redux revision
redux revision
redux revision
contains three arrays that need to be available throughout the entire React application. Will
all these arrays be stored automatically in the Redux store? As a provider, can we use those
arrays in our application? The flow of Redux and Redux Toolkit is confusing for me. I am not
able to understand how we are getting variables in the entire app and what a provider is and
how it basically works.
Let me break this down for you and address your concerns step by step. Redux and Redux
Toolkit can feel confusing at first, but understanding the core flow will clarify things.
No, you need to explicitly define the data structure of your Redux store and manage it using
slices and reducers.
• Example of Redux Store: If you have three pages and each page has an array that needs to be
shared across the entire app, you can create a slice for each page and manage its state in the
Redux store.
Copy code
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import pageOneSlice from './pageOneSlice';
import pageTwoSlice from './pageTwoSlice';
import pageThreeSlice from './pageThreeSlice';
• In this example, pageOneSlice, pageTwoSlice, and pageThreeSlice will handle the arrays
for their respective pages. These slices will be part of the Redux store, and the data will be
available globally.
2. How do we make these arrays available across the entire React app?
To make the Redux store accessible throughout your app, you use the Provider component from
the react-redux library.
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import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import store from './store';
import App from './App';
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
3. How does the data flow work in Redux and Redux Toolkit?
1. Initial State:
o Each slice has an initial state defined.
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const initialState = {
arrayOne: [],
arrayTwo: [],
2. Dispatching an Action:
o When you want to update or retrieve data, you dispatch an action using dispatch.
o Example:
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dispatch(addItemToArrayOne({ id: 1, text: "Hello" }));
Copy code
const pageOneSlice = createSlice({
name: 'pageOne',
reducers: {
addItemToArrayOne: (state, action) => {
Copy code
const arrayOne = useSelector((state) => state.pageOne.arrayOne);
• useSelector:
o Retrieves the specific part of the state from the Redux store.
o Example:
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const arrayOne = useSelector((state) => state.pageOne.arrayOne);
• useDispatch:
o Dispatches actions to the Redux store to update the state.
o Example:
Copy code
const dispatch = useDispatch();
• In large applications, you often need to share state (like arrays in your example) across multiple
components or pages.
• Redux acts as a global state container so that any component in the app can access and update
shared state without needing to pass props manually.
6. Complete Example:
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// pageOneSlice.js
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
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// store.js
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import pageOneSlice from './pageOneSlice';
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
pageOne: pageOneSlice.reducer,
Copy code
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { addItemToArrayOne } from './pageOneSlice';
return (
<h1>Redux Toolkit Example</h1>
<button onClick={addItem}>Add Item</button>
{ => (
<li key={}>{item.text}</li>
I hope this clears up the confusion about how Redux Toolkit works with state, slices, and the
Provider. Let me know if you need further clarification!
You said:
// pageOneSlice.js initialState: { arrayOne: [], },//if we put outside the reducer will this function work
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
const pageOneSlice = createSlice({
name: 'pageOne',
{ addItemToArrayOne: (state, action) => { state.arrayOne.push(action.payload); // Immer handles immutability }, }, }); export const {
addItemToArrayOne } = pageOneSlice.actions; export default pageOneSlice;
If you move initialState outside the createSlice function but still ensure that you reference
it correctly, the function will work just fine. However, you must explicitly assign
initialState to the slice because createSlice does not automatically assume an
initialState declared outside.
Updated Code:
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// Define initialState outside
const initialState = {
arrayOne: [],
Key Points:
1. You must explicitly pass initialState: The createSlice function requires the
initialState to be explicitly defined as a property. If you omit it or forget to include
the reference to initialState, the code will throw an error.
2. Why put initialState outside?
o If your initialState is long or complex, defining it outside can improve code
o It allows reuse of the same initialState elsewhere, such as in tests or other slices.
3. Will it work? Yes, as long as you provide the correct reference to initialState in the
createSlice configuration.
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// Test example
console.log(initialState.arrayOne); // Outputs: []
This approach is perfectly valid and maintains the same functionality. Let me know if you need
more clarification!
You said:
const arrayOne = useSelector((state) => state.pageOne.arrayOne); here what state is referring to we have
saved out array as initialState not state ?
ChatGPT said:
In the line:
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const arrayOne = useSelector((state) => state.pageOne.arrayOne);
The state in this context refers to the entire Redux store state, which is managed by the Redux
Provider. It is not tied directly to your initialState but to how you structure your Redux
Breaking it Down
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import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import pageOneSlice from './pageOneSlice';
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
pageOne: pageOneSlice.reducer, // 'pageOne' becomes a key in the
Copy code
pageOne: {
arrayOne: [], // This is from the initialState of pageOneSlice
initialState is a local variable used when you define a slice. After creating the slice and
combining reducers in the store, the state exists as part of the store, and you access it via
useSelector using the hierarchical path created by your store's configuration.
Practical Example
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import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import pageOneSlice from './pageOneSlice';
Copy code
const arrayOne = useSelector((state) => state.pageOne.arrayOne);
You said:
what is action here in the reducer and in the component ?
ChatGPT said:
In Redux (or Redux Toolkit), actions are plain JavaScript objects that describe an event or
change that should occur in the state. They are central to Redux's flow for updating state. Here's
a breakdown of what actions represent in both the reducer and the component:
• In a reducer, actions represent the data or instructions sent by a component to modify the state.
• An action typically has:
o A type (a string that identifies what kind of action it is).
o A payload (optional data needed to perform the action).
Example in the Reducer
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const pageOneSlice = createSlice({
name: 'pageOne',
initialState: {
arrayOne: [],
reducers: {
addItemToArrayOne: (state, action) => {
// 'action.payload' contains the data sent by the component
state.arrayOne.push(action.payload); // Update state
• Here:
o addItemToArrayOne is the reducer function.
o The action object is passed into the reducer.
▪ action.type identifies the action (e.g., 'pageOne/addItemToArrayOne').
▪ action.payload contains the data sent by the component (e.g., a new item to
Copy code
import React from 'react';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { addItemToArrayOne } from './pageOneSlice';
return (
<button onClick={handleAddItem}>Add Item</button>
• Here:
o dispatch sends an action to the Redux store.
o addItemToArrayOne is the action creator. When called with newItem, it creates an
action like this:
Copy code
type: 'pageOne/addItemToArrayOne', // Action type
payload: 'Learn Redux Toolkit' // Action payload
1. In the Component:
o You dispatch an action using dispatch().
o The action contains the type and payload.
2. In the Reducer:
o The action is received and processed.
o The type determines which reducer function to execute.
o The payload provides the data needed to update the state.
Flow Example
Copy code
type: 'pageOne/addItemToArrayOne',
payload: 'Learn Redux Toolkit'
3. The reducer function addItemToArrayOne processes the action, using the payload to update
the state.
Key Points
• Actions in Reducers:
oRepresent the instructions for modifying the state.
oContain a type to identify the action and an optional payload for additional data.
• Actions in Components:
o Are dispatched using dispatch.
o Created by action creators, which are functions provided by createSlice or written
manually in core Redux.
Let me know if you'd like any of this clarified further or see more examples!
You said:
what createSlice() function returns ?
ChatGPT said:
The createSlice() function from Redux Toolkit returns an object that contains the following
1. Reducer
2. Actions
• An object containing action creators for each reducer function defined in the reducers field of
the slice.
• Each action creator is a function that returns an action object with:
o A type property corresponding to the slice and the reducer name.
o A payload property (if applicable) that contains any data passed to the action creator.
3. Name
• The name of the slice, which is used as the prefix for action types. For example, if the slice name
is 'todos' and the reducer is addTodo, the action type will be 'todos/addTodo'.
Copy code
name: 'sliceName', // The name of the slice
reducer: Function, // The reducer function to handle state updates
actions: { // An object with action creators
actionOne: Function, // Example: An action creator for "actionOne"
actionTwo: Function, // Example: An action creator for "actionTwo"
caseReducers: { // Internal mapping of reducer functions (used by Redux
actionOne: Function,
actionTwo: Function,
Copy code
name: "counter",
reducer: function(state, action) { ... }, // Reducer to handle state
actions: {
increment: function(payload) { ... }, // Action creator for "increment"
decrement: function(payload) { ... }, // Action creator for "decrement"
caseReducers: {
increment: function(state, action) { ... },
decrement: function(state, action) { ... },
Key Components Explained
1. Reducer:
o Can be passed to the Redux store to manage the state for this slice.
o Example:
Copy code
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
2. Actions:
o Functions to create action objects that trigger state changes.
o Example:
Copy code
import { increment, decrement } from './counterSlice';
3. Name:
o The name field is used as a prefix in the action type property, ensuring unique action
types across slices.
You said:
so that means store contains only data structure right ?
ChatGPT said:
Yes, you are correct! The Redux store is essentially a container that holds the state of your
application, which is organized as a hierarchical data structure (usually a plain JavaScript
object). Here's what the store contains and does:
1. State Tree:
o The store holds a single, centralized state tree for your application.
o This is typically an object that combines different slices of state, such as:
Copy code
todos: { ... }, // Slice of state managed by `todosSlice`
counter: { ... }, // Slice of state managed by `counterSlice`
user: { ... } // Slice of state managed by `userSlice`
2. Reducers:
o While the store itself doesn't directly contain reducers, it uses reducers to update the
state tree in response to dispatched actions.
3. Middleware (Optional):
o Middleware functions intercept and extend the behavior of dispatched actions, such as
logging, handling side effects, or performing asynchronous operations.
4. Subscriptions:
o The store notifies subscribers (like React components) whenever the state tree changes,
allowing your application UI to re-render based on the new state.
• The store does not contain logic itself; it is a centralized data structure that facilitates
predictable state management.
• The key components that interact with the store are:
1. Reducers:
▪ Pure functions that define how the state is updated in response to actions.
2. Actions:
▪ Plain objects that describe what happened (e.g., { type:
'counter/increment', payload: 1 }).
3. Dispatch:
▪ A method provided by the store to send actions and trigger state updates.
4. Selectors:
▪ Functions used to access specific parts of the state tree.
Why Does Redux Use This Structure?
1. Centralization:
o All application state is stored in one place, making it easier to debug and manage.
2. Immutability:
o The state tree is immutable (changes create new objects rather than modifying the old
ones), which simplifies state management and improves predictability.
3. Flexibility:
o By separating state (store), updates (reducers), and UI (React components), Redux
encourages a clear separation of concerns.
Copy code
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import todosReducer from './features/todosSlice';
import counterReducer from './features/counterSlice';
Copy code
todos: {
arrayOne: [/* todo items */],
counter: {
value: 42,
So, Redux Store Contains:
You said:
How to see middleware in store ?
ChatGPT said:
To see or inspect middleware applied to your Redux store, you can follow several approaches
depending on your development setup and debugging preferences. Here's how:
If you're curious about the middleware applied to your store, you can log them when configuring
the store.
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import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import logger from 'redux-logger';
// Custom middleware
const customMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Middleware triggered:', action);
return next(action);
// Configure store
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
// Your reducers here
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
getDefaultMiddleware().concat(customMiddleware, logger),
// Inspect middleware
console.log('Middleware applied:', store.middleware);
• Redux DevTools is an excellent way to inspect middleware behavior and the actions passing
through them.
• Install the Redux DevTools extension.
• Make sure your configureStore setup includes the devTools option:
Copy code
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
// Your reducers here
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware(),
devTools: true,
• You can inspect the middleware indirectly by observing actions' flow and state updates.
Write a debugging middleware that logs actions, states, and the middleware chain:
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const debugMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Dispatching action:', action);
const result = next(action);
console.log('Next state:', storeAPI.getState());
return result;
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const defaultMiddleware = getDefaultMiddleware();
console.log('Default middleware:', defaultMiddleware);
If you want to test middleware behavior, you can create mock stores using libraries like redux-
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import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
// Middleware to test
const middleware = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middleware);
To see middleware in the store, you primarily log it during the setup phase or inspect its
behavior using Redux DevTools. Middleware, being a function chain, doesn’t have a direct
"viewable" representation in the store but manifests through its effects on actions and state.
You said:
give example of working of middleware
ChatGPT said:
Here’s a practical example demonstrating the working of middleware in Redux Toolkit. We'll
create a middleware to log actions and states before and after they are processed.
Middleware Definition:
Middleware is a function that sits between action dispatches and reducers. It can:
• Log information.
• Handle side effects like API calls.
• Modify actions before they reach the reducer.
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// Custom logging middleware
const loggerMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Dispatching action:', action); // Log the action being
const result = next(action); // Pass the action to the next
console.log('Next state:', storeAPI.getState()); // Log the updated state
return result; // Return the result of the next middleware/reducer
We’ll use the configureStore method from Redux Toolkit to add this middleware:
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import { configureStore, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
// Export actions
export const { increment, decrement } = counterSlice.actions;
// Store configuration
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
counter: counterSlice.reducer, // Register the counter slice
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
getDefaultMiddleware().concat(loggerMiddleware), // Add custom middleware
// Export store
export default store;
Copy code
import React from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { increment, decrement } from './store'; // Import actions
return (
<h1>Counter: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={handleDecrement}>Decrement</button>
3. Middleware in Action
When you click the "Increment" or "Decrement" button, the following happens:
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Dispatching action: {type: 'counter/increment'}
Next state: {counter: {value: 1}}
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Dispatching action: {type: 'counter/decrement'}
Next state: {counter: {value: 0}}
Async Middleware:
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const fetchDataMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => async (action) => {
if (action.type === 'fetchData') {
const data = await fetch('').then((res) =>
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: 'dataFetched', payload: data });
return next(action);
Adding to Store:
Copy code
const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
counter: counterSlice.reducer,
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
getDefaultMiddleware().concat(loggerMiddleware, fetchDataMiddleware),
You said:
const fetchDataMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => async (action) => { if (action.type === 'fetchData') {
const data = await fetch('').then((res) => res.json()); storeAPI.dispatch({
type: 'dataFetched', payload: data }); } return next(action); }; what is storeAPI then next and then action
here i can not understand anything here
ChatGPT said:
Let me break down the fetchDataMiddleware function and explain each part (storeAPI, next,
action) step by step.
Copy code
const fetchDataMiddleware = (storeAPI) => {
console.log(storeAPI.getState()); // Logs the current state
return (next) => (action) => { /* ... */ };
• To ensure the action continues through the middleware chain or reaches the reducer.
• If next(action) is not called, the action will stop and never update the Redux state.
Copy code
const loggerMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Action:', action); // Log the incoming action
const result = next(action); // Pass the action to the next
console.log('New State:', storeAPI.getState()); // Log the updated state
return result; // Pass the result back
Copy code
{ type: 'fetchData', payload: { id: 1 } }
Copy code
const fetchDataMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Action type:', action.type); // Logs the action type
if (action.type === 'fetchData') {
// Perform some logic for this specific action type
return next(action); // Pass the action down the chain
1. storeAPI.getState():
o Read the current state of the Redux store.
o Useful for conditionally handling actions.
2. Check action.type:
o If the action type is 'fetchData', perform the fetch operation.
3. Fetch Data:
o Perform an asynchronous operation (e.g., fetching data from an API).
4. Dispatch a New Action:
o Once data is fetched, dispatch a new action with the data:
Copy code
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: 'dataFetched', payload: data });
5. Call next(action):
o Pass the action to the next middleware or the reducer.
Example Walkthrough
Middleware Code:
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const fetchDataMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => async (action) => {
if (action.type === 'fetchData') {
const data = await fetch('').then((res) =>
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: 'dataFetched', payload: data }); // Dispatch
new action
return next(action); // Pass original action
Action Dispatch:
Copy code
dispatch({ type: 'fetchData' });
Middleware Flow:
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{ "id": 1, "name": "John Doe" }
Copy code
{ type: 'dataFetched', payload: { id: 1, name: 'John Doe' } }
4. Call next(action):
o Passes the original action to the next middleware or reducer.
Final Notes
• Middleware Chain: Actions pass through all middlewares before reaching reducers.
• storeAPI:
o getState() to access the current state.
o dispatch() to trigger new actions.
• next(action) ensures the action is processed by subsequent middleware or reducers.
• action is the current action being dispatched.
You said:
list all kinds of middleware and it's name and how middleware chain of sequence works
ChatGPT said:
Middleware in Redux is a powerful tool that enables developers to customize how actions are
dispatched and processed. Here's a detailed list of types of middleware, their common
examples, and how middleware chaining works in Redux.
Types of Middleware
1. Logging Middleware
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const loggerMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Dispatching:', action);
const result = next(action);
console.log('Next State:', storeAPI.getState());
return result;
2. Asynchronous Middleware
• Allows dispatching asynchronous actions, such as API calls.
• Examples:
o redux-thunk: Dispatch functions inside actions.
o redux-saga: Handles side effects using generator functions.
o Custom async middleware:
Copy code
const asyncMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => async (action) =>
if (action.type === 'fetchData') {
const data = await
fetch('').then((res) => res.json());
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: 'dataFetched', payload: data });
return next(action);
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const errorMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
try {
return next(action);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Caught an exception:', error);
throw error;
4. Timing/Performance Middleware
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const timingMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
const startTime =;
const result = next(action);
const endTime =;
console.log(`Action ${action.type} took ${endTime - startTime}ms`);
return result;
5. API Middleware
• Specifically designed to handle API calls, managing request, response, and error states.
• Examples:
o redux-api-middleware: Simplifies API interactions.
o Custom API middleware:
Copy code
const apiMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => async (action) => {
if (action.meta && action.meta.api) {
try {
const response = await fetch(action.meta.url);
const data = await response.json();
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: action.meta.successType, payload:
data });
} catch (error) {
storeAPI.dispatch({ type: action.meta.errorType, error });
} else {
return next(action);
6. Authentication Middleware
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const authMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
if (action.type === 'protectedAction' &&
!storeAPI.getState().auth.isAuthenticated) {
console.log('User is not authenticated.');
return next(action);
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const analyticsMiddleware = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
if (action.meta && {
console.log('Tracking event:',;
return next(action);
1. Order Matters:
o Middleware is applied in the order it is listed when creating the store.
o For example:
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const store = configureStore({
reducer: rootReducer,
middleware: [loggerMiddleware, asyncMiddleware,
Copy code
const logger = (storeAPI) => (next) => (action) => {
console.log('Logger:', action);
return next(action);
Key Takeaways
You said:
what is createAsyncthunk() ?
ChatGPT said:
Syntax of createAsyncThunk()
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'actionType', // Action type string (used to define the action in reducers)
async function (arg, { dispatch, getState, rejectWithValue }) {
// async logic goes here
// You can access the arguments and dispatch additional actions if
// Return the payload data that will be used in the "fulfilled" action.
• First argument: A string identifier for the action type. It helps define a unique action type for
pending, fulfilled, and rejected actions.
• Second argument: A function that performs the async logic and returns a result or throws an
Imagine you need to fetch a list of todos from an API and store them in Redux.
Copy code
// actions.js or todosSlice.js
import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
Use extraReducers to handle the lifecycle actions (pending, fulfilled, rejected) dispatched by
the async thunk.
Copy code
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { fetchTodos } from './actions';
In your React component, you can dispatch the async thunk like any other Redux action.
Copy code
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchTodos } from './actions';
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchTodos()); // Dispatch the async action when the component
}, [dispatch]);
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>{todo.title}</li>
Advantages of createAsyncThunk()
1. Reduces Boilerplate: It reduces the need to manually dispatch pending, fulfilled, and
rejected actions, which is very helpful when working with complex asynchronous flows.
2. Error Handling: Simplifies error handling by allowing you to return custom error messages
through rejectWithValue.
3. Integration with Redux DevTools: Since it's integrated into Redux Toolkit, it works seamlessly
with Redux DevTools for inspecting the state and dispatched actions.
• Whenever you need to perform async operations like fetching data from an API, accessing a
database, or performing side-effects (like logging out a user, etc.).
• When you want Redux to automatically manage the action lifecycle for you, avoiding manual
action dispatching for each step (e.g., loading, success, error).
// slice.js
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import { fetchUserData } from './actions';
In this example, createAsyncThunk() helps manage the lifecycle of fetching user data with less
boilerplate, while Redux Toolkit's slice and extraReducers handle the actual state updates
based on the result of the asynchronous action.
4o mini
You said:
how can we sure that for which reducer createAsuncThunk will be executed we have many reducers ?
ChatGPT said:
To ensure that the createAsyncThunk() is executed in the correct reducer, it's important to
understand how Redux Toolkit ties createAsyncThunk() actions to specific reducers. This is
done through the action type used in createAsyncThunk() and the slice's extraReducers
When you use createAsyncThunk(), it automatically generates three action types for the
pending, fulfilled, and rejected states. Each of these action types includes the action type string
provided to createAsyncThunk(). For example, if you define the thunk like this:
Copy code
const fetchData = createAsyncThunk('data/fetchData', async () => {
const response = await fetch('/api/data');
return response.json();
• data/fetchData/pending
• data/fetchData/fulfilled
• data/fetchData/rejected
In the slice, you will handle these action types using the extraReducers field. The key here is
that the action type (data/fetchData) uniquely identifies the thunk, ensuring it will be handled
in the correct slice.
1. Define the createAsyncThunk() with a unique action type: Ensure that each
createAsyncThunk() has a unique action type string. This helps ensure that it won't
conflict with other thunks, and it will be tied to the correct slice reducer.
2. Handle the async action in the appropriate slice: Inside your slice, you use
extraReducers to specify what to do with the actions related to that particular thunk.
You handle the pending, fulfilled, and rejected actions generated by
createAsyncThunk() in the appropriate slice.
3. Unique action type per slice: Make sure the action type defined in
createAsyncThunk() (e.g., 'data/fetchData') corresponds to the correct slice reducer
where you want to handle this action.
Let's say you have two reducers: userSlice and postsSlice. You want to fetch user data in
userSlice and post data in postsSlice. Each slice will handle its own async actions by
matching the correct action types.
Copy code
// userSlice.js
import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
Copy code
// UserComponent.js
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchUserData } from './userSlice';
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchUserData(1)); // Fetch user data with ID 1
}, [dispatch]);
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchPosts()); // Fetch posts
}, [dispatch]);
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>{post.title}</div>
• Action Types: The createAsyncThunk defines unique action types for each thunk (e.g.,
user/fetchUserData and posts/fetchPosts). These unique names ensure that actions
from one thunk do not interfere with actions from another.
• Reducer Handling: In the extraReducers of each slice, we use addCase() to handle
the lifecycle of the async action (pending, fulfilled, rejected). The slices are set up
to only handle their respective async actions by listening for the exact action types
(user/fetchUserData and posts/fetchPosts).
• Dispatched Actions: In the component, we use dispatch(fetchUserData()) for the
user-related async action and dispatch(fetchPosts()) for posts-related async actions.
These actions will only affect their respective reducers.
• Action Type Matching: Each createAsyncThunk action has a unique action type (like
user/fetchUserData). The slice listens for actions with the same type in
extraReducers, so only the correct slice will handle the async actions.
• Reducer-specific Handling: The slice reducer handles actions based on the action type,
so even if there are multiple thunks or slices, each action type will trigger the appropriate
• Unique Action Types: Ensure createAsyncThunk has a unique action type string.
• extraReducers: This is where the async actions' lifecycle is handled. Each slice will respond to
the specific action types from its createAsyncThunk.
• Dispatching in Components: You dispatch thunks just like regular actions. Each thunk is tied to a
specific slice based on the action type, and only the correct slice will process the async action.
4o mini
You said:
i know that state is referring to store data structure but what is loading here it seems like state is an
object that has some methods also other then data structure ?
ChatGPT said:
In Redux (and in Redux Toolkit), state refers to the entire data structure that holds the
application's state, but it can contain both data and metadata (such as flags for loading or error
states). This is why, in the example you provided, loading is part of the state, even though it's
not necessarily data in the traditional sense (like an array or object).
Copy code
const userSlice = createSlice({
name: 'user',
initialState: { user: null, loading: false, error: null },
reducers: {},
extraReducers: (builder) => {
.addCase(fetchUserData.pending, (state) => {
state.loading = true; // Set loading to true when data is being
.addCase(fetchUserData.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.loading = false; // Set loading to false once the data has been
state.user = action.payload; // Update the user data with the fetched
.addCase(fetchUserData.rejected, (state, action) => {
state.loading = false; // Set loading to false if there is an error
state.error = action.error.message; // Capture the error message
1. user: This is where the actual user data is stored, which could be an object or null if the
data hasn't been fetched yet.
2. loading: This is a flag (a boolean value) that indicates whether data is currently being
fetched. It's not actual data; rather, it's metadata about the status of the request.
3. error: This field holds information about any error that might occur when trying to fetch
the data. Again, this is not part of the core data (like the user object), but rather a piece
of metadata indicating an error.
What is Loading?
• loading is simply a flag used to track the progress of an asynchronous operation. It can
be true or false, indicating whether an action (like fetching user data) is in progress or
has finished.
o Why?: If you're fetching data from an API, you want to know if the request is still in
progress so that you can display a loading spinner or message in the UI. Once the
request is complete, you can hide the loading indicator and show the actual data.
This helps maintain a single source of truth for your entire application state, including not just
the data but also the state of the data-fetching process.
To clarify, state is not an object with methods, but rather an object with data.
Metadata like loading, error, etc., are additional pieces of information that
support how your application works (in this case, keeping track of whether data
is being loaded).