is late?
2. What if you do not pass the exam ?
English Different usages of Phrases
5. As if/ As though
আমরা ককা ধকছু সম্ভে ধেশ্বাস কধর া েুঝাচ্ছে as if/ as though েযেহার কধর।
7. As soon as
As soon as এর অথণ হচ্ছলা খুে সংধেপ্ত সমচ্ছয়র পর
Structure: As soon as + sub + verb… + sub + verb….
1. As soon as he got the news, he left the place.
2. As soon as he entered the class, everybody become silent.
English Different usages of Phrases
8. Lest
Lest শেটি ‘এই ভচ্ছয় কয ‘ প্রকাশ করচ্ছে েযেহৃে হয়। এই conjunction দ্বারা কয clause টি গঠ
করা হয় োচ্ছক Sub-ordinate clause েলা হয়। প্রথম clause ো Principal clause এর subject
এেং lest দ্বারা গঠিে clause এর subject একই হচ্ছে। lest এর পর should/might েচ্ছস এেং
এটার পর কখচ্ছ া negative শে েচ্ছস া।
Structure : 1 Subject + verb ....... + Iest + subject + should/might + verb a base form.
Example: Read attentively lest you might/should fail the exam.
12. In case of
ককা ধকছুর কেচ্ছে ককা ধকছু হচ্ছল েুঝাচ্ছে in case of েযেহার কচ্ছর োর পচ্ছর noun/noun phrase
েযেহার করচ্ছে হয়। োর পর অথণ অ ুসাচ্ছর েযেহার কচ্ছর োকয কশষ্ করচ্ছে হয়।
Structure : In case of + noun/noun phrase .... ........ + clause. Or, Clause + In case of .......
1. In case of rain, we will not start our journey.
Or, We will not start our journey in case of rain.
2. In case of his failure he should try again.
Or, He should try again in case of his failure.
English Different usages of Phrases