What makes us free? How does freedom shape our Interpersonal relation, the philosophers define
experiences? interpersonal relation as “The notion of recognizing
the self in the other”. The interaction between the
There are two elements that define freedom. self and the other is related to the philosophical
concept of intersubjectivity, which is the mutual
Voluntariness, refers to the ability of a person to act recognition of each other as persons. It cannot be
out of his or her own free will and self- denied that we interact with other beings in the
determination. This means that a person may decide
world, but some of these beings that we interact
to act or not to act, and these decisions are made
with are persons and must be recognized as such.
out of his or her own free will. Voluntariness also
means that a person may act even if he or she is not Intersubjectivity also carries the meaning of "a
required or called to take action. Voluntary acts are unique relationship between distinct subjects." It
free acts which can be assigned a corresponding
refers to the characteristic of the human person to
moral value.
engage in a very intimate and personal relationship
Responsibility, refers to the person being with others who are different from him or her but
accountable for his or her actions and their who are also like him or her.
“Seeming” action refers to the way a person
presents himself or herself when dealing with Nicholas James "Nick Vujicic (1982)
others. This is considered a natural and often
unconscious act. an Australian evangelist and motivational
speaker who was born with phocomelia, a
condition in which a personis born with no arms or
legs. Nick's condition meant that his early years
What characterizes a genuine human interactions? were full of challenges. Nick was born with two
small and deformed feet, and an operation enabled
Dialogue - when two individuals begin to view each
him to use his toes to grab and manipulate objects.
other, truly acknowledging each other's presence. It
is an interaction between persons through a speech, Roselle Ambubuyog (born 1980)
expressions, and body language
The first visually-impaired Filipino to
•The notion of a dialogue becomes clearer when we
graduate summa cum laude from Ateneo de Manila
reflect on the nature of our conversations with other
University in 2001. Roselle lost her eyesight at the
age of six due to an illness. Despite her handicap,
she was a consistent academic honoree in her
How does intersubjectivity define our interactions school, graduating valedictorian in both elementary
with other persons? and high school. Her excellent perfomance in
school enabled her to participate in regular classes
Empathy, The human person is considered as a with sighted students.
"being with others," which means that his or her
identity and destiny are shaped by relating with The Human Person in Society
others. Empathy is the ability to share emotions. This
emotion is driven by a person's awareness that the Society an organized group of people whose
other is a person with thoughts and feelings. members interact frequently and have a
common territory and culture.
Another characteristics of meaningful and genuine
human relationships is -refers to a companionship or friendly
association with others, an alliance, a
Availability or the willingness of a person to be community, or a union. Philosophers
present and be at the disposal of another. consider society the product of deliberate
actions by individuals who come together in
Ethics of care, an ethical theory that emphasizes the
pursuit of a common goal.
moral dimension of relationships and interactions.
This moral perspective encourages individuals to THE SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY
help other people, most especially the vulnerable.
Proponents of the ethics of care believe that people During the Enlightenment, social
have a moral obligation to respond to the needs of philosophers pondered the natural laws that
other people; and one cannot turn a blind eye on the govern human societies, and in their
problems of others. discussions, several philosophers put forth
their theories regarding the formation of
Alienation, There are those who view other people societies.
negatively and consider human actions as being
influenced by selfish interests. A person that adopts Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas
this negative view is said to be experiencing Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques
alienation. This arises when a person ceases to view Rousseau were among the most prominent
the other as a distinct and authentic person and social theorists who tackled the origins of
merely considers the other person as a mere object human society. They imagined humans as
or a means to satisfy personal interests. living in a so-called "natural state ", removed
from modernity and civilization. Examining
How can philosophy help you evaluate your humans in the natural state afforded these
relationships with others? philosophers an opportunity to discuss the
origins of society and relate them to other
Important values related to intersubjectivity include:
concepts such a man's intrinsic nature and
“acceptance of differences and embracing
We understand that each person is unique, For Thomas Hobbes, persons in their natural
therefore, differences will exist among groups of states are governed by their desires and
these often lead to conflict with their
Helen Keller (1880-1968) fellowmen. Society, therefore, is the means
by which people seek to control their natural
an American author, political activist, and tendencies and impose order. Individuals
the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor's who establish societies enter into a "social
degree. She lost her hearing and sight when she contract" an agreement where individuals
was an infant due to an illness. Growing up, she sacrifice an amount of their freedom and
developed a system of signs to communicate with submit to a higher authority .
her family.
John Locke considered persons in their were engaged in conflict over resources, particularly
natural states as more cooperative and land.
reasonable, and that society is formed
Industrial Society - it is based on use of specialized
through the consent of the individuals that
machinery in the production of goods and services.
organized it . This concept is known as the
The advances in sciences and technology in the late
"consent of the governed".
18th century resulted in the Industrial Revolution,
Jean Jacques Rousseau's ideas on the social which in turn gave rise to new production and
contract led him to advocate the concept of industrial methods, as well as innovations in
transportation and communication.
the "general will." Rousseau believed that
even if the people are the ones who
Post-Industrial Society - it is marked by
organized society and established an
establishment of societies based on knowledge,
authority or government, in extreme cases, information, and the sale of services. Virtual society,
the government is able to impose its will on where people organized themselves through
the people . communication technology and the internet.
John Rawls redefined the social contract and
explained human beings approached social How does society influence our development as
cooperation in a rational manner in order to persons?
meet their individual self- interests .
The person and the society have a very dynamic
- He introduced a version of the natural relationship in which one cannot exist without the
state which he called the original position to other.
explain social formation . He imagined
humans as a "veil of ignorance", or no • Society influences our development as persons in
knowledge of one's own characteristics such various ways.
as gender, race, or social status. • Norms, Laws and other rules that regulate human
David Gauthier describe people's self interactions give rise to a social system, which is an
interest as a significant factor in building organized or patterned set of relationships among
and maintaining societies. People choose to individuals and groups that compose a society. Each
cooperate since it is beneficial to meet their member is assigned a social role, which are actions
self-interests. But this selfish interest and behaviors expected of a certain individual
benefits society as a whole, since the actions Individuals who share similar backgrounds or
of individuals in meeting their individual perform similar roles are grouped together into
needs also further the interest of the other social groups or social classes. Certain groups that
members of society. perform vital functions in society are recognized as
Different Forms of Societies social institutions, and these include the family,
school, government, and religion. Society also
Hunting and Gathering Society - recognized as the transforms human relations, which leads to the
earliest and simplest form of society. It is generally transformation of its members. Another way society
characterized by its small size and is composed shapes us is through social values, which are actions
mainly of families or ideals that are considered important by society.