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u HVI 1000

The fiber classification and analysis system

Technical Data

December 2021

The fiber classification and analysis system

The Uster HVI 1000 measures the most important cotton fiber properties for cotton classing
purposes, and high-throughput requirements for spinning mills. These are length, uniformity,
short fiber index, micronaire, maturity index, strength, elongation, color and trash, and
moisture content.

Elements of the Uster HVI 1000 M1000 installation

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Technical Data 2

The fiber classification and analysis system

Elements of the Uster HVI 1000 M700 installation

Basic installation 1 Length/Strength Module

2 Color Trash Module
3 Micronaire Module
4 Balance
5 Bar Code Reader (optional for Uster HVI 1000 M 700 )
6 Length/strength cabinet
7 Micronaire, color and trash cabinet
8 Operating unit

Optional Modules – Bar Code Reader (Uster  HVI 1000 M700 )

– NEP Module

Technical Data 3

The fiber classification and analysis system

Basic installation
Overall installation Functions – Measurement of raw cotton bale fiber properties of length,
strength, fineness, color and moisture
– Collection, evaluation and storage of measurement data
– System testing and module testing mode
– Editor for configuring, viewing, and printing module and
bale data
– BALE MANAGER software for bale management of incoming
raw materials and laydowns (Optional)

Versions – Uster HVI 1000 M1000 – 2 LS samplers

– Uster HVI 1000 M700 – 1 LS sampler

Included in the – Operating units consisting of:

delivery – Length/Strength Module
– Color Trash Module
– Micronaire Module
– Balance
– Bar Code Reader (Optional for Uster HVI 1000 M700 )
– Length/strength cabinet
– Micronaire, color and trash cabinet
– Application software
– Spare parts kit (Optional)
– Calibration materials

Length/Strength Functions – Measurement of fiber mean length, upper half mean length,
Module (1 ) uniformity, short fiber by way of optical measurement
– Measurement of fiber strength by way measuring force
required to break
– Measurement of fiber elongation by way of measuring the
length or distance to which fibers extend before breaking
– Measurement of moisture in fiber beard by way of a
resistance method

Color Trash Functions – Measurement of fiber color by way of optical camera to

Module (2 ) determine the lightness (Rd) and yellowness (+b)
– Color grade calculated from these values and reported
– Measurement of trash by automated video image to
determine visible leaf or trash in cotton reporting trash area,
trash count, leaf grade

Technical Data 4

The fiber classification and analysis system

Micronaire Functions – Measurement of the air flow resistance to a specific surface

Module (3 ) of fiber to determine the micronaire value

Balance (4 ) Functions – Used for weighing the sample for the Micronaire Module

Bar Code Functions – Used for scanning the bar code identification, when
Reader (5 ) available, from bale tags which is used as bale
identification in the data summary by the software
as well as printed reports

Length/strength Functions – Houses all the module components of the

cabinet (6 ) Length/Strength Module
– Houses the vacuum box and motor as well as the
host computer

Micronaire, Functions – Houses the Micronaire Module and Color/Trash Module

color and trash – Houses the balance and Bar Code Reader
cabinet (7 )

Operating unit (8 ) Main Equipment Length/strength cabinet, micronaire and color/trash cabinet

Computer The Uster HVI 1000 software has a menu driven design that
software allows quick access and selection of testing, setup, calibration,
and data management. These features include:

– Windows 10 operating system with icon-based software

– Simple user interface
– Error messages for troubleshooting
– Network capabilities

Computer Industrial computer system consisting of the following

hardware components:

– Keyboard with integrated touchpad

– Monitor
– Balance
– Integrated bar code scanner

Technical Data 5

The fiber classification and analysis system

Optional Modules
Bar Code Reader Functions – Used for scanning the bar code identification, when
(M700 ) available, from bale tags which is used as bale
identification in the data summary by the software
as well as printed reports

NEP Module Functions – Measurement of nep count (Neps/gram) by way of

individualizing the neps and counting them electro-optically

Calibration materials
Standard – One set of calibration materials is included with each instrument shipment
calibration – Calibration materials are provided by United States Department of Agriculture
materials (USDA ) for HVI and include:
– Color and Trash tile set for calibrating the color and trash module
– Short/weak, long/strong, Pima cottons for calibrating the length and
strength module
– High and low micronaire cotton for calibrating the Micronaire Module

Additional features
– Safety interlocks to prevent injury from un-authorized entry to the instrument
– Relative humidity and temperature probe
– Moisture measurement
– Easily accessible lint waste box with two separate access doors
– Computer system easily removed for service
– Configuration can be straight line configuration or ‘L’ configuration
– Industrial brushed stainless steel top and work surfaces
– Integrated air enclosure around balance to eliminate influences of air turbulence
– Password protected operational software
– Complete operator manual included

Technical Data 6

The fiber classification and analysis system

Application software
Reports Type of reports – Individual and summary report
– Histograms
– Fibrogram curve
– Stress/strain curve
– Color chart
– Calibration report

Display and print- – Automatic reports

out of the reports – Configurable reports

Limit values – Lot Limits for the maximum and minimum allowed values for
a specified measured parameter
– Side Limits for defining the maximum difference between
successive tests for a specified measured parameter

Numerical Micronaire Quality characteristic which is proportional to the fiber fineness

output of results
Maturity index Calculated index of the maturity

Upper half Fiber length which is equivalent to the classer’s staple

mean length

Uniformity index Quality characteristic which is proportional to the variation

of the fiber length

Short fiber Measurement of short fibers <0 .5  in/12 . 7  mm

Strength Fiber strength, measured at the fiber bundle

Elongation Fiber elongation, measured at the fiber bundle

Moisture Moisture content of the fiber, measured at the fiber bundle

Reflectance Whiteness/grayness of the cotton sample

Yellowness Yellowness of the cotton sample

Trash Trash content of a measured sample

Spinning Calculated index of the spinnability of measured sample

consistency index

Statistics Statistical values Overall measurement protocol with statistical data of the
result columns
– Mean (Average)
– Standard deviation
– Coefficient of variation CV %
– 99 % confidence range
– Min. value
– Max. value

Technical Data 7

The fiber classification and analysis system

Data protection Backup – A 2 nd hard disk (with identical storage capacity) is available
for data and image backup purposes.
– Backup software is provided for the user to create a backup
image of the primary hard disk.

Input of data, Dialog and report English, Chinese, Spanish, Turkish, French, Portuguese, Russian
output of results, languages can be selected via the operating menu (other languages on
languages, units request).

Possible units – Length: mm, in

– Short Fiber: 0 .5  in, 12 . 7  mm, 16  mm
– Moisture: dry basis, wet basis

Test time 25 seconds up to 1 minute, variable depending on

operator experience.

Selftest Function check Comprehensive function check and special test programs can
be initiated at any time via the diagnosis menu.

Technical Data 8

The fiber classification and analysis system

Application range
Bar Code Reader Functions Used for scanning the bar code identification, when available,
(M700 ) from bale tags which is used as bale identification in the data
summary by the software as well as printed reports

NEP Module Functions Measurement of nep count (Neps/gram) by way of

individualizing the neps and counting them electro-optically

Main Testing Naturally (white, cream) colored 100 % cotton samples in the form of bale or opened and
System cleaned material (card mat).


– Micronaire
– Maturity Index
– UHML – Upper Half Mean Length
– UI – Uniformity Index
– SF – Short Fiber
– Fiber Strength in g/Tex
– Elongation
– Moisture content
– Color (Reflectance Rd, Yellowness +b) & color grade based on USDA color charts for
Upland or Pima cottons, or regionally customized color chart (provided on demand)
– Trash (% area, trash count) & trash grade based on USDA trash standards
– SCI – Spinning Consistency Index

Measurements and calculations

Micronaire Micronaire reading

Measured by relating airflow resistance to the specific
surface of fibers

Maturity Maturity Ratio

Calculated using a sophisticated algorithm based on
several HVI ™ measurements.

Length Upper Half Mean Length, Uniformity Index, Short Fiber

Index Measured optically in a tapered fiber beard which
is automatically prepared, carded, and brushed.

Strength Strength, elongation

Strength is measured physically by clamping a fiber bundle
between 2 pairs of clamps at known distance. The second
pair of clamps pulls away from the first pair at a constant speed
until the fiber bundle breaks. The distance it travels, extending
the fiber bundle before breakage, is reported as elongation.

Technical Data 9

The fiber classification and analysis system

Moisture Moisture content

Moisture content of the cotton sample at the time of testing,
using conductive moisture probe.

Color Rd (Whiteness), +b (Yellowness), color grade

Measured optically by different color filters, converted to
USDA Upland or Pima color grades or regional customized
color chart.

Trash Particle count, % surface area covered by trash, trash code

measured optically by utilizing a digital camera, and converted
to USDA trash grades or customized regional
trash standards.

Spinning SCI
Consistency Index Calculation for predicting the spinnability of the fibers

Technical Data 10

The fiber classification and analysis system

General ambient Room climate According to ISO 139 , the following ambient conditions must
conditions be maintained in the laboratory in order to get repeatable and
comparable test results:
– Temperature: 20 ± 2  ºC; 65  ºF to 72  ºF
– Relative humidity: 65 ± 2 %

For consistent test results, fiber samples should be conditioned

in the laboratory environment with the above-mentioned
ambient conditions for 24 hours. Samples should be laid out
openly in the laboratory, and taken out of plastic bags, in
order for the cotton to fully condition to the environment.

Uster Technologies recommends use of a de dicated conditioning

system for the laboratory to achieve this condition. Uster does
not recommend the use of any spray atomizers as they could
result in damage to the instruments, variability in lab conditioning,
and may cause inconsistent test results. All Uster certified
laboratories use dedicated conditioning systems.

Installation data Power The following power requirements apply to both North
American and European-type systems.
Voltage (nominal): 220  VAC ±15 %
Current: <15  Amperes
Frequency: 50  –  60  Hertz
Harmonic distortion: < 5 %
Wire size: Sufficient to have <5 % drop from
no load to full load
Electrical interference: Free of transient voltages from
other equipment

The Uster HVI 1000 system operates on 220  VAC ±15 % (50 to
60  Hz) and requires a separate dedicated 15-amp circuit breaker
at the facility’s electrical load center. During normal operation,
the Uster HVI 1000 system draws approximately eight (8) amps;
the startup current is sufficiently high to require a larger breaker.
A power cord is provided that will connect to the Uster HVI 1000
system. The opposite end must be fitted with connections
compatible with the facility’s electrical system.

Technical Data 11

The fiber classification and analysis system

Compressed air The air supplied to the instrument should comply with
ISO 8573 . 1 quality class 3 as follows:
Dirt particle size: <5  microns
Water pressure dew point: <4  ºF @ 100 PSIG
(128  ppm by volume)
Oil (including vapor): <1. 0  ppm
Air pressure: 100  – 150  PSIG ( 700  – 1, 034  k PA )
Air volume: The instrument requires at least
three SCFM (85  liters/min)
supplied by a 10 mm (3/8 inch) line
Laboratory temperature: These specifications are for the
ambient conditions referenced
above. If the airline will be
subjected to temperatures that
could promote condensation, a
water filter attached to the airline
inside the lab is recommended to
remove any condensation that
may occur.

Space required for The Uster HVI 1000 can be installed in an In-Line (straight) or an L-shaped configuration
the Installation of and requires only one operator. The following is a breakdown of the individual cabinets
the Uster HVI 1000 for each instrument.

Dimensions Length Width Height from floor

Length/strength 134.9 cm 75.4 cm 96.5 cm


Micronaire, color 70.4 cm 75.4 cm 96.5 cm

and trash cabinet

Gross weight of the M1000 M700

basic installation
Length/strength 765 pounds/347 kg 725 pounds/329 kg

Micronaire, color 335 pounds/152 kg 335 pounds/152 kg

and trash cabinet

Total 1,100 pounds/499 kg 1,060 pounds/481 kg

Technical Data 12

The fiber classification and analysis system

Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) specifications and recommendations

Uster Technologies requires that an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS ) be used to
prevent loss of data or other related problems. It is a requirement for the installation and
commissioning of the unit and the responsibility of the customer to provide it at the time
of installation. The following specifications should be noted:

FULL System UPS Highly recommended and even required in many countries where quality of AC power
issues is common. Specifications:


Voltage 208  –  240  VAC

Frequency 50 /60  Hz


Topology Double Conversion

Mode of operation Online

Power Capacity 3 . 0  KVA

Waveform Type Sine wave

Nominal Output 208  –  240  VAC


Voltage regulation +/-2 %

Frequency Synchronized to input

Surge Protection/Filtering

AC Surge Greater than 300 joules


Filtering Preferred

Examples of approved UPS manufacturer models:

MFG Part Rating Capacity (min)

APC SRT3000XLT+SRT96BP(1X) 3,000 VA 15

APC SRT3000XLT+SRT96BP(2X) 3,000 VA 30

APC SRT3000XLT+SRT96BP(3X) 3,000 VA 60

CyberPower OL3000RTXL2UHVN 3,000 VA 5

TrippLite SU3000LCD2UHV 3,000 VA 5

Technical Data 13

The fiber classification and analysis system

Partial System UPS (Not recommended – PC data protection only, Blower is not protected)


Voltage 120  V

Frequency 50 /60  Hz


Topology Double Conversion

Mode of operation Online

Power Capacity 1. 5  KVA

Waveform Type Sine wave

Nominal Output 120  V


Voltage regulation +/-2 %

Frequency Synchronized to input

Surge Protection/Filtering

AC Surge Greater than 300 joules


Examples of approved UPS manufacturer models:

MFG Part Rating Output Capacity

TrippLite SU1500XL 1.5 KVA 1,200 W

APC SRT1500 1.5 KVA 1,350 W

CyberPower OL1500RTXL2U 1.5 KVA 1,350 W

Technical Data 14

The fiber classification and analysis system

M 1000 In-line 70 . 4  cm 134 .9  cm

75 . 4  cm

M 1000 L-shaped 134 .9  cm

75 . 4  cm

70 . 4  cm

75 . 4  cm

Technical Data 15

The fiber classification and analysis system

M 700 In-line 70 . 4  cm 134 .9  cm

75 . 4  cm

M 700 L-shaped 134 .9  cm

75 . 4  cm

70 . 4  cm

75 . 4  cm

Technical Data 16
12.21/© Copyright 2021 by Uster Technologies AG
Uster Technologies has made all possible efforts to ensure that all information is accurate at
the time of publication. Hereby it is declared that alterations to the product may be possible
at any time. In these cases the information contained in this technical datasheet is subject to
change without notice.
December 2021

Uster, Switzerland

Knoxville, USA Osaka, Japan

Adana, Turkey Suzhou, China
Greenville, USA Shanghai, China
Caesarea, Israel

Coimbatore, India

Uster Technologies AG
Sonnenbergstrasse 10
8610 Uster
T. + 41 43 366 36 36
F. + 41 43 366 36 37
[email protected]

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